I Till" jjjiC Editor and nop. r Wo win tt3torccv3jxam icr. troia oar men33 on .ay asa ail tr;:rta Cneral interest; out' ''.' . -x w- Tn name of tne writer mxrt aiwajs'to far', nlshed to tne Editor. , -r L"j? II i -aa Mt lW ' aesveiw w itr k k u j one side ot tne paper. -.... v Perjenaaties must oa arotdeL . -And it is espwaaUy am pirUculaxly nadcr- stoo3 unit the Emtor does not altrays ecdone JS l1'! low and liberal. -port any and VOL. XIV. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1890. NO 227. the news of correspondents unless so stated if 1 J 1: lib P3 : Mr ieedK-! ana rcnlu lierj ir-jjUkeu; ltiafcleasinl A-iils I1 tlc I"' . .tw ,llnela colds, beau Ha'"' 1 1 1 U fcms ana cures habitual 'ids. nip of Figs is tin ur of" iw kiml ever pro t!eaibS to tliC tafte 611(1 4Utle itomnch, prompt ID f-aa34 trulr Itriieficial m iti oiilf from the incsl Viilifff1-0 sultances, iti f'ttaSitt qualities commeml i. ..I hr made it too mos. W '4 1 lTi,-warn C rf Ft-s u for sale in 50 HVdes br all leading drug l;t relaMe dm -prist wh U Ii'tv it en hand -will pro erocpUf for any one wht f ' T - 1AJ coi aeceiit aii j Death lias an odd way of picking Tlie latest reports from Saiatora I out- its victim. A traveller. - ...V. .mvW Lllllb .1 ' I . 11UUC la I Forecast. quietly to bed in a Pennsylvania town Jast Monday night, ami leforc warily recovery and It Is morning a locomotive, oft the track, nin into the house and killed liiui as lie slept. A Very l$ad Fall. For 'orth Carolina, fair weather! A little lad, four years of age, by making satisfactory progress to- and sutiohary temperature, follow- i te name of - Eddie Paul, son of Mr. hoped that ,'ed on Tuesday bv rain And cooler he will soon he able to return to Wil- . weather. " mington. The Local forecasts from 8 a. m. tc Tiicre were 2.G.70 farm mortgages foreclofetl in Kansas during the first i six mouths of th vear and thev a . I represent,, an indebtedness of over! Ittl 0 m m Aiie larmers oi rvanaH they just beautiful now. Iu - fact. are "gloriously resplendent" with row and cooler weather. . .. ! 1 1 ; .. .. i ..i z r..t a i I T . "(Jo cull them while you Paul, fell yesterday afternoon from his parents' residence, hi the Wessell building, on Second street, sustained some fair to day, followed Dy rain to-mor- j very severe iojuries. He fell froui the second story of the building to wowls around the; city are: day, for Wilmington and vicmitv. i near Market, and 2, COO, 000 grasses, mav." The Bleetint; at Masonboro. I are naturally wondering where their r lronts-come In under our scheme of irotection. . n . . j the pavement below, a distance of ! IS feet, anrl !iHlnfntiil lii clinnlilAr ! rtl'-and fractured his skull. Por a while tist unurcn at Masonboro closed r Cryit. $m FIG SYRUP CO. I tttmtcisco. cai. rrrf. n f ir roar, x. r ptfERTR PRI.f.AAIY. j Wiimlneton, N. V, I ; jneed & Co., 3XjU TO KNOXVII.LK FURNI ,MUiM. coner Market and Socon4 Urzszaf,ftrmuc rtrslsns, lowest ttfjunf uritM to call and Inspect iuc my 13 tf (S OWENS HOUSE; k Street, between Frnn and Second, net TnoRoicnLT renovated boiuranJ5ted wuaui-eje to the i pnUlc. The liooms are nice b4 r T.Ue .applied wim tLc tcs. I IV ii?, wrtt or mouta at Tery Y Mas. s. U. OWEXS, rroprletrcss. 4G. F. Alderman. pU. rOMUSION BU0KKR3 AND 110 Jl"ortn Water street. lifir. rroit. Baron, Urd. T;-Uldes. rurs. Cotton, fi"f rnxluce or Grocery line. f-i . nurtcteed. consim. acts 29 3m I, ST BEOEIVED I t r. X C. 11 AM 5, WniCU 1 tk per pound. X. C. Sides at I Waetwa; tlct at 10c Alao f f5Ks54ei4 Ii4m$. Ferris Cnlp Batter, Cabbaces. A Doles rtctlxed to-Cy. I 8WANN, Act., xroni etreeu . V0LLER8, Groceries, Tchcto, Cigars, 3IERCHANTS, MX & 4 Dock St iNUTOJf N. C. ,:,ardwa re Women are coming to the front iu business life. There are nearly 15,- 000 of them engaged as commercial travelers In the United States: The demand jor women to do clerical and ofilce .work increases all the while, -and they are better paid for heir work now than ever before. , . 