0 r JJMmmllll'm'mimm'mm" " - FfflgiM ift furcs Co-ite, Cold3, ;! I 5 H.rncs, Asthma, '5S. 5 'ccnu Q V Qg U P REVS' . i. i-..i locally and : ti-'! f many (fji.-'- y :.' . : -. i .. 1 1 r aula spc- a . ae7T - - . t - . mtrrf. 3-1- , . . , . it t r .nult ... rVa. " H? (f ,VU h... 1 Cf net. . . . $ ""It jVrtxlJ 45 I P'j;,:, : '.;.:::::"".::i:o ! LVnlr HV.rt.Ipiwtloiil.00 S L?.i f:iiZ?c2.l JO Fuitoa bt. M Y. PECI F ICS. T A t.wViiJ-A TiiTauS tAi 7 C n fi npn linrU. Com t- TVm PUy 100 TUIiES To atrodee ten. oa la cwy C ointT or Town xur- ..r tcrtlxr aex) wb will IT-i nxiw ..r tcrttxr aex) will tr"i h It. If RSEM MBSlfi I Jw Yrk C My. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM laiunaat mVth. !tT-r Fxii to Btor Os r3? DERC0RHS. Ti fw tt- cure for frr.i UniMiJUM CO. IT. X CUTtri I COM I OKTING. PPS'S COCOA. BKK.KrAST. Cyo5,b krxirkOre of the natural B!ra.i2lbya ranfia app'JcaUon of tirt: cr wcll-seloctci Cocoa. Mr. Uirmspii our breakfast ublesvrllfc f CiToml bvcra wcloli max Bujj doctors' till l. is fcy rJ w c 5"a rtii-!rH of diet that a xcacajbc jraatntijr built up until ec5 to rolst every tcnVncy to Elrpis of sutnid niaUdics are " o atuct wncrcver a ilTtir01- "eraay escape many trt'jl,1 ourirlvcs well lortl- 7, w'x1 nt a rropcrty nourished akp-Ct rr''r ,; Ma:e simply VVPr cr W only la hilf- in ' i nils: i H'ccopaiLlc Chcm- 1 IV Tift w I ' 4Afii 111IK1.II 1 -a, Kidney rains,! 1 n y CISC ire or nTIiTirt!nn I v,wt mk Relief from 7iif!,P I'LASTKU f fae-Aepe U no plaster. .HIADHFS Awn r2- " .i-cvi ou receipt oi 3kc EXOR & KirifAnns. it . . 'landCiassical School 2T uall Morrelle, A. 31. I J511-51-USD ANNUAL SESSION . "i3" T ' Ja7, . tht first of OC- ' . if JITDatlrm i. x- sep is tf KSifcrser ct nrih. kna. !U M r - - IMlll.iim i A I I III - - AtMUMlnutlon Iry LLcIi'tnin t--t. Saturday ii)3ht , abont 0 o'clock a fear ftil r.4cna vn? 11- at Alpine, Tex Bamncl Taylor vras attxl at a table playing carj Trith tbree ciberi '. Sud denly there vnu a llhlninff flb, a lon.l rtrort, r.nvl Taylor, casplnscndbleeflin fell fror., M chair. Tbo nigbt opcrAtor uttered a cry or pain, and be. too, fell. It ra fonnrl thnt Taylor was dend. h-luW-in rtxx-ivcd fifteen buckshot under the left arm.- Tbo operator wa3 also bad ly vroundal. ' Fireebot.s bad entered the small cflib back. A Mexican had also one of the ballets la bis shoulder The tj-sassin fiml from .a .window; and both barreU of his gun are supposed to have been eujplicd ct ence Two years a.o Taylor billed Pasa-ner Conductor-Server at Valentine, on tho Southern Pacific. Tbo killing created the wildest excitement, aiuon tho rail rt;id men. aa Serv er v.-xia very iopalar auiouj; trainnjen throughout the state. At the time of the killing Taylors right eye waa r.hot out About eighteen aont!:a ago he was shot at through a window with a Winchester rifle in the Hcyisakers' saloon at Galveston; Tex and barely escaped "death. No arresta, havo thns far been made, and tho xnur-i derer is unknown. It is presumed that some friend cf Server took this method of avenging bis death. Tho operator's wounds are considered fatal. Tho Mexi can will also dio. Cor. St L(xn 3 Re public. ' ' : A flage ToantAln of OIL A forty quart shot was thrown into thcGibesn well at Wild wood recently with diro results. 