; " ci rjirci: lrtJf."fll',,,e,p,M' JIMP Editor aid Prop. . r-ared fcj carrier, free ctr j. l the wW Li m i II w -:! v NTH MIM: $ 3 1. vol. xiv WILMINGTON, N. C, MONPAfc NOVEMBER 3, 1890. NO 275. 3; 4 w i j:xjoys i .1 -. i tl f when ,1 I ! 1 I . - ;.tr.-N. cIujhs the sy lil-neN coM. bead i .v-.. uut cures habitual fr-3. fcru of Figs i3 th fe.fr cf i:s ever pro hfais- t the tnst? and ae qj't, :.-i'.:uli, prompt i jfl-reJ oi.W Irwin the mas' trffahle substances, it 7'fltr-n: qtialitie commend i I oi tare made it the mos -jrrfaflf' known. I'rv; it for sale in 50 inc!Vali leading druj- iif rfwi'le urnggin il lite it ou hand will pro ipaaptl for an one "wh Wrrr. Hivt ion. H.r. 'cjuEKT R HKLLA51 Y. I3.JLHAIS DKIHGIST. IXDIt to M ABTsmmixrs Va.m am sing s A Card "ni:k!x t?o-Kurnitur w m cr m m ixb - ror Sale i' w r AT 8am Joocs tonj Boo CCvvru 8 8 Lixc-j-Oiansc t.f ScbeUuie Jos FCxAioTloaQil Sheet Iron Worker r I , The rt-ceipu of cotton at this port tu-ila foot up 2,504 bale.. Hon. Daniel U Ru?sell, wliojias been 8peakin? In the West, ha re turned to the citv. 1 ; Politics have rtiUd the roost to u ly. reopie think, talk and cat politics, so to fpeak.- i Keadins Selection. . For Kortli Carolina, fair weather ! . Prose and verse, from books arid Wilinineton Lh Market street: - and cooler,. except stationary tern--juagaziqes in the peratare on the coast. - i brary Room?, 123i Local foretastr, from 8 a. iu. to-day j The Deacon Weekj Rose Terry Two new members were admitted Into Fifih Street M. E. Church yes terday. One of those was by letter. i The Register of Deeds iat week "'jfor "Wllminjtoij and viciuity. and slightlyooler weather. CliUdren KnJf . . Hot lied Sah and Glass for sale issued five marriage licensee, two of by the K. Jacob! Hdw. Co. i t - j which were for white couples and Clreen pork sold here on Saturday i thrce fr eo1ored couI,lett- ! ! at 7 cents a pound, by the ho.. i Capt. F. M. Jaiuen reports It In- "" ' f ' f4-A..xJ.. t I. si rt x kciuicius iu wuk vjtrove uenieiery in October. Of these 8 were adults and 3 children... But 2 were white. The doctors are kept busy now. Colds-and alight influenzas aboand. Bets have been freely offered te. day tnat the Democratic county ticket will be elected to morrow. No taker. ' SAM JONES 30JJC BOOKS. 1IES ' m t ILV BOOK STORE. A Moving Tale. JTtTJ. HOT F-THIS y:ek. it is njtsa. ARkiM or KuriiUure bare m xu tw i iii lk are neeue 1. we ciLTjiorwit i-aii acd see us. We SNEED Jt C O.. rurauurr Dealers, it vr. MirkN acd!ecoQdSis. Visitors to our city should cerr tiiinly not fail to call on the N. Ja cob! Hdw. Co. for anything wanting iu their line. t Use Regal Readj-mlxed Paint, and have no other, if yon want a good, durable article; for sale by the N. Jiicobi Hdw. Co. . 't Br. steamship J. hi. Ikwood, Jenkins, cleared for Liverpool, with 5,019 bales cot ton, shipped by Me?sr?. Williams & Murcliison. I am Manufacturers Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Met ts. t Rev. Robert Strange, Rector of St. James' Church, preached a powerful sermon yeiterday.morning against lotteries and progressive euchre. , Mr. Chas. M. Whitlock has opened on Second street, opposite this office, a stox'c of machinery, roofing.paints, pack in;, &c, and expects to conduct business there regularly hereafter. Look out for at least 40,000 Demo cratic majority in North Carolina to-morrow. These are the smallest flrrures . wo will compromise ; on. Eight of the nine Congressmen are ours as sure as egsrs. ! IaFnll Blast ! iTttT SPLITTER H OW -irc. T5ir ewer solicited for flrat- f T ' tie best or oror. Ked Asb, I Ash. nove coal, rbestnut inru C9i. Ia oal ana several !MS)t tun. I1 J. A. SPKIXQEIU 1UN & V0LLEHS, Toti.Li: ii:al:r in Mns, Groceries, fycrs. Tt!r,uio. (!iars, ,-ANl- assinx .MERCHANTS, 'ILMINGTON. N. O Cont h3 ractors. SAU WILL DE KKCE1V- tffrtl lr II.. ,. .ii 11 N J ?, I 'UU or Brtcfc and r5tA; :sflM"14 are ai the rooms of ?W?Ztl'n sociaM-.r.. Banc S; ?