TUisrArss ... - PfC'ioa T. JAMES, Editor ar,J P- RlpT1rSTAGi:IAlD-: 5 r.v ix month $ CO, Three fatflrtV or caonth..2S cents. C -t:t i" aTrrea cr carriers, free f pirt of tl cttj, at the aboro 'Tories !ow Ubcr -r.n win p5or report kny and L,JJLJj i j Alii t jlmm jll1;. w ; KM VULi. XIV WlLMINfTOTM 'v n SATnPTiAv ct?dtumpt?d 07 icon "f 11, V k-'Xl 1. V AVLX X 1 KJAJX. .1 JLJ1U.AJ JJiJLV 1) JUt7l, LOCAL J&T-ETWS. NO 244. Jlev: 1KDX TO NW ADTSJtTISIXKKT . Snud & Co Furniture H u Smaixboxks For Rent Morns Bkothx as D ruggists Wii. Uikart A 83n Magazines C W YATE3-Sam Jones bong Books .Day's length 11 hours and 58 min utes. " - "" C. L. Arnold, of this city, did0"- j not preach in Uoldsboro last night, J For North Carolina, fair and because of sickness in his family, , cooler weather! " which prevented his leaving here. Local forecasts from 8 a. m. tc He will preach there on Monday ;dar. tor Wilmington and vicinity, night. j fair and cooler weather; , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r Ws w2l te sua to fcc&Te eomp.zzlzz.Vcz3 croaa ctur - macm ca-- cay &sr til nt;rc: j ; general interest, bat f i ' .v: .. : Tne name of the writer mtxic alwajs to fux nlsaea to the REtor. " -r coeimriDlcaucras mut W vrttte'non crJ one sldn of ru raptr, -; 1 - .Personalities mosc io aTOtacd. . Aititt lsesictaurn.l particalarly cr.irr stood that qie Editor floes not alvraja cz.1 zn? tno Tlcvra of oorrespondenta onlcss eo d fa tbe editorial columns, v - N EW A I VI5UTIS E21GKT. .- I 4 , .i t!1? i... iIi.kI and results ;,f Ki i. tali vu ; it is plcacanl irLfrtir!-- tlio trtc, nml ac vl p: :i 'iiy i"" ijuufjj Tunier'a almanac promises and rain for Monday. . Superior Court will meet on Mon day next afc-10 o'clock. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 50 minutes pat 5 o'clock. The receipls'of cotton at this port to-day foot up l.OW bales Full moon to-morrow morning at 4( minutes past J o'clock. itoc ueu fciash and Glass for On last Saturday night the busi- i ness and workingmen agreed to sus ipend their Saturday night's prayer wind? nd "Penence meetings for two cleanses the fv cfivJ-raiiy, w.u3, bytlieN.Jacobi Hdw. Co. -rvl J vt r. aui cures xiuijuuuj Tr.-J. rJ-::- .-yrtip of I'lgS 13 till -V K'iv 5 1-5 k"n ever pro p-J.V'-ii',': to the tnste aiid ao t.:J;c 1 1 tlc slwiuach, prompt ir t action ami truly lcneficinl m ill .tv pnircd only from the mo?I i:.?.V c::'l a?rvcal;lc siiljstances, "its ,.Tr Vxrt-llrnt qualities commend i" all a: bale A very few fine foo millets havo arrived here and have been sold at reasonable prices. Have you dond your duty and reg istered? Remember this Is an en tirely new registration. i Saturday nights, in consequence'bi the Sam JJoncs meetinsrs. ; The fall term" of the North Caro lina Supreme -Court will begin oo aionuay next, and the usual semi annual exaininations of applicants for license to practice law were held to-day andfyesterday. Sr. Paul's Evanc- Lutheran Church. The services in St. Paul's Evan gelical Lutheran Church, corner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. P. w. ij. Peschau, pastor, to morrow (Sunday) will be in German at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. in English. All are wslcome at the services. I N6 services in St. Andrew'schurch during the" Jones meeting. Sabbath School as nsual at 4 p. m. xuo report in regara to tlio re moval of Rev. C. L. Arnold toGolds- boro is said to be at least premature. bee ad. of Mr. H. G. Smallbones Bo not accept "anj I offering tor rent an ofllce northeast cornerof Princess and Water streets. Chapter 1: Weak, tired, no ftDnetite Chapter 2: Took Hood's Sarsanaril la 1 1- A 1 K . I napter atrong, cheerful, hungry. The three Methodist churches will all be closed to-morrow. The con gregatlona will worship in the Tab ernacle." - . :-.nvc matio it mo ieosj i . frnljrrtwiv Known, vrep : Fi;3 is for sale in 50 -Jtt!e3l)y all leading drug ki Any rcluhlo druggist wh( mt r."t Iiive it on hand will pro .i e -. 