m a Tho --National Life this year. There was not a very large attendance at the meeting, but thofe who were there -were in Gubernatorial Tot of 1SS3. . nCST DISTRICT. COUSTIES. . FbWLK. DOCKKIIT. -AND earnest. They do not intend to let anv of the white! Benublicans have Beaufort......- 2,002 rrvr g Maturity Association Carteret........ J 1,073 Camden ................... 503 Chowan T42 . Currituck 978 Dare .... 226 Gates. .. . .1,131 Hertford ... MJ2 f I ye 84 Martin 1,674 fauilico.. ...... 740 Pasquotank - 833 Perquimans... 779 Pitt 2,593 Tyrrell 472 Washington. 807 Also lyiUasdrrescripu -M ' a hand In their business inis year. : - ...7T . .. .. :eczs, uzxlzt Furniture. wTi- 791 and Stools. Cillnct V-cr:; of all, kinds. Cor:r.!eta C::f, rlYJJ IS ackleaV Arnica galv. The Best Baive In the world for Cute, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar OP WASHINGTON, . 9 D.C. 433 209 800 Ganks. Catalogue alojrue - 'd'css ATLANTA ZZ'J C'Z2 CI 'nJIP .. - , .... r.ir:?. f " , f Has Paid toMem- 1,237 bers Over - -$600,000 G19 anteed to rive perfect satisfaction. 1 OI7 I l or money refunded. Price 25 cents iNsa Accruca l auu;- per box. j For sale by Robert R Bellamy, 2.32S 3C7 ties - - - : - None. wholesale and Tatail dggi 1,014 Aboolutoly Pure. A crr&a of Urur biting powder, nicest cX aa la learecinz strencta r. X Conrn- mrai JZrport, AuQ.n,lBSX - T2io Daily Boviow. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21. 1S90. STATE "NEWS. MY Raleigh 2cxc'and Observer: Tlie tobacco crop of Wake and sarrouod inff counties if the largest and bet known for many years. There waj a fire In Clayton Monday night which destroyed a residence belong- inrr to A. J lulls, t$q.. vruicn was occupied at the time by Mr. DeAl. It t?aj caused by the explosion 01 a lamp- Goldaboro Dispatch: One of the - tales of cotton that was brought to town yesterday was raised by a col 'ored rn on Mr. House's plantation Both bales were on the same wacron. but the colored man who did the loadlncr not his own In front. o it wonld be the first to enter the city. and he rot the Drize of a f 10 ftuit of clothes offered lor the first bale. Oreen-Hlle Jlcjtector: Mr. Arden Tncker broacht the largest water melon of the season to town Satur djy. It tipped the beam at 75 pounds Some cases of meningitis have developed In the section beyond Grlndel Creek toward Bethel, about 10 miles from here. Three members of the family of Mr. Asa Bullock. two children and his wife, have died ' of the disease. Charlotte Chronicle: There have been many conflicting reports con cerninir the three young mission aries. Messrs. Gates, Harri aud Helmlckf, who went from this coun ty to the Soudan, early In thepruig It has been said that two were mur - dered, but a letter received at Topp les Aucobt 12th. by the 1. M. U. A. from Chas. L. llelmlcks. ono of three, tells the sad story of the death of his two fellow laborers. . It says Two weeks ago Frank Gatns and Warren Harris were taken ill with the African fever, and a week. later on Wednesday, the Mu. both enter ed tho nlace" that our Lord went 1900 vears oco to prepare for them. Then Rebecca, (Mrs. E. Kingman) followed them, but two days later." Asheville Citizen: The Improve ments on the Yanderbllt place are uroCTesslng rapidly. Over 300 men and 75 teams are at present employ ed. The brick works are turning oat 10,000 bricks daily, and every thing else is being pushed in pro portion for the building of the man Ion. The clay for the bricks is brought from half a mile down the river or means oi a. norse power . t. . .. . railway." Tho work of quarrying If Opel Iron 1 0 clock rocks for the foundation of the big ' ? ! house and for the roads is under full headway. The drilling of the solid rock, preparatory to blasting, is done 'by steam drills, which bore holes five or six feet deep in a half hour's