- Witmmston. N. C 'vrrjiniH... . . . K i "serifs! ta P!a andapectflcatlons Utitnestherlsht to reject t-neral secretary. (A. fucker. Hxaafactcrer of Cemetery, B. ... . North rront street, Wilmington, N C. fUne This WfiPlr. Q LEAVER AND BA1LTI1IS SEW LINES OF' p family Groceries and Newfc Vork, Ess, Ue tTaf kers, Cbecse. IV. i "tces. ihickeas, Ep-s I 000,19 ' Satvantir. 'fceer B. rICUltT. 2 Sa. rront Srreet, We have In stock an immense va riety of Cook Stoves, all styles and sizes. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacobl Hdw. Co., f Some one forced uu entrance on Saturday night into Mr. Nick Hul led kitchen, corner Fourth and Red Cross streets, but failed to carry anything off with him. The brick pavement on the East side of Third street, from CHestnut to Mulberry, lias been completed and the next thing is to grade the street to a level with It. Dalryuaea, stockmen, livery stable men, ana horse-car men unite iu saying that no such horse and cattle lotion as Salvation Oil has ever been pat npon the market. It should be kept at every stable and stock yard in the land. Price 25 cents a bottle. A large line of Breech and Muzzle loading Shot Guns, Air Rifles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. J". Jacobi Hdw. Co. t - ---- - - - - There were five interments last week in the three city cemeteries. Oakdafe reported one child and one adult, Bellevue two children nd Pine Forest (colored) but one. a child. So far as we can ascertain there, is but one foreign-born citizen of Wil mington who will vote the Republi can ticket to-morrow. Every Jew in the city will Vote the 'Democratic ticket. ' . ' : The wind got around to the South yesterday and we have had bright, pretty, pleasant weather to-day. If it holds put as it U until to-morrow night all over the country there will be a tremendous vote polled. We can count up but 24 white men in Wilmington who will surely vote the Republican ticket to-morrow. There are but two or three who may be classed as doubtful. This is drawing the color line pretty close. Mr. J. F. Craig, the well known tinnerand sheet Iron worker, re news his anvertisement with us to day. H can be found in the base ment at 4he corner of Front and Princess street, ready to do good worjc and do its promptly. Watch the German Vote" is the title' of a leading article in the Chronicle, a small weekly paper published here by colored men, which has excited much Indignant talk to-day among the German resi dent. It will not help the Repub lican ticket. - ' " . For scrofula in every form Hood's Sarsaparilla is a radical, reliable remedy. It has an unequalled re cord of enre?. - . "Go .where glory waits thee," she :.t i. i i . i . . ,i i : ' ' and pressed into his offhand a small package. It contained a tew bottles of Dr. Bull's Cough 8yrup; she didn't want him to contend with an enemy and a cold all at the same time. Sensible girl! . - MaJ. MrCtommy'a Appointments. Hon. C. W. McClaramy will ad dross the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places: j Magnolia; Duplin county, Satur day, rov. 1. I j Burgaw, Pender county, Monday Nov. 3. . . . The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing, effects of Syrup of Figs, when ja need of a laxative and if the father pr mother be costive or' bilious the most gratifying results follow its ise-so that'it is the, best family retrledaw known jojM every family should have bottle. An Excellent Scheme. . - A movement is on foot here to es tablish a SummerBible School simi lar iu plan to those at Niagara-on-t lie-Lake, Ocean Grove. N. J. and other places. Efforts will be made to get the best , theological instruc tors iu the country to attend these meetings. The plans are not j-et fully matured but the project is in the hands of those who mean business. i tViliiiinstoniHOB la Charleston. Alderman Morton and ' Mr. E. Kuhblarik were the. only two Wil 1 uiingtotiiaiis, so