1 - tr-3 nnwWth U n nW uuu CAVES JLIONEY. Cto Tfrx f f pill will mt( many llar la detar' bill. Ttirjr ro aplalljr prpart as m r Faniily Uedicino; M BYpptlea a wan ft Iac fel t. They rc pa U 1 1 " f-y. '" front ta la-axlT. ltbat nn -r erf pi nr. 44pud (cjoan anil aid. lrle 23c SOLD EVK11 YAYIXKIU POMONA H1LL NUKSERIES 4 . POMONA. 2f.SC Two aad a ni utiles Weu cf Ur-cnaboro. N. C ( o rjrae main line of taa 1L D It. li. pztse taroura the frounds and within ino tet of t&e o23oe. Salem trains males' c pa mruiir twioe daily each war. Thosa interested in mil aad Fruit (Jrowm? are conmuy lovuca to Inspect thl. the Largest Nursrry In the State, and one or the Unrest In t no sou! n. btocX consists of Apples. Ivach. l"ear. Cherry. Plum, japaoen rerummons. Airl roca, 'ectai1n. AiUlDerrios. V-Jlrnr . iirapr3. Flfa, upbrrrte'. uoosebrrrles, currant. ll runt. n?Ush Walnut. lecans. cheat nut, atrawberri3. Jtoses. Kversrreen. shaii Tif.-s, Ac All tne new and rare varied as wi ll as tn oitl ones, which tay new Catalogue for will aaow. titve your orders to ray authonxed o-cntor order direct from tne Nursery. Correspondence solicited, uestrlpilve C ata lcyi free to applicants. Address J, YAH LJNDLEY, j rOMUNA. Guilford CO., N. C Tb.0 JDaily Boviow. r-. yy T Josh. T. J a if ks Editca & ropr. . lu i- ' WiiiiiQToy.i C. it - h t t SAT U It D A VK"TOJJ Hi 4.5$90. f Entered at tne I'ostomoe at Wilmington, N.C, as second-class matter. Kellaate 8alesiaan wanted In every osnty. A good Farm? commission win b? fJV. iy!ei JJ r 3'j nril-i-r. .M.ir vclu n ..i' .! teralive in it s:irou!jt:t cf": onatorv' i At overt :;riii-ir for - ' - - - - - - - - InMOCKATIC NOMINATIONS. J rOa'COXCEESS. SIXTH PliTRjH. . U STDENIIA31 D.ALKXANDBP,oflecklenbarg COUNTY DKJIOCKATIC TICKKT. TOR IIOCrtOFBlfBESlirTAnTia; GEO. L. MORTON, . M. J. COKBETT. ., For Sheriff : FJiA'K II. SiTEDMAN. ' For Clkrc of 8rrRi0R Cocrt : JOnN V. TAYLOR, i For Rkcister of Ekeds : : JOnN IIAAR. Jr. . For Tkeasitbir : JOHN L. DL'DLEY. For Slbvktor : ' SI.r.TAYLOIL FOR Const a B lb": Wllrclrgton-C. M. lIAItUlsS. t are Fear-J. T. KE1ML lfonix)ro JOHN .MILTON. , , Haiwtt TV. II. STOKLEY. FeiJeral To'nt-J. DAVE SCK TIIEItlAND. Ott "OKOHEK JOHN WALTON. AiiDOdt In the exact, geographical centre of Waiitir a mountain of iZlifiepain j ird j ore, with 00 tfft lit it abfi-e rouojVinoVe than iruille Supreme Ai-rf Superior Courts, of Nor Carolina 1890. -ft . rIR.y PtSTRjeb. RKIDKNC wuie aii tiv' i i uiiif in it-UK"- f'A? ir Tirowui 1 iWMesJihe if jn, Ibe inountitfn fVedi PllUlipfCf 3 tklg I (1 1 1 J tV IK II Ul ll.lllll' i.L'Ul iuii,. I -t . . . . ?pr w i taker.- 4 waKC. etioiiKli to winn u.e c-i.urc worm , -.v;- , . 5 Uuj RKIDEXCB. tHeatuort. son. Iford. for a. century, a ilozn of iliitl-ui V. jp Jjoykin. C Sampson. pakes of ioda where thevoda is le j Jtilnes C. McKae, - 7 C uiuberlana. Wtn. M. Shinn. 11 Mecklenburg J. H. Merimon,. 