TJio Daily Hovicrar. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1S30.V STATE NEWS. . GoIJsboru Ann:: Since waking the notice bf Mr. ..rnM Borden wonderful )iouin of potatoes, n. jncasoretaenl of tne yfM from 2 acre litis been mad. rul it turn out that tlier were i7 buthN. l i hardly io.-ible to cuiiniv mi-1i u yield bnt i the fnet nr- jut ay Mate tbetn. Cliarlotte JYir: On f the clerks at Harwell & Punn" lru.r Hor. ou entering the li.i9titii tlii :iortiiri;r was sarprUed to ? n boy lyin; nxi coocfoas at the foot of I ! !r:itor fhaft. He at oorc notitleil tltv linn i of the dis-over ontl tUe oov uns bronbt op tirs while a ; ji!iIcian was nt for. The boy proved to be Fred Eacrle.'H fon of the latf I'atH K:;le. He had fallen down th levator haft unobserved bv uuy one in the tore. and wh "itWin:: from a. fracture of tin? kull nfid vou rnssion of the brafn. Jetor Ro ister, Wilflernud Uyvr uerelui-k-Ijr In attendance upon hiiu. ami on liit examination they found that his injuries were seriou. He was taken to the rcsideiH-e of !iU r.ind father, Mr. J. Riley Davidson, and up to our latest report; a reaction had not ct in. His injurir ar of a perions character, but just hw rions the doctor. arc not yet able to say. llalefch Act? and OGvCrvrr: M r. J. U. Buttle, a btudunt at Wake Forest College, frora Abbeville, at tempted to commit suicide Friday night by shooting hinj&elf with, a rlito). tiinco bit entrance an a tu- dent 111 September last lie lias iui pressed himself on all his associates as & TOHS? man of fine character and fttndiOQl kablts. He left a note to Ills fellow students statin- that he waj pleaied with his surroundin A letter written to his father found by his Side shows very clearlv that Ids unfortunate act was the result of mental depression. His condition i critical but hopes are entertained of JUarecoverv. lesterday morii- inr a vounrr white man named Lib bins Whits on went oat hunting and met with a terrible accident, lie was accompanied bv two young boys. When they were near Row land'?, Whitstn, who was carrying the gun, went to put his hand in lit? pocket to get something and as he did so the gun fell from his Mioulder to the ground behind him. Ah it struck the ground both barrels were discharged pouring two heavy loads COMSTEECIAL. KETVS. WILMINGTON MARKET. November. 3 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Steady at STi cent?. No tale reported. ROSIN Firm at 1.07$ tor etrained anil l 121 for good strained. TA"R I'irni at 1.53. CRUDE TURPENTINE Finn at f 1.20 for hard, $1.00 for yellow din ncd 1.10 for virein. COTTON Dull at 2 cents for middling: low middling, 8 l-VlC;xocd middhiir. &. K EC EI ITS Cotton, 2.JtJ: pirir?. 1" : ros-in, 1,00s; tar, SI; erude, 31 UARIXK NEVTs. ARRIVED. Str'Cape Fear, rotuliupon. ;Fay- etteviile. 1 J. J.ove. Schr Hatlle 11 Barbow. Ke!ey, New York.. Geo Harris?. Son & Co. Schr William Jone, Fuller, f Bos ton. (in Harris, Son & Co. CLEARED. ; .STaiiier Cape Fear, TomlinsoB Faretreville. T. D. Love. S-hr Fannie Trace.v. Tdton, Net? York, cargo bv C B Mallett. veel by Ueo Ilarrfas, Son & Co r - .. f - - i FltJE SH017 Su Also Wall and Prescription cases, Cedar Chests, Barber Furniture, Jewelry Trays and Stools. Cabinet Wcrk of.all 5?, BinU. Catalogue free. -Acdrcss ATLAWTA SHOW CASE CU-, Asia, ua. Scribner's Magazine For 1SUO. tub . -AT THE DE8T. POROU3 PLASTEK3 in J n lsr.Bi5rr RHEUMATISM, KIDIIEY PAinS, LAME BACK, So. SSceaMatDMMa. CKOSTEOB df BICHAUDS, Bort.n, Mm TNI ORIBIMAL AND 6IRUIRK. TM T "J""4 4. mum tor imicilijTifitiairh'l u4 for Ilea," 4m tttw. W jrctwp MsO. ai 7 bu lmi CMICMCrrCR CMCIICAt CO.. MfdlMwBflM kin Hrteariunip j m Lock wood. Jt-iThe Advantages We )W Liveriiool. Williams a Alnroni-I - ar to! The National Life KX PORTS. PIANO AND ORG AS -AND V llofcton Sehr Fannie 334.000 feet lumber. KOKKIGN. CJLiverfiool Hr tteauiship .T Lockwool .,0lu bale? cotton. Fracey M 'monthly statkment. ; STOCKS ON HAND XOV. 1, 15(00. Cotton ashore, 11,007; afloat, 14,43; total, 25,975. Spirits ashore, 3,044; afloat, S87: total, 3,431. Rosin ashore 52,852; afloat. 4,OG7; total, 5C,9I9. Tar ashore, 2,36; afloat, 000; total. Crude ashore, 9o:l: afloat, 00: totaf, (K1. , j , HKCEIinS FOlt MONTH OK OCT., 1890 Cotton, 55,233; spirits, 3,96t; rofcin, 23,050; tar, 4,400; crude, 00. , KXPflRTS KOIl MONTH OF OCT.. 1890: - - - - - - - f DOMKSTIC. Cottoit.r,lG;8pirits2,0S3:crudei 1,417; tar, 5,r,3; rosin, 13,592. KOflKlQN. Cotton. 