1 This well, owned by the Eridge water Gas company, has re cently changed into a" gasser and was shot to open op tho oil 'product. Tho object was attained, but tho casing was broken by tbo concussion; and for twenty-four hcur3 it was impossible to shut in the larga volumo of oil, shooting with tuch terrific force as to throw it out over the top of the fifty foot derrick. Tho output sinco tho agitation is estimated at thirty-Cvy barrels an hour, fifteen of which is a total lo On approaching the well the- oil descends in a shower, and every tree, bush and shrub within a radius of 100 yards is covered with a coating of oiL Tha greater part of the fluid, kowever, is thrown into tho fitld wkckea it rsma in. smafU rivulet to tha creek below, and ean be traced as far as the Allegheny river. Cor. Pittsburg Commercial-Gazetted . -t . patch on, Couilrv HinM , Who eoiuen hiTt, with" Iiooklijg o i Ictuore and inek,-lHrcn-!,. the quaint old -coantrv WHOLESALE PRICES. i Who ihi. wit Iran air of jjrace, t,,y ,,'ve in measured mcv MrKs iier,rfrts ber. bowing low? wV r,C,, 11:1,1 ,orfH' '" atif Who, ,e:i looks arrows the room, ' a t"U do,,,,f browu of gloom? All. III.- S,; ias cft 1, aJJ,:. . r !M,i,,r poor and young! Hul In. ,m cts her roving eyes " ' . th. blii!ip hwt that ric- Ah, what mutter what mav be j J hey are lovers', he ami die! i Hut the dancH I iSwet pnigeiirthfy, rourtly bow; f H-jtts oti trii't heart 'mid the. t i Ih it no, ris it vth? fOiicr, justoncM, tlieirgiaucpH meet J Ah, it is the signal sw't; wc uut- wnue rosv blie won ? Lying there upon the floor! res; "ark, the elutk im htriking four; Who's this at the otfrn door, Cloakid and hooded, in alarm, J Clinging to her lover's arm? l ara thee well, O lordly beau I They'll be wrd long ere yon know, .uove mat nasthe will, folk av. Soon cr late will make tht av! ; XJhamberb Journal. tier ralated Shirt Fronts. Tho latest reliable fashion news from Paris notifies us that hand painted dress shirts are to bo the exceptionally elegant thing for the coming season. These de liriously original devices of fashion are to be decorated in designs appropriate to tho wearer's tastes or practices. I Thus the yachtsman in full dress will display upon his i manly bosom a water color drawing of a regatta or the portrait of his favorito craft; the devotee of dogs will have his front elevation embellished with canine designs instead of diamond studs: l,he horseman will wear horse races or stable scenes on his starched linen, and in a similar style each indi vidual hobby, fad or characteristic in; dulgence of the man of fashion may, at his pleasure, mirror itself to the world as a legitimate part of his outfit. Phila delphia Record. - j No Smallpox In Ireland. ' t "Not a sincle death from smallpox was registered in Ireland last year. From this scorn-ire. at all events, "the distress ful country" appears to be gradually freeing iteolL uvcr mo-iast ten years the averarre annual number of deaths was 130, but this average is due to' the more serious state of things prevailing in the earl v stages of the decade. " Since 18S3 there has only been one year in which the number of deaths from small pox was as high as fourteen. That wa3 in 1SS7. In 1885 there were but four deaths from smallpox registered in Ire bind: in 1886. two; in 1884 Ihere was only one; in 1883 there were three, and, as above