I. Biar. Sunday xxpicu. j0,F Editor and Prop. r,;ilfc.;.nM by earners, free ' .f.m I t- r-l- I It '3 TiKKT!SB31BVT8 3 VOL. XIV W I LM I NG'I'ON, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1890. NO 273. , Col. Fellows ami DeLancey icoll nre ou the fame ride of the fence in this election. They are both Tarn iimiiy raniiuate. ; -- Ti AVoolfoik, who was linn on j WVtlnesifay at Perry, Ga,;' tor the ni ce. ict- Only lav. tl iree days now to election Harnum & Bailey show, in letorto-clav. Char I ! ForKMtt. , Mj. McClammy's Appointments. - j For North Carolina, AODitilued lion. C. W. McClamjuy .will ad colder and fair weather, except rains ' dress the people on the issues of the op thelcoastiC Frosts are lfkelv t.p. j campaign at the followintlraes and niffht. " t 'V : rv'2"; ; places: ' , " ":'- . . . . - 1LV -. u.urtler of uiue members of his fa " W .:...! .... -t . . ' t . a1 ".T '" I'ruu'Miuc ins jnnocen . - , iv.v ' -A . ... ....... - I 7 1 ; - j - ;vSv , 1 ' wm innce tried, thrice conv . v -7; ' ll "!mI thrice sentenced to death. fiV' V' - :v' ?s ' ? y 'AjCiV ! liT'iibiicniiare making if V" J Jfi rtv'x ' j t appeals for more boodle. ;' f. : ' ' - :!::A t havi Invneted a Ktorv to the e Local forecairts, fromSH. in. to-drfy ; Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Chadbonrn, r. arrived, in the citv last nisrht. ,1 inn , . . , " 'day, 2o 1. . rt. . ! . " , 1 for Wilmington and viclnitr, clear-1- H ,rw IWd from Hoston, on a visit to Mr. Chad-l 1 nMl.. xK7 .r. "Jll?al 1 enrt , ; ncniiici luin aim UUUU BUU CWIfl. ( igv. O, ' Magtiolia, Duplin bounty, Satur- er county, Monuaj, bouru'u parents. i. ON" , , ., . ... I r-- '..is w:ei f ..- i .. .:J-.vt .. U ri ;-- . i f ' iv. -:.?.? coiJ. Iieail" yL.i c.iivs liabittiflT r-.:'.. !; of Fig3 is th; u "" . 1 1 "Lv ij ii' kma ever pro 'V-.i-'.'-y ; taato ami ac t -..r.sl . ;;! ike xno' f., fj.:;:!Iue.4 coniiueml i' .? .-! mt r:'b it the IC'te v2ts bv .-.11 leading -drug-a Ast rcfiaMc dniggbt wh . I " I. liotlrl Will TkrN VjfH tac i ' ..... , J prcoiptiy lor any ona vrnt iDL7it. l)o not "accept an; XJfVMIJl FIG SYRUP CO. 39 ntHClSCO. CAL KWZX.ff. HEW YORK, H.Y. fUBEKT II H I'LL A NY. tmOLEiALE dkl(;(;ist. aj wiiminston. N. U. SAM JORJESJ SOFJC BOOKS. ATES1 BOOK STORE. A Moving Tale. fmnLL&OTE THIS WEES. IT IS ijpt tc. ArtJciei cf lurnlturo have Hsrauraaoitewiaiiics are needel. We sa;;xj j oar want 4. call and see us. We j SNKED CO.. Furaitnre Dealers ! 1 2 1 r. .V irs.t and second Sis. fran They fTect that the importers have contributed $.m000 to the Deinocraftc f anil and are trying to force the liianufactur- ers to double their contributions. , ' j Taiimmny. i aitiing strength. The DemocratH are leaving the counties and rallying around jTain maiiv. Th ohf wigwarm is a hard tbiiifr to buckle against. They are lighting a straisht-out Democratic iiht this time and they are' in to wiu. t . Roswell P. Flower has goni on. record as sayinj thatthef next House will be Deiuocratlc'byat least thirty majority. He says that he has advices from nearly every State in the Union which justify this as sertion. This is eighteen more than the New York HcrdlcCa Washingtdn correspondent gave out two veeks ago as a conservative estimate and it shows how much brighter the outlook is growing, day by day. ! 