43,709; piriti, r,r.45; rosin, 27,o.j2. -JUSTOMEKS AHB. THAT OIK J.bfU ments are carefully the undcrt flgudd and bougut directly from the mami fa-.turer. We Have a very large stock, coin prK-mgr alt grades aad styles, to select from. All'our l lanos are delivered and kept In tune tne first yeai by two competent tuners. t as we are ngni uere. we are resiwusime, whlcj Is not the cae when you send for tlano4 or buy rrom travelling agents, for when ayi thlnsf lsrrong you may aavc a guarantee but mis rrrv not. renair tout insLrumenu 01 economical management we can sell you Inj struments at leasi 20 per cent, lover than you have to pay to travelling agents, for you have to helD Da v their heavy expenses. . I The instruments you buy from us are rlglit here and conseauontlv iou do not buy the "cat In tha bair. Over 300 instruments sold In Wilmington alone Is the best proof that the public Have confidence in our judgment and Integrity. W We sell for cash or instalments. E. VaxLAKR, oct 13 tf 407 lted Cross street. Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D. C. " SPECIAL NOTICE ! PMIVATK STOCK 1876 RYE IS UN4 the best WHISKEY sold In the, Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - - None. HORATIO BKOIVHINQ, ' 2 PresuieuT. SAMUEL NORMENT, Treasurer.. OKOKGK D. lii. ItllGE, secretary. Manager an - Actuary, of shot into his le just nt tlie ankle. JJotli ankles were horribly torn un by the shot. One of the; boys also received n few hhof. A man comincr into tne city witn a wnjroa soon came alouz ami nicked up Mr. Whibton and broulit him to his home in the eastern suburbs of the city. It was feared that ampu tation of the left foot would be nec essary, but the doctors made an ex amination vesterdnv evenim? and decided not to perform an opera tion. Catarrh. Catarrii is a mot lirttt iuir ail- mtnt and yet manv unneces.irilv safTtr with tlie disease. Tliev . will irr iocai applications, wiucii do no ffootl whatever, but fail to trv such constitutional treatment as i. af forded by a use of li. It H ( Botanic lilood Ualru), 'which removes the mucous Kison in the blood and thus eradicates the cause of h ili- ease. N. C. Edw ards.Lauipa-saspriiiiXs, Tex., writes: "I was greatly an noyed with catarrh which impuired my general health. Tlie discharge from my nose wa very offensive. amd I used various advertised reme dies without beuellt until dually the use of U K It entirely cured me. 1 am proud to recommend a blood remedy with such powerful cura tivo virtne' Jt. C. Kinard & Son, Towsliira. fia.. writes: We induced a neih tor to try B 11 li for catarrh, which he thought lucnrifble us it had re sisted all treatment, if tleliu'hteil him and continuing its us he v cored ound ami well. Wilmington., District Foorth Jtoand (Juarterly Mectinca In Part. Klizabeth, Klizabethtown, or. btli and 9th. Waccauiaw, Shiloh, Nov. 14th and 19th. Ilockv Point, Burlaw Creek, 19th an120tli Jtrnnswick Mission, Nov. 2Sth. Itrunswick Circuit. Nov, 28th audi 30th. - Kenansville, Charity, Dec. 3rd and 4th. Grace Church, Dedication. Dec. tl. Ml T c ... : J n till. JL . L. OWIIiUCII, Presiding Elder, UR doubtedly SouUi t(Mlay. lielowr you will And a few out of manv letters wnicn we receive ana nonce. weU wbat they contain: Mmn-n Jt HmwTi rtmotrlsLK- of WlnStOU. sav "The Private Ktock, '76, gives entire suls-j faction to our customers, and think it la ft fine medicinal Whiskey." H. Kose. also or Winston, writes us as fo lOWK "The 'Private Slock' Whiskey 1 boujrht throueh yo jr Mr. Simon has proved a success and will keen it hereafter as my leading brand. J. a. Burns & Co.. of Fayettevllle, have this to say: I have used your new brand of 'Private; Stock, 1870,' loe Whiskey and will say that I am well Dleasetf with It and that it B all yon! recommend It to be. My customers prefer this brand to all other.' BruiihildjSiraon & Co., GEO'. J. BASTEKDAT, Ass't Secretary. Llff insurance ac Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed lollcj. a a mcontestible Policy. MttXurity Value in Cash at Fixed Agt", Annual Cost Absolutely Limited.! Oaiy b'our Payments per Year. Noji yorfeJtafcle Alter Three Years, P. 8. KIDDKLLE. M. B. - Medical Uiroctor w M. lilKSON. special Aeent. Home omce. Central National Bank Bulldlngr Wasbineton. 