12 .Buncombe, f SOLICITORS.! DISTRICT. RESIDENCE 1 .Perquimans. NAME John W. Blount, acr-i -extent. In a rtrtmrrtoin rtrl- joiniug therie .is a petroleum. basin jnrer thaathqse of ienmyjyania ufitl West .yirgnia, combined Out of some of the.sntinirs n'ire rectified coal oil 'is trickliDir.afc the rate of IG. 'H. White; (col), "S Halifax. . ' , ' . x ' . ; , t Ti. t Worthinirton. . . 3. uariiD. iweniy to vuirty oarrei per uay, t J Argo ' lie m a r ka ble Kesctt .; jj j Sirnen10rn Mrs. Micliael Curtain, Plainlleld, ? pran"k McNeill, III., makes -the statement that he Uj p Lon, caught, cold, which settled' on her fjios. Settle lungsi ishe was treatel for a month j jj B0eV,- oy ut-r .luuuiy uj wi;m, , mH.,rt w p Osborne, 4. 5 cJft vfctim of QonsnuipitfM and tliat no medicine cVtnlil 'V'tlr her. Her drugu'ft snggesti'd Dr.- King'fc New DiVcoAry for.. Cpnumit!4)n;!.. jJie j bought! u Iottle and to her jlt-jight found-tiersvlf Ix'uefited from ' first Jdose. She continued it ft. use a'nrt'af- The New York Jlcrald sounds, a note of warning. It says that the Democrats must ork to better ef-1 feet than tf ley are now doing if they exiect to win the next election. It I calls upon them tor a snpreme effort ami says: t er taking ten , bott les, found herself sound and'well, now does her own housework and is a's well ns" she ever was., Freo trial. hot ties of this Great Discovery at U, It. Bellany's Wliole-i sale and" Retail Drug Store, large bottles Cue. and fl.00: " " ' " ' ' apedHy when thin rTntlT is t.kkrn. J hci i aoor rCntual rrlu f .r t!f i :-.-a loathioc of fooU due t l.VH;V'l,K!:.N;i' than thuartickv put t;iuiUip ti 1" t tlea, Kiir.ple ia kx:ri in x"m.i; 1t'u 5t iu bT mail to anv addrc-n on in : t vt 1) n ( laataxu;. TLe recinsi liatii'l ltw : iwt 1 e I ent by mall. MFAI-.TAN M KUICIN t '. BIRD HAIMA! " Tba rrrat cere : cf t Ue ennar v !:: ;1 l'ic e!-r; ftbllaris Jlountaiu ir. t;riti:!r . lliio Maim w il Irestoro tliosci-'tfft ari-lii tlx. v. ;i: prevent tbetr ailmrr.tfl aiU iclcio t: i.i i. tood .ottliiifru If civ?i t a l-nd iliiiins .tftaeawon ollietVirfcailT, It w;1Hh !n..l eM carry :. fliir.'c n.i-n ..im tlireuli H i CnlMll pciki) i lsr. Mvit l nail nn receipt rI I - rl. In tai::iw. lj XHiD CO 4OX. :;nt st. l'biiaucti.I.io, Ta. teaMinrutiuti thU iuirr. tt tn aat TIMK TAIILK NO. Palmetto ftailfoad Co. ITS X li r J N AND AyiXR FRIDAY. DEC. t, ISfcT Trains will run aa follows, dallj ercept san- , 4 ooxjw sotrra. No I-Iasen7er and FrMnt. Lmti Hamlet, N. C . 8 20A.M ArrtTe at cneraw, s. c ma) A. M , oonre NORTH. Ko. S rassenjer and Freljnt: Lear cneraw. 8. C iTi P. -M. ArrtT axuamlec, N.C ! bito thin air; taxation is steadily on The North Carolina Presbyterian i ilter fmnrrenc- to the wen to do - . . . .-.