1 9 . PfJCASS WOTICt " - :, nrom oar tnenis oa anj 4al ailrsljccts i CeoeraJ tBtcresi bai ' Z :: ? Tuo QArne oxt&e writer mast Alwajr heIur ...rriu - t 3 ' ' .,m uonth. S3 cents. JL . i nisned to the ifritor. ft rxi t j carrier, Ire Corainankaatij o must he vntica on cnix one siae or tuv ptet. . Ami It ts wspiinitiiy prticuUriy tmocr-, VOL. XIY. WILMINGTON, N. 0 , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1890. stnoa tnn mr Kjr.ar toe not aivu-) eiidone the vie ws ot W vti;oridens anus so eUted it i NO 2G7 ..V, in Urn cUitorui Lotamtuv ' '-. r i.ilr, V 1 I- : ft"' I a v 1 . . ' S - B. I l rc-nlL when f J'- '. is r- curve habit wJ J ever pro :..h, prompt it Uii1 srrvctvr.U sulwtajiccs, itf Q'.v-. i rjH.Viiiit coiunieiid i Qs bve wu.lo it tie moi,' 'ha of F'iz is for snK m Vc'W3V att kaliJr drug Wit rekaUc Jru4rgut ttIix VhC kin it h&ad will pro jLatrit.- Do nwt "accept an) buAWi w raw CO. CJgERT R. KFLLAMY. nOJtSXLE DKlf;IST. jj i:minjrH. r. m. Country Pn (luce. criaBCTrEK.cn ESN UTS, !.T.t. r. ALUERMAN, Ct.'sJon Merchaikts, xzv no No. Water St. i Uovng ale. 'JIILL)IOVE THIS WEEK. IT IS ra; cat. Articles ot Furniture haTe u tw itaas? are needed. Wo 7X jxrw4z.iv call and sec us. we ixkuv.'ca prices. XEKj) l-O.. Furniture Heelers. ff2 Cv. Virtft and si-on(l SLs. h Fall Blast.! ?1TBT WCK)D srLlTTEK IS XOW U beat of order. Kea Asti, L iL M0TC -al. cbestnut t!?1 coi, rca coal and several J UX k TOLLERS. VI01CSALK DKALKKS IN felons, Groceries, Tobacw, Cijmrs, -IS D- IUX MERCHANTS, rrt, aBj rock Sit., GTON, N. U. -iceNorth Carolina RULT PROOF EEO -:. OATS. 1 Utt . - lirvllvtl) A iXLL ?? v., lJOr oats, which are the best td a-tfomtns States. ITCHELL&SON. A. Tu cker, GRANITE, MARBLE AND uuractuxer ot Cetceteir. U4 "r.sj: wort. 21 Vav ... . K ' vi iu r runt tirvcH Wl'jr.lnctoa. N. C. lT $TEAMEU AND RAIL TDIS lU SEW LINES OF family Groceries. " i Airy ana Sew Vort. I ,Cu. Crackers. Cheese, Cm. x0 'a creat Tarietj. iipectaltf. p. SWAMN, Act., 0w - . , I to-day. .i.-.i.o... Tf-tsits wnec , r ir - W ; it ii pleaiil j ) ,sitor !Q oar ci j acnituinly not fall to call - f,v cu :Lc Kii:;ep, j lohl H1- '- for an p:ff.w'N c!.antc3 the sv t : ...v, L rv'h coins, flcau- iv- fiLai. IKOKZ TO.NSW ADTXBTlSXXSXTa Smeed Co Furniture Otebi ilorae Efn Eiislcr Muxes Brothers Druggists c: X Tate. Sam Jones song Books uuv im oumi uuu uiass tor Kale l.i.thv u.i , - V ;aui1 fair weather. The receipts of cotton nt this port! Local forecasts from a a, m. to J to-day foot lip 1,356 balc. - (day, for Wilmington and vicinity, ! Evening t.ra.pr r.i J falr father and cooler to-night. U St. Paul's Episcopal Church nightatS 'clock. " i j - auurcss Hi to- And the. registration books have closed and no one cm register here after unless he comes of ajre after to-day. ty should cef on the N. Ja yttiing wanting t Regal Readj'-mixed Paint, and have no other, if yori want a good, durable article; for 'sale by the N. Jacobi Hdwj Co. f I aw Manufacturers Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wife and Iron Fences. Or ders nolloited. ; Janjew I. Metts. t Four or nve flat loads of wood ar rived at Prjiicess street dock last nfght and this inorningLand oak has been retailing from them to day at u cents a load. i We have in stock an immense va riety of Cook Stores, all stvles and size. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacobi Hdwj Co. f We regret! to learn that Mrs. Alice Ij. Adkins will remove from this city to Hinesville, Qa., where she has i sister residing. She will leave for her new home in a few days. ' . . A large line of Breech and lluzzle loadiDgShofc 0uu, Air Rifles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. N. Jacobi Hdw. A bunch of malaga grapes which will weigh four pounds is a great curiosity here. Such an one was displayed yesterday by Mr. J. S. Hooper. at his: store on North Front street. , A carload of very fine apples was received here yesterday afternoon by Capt. W.P. Oldhaw. They came from Pigeon. River, the first received from that section, and are an un usually fine and well flavored ar ticle. 11 "There is a slave, whom we have put in prison.'