TAW i: Till ri suitor -! FYop. t tLUN-M" . - JJ Uw" " :ajrirrs,xree f LtcfT.t the abort U"" , irt any and t-r rcsnlriy. fnr.!.- fefGs i t i n His wuer I I feasant H t:.J ::: it :il te. anu an ,: c!t.u!3 the ey? ..v cuMs head- i -V-j cirvs habitr.:. t!" ;;: ever pro o Ihe t;tste and ftc !t:u-li, prompt n . . v i i :.. . ii iui ruic jti K-!rt.r all lea.liu?: drug krt it o tanJ win pro ijrrpuy for any on Trn atrit. D not "accept an) Mi W SYRUP CO. I uff masco. cal Wrrrr. AfW fOJT. T.f. fiDALI DKUUJIST. 1 Ulmlaitoa. N. C icuntry Pn (luce. jtics irrrEK. chesnlts, sea. r-utoen, roultry. Egs?, ic, 4c LT. Jt G. F. ALDERMAN, t r 119 No water su Moving ale. Tinuifovz mis week, it is fi'auMwtMnw are wwiei. We Hj)xr waats. call aid see us. We SXEED CO.. Furniture Dealere, ' ? Cor. Market and smna Sta." In Foil Blast ! ITIST WUOD SPLITTEU IS NOW f Hfttj ti best of onaor. Keu ash. Asa, tove coal, chestnut icai, ia coal ana several fcS si en' M J. A SPllfVnPTf 3IAS & YOLLEUS. HplESALE DE.LERS IN inns, Groceries, -Pts. Tobacco, Cigars, AND piSSIOX MERCHANTS, Cw- tnui aail Dock Sti., pILMIXOTON, N. O iceNorth Carolina p RUcT PROOF f :ED -:- OATS. JiaT KEctlVKn A -?7(i.TS FULL bich arc t be fcest JiadirMuJos states. MITCHELL & SON. A. Tuckor. R-N1T, MAUBLE AUD 5auricturer .or Cemetery, tiiing wort North Front street, Wilmington, N. c. p Lino This Week. 11 EAM ER AND RAIL TD IS tl NEW LINES Of f -J! i.).A J 0 J VIEW , j . - . - j , .. ;;, VOL. XIV- WILM INGi'ON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTi'OBER 22, 1890. NO 2(j5. Tl.o OrWan; Princes, oueofwUom -Vow nivrNi. ' . ""' ' l. the m of theCouite.leIori-.now cnll. 7 , . - . t.nlli.,e. i ' "l' '""""r (18I. roe to this market Produced from the Isxative and nu -w..f i it nie now. Forecast. -'..' I "Trktli C?t rr3 inn vain nniVulinlir . . A. .1 VUI vri I till I U UUU CI K .uii.uiojuiTO vi auiornia ngs, coin i V WA.III(.P waa,-sfi, . . i -f iai . ii v,ufc iv, a vv v a va-v a v - lnc nnrkeU liere are abundantly u ne? 7KU l"e. n8lj-virtae8 orjcyc,one ovioj, northeastward from richer princes in the world". They - will ttilicrit In n.)rtnf tliraa - w" '""- luisiitio , J , f .! , . , : ia,(XK),000 franc through the death suI,I,l,e" wthgool ieata nqw. SoiueiJ; " 8 Juu . 1,0 ue ,nosi oeneuciai Mobile. f the Duke ds Montiensier. of S. 01 u,e unest ' er naw. .. ! w " yn, acis -enuy, j Local forecasts from villf, pahi. , j HandKerchiefs under th tiiriff, "which previously sold for 15 I. 1 t- 1 7 ' " "vvi iwicwioia liuiu o tv ;iu. if New Hirer oysters come in -.' Z 1 T for AVil,uiojr,o and vie.nitv. rlnslv. The demand Is creat 7, 1 Vt-' , i '" cu'' "": rain and sli-htly warmer weather. UCff , ... . , , , , ;i-v o .v uswufcuco, -uuu curium habftual constipation. cfutH would be sold at 20 cents;1 There are but two days left m ! those sold at 3a . cents at 33 cents, which to register and if you fail to The two or three manufacturers register you cannot vote. who had instated this Increase had j The fare on the ciioTiST Central already givn notice tnat all prices Railroad to the Hord.r R?M.mn - J'vw M would be advanced." About all the1 campaign orators, without distinction of party, are orating about this glorious country, with its W.000,000 of people. This is t distinct unub to Mr. Porter's cen Mtip, wiiich counts us considerably under 64,000,000. The idea seems to be that Porter doesn't count. - - - It is proposed that the Sunday schools of American erect a building in connection with the World's Fair in which there may by such an ex hibit as will illustrate the Sunday hdiool institute, lasting an hour or more each day, and extending through sixty or ninety days. The Congressional days of Mr. James Phelan, Representative from the lOtli Tennessee district, are numbered. He is to be turned out of his seat promptly on the meeting of Congress In December,and earlier than that if the. President should decide to have an extra session of Congre.ss. Mr. Edward Atkinson recently di lected attention to the statement that since 1875 the area under cul tivation In the Argentine Republic has increased from 825,000 to 5,899,- 000 acres, the