'Why so pale and wan, fond love. Prithee.' why so paler "Well if the truth must be told. I have the most villainous cold a man ever! had." 8he only smiled a confident and happy, smile and brought ; down her bottle of Dr. Bull'sCoughSyrup. LOCAL ISTETW'S. 1XDXX TO NKW ADVrKTISKMIXTS 8nkedI Co Furniture 1 Munds Bbothibs Drussists Jno F Gar re ix Native Meats C W TATia Sam Jones sing Books Thjc Obtox Lynn Ilarcn Bay Oystecs mere ;s no .relief in the wood famine here.. The arrivals are light and the prices arc as We have; in stock an immense The pleasant flavor, gentle action Entered into rest on Wednesday, October lAJxif. secoca aaognier 01 me ihc K lza Llord. - " . subject ot this memoir was born AprH counur. : . arpnts. Ai- itnomrh tne sod lias corercd all thatls mortal j The pleasant flavor, gentle action j Entered m are very j ! , ... - . - a I15tn, at Laii i J ;apd soothing effects of 8yrup of : fanik i.u an(l Figs, when to need of a laxative and c i ii i iuiiic, vi utviuoi c n'wi . ' t. a - i. ! the home of ner matcrnaL grnodp va- bilious the most gratifying rultsitnoushtne sod lias covered all Xh. j riety ofook mores, all styles and 11? w itsjse ; so that it ,s tt,e best jSffilr J5 i sirep. Prices awav down rfnd Stoves . faiuily remedy "known" and ".itr.verv j tnis towc uibwe, knew td loved ner well. guaranteel to give Jacob! Hdiv. Co. A largo line of Breech and Muzzle j 111 All Saints . Day In Fall Blast ! Il...v. - winM M UTTER IS SOW fssiust. Tour orders sohrited for flrst ooiu thp bobt ot ortor. Ited Asn, jiLi:te A.a. Move coal, cnestnut .frt foil. ia Coal and several COJL e3 .i sPHTvn'itrf. MUX & V0LLEU8, lOLtSALK DKALKKS IN Msions, Groceries, vors. Tobacco. (Jigars, -AND- SIOX .MERCHANTS, " Irwoi and Iork St., c w Contractors. iOl-OAb WIM. BE KECEIV rC,'f'y t Ti!.wl.T ovmber .'fU. tl Building ot the "tsi,' ir:i Asotiailon. north 'tif.' v o- Muiborry streets. Wll- '. I'taif loious wvlfiT feet, three tJVv ' l ,e bjlu ot BrlcK an1 tl H 'i-a are at the rooms of (RCV h,s'"-n association. Bans 4xZ flVtll,llr-. Wilmlnxtdn. N. O.. L5cS?fiffhlt Brians andspeciacatlons 'ia.trrMinied. - an rves the right to reject f?5 USf- O. M. BUSKV. H. A. Tucker, j1 K (ilLVNITX. MAKBLE AliD ( &0i' MAiiuricturcr of Cemetery, ruicmidiBsWork. Lj 310 North Front Street. - -Jjj Wilmington. . C. 5 Line This Week. TtacY STE.KMER ANDRAlLTnrS I tK EV USES OF Ffsti Famiiy Groceries. tj" trota Mt. Alrv ana xw vrir vrt Nil,, ' r. ttie cracker. rhj t-- lfc ,, " lc Potatoes, thickens, Ers -TMBeetafpeelaUy. . 8WA2tN, Agt., A So. Front ftrtct. Hot Bed Sash nnd Glass for sale by the N. Jacpbi Hdw. Co. j t Mr. J. W. S. Kobinson, of Samp 8n county, was in the city yester- i Two open-air political meetings last nigWboth Republican. 'Music, torches, rain. " Visitors Cto our city should cer tainly not fail to call on the N. Ja cob! Hdw. Co. for anything wanting In their line. .. j '. t .Tomorrow, November 1st, will he a big day for changes changing light clothes and light hats for heavy winter wear. . j - The.full tlda of Florida travel has not yet set in btit four sleepers were taken out last nlgkt on the fast mail going South. EfHe Ellsler played in Columbia last night. She is advertised! to ap pear in Charlotte to-night and to morrow night. Use Regal Ready-mixed Paint, and have no other, if yon want a good, durable article; for snle by the Jacobi Hdw. Co. j t I am Manufacturers Agent for Barbtd and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Met ts. t Col. F. A. Olds, of Raleigh,! Q. M. .. N. C. S. G., is in th city on busi- ... ness connected with the improve mtnt of - the-camp grounds at Wrightsviile. The North State Cornet Club of this city, consisting of twenty-eight men, has been appointed Regi