stated. In lix?J tnere was noi one, London News. j , , 1 . Danger from Eleetrlo ran. j An accident has just, occurred! in Georgia which shows the necessity of tho guard whicn is now generally nxea ihn vmtilatmir fans worked by elec tric motors. The manager of the en gineering department or an electric ugm works had been superintending the put ting in of a new exhaust fan, and was watching its first trial, as ne was xeei infT riA Rhftffc to see if the iournals were hot tho suction drew his hand in, and in an instant if waV cut off between tne wrist and the elbow. The fan ' was ; re volving at the rate of 1,000 revolutions a minute, and it is said that the arm was cnt off as clean as if it had been done by knife. Detroit News. Preparing for "Winter. ! ' A Mat cwcrntA r1vi1ir who miSSOd a num- - M V f . " " Iia hru nlanted in the north eastern part of th city took a scout nViaViiftinf And in nnn back rard he feundno less than twenty differ- ' . . . . m . 1 i ent 'Tor bales, several or laem ucwuj hU own, "Apply to . w nen ue uu uvV n wnnTnr Viiq Tifonrrtv. however. ViC-A lu . . 4 X a Polish woman set a -dog on him. and . . 1 , 1 ran him ofr, accompaniea vy an laauOu wiuca twiuw w iu.iv. . . . . t 1 UM "IT my n us uan a . was oniy iicxtj (...Vi nr rwffe thnn to come arouna trying to steal tho fire", wood we've laid up for thewinter!-Detroit Free Pres.s . : : .! A Famia Cattle In tbo arfcet.i r nniA wlfhnoner to snare may perhaps be intexttcd to hear that i,i4' Aitonnnf Tiautefort and Its urrounding. Unds, near Peregnenx, in old Guienne, are now in mo market. Hautefort was thd hope of that famous but ..turbulent -troubadour 1 f ih Twelfth century r , a Tinm. who set King John . ' . 11 1.:. TTunnr II I of.JU3gwnl against uj wwu f- A Scrap of Paper Savok ' j '"'Life , . j : It was just an ordinary scrap o wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and conld live only a short time; she weighed less" than seventy pounds. Ona piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New ! Disco verv, and got "a sample bottle; it helped her, , she bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh ing 140 pounds. For fuller particu lars send stamp to W.H. Cole, Drug gist, Fort Smith. Trial . bottles of this wonderful Di:overy free at Robt. R. Bellamy's wholesale and retail drug-store. OCTOBKItODDS.'. ' ''Ma, I think pa and the men in the other rooiu are playing ards.1 "The idea! What Makes yu think so, my son?" "Why- I hear them whistling religious songp." Time. ' Quite Natural Mrs. Gazzam - Yonng Mr. Dolly dotes wildly on our Amy." Mr. Gazzam "Yes, my dear. He is just at the age whem young men sow thai? wild dotes." Smith, Gray & Co.'s Monthly. At Niargara Old Mr. Testy (re- turaing to his room after payin tne hotel oun "JJon't touch mei I'm not sure about my insulation and I've just been so heavily charg ed that I'm dangerous.1' Puck. Marian Wbat do vou think of Mr. Derby ,! Gladys? .Gladys He seems to be a . very agreeable young man. Marian Wall, 1 didn't like hint one bit. Gladys Why not? Why, we stood under the mistletoe together for five minutes this even ing, and he didn't well, he didn't, that's all. Harper's Bazar. e , Tho tollowlnfr quotations . rrprescnti whole sale prices cencrallr. . in making op- small pr dera higher prices hive to be charged. " " ; - BAGGING i rV J.,U Ganajr..... , Standard v... BAUOJf North Carolina.