-- : antl wealthv it eats Into tliemcome - ISA " 1 0r t;e wage earner so seriously that he must give up some of the com- LX3ION XXICIIt A Pleasant Lemon Drink. Por biliousness and"' constina-tion. - . . A 1 1 . I 1 I . . . . . . - 7 it is true i uat tne peopie ure take ijemon mixir. ' ' tirel of ttennbliean corruption and . For indigestion and foul stomach, are. looking for something better. "wM V-r-' ' i V' m.... v... Tor sick and nervous headaches, k lie inill uuu ivi iucii v . ui.fl Ti 1 1 1 n n T.livlr .. a a "a v a- a a a Kaland have soured on the policy For sleeplessness and nervousness, of their own party, and the change take Lemon Elixir. . ', in public, opinion is so great that at tJ:j de.blU;'' tne last .Massacnusens election me p f-vnns nhiikiHl intTni-inftnkA Democrats came witlun an acre oi Lemon Elixir. , lrettiii!? their candidates through. Dr. MozIey7s L.emou hlixir will not Tlx- fariuera of the creat SoHh Mt f"" '".V" X,'!'t 1 1 .1! l.l 11 I " ' . are in uu eipuuiy uigruuueu cuum- torpid ,or diseased liver, sto.uacli, I - 11 1-1! 1 i.l.ll ' t.. . f I i " ' . 1 ' 1- tion. itepuuiicaii legisiauuu ua i Kiuneys or uoweis. ,. t . , ,.. either disdained to take auy notice . Prepared only by lJr. w, Moziey, r .i i.... i, AVAO I Atlanta. Cxa. yi t.ir.uv iittiai.un.iu . , bottle. Ht nr.. I H.uik lii'irirr nTrmnc TIlOV 1 - a.. ,,,.... ' . . - : - ...i Ilml it neeessary.tO mortgage tlieir ,. a rroinlneat Sllnlster Writes farms even in tliese days of tmex- Afer. tqn, years of -great "stilTe'iing nn.nlivl iintlniinl nrnsnerltv ' In- irQUL indigestion witli great, nervous - . I .: 1 1 stead of gttinga new harness, horse (.illri0VH const ipajion. I . have anu wagon, a piano ior tueir gnsj ben Cl,rpti Dy Dr. Mozly's Lemon and a new gown for the wife they I blixir.and um now a wed tnair ; -V" Kfder 'M. E. Churcli.SAitli, . I aiu. j iuiii.iii ui. , iiiiaiiwi, nil,. "it is an epocn oi aiscontent ana inquiry which extends to all' parts of the country discontent beuausej things don't work as the Republi cans promised they should; inquiry as to whether a new party will give give them a better opportunity.' 'This Is therefore a crucial mo ment In the history of politics and should be made ascof. The Repub licans are doing their level best to blind the eve of the working class- es and to excuse the blunders of. the Fifty first Congress. Their orators i are playing the ga'me of bluff ad mirably, aud scattering' falsehoods with such earnestness that the plain, simple truth is kept in the back ground. "Their pension expenditures are ai grotesque caricfiture of patriotism; the surplus cf which we were so; proud three' years ago has vuuished oody, Wake. 'Durham. 6 , ;Duplim t 7,' "Richmond. ' 8' Iredell. ' 0 Rockingham. 10 Caldwell. 11 Mecklenburg 12 Buncombe. fifttAwba-Ian 13. Tri y 13 Alexander-anT 2: ; July 23. -f Union-tFeK 10, f ?eU -17, Sepf, 15. tt ept.2. H - - ' r ; , - - ileikleribur, -tFe . 21, Aug. 2a. . G.4on4la-chl7; Oct. G. t'l,!fcfeolnHrMirch31. Sen,t. 29. " : ietelantl. April 7f Aug. 4,Oct.20. Rutherford April 210cf. 27. , ' Polk- May 5, Nov. 10.; I . ; . . TWELFTH JUDICIAIi DISTRICT. Spring vJ udge Connor. 7 C 7 1 - FilJudgPhnjlps. I Madison Feb2, July 2b1f6f. 17. B u n(mbjfciiM archlOy-4 A u g. -1 1 r S&yllitiiarl3lf5ept. 1.