'Without protection," said Secre ary Blaioe,1o his Waterville speech, 'the United States would have been )oor. Indeed, after, the ravages of he war from 1861 tol865." hebest answer to thlss gratuitous assump tion," says the Philadelphia Record, ''Is the fact of the 'country, pros perity during nearly fifteen years of free trade, which preceded the war of 1861. It was the abundant re sources accumulated in that period of free trade prosperity which en abled both sections of the country to carry on a wasteful war for four years. Rev. Chas. T. Coerr, Rector of St. Mark's Church, returned to the city on Saturday night from an extended visit to friends in the North ami East, looking, we are pleased tonote, greatly Improved iu health. Mr. Martin T. Davis, in ad, pub lished in this issue, offers for rent a number of dwelling houses, am oug them one on Mulberry street, be J tween Fifth and Sixth, with 9 rooms and nil modern conveniences. The tax books for the collection of State and county taxes for the year 1800 have been placed in the Sheriffs hands. Prompt payment is required as all property on which the taxes are unpaid will be levied upon De cember 1st, and sold in January. yesterday afternoon, having been kept up throughout the entire weetr ! The result has been highly gratify ing. There was a large attendance at the services yesterday morning atid thirteen persons were baptized by the pastor, Rev. H. M.Croom, and formally received into the church. The Mild September. The Summer is dead, it is true, but the two most delightful months of the year on the coast are at hand now. this is tne most pleasant as well as the healthiest season of the year. We are subject to no extremes of either heat or coW but nature is in an equable mood. The days are (or ought to be) pleasantly warm and the nights just cool enough for re freshing sleep. It is the bestTseason it was feared that the child could not recover but we are glad to Le able to state that it is sonie what bet ter to-day. j ' ROACHES, Fiies, Bed Bujrs. Ants, Beetles, cleared out by Rough on Rats. . -See directions. . HEW ADVKBT1SBUENTS. " For Rent. A TWO-STORY" HOUSE WIT II nine room3 and all modern Improve ments and a good cistern, oir Mul berry, between Flttn and SlxtJi sts. i House oa Tnlrd. between Cliurch find Castle, vrltn seven rooms. Also Feverai small nouses in good locations. Sep 8 It Apply to MARTIN T. DAVIS. DIAMOWD DYES LLMJ I mm SiKW AOVKUTISESIJSNTa. .n i - At Ycmr 0s?n Prices.- DO NOT INTEND TO CARRY OVER , . - Single taiu. f v ; : For the next ten days we will continue Jo "clear oul" all "pads and ends" we bave left In Slippers and Low shoes. Trices lower tha ever known. : ; Call and ask tor your slzo and we will verify these statements by ocular demonstration, t Greo. R. French &Smsf 108 North Vront Btreet.' Opposite The orton.) tf Wilmington Seicoast E.K. The regular Republicans ridicule of the year, also, for invalids, as well as for those in robust health. , The only State that has been ab solutely urliform in its Congressional representation Is Rh.od.Qj Island. It had two me.ubers under' the first census and the same number ever since. It is bound to remain ip the name category another ten years. Its population in 18S0 was 270,531, and it is now 228,000. There It a varia tion which precludes change, what ever basis of representation may be adopted. Delaware has always had just one, except that under the thhd census It had two. These are the only constant quantities in the en tire category. - - Here Is a story about Secretary Illsine and the now famous cottage at Mosquito Point, Cape May, the truth of which Is vouched for by a gentleman to whom Mr.' Curtis re lated the incident. One evening. doring Mr. Blaine's visit to the Pres ident he and William E. Curtis, the special agent of the State Depart