time. An immense derrick, also run by steam. Is used for lifting the detached rocks out of the quar ry. Bocks weighing over a ton are easily hauled out by this machine aud placed where they can be alIit up Into desired sizes. They will be carried by Vanderbllt's private rail road to where the house will be built, about a mile distant. The macadamized road is completed -to within about half a mile of its desti -cation. The scenery along this road is beautiful. Its course most of The way Is beside a stream, which ha been altered so that it now consti tutes a series of deep clear pool?, with an occasional large, pond. At one place the road crosses the stream over a massive stone bridge. Seen ery more picturesque it would be Impossible to find. Charlotte JXeict: . The train yard around the compress at the juuetten Is a thing worth lookinc at. The tracks are laid on each side1 of the compress and pl&tforta, and there Is accommodation for 400 cars in the' yard. Derrick Alexander, who wa a slave of Mr. John R. Alexander, father of T. I. Alexander, wa-r-In town from Cabarrus county to-day. Derrick is 73 years old, and U thf father of 23 children, 14 of whom are living. He has been married twice, lie had 17 children bv his first wife and C by his last. There were eight twins born to him. HI youngest child is 11 months old. Hi oldest twin daughter is the mother of six sets of twins. Col. and Mrs. -John I. Morehead have re turned from the VIrrlnia White Sulphur Springs. Col. Morehead says that the entertainment given there in honor of Gov. Fowle was undoubted It the most brilliant oc casion of the kind knowu at the White Sulphur. Gov. Fowle is not the Invalid, by the way, that t-ome of the payers have iutiiuated, but he was ordered to -the White Sul phur by his physleiau. Ho l-a been greatly Imnroved bv his stay there. The rolpred Itepublicaus of Mscklenhnrg picked up the party machine yesterday aftemoou and carried it out to Biddleville, where they planted It for the campaign. They adopted resolutions repudiat ed the handful of white Bepnbll c2Jis in Mecklenburjr. and resolved i COMMKKCIAL. frfcfTfc. WILMINGTON MARKET. August 21 20 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 37$ cents. Sales of receipts at 33 cents. J ' ROSIN Steady at 90 for strained and 05 for good strained. TAR Finn at 11. CO. ' CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at f 1.25 .for hard, $2.10 for yellow din and $2.10 for virgin. XOTTON Djill at 11 cts for middling; low middling, 10;' good middline. 11. J RECEIPTS Cotton, 5; spirits, 276; rosin, 1,231; tar, S5; crude, 226. ARRIVED. Steamer Chp4 Fear. Fayetteville, T. D. Love 16,823 SECOND DISTRICT. 1,316 1,408 1,321 1,008 2,495 684 1,587 Bertie Craven Edgecombe.......... Greene Halifax Jones Lenoir Northampton 1.659 Vance..... 1,382 Warren 543 Wilson 2,159 : 15,504 third' district. Toiulinson, CLEARED. Steamship Fanita, Pennington, New York, II G Stnallbones. Steamer Cape I Fear, Toiulinson, Favetteville, T.D. Love. EXPORTS. COASTWISK. New York Steamship Fanita 63 Dkir uid.e. 213 bbl tar. 1,623 do roin, 152 cask spirits, .w.ouu sum- cles, 10,8X2 ft lumber. WKCK LY STATK 51 KNT. Bladen............ Cumberland ............ Duplin ... Harnett Moore Onslow Pender Sumpson .. Wayne 1,541 2,577 2,205 1,444 1,944 1,181 721 2.370 2,781 , 16,764 FOURTH DISTRICT. Alamance 1,741 Chatham ... 2,51C Durham 1,815 Franklin..... 2.204 Johuston...... Nash Oranjre Wako . 3.024 2,157 1,610 4,618 15, 1890. afloat 43, 3,977; aOoat, 2.500"; 4,622; afloat, 4,231; STOCKS ON HAND AUO. Cotton ashore, 233; total, 278. Spirits ashore;. total, u,4 . Rosin ashore total. 52.873. Tar ashore, 4,034; afloat, 000; total, 4.034. . i Crude ashore,988; afloat, 00; total 933. . . . RECEIPTS, WEKKttNDINd AUO. 1590. Cotton, 36; spirits, 2,390; rosin, 9,- 318; tar, 839; crude, 696. EXPORTS, WEEKENDED AUO. 1J, 10 W. DOMESTIC. Cotton 26; spirits, 931; crude, 758; tar, 1,392; rosin, 3,raJ. FOREIGN. Spirits, 1,174; rofcin, 2,875. Deb Bay aail lliglil. Caswell. 