- Hay woou April oepu o. Jackson 1 April 22, Septf 23. Macon Mav 5, Sept.-29. Clay May 12 Oct. 8. Cherokee-May ..1ft.. Octl3. t Graham June 2,. Oc.t. 27rf r Strain June 9thi Nov. 5- v FprcritnlnaJcaesi" t L. f- i f For civiLcases alone. r.t .For civil case , alone except jail cases. CRIMINAt CIRCUIT COURTS. 1 m J- i TIME OF HOLDING COURTS i . - " 1 , . , . 1 .11 1 . , . ixinniiniinmMMimJ, Religious Family Paper, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, "For all these things the Republi The Importance oi purifying the blood can not te overestimated, lor without pura blood you cannot enjoy good health , - ," ' At this season nearly every ono needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood,; and wo ask you to try" Ilood's Pa rill? a r SarsaparUIa. It strengthens rCUUIiaLand builds trp tho system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and - preparation of the ; vegetable remedies used give" to 1100a s Barsaparma pccui- "r If coif lar curative powers. No " I toe IT ran party is solely responsible, nud other medicine has such a record of wonderful aad oerotea to me in:eiuvtaju. nionn ana . cures. If you bavo mnrtfl immnrn..' trt crKrttiiAi ioirMU of tne nconif. . ior manv 01 mem is corrimriv re-1 . "i .:: " .:ZrTJT " .. " ' . . - . 1 " - I DtlV HOtVl'S R.irs.mnrnin tin nnt Tn lntlnor t of ta Terr best writers of the Nu!hm Pres. , spon-ioie. ? any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar brtertaa Church. It U thorourhiy cnhMo "Hut ibe Dpinncnits nuir li. nn MpdiMnA i awiaea in lt views on ail opf-n questions, it ami doiiii.'. Not even the right can Hood's Safsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. aliowa and Invites tree mscussloa wll hin the, 1 :.., ' . ..(Tnrt Tn wit Spared by a.L llood& Co., Lowell, Ma3ss. la popularity the rMBTRU Ia con-;,,iiv bv and expect tbe victorv to IOO DOSGS OnO 'Dollar 1 j fall into thi-ir arms is sheer nonsense. The Pap6r tOr the PeOplr-.iThey must either use the maguifi- aad presents la tueolumns matter to Iatercst cent opportunity which" which is at aadsrtaua, classes and ccnditlons ,uiml ortht.v u.fM ,0!e at te e,ec. Prtaa par aannm. S2 : or for one year to t ions and the bolvof the American JOII.N MCUAl"KI?. prujm- nni rnuaiu lit nie grip oi i- . . . ' .. .. 1 svnuicaiej. trusts h i monono nes . ' - Jan 3) irr dw nrm ulon wfcd, sat ' -vs. -"WATER- i tmtorand Proprietor. wnmintou.N. c aT"r iww i-r -f ' 11. , i. The postal busines in the IjOndon AGENTS WASTED ! . , TO CANVASS rOR y Hoo. Eaxnael a ("Sunset"-) Cox, late u. progress o f rowly. Minister to Turkey. j We have just added, at-verv heavy ex use, a four-horse power Olto Gas En;riue to ruu our five presses. "It's a daudv," and makes our presses hum. - Come and sec it; no troub!e to $hw to anyouewho will call at our office. Wc trv ahvavs ti kin j House of Commons is somethiir ( abreast of the times and bur establishment tremendous During the session Jntbecny, andwfil be keptso, I'll 1 1 , 11 hard work, promptness, satisfaction, and t I which ha jtif-t closed 4IG money or- Lard cash can keep It so: , I tiers were issued and naid. and 7.2G1 ! ' Resiwctrullt. ! 