-. Hams..: . . . . . : .-.. : Shouktera p fc,..;... Sides, B WESTEllN SMOKED llama. SlCics,n......"... Shooldcra,a.. . DUY SALTED . , Sides, v& - Shoulders, a I - S 11 8 8 4- 8 ex 12 10 It 10 '8 e.e Second Hand, each. New, New York, each . . . New, City, each. ........ . DEJ5SWAX. lb BltlCKSr WUinlnston, f M, Northern... T.........; IJUTTEtt, Xb-' ! North caroUaa... .... Northern , CANDLES, y Zb Sperm .-, I Adamantine.... CUBES S,; lb : Northern Factory Dalry CreamI ........ ... ! : ev - ' fj.hiA, . e-OFFER,;? lb I Java.. I Lagiyra KI0..J...... COKN MEAL, v bush. In sacks. Virginia Meal... COTTON TIES, v bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting', 4-4, y yard. - Yarns, bunch . . . ... EGGS, y doz. FISH ! - - Mackerel. No. 1, bbl. ..... X) 00 Mackerel,-No. i, y halt bbL 12 50 Mackerel, Na 8. 9 bbl 15 00 6 t CS , 1 40 SO . 1 C5 70 . 8 00 glfc 00 . 0 00 li 00 15 l 5 25 & 30 13 (4 25 10 12X . thd : 10 13 4 11 9 & lr 27 & JO 21 25 20 "22 00 52X " 00 9 C3 1 S5 1 30 V r 6.1g 00 & 80 10 d chains of the A Kay of llopo For all who arc held by the of scrofula or other diseases blood comes; from Hood's Sarsapa rilla, which by imparting the ele ments of good health and strength to the vital fluid, dissolves the bonds of disease and sets the captive free. No other remedy in existence com bines tho positive economy, the pe culiar merit and the medicinal power of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mr nhlKpn.11 Ah. mv dear Miss Southmavd, yonr face is the- veryi mirror of truth! Miss Southmayd Not when you are looking into it, sir. Burlington Free Press. Cousauaptlon Surely Curetl. To tiik Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hoie loss cases havo been permanently cured. -1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fukk to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post oflice address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl t.. New York. ; A Michigan paper suggests that John L. Sullivan be turned into the ring with a 4-year-old bull. John has certainly never hesitated to face a couple of horns. Boston Bulletin. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wikslow's soothing syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. -It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnildjrom pain, und the little cher tib awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or otlur causes. Twenty five cents a bottle, iulv 6 deod&wlv ,f . ! An anDronriate helm for a mud scow would be a tiller of the soil. Sittings. Ton are In a Bad Fix But we will cure you if you will pay us. Our message is to the Weak; Nervous and Debilitated, who, by early Evil Habits, or Later Indis cretion?, have trifled away their vigor of Body, Mind aDd Manhood, and who suffer all those effects which lead to Premature Decay, Consumption or Insanity.' If this means you, send for and read qmt Book of Life, written by the great est Specialist of -the day. and sent, (sealed), by addressing Dr. Parker' Medical and Surgical Institute, 153 North Spruce street, Nash ville,Teon. Many Persons are tc : down fnm orenrork or household carJ , i;w.