t - ' ' . 1 ' . . , .' Si; ;.,...,.-,:. y ' - . ' - "'. " ' ' : . . r - - - . ' . t - -v- i tt T JAM IA 1111(1 Vn l ..JrtoN-.rOSTAGErAlD.; s:t Eosl3 COO. Three .,,r one month, 35 cents. - . . . - - - t r, r-irt of tie city. " the above r ..?r" !yr,i.r.rri' rrport any ana ,jti ' r-r ji" L tnciV-I sua results wncn CrfF taken; it is plcuanl jU&bz t tJjC tate, and acti iv wt rr.jn.iuly on the Ivulnej i ri.tr. cleanses the bv rHr, dLncl3 colas, neacij 7-i ilvVrs.aml cures habitua? Q'i l) the stmach, prompt ii fL- tr;iml only frtm the mosi i .i-Ll iw-i!,lt substances, ifj rktl'.tnt qualities commend il ,t!I wve mane n uiu iiwoj rrrlykno;rn. tt V w for EaJc in bk 'in'bcfJcsV all leading drug i r irliahlc drucrmst ?n c t bVe it on hand irill pro h fnsptiy lor uny one rn "iit tit. IX not accept anj uurmunG syrup co. s mtasco. cal s:vzu, it at mt roxx. .r. uwhxsale nurr.cnsT. j Wilmington, N. C DA h Sneed & Co., .-0. ,i mrn. r MrKct and focond Wi liriurr.anirHc d. : I ni?. lowest nir my 13 If HE OtVENS HOUSE, Dock Street, between Front am! Second. ItVi TIIOtCfil'UULV IIEXOYATED K3Lanimi'.!jrti with an eje lo the pui.n. Tin ;ooms are nice p 4 iil tUA Til! ?upriscd with tho brs- rttjtttir, xcrtti or month at very MR3L S. II. OWENS, ':''-3 rroprtctress. 'Atns, Eggs, Chip Beef, W A NUT. LOT OF Sotth Carolina Uams H l!v I in mi cacapL i naTC -'tvb tot CHOICE FAMILY ;KO i! i i iower i tan any I '- K la the rltr. nin tn a i s ilwajji fresh. No stale B. F. SWANN'S, Aft., Vjf5 sa Front Street. T-Q. F. Alderman, 1jVV1ju,n I1KOKEKS AND K' e r ; i.1 Nr1h Water etreet. i V'.. J on commission t 7 i" rr- Kr,". luron. Lard. la:a r. i'-.Uww- furs cotton. r ' an? :iai VnT.T.T!T?R w0ti:-iLi: ii:alki:s in pisions, Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, . AND Mission .mkrchants, Hardware, CKOCEXKT. . w- E- srKINOER CO licporur, and Jobbers " fqwu r.nnmag. ln Darkest AfricsN htKK Ilt.riNO Tt WE.M STAN- few S.i??? the l nl11 CHauiu. and Tt4r?0n Stanley relief ! M,Tu LIUKAUV HOOVS tSV Market link r VOL. XIV. W ILM INGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1890. NO 224. In the United States r and troiluces the most. Idaho and Wyoming are now in the mid.t of their first State caui puiVu, uud tho cont'.Kt U very spir ted. Uoth Deiuocratti und Republi cans arewxiijruine of succehs. ;next week. , Judge Graves at South port lVw. bcieunsi, coruntues mat witti tlie t uapi. it. m. Mclnttre lias crone 000.0u0,000 of envelopes nre limnu . aid of a machine constructed on the lorth for the purchase of new coods. laoiureu yeany. ; pnneiyle of the borioir. drilling and , T . " ; iiruuswicK uouru The whole worUPs produce of salt !' . V J ,T . ,I10felluuu j presidin ' u nuir riiiiiii iii lie rut 1 Tm t v 1 a poiii ru per nniitim is 7,300,000 ton?. Ens-1 i 1717 . . vi iuc rarm in less man a uav. j " ! Mri A. S. 'fl . . , r . . m I xiic iwu iiiom uisusirous causes oi j lire during the past year in Boston, according to Chief Whitcomb's re port, were electricity uud. spontan eous combustion. Nearly 80 per Iu 2ew York the law uxaiu&t cigarette siuokiu weut into effect on Monday. Miuors under 10 cauirht puflin the vile thin? will bo fined $2 and imprisoiud for one day. A'bliiKle orange tree iu Florida has been known to bear 3,000 oranges ti a year. Such a yield is excessive. ih a grove thut will yjeld 1,500 to the trei l coiiMdered excellent. Senator fierce, of .North Dakota, uftcr a survey of his chances of re- elcction. to the Senate, declares that ic will have to fight the railroads and the Louisiana Lottery Company. There is not only humor but truth ii this utterance of the St. Louis Jicpublic. "Tilt. McKinley bill doub- esthe tax on btarch. This lo ks hard on washerwomen, but ther will be enough starch taken out of the Republicans in November to pay for it." A young Wisconsin man, A. P. Hanson by name, who is now a. resi dent of Copenhagen, has made an uventiou that Is likely to inaugu rate an era in printing. lie calls It a color-rrrapn. By It two or three or even more colors can be printed on the same papr atone impression. lly covering bullets with vaseline they may be easily seen in their course from the rifle to the target. Their