1 - -- f . 1 . . " ... I 'f JACKfiON vt HELL' T .1 : t. is. .... . . irmu r r-oJi 1 t., I a-cauui? rruuers, nuicrsana UMiiars, - w 1 vvvi tif a aa a c a u o a. A' j reeding the value of $15,000 were o!d. The daily average of letters delivered at the House was 12,000, land the number posted was 3,700. j And yet people wonder that public ! The reat Benefit a toarnlflcent volume of over OX) paeea, Which people in run down state of baauufulu and profuseij uiuatrateo. health deilve from Ilood's Sarfapa- Ka.oox'BLarKrr axdscst srroBT. rilia. conclusively proves that this , ; racTafTw. BtsToarutDHcaoa. mtdicine "makes tl)P tveak strong:" IF YOU --WANT t -A DURABLE. .,?. Piantr or.-n Go d Orsran QALL AND .SXAillNE PUE FINF STOCK ot Instruments, whlh we oner aV'ldwcWt : .r '-11 - i- .i . ibices, ,WeaaTan hand the famous ROH- MER a.nl'6ther maitcA. 41 sold 'nAder ireir-'i 1 t..i; vT-i an tee. . :s'.- .....!. .. L 1 . . I. la OliG AN? W havip a fine selectlonot "'11: : FIRST JUDICIAI, piS.TR.ICT. Spring-Judge Whitaker. . Fall Jiidgfe Connor. Beaufort X Feb." 17 May 2W2sOV CurrituckMarch3, Sept. 1. Catmlmn-'March 10, Sept.' 8. i ' ( Pasquotank March 17,-Sept. 15. Perqnimans-r- March 24. Sept. 22. Chowan March 3i; Sept. 20. Gates April, 7, Oct. 6.. t . . i Hertford-Anril 17, Oct. 13. Washington Aril 121, Oct. 20 Tyrrell Alril 28, Oct. 27. JJare May &, JMov. 3. ' Hyde May 12, Nov. 10, i Pamlico May 19, NovV 17. i SECOND JUDICIAfi DISTRICT. ; . Sri-rinsr .1 udfife Woimick. ! " I Fall-r Judge Whitaker. Halifax fMarcli 3, May 12, Nov.10. ;.Northampton-tJaAi. 20, March di, Bertie Feb. .3, April 28, Oct. . 27. Craved tFe b.' 10, May 2G,Nov. 24. Warren March 17,! Sept. '15. Edgecombe April 14, Oct. 13.. , , I' TnAD JU'DICIAli DISTHICT. Spring -Judge Boykin. i, 4- i , , FallrJadge.Womack. Pitt Jan. C, March 17, June 9, Sept. 15.- ..,.-v- ti -is. . -.ii Franklin Jan. 20,April 14,Nov.lO. Wilson jFeb. 3, June 2, Oct. 27. ' ' Vance Feb: 17, May 19, Oct: 13 Mai tin-M arch 3, Sept. 1, JDecJl. Greene March 31, Sept. 29. H ; Nash April 28, Nov. 17. , ,v I FOURTH JUDICIAL DD3TRICT. , Spring Judge MacRae. , I . .. Fall Judge Boykin. Vake Jani G, tFeb. 24, March 24,S tApril 21, Julv9, -fAug 27, Sept. 22,ifOct. 20. , Wayne Jan. 20, March 10, April 14,1 Sept. 8,. Oct. 13.. r ,,,.7 , Harnett Feb. 3, Aug. 4, .JNov. 24 ' Jbhirston Feb. 10, Aug. ll,Nov:iO ' j FIFTH JUDICIAIj DISTRICT. - v . ". - i ; -' f - Spring Judge Armfield. i - Fall Judge MacRae. Durham- Jan.. 13, . March 24, June 2, Oct, 13. . .. .. ' Granville Jan. 27, April 21, J.uly 21,'Nov.;24." r' Chatham Feb. 12, May 5, Sept, 29 Guilford Feb. 17, May 26, Aug. 15, Dec. 8. ; Alamance-r-March 3, May 19, Oct. 27.4 .. . ; " . . .. -;. ,!: ' Orange March 17, Aug. 4, Ixov. 3 Caswell April 14,! Aug. 14,Nov:iO PersonApril 14? Aug. 19, Nov; 17, ' I" aiXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT." ' Spring Judge Graves. !. .. ,t. ... FaJl-Judge Armfield. Pender March 10, Sept. 8. New Hanbver--tJan. 20, tApril 13t tSept." 