11 pr. riipujr lur txuy vim vm i: he? to try It. cklFOmilA FIG SYRUP CO. JV rSAUCtSCO. CAL. UJWX, ft. AEW YORK, N.Y. TctsxlclT koiii::cy n in:iii,AMY. WHOLESALE DKU 1ST, titut Wltmlnston. N. C School Opening. , j . - t Misses Burr & James.1 will re-open their school for young, ladies and children of both eexes on Thursday, Oct. 2d. Musical department under the! superintendence of Mrs. M. S. Cushing. . and lletlns: To- singing, gay equipagiaes of all kind?, equestrains and cyclers were passing by up and down thV drie and ped estrains of all grades filled the walks or occupied the benches. As 1 sat thinking, wondering, why this? why that? a handsome baby carriage stopped near, and the young man frnl-nnt..9..S whn lippri nrnnpllint raus ui uurcuy, iu-uiorrow; luission ,t took a teat on the bench -.beside Sunday School, at 9:30 a. to.; German j me and commenced reading a book. services as 11 a. m.; Sunday School Luthen o 8ervlcos Morrow. The following wili .be the order of services and meetings of the Luthe- SPEC! A Y OF FINE UCltliED irA lit M ATTBE3SC3. No. 17 Princess StrWt k . ? m" . at 4:30 p. at 4:30 n. p. lb. m.; Christian Association in.; English serviees at 8 FOH CASH ONLY! JY FEIKNIW AND TOR PUBLIC tGEX miy an? tfrtfcr notlfled tnt oa and after :1U U'e 10 sell for CASH A2fD CAS OSLY. 1 ttcrcrore o!Tcr tig Inducements ton whoctcieitna tte mcnej In naod.- II frnriLlr? LOWEST TRICE and the BEST OF t;ocw. i:e?jwtfuiiT, ' j If. F. SWANN, Act., wplstfDxw sa Front Street. Sneed & Co,,' : mctESjfOnS TO KXOXVILLS FURNI . rrt Co.. soatfceast corner Market and Second Larje nxt, aniauc designs, lowest ETerjtoJj Innted to can and Inspect The Register of Deeds has issued marriage licenses this week for five couples, three white and two. col ored. . : ;, ", ' - To-morrow morning and to-mor row evening the Methodist churches will be closed for the Sam Jones meetings. Visitors to' our city should cer tainly not fail to call on the N. Ja cob I Hdw. Co. for anything wanting In their line. t The interments this week foot up two children In Oakdale, two chil dren In Bellevne and three children In Pine Forest.. . - inn. .nac rayl3U Use Regal Ready-mixed Paint, and have no other, if yo'n want a good, durable article; for sale by the N. Fniyllcri onrlPIocplnol Crinnl I JacoblHdw. Co. - t I am Manufacturer's Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com Ifev. Daniel Morrclle, A fll. blnation Wire and Iron Fences. Or T2E tiiiuty-second annual session ders solicited. Jaiues I. Metts. t "Jlegia D. v.) Wednesday, the first of Oo- v"e have in stock an Immense va- For aaj information appU at No. 42C I riety of Cook Stoves, all styles and Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with yesterday foot up 12,043 bales, as against 5,58G bales for the corresponding week of last year, an increase of C,457 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 30.470 bales, against 11.473 bales to same date last year, an in crease this year of 2o,00G bales, more than 225 per cent. Syrup of Fig. Produced from the laxative and nu tritious juice of California figs, com bincd with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently, on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dis pelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. - St. Paul's Fplscopal Church. Rev. Mr. Arnold will officiate at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, corner Fourth and Orange streets, to-mor row at 11 a. m. and 8 pfc in, All seat's fre"e at every service. Morning text, 'Godliness .is profitable." Evening Subject: 'Conformity to the world." Sunday Scnool at St. Paul's mission, corner Sixth and Queeu streets, at 9:30 to-morrow morning. Selected