- irLXAse :evtiu5.s v -" Wt trur cuvfta receive ntoouaTialU ptl from our &imo'o3hu) &t'u latjecta 'Tne ovtn or cn writer umt iiways Do far Ml I Art .V " " n F "n . ,.1,.i.tu.iirul, ra, f roo above 'yL"- vt-r.,.-" it p ILIjPj .1 m. st VOL XIV. W ILM I NGTON, N. C.,' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1890. NO. 260. Jt... It i said there'-are no lew than! Tlie receipts of cotton at this port U. ijiht American girl. at Lenox who J to-day foot up 2.159 bales. have this year refused offers of iuar i rlue from titled foreigner. William Rackanl, who lives-near Kuyumette, In Baldwin connty, Ala., i the smallest man In America. He U 21 years of njre and weighs ouly 49 poundn. He h tbrefe feet' high and perfectly formed.. - : it l i pic:waul v i tl.c Kidneys, l u Te are glad to learn that Mr. J r For North Caroliua, raiu, preceded by fair weather in the eastern por tion, and warmer. , , ' . . j Local forevasU from b a. m. tc oeiiertoaay., , dayi lor Wilmington and ficialty,' AVe have had eouie rain to-day, threatening weather audraiiis and the lirbt time the clodds have wept blightly warmer. T since October net iu. j lSamnni A Bailey. The Colored Baptist State Coii-! Barnaul's big circus vill not coiuV vention will be held in this city next to Wllminirtoii, at least not just yeL The fruit packers of California week, commeneing on Tuesday. i It seems to be takiutr tho back track.- will PufTer thla year because of their contracts to deliver dried and canned Mr. Henry A. Colvin, of the Black i ?ro Spartanburg it will So to fruits for about one-half the ruling : ln the city toKtar and called Vo8eeTr 4th fromthence it will" go r ITnlnirrh rateg. One large packing firm will lose about 0,000 on prunes alone, while several smaller ones will prob ably go under. . Speaker IWd'g "business1 Con gress during its first session appro- NI2W AOVBUTISBMISJNTH.- nlslicd to Uit- Cdnor. . reroautie taui to imiaL 1 . --'VA AnJ u is tapbcuity oa pirticauurix aacr-, stood tiuu Ut Jtiiorioes'aoi atwAr eodarte - f the iein of ooiTr9pooJer.ts aaicasso t ttea tn tfte ectttoriti coiamns. i . -. N EW A I V KttTISKM BNT8. REMOVAL! To 13 Princess Streett (SE JILEN Bt'IMING V .VMiCUMMI;N Mattreis Factory and'Btn linRr Actutioii Otlices A large line of Breech ami Mczzie loading Sliot Gun?, Air. Rifles and Pistols; all gnides at lowest prUe?. Wootl Powder aud sportsmen's sup plies just received,. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ! f us. NEW ADVBKTISBWI5NT8 tit priatlno lean than 465,939,9.0 of I iiavo Burns or wounds should be attend-; ed to carefully, especially m cold weatner. We would recommeua sal vation Oil for such cases. All drug- ; gists sell it for 25 cents a bottle. Ue Regal Ready-mixed Pain tjaudi ( from Raleigh to Salisbury and from f - Salisbury to Ashevilie. In Full Biat I 2COW no other, if yon want a good. N. V':-- . .VwU coWi. bea.t - vin money; noi inciuaing dnrable article: for sale bv the - v't rm.3 luVttiuJMhe pension bill, which will absorb Jacobi H(lw . Co. t y -' ; 1 ' . U tlu anywhere from .OOO.OOO to iGO. --t . ' ; ' l ir.i ever m OCW.OOO; This is appalling extrava- 1 ai Manufacturers Agent for T ' . n,e tntc nnd oc gance, nothing less. Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com- H ; - ' ." 