22.' . f " - ' ' -x lienoir Feb. 3, Ausr. 10, Nov. 10' . Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. 4 Npv.,24., Siimpson tFel?. 24, April 28 Oct. 'J, Dec. S." , ' ' " ,; . Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. 1 Jones March 24, Oct. 27. Onslow March 31. Nov. 3. - , jS1 VKNTH- JUDICIAL DISTRICT. f Spring JndgeByrttim."f : ' - -j '-- t ' Fall-1 Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13, March 31, July 2H. j ' H ' ' - Anon JanV C, tApril 28, Sept. 1, N6vNJ4. !' ' . uumberlainl Jan. 20, tay 5, July 21.!Nov. 10.' ! im - ' : Robeson-' Jan. 17, May, 19,Sept.29 1 Richmond Feb. -10, June 2, Sept 15, Dec. 1. .,- ;, Bladen March 17, Oct. 30. Brunswick April 7, Sept. 8. Moore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 27 EIGHTn JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ' Spring Judge Shipp.' f, I - 'Fall Judge Bynum. Cabarrus an. 27. April 28. ll edell Feb. 3, May 29, Aug.' 4, Nov. 3. : ' ' Rowan Feb. 17, May. 5,.- Aug. 19, Nov. 17. . Davidson March 3,S,ept. l.tDec.l, - itannolpn Marcli 17, tsepr. 15. ; T new HAoR.crquTX, j OliverP. Meares, Wilmington, Judge, Bejnji R. M opre? W iltniogtOhSolici tor.'. i v vh r A acnrt'-tji Court begins Jan C: March t7,May lgJuIv.lSV SfentlG.iN'd.'!?' r v ? MECftLE2rBim& CODNYl ' Oliver P.. Meares. Judge. " t1 j Geo. E. Wilson, Oharlotte,olicitor. Coirt1legins 'Feb.iOX A'prlf 14, Aug. 11 , GctiiC, DetopiJ d f. . j -BUNCOACBE OUNTTiT'; 1v-' Chas. A. "Moore, Asheyiller.Jpdge.; . E.D. Carter Aslieville; $bTicitor,; . .;ouri uegvuf? ".ay. p?i 'j SuprenieCourt nifee"ts first Mondiiy in February.- ExaininatSbtia oniFri- day and , Saturday ube.f pre- 1y1 JLvixt District Feb '3; Second 'District, Feb. 10;r'Thirdl4 DistTich'Feo.'' 17; Fourth District Feb..24- FifthDis- trifet, f MaYch 3; Sixth DietHct, March 10; SVetithDratri(rtr0rc 17; Eighth District;?! Mardl -24'mtti District, March 31; Tenth District, April 7; Twelfth District, April 14; Eleventh DistrteiArjf ii 21. - - . Last Monday ap irtejnbr-JKx aininationsTFrida and ,Sattprday be fore; 'First District Sept: 29; Setf or 4 : 1890. ILLUSTRATED. - Glvln-the latest lnforaSnMi w the Fashions, its nttm;1"11 lashlon-platei rand h1IJ5l4 ments are inmnsaokTaht dress-maker and theroSSSfMto expense is spared m making?1 witl traeaveness oftheiSJ1 an is fehort stories; par of tS lufc says sattsrr au tastes S ,Cotfc inoujas a tr:dOTt or 'i . . . . - - wii iit... vi.uvei7 lurrnsn a series ni T"' i.t . . "ve - im C- fi ' 1 1,9 ritteh by Wirlt. w0 tr II . PAPER'S PfeT'hTxU A- 1' tv. -.t J-PER,YEAR-'H'". - ' HAi n. ... 