trajectory course Is marked by a beautiful ring of smoke, caused oy me vaseline Jjeing Jgn.tetl on leaving the muzzle of the gun, the smoke beinjr suspended for some time in the ail. If not too windy.. Mr. McKinley,of Ohio, Boss Ree:Ts mau Friday,' has gone to Maine to sneak in Reed's district. The latter is seriously troubled for fear that he may.be left out in the cold in No vember. The New York Herald advises the Maine Democrats against such a thing. It thinks he ought to be returned; that he has done, and will continue to do, an immense amount of good to the Democratic party and the HcralcVs head, as usual, is mathematically level. Senator Far well, of Illinois, de nies the truth of the rumor that he intended to retire from political life at the end of his present term. He says he knows of no reason why ho should retire, and that, 'by the grace of the good people ot Illinois," he expects to succeed himself in the United States Senate. .Meanwhile Gen. John M. Palmer, the Demo cratic nominee for the United States Senate, is making au energetic can vass of JHipois and is sanguine that he, and not Mr. Farwell, will, by the grace" of the people of that State, be the next United States Sen The"news from Vermont is really good much better, in fact, than we dared hope for. There may be no material benefit gained, it is true, but the moral iufiuence of the thing is worth , a great deal. So far as heard from the Republican vote has fallen off and the Democratic vote has gained. The latter, it is true, is less than 500 but the former, it is al-o true, is more than 11,000, and if the returns continue as they have begun the falliug off will i bo 13,000. The Democrats have gained hand somely on the legislative ticket but as they started up from almost noth ing these gains must be phenomenal to give them a. hope of controlling the Legislature, which is to elect a successor to Senator Morrill. Ver mont is a small State, polling ordi narily only about 03,000 votes, aud yet she has 270 members of tle legis lature, of which the Democrats have heretofore had but 19. North Caro lina polls 285,000 votes aud .has one hundred members less than has Ver mont in her legislature. New York votes over a million and has but 1C0. What steam is to the engine Hood's Sarsaparilla is to the body, producing 4 bodily power and fur nishing mental force. ' cent of the year's aggregate loss was due to electric wires and lights, of.course iucluding the big; fire of November 23, 18S9, although they causcd but a little over 1 per cent of the number of fires. Spontaneous combustion caused 7.0 per cent of total loss and 7.2 per cent of the total number. The assessed valuation of Boston this year amounts toS22,02G,100 real and personal estate. The highest sum reached in any previoiis year was 1875, a season of inllated real estate values. That year the real and personal of Boston were valued by the assessors at $7'J8, 755,050 real estate, $551,200,150; personal, $244, 554.000. The personal this year is placed at $202,040,700; real $619,035, 120. Between 1874 and 1SS0 the as sessed valuation of the city ran down from $551,200,150 to $437,370,100. LOCAL 2TJB"WS. 1XDKX TO NKW ASTEKTISSXBNTS D O'Cosxor For Kent need; Co Furniture JIcxds Bkotoeks Druggists C W Yates Wall Paper and Window Shades And no half-holiday to-morrow. for the bovs Mr. Bruce Williams, was in the city to-day. of Burgaw, The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 824 bales. Capt. De Leon Fillyaw, of the W. & W. R. R., has gone to Ashey ille on a visit. ' Hawkes, of Winston, represents a company who are anx ious to buy up street railways. He has been in Charlotte for that pur pose and is now here. He -wants to buy our street railway, if he can get it at a f iir figure, and convert it into a electric railway. . Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Robinson have . Forecasts. . i : ! , For North Carolina, fair weather except local siiowers near the coast and slightly warmer. i Local forecasts from 8 a. ii tc day, for-Wilmington and vicinity, showers and 'slightly, warmer wea ther. I gone on a visit 'to relatives in mont. They will stop awhile at Saratoga en route. They will not stay there long, however, as Mr. Robinson is. in a hnrry to shake hands with s6me of his friends in the Green Mountain State over the re suit of Tuesday's elections. ; To Dispel Cold, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse thejsysteui effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish,, to per manently cure habitual constipa tion', to awaken the kidneys aud liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening ! them, use Syrup of Figs. aicCarthy's Mishaps. The probabilities are that there will be a large audience at the Opera House to-night to attend the open ing performance of the season, "Mc Carthy's Mishaps The box sheet v j at Yates' is pretty badly cut up. It la tx uuu juece turn win uuuuu ' Excursion for Kaui Jones.' Yesterday's Charlotte News says: bam Jones' meetings will begin in Wilmington on the 20tn mst.,1 and a good many Charlotte people have already set their pins accordingly. It is probable that his engagement there will cover two ; Sundays, and arrangements are being made to run two Saturday night excursions from Charlotte to. Wilmington. They will be big trains, and full up, too. draw a large house. At Kest In licllevue. I ! The remains of the late Mr. Eli G. Whitney, formerly of this city, who died recently at Jacksonville,, Fla.; arrived here this morning by ex press. They were met at the depot by a large concourse or sorrowing friends and; relatives ' and conveyed to Bellevue Cemetery, where they were laid away., Mr. Whitney's fam ily did not arrive. Rtv. Dr. Pritch ard Conducted the funeral services at the. cemetery. Th pall-bearers were ur. jonu.ii. ireeman, uapt. W. P. Oldham and Messrs. T. C. Craft and Alex. II. lioldeii. PLEASE 2fOTIC3L W wo xx elaJ to rccclTs ocnuatxclcatrons Cram our mends on any ju a gutjoott esnsrai interest, ut Tas name f tae rrtter most arirsja be fur nisnedto tna Zfitor. . Ooaamunioauoas must ba written on only coe stas of mo paper. - . " Personalities taoii to aToiaod.' v Anl it la c3p-ciAUjr parUclarly uaitr-. stooa tat the nur does not always endorse the.Tltws or correspondena asicsi'so itattdl in tnejedltorlal columns. ' NfeW ADVlCUTlSEaiENTa. " It is a Pleasure Indeed rjO LOOK TIIKOUKSH OCU MACiNIFlCEXT stock of alr Uruslies, Tooth Brushes, 2taii Bru5s, combs, and other faicy goods, evr Stock; low prices. y v MUXDS B LOTH EES, 101 N Front strtct. , . . Druggists. OPERA HOUSE.. THUIWDAY, 8 KPT. 4TU. - FER&FSOF & MACK'S Great Comecly Co., Pjesenusg a Kexrlatisn' In Irlsa Oomedr br 11 AUNI3Y F12UUUSON; ' , ENTITLED :, :,- ", MCCARTHY'S MISHAPS. A COMPANY OP COMKT1IA.N8. PltRTTT IHLV.KXCUAHTINU MUSIC. - Keeerted Scat3 at Yates Wednesday. v sep 1 3t men tM thu ; , - t For Rent. mm mm DWELLINGS. AND GOOD LOCATIONS. OFFICES - IN sep 1 Jt Alt T1X T. AVIS, 123 IrlBcess' St. More rain to day aud the cotton planters are praying for a let-up. in the business. Pender County Superior Court convenes next Monday.. Judge Arm field will preside, Mr. A. D. Brown left here this morning for New York, where he will purchase new Fall and Winter goods. Maj. D. O'Connor allvertises for rent three good and roomy offices in the Samson building, corner Water and Chestnut streets. I am Manufacturer's Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts. Hon. Chas.'M. Stedman returned to the city last night from an ex tended tour of the North and parts of Cauada. He has been absent sev eral months. There were 600 excursionists on the river yesterday, from the Moore county crowd. Some, of them were as greeu as the grass in the plaza on Market street. With "Regal" Faint on your house and "Plastico" on your walls, your houee will be beautiful and yur family happy. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co , factory agents. - The Criminal Court will convene here on Monday week-and on the Monday following tho Supreme Court will convene. I t is doubttul, however, if the Criminal Court can polish off its docket in one week as there are two capital cases to try. New. Push and Pull Blind Hinges. Locks the blind when opened or closed. Saves labor and cost of put ting on inside fastenings, which are not needed with these hinges. Car penters, it will pay you to examine and use same. N. Jacobi Hdw. i,o. T ' In the Fulness of Time. Mr. Unas. t. lirowne received a telegram late yesterday afternoon announcing the death of his vener able grandfather, Mr. Thomas Browne, who died - at Wayman, Sampson county, on last Monday af ternoon, at the ripe old age of 98. Mr. Browne's grandmother, who is fbu r', years older than his grands father, and who is consequently 102 years old, is still living. We have it now. . A Pump that is always primed, never requiring a tub of water to start it. It is the bright invention of a North Caro-' Una genius aud is pronounced by all to' be the best pump on the market. See it and you will have no other. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co.' t Tom Evani Dead. i We very creatlv recrret to learn of the death of Capt. Thos. C. Evans which occurred Monday at his home in Reidsville from an attack of.fever. Capt! Evans had been a prominent figure in North Carolina journalism for years past, and made a reputa tion as local reporter on the old Ral eigh Jeics. tie puousnea a paper for some time in Reidsville and was for a short time local editor of the Wilmington tS'tar. He was a bright, witty writer and had a most genial disposition, i i ; To lie Interred To-Morrow. The remains of the late Mr. John Sholar will be interred in Oakdale Cemetery to-morrow, at 11 o'clock: Mrs. Sholar, who was iu Fayette ville,; has .arrived here as has also her son, 'Mr. E. H. Sholar, of Chatta nooga. Another sou, Mr. W. J. Sho lar, of New York, will arrive to night. The funeval services will take place at the First Baptist Church, of which deceased was for so long a member and which bears in its in terior so many evidences of his skill and handiwork. Tried Dy Court Martial. One of the Moore county excur sionists on the Grove yesterday was no full of bug juice that he could scarcely navigate and therefore lor :j his own safety, he was locked in one of the rooms. Gettinga little sober he. became obstreperous and broke one of the windows out. For this he was "court martialed' und taken up on the hurricane deck, Capt. John Harper acting as Judge Advocate General. The sentence of the court was that lie pay, the cost of the broken window, about $2,, which he 1 cheerfully did. tbankin? the court for letting him off so easily. .i ' OUK FBIEJID TOE BKD BUG. If yen would quickly and perma nently rjd your beds of bngs, put a small pox of ROUGH ON RATS in a pint bottle of benzine, shake well wheu using. Douche the mixture Into tlie crack, crevices, holes and ! openings of the bedstead. It will I turn their toes up rapidly. Then . mix anomer smau uox oi wuuwu of Crusiicd Umler the Wheels. A colored man by the name Sandy Swaun, a boss stevedore, was horribly mangled by the train on the Carolina Central Railroad last evening. He was on the plaffonn Diaaing some oi: ins mentis among the Moore county excursionists good bye, and attempted to jump from the train as it passed Chadbourn's mill. In doing so he fell between the cars and was horribly mangled, the entire train passing over hint, crushing both legs above the knees and otherwise injuring him. He Just Arrived r NICE LOT OF THAT FRESH IpJCOUN try BUTTJEK, m small wts, at 1 . i ; II ALL & PEAK ALL'S, j tr 11 and 13 So. Water Stfsat. Ad in i Histrator's Notice . rpME UNDEliSlONED HAVING QUALIFIED I as Admlnlstatorof the estate of Jofirph liamsden, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate r persorol property beleasrimr to same to resent them to me n or bolero Aurut sstn. 18S1, or ikls netlce-will b pleaded in. bar of the payment .t hereof, r SOL BBAIt. aug as eaw nw tnu Admimstraur. . crawled a few feet from the traek Wall PaDCr SHrJ WindOW SkifS. l ii .l 1-: -1. .1 . ,.-.. .