1, , ri::;,r.t li bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or- t - ' '; ' ' "V ' ;-:Vi An Idaho bonk on which there was ders solicited. James I. Metts. t . - . - V"' a run piled u(on the counter what . ,1 III. ' 4 l. a . a j r aaa t - ii i I .1,..-.n. Ii; WJIH MIIIPOSHI III Uf III gOUI. X" ' .t -4 rumnientl V I This stopped the run and brought de- 1t' i i. r.mr! 1 1 iosi tors, and when the trouble was " : " ,. t , " ." , over the gold was taken down. The rr- - . , . ,a. , .t i V:i ... hv nil leadinir dmcr- cut to the thickness and size of $20 t,r rtluMo drtijrjrist whe gold pieces. jT:tUve it band will pro r-rr a;ptly fr anv one wh( trvit. Do nut accept an) Nor. steamship Amrcilia, Aslak sen, cleared today for Riga Russia, with 3,491 barrels rosin, valued at 4,G79.10V shipteAl by Mr. J. W. Bolles. ' Senator Ransom Is to speak at Newbern on the 31st iust. Why not try and induce htm to come down i f fllllBPATRNT WOUU llitt 18 The Toe KaUu liurncd. Ml t. . , . ' ' n ft.u Matt. Ymif orders solicltsa ror urci- The steam tug Kastou, ueiongiug 'rVco a in the best of onirr. Tied asd. to the U. S, government, and en- M.' gageu in worK on me. viver vuu. wf, jotner kinds or coai. I at nhnut S O' t lO li o'clock. She was tied up at Lagle; Island, opposite the city, and out-j side of the city limits. It is not known how the fire caught. Noj steamers were sent over from tne city but the tug Marie, Capt. Edgar Williams, steamed alongside and soon had the; fire out. There was also some slight damage to ascow lying alongside, i The loss will prob ably foot up $1,000 to $1,200. Arim i n ibtiMtor'8 Notice. UK ITNnKliSINEIlIAVIK OtTALI FIKD as Admtnistralor of the cstato ot Josepn f lUtUfcdeo, aeceastid, boUoo Is hereby civen to v -all persons huTin? clalmn against said estate or perscnal property Udondnj; to same to resent (tneni to e on or ta'foru Augit 3tH. ltsi, or tuu notice wiu bo pleaded In bar of Uc payiUcnttU:reor. SOL BBAK, agS!:oawMr.- thu Aaminl!trtor. UUFQMM HO SYRUP CO. SIM rRAWSCO. CAL. XVVl.lt EVf V0XK. M.X. COHKur 11. in-tMMT. aor.LE iKr:oisT. h j wiimtBcion. N. C The opening of a unique theatre iiere am cjVe us one of his magniQ- in Paris will take place shortly. J cent talks? Every play in the new house will be exclusively pantomimic, and will be We have in stock an immense va- patronlml. it U pted, only .by r ety of Cook Stove, all styles and denfmute; On the Ant ennloc a siles- ?ri?f a y ,l0l"f "f 8'T drama written by a deat umte, f T,n r t eutitled "Love and Deatb," will be Jacob' Hdw- - f produced for the first time. . - M The man who fails to register will not be allowed to vote. Pin this on The Israelites of New York have your shirt front and then stand up formed an organization for sending before a glass and see if it doesn't to Palestine their countrymen who produce a profound reflection. .1. . II- 1 m T" ! TViia i&.z ruruts. rouitrr. tjys. c,c i nave oeeu eueu iruiu ubi. l.T.iti.F. ALDERMAN, Country Pr (luce. XXTAIN tfTfEB. t IlEsNl'TS, ttt;rr J lliiNo. Water St. 51 A Moving Talo. 1T WILL JIOVK THIS WEEK. IT IS Q.iiiiPQiria Htfnncf Rtrnner. clear ... . , Ublll w - rehabitationortlie noiy ivmi as ed today for Greytown, Nicaragua, oeeu a uream oi ine ncurvB t, with 349,500 feet creosotud lumber . m 1 . A IL- jkn4 4A I longtime, ana uunng i.iu vafued at $8,918.46,. shipped by the years nearly iwemy colonics, w'l" JLrolnlL 0il & Creosote Company. f nbout 4.000 souls, . 