7,11 ' -' 1 - - . -w 3 Bta Cftnoda,. V? t t.ire "The; Voiunies WShTlili V.f wumtxa- rgr Jaauary orri'T'a ' order- trT i BoiuirfVoiumeloA rfr'l;;,J L: Dyan,t postofeipald. or bT'JS11 ' expense tprovtdMtiie TreS7dei& froi one dollar. mrvnn JfiL0 ooesnot ei one dollas -per vome) lor nHJ' vuiutug, i uo sent ' by matt ir w receipt ot,f 1 poeacn.. - t PH-i, ca itemittanoes siiouid be mad ht"" i MoneytOrderor Drain, to avS. SL1 t:' . iK7 . leara the exact cost id District,.. Oct-.VC; Third r"Distnct, I f . ... - v vw; 3t. 13; -TMrth-TJiytrict,: Oct -,20th ; iQJjailV ,'DrOT30j&4ine fif I fth1Dfstrictr6ct27t Slxtb T)is- uJ, 4 f Oct Fifth triet 10: Eighth District, Nor 17 District, .24-n 1 . ' I J.Wfv ' ' w . : r 7 eQ ..P,:.Eowell::ei. - NwrxnnW A ...... r. ' Tl I la If 11 1 1 1 K I J 1 1 1 1 Tl I-S Miprj3e St., New Yoifc ' SI!" Bm uiilliifiKiiHi iootaforicap,fl.pMHri,a Dec. 1: Twelfth' District, Ejeyent Djstripac. ,vd i l " - if r.f ; THE" a ' t MX: New torfe wji kly Heraij v - 1 Corner of Norih Watcracd u I be rry it tref, -1 rt iif 1.1 3- If Opea frwrr V Vtkl a id. loiidaT. Uifil - . .- . .... -1 AT- "!il- Jt TV " '! IS THE BEST AND CHKAPKST FATJlt A PAPER IN THE JJKITKI) STATES.. - . . . '" . ; ;:! ttf. titftttiZ' Now is the fme toSubscrib f iH" A it . . illft t W M R? '.A orant ... -r,, ttrnvson icon If. urfll Mrffiii? . t n - " mchiatf .i' lit . tiid"ur-i "t self in the variety of its contents ana ji i ; t n 7 va Lm S eTON; c. H wi n be added 1 0 its regular departments, cxuainff ijrs-ciass , ai ,;1' iV :"' V; r U;.i - - - "rw ,:'-:t Mis$, s Burr& Jamfsbckool ;;ilUSTEATIONS TTISSES liUIilt AND JAMES WILL HE- ii ..- .... ....... j open thelr"Sehool for YoungXaaie3and cbJK dren of qotli sexes, , ; On Thursday , 0ctT ,2d; The course of studyr as heretofore, will be systematic and thoronhh lndlvidttsil fhstrucV tion bestowed uppi) eacuplji, setae care ful attc asrnoi Class . i theniC3 and Needimvork frp of i bsinTA. Musical Denartuienttmder ' the aatterrntenJ- dence of Mr?. M. S. CUSHINQ. ' Pupils tn music, either within or without the School, will bo accommodated with antAMe hnnm nf i insn-ucnonrinas wiiir not interfere witn les tons orihours of, study-, .Every care and-attes- uon is given 1 For further North Third streerand seer Prlnclpaj s j . w t ; Practica . 4 n v Its Wall Kvt p,'ar-p Jractical Farming and Gardcnin?. Progress in Scieoe.( Woman's Work, , "ll7 Stones by; theBcst'ABtk? iij terature anavf if f Vlfaildli jntion given n traipiDg the Blw jalndl Chdicfe-Fjashes 6f Wlfand nu'. eof brishtlnteliect' lTA vt . . vr:.: si ffing, Erehand,.J)rwM2l j-calM- :i - exclusive J ews ivt - fhforrriatibo on all Subject: aof,study, J-veiroareandatteD- ji "t t r l1 f3 I Sf 1 l 1 to the moral welfare of tbo child. O LI f I , (MtM i : parclculara pleaao apply to" 224 eSis rAirlb Gvxvv , ,t- 4'f !! Qnn tlf- New-Yor Ecr- : -v Harpers Weekly vj X Montgomery March 31, Stanlyr-April 7, Oct. 13. Sept. 20. NINTn J UDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon.' ' 1 Fall Judge Shipp. Rockingham Jan. 20, July 21, Nov. 3. .i p i Forsyth Feb. 3, May 19,. Oct.' 20. Yaakin Feb, 17, Sept. 22. - Wi Ikes March 3, Se p t. 8. ' Alleghany March 17, Sept. 1. V '"Davie-Miareli 31, Oct 6; t.