-. iiuu cuiieii lur ueip, wmcii wat soon A V 1 T W j t m ' " ! ai nana, ne was tnen rauen up and carried to the railroad ware house where the officials of the road soon had a physiciaa in attend ance and did all they could for the poor fallow. He died, however, . at half-past 10 o'clock. Tiie Coroner was notified but an inquest was deemed unnecessary. vThe deceased was a man of good character and a steady workman, He leaves a wife and three small children. JAUGEST STOk IN to select from. Give your r get busy. ! . NOITrl CAUOL1NA order how before I . - -v. . fe-"... Strong Men. Women love strongmen. A weak man may excite their sympathy and a woman's careful tenderness soothe and soften the anguish of a weak man s soul, but the faughinar. joy ous, warm, exuberant love of women dear, belongs to the men that are strong and noble and kind. Then whv will a man continue weak, and mean and peevish? ...I An old gentleman writes: "B. B. B. gives 'me new life and strength. If there is anything that will make an old man young, it isB. B. B." Some men say, and women too. they never feel weak aud mean ex cept in the spring. Why then feel weak and mean and I nervous and prostrated in the spring; time when life and spirit awakens with thrilll . , ' . A 1 All ing ouoyjiucy even me veetaoie world? Must you allow sluggish blood, inactive organic functions. rustv joints and general weakness to make your life miserable simply be cause the long winter has restrained your natural activity? It need not be. If onlv you will use that pleas ant add incomparable tcnic blood purifier known as B. B. B. or Bo tanic Blood; Balm your health in spring time will be all that you can wish. Try it this ppnng. lryitnojv P.. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., Aug-: ust 10. 18S8. writes: "I depend on B. B. B. for the preservation of. my health. I have had it iu my family now nearly two years, and in all that time hatWot had to have a doctor" : t Funeral Notice. . win take place to-morrow morning, from the First Baptist cnurcn, at ii o-ciock. jnormnc at oakdale. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. For Rent. THREE GOOD AND liOOMY omceslntne Samson Bnucinz. cor ner Nortn Water atd chestnut streets. . Apply to v. o UUUK, Hebrew New Year Cards; We ar opening a nica assortment to-day. sep 2 tf - YATES' BOOK STORE. Dividend Notice. , rjiHI D11VECTORS OF 'THE WILMINGTON Savings and Trust company'' have declared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent, pay able to stockholders of record on and after September 1st. itfio. W. P. TOOMElt. sepiivr - ' - cashier. For Carolina Beach ami Soulliport ' ' s JYLVAN tSROVE LEAVES WIL3ILNUTUJ at 9tW a.m. and 2 .10 b. m. lietumlnc' mvo the Beach at 12.30 and 5 30 p. m. , i 4 On Fridays leaves at ftyt) a. m.. 2:30 D. m and 5..'J0 p. in. Iast train leaves tha Rpjirh at on in nn Fridays. . 'l lie TASSI'OUT wlU leave for Sonthnort 0-sn a. m., and for Carolina limu-M at s-arm. m. every day except Sunday. , .. cason reauced rate Tlckeu fer sale at the ITice or on board. . , are sarurdaj s 25 cents to HaacU and return.' au j 2 tf n3 UST BE SOLD. 'i X- HI i mm sep 1 3t Iieal Estate As-at. To-morrow will be the last Friday of the season on which there will be a late boat from Carolina Beach and therefore it is presumed that'QN JIATS thoroughly with a quar-j many will take advantage of this ter pound of lard, yritn tnismixiure .. fact. of the sea sou, which will probably b jibout the loth, the last train will and x . ri t. : nil aii noies. oienini. cracK methods are warranted to never tail; ;to be effective and lasting, umtnis out for directions. ; FINE HAIR MATTRESSES A SPECIALTY. Mosquito NotM for Sale. Old Mattresses Konovatcd. At Your Own Prices. : Do NOT INTEND TO CARRY OTBtt - A SINGLE PAIR. For the next ten days we will continue to "clear cut" all 4o3d3 and ends" we Mare left in Slippers and Low shoes, r rices lower than over known. . Call and asv for your size and we will verify thesa statements by ocular demonstration. Geo. E. French & Sons, 108 Nortfi Front Street. (Opposite The Ortoa.) any Z7 tt WiMiigtoH SaviBsis- & Trust Co. J. TV. ATKIVSOX. ' ireiident. W. T. TOOiLCR. ' cashier. 1 AQ PKIXCESS T.. WILMINGTON, N. G, IvO LenH Money cn saUsfactory securltr. Virm Iaterest on Deposits. Is ! execute Trusts of all kinds. ' empowered to mcaauTX leave the Beach at C o'clock. irj.Tj.ouf.Qnirjc. rn rrTQ T A DPT? is fJtiNTEi wrni L IlXo X iiiT JliIw Ink maautactored.by he ralmounirnntic? ink worts. T. k. wi.iuur co t 5lh street asJl itntiyivanii avetae.

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