-r'- Iron JJlttcrs EcboMsth ij-.tiiii. .Iges ioa. TfmoTM excem Oi tCe, fcaU ialaxLv. - Uvt the genuine. ; Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl Mullets. IP bbl N. C. Hoe Herring, y keg.. - Dry Cod, "& lb.; .. FLOUK, V bbl Western, low grade..... .. i Extra...;.......... ! Famllr... ' City Mills Super....... ... u ."j 'Family glue, a.... GKAIN, V busheL : Corn, fxn store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn,' cargo. In bags, white, i Corn, mixed, from Btore. . . . Oats,; from score. ........ . : -. oatsj Rust Proof Cow Peas.... HIDES, y lb : Green l Dry.: hay, y 100 lbs Eastern. .... 4 74 7 80 c 00 - 00 5 50 4 00 4 SO 4 00 4 8 48 00 S3 00 33 00 95 :3Q 50 . 15 00 (320 00 6 00 10 oo3 B 700 9 C 00 10 4 00 6 00 6,00 9 4 10 SCO & 10 a o & 9 50 43 53 51 CO 9 r co 3 5 1 05 1 10 i Western 85 SO North River.... ............ 75 00 HOOP IRON, y lb 2X 3 LARD, yjt :. ; -Northern..... 6H& 7' 1 North Carolina............. , 8 . 10 LIME, -y barrel.... ..... I 25 0 00 LUMBER, City sawed, yMft. . " Ship Stuff, resawed.. ...... 18 00 a20 00 Rough Edge Plank... ..15 00 00 t West India Cargles, accord ing to quality 13 00 J8.'00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 ' 15 0C MOLASSES, y gallon ' - New Crop, inhhds.v , 25 28 " ,r in bbls..... .... 28 & 30 Porto Rico, in hhds.....'.v:.. 28 & 30 " - In bbls..... .... 26 O 28 Sugar House, in ha is 00 15 in bbls....... 16 18 Syrup, in bbls. . .'. 23 "35 5 AILS, y Eeg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 92 60 jILS. S gallon. ; . i : Kerosene 9 a 14 Lard,5. 16 & 1 45 Linseed 80 & 1 00 Rosin 15 16 Tar..:.... 00 20 Deck and Spar.. ... 00 0 22 POULTRY .. 'I. i. Chickens, lire rown....... 25 1 & , 30 , Spring,.. ..... ...... 10 ! 8 , 20 Turkeys 75 & 1 00 PEANUTS, y bushel, 22 .1 00 1 25 potatoes, y bushel : Sweet.... 65 & 75 Irish, y bbl 3 25 (3 3 75 .............13 00 00 4 60 80 00 1 1 10 00 00 disoo 16 00 15 00 & 5 9 80 & 1 00 (3 1 22' 75 . 5i 00 70 & 1 49 6X9 PORK, y barrel ; city Mess I Prime Rump ... RICE caioiina, y Rough, y bush, (Upland)... -, (Lowland).. RAGS, y lb country:. Clty.1 ROPE,V-- SALT. y sack. Alum.:.... i Liverpool.......... ....... 1 I Lisbon..: j American... .............. SOAP, y lb Northern: SUGAR, P B Standard grain.; .. standard Arr. ; white Ex a Extra C, Golden. ! c Yeiiow..:; SHINGLES, 7 in. y M. . . . ... . ; Common j Cypress Saps. Cypress Hearts 8TAVESCV M W. o. Barrel.. It. O. Hogshead... TALLOW, y &..... .. TIMBER y M feet Shipping.. 12 00 Fine Mill.... Jl 25 Mill prime.. 7 50 Mill Fahv .. 5 00 0 00 Common MHl...,..........-5 00 9 0 08 Inferior to Ordinary ... 3 60 d 4.00 WHISKEY, V gal Northern... 3 00 j 9 5 00 North Carolina............ WOOL, y fc Washed , ' Unwashed. ......... .. ; Bnrrr,.- klAtlamic Coust Line. 9 9 69 59 B OOfd 7 00 2 00 i 0 2 50 5, 6 6 6 5X 63tf 4 50 000 000 4 9 5 00 (9 7 50 8CO14 00 10 00 914 00 913 OQ 9 8 50 Wilmington & Weldon R. P. 'i ' A AND BltASOUEH. . " ' CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ; Dated Sept, 10, ISpa Leave Weldon. Arrive Rocky Mount... Arrive Tarboro... :.....:.. Leave Tarboro... Arrive Wilson.;.. Leave Wilson ........ ,. . . .. Arrive selma.. Arrive Fayetieville.. Leave Goldsboro Leave Warsaw.... Leave Magnolia... Arrive WliiaJiifrton . . ,1 1 g ir Jp." M.I P. wT'A . M. 12 w o4J emi 145 ...... ' 7 10 P. M. l" 217 ...... ...... A. M. ;: V 10 201...... ...... P N "sai'l 7 00 7 43 t2.- j...:.. ... . sao 3 15 1 7'i0 ! 