1 't I m - I l.rv lioil it. Hn( KA. ..avA.l nn tlm K PTPtl KUII. I I lie UIKUICIS uv 1 1 tl l etwtvv v r The Israelites in all countries are sou for picKing couou J. A. SI'KlNOEli. Wanted to Rent. ' ft A HOUSE CONTAINING FOWlt OR jjISijIflTe rocnas, situated north of Market Vllstreet. For furtber particulars apply at ! . OCtlotf THIS OFFICE. xtnslre Sale ofRel Estate. Messrs. Cronly & Morris, auction- CAPE FEAR ACADEMY Keopen September 1212nd. Ilwroa'gb Preparaiin Ur Busii ss irfillfe. COMPETENT INSTKUCTOitS. YOPP BROS., House aml lSin Painting NO. 103 NUKTU . ECONl ST. . , No charges maJo ou csUciatcs. J A KOOd . , Sign raster wanted. oct U lw . . SCHOOL SH OEG Geo. L AT- 11. Frencli & Sons. aho Est stock anp rest assokt- MKNT IN T11K CITY. 4 " Uojs? Eng. Toe Boots, soua wiroHjn, sizes i t 5,1.25. - 1 Youths' Edc. Too Hoots, sizes 11 to "ViH. LM Boj-s' Loadon Toe Buttdn, sizes 1 to fa , f.0W. : SULVK TIP 8UU9. 1 AnotHer larjfe lot of the celebrated Solar tip . " jssre. vrouiy awrns, uuv w-j rfc.nn hiai r POUAHr I 1 Shoes received, both In Heel and spnnffueei,. and real estate broker,, sold at LEADING MALE SCHUUL I wMcn rdr style and ?"gg& ter goods for less money than can be. had any- eers public auction to-day the following real estate: ! Lot corner! Castle mud Seventh streets, 37x100, $610; on Castle, East of above 37x100, $405; do 37x100, $405; do 37xl00, $350; do 37x100 $350. On Oronly Avenue, near above. 27x118, $20Q28xll8, $100; 32x90, $170. UO eveun i street, BujummB be transacted above, 30x100, $370; 30x100, $370; quested. Please enter at beginning ot session, i -c mo- See catalogue in Book stores. .7 v. CAT LETT, Principal, aep L5 lm Cor. Fifth and Chestnut streets. vhere lo the city. 80x132, $375; 30x132, $375. j On Queen street, Eighth street and Wyckoff .'Avenue, house and lot, (15x100, $745; lot adjoining above ou East, 35x100, $290; East of Wyckoff Avenue, 32xllf, $245; do 31x100, $260; do 32x100, $2G0; do house and lot,"32xlC0,-$400, I Tiiree lots on Eighth street, 32xb4, Notice fiinviu PMKRRS OP Tfl E CENTRA L DEMO- I cratlc Club will please take notice that a meetlDS of the Club will be held at the City Hall on Friday night. Oct. 17th, A. D. 1890, at j- L I 8 o'clock sharp. Business oi importance w i. adjoining f9 Sacted and a full atteadance is re- lasted. J. II. CUKKlJs, 1'resiaenT. H. McCLAMMY, Secretary. Geo. R. French & Sons, lOS North Front StreAC. (Opposite The Orton.) sep 23 tr Wilmington, N. C, Oct, 14, '90. oct 14 at Office Chief of Polio, WILMINGTON, N, C, Oct- lith,'ll0. PWE OWNEU OF TI1E UOUSE ON FOUKTH Kprd to have once seeu iTi. H'. .ri: oi turmiurc UTC I tavoriui? ciuijrtfcnuii w i wl.v.. ww?n4iifwth!Dcs arc neede.1. We I i...... nnlipctpd hn nds nickinir cotton in December, iiai c v v i k ' along toward Christmas, in Anson county. Yesterday's New ork Jlcratai ateli hair balsab. .'. ..u ML'ipw I t r na.alna11v rpst.nrPR color: prims a careiuuj ii gritj, " VrvT 1 no ;?iToar4Dts. call a od Fee us. e in rxl M:eta prt--es. sklu s. iu.. Furniture Dealers, i? ii tt t or. M irkct and t?cond Ste. and Urge sums iu furtherance of the scheme. street, between Church and castle, kmown ss the Thurston house, is hereby notified . that $2,600; each; three in rear, $55.each; tne sae hag en adjudged by the proper three on Wyekoff Avenue, f l-eacu. . . wllmlMton nnmic Two lots on Castle street, between . -,,,3 to Ufe ani property, and is re- Fifth aud Sixth, $440 each. quired to pull the same down and remove it Summed up, in all 80 lots were within ten dajs alter tne aaie ot tn mm.