? Aye and we'll keep him there, he was a tyrant once, but his reign is over, his sceptre lies in the dust. I lis name is Pain, and his conquerer is ! the far-famed and world-renowned Salvation Oil. Politics is all the tatir now. The campaigu is waxing warm here. Some believe; that the Democra tic county ticket will win this time, and our friends are gathering st rength and confideaco ith the pas en rra nP Ofl.(h t da.V. The outlook is -"ft1- w. i- indeed a hopeful one now.: Capt. Alexander. Capt; Alexander arrived here last night with the expectation of goieg to.Southport.tbiS-morning , but as the schedule of the boat was chang ed to the afternoon he waited and went down tnen. He is to speak at Southport either to-night or to-morrow morning and will go thence to Shallotte Appointments to Speak. Hon. Chas. M. Stedman will ad dress the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places: ! - Clarkton, Friday, Oct. 24th. Lauriuburg,; Saturday, Oct. 2oth (at night.) i -Charlotte, Monday, Oct. 27th (at night.) Concord, Tuesday, Oct. 28th, (it night ) ; v Salisbury,; Wednesday, Oct. 20th, (at.night.) I j Capt. 8. B. Alexander will speak at the places mentioned below on the dates given: Wadesboro, Oct. 14th. Jjaurinburg," Oft. 16th. i Rockingham, Oct. 17th. . - Wilmington, Oct 20tb, Cat night.) New Hanover county, Oct. 21st. Whlteville, Oct, 22d. Maxton, Oct. 23d. Southport, Oct. 24th. Shallotte, OcL 25th.. - . UnKeithan'e Store, Oct. 2. th. ; Albermarle, Oct. 29th. Concord, Nov. 1st. . . . Q.iun( in the -neck and all other forma of wrofnlaralt rheum, The power of music, all our . hearts allow," but there are a few : ignorant persons who have not . earned yet, that all colds are cured by Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. Buy it niul try it, 2-5 cents a bottle. ? Forecasts. PAfV.i.n i- .l ForaorthCurohiia.continuedcool. j Free Zither Concert. Arrangements have been made bv the Seaman's Free. Library Commit-j tee to give a free cithara or zither 1 concert, by the Koeberi family, in the Seaman's "Friend Society, at. 8 o'clock to-morrow (Saturday; even ing. All seafaring men are cordially Invited, free of charge. Let all the sailors turn out and show their ap preciation of this musical treat given! with hearty good will by their well wishers, the Seamen's Friend Society. Southpoit'a Census. The Southport Leader has taken the census of the little "Bay' City" and finds that there are 1,181 people there,1 of whom ?8tfare white and 398 colored. The increase over 1880 is IK per cent. The count was care fully made and at a time when sum mer' visitors to Southport had all returned to their homes, so that it is' probable that the werk was as fairly and impartially done as it was possible to aiake it. Seuthport ought therefore to give a. big Demo cratic majority in November. MaJ. McCIammy's Appointments. Hon. C. W. MeCJamiuy will ad dress the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places: h Little River Academy, Cumber land county, Thursday, Oct. 23. Lockville, Chatham county; Fri day, Oct. 24. Green Level, 'Wake couutyV Sat urday, October 25. - Mebanesville, Alamance county, Monday, Oct. 27. Brassfield, Durham county, Tues day, Oct. 28. Fremont, Wayne couiitv. Thurs day, Oct. 30. Faison's Depot, Duplin county, Friday, Oct. 31. Magnolia, Duplin county, Satur day, Nov. 1. liurgaw, Pender county, Monday, Nov. 3. " The Voting Places. V The following are the voting places in the city for the coming election: First Ward, First Division - Thos. (i. Williams' store, corner Fourth and Harnett streets. Second Division Building comer of Sixth and Campbell streets, re cently occupied by Mr. James Lewis as a restaurant. Third Division Unoccupied store on the corner of Tenth and Walnut streets. Second Ward The Court House. Third Ward-Giblem Lodge. Fourth Ward Cape Fear Engine House. Fifth Ward, First Division Fifth Ward Market House, corner of Fifth and Castle streets. Second Division Bannaker Hose Reel House, on Ninth, between Cas tie and Qaeen streets. My Friends A Word With. lot. Do you know that every man who desires to vote at this election must register anew? Even if you have registered and voted before, you must register again under the new election law to vote this year. Do vou want the Uepubhcans to carrviine election mm nir jy neighbors arrested and put in. lan as in 18GS-9? If