ment, were walking on the beach. Suddenly Mr. Blaine stoppedjooked at the cottage a few moments, and exclaimed, with a peculiar smile on his face: "Curtis, If ever anybody gives me a cottage' .like that' I'll eitner decline ll or. go drown my self." p. That tired feeling now so often heard of. Is entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives mental and bodily strength. the idea of a bolters ticket. Some say that there was no meeting the other night and others that if there was one it didn't amount to a row of pins. It isn't our funeral and we are therefore not specially interested. New Push and Pull Blind Hinges. Locks the blind when opened or closed. Saves labor and cost of put ting on inside fastenings, which are hot needed with these hinges. Car penters, it will pay you to examine aud use same. . N. Jacobi Htlw.Co. t Saturday's Goldsbpro Diftpalei says: Mr. jm - nrewer, of wil mington, unfortunately lost his pocket book on the train this morn ing. He 'and his wife fortunately had tickets through to Newbern or he might have been seriously inconvenienced. Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin. The weather during the week end ing Saturday last has been very fa vorable for farm operations nearly everywhere. The early part of the week was 'cloudy with occasional showers, the precipation being be low the average except in the north' eastern portion of the State, where it was in excess. The latter part of the week lias been quite warm with plenty of sunshine. ' Cotton is gen erally opening well and picking is progressing "rapidly. The tobacco crop seems!to be a very good one; the week was very favorable for making good cures, and farmers have beeq unusually successful. Land is beijig prepared for winter oats 'and wheat aud some have al ready commenced to sow. A few re- A Pump that is ports indicate soiue danger to cot We have it now. always primed, never requiring a ton from rust and shedding. tub of water to start it. It is the bright Invention of a North Caro lina genius and Is pronounced by all to be the best pump on the market. See it and you will have no other. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t -AND- Dianiond Fast Stocking' llack v FOR SALE BY .... " ' i ' -. , -.-. John B. Hanks. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. 107 North Third Street, opposite City IlalL Telephone icx sep 8 tf v 1890.. State ancTCuuuty Taxes. fJ'IIE .TAX ROOKS .HAVE IJEEN PLACED In my hands for the collection of the State and County Taxes for the year 18W. 1'rompt pay ment is required as all property on Which the Taxes are not paid win tie levied upon and I advertised December 1st, and sold January 1st, 1891. Pay and save trouble and costs. S. II. MANNING, Sheriff New Hanover Couuty. September 7th, 1S0O. sepsis Tax-Payers' Notice. HE CITY TAXES FOR TU K YEAR l&X) Call at City Hall and settle at i tt"30' f'r"" ""' - ' . 17 ISD'B'JbUl' K1"X. J Ml. U . lieave WJltuimrton. lnnt "fif.rpt ijepor, at uaoa. m., a:30and C:10 p. m.k" U lea ve Princess street at 0:45 and '' 0:10 a. m., 2:10 and 0:20 d. m. S Jeave Hammocks 7t40 nnd i n or. ia. wi., 4:43 and 7:10 p. m. ' : Sunday train leaves Wilmington at 2:30 p. m. Leave Hammocks 7:10 p. in. : v-: ', e o: a. m. train starts from 1'rincess streetand the Sundav night train from tlie Hammocks will lie over at 1'rincess street. ' J. R. NOLAN. sepGtf (ie'i Manager. T are now due. once and save costs. sep2 4t ,.s ! WiL A. WILLSON, Tax collector and Treasurer. 