-. sold, aggregating $,830. cwef of roiiee. Oc'obsr Magazines are.Outi jIUKY," BY MAliGAKET BELAND, O and -4Kilnd Olivia." by AmeUa E. Barr. are concluded io AtlantlcAxnd Century. 1arlc . Kusseli has a sea story in ippincotu many of the Magazines contain sketches of Cardinal - Newman's life and. work. Tne Bana waves at llattsras are acoountcd for In fc$crlbner. Bel la wy has sometlilnffto say. ab:uf. National ism" In! the Forum, and Daudet elves tte frrther adventures of "Tartarln' In llflrper. , WILM INSTN tlBlJAltV ASSOUlAi lUiM. OCt 13 tf XSSX tarKot Birecu Just Arrived l A NICE LOT OF THAT nSa;ur'UUW- ' try BUTTElt, in email Kits, at - ? r ' HALL & VJZAllU X LLTS jc6tf I ll and 13 so.;wiit3r Btreeu SAM JON SOTJC BOOKS pared by its Wasliiostou City cor- (0'r 1.00. E. S. WeTl.., Jer- . ' , rpoDdcDt. Ittke.ln the whole feCity VGH OS--TOOTH. 1SU ttt ! W UTES' 1500K STORE. North Carolina BED RUST PROOF SEED -:- OATS. Celd and is very comprehensive The estimate, which the Ha aid class es as conservative and it is ex- treinely so makes out Democratic majority of eij;hteeu in tne uexi House with a probability tnat mis may be increased. The estimate,- as we have said, is very conservative andlall Teally doubtful districts are Instant reief. Appointments to SpeaV Hon. Chas. M.i Stedman will ad ..1 Ionian rf rliA 1 - i . - X 'W S ivii. irMit tilnwt trVPf' Mtlltta Slt.s. Will 1 I - . ' . t I niiUia IU 1UUU WVlVV.v wuv. ' RimrRW. Toesdav. Oct.Zlst. - . J.j be lie ad quarters for . . .1 ...r nr. 1 " -.ii -nr -1 ,1 . . tin- ja i Attention is ...v. M o au . lfJT W A i'TTTP. MP. A TS ! Tl. f rnrrpll in tlllS ISSUe. ne v iiiitiiicv --r ------- HXilX I uuiiu j. " . 1-f .n TOndnV. I Jet. litn. meats ana V"" ' ai:,. n( 1 niiniirinri''. im. lui uai & - vw- . ' regular; sup supplying ui " .:' i L., v ' " I " : ! Ules of FINE PASTE K FED NATIVE season with the Uei Deei o "T-"i Tii.lav. Oct. 28th, Cat MEAT, and this supply wiU fee drawn I from frt.., th rich nastures in the mouu- . "... UnVmniintains of this State. East Tennessee will sell none but native meais aim -rr Saturday.: Oct. has made ample arrangemeuw (ftt n,Khti) tha I 1 0 1 1 1 f I . I Cf t Unvutwlof Will KIlPuK 1 jH 0OJ.G LO-lilUIIvVf 4 uamiv t'aroima, ior iuwi, v Vircinia. . upr.p.i. -"r""v j t ..h.iw . world .. An mt linlAW on I v-miav Eastern Teuuessee ana oumuwt nigut. Vrlf.nrltilll " . . . , I CIU HIJ,"" W we -,t kkce.veu A FILL crat, ore S ven seven awn r,ellll. ,d ,.r....bu..n uuii".iv..j , .virtMMl. tireaclier II tfl fm IIP I I LUUu ttl V " - f- . . .' - lyin the inarKec auruuc uimnoue, wouuuj, voi. u 7 ns7 pastbHE Fi with the bet beef to be bad "igO Tuesday, Oct. 28th, (at meat? and this supply will be th rio.h nastures in the mouu- Coocora, xuebu f hVmT.t.ina of this State. Eai . , 1111711L . .1 : o f WoHterii -'-North Uarotina, 1 ai;BOIirv. Wednesday. Oct. SUth, and southwest Virginia. EXEOUTOE'S NOTIOEi ONLY NATIVE MEAT. ha!T tu" s baT uaij,"?d ex-C. ccuter under 1 nc lasi wiu ana