' COlIMgBCIAI XTCTTB. WILHINQTON MARKET. October. 13. 2:80 P. 11. Onteraatacial VoUof 1SS - " FIRST DISTltlCT. i COUNTIES. i'OWLE. DOCXKRT. kBe&afort - 2,002 4 AAA V SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm Carteret.......;..- rk cruis. tpwi rv. J(1 ROSIN Firm At 90c for trained I V:11011": ...ifM.tMin KJurrirucK o TAR P fin At CI ul - .,-" I lrt- r? n rm R ttttjv rntt K R TM mi I Gates... at S1.20 for hard. $1.90 for yellow I 'niom. ... dip nnd $1.90 for virgin. lVyuf COTTON Dull nt CMiw for middling; low inidllnr, 9 5-16; raiuiica..... ...... cood middling. 10. rasqaouinK . . A 1 IJ.l I tm ft M A UECEIlTi5--i;otton, i,v7; snirns, I irniunui. 135; rosin, 7M; tar, 187; crude, 47. piL ii"f i rrru ........... Washi-gton... HABINE MEWS. 22 1,181 1,132 854 1,674 740 83 779 2,S33 472 807 POWDER Absolutely Pure A cream of tlrur ballo j: powder. Highest tt an la leaTe&lnjj strength. r. x. fturm. iif Report, Avy. 17, 1!S3L MONDAXTOCTOB E K 13. 1890. ARRIVED. bd Steamer Cape Fear. TouiHnson, I SECOND district. Fayettevilie, T. D. Love. Bertie 1,316 BrscnrJ U ixxskwood, JenKin?, I Craven i,4US Madeiro, C P Mebane. CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Touillnpon, Fayetteville, T.D. Lore. Edgecombe.. 1.321 Greene 1,008 Ifalifax 2,495 Jones , C84 Lenoir 1,587 Northampton... 1.659 Vance 1,382 Warren 545 STATE NEWS. Charlotte Jctc: Paen:en who came In on the delayed thiiitnri train yesterday afternoon brouiriit news of a terrible dynamite explo sion In Rowan connty, mar Salis bury. The explosion occurred at the camp of W. II. Fortuue & Son, contractors on the ladkin railroad A hole had been drilled in a large section of rock into which charges of dynamite "were being placed and exploded In order to make an apnrt- ure sQUlclentiy large to noui enougr. powder to blast it. AfXerth char ges had been exploded and while bam Tern barton and will Moure were Dotting in another one the dynamite exploded prennturely. licGree Was killed instantly, his " head being blown oil as was also one of his hands. I'emberton had his face and breast horribly muti lated and was seriously hurt. , Kin J YforJ of Cater. When a proprietor knows he has a grand and good remedy" for the many ills that flesh and 'blood are heir to. it pleases him exceedingly to receive such evidences or appre ciation as follows: W. F. Miles. Miiesville, N. C. writes: 'I have used Botanic Blood Balm and find It to be all that it is recommended to be' D.C. Blanton, Thomasville. On.. writes: 'I have used Botlnic Blood Balm in luy family as a tonic and blood purifier with highest satifac- torv result." F.O. Hoffman, editor Times, Hocky Mount, a., writes: "I am pleased - . ft 1 t - to sav mat uoianiu imoou jami is the bestappetizer and tonic for del icate people I ever saw. It acted like a charm in mv ease." F. II. HIckey, 120S Main street. Jynchburg, a., writes: I was broke out all over with sores, and my hair was falling out. Afternsingi a few bottles of liotamc mood Halm my hair quit falling out and all the sores got well." Julia E. Johivson, Stafford' P. (. S. C. writes: VI had suffered 13 years with eczema and was ut times confined to xny bed. The itching was terrible. My son-in-law got me one-half dozen bottles of Bot-mic Blood Balm, which entirely cured , mt and I ask you to publish thi for the benefit or others snffenngin hk manner." August A: Klages. 810 St. Charles street, Baltimore. Maryland, writes: t rom my youtn l sutrered iroiu a poisonous taint in my blood. .My face and body was continually af fected with eruptions and sores. 