19,685 FIFTH DISTRICT. 1,338 Forsyth Granville Guilford.: Person .... Rockingham Stokes .... 14,892 1,097 2,637 2,509 i 1,072 2,897 1 j 620 5 1,436 1,990 1,930 1 1,521 18,590 1,365 2,232 1,154 877 ; 1,846 425 757 1,616 2,561 12,833 1,517 2,099 1,617 2,041 ; 2,096 ; 1,696 !1,288 i 4,943 17.300 HORATIO BROWNma, Freaaent. SAMUEL. NOKIIENT Treasurer. IOEORGEU.ElMUDGE, secretary. Manager aik. Actuary," GEO. J. EASTERDAT,: - Asst Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. i An Incontesuble PoUcy. M&tunty value In Casa at Fixed Age Annual cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. . Non Forfeitable After Tbree Years ! - P. S. KIDDELLK, AL D. j Medical Director w ir- ornsoN. Snedal Acent. Rome Office, central National BanK Building Wasnlngton. D. C. - oct S3 wiiminrTon N. C 1 , V r 1890. flarper's Weekly . I ILLUSTRATED. 2.259 2,406 2.470 1.375 2.395 1,450 Surry 1.671 15,384 SIXTH DISTRICT. Anson 2,241 Brunswick 1,010 Cabarrus.... 1,645 Columbus....... 2,072 Meckienhurf? 4,163 New Hanover 1,880 Richmond 1,711 Robeson.. 2,823 Stanley....... f 996 Union.. 2,040' 20,581 SKVENTII DISTRICT Catawoa a,3o Davidson Davie... Iredell... Montgomery Randolph 2,018 1,008 2,724 979 2,171 SALOON, I Corner of North Water aud Alulberfy Btreetn, a. m. sfondiT Until 11:15 p. men 10 tt m WE CHAP. P. HltOWNF, Acront, 15,070 EIGHTH DISTRICT. Alexander..... ' 952 Alleghany 687 Ashe....- . 1,399 Burke.. 1,247 Caldwell 1,258 Cleveland 2,269 Gaston 1,584 Lincoln 1,209 Watauga..... 898 Wilkes 1,706 ! 1,697 2,584 2,609 2.680 1,293 2,101 1,333 1,575 15,872 : 975 965 915 910 3,284 2.856 1,684 1,988 817 ' 997 15,391 . 'i '756 2,335 1,204 1,897 1,215 2,327 1,266 . M19 1M19 ' j 552 i 405 1,482 1,165 "i 717 5 764 1,236 901 j 965 2,352 Harfeh's wekilt Has a weu-estabusned place as the leading Illustrated newspaper In America. The fairness of its editorial com ments on current politics has earned for it the resnect and contldence of all impartial read ers. and the variety ana excellence oi us uie- rary contents. -wnicn inciuae senai ana snon stories by the best and most popular writers, at it for the nerusal of people of the widest ranee of tastes and pursuits. The Weekly suDDlements are of remarkable variety, in terest, ana vaiue. iso expense is suarcu w brine: the highest crder of artistic ability. to Knn niAn f 1a illnctrotlnn rt tVic nhancofiil phases of home and foreign history. A Mexi can romance, from the pen oi m homas a. Janvier, will appear in the Weekly in 1890. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. 1 per year: i . . . . HAKPEK'S WEEKLY...:.'. .........14 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER S BAZAR i 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. .....T..... 2 00 Postage Free to all subscrioers in Uie Untied States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. - Bound Volumes of Harpers Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding:, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 W per voL Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, wui be sent by mall, post-paid, od receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft; to avoid chance of loss Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement wUTioia the express order or Harper & Brothers Address HARPER 4 BROTHERS; no 30 - ; yew York - I ; L890. Harper's Young Peoule. A2f ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY; 5"" - ,tT!"j -a,o o.LCJ.03--8 t5 s. - J 82 J 3 S S s 1st- -3 9 : 0f ifa 3so! gr Zil ag 'H h IT? S'feST - c-2 W -IS 55 S3 : sK 2s & t ? 4 S sals 4is!s - Rslss sis s ? m n i :: - SS 25 5-S ?S m Ijj HKt (- . pO jl, jo; . g-5 .. 1 1 - c P. a i . 1-1 '. t " t! "h I . 