not, register anil vote the Democratic ticket. Do vou wish the negro to get con trol of vour country and State? If not, register ami vote for the Dem. ocratic nominees. Do vou not know that every negro In the State will register and vote? Then so must every white man. Do you want negro Yankee sol diers with drawn bayonets to meet you at the polls and dictate to you how to vote? If not, be sure your nnniP won the registration books, and do not fail to vote the. straight Democratic ticket. You can't register after Oct. 24th so reirister at once. Don't say you have not time take time your happiness depends upon it; the good name ana prosperity oi juur oiaiu irPnd on it: honest government and white mans control depend on it. Don't wait. . . Delay may cost the defeat of the party. I kd. chambers smith, Chm'n. Dem. State Ex. Com. FOR KISUBAXGIA AKD nEAUACUE tt.x r?rnrrVi on Pain." Instant re lief. 25imt 50c. ROUGH ON CORNS. Salve, luc iiougn on Xft i resbyteriao Synod. ; Thursday aftkroon. Synod met at 3:30 and resumed .business.. IHe unhnuhed business was taken l hp, by hearing the remaining report v wmiuivirt' uu exuiuiuaiion oi T it ft. X t ireusuier h uooks. rvionteu. Kev. Ij. C. Vass called attention A A lo ine excessive assessment or Alber - marie Presbytery, aud- moved that I.. . . - the committee be instructed to re- j arrange this assessment, and to ad - just the amount due bv this Uresbv tery in iFbportioii to its member- ' ship. Carried. iiicauujcci oi roreiju iUJbtiuiis was then' resumed, with devotional exercises conducted by Rev. W. A. Vood, D. D. Rev: Mr. Bryan stated that since the morning service lie had found considerable interest in the simultaneous meetings of which he spoke, aud suggested that the Synod take some action which would bring about such meetings. It was moved that the Committee on Foreign Missions be requested to prepare a programme for such meet ings to churches through Presby terial Agents. Adopted. Rev. Mr. Bryan read the following resolution: ' The Synod, following the consist ent action of the General Assembly for many years, commends the or ganization of our Christian men and women Into lniesioaary societies re sponsible to church sessions and contributing through the channels of the General Assembly; and, fur ther, this Synod approves of such united efforts as ' may be - made by the societies of different ehurches in the same neighborhood or even within the same Presbytery; crowd ed always that these organizations submit theii constitutions and their proceedings to the Presbytery for approval; that they direct their con tributions through the ordinary channels of the church, and that in the case of ladies' societies . the at tendance be restricted to ladies. The resolution was adopted. Report of Committee on Foreign Missions adopted as a whole. Dr. Primrose extended an invita tion from the First Presbyterian Church to the Synod to take an ex cursion to the seashore to-morrow. The Synod returned thanks, but de clined to accept it for to-morrow on account of pressing business. KVErttG SESSIOX. Synod met at 8 p. m. and resu med business. Rev. Mr. Bryan gave an interesting account of the establish ment of Presbyterian missions in Cuba, the difficulties met aud the progress made. He then presented Rev. J. Ji Harrell, who will soon sail for luisu work in Brazil, who spoke on! "The Missionary's nceJ," of the prayers ot his brethren at home. Synod then engaged in prayer for Mr. Harrell, led by Dr. F. H. John son, that his labor might be abund antly blessed. , Rev. Dr. J. S. Watkins, of Raleigh, made a highly interesting and in structive address on mission ..work in the Congo Free State, in Africa, illustrated by a large map of that country, and urged the duty of fur ther efferts there. A collection for Foreign Missions was then takeu up. Amount of collection for Foreign Missions $03.28. The report of the Board of Re f rh Ornlianasre Home was u w w , t 3 read. Report of committee onchange of Iocation'of Orphan's Home was read. Report of Executive Committee, of Orphan's Home was read.. Recommendations of Board of Elements (majority and minority): re ports read. - Reports accepted, and recommendations taken up sctiatim. The recommendation, of minority