greatest part of which is devoted to wheat, 'and that not more than one out of every huadred tillable acres rs-in use. 1 rue JNew xorK irtounc said sme titue ago that 'H is presumed the new census will increase the repre sentation of States which are surely Republican and diminish the repre sentation of some which elect only Democrats." The returns appear to indicate that the Tribune .was be hind theiscenes1 and knew what it was talking about. There seems to be ground for ex pecting that, at the very least, the Republican candidates for Congress iu the 1st and 2d Minnesota districts will be hard pressed by the opposi tion candidate on election day. In each of these districts a combination has been formed between the Far mers' Alliance and the Democratic party. The Democratic candidates will receive the support of both or ganizations in the 1st district, and in the other the Farmers' Alliance man will have all the backing that the Democrats can give him. If the workingmnn wants to in dulge in pairs of gloves this. Winter he will find another .example of the kind of protection the Republican Congress has given him. The duties onall'sorts of leather 'gloves have been raised especially the lower grades. The average advance in the price of kid gloves will be $3 a dozen. " The finer glove 'is affected only slightly, but the-75 cents and $1 article receive the foil benefit of the tax. It will cost about 25 cents more. . , - - mm Look out for counterfeits! See that you get the genuine Salvation Oil! Do not let the dealer sell you some "just as good," but Insist upon getting the genuine with the Bull's Head trade mark on the wrapper. at Maxton round trip. is ouly $1.80 for the The town has been billed fon Effie Ellsler's appearance at the Opera House next week. The Dills are un usually attractive. We are glad to know that Mr, Bonitz, of the Messenger, is conva lescent, and hope to see him on the street again soon Wood, and ash wood at that, 'Sells now from the docks at 80 " cents a load. We are threatened with wood famine here. I am Manufacturers Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com- Or- t The Presbyteriau Synod. The 77th annual Synod of the Proposal iuTiteti.i Presbyterian Ch urch of North Caro- Sealed proposals are invited for . Una juet in the First Presbyterian the coustruetlon of the Y. M. C. A. Church in this' city last night, building on Front and; Mulberry! i After preliminary devotional ' ex streets; to be built of brick an jercises Rev. J. M. Wharey, retiring brownstone. Bids, will be received bination Wirennd Iron Fences. James I. Metts. ders solicited. Br. steamship Marmion, Clark, cleared to-day for Liverpool, with 5,055 bales cotton, valued at $283,151, shipped by Messrs. Williams & Mar- chison. The usual weekly prayer meeting and lecture at Grace M. E. Church will be conducted at 7:30 o'clock to night by the Rev. Fred. D. Swin dell. We have in stock an immense va riety of Cook Stoves, all' styles ad sizes. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N, Jacobi Hdw. Co. t local isrrErars- 1NDKX TO NSV AJVKM1SXMINT8 Siu & Co ruriinure Mops Bkotmes Druggists G M Brsir Notice to Contractors C W Yates Sam Jones song Books It's about time now to shuck that straw hat. ; f Hot Bed Sash, and. Glass for sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t i amily Groceries, j to-day foot np 1,553 bales. L-Atrjamaxew Yortr. Eot, Visitors (to our, city should cer- irt tainlv not fail to call on ; the I. Ja- lw . HAw. Co. for an vthlng wanting - s, ifcic-ens, fsss , T 7, : ' In their line. specialty. 