far as we can learn, who spent part of the gala week in Charleston. While there ttyey both met with'iuany courtesies. They were both introduced to the Mayor and to Gov. Richardson and Mr. Kuh blank says that the Governor can drink more, beer than he can, which is saying a great deal. . They took in Barnum's circus while there and say that it is indeed a magnifi cent show. To Remain With U. We are glad to be able to state that Rev. Dr. Carmichael, Rector of St. John's Church, who received a call to a parish at Anniston, Ala., has decided to decliae it and to re ntaln in Wilmington. Be announced this fact tohis congregation yester day; The church to which Dr. Car michael was called is a large and elegant new structure erected by. a trentlemau as a memorial to his father. Harbor Mater' Report. From the books of Capt. Joseph Price, Harbor Master, we get j the following report of arrivals at this port during the mojith of October: American 1 steamers, 7,003 tons; 1 brig, 373 tons; H schooners, 3,063 tons; total 25 vessel? and 11,338 tons: Foreign 11 steamers, 13,703 tons; 8 barques, 3.C45 tons; 1 brig, j 178 tons; total 20 vessels and 17,580 tons. Tot ii arrivals American ami for eign 45 Vessels,, aggergating 28,924 tons. i Brooklyn Baptist Chnrch. This little church, at the corner of Fourth and Brunswick streets, is one of the most prosperous in! the citv. From a very small lHginning it has irrowu in the number of its members until it now has 233; en rolled. The increase has been es pecially marked since its present pastor, Rev. R. E. Peele, has had charge, lie is an earnest, consecra ted preacher, devoted to his' work, with great originality and force of expression. Previous to October 1st, 1800, the membership numbered 195; during that month 34 were added, and four were received yesterday. A larger and more convenient house of worship is much needed, and j de cided .steps will be soon taken to ac complish that object. i The Votlnff Pi area. ' The following are the voting places in the city for the coming election: if First Ward, First Division-Thos.' G. Williams' store, corner Fonrth and Harnett streets. : Second Division Building corner of Sixth and Campbell streets re cently occupied by Mr. James Lewis as a restaurant. '"'!"' Third Division Unoccupied store on the corner of Tenth and Walnut streets.; " " ! Second Ward The Court House, Third Ward-Giblem Lodgv. I j. Fourth Ward Cape Fear Emrine House,! , - f Fifth Ward, First Division -Fifth Ward Market House, corner of Fifth and Castle streets. ' , . . . 1 J Second Division Ban naker Hose Reel House, on Ninttirbetween Cas tl. ar.d , leen streets. " 4 We Didn't Know It. Capt. Capps, of the police force, in a communication received to-day sets us right on the question of the police uniforms. In speaking of the matter in Saturday's. issue we were under the impression that the city paid for these uniforms but Capt. Capps tells us that the policemen themselves pay for them, in which case our theory falls to the ground. He says that all of the uniforms worn during the past twelve years have been made up at the North; that when the contract is given out to dealers here the goods are made up in some Northern city and that, although his own preference and that of all of the force is for home dealers, yet when it is. t their , ad vantage to get the goods elsewhere there is no reason why they should not do so. The city dealers in this instance were called upon for bids, as usual, but the samples submitted were inferior and the price demand ed per suit was $2 mere than sam ples and bids from a Northern house and hence the work was given, to the party who could do it best and cheapest. ' - t - Cook. - AmooL' the Skv Liues. H. H. .Before the Curfew. O. W.