Readings, To be found at the Wilmington, Li brary Rooms, 123 Market street: The Mark of the , Beast, K. P. Woods. Their Pilgrimage, C. D. Warner. The Hundredth Man, Frank R. Stockton. Norse Urumpet Tells the'Storv, Ameiie Kives. .: Three Strangers, Thomas Hardy. AtTeague Foteet's, J. U. Harris. Mount of Sorrow, H. P. Spoffard. The Echo, Hans Christian Ander sen. ! ? Lizzie Brubaker: rLina' Redwood Fairfax. Weisterschaft, Mark Twain. In the Golden Days, Edna Lyall. Grandmother and her Three Lov Erckmnnn Chatrian. " In the Footsteps otThackeray, W. H. Kideiug. Scenes of Hawthorne's Romances. Julian Hawthorne. An Honest Soul, M. E. Wilkins Lady Barberiua, Henry James. The Hero of the Tower, Will Car- leton. - Artist Strolls in Holland, George 11. tJourhton. Hobson's Choice, Rose Terry Cooke. Farmer Worrall's Choice, Saxe Holm. A Ship of '49, Bret Harte. Cafe des Exiles, Geo.iW. Cable. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Ta ble, O. W. Holmes. The Jtomance of Two Cameras, E. W. Champney. J The Pharatom Ship, H. W. lKnsr- fellow. ersi tn:,-- etxvtt, comer of Finn. scplSU sizes. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacob! Hdw. Co. - t Nor. baroue Alfred Gibbs, Andri- sen, ciearea to-aay lor jiouuou, wim 2.700 barrels of rosin and 400 casks OaimeiX) unit pleased toreceue orders Untrlt valued at tl0.830. shinned by 1-1 M,. .. . . r-.- . . - riuidira. uooa ana rrorap wur Jos. F. Craig, (Tarsettr Uh Aldirman, Hanncr & Co.) pUCTlCAL WOBKER IN TIS, SUEET . na, Ptnps, to , Princess street, near Front The Early Meeting. The 6.30 a. m. meeting at the Tab ernacle this morning was a delight ful occasion to all who attended. It was conducted by Rev.' Dr. Creasy. Rev. C. W. Byrd, of Fayetteville, read the Scriptures ana delivered a very acceptable sermon and Revs. R. C. Beaman, of the Methodist, and R. E. Peele, of the Brooklyn Baptist Church, led in prayer. The singing was led by about 35 members of the choir, with Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Gar- rpll at the Diano and organ, and it was truly delightful. The Tabernacle . Mr. Jones -has not yet arrived.: He has been detained by a railroad ac cident' and. is expected here this evening on the C. F. & T. V. R. R. train. .He is.expected to preach to mcht and at .all Jof the services to morrow." The attendance last night was very large. The choir were in. full force and rendered some most ex quisite music. Prof. Ezzell begun the service with "Triumphant Songs.1 He has a magnificent voice and it is a perfect delight to hear him. Rev. Mr. Stuart preach-ed a .very eloquent sermon from Isa. 52: 1 'Awake,awake;put on thy strength, oh Zion; put on they beautiful gar ments, oh Jerusalem." There were nine professions of r ligion last night. In the carriage was a beautiful brown eyed babjr surrounded by all the "ripper middle class" trap pings, and as neat and clean as couid be..' There was a white fianuel dog, a pearl rattle and two ivory rinss tied with blue ribbon. The pillow was lace and the snowy blanket was bound with silk. In the folds of the latter the end arid shape of a nurs ing bottle were just discernablo. The baby looked at me a minute and stretched its little arms, laughed and leaned forward for me to take it. I movol up and commenced playing with it and said to the gentleman "your baby?" He answered in broken English, "yes." '"Bov or girl?" VBoy." ltIlow old?" "Nine months." " After; amusing the little fellow for a while, without thinking, I' said "Baby, where's your mam ma?" . The gentleman ; gave me a glance; tears cauie to his eyes; he kissed the child, bent forward and hid his face in the little blanket. The baby baried both little hands in the soft Haxeu hair of; the father and laughed. The tool's -question had been answered and the fool, saying "Good-bye baby,1! hurried, oflf looking tor