8- p- SWAiiN, Act., 5a Front street. ! Use Regal Ready-mixed Paintand : have no other, If yon want a good, j durable article; for eale by. the H. I Jacohi Hdw." Co. - f The brick for the new sidewalk on the East side of Third street, be tween Chestnut and Mulberry, have arrived and we understand that they will be laid at once. Schr. Katie E. Gifford arrived yes terday from Philadelphia with a my cargo of coal for the Southport Coal iner and Contracting Co. This is the first cargo they have received. Capt. Alexander spoke to a large crowd yesterday at Macomber's old store, seven miles from the city. He left last nirht -for Whiteville, where he was to have spoken to-day. Struccrle touerhens the mind, until bv and b v we do not mmd the strug- Yon need not toushen the body by a struggle with a cough when you have Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. " Dr. R. D. Jewett is expected here to-night with his bride, the daugh tor rf Tf nn Samuel F. Phillips, to whom he was married this morning in Washington City. , The body of the newly born child reported by iisas having beenfound yesterday afternoon at the corner of Eighth and Campbell streets, proved to be that of somebody's pet dog.. . A large line of Breech'and Muzzle- loading Shot Guns, Air Rifles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f The cautionary northeast signal was raised here this morning, at 9.-45 o'clock. There is a disturbance on the Gulf coast, which may or may not reach this section. The signals have also been ordered displayed at Charleston. Dr. Richard H. Lewis, of Raleigh, will make his-regular quarterly visit to our citv on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 23d, 24th and 25th inst., and can be consulted as usual at Dr. Wood's office on those days for the diseases to'which his practice is limited (eye, ear, noswand throat). The Germania Cornet Band, Mr. J. H. Rehder leader, left for Maxton last night to play during the Border Exposition of the Carolinas. They carried 15 pieces, and while on their way to the depot they rulivenedthe streets with several pretty selec tions. . ' " - : . "miLX HAIK BALAAM. If gray, gradually restores color; elegant tonic dressiue, 50c., fl-W, Druggists, or $1.00 size preivaidby einress for fLOO. E. & Wells, Jer JSflit !v ROUGH : ON TOOTH At II H Ii slant relet, 15c, until 14 o'clock noon November 11th, by the General Secretary,1 Mr. G. M. Busey, at the rooms of the Associa tion, where plans and specifications can be seen. j AioIiitiuenlB to Speak. Hon. Chas. M. Stedman will ad dress the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places: : Burgaw, Tuesday, Oct. 21st. Kenausville, Wednesday, Oct. 22d. Whiteville, Thursday, Oct. 23d. Ularkton; Friday, Oct. 24th. Laurinburg, Saturday, Oct. 25th (at night.) ! Charlotte, Monday, Oct. 27th . (at night.) i Concord, Tuesday, Oct. 28th, (at mglit.) I Salisbury, Wednesday, Oct. 29th, (at night.; 1 j t Capt. S. B. Alexander will speak at the places mentioned below on the dates given: J Wadesboio, Oct. 14th. Laurinburg, Oot. lGth. Rockingham, Oct. 17th. Wilmington, Oct 20th, (at night.) Haw Hanover county, Oct. 21st. Whiteville, Oct. 2 2d. Maxton, Oct. 23d. Southport, Oct. 24th. Shallotte, Oct.! 25th. McKeithan's Store, Oct. 27th. Albermarle, Oct. 29th. ! Concord, Nov. 1st. Sly Friend A Word IVitU You. i Do you know that every man who desiresHo vote at this election must register anew? Even if you have registered jand voted before, you must register again under the new election law to vote this year. Do you want the Republicans to carry" the election and have your neighbors arrested and put in iail as in 1868-9? If ! not, register and vote the Democratic ticket. Do vou wish the negro to get con trol of your country and State? ' If not, register and vote for the l)em ocratio nominees. Do yoa not know that every negro in the State will i register and vote? Then so must every white man. Do you want negro Yankee sol diers with drawn bayonets to meet you at the polls and dictate to you now to vote? IX not, be sure your name is on the registration books, and do not fail. to vote the straight Democratic ticket. You can't register after Oct. 24th so register at once. Don't say you have not time take time your happiness depends upon it; the good name and prosperity of your State depend on it; honest government and white man's control depend .on it. Don't wait. Delay may cost the defeat of the party. i Ed. chambers smith, Chm'n. Dem. State.Ex. Com. Wide Awake for November. A man of truly, heroic make was Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe, whose life-story is told by his daughter in the November Wide Awake; the