-f lolmes. The Cloverfield s Carriage, F. R Stockton. : " Lookini? Backward. Edward Bel lamy. 4 Confessions of Claud, Edgar Fa w, cetr, . ,; Morelia, Charles Dudley Warnerr (iraude I'omte. eorge w. v.aoie Theo. Francis H. Burnett. A Tale of a Trumpet, Thomas Hood. Tony the Maid, .Blanche W. How ard. Ananias. Joel Chander Harris, A Little Swiss Sojourn. W. D Iiowells. Inja, Amelie Rives. Juniter Lisrhts, C. F. Woolson. A New Arabian Night, E. E. Hale A Gentle Gh.-st. Mary E. Wilkins Mexican Notes, iCharles Dudley Warner. Souire Five-Fathom, H. C. Bun ner. . Tlie Luck of the BoganX S. 0 Jewett. .A Family Tree, Brander Mat thews. An Eye for an Eye, Robert Grant The Dilemma of Sir Guy the iNeu ter. Octave Thanet. Tlie Rhyme, of the Ancient Ma riner, S. T. Coleridge. Just as we go to press we learn that the bady of Alfred Morgan, the Englishman who escaped from the Hospital a week aero, was found in the river this afternoon. WISLLV H Alii liALSABf. ' If gray, -gradually restores color; elegant tonic dressing, 50c, Sl.uO, Druggists, or $1.00 size prepaid by express for .f 1.00. E. 8. wells, Jer sey City. ROUGH ON TOOTH ACHE. Instant reief. 15c. NEW AOVEKTISEJMLENTS. JOSEPH F. CRAIG, (Formerly with Alderman, Flanner & Co.) 1 -PRACTICAL. WORKER IN Tin, Sheet Iron, Pumps.&c Prlnce3s Street, near Front (basement.) will be pleased to receive orders and give estimates, uooa ana prompt wonc guaran teea. nov a jm f Enter! ainmflBts ! riIOSE WHO AliE PLANNING - AJMUSEr I ments and .Entertainments for the coming' season will do well to consult the Magazines in the WILMINGTON LIBRARY ROOMS, novltf 123 Market, street. STOVES ! STOVES ! AOizes, Jlf Kinds, and at All Price?, Call and see them at Aidermau, Flanner & Co. 'p. novllyD&W A Card. To THE Editor OF THE REVIKW : . Mr. W. P. Oldham. Chairman of the Demo cratic executive committee, in a communt cation published in the "Star" and 4Messen- ges7' witn tne caption, '-watch Your Tick ets," saysthat if the Democracy of New Ilan- over county naa attenaed the meeting of the Kepuoircans neia an irioay mgnt last and heard -the SDoech of one of the said candi dates (referring to the nominee for Sheriff or myscii). no Democrat, yea. no decent man. could hesitate as to wnat his duty is on Tues- aayiex.:' tnrepiy to tnis statement i de Rtre te say. that durtcsr the whole of this campaign i nave said nounngy either a a private meeting, or at a public gathering. tnat couia give onence to tne most renned person, either lady or gentleman, nor have I said anything except what was directly In volved politically in the issues of the cam- CLYDE'S York Wtlmimttiv Celford' Masrazioe. The November issue of this favor ite and popular magazine is at hand and with an excellent-'array, ofcon tents. 4 'The1 Stqry-of Christopher' opeus the nnmber. It is a" pretty, pathetic little-tale and charms every reader. "The Truth About Wives" is told by Champion Bissell, who seems to be thoroughly at home on the subject; "The Lovely Game,T is by Julian Hawthorne and is. all about tennis; Capt. W. H. Parker publishes the secoud and conclud ing instalment of "Early Discoveries in America;" R. H. Stoddard, in "Celebrated Men of tbeDay," tells us of Edward .Fitzgerald; V'Thc Rights" of Oiut niuralijccf Citizens Abroafl" is frdnj the peti or Marcus J. Wright and T. Edgar WUJ on fur- uislres a powerful article entitled "Protection's Last Ditch." The re mainder of the issue is made up of pleasing poems, the independent de partment, editorials notes, bric-a-, brae, book notices, humor, 'etc., and a complete novel. "Joliade' Trec cpur." This last is by Octave Feuil Ict, translated by Frederick T. Joues, and is of absorbing-jiu teres t. Bel ford's is issued every lubnih by Bel ford & Co., 18-23 East 18th strccfl New York, at $2.50fcfraiihiw i'i ilacklea Arnica 8It. The Hesr oai vo lii the ""world for t.uta,- Bruises, 8orUlceVs Rlieum.'Fever Sores, Tetter. Chain ped Hands, Chilblains, fJorns, and all l-fxojis.ES a Skin Erontiona. and iiositivelv cures? H - Pil5i. or no nAv.Tdnird ItiSirna-r.luaLerbt- er punlu'wl wottnls iii the iyt nuteed to irive Terf.