8 35 4 10 9H1 4 24 8 40 1J 5 5UJ 9 55 11 a) - TRAINS GOfSG NORTH. 1 50 23 16 16 9 3 00 9 25 9 13 9 18 OYSTER ROASTS J AM BETTER PREPARED than ever to accommodate my hsi!Z Mands with OYSTERS this season. 1 will keep none but the Best on hand always MYRTLE GROVE ROASTS a specialty. Every thing overhauled and Improve. Oysters ready at short notice and expert shnckers to open them. - ' 0 -special rates to parties; Give' me a call and W.U1 do my best to please yoo. --. : : Espcctfnily, - W.n.STOKLlY. octstx wngatsTUif. ' ""a. M. A. U. IvVu Leave Wilmington 1 12 HI 9 00 4 00- Leave Magnoka 11 10 34 5; Leave Warsaw 10 48 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro.......... 2 23 1145 6 53 Leave Fayettertlle. ...... 19 20 Arrive Selma. ills ...... Arrive Wilson... ...... 1220 ...... Leave Wilson........ 3 03 12 37 , 7 47 AT. Kocky Mount..... 1 10 8 13 Arrive Tarboro.... "2 00 ...... A. M.i Leave Tarboro........ ...... 1020 ...... - -- p' M Arrive Weldop . . . : 4 30 2 45 9 30 Daily eacept hunaay. .y ' Train en Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 3.15 p. ra., Halifax 3:37 p.. m., arrives Scotland -Neck at 4.2S p. m.. Green vine 6:00 p. m. Returning leaves tireenvlile 7:20 a. m. Arnvln? Halifax atM:l0 a. m., Weldon I0t30 a m., dally except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Lcal Freight leaves' Weldon 10:30 a, m., Halifax 1136 a. m., Scotland Neck 2:00 p. m. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p, m. .Returning, leave Greea vllle Tuesday. Tnursday and Saturday 9-.30 a. kl, Scotland Neck 1:00 pr m., Halifax 35 p. m. Arriving Weldon 4:00 p. m. ; . Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle Jtalelgh R. R. daily exceptfSimday, 4.06 P. M., Sunday 3.00 P. JL, arrtve W'ilUamston, N. C, 6.30 P. Jl., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 70 P. M. 5 20 P. JL Returning leaves Plymouth, mouth. N. C, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. At Snnrtor n fl ft XI XA7fllfamct-rn t 1ft A HI 9.53 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.30 A. Ji , 1120 A. M. Train on jildiand N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro. N. C. dally excent Sunday. 6.00 A. JL. arrive Smlthfleld, N. C, 7.S0 A. M. Returning leaves smitnneia, c, 8.00 a. m., arrive ooiasDoro, js. v., m.m a. au - Train, on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 100 P. M.. arrives at s Nash ville at 3.40 P. Ji . sprinjr nope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A. M.. Nasnviiie ia: A. M., arrive , Roexy Mount 11.15 A.m:. dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw tor Clinton, dally; except Sunday, at 6.00 P. Ji and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. Jl. and 3.10 P. Jl., connecting at War saw witn aos. 41 4U, 'Si ana in. Southbound Train on Wllsoa & Fayettevllle Branch Is Na 5L Northbound is No. 50. 'Daily except Sunday. - - . Train No. 27 South will'stop only at; Wilson, Goldsborp and. JIagnolia.' Train So. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points 'North dally. All raU via Kicnmona, ana aauy, except eunaay, via tsaj Line. . : . .-. -All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. ' JOHN1F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. , J. R. KBNLY, Sttp't. Transportation. - T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent MLSCrJXANI Ot Scabmircl-Air-Lici (3irbliDa Cenira! Railroad '21. ;. .'