ar ticle takes its title, "A Modern Hero," from Whittier's noble poem of which Dr. Howe was the subject; it is accompanied by a portrait of this great champion of the blind and of all di stressed soulsi painted in his young manhood, golden Mar garet," an episode of the civil war, is the initial story of the number; further on appears a Southern dia lect tale of great strength, "Lucy Pervear." A Western story, "How Tom Jumped a liine,rV is from the pen of M. E. S. Stickney. Miss Ris ley Seward gives Part II of a true ancestral war-romance, A Story of 1712," with Commodore Perry for one of its heroes. Mrs. Fremout con tributes the last of her series, krhc Will and the Way Stories." An ex cellent school tale is i"Herbert Pen der's Translations." p'Boy of Blue' of Grand Pre," is one of the most interesting of the Canadian series. "Crinoids," "Thanksgiving .at the White House," "A Mother Goose Plum Pudding," and several poems, together with the "Men anu Things" pages of anecdote, conclude good number. Wide Awawe is $2.40 a year. D. liotnrop company , Publishers, Boston; For scrofuia, . ... Salt rheum, etc, , Take Hood's Sarsapanila. - i Moderator, preached a fine sermon from the text, - "1 have glorified Thee on the. earth;--1 have finished the work which" Thort gavest me to o." John, 17th chapter. 4th verse. After prayer by the Moderator the report of the Committee on Enroll ment was received and the organi zation of the Synod. effected' by the election of the f jllowing officers: Moderator Rev. Alex. Spa-unt. Clerks Rev. A. R. Shaw and El der H. M. Dixon. L The session of the .First "Presby terian Church, through Rev. J)i Primrose, in. the absence of the pas tor, presented an address of wel come to the delegates and visitors. Elder A. M. McPheeters suggested that religious services be held at least once a day. j Dr. Hill moved that the last hour of each morning session be devoted to public religious exercises, which was concurred in. RevW. S. P. Bryan stated that the Synod at, Charlotte set aside Thursday of this session for the consideration of Foreign Missions. It as moved and carried that the standing order placing the Com munion on the evening of this day be suspended. It was then moved and ordere 1 that this service be held Wednesday evening. I Friday was set apart for reports on Evangelistic Labor. The hours of meeting were fixed as follows: Meet at 9.30 a. m.; take recess at 12 in. for divine service; ieet at 3.30 and 8 p. in., and adjourn at pleasure. i The Synod met at 9.30 o'cloekjthis morning and proceeded to business. At 12 o'clock a veryr fine sejinon was preached by Rev. H. G. Hill, o Maxton. At 1 o'clock the congre gation was dismissed and the Synod resumed its labors at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon. TLSASS KOTICK. - ' We wcj be cl) to rocdre ccmiauiilfit oil rrom our (rienas on any ana U tttject general Interest, oat r ! r ' ; ' Ta oame or tow iriiter man always DQ fur- nlsnea to ihu frlixxyt. , Commanicaaon " mast: oe wntrtn fia Caly !T Pcrsonauues tunkt be srotaea. " . ' ; ' t V . And ttj u edpetfaitr m parucalarlr eificr- ' stoat tkt ttif i&uior .low not always endorse the news or crtrnfioienu atuess so stated .' la the editorial commas. ! " NKW AIIVKUTI8B.1ENT.; The Advantages We Offer to PIANO ASD ORGAN QUSTOMEKS ARE; THAT OUR INSTKU- , merits are carefuur tcu-rtm hr ih hi. signed and bougbt directly irow the manu factprrr. iWe have a rery lar stoeir, com- prisins; all grades and styles, to select from. ; All our llanos are delivered and kept m tnne. the first year by two competent tuners. - As we are tight here, we are responsible, nica Is not the caa winn von nd tr iHmn. 0r,bufroaitravetllnffaKents,-lor -wlienaoT. ! K.18 wrn? .vou may have a guarantee but. this does I not renalr rour lnxtmmMitL . cconoioicul manasjement we can sell you In- ; strunient s at least a) per cent, lower than you have to pay to travelling agents, lor you have to help pay their heavy expenses. The instruments you buy from us are Tljrlit "" here and consequently jpu do not bay the "cat in the bag. ' - ......... - , Over 300 Instruments KnM in viiminon alone is the best proof that the publlo har conndenre In our Judgment and Integrity. aw lorriisn or insiamcnts. ocUtr j, h'ed cross street. PerfumeG. A SECOND INVOICE OF RICKSECKKH'8 supero li-.KfuJiES just rccei red. Theflsrat goods mad". rorsmc oy . . MUNDS UHOTDEKS. lot N. Front street.