testament ot . Enoa J. Pennypaeker, deceased, I tacrabyne tlfy all persons holding claims against kla - estate to present the-ajme to mt for payment ; oh or before the 0th day of September, -A, D 1801, or this notice will be plead In bar of re-MTerv- All arsons Indebted to said estate 25th 1 WILL sell NO othek. During a re- are l0 makc iram0iiae payment. ' " i 1 cent visit to th Western part of this ktate I j j GKOK JltCUADBOUIlxr J . Executor of . J. Ponnypacker " ep 6 oaw Cw sat j - , j - v . j nother Car Load arrived to-iay. Will be challenge the world to oeat mis ceeu tf i ji!oe o.vts, w hlch are tne best f ? fik 11.1. . . i.rl. C For Sa ty 1 F.MlTi HELL & SON. WKUX & YOLLEBS. HOLK-AU: lHLKK.s'lN hoTM-s. Groceries: 7 r Liters. Ttbacco, Cigars; A N l MISSION MEKW1AXTS, 1 ii.nl Mi,.l Dock Sl ll.MINOiOS, N. C- w C tf TILL AT WORK. ELL riiirAKKU TO REPAIR l ur-ture, swlagM&chlnea. Ta- 4i:ir. and w n,rn it is nofisible make . . ... . .. m tew. wore oone prennij fan and i me and pel e- at the places meniiowu ; mutton. LAMB, ?ORK, VEAL, SAUSAGES, 4c., the best to be had j ssed on the prohibition Qfnta uri & . . v. .. 1 , . hnfli I tr li mldreSb time. Weare roiu v T H. Pritch - o .-.rl will I rtllACTinil UV . -" - - Evarts ana urewer uu ri-r - j4(.mi1 to K,ve the rad. bat one . district, the arl ana o . - Second. :n- t the City 4AU alone, unheartd, unknown - Hal, A fnlj attendance is' desired. he makes his moan in a um a. . 1 rpha ronsnn ia ODTIOUS, an.nnrrin. heis Vufferinj? every thing with a prodaced from Uie Iaiative and uu- cold and hasn't pot a boui w f across the street for one small bot tle of Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup. the dates given: ; ; . Wadesboro, Oct. 14111. L,auriuburjr, Oct. lGth. Rockingham, Oct. 17tli. Wilmington, Oct. 30th (at night. New Hanover county, Oct. 21st. White ville, Oct. 22d. Maxton, Oct. 23d. Southport, Oet. 24th. Shallotte, Oct. 25th. McKeithau's Store, Oct. 27th. Albermarle, Oct . 2'J tn. Concord, Nov. 1st. I Stalls l and 2,Front 3tret Marbet.south 9l4e. Oct 10 St 1 1DXX TO NW AJTIXTISTVTKTa Sxxso a Co Furniture JltPS buothim Dniffist3 jko F G Aitxxuy Fine Meats j a SraiNOK-Wood splitter E D Hall House adjodjed unsafe C W TAT-Sam Joaes son? Books x tritious juice of California figs, com My Tri9hABA Word .win bined with the, medicinal, virtues of Dq y(n know that y plants kno to the hum on the kid .us Liu oni upn.fi acnes, uuu neiliiiK wiud curing habitual copsmmuuu. With You. ery man The Advantages W Offer to : PIANO AN1) 0UAN U8TOMKS AREr TUAT OUR 1NSTRU ments are careluUy selected by ttie under- THE ACME MANTJFAOTUBING 00. KANOFACrpllERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and: Pine Fibre Matting Wilmingtoi), - - N. V. - I V ntHBkiM'UTATlON OFOL'K KXUTIL1ZE1 B I 1 . i - - ..-' the. ACM E anj o EM, Is now established, and viar8' ns in i n anuria di 111s and otticr stales wiu - 7 . 1 . . . . - j ... in e rfi -I. w-Tim. ui vo. v. 1.