1 am now 42 years of age and had been treated both in Germany and America, out no remedy overcame the trouble until I used Botanic Blood Balm. I have used about twenty bottles, and now my sktn is clear, smooth and healthy, and I consider the poison permanently driven from my blood. I indorse it as the best blood remedy." 15,504 THIRD DISTRICT. Bladen.. 1,541- Camtierland 2,577 Bnplio 2,205 Harnett 1,444 WIKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS OS HASP OCT. 10, 1890. Cotton ashore, 11,028; afloat, 7.84C; Wilson . 2,159 total, 19,474. Spirits ashore. C,257; afloat, 1,223: total, C,4S5. Rosin ashore S9.7S0; afloat, 4.964: total, 04,744. Tar ushore, 3,100; afloat, 212; total. 3,402. Crude ashore. 75u. RKCKIPTS, OCT. 1 TO OCT. 10, '90. Cotton. 10,719; spirit. 899: rosin, 9,- 711; tar, 1,325; crude, 11.406. KXPORTS, OCT. 1 TO OCT 10, 90. DOMESTIC. i Cotton 583; spirits, 009; crude, 471; tar, 1,832: rosin, e.ouu. FORRION. Cotton, 14,774; rosin, 11,271; spirits, 2,000. 1,944 1,131 721 2.37(1 2.781 Moore ... Onslow Pender Snuipson Wayne.. "... 16,704 FOURTH DISTRICT. Alaiuance 1,741 Chatham .-. .'2,516 Durham 1,815 Franklin. 2,204 Tr.l.ctrwi 3 0Xi . Fishermen's Supplies, te-:v; f:JS Wako 4,618 Builders' Hardware, PAINTS AND SASH ff.UKKK'S SIEICTIV HIRE WHI1I LHP, made byjhe oM Dutch proce?, the test Lead on the market. They not belns In combina tion can make special price on same. ' COOKING STOVES. ? Largest assortment In the state so from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them you will nnd comfort and economy Pump-, Stp-Ladders. We .as for your patronage aad shall ev endeavor to deserve the same. EespectfuUy. N Jacobi Hardware Go. ap tx . l? so. ynoNT ar. 18fJ0. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED 19,685.. FIFTH DISTRICT. Caswell..' 1,858 Fornyth 2,259 Granville 2,406 ' Guilford.:.....'......- 2.470 Person .' 1.875 Rockingham 2.895 Stokes 1,450 Surry 1.671 15,38r SIXTH DISTRICT. AiJHon..... 2,241 Brunswick 1,010 Cabarrus 1,645 Columbus....: 2,072 Mecklenburg 4,163 New Hanover 1,880 Richmond 1,711 Robeson 2,823 Stanley 990 , Union......: 2,040 20,581 SEVENTH DISTRICT. Catawoa. 2,360 Davidson 2,018 Davie 1,003 Iredell 2,724 Montgomery 979 Randolph 2,171 Rowan....."....: 2,739 4 Yadkin.... 1.071 15,070 EIGHTH DISTRICT. A new Shakespeare the Shakespeare -of I AiATAriPr 952 Edwim a. Abut will be presented la Har- V, r t" RQ7 ni'iUimtivtfnr Iton with mmmpntj tvr I Allegniiny OOi akprxw Lang. UARrsm'8 Masazix has also Ashe...., 1,399 made special arrangements with althoksk Kurke . 1 247 Dacdst, the greatest of living French novel- r,y'Z' " ' ,'oito lats. for the exclusive pubUcatlon. in seilal uweii.. i'fXi form, of a humorous ttory. to so enutled Cleveland....: 2,269 The colonists or Tarascon: tne uisi aaven-1 GnKtnn : 1.584 r rl n " Th titnrw 1 . . . -'yw - i . nnn i v ri A. l W I ,J ........ Watauga 898 Wilke 1.706 elette In two parts, entitled "Youma," hand somely Illustrated. in illustrate! papers, torching Bnoiecu ox current interest, and In its short stories poems, and timely articles, the Mxeitivn will maintain lis well-known standard. turcs of the famous Tartarln. will be translated by II inky J am is. and lllus-1 traced by Ke?s and Mtxbach. W.d. 1I0WXLL8 win contribute a novelette 1 Wilkes 13.209 NINTH DISTRICT. Just Arrived ! .KICK LOT OK THAT FRESli:UP-COUN try BUTTER, tn small Kits, at . HALL & PEAUALi;8 11 and 13 SalWater StreeL jett Misses Burr& James'b'chool -f 