a policeman, who would be kind enough to club hiiu. Ono Stall. One Iay in One Market. There arc not a great many visi tors here yet and ample provision has been made to entertain as many more. Mr. Garrell killed yesterday and had on his stalls to-day 16 West ern NjC. beeyes, 16 sheep, 4 hogs arid 1 calf. The beeves averaged 800 lbs, making .say 13,000 lbs, and to this may be added ,2,000 Rs for the other animals, making in all 15,000 pounds of meat. A large part of this has beep already sold and Mr. Garrell calculates that it will, all be gone when he closes to-riight. This is the business of but one "stall out of three markets. State of North Carolina, COUNTY OF NEW 11 ANOVElC 4.vlA':-'.'Js,wElo court. In the matter of the estate of Jane Fenher, deceased.". To Delia Garey, (lorjjo Carey, James-iGarcy. Rebecca Frank, Nelson .darey, Alexander Garey and ceoruo Fenncr, and such otheis who may l)o heirs at law of Grace Fenner, deceased: .. -:iv,;., 'r"'j. : Whereas, Jpseph D Sampson, Adniinlstra tcr as bouts uon of Grace Fenner, deceased, in his final settlement of his administration or said estate, has paid over to the undersigned, as Clerk of the Superior court of Net lian orer county, the sum of two hundred and twenty-three and thrtty-slx-one hundredth dollars, to be by him distributed amon?, and paid over to, the heirs at law of thesald Graco Fenner, who majs be entitled to receivo the sime; and whereas, tho underslsmed U desir ous of paying over tne samo to those cnUtled thereto, but Is uncertain as to who the parties are who may be legally entitled to share in the distribution thereof;!- now, this is to notl. fy the above-named panics and all others who claim to bo heirs at law of the said Grace Fenner, and who claim an Interest 1n said fund, to appear before the Jude of the Supe rior court of the County of New llanover, at the Court Jlouse In Wilmington, On 'tho 31 Slondayafter the 1st Monday In September, 1890. anU then and there to assert and prove their Interest lo, and claim to -said fund; at which time the undersigned will apply to the Judge of sold Court for . a decree distlbuUns, said fund. -- : : . - Hated tala, tho 10th day of August, J800. " . S. VANAMRJNGE, . Clerk superior Court of New Hanover County. aug la cw sat - - ' -- f b Feed i Pile ! JJAViNG MADE SPECIAL ARRANGE ments for that purpose I will have" on my Stalls during the series of meetings to be held by Rev. Mr. Jones in the Tabernacle, a full supply of ' ' . - ; . Everyt hint Seasonable, aha Good to Eat In tho Moat Line. ' I HAVE TWO CAR LOADS OF I FINE MOUNTAIN BEEP Now on hand and others to arrive. Thli is a SUPERB ARTICLE OP BEEP, the bCStrfg- ture FedfcBeefl could And in Western North Carolina, and It will bo In full supply, ; ' ' I WILL ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF VEITj5' HAIR BALSAS'. If gray, gradually restores color; elegant tonic dressmsr, 50c, sl.00, Druggists, or! $1.00 size prepaid by ftTrif fori Vpal 1 Ti5inili Vp express for $1.00. E. S. Wells. Jer- iUUll0I,5 Y ' IjaillW, CC, sey City. ROUGH ON TOOTH- sep 91a Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. Services in St. John's Church to morrow: 'Holy Communion at 7:45 a. m.; morning prayer anu bermwu t at 11 o'clock; evening prayer at 5:30 ! o'clock: Sunday School at 4:30 p. m. i - - A large line of Breech and Muzzle lonrlfncr Shot Gons. Air Rifles and 9 O k, Pistols; all grades at . lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's. sup plies just received. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. . HMHaaMMWMMMMRHBMaaMV ' Mr. Sol Jones, at his truck , farm near the city, has had two crops of irrecn peas this year. Fom a half gallon of seed peas planted after the ADRIAN- & VOLLERS, - Provisions, Groceries; Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, .... " - 1 AND roionssiox "merchants; Cor. Front and Hock Sta.t t , W ILMINGTON; N. O- 1 T. & 0. F: Aldernum, (JC?evul COMMISSION ukokers ANDl first crop hatl matured he has real Should be Attended To. Something should be done to re lieve Market street of the overflow which results from every heavy rain. KThere was an early morning ser- Not much engineering skill is need- vice to-day, which was largely at ed All that is necessary is to in- tended and at 10:30 a. m. and 3 p. ni., orpnsp the canacitv. of the covered Mr. StUart preached again. He is cutters which cross Front street and I certainly a powerful exhorter and rt-oiihtlv lower the crrade at the enchains the attention of all Who intersection of the two streets. It hear him. .The Tabernacle was al is hieher there than it is on Market most full to day. A great many of street West of Front, and as the those present were from other cities water finds an insufficient vent in and from the country. The seating the gutters the high grade dams the capacity of the structure will proba . . la, 1 Xt 1 water and the street oecomes im passable. V vl. lrs. No. no Ncnh Water street, fCta. N tl. buy or rctl cn commission Butter. Fruit. Bacon, Lard. . i iour. liM-swM. Hides, rurs. t'oton. : ,a lfco iToduce or (irwry Hnf. t?ivrAJh rrlccs guaranued. onv:;m- OFFrVE OF TKEASU'tEK, itxtGTo Wtuos Rjliuioad Co.; , W lunsorojt, N. c SepU roth, isoa , f E tuAUD OF DIRZCTOKS OF III E WIL-fe:-Ca w ujoa Rtilroad Co. have autnor- lt-- Pajt&ect of thrro snd a half pet nt !cr?st the ctr.iacatcs of lndr btedevis of Cctapitjr. The Interest oa sold ccrtlt- -ttVTT Cn anj mTtrr I ... nr 1st. 1 ized $IC already. A Good Way's Work. - Woni-nT rf itself is not a disease. if ic hnwrpr. a inost distressful ss-rnvtom. Alas! how many wearily drair themselves about, every effort fTivinf tnem aistress. exisniiK r " r -- . - , i out any of the pieasuraoie kbu- tions of robust heaitn. Are you iu this condition? Why? There is no excuse for feeling mean and miser able. Remove the cause of your which undouoteaiy bly be tested to-night, by those who ! wish to see and hear Mr. Jones, pro vided the weather, which is now very threatening, does not prevent. There will be serviees to-morrow at 10:30 a.' in., 3 p. ni. and at 7:30 p. in, and it is probable that Mr. Jones j will preach at each of these services. There will also be a prayer service at 6:30 a. m. ACHE. Instant relief. 15c. NEW A D VJEKTI8 EMENT8, Seely's. Orchid Flower Perfumes, Tuo Finest In tho World. Orchids are the elite of the flower klnedom. These perfumes for sale by i. our store wiu oe op;n an io-morrow suNUAr, sept. 25tn. sep 7 a Children's Blagazines. jiRGOSY, ST.'NICHOLAS, WIDE AWAKE, uarpers youDg Feopie, lookouc jaagazme, ! Golden Days, Youth's Companion, and all the best children's magaelnes are'ln the WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, sep 27 tf 153" Market street. , I FopRentr OFFICE ON NOKTIIWE3T COR- ner Princess and Water streets.Uate- ly occupiea oy t. a jiagiey. . -Apply to OF THE BEST TO BE HAD. ' re orders booked ahead and prompt de livery guaranteed. 1 JOHN F; GAKKELL; stalls l and 2,Front Street Marketouth side. . rep 25 Iw ' . - . -,- DATES' BOOK STOEE Sep 24 tf - v: i "' ; " ; r -1 ,".. ... TJotice! seo 27 2t Trustee. .lipuci urhirii untloabteaiv is n ! tiito et Mood imnuritv and a disor- I C V W V l ... 1 sr I .i .1 c. cDn Hnw? Whv bvdomir lUBiiorjcsHuwu hi.v. -1 others have uone. r - - - . . i Konl it hiilf . urritos "I was so weaK tnaiiiwas - : . .. . v i.i ' ouly with great effort mat i couiu . ftlo nvthimr. I used several Domes An Kolaodeof Central Park. The following pathetic little piece 1 is nescriptive oi an actual occur- v.. 1 C 0 1.11 rence. lt is an extract iroin a letter STORM INSURANCE WILL COST YOU ON 9100, 20 Cents for One Tear 40 " ' Three 60' '" " Five f l 11HE WILMiyCTON. &. SEA CO AST BCItD lug & Loan As-ciatton begins worfc at once. Inlatlon Fees Ci cents oer shares. rar- able onor before next Saturday. Kentemtu r 27th.