- - i-Ttokes April.14, Aug.. 4, Nov. 1Q, iF-rApril 21. Aug,19.pNpv- l7 . i Indersofl Fp1. 10 Jrirsri?.' i4 1 wurKe aiarcn 31 A.utr.'lMlft ILLUSTPvATED, . f Only. One Dollar-a ihi rij 4iio notiali toSubscrtbe tcvta. Board -at Wng"tsvl" place as the leading Illustrated ueirsnaner tn America.! The fairness of lts editorial com ments on Currept politics has .earned, for lt4he respect and confidence of all lmDartiai tp.ua. ersy and the variety ana excellence or Its lite-1 ' . . ?""! rary contents, which Include serial anil short I A ' F"tW TAT'.TfSS'JO t w v 4, fA. tha namwnl a w t j 2 I . ill. 11 4m a nnT&l. supplement are -jori rejnancabie i vantyrw WrjhtsvlUQ ouno, ..t,t et t iwtai, aiiu Pio expense is Bparea toi .i 21 f r 7i."V .fc0i'" itaiity to i ror carticuiars aaorcas - j Th work tpartJes with the brtirhiwa wit. It does not act like a fctantilaur. 1m. 1 rtoo-talna aartvroui amusing s:on-s. bat it lllirinf nVritintw vfren('tl, l,,,! -V""-?? SJLSst 'HolSHrsairilla build? u , In a Parrand and itasoa- lToTe rnVdr 1 lM.rtoctly Iiatural way nil the weaki HamunOrsafk f,i " CaldwellMarelLlJ. Sepf. 1. ; - Taubooim bitjiiw aaJo. and live enj ,Wrts- purifies the blood ant . 5 --i-M.r . . AsIie-MrlchWaf1 Ang.'lS. aU 2o7 win niMi to healthy notion those im- flraVcltssrtow Toner l iwBatctedl nVltf tgArir?-itr. wirthrriiorr rgau:th kult.eys and with our est jbbbhncnt. . VI'M ' IrchM"pHl W 8et&f&WW ccacn wlua wtU prooataa earaMt; norkwtll be ; : -t, ... .-l -LLi -..t I . i-tj i'T Vjnfl A ' McDdUell4-fjHy r V -,A roepartiariadirw, t! e, remarked a t:!au a the left ' ; 'ELKVENTn jCDlciAl,iSTITacT - - VrKt: ? dime museum, -trnly'this U ' 407 XlccI Cror3 Btrpet. SprinS-udge Phmips: f : bring the highest order of artistic ability to tKJtir upuu me xairsi ration or ine cnangeful phases of home and foreign history.4 A' Mexi can romance., from the Den of Thomas a: JAJtvnuc, wiii appearln the Wfxxxv in vm. I"t 'l-I'iJiiV' U S UL l'U ; V I.' I.I I . ar-W C9 . . . 1 ' ' nAKPER3-WEEKiX'ai,il4 tlC i?iUt 00 to CarHnBeach a there is fa, , I2ABPEIlS MAGAZINE:..,;..;....:... a 00 v . rVlii R(C"C HAKPEBS YCOPEOPlJfcjJj..2itW2"00f . " , - lMvr-tW ?TlPrfS viaffortoaa'dtQtirrlW'. The.Volumeiof tha.WeekiT be?rtmiwitH l - - - ?2 C first Number for January of each year. When A 1 1 K ftl fl 5 01 L3 1 lleU u.. no.timoiamentlonedsui3sroiii hrjrin i riM IV nuo vi v Wrm'W rJk'LUNCuND PIC iwund Volumes oft iHarperafWrtiax for . Vhtoe t three years back, in neat cloth binding', will be and everything ele llai,kr. Tl 'li A ay.mail, pota?e ,pald..or.bT express, aenser fproTidei the frtight , doo3 . nc tree 1 fine lunch. sent. or expense fprotiaei tne ffeigrht ,doo3. not ex- w mnrays on .1 cpjtsiusuw vt-rrz i, ; i .mlfe3u:w .... and nt'Ucvcr;;r.2 '-tf blooey OrJir or Drafts tiiavoid t- Jnpi t lors XeicvjAjpers are rot to coz th i acvri "V1 U Kit?. x tut express order of llzrprr fzV ... Ad trczz. - UAi:rr s u.oi iil: -v pEOFI I Xi "a k tt i ' " 3t; 3:tf

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