135X3 RUHR AND JAMES WILL UE-j 11 open thrtr School for Voting Ladles, and chil dren of both, fcxee, On Thursday, Oct 2d. The course of stody, as heretofore, win be systematic and thorough- I n1Ivldutl Instruc tion bestowrd upon each pupl!; the s.rrr cme rul atteuuon given in tratmns thlow uitcd as thoe of bright intellect. Class Mfgjnc. Kirc-hani Drawing, Calis thenics and Needlework lire of tcare. Mnlcal Department, nndr tb fuivrliiten dence cf Mn. M. s. ci sniNci. inpi!s in music, either within or without the -school, will be accommodated with Kuttarie hours cf Instruction that win not interfere with 1 foaa or hours of sxudy. E-ery care and atten tion Is given to the moral welfare of t e child. For further pardculara please apply to r4 North lhlrd street aad see mnripa. s Photographs. QAB12(ET-1 PK DZEN fXOl; CARDS I'ER dozen 13.00: Mlnuetts per dozen f L00; Ferro types two for 21 cents. Ail we asx of you U to call and examine specimens before- placing your orders cise wtorew I. C. KLL15, rhotogripher, - Fro&t Street Marxct, Wilmington, N. C K?S trr Paltnt Wood SpUtter. InAK JCT PCT IN OPRKATION A Fatent Wood KpUtting Machlte at my coal and Wood Yard It It operated by steam power and doe Its worjr vtry thonjuguly. and La th mo4 complete thing or the ktnU la North Carolina, call and ace It; It la worth yoar attention. No extra charg made for Lhe preterit for sptlttlnr stove wood. Full quarter cord ruimntc-d la every load or you r.,3T cr- tte faiae aad turnover to the Ls:.:s' l :-;vclCSt Society. - c.: i j, a. ErniGri'- - Buncombe 3,041 Cherokee 640 Clav 391 Graham : 271 Haywood 1,32G Henderson..'. 917 Jackson ' 903 Macon 780 Madison 1.178 1 C0 Mitchell , C98 McDowell " 1,119 Polk 470 Rutherford 1,690 Swain 505 - Transylvania 520,, Yancy........ 940 HARPERS' PERIODICALS PER TEAR HARPER S MAGAZINE... U HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 0 HARPER'S UAZAU HARPER'S YOUNG TEOPLX 2 CO ftmtage Fn to all rubscritrrs in tne Unit Ssolsf, Canada, or Mexico. The Tolumes of the MAgazlne begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year When no time Is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time ot re eelpt of order. . Urtv4 Valnmaa r9 TT a mara Xff arMffna fn ifuuuu 1 viuuiva wa &aMLs-a a tfiaoMii. tvi three years back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of JG 00 ! per volume, c 101 n cases ror binding, &o cents each by mall post paid. index to narpers Magazine, jupnaoeucai. Analytical and Classlned. for Volumes 1 to 7l, inclusive, rrom June, isio jone, isss one vol. 8T0. CVth, fi oa SPECIAL NOTICE ! UR PRIVATE STOCK 1874 RYE 13 UN- C02 i 791 i . Jt3 - 209 800 1,002 ,1890- Harper's Week -ly ILLUSTRATED. Habtkr'8 W btixxt has a well-esubllshed Dlace as the leading illustrated newspaper In rra t America. The Ialrnes3 01 its eoitonai cora- . . Has Atrntvl tnr it t llA respect and confidence of all impartial read ersr and the variety and excellence of Its lite rary contents, which Include serial and short 1,287 019 1,217 932 2,323 307 1,014 14,89 stones oy ine oesif ana inusu iiuiji iiiraj lit it tor the perusal of people f the widest Mtiw of xastes and DursultR. The Wekkjly supplements are of remarkable variety. In terest, and value. No expense is snared to hrinr thA htohpsr, order of artlstlo ability to -1 bear upon tho mustratlon or the changeful 0 ! nnaaps of home and foreign history. A Mexi can romance, from the pen of ThomasA. j an visa, will appear In the Weekly in 190. ,1.097 ,2,637 2,509 1,072 2,897 620 '1.486 