mental Band of the Second Regi ment and will be uniformed nnd equipped by the State as soon as possible. - j Rev. P li. Hoge, D. D., accom panied by his family, returned to the city last evening, coming from Winston. ! We are glad to hear that he is a well roam again. H will preach ia.tha First Presbyterian Church on Sunday.. . !. Dr. G. B. Tennent, of Asheville, who has been so eick-for some time past at the residence of MrsJ Hattie j Tennent, corner Third and Walnut' streets, died last night at 7:45 o'clock and tht remains were taken! up to day on the C. F. & Y. V. TL R. to Asheville. - - j services to- loading Sliot Guns, Air Jlitles and j morrow will be held at St. Paul's Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Rev. W. J. Erdman, Ihe well known Bible instructor, of Ashe ville, N. C, an instructor of Rev. R. G. Pearson, will spend a week in our city, Nov. 9-1G, giving Bible readings at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. I havetrid Salvation Oil in my own case fer neuralgia and exper ienced much benefit from its use. It's very ' penetrating and always 5ives relief. , f ! . S. Lkwls, Manufacturer Boots & Shoes, 51 Fayette St., Baltimore, Md. There will be preaching to-night at 7:36 o'clock at Wooster Street Chapel by Rev. K. E. Peele. The choir of Bi ooklyn Baptist Church will furnish the music for the occa sion with selections from "Triumph ant Songs." If you want to see something pretty just drop in at Front Street Market to-morrow morning and take a look at Mr. GarrelTs stalls, on South side. The display there will be a magnificent one, and alt native meats. It will be "the great est effort of his life." We are glad to hear more favor able reports from Miss Mary Giles. A telegram received last evening stated that she was very low and that it as feared that she would not live tkroughout the night but to day more favorable and encour aging reports were received. A" lot of line Lynn Haven Bay oys ters will be offered on the half-shell at the prton Cafe to-night. This is the first of regular invoices to- he re ceived during the season. Mr. Mon tague, manager of the Orton House, has made arrangements for regular receipts of Chesapeake Bay and New River oysters and will have them on hand continuously here after. " Mr. Cnrrle In Cumberland. j Mr. John H. Currie, of this city, has been belping some of the candi dates in Cumberland The Fayette ville Observer say?: "Mr. J. H. Cur rie, a leading business man of Wil J mington, never forgets Cumber land, the place of his birth, pr its people. He is at home when shak ing hands with the Scotch pf 'Sev-enty-First and he puts in many a "good lick" for ns during every campaign. Mr. Currie made a strong speech at Beaver Creek last Satur day evening after the county candi dates had finished their announce ments, and carried the crowd with hiai in a whirl of enthusiasm:' voting coming Spellings in the neck and all otherf onus of scrofula, salt xbeuni, etc. are cured by Hood's Sarsapa rillaV - - : Tlio Vol 1 ns r laces. The following are the places in the city for the election: ; ' t First Ward, First Division Thos. G. Williams' store, corner Fourth and Harnett streets. Second Division Building corner of Sixth and Campbell streets, re cently occupied by Mr. James Lewis as a restaurant. - Third Division Unoccupied store on the corner of Tenth and Walnut streets. Second Ward The Court House. Third Ward-Giblem Lodge. j - Fourth Ward Cape Fear Encine House. - j Fifth Ward, First Division-Fifth Ward