2 . . Yesterday was, like Saturday, al most insufferably warm for the sea- son, but during tne eany morning hoars to-day the wind got around to the Northland a more pleasant con dition of affairs is the result. Ave are booked for cooler weather dur ing the balance "of the week. Just Arrived ! A NICE LOT OF THAj; FRESH Lr-COUN- try BUTTER, in small Kits, at Jett HALL & PEAKS ALL'S, I 11 and 13 So. Water street. LOCATi 3SJ Jb2 WS. 1KPIX TO NSW ADTIETISIJCIirrS ... ... t M T Davis For Kent Fx ofc CO Furniture Bxoth las Druggists S n Maskwo Notlco tajax-pa'crs Jko B HAa ratcnt Hedldncs, etc C W Yatis W an rapcr and Wndow snides Ten more lots at Carolina Beach have been sold recently and on these cottages are to he erected by the first of nextJune. The purchas ers are parties Ifroiu Wilson, Fay etteville and South Carolina. An electric light plant will soon be needed. The water works are al ready there. Tim receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 1,C bales. There Ibas'ut- beeu any irreat de- maud for new overcoats, as.yet. But very few of the Summer ab sentees have returned to the city as yet. to Another of those delightful, old fashioned banks parties will be given at the Carolina Yacht Club House, on Wrightsville Beach, to morrow night. There will be music. dancing and refreshments. The train will leave here at 8 o'clock and .will leave the beach on the return at midnight. leath of Dr. Saundern. We regret very mu?lr to learn of the death of Dr. R. B. Saunders, brother to j Col. Win. L. Saunders, Secretary of State, and a gentleman well knownito many in this city. Hg died at his residence in Durham on Saturday evening after a long illness, in tlje 57th year of his age. Dr. Saunders was connected with the Raleigh Observer when it was under the control of Col. Saunders and the late Mr. Petier M. Hale. ; His contri butions on agriculture formed one of the mostr excellent features of that paper. He was a learned and skilful pharmacist and a practical chemist. His health failed a year ago and he nas since then been' a great sufferer. He was a gallant, noble gentleman, true to every honorable and manly instant. Life's fitful fever isj over and he sleeps well. District atid County Conventions. The Democratic Senatorial Con vention for .the Thirteenth district metatElizabethtown, Bladen county, on Satnrdav last. Mr. C. C. Lvon was chairman and Mr. R. S. White mXrUKU UKrHAN ASYLUM. secretary. Mr. R. P. Allen, mer- For (Carolina Beacli and SouflipoK JYLVAN GROVE LEAVES WILMINtrTON Jeaves the Reach at li30 and 5 y() p. m. T The passport win leave for southport Win .m and for Carolina Reach at 5:;jf)p. m. evtry day except Sunday. - V I ij reason reaucea rate Tickets for sals at the pfliee or on board. . - icare Saturdays 25 cents to Reach and return. . sep- d t f , , W all Paper and Window Shades. AUG EST STOCK IN NORTH CAROLINA Give your order .now before ' L to select from we get busy. Hebrew New Year Cards; We are opening a nice assort ment toiay, sep 2 If YATES' BOOK STORE, We Have in Stock I SUPERB LINE OF DRUGGISTS' FANCY GoodsTAll new, fresh and reasonable In price. MUNDS BROTHERS, 101 N. Front street. FINE HAIR MATTRESSES A SPECIALTY. . mosquito Nets for Sale. Old Mattresses Uenovated. Grand Masonic Excursion .Friday, September 12th. 1890, FOR THE BENEFI f OF THE Mrs. E. Knhblank has returned he city from a visit to relatives'and friends In Washington City. To Dispel Colds, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to per manently cure habitual constipa- excur- tion, to awaken the kidneys and A "errand singintr school slon"isto be run from . Greensboro liver to a healthy activity,, without to this nst. city on Tuesday, the 30th irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of 'Figs. UD crock iut. SPRING tR 4 CO Pwtm and Jobocrs , rarrii Baimpir. Mert Africa.. ? iQ TO READ STAN- wen aa am- toVMarutsuc. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. 1. Gieschen, now In turoDe. will sail on ine steamship Normanla on Thurelay next, tht 11th Inst. Deputy Sheriff Shaw, who has been spending the Summer in bis coftage on WrlghtsvIHe Beach, will remove to the city this week. I am Manufacturer's Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts. t h, I VMM With "Pooi" rntr,t or. .nnVHAiVAl their best selections. The managers. - - - J WM W and "Plastico" on Tour walls, vour Messrs. Jas. W. Monroe, J. M. For hou will be beautiful and your she and C. C. Brown, wi II spare no famllT hftnnv RMi v.4V.,r TfirtM.i m. .