-ct satisfaction ,I5?3 toJX.Wr- iaT of or money refuudei. ;Pricev3.j ec4itKTerfrnrce.f jcars i am preiand toguaran ier iox. ' "v;, teejBc.atove. -caa a me.-- i5 For sale by Robert R; Bellamy W SUIX"JAN vhnlASAlA and Yafcuil drcoif i ' The crscshoer aad Farrier, wnoissaie ooa T3Lau amggi . j . ? (Star and Mesfeaser copy in . FROM PIEli 3B. EAST RIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers acd Roosevelt sts 5 At 3 o'clock, r. M. FAN1TA.... .....salurcLiy, Nov s PAWNEE t urday, No v .15 ! FROM WILMINGTON PAAVNEE.. FANiTA ....... .....Friday, Nov .7 .....Friday, Nov 14 rr Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Bates guaranteed to and from points in North and 6outh Carolina. - For Ffffht or Passage apply to flG.KMALLBONES, uperlntendnt. I Wilmington, , Ci TllEO. E. EG Elf.-Traffic Manager, i - . K New York WM. I. CLYDE & CO.. Gehl Agents. nov 3 tf S Bowling Green. New Yore. ' "vTVi - - '- 1 - THAT ARE PRICKED WITH ,! PLEASKOTICK.i J'..V we will be glad ta reccivo' coinmtuuc&t 6ns froaj ear meno on any and all subjects ; general interest, bat ; - ' r v The fiame or um writer cut always be fur T nlshod to the Editor. -- . - ' Commnnlcanona mnst be wnttx"cn only, one side or the piper. C . Personalities man. tie vot 3edL " ' '. ' . Andit is tptciiy jua pamcalirty nnlcr stood that tn i&trn fto-3 not always endorse the fiewn of uwrespoodents oniess so etated " lz the editorial colanans. . ' " "'! : ' '-'.'it- ' Choice Nortli Carolina KBD BUST JPKOOP ' SEED -:- OATpV yE HAVE JUST I RECEIVED A FULL . supply of the above OATS, which arc the best, for pHntlngln this and adjoining States. For sale by "' - , : B. F. MITCHELL 6 SON.1 OCt 1 tf i . " J -:. : ' ' . ! A CARD. I TAKE THIS METHOD OF IJJFOItMlJs Q T f' thepublicthat I decline to affiliate further ' i :. ' ;. ' - ''""I ..V. ,wr-' ivith the boxKers (BIU Moore; Dan Darls A J Co.) I shall vote tlie whole regular Repute V' llcan ticket on election day. ; ' Respectfully, D0V-1 2t JUOBERT MOURISET v t Wanted ! W.M,CUM4IINO," ETa w G a I a I 3 MULES, ONE FOR nov 1 tf i4aoo, one for $7aoo. W.M. CUMMINQ.. For Sale ! Straw Mattresses. it It " , SHUCK EXCELSIOR . " MOSS p PINE FIBRE " HAIR ; . ' : " . Renovating done to order. Call and see my "Combination" Mattress. ;. - W. M. CUMBIINO, (Allen Buildinjg, next to "Star" offlceo R Owners of Citv Property and Contractors J EQUIRINQ BUILDING LUMBER WILL do well to examine and price our stock. Par- M ' ticularly our Klin Dried Flooring and Celling of which we make specialty, and the prices , on tne lower grades will astonish the closest buyer. Mouldings of Clean Kiln-dried stock. Laths all sap no pith to stain plastering. PARSLEY WICKJINS. Telephone No. 73. mon thu oct272w DIArOWD DYES -AKD- Diamond Fast Stocking Black, - FOR SALE BY John B. Hanks. Te PRESCRIPTION DRUGQIST cphonelOo. oct rr, tfu VEHICLES! VEHICLES I J OFFERJ FOR SALE A. LARGE NUMBER AND A GREAT VARIETY OF Secand-IIand "Vehicles, All in good order and ready for immediate u&e. They will be sold very.pow for 'cash or good paper . I V , Call and gef a good bargain at ' "". ' ORRELL'S STABLES,. ly 23 tf - Cor. Third and Princess Sta. Wilmington Seacoast B.B. T .s. HE IV KFFKCr OCT. OTH. EAVE TVfLMINGTOX SJO AND 0 P. M 1, Iave H arc mocks 7 . 50 a . m. and p. m. ; Sunday irafns-leave .Wllmlngibn 28QHnd Lc'ajvc Harninocts a. m. and p. in. . Leave Wilmington 10.00 a. m.' Saturdar only. round trip every day; I J. IL NOLAN', Ovl B tf - General Manager, "i STILL AT WORK. T AsS NOV WELL PREPARED TG REPAIR j all kinds of Furniture, sewing Machines, Fan-' cy Artklsrs, k, and where It is possible make them jas good as new. Work " done promptly and prlccspow. Call and see me and get es timates and prkfs. , ' t 1 -,-1.7 . " J. D. FAR1MR, L s. W. cor. Front ana OrangC streets. I aiu suu agent here for the New Home Sewing Machtne, one of the best Machines on the market. Needl8 andMl for sale,. mennrtf m I