-1.1 nri.ins' kit uraaes auu sm.jc. . . , .i, mnr.i innkt DP1IPI1CIUI I .I.ipuu tn VntP ML TI1IK eieCUUU IIJIIOV I ... , Utrorwrl ur.rt lent 111 tune 1 H3fc lU'-Ji 141iu(iu,uhiouu uiiuiuib an By.t.ui. h eut.y, regiiuV auiWv Even if joo nav, ffiiSUNe. JVSiiSSSffS au yv . roistered and voted before, yoO as we are iijht nere. e are neys, liver anu st reirister again under the new wnoiin u fia3 Tlr. .leansingthe system, dis- SSyJSe this year. , fffi on 1 A. Do vou want carry tne e lection u.f b.e yoftdlSSgagS c?St.iSV?u falS S-SJS1''.8 I i.PiVhbors arrebUXl ami yui iu to oav to travelling asenis. ior juuua.. r- ; ,T-,t"-'J"it m,. to hear that Mr.joim vote ine ueuiocrauo 1 here and consequently jou do not Buy tne vu - . ' - m a. r iwii.tiiu ill i:n owss- i.. . tu. - ' . Jr.. candidate for iuei Y" st Tf i"r,,r,.,nts ,id in wiUolakton xtthJ- c ,4. D T ... 1 . 1 .ILIWl". -w-vav- - ,, . . . Ihn nilhlli. l9fP I IK I I I II I II 1 Mill 111 '.LI II m ll U ill a Ul 1. r.. v. 1 lmnw 1 ul.inn is t np itrsl urvui uut - i i w ituiiuw w w u w a . . J. B. rARKAR, . 1 W. cor. Frcnt and Oraage strreta. Vrs.r Lere tor iae uw v. en rt iK u rhlnl OS ntJi andOU tor wde- H, A. Tucker, t.. IX OR.NlT, MARBLE AND ClldlDUTrOTfc iio JJorth Tront l ret t, Wllralngton, y. C. Mr. Bellamy We are fclad . 1 ,1 V. v... J A few flat loaa 01 f. senate from tins district, - . r -ktPr rihI . Mafiv ul her dow. 1 ,, iitirpssion in Pender rtft tlomtnee J - UlftMiiKo-"0"i .. I"' , n...(.Miifri 0tISa.h .nd Glas for aale count. Ho f-l LJ - - a ww u am ar u w mm la w . t itiesunj uu jThen so must every wbite man. ! 1 .Kir H draws larirc 1 nrt -,rtT1 un iipcro xanKee bwi aV . . - . 1 . Jr. I VrRlCl U T " I AV J w - " . A. vi,ia tfrk our CI IV muuiu imiwi . T tainly not fall to call on tne n. tobi Hdw." Co. for an in their line. - conQdence In our Judzinent and lutejfrtty. We seu tor casn or insuumuw- j -K. VaxLAEB. 407 Red Cross street. octUtf New LiDi3 This Week. by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co ington on jcbic.uuj. - - .. "J-- . T -...o: foharhimand his menus rr deH itu un uy"!!! tiyuibysteajieb asdkailtius on toe . Deak at every you at toe polls' ami w K ' - - 1 ything wanting en Strict between this how to vbteT "irnD. i-r WEEK NEW or andthedayof electiou. and do not fail to vote the straight! presh Family GrOCerieS i tlitirratic ticket. - - .11 - . i night at the rooms of tne T. M. u. m 1 There willte i,a. .eki'. Amic . rafter Oct 24th' WPw wnama-i . t.a am V m isn 1 SHU aU maJ v aw- v - "I r- - , tha vnriU 1 I . . I T..' ov rrn ! - . i . " Rait -so register ai oner. -J, b VcOAWW - -w- a, ; L IN EFFECT OCT. GTO. EAVE IWILMlXGT02t 3iX)"AXU P. II. Lave Hammocks 7.50 a. m. and WO p. m. A. specially for the membersorthe Bmiscs, Sores, Ulcere, Bait fc time take time - your rresh Batter. SasZfthe Tileston rmal &Bore School. The programtne .wui .it f recitations, readings, gymnas. fonav reauired. Itjsguar- "JfJ" lfft lit V ntrol depend on .... .Vercises, music, etc Ito-vejcsfo - -T "1, tr the engine or motir refunded. Price 25 cents defeat of tha party. , a i , U. F. 8WAKN, What -steam If lD;eSB J,, w - nm7 ' ---Ei. CiiAM6BiiaBaTii;:.-ilv Lr t v v Hood's Sarsaparilla ia ?e IJ. p7 ,r :r .y; rt:IL BeUamy, . - Chiifn. Dem. State Ex. Com. ': cctio tf S- nishieff mental force..: - . - . ; - ; t - - ? - '-'.! yorlc, ERfS, 'ar- cnnT4 trims invpt WllmlBsrton i3t and sweet I'etatoea, chickens. Kfijs Uqop. ia. Goods ia great, variety. I - jjeare Hammocks &20 1. m. ftnd 5.S9 p. m. w cbipped Beet a specialty. rront Street. Ieare WUmlastoa 10.00 a. m. gaturdar oaly. 23c round trip every flay. - " - .

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