-Lp Li t CHANG fe OF SCHEDULE.- WETBorND TRAINS. Na 43. dally ex. Sunday. sept, t, issa Lt!ave Wiiruibqton.:..,....! 9 20am iave llarclei... 1 raptn Leave Wutkboro........ Arrive charlott.,. ....... Leave Chariot lei.;.. v ..... 2 23 ptn 4 n pro 4 Wrra dally tt. bciiay. 9 31 pni 6 w an; a l laso oo arc. Leave Unt)liiton;..:..,;...t 5 i vm " Lea Shelby... j......;. .. rt 4 an, -. .- Arriveiaitherl dti.. ....... 7 55 pio . EASTBOUND TRAINS ffpt.7, Na CC , No, 24. Idally ex. dally cx "i nnday. .KuxiOay r fc -.i - Leave HatK-ri'dt'r......M.. I 8 tn am! I ' . , , Leave Sliciby.V ............. H0 00 am t " , Leaw UutxJntcn. .......... ill 12 am Arrive Charlotte...........; rmj Leave chariw Uj:......,.. .. it a pml, 8 t pm IxavG Watksboro : I nm 11 i m ' " Leave Hailel..i..........1..i a isimj t :Kl Arrive Wihningt 'n... ...... j 7 supm! 8 CO am. Trains No. 43 and 36 make close connection iu hamlet for .Hatclgti and at Ltncclnton for Hickory and W. N. V. ; ; : Trains No. 23 and 24 make close cennettiox , . at Jlonroe forCho6ter. -- . Through Sleeping cars between Wilmington an Charlotte.- - ..... - T- w. WHISNANT, superintendent. ' F. W. (CLARK, sep 6 tf Gen'l Passenger Agent, Atlabtic CoastXlne. North-Eastern R. R.oY S, t ftpV;,i 1 i aaR!rsW iT Al M CONDENSED SCH EDULE. - TRAINS QQIa-G SOUTH. Dated May'12. S9. - - - i - - . - r Leave Florence;..... Klngstreo..... Arrive Laces...: Le,av Lanes... i ..... Arrtve Charleston1.... Na 27. At Me 1 35 1 2 601 5M At JlCe NO. 23.jNa A. M. o : 10 55 ; n so U 2 1 sol P. Ji, P. M. ' 6 P. M. 4 Train Na 63 tanes Na 53 South of Lanes. ' Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. s . t . TRAINS GOING NORTH. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington, (kium & Augusts ii. 11. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTn. Dated AprH5,lS90, Na-23. Leave wumlngton. Leave Marlon. ..... . Arrive Florence..-. Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. Leave Sumter...... Arrive Columbia...; P. M. 6 15! 9 331 10 w NO. 50 A. M. 3 20 4 35 4 35 6 15 Na 27. P. M . 10 10 13 40 1 20! A. M. NO. 15. A. M. "NO.' 58 A. Jl. t 8 2" 9 35 !No. ' 53. A. Jl. 11 55) No. 53 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. Leaving Lanes 9 15 A. Manning 9:56 A. M. Train on C. & D. R. 1L connects at Florenie with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. , No. 5L Na 60. Na 53. Leave Columbia.... I. ; 10 35 ' I 5 20 Arrive Sumter... ..... -11 58 6 3 P. M. Leave Somter.. ...... II 58 t 6 37 A. Jl. 1 ' Arrive Florence ...... 1 15 7 50 ' No. 78 INO II. ' - A. M, ' V. J- Leave Florence ...... . 4 35 ........ " 8' Leave Marioa,. ..... 6 22... :.- 55 Arrive Wilmington... 8 35..... 1145 ; Dally. - ' rDaiiy except Sunday. No. &l runs through to Charleston, S, CV Central R. I?-, arriving Manning 7-04 I. M Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charleston 9-J3 P. M. Na 59 connects at iflorcnce with c and D train from Che raw and Wadesbora Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. 4k W. K. R. for all -point s North ' . ' Train on Florence R. K. leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. JI., arrive Rowland 73 p. m. .Retnmlng leave Rowland 6:30 a. ncu ar rive Pee Dee 8:50 a. m. - " Train on Manchester & Augusta K. H. leaveM Sumter dally, except Sunday. 