-j to make it a delightful . ocea- m m m m W Sft -J I SL-J 11 rT . m 1 W ' Uion to all who may attend. Lust Grand Kxcnrsioii. The Grand Masonic Excursiou to be giveii on Friday next, for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asy lum, will be the last of the season as the Grove will go "out of commis sion" in a few days thereafter. It promises to be a memorable affair and therefore everybody, should go.j There will be music and refresh ments on board and it - Is probable that the Arion Quartette Club will enliven theoccaslon with some, of chant and 'farmer, was i nominated for the State Senate by acclamation. The county convention was also held SaturdaV, and it was one of the largest and most enthusiastic! ever assembled. Mr. I. N. Kelly was chairman and Messrs. A. -M. McNeill and K. B. Council were sec- letaries.- The nominees are as fol lows: I - Clef if -of Court G. F. Mclvin. Sheriff W.'S. Clark. Register of peeds--W. J. McKay. Treasurer j. M. Benson. Surveyor A. A. Troy. Coroner J. A. Register. Dr. M. Mcl. Tatuiu, an Alliance mail, was nominated for the Legis ture. ' j . . .'"-I" i- Senator Vance was enthusiastical ly endorsed and instructed for. Per fect harmony prevailed, j ; The steamer SYLVAN GROVE will lcve her wharf at 0.30 a. m. for CaroUna Beach, Southport, the Forts, Sc. Music and refresh ments on board, j , Fare, for Adults 50 cents; Children 25 cents. sep83t, 6810 ! THE ACME MANUFAOTUBING go. 5IANUFA CTUR E RS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting Wilmington. '!;"' - ; Not at All Necessary rVO CARRY YOUR PROVISIONS ORLUNCV to Carolina Reach as there 13 a first-Class Family Grocery ' there, stipplied with everything: the market 'affords and sold at city prices. All Kinds of Canned Goods J FOR LUNCH AND PIG NIC PARTIES . aid evofyttin elo that goes to malcelup a fine lunch. .' iFuU supply of ICE always oh hand. 1 Jrhe residents of CAROLINA reach win flBd it to their interest to deal wfth me as I ' wJiikeepoahandlcverythlDsr la thc GroceTj and Housefceepingr line, HANS A. KUKB, je?tf -. Vy . ;- PROPRIETOR. ISLAND BEACH HOTEL J. A. BROWN, Manager. rriHB RKP LTAT1 ON OF OUli FERTILISERS the ACME and GEM, is now cstatllsted. and the results of three years' use In the hinds of the best fanners of this and other States will attest their value as a hl?h grade manure The MATTING, made irom the leaves of onr n.Hra nlnA U mnfledBd tO be eOUal tO &BJT ned.Hands, Chilblains, Corn, and a! 1 wool carpet for comfort and durability and the Skin Eruptions, and posT tiveiy cures ;&&r - " Piles, or no pay reouired. It is guar- -rne f I IJ K E " v, ooL is extenTelr aed for anteed to give perfect satisfaction, uphotsterlns purposes, and as a. fillinz for or money refunded. Price 2-1 cents J Mattn-sses i3 almost equal tohalr, being S kTJt ' - . . elastic and piwf asunst insects. . per box. . i , . ' certificates from reiiab parties nslc? eir For sale by : Robert IL' Bellamy, goods can be seen at cur oCiv, cr Hi be iraii wboItsMe and T3tail drsUt ei cpoa putauoa. H ,ltocklena Arnica Sal v. The Best Salve In the 1 world for Cuts, BruisesJ Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Uliap- "AYINtt UVSL'O THE ABOVE NAM En Hotel, situated at ihs Hammocks. I am pre- to thevaMaoi pared to cater seccesifolly tb public. The tables will tyj snppUcd with the choicest -vIaikis tt the season. , Many ree3 of cTCit interest In th Tlcln- ltyii mrt Bat hlDic Rath Houses Id still water, find boating f aciuue. unrivalled cshixiz. and ! abve ail an uneiMued Cuisine. - tjottages on the lach con&ected with the i Vrot. Miller's celeCrated Kand.cnjasc-d for tnctscason. KriSti- J. A HKOWN, ma:;ager.

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