- v SAM JORIECS SQniC BOOKS, KATES' BOOK STORE. Sep 21 tf 0c ober Migazims are Out 'IL' IDXEY.'' UV TWAIfOAWFTT niTT.AVn O and fFrlead Olivia." by Amelia E. Itarr! are concluded In Atlantic and Century. Clark Kusseil has a sea story in Llpplncotu Many of t he Marazis3 contain sketches of cardinal r cwman'3 me and work. The sand waves at Hatteras fire accounted for is Scrtbner. Bel lamy has somet lilnr to sav abour, Natlanal- lsm-'v in the Foruin. and Daudet elves the further a ventures' of "Tartaiin" In llarrer. WILMINGTON LIBltAKY ASSOCIATION, oct 13 tf ' m Market street. Ihc WifflinUi Htm Laundry foBpuj. 1:En6w rilEPAKED TO TAKE UtON reasonable terms a limited amount ot Family Washinrj which will be In charge of a cosnpe- tent Iady.j. oct 3 tf WORTH &. BRANCH. Y Proprietors. : Bucklen'g Arnica Salve. f 1 The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures files, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ; For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and Tstau druggist. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lost. ! 1 . : ' QN SATURDAY LAST, NEAR THE COR- ner;of Third and Mulberry streets, a gold Thimble, with the Initials "M. c. J." en graved therein. The finder will be liberally rewarded If he will leave it at oct SO. 31 I THIS OFFICE. SIO Reward. r OST. THIS (MONDAY) MORNING, EITH Jier on Third street; between castle and Dock, or on Dock street, between Third and Front, a package of money in an envelope, $55 In ail, 5 in goia ana foj in greenoacjes. i win pay the above reward if left at Messrs. Adrian & vouers' store, or at my si ore, corner t ounn and castle. oct 30 3t M. G. TIKNKKN. Contractors. t ; SEALED PllOFOSALS-WILL BE RECEIV- L " ed until 12 o'clock noon Tuesday, November nth. ism. for erecting the Building of the Yountr Men's ennsuan Association, nonn west corner Front and Mulberry streets, Wll mlngton, N C. Dimtnsions ixlG7 feet, three and four stories, to be bnllt of Brick and Brown Stone. . Flans and speclflcations are at the rooms of t to Youn? Mcnn chrlstiaa Association. Bank of New INnover building. v limington, w. ;.. and Dartles deslrtnc to bid can see terms and conditions along with plans and specifications by applying to the undersign ea. The commiiice reserves toe ngni. iu n-jevx any and all bids. oct 23 lot notice to U. M. BUSEY. General Secretary- Builders B' Tasscsgcr iei Ealcik, H. C. IDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL No vember 1st, 1800, for the construvtion of ths - i- - , Union l'assenger Station at Raleigh, N. C. Flans and spccltlcatloas can be seen at the office of the Raleisli & Gaston Railroad, 313 Halifax strctt, Ralelsh, N. C. V t C. WL5DEK,' oct ri lot . i or ttc committee. Wilmington Seacoast R. E. 5' IX EFFECT OCT. TH. IE AVE WILMINGTON 2S0 AND P. If. Leave Hammocks 7.50 a. m. and 5.30 p. ml Sunday .trains leave Wilmington 2 30 .ana 6.30 p. m. j '. . Leave Hammocks 9.30 a. m. and 5.33 p. n. Leave Wilmington 10.00 a. m. Saturday only. 25c round trip every day. ' : J. R. NOLAN, oct 8 tf ? General Manager. ' The Finest in 20 Years! J HAVE RECEIVED FROM SAMPSON County Two Steers, weighing over 2,000 Its., the flaest that has been here in 20 years, and will be on my stall, . ' Ko. O, Front Street AIarket n TO-MORROW (WEDNESDAY.) Everybody and his wife are invited to call and make selections of Choise Cuts.- i ' " ' T. !! JUHNSON. SPECIAL ! Genuine Hand-Sewed HO S6 for G4f -AT- Geo. R. French & Sons; 108 North Front Street. (Opposite The orton.) oct tf Hardware) riUNWAUE nov ANU CROCKERY. W. E. SPRrNGEU & CO., ' lmportcntnd Jobbers. Piirceil Biuldlns. Just Arrived ! - j NICE LOT OF THAT rKESn;CP-CODNJ ; try BUTTER, la small Kitsat i. !-."-' . y . . ; - -. . 'IWUU & PEAKS ALL01 I je 6 tt ! II and 13 So. WaterstrecL: "

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