- First monthly du"s, f too per share, way able Saturday, ttober 4th. and monthly thereafter on the first Saturday ct each month ai i ne orace or me Treasurer, onice hours 9 a, m. to 1 p. in. and 4 Pw-m. to 8 n. m. Aoniica- ' tlons for loans are no win order. - ' - W. M.CUMMINO. sep 23 3t Secretary of tho Meeting. CAPE I FEAR ACADElir Koopons September 122nd Ihfrcaga :Pre para4i5a Tir Boshrss Ci!!?!. COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. t LEADING MALE SCHOOL I Please enter at beginning of session, see Catalogue In Jtooic Ktores. i w. sep 15 lm CATLETT. IrlnelDaL Cor. Fifth and Chestnut streets. in rising will be only hour. This moou Is almost always accompanied by good weather wnen of j30fanic Blood Balm, and can now tt ic r.mii Tim linntcr'M uiooD. with i n inrwl fin v's work.'7 IV la -- " hvv- "rf , , , aUa short Intervals, wHi fll October "Able to do a iroou aayri also snort lyiervnis, wni ?. tK. nnf snmel h sweet aodre- 27th. thntpTtiression? Strength Dock ktrcet, at about IU intersec-' to vigorously do this or that tr-th uocatinvif ukw I that is onlv overcome by natural til tr .. . . L'Arir r roil r ik. .... lion iv" lfatitn. Ktrentrtn tliat wnen Just Arrived ! A NICE LOT OF THAT FRSH;UP-COUN writtenlast August by a gentleman gJlJPH BOATWllIGliT try butter, la small Kits.tat HALL & PEAlISALL'tf, Je C tf v r" It and 13 SoWater Street. photographer flAViXETSfER DOZE.Tf3 H, CARDS PER who was in New York at the timo to a friend in tnis city ana we jwve been kindly permitted to publish It: Iate vesterday afternoon, fresh from the Museum of Art, "The Horse Fair," "Friedland,,T DianaTs Hunt" JnstinianTs Courts "uoinmnus oe- fore Isabella" and all the wonders of art there. I. sat --on one oi tne sep25 2t EXECUTOR'S NOTIOE. - . . i TT AVING TUIS DAY QUALIFIEO AS JiX- XX the n and after oc otcr 1st, IW- is- awful in a heavy 'rain and. is Impas sible: Jl lady on Thursday last had ia wait lii a tore about one hour W1 fore the could cross Jock street and ... . 1 M. when she did ret over, uau iou fatigue. Strength .that wnen ex nended. is bv rest and nature fully renewed. Such will be 5our reward if T-on firo 11. B. B. a trial. IT li. Ramlolnh. Brunswick, Oa.,i -rii- 'was nnder the care of nil..- ilifTrefi t doctors, but not one - .va i a. f x m iirii a w mm v w m 1 - w - r v m m f r a w i r rn wm y ri a ' w-i iiiiiiii - i .. i . .1... !.. Itntnn ft H ftI ep"11'. yt.Hivf-iiiruo a w mm w n v ra uri'.iiii f ' u . mm i l n i. n a a. a a mm mm luaaaw m r w w w . about a uaii square i " V,', " , " " ; . . - - . i surface , oi Halm has done me ecutor under the last win and testament cf Enos f. Pennypaclcer, deceased, I hereby co- ktU th 'Scholar's Gate In fy all persons holding claims against ms Central Park, charmed by tne effects I estate to present the suae to mafor payment of the combiiied- efTbrts of art ami oa or tetore f he 6th day of sepwmbcr, A. D in nature in the park landscape, the , 11. or uus nouce v- rays of the betting sun playing corery. All persons indebted to saia estate lage, dancing over tne velvet are reiiucuwi tu uu imuxws v,. .-s lawn, gilding the flowers and wov- : utoui. tiuuivw, the later" Birds were U tep e caw err ; sat . ; ; dozen $100: Minuetts per dozen iLO Ferrc types two for Si cents. - Aii we a&K or yon w to can and exam specimens before pladntr your orders c - u. c. FhotojrriDLr. Front .Street Market. WUnunatoa. N. C. Flans of business combin -best tatun-s c liulkhng Fund and Life Insurance. 1 ir-t-. :.. coDtracis. Aoaress.wita rererenccs. Jinfi- -.! Annalty Co., etitiatca, Va. cod stp u is JAS.F. IXST, J, Sccntary and Trcastycr. street tadoEo.

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