Market House', corner of Fifth and Castle streets. - j Second Division Banuaker Hose Reel House, on Ninth, between Cas tre and Queen streets. - Episcopal Church at 11 a. m. The several Episcopal congregations and tfieir rectors will unite as usual in tjiese serviees. Rev. Mr. Arnold" is the preacher. There will be a cele bration of the Holy Communion. I All Saints Day. I j To-morrow isknownin the Church Calendar as AH Saints' Day, and joint services of the Episcopal churches here will be held in St. Paul's church, at 11 o'clock. The services on this day are very beauti ful and touching. In the afternoon the graves of loved ones will be Visited, and llowers and evergreens placed thereon. Cor Seamen and Others. i A number of ladies aud gentlemen of decided musical talent have con sented to give a concert complimen tary to the seamen in port at the Sailor's Free Library and Reading Room ou Front street to-morrow (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock, to which all seafaring men are cordial ly invited. No admittance will be charged, as the entertainment has been "arranged solely for the pleas ure and entertainment of the officers and sailors of the ships in port. Among thos who have kindly vol untered to take part are: Miss Annie DeRosset, Miss Martha Wil llams, Miss Belle Wood, Mrs. James Snrunt. Mr. E. P. Boatwright, MrJ K. M. Murchison, Jr., and Professor Greenewald. ; MaJ. Stedman in Charlotte. Hon. Chas. M. Stedman passed through Charlotte on Tuesday for A8hevi'ile on important business. He was seen by a News reporter and was found in excellent spirits over the political outlook in New Han over. "The indications are," he said 4fthat the entire Democratic ticket, legislative and county, .vrill'Tee elect ed. We confidently count on electing bur whole ticket.", The News says: "This will be a great thing. New Hanover belongs to the Democrats, but they have never yet had control of it. Maj. Stedman sincerely regretted that he had to forego his appointment to speak here, but tne party needed, mm in New Hanover, and the result of his work among fishermen along the Sounds will be felt on election day. Major Stedman says that the negro registration in New Hanover has fallen off remarkably." BO HQ II ON COCO IIS The Lottery Law and Charcli Fairs. i i;he season for church festivals is fast approaching and the editor who does not want his paper thrown out of the inails will have to nipve cau tiously. It is allowable to say that a festival was given last night by such and such, a church at such and such a place, but thanks to the powers that be, we can't give any of the particulars about the voting for the most popular man or the most popular ydung lady. Neither can we tell the name of the winner of the sofa pillow, or the embroid ered slippers or the silver plated solid silver set of knives aud forks. We can talk about having paid a quarter for the privilege of hunting for the oyster in the" stew,"and such light affairs as that, but when ' it comes to telling about who won the prizes it is no go. ! Backlen'a Arnica Salve. ; The Best Salve in the world for Cats, Bruiseg, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles, or no pay required. It is guar auteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. . Price 35 cents per Tot Coughs, Colds. HoarsenesSore wnd an J a ACHE. Instant and on whom toe blow-oi her nncxpewa death felt with almost too stnnln-r an effect to lind utterance In words.