1,990 1,930 875 1,521 18.690 HARPER'S PERIODICALS. ! per'ykar: . ,u 00 , 4 00 CO HARPER'S WEEKLY...... HARPER'S MAGAZINE.... flARPER'S BAZAR. UCflSPs Also Wall and rrescrintion : Chests, Barber FutSCS!0?8. and StooK Cabinet Vcrk of all fcicds. Complete OatfiU & SiS Banks. Catalogue free. Address ATLAMTA SHOV CASE CO.AW?,?1 123 - 1 " - Jul HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE...... 2 CO xtaoe Free to all subscriocrs tn ite United States, Canada, or Sffxivc 1 m , 1 ,. . ' 1 n "' wmm 1 i" "rr " tt - . Sis- ' j - '-.SS- SfD Mt UiOm : f-t W -""V 4i9 ' 1 fZ&M'lllt r v t o t c o c S u 3 C O a o:Sfg i ) w u r. ; b mM j - J - VIZ Ji - . g 3 W UJ o 3 . J2 S3 fee 5 - Ml !5" -.e S 1 B i O ... fl : .-G X ' J fc- " i3 o CO Q to . 30 00 t 5 877 The Volumes cf the Weekly begin with the first Number lor January of each year. When ho tlme'l3 mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Numlx-r current at time of receipt of order. i . Hound volumes or Harpers wecKiy. lor 1.3m ; three vears back. Jn neat clot h bindinir. will to 2.232 1 sent by mall, posrapre paid, or by express, free I :loth Cases tor caih .volume. ;si3tabe fori blndlu-' W.ll be seat"bv,,mail. post-piud. on 405 j receipt of $1 00 each. r, 1 Ken;lt Winces should be made by Post-Olflce Money Order or Urart. to avoid cnance or 1033 SvspilT! tnf not iot opv this aavtvrismwiU xoUJtout tt- xfwvjN ortirr o Harper Urothers Address ' HAUl'KK & UKOTHEItS. nov a - ' vew V'ort 757 1,610 .2,561 12.83J &&m 'Pl5 ff :c 1-R gsc g 55i,- IT 1:517 2,099 1,617 2,04 1 2,093 ! 1,690 4,288 4,943 17.U00 t097 2,584 2,009 2. f 50 SCHOOLS i i . ! AT Geo. 11. Freacli AUG EST STOCK AND BEST ASSORT MENT IN THE CITY. ' & Hons. Dov.s' En?. Toe Boots, solid through, sizes 1 to 5 $1.25. Yt-uths' Eng. Toe-Hoots. sizes 11 to 13, $1 .50 Hoys' Lcn-ioa 'J oe Hoct, sizes 1 to i 1.75. boj-s' London Toe Button, sizes 1 to s, $?.00. IsOLA-Ra'IP SU0.18". v t tip 8 -o s a - j t - w a c. c CJ-3 5 - . ' 2 c 3 - 12923 -if fv5u - 5 wyf- r' e w- f - - c rt - ... I 5 3j; v- - - c rt-i-J o jx a. - ts O f- Cfi' THE New York Weekly Herald at- , ; ON S boLLAlt rEH YJbJAK Another lai-ire lot of the celebraJed Solar Tip -;.)u shcH-s reoe1od, both lir Heel and Spring Heel, ' . l,?9n ! w J1l. I1 for s-yle and dufablil'y are superior to IS THE BKST AND 2.101 1,333 -1,575 15,873 97o 9G5 915 . : 9i0 3.284 2,856 1,084 1,983 817 997 15,391 756 2,335 1,204 1,897 1,215 2,327 2G6 1,419 12,419 552 t 403 1,482 1,165 : 717 7G4 1.23C 901 9G5 2,352 ny sht moiTo.- Call and we will sell you bet ter g-oods for ires money than can be had any- here In the city. . . Geo. R. French & Sons, t . IOS North Front Street. (oppo-lte The Orton ) sep 23 tf CHEAPEST FAMIIi PAPKIt IN THE UNITKD STATES. Now is tho t jna to Subscribe 1 During the year 1S90 it will even exceed It-, self In the variety of Its contents and its ef forts to please Us subscribers. . New features will be added to its. regular departments, In eluding first-class , . .. ILLUTEATIONS. 10.439 2,816 868 287 .182 -974 1,291 569 -742 1,873 .1,504 858 560 1,663 410 i 553 7S9 Ita Well Known pcclalties Are: - Practical Farming and Gardening, Progress in Science, Woman's Work, j 'Stories My the Rest Authors Literature and Art, Choice Flashes of Wit and Humor, Exclusive News for Veterans Information on all Subjects. -A ress, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, : . New YorB Herald, . New York city Ooly One Dollar a Year. ! . . " -L - Dp not rail to Subscribe tow for the" New York Weekly Herald. aec iu rr - .