10-50 A-M.. arrive Klmtni I2ii P. Jl. Returning leave Klxalnl 12:15 P. M., arrive Sumter l-na I'M. - JOHN F. DIVINE. J General sixperlntendenL.' - a. R. KENLY. Asst Genl Manager. T. JL EMERSON. General Passenger Agen novi8 - :.. : Table Board. FEW GENTLEM NCANIBE ACCCitSIO dated with;Tatle:Eoird on aprlira: :on at DCh 27 U ' Siiii. IJJIIiDSr Leave Chariestoa.... Arrive Lanes.'..i.t... Leave Lanes'... ...... - " King8tree..... Arrive Charleston.... Na 78. A. M.' 72 25 ' 2S.45 . 2 SO ' 3 10 ,4 20 A. M. Na 14. P.M. 28 Na 52 'I A. M. 7 , t -w o ... , m ... st v , 6 48! . 7 55! " P. M. i A.-M. .. 'Dally, t Dally except Sunday.-- ; Trala.No. 14 connects at Florence with trali. . on C. & D. R. 1L fqr Cheraw, a c, and Wadea boro,N.C.--.-r:i.i r .;'......-'.r No. 52 runs through to Columbia via centra i R-Iof S.C. i i. . "'i -. Nba 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, - c., making close connection with W. A w, 'lj -- ; iui an yviurs.mvrva, - r ' , -f ( JNO. F. DIVINE, . ii' - General superintendent. . J. R. KENEY, T. Jl. emerson, Genl Passenger Agent. 4 v my ll - ., : - .. FO:&3 1390. onsldcr Scai3aa'i; Ai4ia Tiraen yo - are deciding upon yonr reading Walter lot next sea&oc The . sutcrim.inii rt u inw : 13.00 a year. i . i: The standard of the Magazine Is high. -..? v Its spirit progressive,- 1 ? r .The illustrations are interesting and ot tne -best.' . - . .1 . ' ; ; . j - There Is not spate here te give even a turn . ; mary of the features to appear this year, but amon? other thlnm thpn. -u-tit ' ' partment and additional pages, and gronps ot ' lUustrated articles will be devoted to the foN h Aincan isxpiorauon and Travel, , life on a Modern War mip a articles!. iromes In City, Suburb,.and Country Mi ProvlcllDtr H sines thronirh Kniirtinw amuv The Citizen's a.ol' ' -.r- t'i Klectiialtv In thA DnnuhAM i - ' ' ' -- . v m WWWVMV4U r - BlogVaphir. " 7 his-AUUionz , . t Humorous Artists, American and Foreign v' ' There will be 3 serials. ! f , - Robert TxilllR Stvnun r1l Mi4.t. ' ' " I"8 'L111 t treated by writers , . cpujs. wiia auinonur ana i With lntercFf. liAarlrm -am i are urged to Fcrd for a prospectus. , 23 Ccn's a-Awahr; $1.CD for Fear Charles Scribner's Sons.. 743 li roadway, N. Y. " : janotf L . .1 . THE STATE CHRONICLE, SuccessoOo the Farmer and Mechanle ann mc t-nroniae.) Under New Management. newsy, nniaiiT and clean U - Ur; Willi THIS TIMES. PHE -STATE CHRONICLE" WILl BB what Its same Implies a State Paer. It Is not the Raleigh "Chronlcio," and win not be tocal cr sectlonaL It will aim to keep up with the newgrromMarpby toManteo, or, as tha poutl clans put it, from Cherokee to Cur rltack. i , , . . , .. .. .... . It will be the organ of no man. no rinc. no section, no partr. It will bo Democrat in m Kilties, but will not hesitate to criticise mocratie measures and Democriilc oncers. TKRMS OF SBBSCRIPTIOS: , one Year.......,i.......... ....... .... m Six Months im ShreeMonths..,Ji...................... lo TFor a sample copy address To STATE CHPONICLE,- " ';- i ; . lOlclga.N.0 Diamond Vera Cura !- - ; -. r : ; rem pyspcpaiA. ; For sale by t ' ' : ; DR. F. C MILLER, -ct; Jill " ccr.rotata ran ICAL CoT.CUffALO.H.V Pall Mall Gazette.

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