--With remark ably cheerful, sunny disposition, was com bined a bright Intellect and warm heart, tver open to t he cry of suffering, or the tale ot sor row, unUl her name became a household word amony her relatives end friends. In her ear ly girlhood she turned her face Heavenward and became a member of the Methodist Epis copal Church, ths faith of her forefathers,and In this faith she lived and died, spending her life mostly la the retirement of her native wo;ds, and Among the llowers she so dearly letfed, it were as though these .' hildren of Light' shed their cheerful rays over her sririr, for, we seldom meet through life one with a happier, more genial temper. With a keen appreciation of all that Is bright her cheerful disposition made her the life of any Circle in which she was thrown, and tho echo of her merry laughter over the harmless jest she so much enjoyed will ever linger in the memory of those who knew her best andjloved her most . Not only was she loved and app reciated by her relatives and companions of er own age, butjor the old and young sue posspssed rare attractive qualities, which made her a favont with all whom shomet, and few pass away more universally regret ted, for none knew her but to love her. It felt so keenly by her friends what must the irreparable loss be to her sisters and one sur viving brother, whose home her presence made so-bright! To them we tender our heartfelt sympathy. vct, our loss is her gain, and we thank fciod for that which can never die the example ot her beautiful Christian character. . FLSA.S5 NOTICE, t - We- will be glad to receive oquskiu&i ens from our friendsrn acy aaa all cztitc.s general Interest, out , V j. The name or the writer must always fce fur nlshed to the Sdy or. I Cosamamcaoons most fcs wrmexToa only one side or the paper. . "; Personalities most be ayoMaO. And it is especially and partlcolarlj easier stood that t he editor does not always eadorse r the views ot correspondents valess ao stated .tn the editorial coluains, J' - .' ."' -: : ' Vv- r, J'fTJ -I ." . : " jr. NEW ADVISRTJSCAIRIITD. JsORTU CAKOUKA. 1 - ' .. - 1 ; '' s r Superior Court. I, e auucr vu-ouiy. . . John U. Sf r&ites. . ' . ' . reter H. f noffth, Walter Pmith Minnie smith and Clarence smith, lltlrs at Law or 11 at tie : E. Smith. j,.,., - .v:,-.'"J t This Ls an iscloa brought by the abOTi . named plaintiff against tho defendants abova named tor t he immediate uossesslon of a cer-. I talnyot of land situate tn the City ofWllnjlns-;.. ion, tuumjr ot sew usnoTer, am sr&to ot, Xorth Carolina, and more spccifleallx- pet out ' lirthe complaint ttled in thu action. ' Notice is hereby given to Walter Smithy one . -of the defead-ints ai xe named, who is a non resident of ihe State of North Carolina, Iq ' j either plead, answer or demur to the com--piAint filed in the above entitled cause on er before the fith Mondar before the. first lion- - day in March. A. D, isoi or the relief asfced for by tne plaintiff in the complaint herein tUe'twiil l)ti granted. : v-'' ' " ' tilren under my hand ana jseai of offfcejlhls, the lTth day of October, A. D. 1w0l i v c : s. VAxAMWNOr - - Clert of Uia.fcuenar Court, T n. MGCLAMMY and M. BELLAMY, oct 17 cw fri Plaintiff's Atoriiey.; JNI2W AUVKISTISKMKNT. Apples ! Apples ! Apples I AND : : COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY. I. T. & G. F. ALDEKMAN, Commission Merchants, oct 30 tf " ' 110 No. Water St. Cut Glass, QOLOQNJLND PEimJME iBOTTLES IN great variety. New Goods and reasonable SPECIAL ! Genuine Hand-Sewed SHOE-SI S6 for