report was adopted, which was to purchase property at Barium Springs and remove the Orphan's Home at once from Charlotte. Adjourned. . FRIDAY MORNING. Synod convened according toad-; journment -and was opened with nrayer by Rev. R. Z. Johmston. j Permission was granted Judge t Avery to make a personal explana- tion touching his communication in Qm Presbyterian. j The fourth resolution of the Board I of Regency of the Orphan Asylum j removing that institution from Char-! lotte to Barlu ai Springs, and the whole report bf the Board were adopted, j - - , TbeStatetl Clerk was Instructed to write to the women of Charlotte. a letter explanatory o( the action of . j the Synod touching the removal of ; the Orphans' .Home; j Dr. Shearer presented uu able pa ;per advocating a grand Preabyte riau University. This was partially , read and laid over as unfinished 1 I . uusniess. . j The Svnod then took uu the .order ofthe day which was th'o report of I ' .' , Evangelistic cajse. The following programme, ap I . -! pointed for to-day, wits then taken . up and carried out: TOPICS OK DICCSSIONV 1. Our Obligation to Reach, the i Poor of North Carolina with the Gospel of Jesus Cftrist, ami the best means of meeting this Obligation. Rev. E. W. Smith. 2. The Ministerial Qualifications for Iteacbiug the Poor Successfully. Rev. P. R. Law. j 3. Presbyteriaiiism Suited to the Masses, Rev. W. S Primrose. 4-. Lay Evangelization Rev. Rumple, D. D. 5. The Necessity and . Po.wers of the Evangelkt. Rev. W. D. Morton, D. D. 0. Brief Addresses by Chairman of Presbyterial Home Mission Commit tees. Rev. H. G. Hill, D. I)., Rev. C. A. Monroe, Rev. JkV, E. Mcllwaine and Rev. D. I. Craig. 7. The Evaageliitjc Work of the Synod. Rev. Alexander Sprunt. General Discmssioh of the Whole Sehiect of Home .Missions ia the Bounds of the Synod. Syrup of Figs. j Produced from the laxative and nu tritious juice of California figs, com bined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be! most heaeficial to the human system, acts gently, n the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dis ne-llinsr colds and headaches and curisg habitual constipaiion. C,W. & N. It. Ii. The Norfolk Virginian savs that it is announced Miat-active operations on'the Charleston, Wilmington and Norfolk Railroad will shortly com mence. This is the new line North em capitalists propose to construct between Norfolk. arid Charleston, S. C. The route has been surveyed the entire distance andj rights-of- way hav been obtained through much f the fine country to be traversed; most pf thetmoney for the new enterprise will be put up bv Boston capital. ! After work has commenced it is tliougbt the road can be completed and in operation in a year's time. The increase in cotton receipts alone with the build ing of such a line would ,at once make the road prominent ame-ng the trunk hues now coming into Wil mington. Bucklen's ArnicaSalve. The Best Saive iri'the Iworld for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt .Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap- pedIands, Chilblains, Uorns, ana an Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Itis guar anteed to give peneci saiisiacuon or money refunded Price 25 cen per box For sale by Robert R Bella tay. wholesale and ratail d'jggiH4,; NEW ADVKltTlSKilCJiTi. Lost. I ! i ;' POINTER PUPPY.j rTIIKEE . MONTHS old. Liver colored head, body liver, and white: lias double nose. Liberal reward for return to 111 SoutU Scvcntli strt4t, or. at ths Office. i Oct 3t n3altine. i rLAIN, AND'-WITH ALL ITS VOMBINA- llom3. A rresa supply just received by i " ' 31UNDS BUUTIlli5, oct2JtI 101 N. Pnmt street. ONLY NATIVE MEAT. JJU KING THE FALL, AND WINTER MY otalls in Front street Market, soath side, wL'l be headquarters for j ' NATIVE MEATS I ' I W'JLL SELL NO OTHER. During a re- mzac arransgments for resrular snp- pjies of FINE pastcrb fed. native xeat, and ttu supply, win oc drawn rrom WT , AnoUier Car Ix)ad t(MUr, wai on to-tnorrow and saturdiy. l chausngrc the world to beit this Bef l . AUo, mutton. LAMB. rORK, VKA!T. - - ' - -! . - tiuunt if; iAUUliL.i; stana l ad Front strt Martef.souta side, . octnst , Star aid Messenger eopj) NKW- A HVrl2l6TISEMKNT8 OP Km A HOUSE. pud Wednesday, Oct b.r 158th and liUili. AMEHICAjS F-AVOlilTE ACTKIbS-l r EFFIE ELLSLER,';': Sapporlyd by MR FRANK AVESTOX ani fifr j own company.; . Ji "1 TUUSOAV. UCT.a8: r. MISS . ' I A new AmaiJaa CoalcdjV'-; : v' WKlMfisi)AV, OCT. UU: Ji THE GOVEllNESSi " A Dom j-stlc comedy Drama. Both plays hajvc been nresented wtthrem. piutic success Hn the lanro clUes by Miss Ellsler and a strong couapany. Ktaervca jmjui ai y atcs' JUonday. Oil Sill Genuine Haiid-Sewed S6 for S4, AT , . Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 North Front Stroit. ; (Opposite The ortoa.) octSO tf The Ad vantages Wo Offer to SPECIAL SHOES, PIANO AND ORGAN QUSTOMEUSjAIiE: THAT OIR INSTRU- ents are careJully selected by t ha Under signed and bought directly frem the manu racturer. We have a rery large Btocic; com prising all grades and styles, to select from." -All our Pianos are delivered and kept in tne the llrst year, by two competent tuners. As we are tight hero, we are responsible, which la not the case when you send for Itanoa or buy from travelling agents, for when aay- , ; thing is wrong you may hare a guarantee ut . this does not 'repair your instrument. By . economical management wo can sell you in- " strudCnts at least 20 per cent, lower thaa you ' have to pay to travelling agents, for you have to help pay .their heavy expenses. . ': The instruments yqa buy rrom us are right ' here and -consequently joa do nop buy the"- "cat In th bag. - Over jo instruments sold in Wilmington alone is the best proof that the public fiavo contldence in our Judgment and integrity, s K. VamLAEB. OCt 13 tf 407 Ked Cross atfeet. r-f- On lr h r i" lUlooi-ri nor o mix flnf ' ;-'- ' ..' O and "Friend Olivia," by Ametla E. Baxr, are concluded in Atlantic and century, cianc Kussell has a sea story in UpiUncott- If any t of the Jlagaziilcsoontaln sbetcnes of Cardinal ' Newman's lire and work. Tho sand waves at Hatteras are accounted for in Scrlbner. Bel-. lamy has something to say about "National- , lsm"' in the Forum, and Daudet gives- th further adventures of "Tartann" in Harper. WILMINGTON LIDKAKY ASSOCIATION ' oct 13 tf J33 Market street. NORTH CAROLINA, New) Hanover County. Superior Court John D. Strauss vs. Peter II. Smfta, Walter SmlUl, Mlnnlo Smiths and Clarence Smith, Heirs at Law of II at tie E. .smith. L , . Tbis .is an action brought'? by the "above named plalnUlT against-the defendants above named ror the immediate possession of a cer- tain lot of laail situate in the Cltrof Wllmlacr- ton. county of j New Hanover, and State ot iNorin caroima, ana more spccincailv set out in the complaint filed in thia action. s Notice is hereby given to Walter Smith, one of the defeudanta afcivc aaracd, who Is anon resident or ih 'j State of North Carolina, to cither plead, i werr. dcraur-to the com plaint nied ln iiiu a ovc entitled causo.'oa or J before the 6th Mondtr before the first Mon day In March, A; D. isnt, or the relief asked for by tnc plalntirr in ihc complaint-herein nicd will be granted. Given under my hand and Heal of office this, the 17th day of October, A. D. 11 S. VjurAMKINGE, I Clerk of I ho bupenor court. ' II. MCCLA Mj4 Y and 31. V ELLAM Y. octiTGw fit riaintirp Attorney. Contractors. ;.' i ; ' EALE'D PKO'pSALS WILL BE HECEIV cd until 13 ocloci: noon, Tuesday, Nor ember ilih. lbW, for trtcting the Building of the Younr Men's . Christian Association, north- wtt ccriicr Front and Mulberry streets, Wil mington, N c. Dimensions mx 187 feet. three and four stories, to bo built of Brick and Brown stone, i j ' Plans and Hptecihcatient arc at tho rooms of the Young Men's Christian. Association, liank of New Hinovcr,builrting, Wilmington. H. V.. anu panics acsmng 10 ma c:in see terms ana -conditions along with plans and specification by applying to the undcrsltrncd. lLe cominlttec reserves ftie right to reject any and all bid . . 31. BL'SEY. oct 2i 1 . ; j (iencral Secretary. SAM JOKES SOrJC BOOKC. VATES' lBOeK STORE. sep24tf . -' - ARE NOW mZFAKKIf TO taJalfC UPON rcaijonabu terms a limited amount of Faally Washinj, which will be la cnargt of ft compe tent lady. . - r WORTH C BRANCH. oct3 Proprietors. '' .'".-'' , . : f r, -.-J - ' ' '.'::.ri' oi Front Street. s -

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