- 15.395 1 15,993 The total vote beins Fowle 148,395; Uockery 134,035. j 1 O Not at All Necessary ' J'O CAKRY YOUR PROVISIONS OR LUNC 10 Carolina Ueaehas there Is a v ' First-Class Family Grocery there, supplied with everything the market I aflonla anJ Bold at dry prices. All K nds of 'Canned Goods! FOR LUNCH AND TIC NIC PARTIES tioubtetfly the best wniSKEY sold In tne South to-day. llelow you will rind a few out of many letters which we receive and notice well what they contain: ' urown Brown. druOTtsts. of Winston, say "ThePrlTtte btotk. glTes entire aatla-1 everrthlnsr else that eoea to mkve n a faction to our customers, and wi think It is a I eerlMU, eise U1t K068 10 make.np a nne meaiana: wwskey. oneiuncn. IL Hose, also ot Winston, wrUsa us as fol- . Full supply of ICE always on hand. ' l0"The TTlTat Stock Whiskey I bought The resldcnu ol CAROLINA BEACH wm through yoar Mr. Wmon has proved a success find It to their Interest to deal with; me as I and win keep It , here alter as my leading will keep on hand eTerythlng In the Grocery brapd." - . J. Burns c co.. or raytevuie, ha?e this I liwuae. crying unc to say: IhaTeused your new brand of 'Prtrate Mock. 1878." Kjre Whiskey and will say that I am well pleased with It and that it U all you recommend it to be. My customers prefer this brand to all others." Je7U HANS A. KDKR, - Vd 'PROPRIETOR. Brunliil4,Siraon&Co.fl 111 N. Front m., Dealers tn Liquors, Clyars.and Tobaocoa. my 30 tf '" . . VUAfJTEO. GKNTS OF EITHER SEX T3ROLGnOU . the United States to handle'our" celebrated Corn and Bunion cure. Its application f fords almost instant relief. - and every- box 13 accompanied by a ts guarantee, which amount we will forfeit tn every instance whre our remedy falls to perfect a permanent cure Sample box. fSc; six boxes, SL - e will pay rood agents $3 per day to Introduce our roods Into their section; co DOsTLt Vnr FSW OENTLEHEN' CAN BS ACOOXKO I partlcuUrs alress the TtttT.nUrtnvrrC A. - - . I . . - s . I!. 8UUODiiIt AC ' - caid with Tkicard ca r-' -i it I . - - k T4 til i;j Ncrtii Af? street. liny rta. t Notice. i T A KECENT MEETING OF THE STOCK -holder of the Caiioi.ina INSURANCE COM PANY nn Increase of Capital Stock was au thorized. Notice Is now given that Books of Subscrip tion to the Capital Stock of said Company will be opened at the office of the Secretary, and j remain open until the first day of November, unloes the amopnt authorized -Is subscribed before that date.' Ail persons wishing stock in the 'company will communicate with the Secretary either in person or by letter. ' I M. S WILLAItD, Sec:y, oct8 3t 210 Noith Water St. New Line This net JJECEIVED BY STEAMER AND KAIL Til IS WEEK NEW LINES OP Fresh Family Groceries. Apples from Mt. Airy and New York, Eggs, Fresh Butter, Cakes -Crackers, Cheese, ca--dies &c Sweet' Potatoes, chickens. Eggs &c Canned Goods in great variety. chipped Beef a specialty. ; B. F. 8WASN, Afft., oct 10 tf D&.W so. Front Street.- THE ACME MANUFAOTlfB.IN0 00. . ! MANUFACTUKEUS OP 1 ... Fertilizers; Pine Fibre and 1 Pine Fibre Matting Wilmington, -' - N. C. i , rjmE REPUTATION OFOUK FEKTIL1ZEKS the ACME and GEM, is now eetablished. and the results of three years' us3 In the aanasof the best raxners of this and other states will attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, made iroro the leaves or our native pine. 13 conceded to be equal to any wool carpet tor comfort and durability and the demand for if. Is YL ally tncreasim,-. It has vir tues not found In any