C4, AT- Geo. R. French & Sons IOS North Front Street. (Opposite The Orton.) it -1 oct20tt Notice to B u i I d o ro prices, oct 27 tf MUNDS BKOTHERS, , 104 N. Front street. Fine Ly nn Haven Bay OYSTERS AT THE- ORTON CAFE TO-NIGHT On the Half-Shell. Call early and get some. oct 31 It The Best Yet ! X HEREBY PLEDGE MYSELF TO EXHIBIT JL ON MY STALLS, N03.1 & 2, FRONT 8T. MARKET, (South Side,) To -Morrow, Saturday, THE FINEST DISPLAY OF FRESH ME ATS I Ever seen at one time lh Wilmington I have made extraordinary efforts to do this. The BEST CAH LOAD OF BEEF I have had for some time has been received this week from Western North Carolina, And I am going to show It up for all l. is worth. Also, a beautiful line ot Lamt, -:- Mutton, :-: Veal,:-: Pork, SAUSAGES, &c, . . r-ALL Native I Native ! Native ! Native ant to the Manner Born. Everybody Is Invited to come, Eee, criticize and BJJY. Kespectfully. JOHN F. OAKltELb, Stall3 1 and 2,Front street Market,sonth side. oct3!2t ; ' oti Corns.: ifiqoi"" -1laiTeIw0eeh Children C17 fcr FitchcHs Cateria CAPE TEA It ACADEMY lteopeljs September 252 a ell t fbrwa PrtparaU33 iir Bsslifss or C!!ee. j -XOMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. ' ' LEADING -MALE SCHOOL I . Please enter at beginning of session. v nr. Oct Catalogue in Eooicstores. v , . it- -. v. CATLETT, Princlpal.T., Jsep 13 lm Cor. Kith and Chestnut streets. : I'asscDgcr Sialion; hk$, N. C, JglDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL KO- vember 1st; 1800,'for the construction of the . U nion Passenger station at Raleigh, N. C. I Iats ana specifications can be seen at the office of the ;Ralelgh & Gaston Railroad, 313 Halifax street, Raleigh, N. C . ' JOHN C. WINDER, oct 21 lot For the Committee. Hardware rjiiNvr ARE t AND CROCKERY. 7 nov iW. E. SPRINGER & CO.. Importers and Jobbers; . .. j Purcell Buildisi:; VEHICLES ! VEHICLES I , T OFFERJ FOR SALE A LARGE NUMBEJ AND A ORE A.T VARIETY OF Second-Haiid Tcliiclos r f- All in 'goo l order and "ready for immediato use. They-will bo sold vcryjlowj for ;caali or good paper . , - Call and get a good bargaln'a ORR ELL'S STABLES, . Jy 22 tf t Cor. Third and rnncess 8ti. John Werner. rflERE JS BUT ONE,' AND HE HOLDS forth at No. 29 M arket street. A cood Shave 19T?9 ce"ts' a Shampoo for 20 cents, or a Hair Fi,ui fo.r 5 S.,3 our of the best Barbers 'jo. the state. Clean towels, sharp razors and prompt attendance. JOHN WERNER. t22 ,oy, ,A The German Barber" fen 10 tf : 2 Market street ! ! To Horse Ofracrs lockjaw Prereatel. ! jTJORSES THAT ARE PRICKED WITH naiwi or otier punctured -wounds In the foot. when treated sKUfuly, are in no daneer ot r djing from Lockjaw. After practical ex Derience of 20 years I am prepared to gnaran te the atove. . Call on me. v- oct 29 1 w The norsesbSranFarrterl tar and Messenger copy it) , Choice North Carolina RED BUST JPB00F f S E E D -:- OA TO i II AVE. JUST RECEIVED A FULL supply of tne abOTOAT8, which are the best for planting in this and adjoining States. -' For sale by -;;-! ; '";;'"..' B. F. H1TCIIELL fc SOI?. Beady for Clirlstmas ! . A IX THE MAGAZINES ARE B EG INNING to present designs tor fancy and decoraUre ' work. China naintim? and ufrti artmiAo nit- v able for ciiri3Unaa gifts. They wlU be ivuou a i, hip OCt WILMINGTON LlBItAIfT ROOMS 27 tf - " 13S14 Market street. THISPAPEE IfciaJiufactnred h-r he ralrmountPrintlnsrlnlc .Works. - . - T.TL STJHQI1T It. CX . -Ctlx street andesnsy l vau a avenue. Janji -'-V

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