1 THE LEADING OP SOUTH CAROLINA' IS Pape ii fcsl lot i. Price $10' Per Annum, MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS. THE MOST CHASTE AND PUREST SUPJDAY PAEE IN SOTITn jgAROLlNA IS r The Sunday News ruce, with Dally, tli;pdr. year; alone, taper year; six months, tl; single eopyv 5 ctB; mailed to any address. . " " "".. . - WILMINGTON, N. a JUST RECEIVED HAVE another ;larqeas- SOUTMENT OF AND menu. In the latest designs and fancy woods, which we offer at lowest prices. INSTALMENTS or CASn. The public 1 cordially Inn ted to ex amine our Urffs and f upertor stock of Instru- 13,209 NINTH DISTRICT. Buncombe 3.011 Cherokee 64G Clav.M 391 Orabaiu 271 Haywood 1,320 flenderfton .. 917 Jaokson 903 Macon...:........'. 780 Madison 1,178 Mitchell i.. 698 McDowell... 1,119 Polk 470 Rutherford 1,690 Swain 605 520 940 Transylvania Yaney ....! 10.439 2,816 868 287 182 974 1,291 569 5 742 : 1,873 1.564 858 560 1,683 410 553 789 15,998 15.395 k The total vote being Fowle 148s395; UOCKery 134,035. E YanLAER, 407 Hrti Croat Street. apiritf THE ACME CLYDE'S Yort & Wilmlnetor MfliNUFAOTUBIN&CO, MANUFACTURERS OF P!nA Fibre and Fertilizers, Pino Fibre Matting Wilmington, - - N. llj FXOM. PIEK . EAST KIYZH NEW TOKK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts .At3CCloc. P.M. f riMlK KKPUTATION OFOUK rEKTlUZEKS 1 the ACME and U EM. ts now established, and the results of three years' cse in the nanoa of t he best tanners or ls and other States will artist their ruine as a hlzn ztbxb manore ' The MATTINU. maoe rrom the leares of our mlive pine." u conoraea to be eraal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and tnr dtunand tor it ts daily increasing. It fias m. tuos Dot loo od la any other fa&rlc. The FIBRE or WooLlsextcnslTelytxsed fni orialsirrlnz purposea. and as a nUln? fo H hi rv 1 almost rq oal to ludr, betng U jfli? eiasUc and proof asTUnt Insects. tYruScau-s frota rt nL!" partla uslBotr rJ can r'-n at cir cl.f, crwlli be l.:s ju BENEFACTOR...:. KANITA GULP STRKAM Satorday, Aug 16 .... .-.Saturday, Aug 2? Wednesday, Augr 27 Saturday, Au?30 PBOM WILMINGTON S?2FJrACTOK Tuesday, Avg Ja FANITA.t. , .-Friday, Anf BENEFACTOU. ............... ..Friday. Ausr23 FANITA Tuesdiy. 8pt. 2 Tnrourh Bin Lading and Lowest Tnro Bates guaranteed to and trca points in Xfortt and Soutn CaroUna. 4W For Freirnt or Iays 9 trlj to a G.bMALIXoNLJ.bu'rtntendent, j - iiainrton. a TIIEO. E. ram, TTtS ilara r. At:i. p. cltdh co.. ncal etT Ycr , The Eleventn Volume of IIarper's tocno1 Pkoplb, wnlcn begins wltu the Number for November 6. 1889. presents an attractlva pro- eramme. xc wiu onento its reaaers at least four serials of the usual length, and ethers in two or three parts, namely. "The Red mus tang1," by William o. Stoddard; "Phil and the Baby," by Luct C. Lillik: "Prince Tom my," by John KtrssBix Cobyell; and "Moth er's Way " by M arc abet K. Sangsteb: two short serials by Hjalmab Hjokth Boyeskn. Two series of Fairy Talcs will attract the at tention of lovers of the wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tales told by Howard PYLs,and so admirably Illustrated by him. and another series In a different vein by Frank -m. liicr- nell. There will be short stories by W. D Uo wells. Thomas Nelson Pagb. Mary E. Wilkins Nona Perry, Harriet Pbkscctt SroFFORD, David Ker, Hezekiah Butter- WOBTH, SOPHIB SWETT, KlCBABD MALCOLM JOHNSTON, etC. A subscription to Carper's Yocno People secures a Juvenile library. There Is useful knowledge, a!so plenty of amusemant. Boston Aaveriiser. - t. Terms Postage Prepaid, $2 pr year. . Vol. XI begins November 5, 1889. Specimen Copy seta on receipt of two-cent lamp. . Single Number. Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce uoney Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy tTUs adrersiement mil tout wie express ardor of uarper st Brothers Address HARPEB BROTHERS, novgo Sewyoif State of North Carolina, COUNTY OF NEW UANOVEK, . SUPERIOR COURT. In the matter of the estate of JaneFenner. neceasea. To Delia Garey, George Oarer, James Carer. Rebecca Tanx, nelson oarey, Alexander Garey and George renner, and such others who may be neirs at law of Grace Fenner, deceased: Whereas. Joseph D. Sampson. Administra tor as bonis non of Grace Fenner, deceased. In his final settlement of his administration of said estate, has paid over t toe undersigned, as cleric ct the Superior Court of New iian OTer county, the sum of two hundred and twenty-three and thlrty-slx-one-hundredth dollars, to be by him distributed among, and paid over 10, iue neirs at taw or ine said Grace Fenner. who may -be entitled to receive th aimer and whereas, the undersigned Is desir ous or paying over me same to tnoee entitled thereto, out is uncertain as to who the Darties are who may be legally entitled to share in the distribution thereof; now. this 13 to noti fy the above-named parties end all ethers who claim to be heirs at law of the said Grace Fenner, and who claim an interest In said rund. to appear before tbe Jud?e of the Supe- hut vuuiii ui uo vuuntT ui Acw iinover.flt the Court llouse Hi Wilmington, -on the 31 Monday after the 1st Monday in September, ixyo, and then and there to assert and nm their Interest la, and claim to said futd; at which time the undersigned will annir m tht Judge of said. Court for a decree distributing said fund. , Dated this, the 16th day "of August, isao. Cleric Superior Court cf New Hanover Counfy. au2l8 6w tat . -f . J TRT PA PPP IS PRINTED WITH -L L1JLO i JXX. JjH, Inicmarsulacturecy tePalrraouxitlTLiitinTlnJc Wort3, . t . T. K. V.'BJ GIlTfi CO . rh zirtcl ar2;rc :jit-i aveaz' ' - - EVERY ONE'S PAPER, . THE WiE3EB:i"Sr " NEWS AND VOUIIIEU. Price, i per year; Ms months, 50 ctF; single copy 6cts; mailed to any address. inch 13 ' Scri burn's ;M n&z u e V For 18UO. The publishers of SCRfBNERS MAGAZINE ain to maxe it the . most popular ana enter prising 01 periodicals, wnne at all limes pre serving its high llterarycharacter. 25,000 new readers have been drawn to It during the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railwar articles), and it ciuses its second year wica a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make suKiBiK's magazine attractive and ln terestlnfirwlll be neerlected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES Will-be COhUn ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General a nomas ju .tames on -The Railway Postal Ser. vice." :' - TUustrated. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S sprla uuvei - Alio easier 01 jaaiiantrae." will run uirouga me greater part or the year. - . Beaun in November. A correspondence i and collection o manusenpt memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters wiu lurnisa ine suostance of several articles. Muusaratca. . . . xne oner ena papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally interesting contributions by diirerej t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrlca will write the first of them for the January UUIUUCl. Many valuable LTTEltARy "ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Work, illustrated from orlcrinalMSS.. a second sneii 01 uid books." by Mrs. James T Fields1. n n n A. V, n mm f A1 . am uKUi viiiwi iifnura euuauy noieworuiy - - TH-. 4 t . Articles on ART SUBJECTS Will bft a foAUir rapers are arranged to appear by Clarence ixxuc. js. 11- uiasnneio. Austin Dobson anrt many others. - TUustrated. FISHING ARTICLES describing snort 1 n thfl oesb usflme erounas wiu appear. Kaunon vv mninisn. Bass and Tarpon are the sublets uuw urrHiii-'Ku. 'ioeaaLaura are well Known sportsmen. Illustrated. . ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great Tariety. touching apon ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will appeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace sort. iujis raiea. Among the most Ir teres tin? in the list cf scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. John Trow triage, upon the most recent , developments era uses cf PHOTOGRAPHY: Illustrated. A class of articles which has rroved nf ra cial Interest will be continued by a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY In its mct recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether Interesting papers. v - unvrjs illustrations. . , A SPECIAL OFFER to cover list veir I numbers, which include all the Raiiwav Ant. cles. as follows: : ? i A yearsubscriptloii (1&20) and the num- -oenror ..... .. ........f L5D st. jcai euoscnpuon vssi ana tne num- Lcra lor 00 an a in cioth tOO S3 year; 23 cent a number. :," Charles Scribner'c Gorin, -;::-; ; T43-715 Er way.lf.Y. ; f:,y. 7 ; OBSERVER, The Oldest and Best Family dewaper, v Six Regular Editors; Special Co respondents at Home an Abroad Stories, Reviews, Condensed Km Departments for Farmers, Mer chants, Bankers, Professional lien Students. Rovs and ftfi-ic This year the OBSERVitRwiil puh ish more than . PIFT y PRIZE 8TOI5 1ES, and the ablest and writers w11 contribute-to it col umns. Poets and prose writers, au thors, editors, men of scienceacd yromcn of genius will nil the col nmng ef the Obskuvkr and it vil giVo fifty -two unexcelled paper la the coming year. , Price, $3.00 a year. CI ergymen, $2. 00 a year. i utti luuucemunis jor mv 1. The NEW YORk OBSERVER 1U be scut ior pue year 10 any clergyman hot now tufc scriber, for ONE DOLLAR. '2. Any subscriber sendlnfirhl3 own sulscrip tlon for a year in advance and a new subsui ber with f 5.00, can have a copy of the'-in-a 89us Letters." or "The Life of Jerry Ucauicj.' 3. We will send the OBSERVER for tbe 1 malnder of this year, and to January 1, H to any kxw subscriber sendlnn us hU nmn u.a address and 13.00 In advance. To such su ton . bers we will also give either the volume of 'Irenasus Lttters" or "The Life of Jerrj li. Auiey." . - a Agents wanted everywhere. Ubenltet Lartre commissions, sample c free. Address, Ne7 l?ork Obsefvr, NEW OKK 18J0. . 'Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED A new Shatcspeare the Shafcespcare Edwin a. Abbbt will be presented la Hi- fek'3 Maoazins for If 90, with commwj w Andes w Lang. IIabfik's Maoazixi haa JJ tnorla ennAlnl AMtAAtMrtnra with k lfUU" Dacdkt. the createsc of Bvlnjr French tor ty ists, for the exclusive publication, la tf u- form, of a humoroas story, to be "The Colonists of Tarascom the Laf A:: tures of tho Pamous Tartartn." Tfc 1 fJ will be translated by Uenbt Jxmzh, ana trated by lfo?3 and SItbbach. -W.D. Uo wills wiu contribute a botu in three parts, and Lafcamo Uia elette in two parts, entitled "Youm," somely illustrated. .tnM. In illustrated papers, touching: n?!;,, current interest, and In its thort poems,' and timely articles, the will maintain Its well-known stanaara. HAnPEllS' PERIODICA LS PKIl TBAB IIAIiPEItS MAQAZIN ...II HAttPEIi'S WEEKLY........ ... HAEPEU'S iUZAH...L.....-' 1 1 Pol f1 - ? a 1 000 LE3 ?C2Ialcl::a:; am la ccoi ccriiu-n. T7rr ti 'if A cr ::? rostape Free to all sttbscriZeri f lU 1 SsaUst Canada, or Mexico. ' ' t- The volumes of the Magazine Numbers for June and l)ecenibeir 'ft .J or "in with the number current at u ctiptcf orclr. '" . 2-..? tt three years hucK, In neat cloth Jl ,t j x Eent by mall, post-paid, oaut uc: per volume, cloth Cases for Undls. - each by mafl post paid. . ' Index to llarrr Siarazln. Aftiu . Analytical and Classleii. for wf ' 4: vol., tvo. ciom. 11 uu. : Board at Vrichtsvillo A uatei VJtii TEW PAIiTIES C1N Bl ACCCZ with Beard in print1-- lit WrljLUvllIe Sound. ton:atl:eu:scbtn.e tosuittheui-?lve I.:x t.r'r- 1 - r . tf 4 -