other fabric The FIBRE or wool is extensively used ror Mattresses is almost equal to hair. beJng iiL'hr ye P mciuns' TL sinj?;e copy. sets, elasUc and proOf against insects. . to anl drtr:S ' ! ed cpon publication. isnrr' Maturity Association OP 'WASHINGTON. D. C. Has Paid to Mem- i - bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - tv - None , IIORATIO r.KOWNlNG, lTesioent. SAMUKL NOliMENT, Treasurer. ' ' . . -f- : : . Secretary. Manager an Actuary GEO. J. KASTERDAT,- i I ' As3t Secretary. ; - . -i Life Insurance at Absolute Cost, i ' a Guaranteed Policy. ' s An Incontestlble Policy, Maturity Value In Cash at Fixed Agt :V Annual Cost Absolutely Limited.; only Four Payments per Year. Non JETorffl table After Three Years, P. Si RIDDELLK.M.D. I Medical Ulrecw - W-1I. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home Offlce, Central National Bank Bollclcf Washington, i. c. JOHN IIAAR, JK.J ,.cxaa ADRIAN & Local Agent, Wilmington; &i V0LIEB8, WHOLESALE DEALERS I THE LEADING Daily Paper OP SOUTH CA1ULTNA IS m It s 1 lw. Price $10 Per Annum, MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS.- THE MOST CUASTE AND PUREST SUM DAY PA PE f . IN SOUTH CAROLINA IS - Tlie Sunday News. Pilce, with Daily, fli'per year; alone, $2 per mailed Wilttfitigton Sea'cbAbtR. Ri Tab I'- Board is EFFiscr cict. orn. ' '' , - ' . t'y JEAyETYILMTNGTON2iO AND 650 P. M. Leave nammocks 7.50 a. m. and 54 p. m. --Sunday trains leave Yililngt6a 2 a) and .Leave Haamoc).8lxso a, mljjid 64J3 p-'n "Leave Wilmington 10.03 . a. m. Saturday only.. 25C round trip every Jay; - - - ' ' ' ' IL NOLAN, :' "- c:t 8 tx ' ' " c cucral 2ZZzz "?r ' ' ; EVERY ONE'S PATER, NE WS AND i OUJIIE H , Price, fl per year; fetx months, 50 cts; single copy, 5 cts; mailed to any address. mch li University of North Carolina 'r TIie;Fall rerru Opens ept. i Ttiition, $30. 4. OfJR REGULAR COURSES OP STUDY, IF - classical. Philosophical, Literary, Sclent Ap? j-L-SpcUal courses la Cnemttry. Civil and Electrical Engineering,-: Pharmacy and tithcr studies. . . ' Separate schools of Law and Medicine, whore students jnay atrend the LiTerslty lectures. :-'- Address .r -z.- r-- . ' . HON. K E?IP P. BATTLE. ILD.,- : Jy 3 tf : :r. fTCi!2:nt, Cr:2 Xi-J, N..Cr Provisions, Groceries 'Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, ' . - " AND C03BIISSI0N MERCHANTS, " Cor. Front and Dock St . WI IiM INGTOfT, 0. Jan 13 tf -j STILL AT WORK. T AillNOW WELL PllKPABEl) TO RffAH all kinds of Furnitiire, Sewing Machines, cy Articles, &c, and where it Is them as good as new, Work oone proo? andprlcesjow. Call and see mtrtt tlmates and prices, r ' ! " 1 j.B.rABBJA j ' S. W. cor. Front and Orange re . I am still agent here for tae-SeJi- j Sewing Machtoe, one 6f the best Jfajauon, the market. Needles kndlOll for , i j " tnchlOtf : THE HEWLf.TfH0?8E. jyjY FRIENDS AND THE PUBUC GjS j erally are respectfuliy notified Uitt i made extensive additions to TaJvKSei switchback StaUoh; WrlshtsvUle . am "now prepared to ' acccommodat , i with the best of everything . . Fresh Fish; Soft Crjibs, Deviled Crtf- , ready en the ninval of erery train. ; Bar in the rear and separate ana L rom the dinning room. -.crrrrr. my 23 tf . Vas. ap : 1 fee 5 ff Jniiia f tin'' : A RE NOW; PREPARED TO TAU i reisonable terms a limited amount WashW, which viUhe In charje of ;: WOBXU- OCt i IX tent lady. IN WARE V ' '; , 'r - JSAND CROCK KKV- : .J - ;:imrtcrs.aBdotKT. 'pnreear- n;l ntl f:"5 11 IT C '.TT I .

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