1. c. - . joun HAAR, Ja., Lecal Agenr, Oct 2ft WiimitttrtODj N. C" Fisheraien's Supplies, Builders' Hardware, PAINTS AN!) SASH 111 N. Frlmt HE-NO TEA-FREE. 14 Exaggerated claims in many advertisements have made people tired." Tnis recent saying has the right ring and we accept its suggestion We are the import ers of HE-NO TEA. We propose increas ing its sale in Wil mington. Not by praising it, but by giving you, free cf all cost, enough HE-NO TEA to last a week. - v?J podding is in the 'CJj&W eatinsr." An old adage which, suggests another, 'A word to the wise is sufficient. Send us a postal card with your ad dress, and, for a limited time, we will mail any one in Wilmington, free, a pack- a nf HR.TJO TEA an A an intvmiimr Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorii bok bout tea. You risk a postal card! v c nsx your using tne tea so wew mat Dealers in Liquors, Cl?rsnd Tobaccos. mySOtt Apples ! Apples I Apples 1 ANB - COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY. I. T. &C5. P. ALDKU91AN. Commission Merchants, oct Gft t r 110 No. Water St. Cut Glass, "COLOGNE great variety, prices, oct 7 tf AND PERFUME BOTTLES IN New Goods and reasonable MUNDS BKOTIIEHS, :lt N. Front street. Notice to Builders WALKER'S STRICTLY HJBE Willi B LID. made bybe old Dutch process,! the best Lead on'tne market. They not being: In combina tion can make special price on same. COOKING STOVES, Largest assortment in tue state ;to se from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In tneni you 'will find comfort and economy Pa?np, St p-Ladders, "i i We as for jour patronage and shall ev endeavor to deserve the same. .Respectfully, N. Jacobi Hardware Co., ap tf lTSO. FRONT! ST. The publishers Of SCBISNEirs MAGAZINE air? to in axe ii uie iuuu pupiuar ana eiirer prtsing of periodicals, while at all times pre serTing its high 11 terary character. : 25,000 new readers bare been drawn to it during the past six months by the Increased excellence of its enntfents (notably the Hallway articles v. aad it closes its second year with, a new toipetus and show some new effects, and nothing tor raake hCniBNER'S MAGAZiNB attractive aJtid tn- terest ins will be neglected. - . TUB JlAILWAl" ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papeis; one espe cially i interesting by Kx-Posunaster General Thomas L. Barnes on -The Railway I'ostal Scr- MK.1ROUERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S? sena novel f 'The Master of Baiiautrae'VwlU through the greater part of the year. . v A coRRESi'O.NUKUK ana coutfction o ' .: manuscript memoirs reiauug- to j. r. u uiet l ite year lsa it ti. and a f amoas group of modern rYench raluteis ln tQe variety of it J;IU eTei mil furnish the sunstance of several articles. ? for,t1to Please its Eubiot?10 aj?i l IllustrauxL - - H be added to its rrSw?- Xtw J: e The brief end papers written last year by eluding flrst-cUss nfmar (JepanJt1'" Robert Louis Stevenson,! will be replaced by . TM equany interesting coniniuuons oy ainere t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldtlch will write the first of them for the January number. f - Jtfany valuable LITERARY' ARTICLEH will appeanapaper oa Walter Scott's Method of VVnrt i illustrated from orlPliial MSS:: aswonrt i . - v r , . l' .irinirif xi.rtrtvl "ui: anni!..,,. anoear fcv t;iiu-eiu - foman'ft t.. Austin oooson and ;SthetimetoSuW,' II LUSTBATIOHr ItaYell Known lIaitj aud many other article equally BOteworrhyi t attsrmfea - : j Articles on akiujm&i; &wiuoeaicaiure Papers are arranged to Cook. IE. n. Blashfield. many others. lUustratecL' .; - FISHING ARTICLE describing sport In the best fishing grounds wiil appear. Salmon Winnlnlsh, Bass and Tarporware the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. Illustraua. - ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE of great variety, touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will sppeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace sort. , i - lUvslratea. , Among the most Interesting In the list of scientific paners for the.vear will be a remark able articie by Trof. Joha Trowbildget npon the most recent- developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Tlhmraied. . . A class of articles which has proved of spe cial Interest, will be continued by a group nt papers upon ELECTRICITY ln its most recent applications, by eminent authorities;' are markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether interesting papers. I t unique illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year' numbers, which Include all the Railway Art! cles, as follows: i A year's subscrlntlon (1889) and the num- U?rs iOa Xooo s-h doU A year's subscription (1899) and the num bers ior 1888. Dound in ciotn.... s.v S3ymr; 25 cents unnber. Charles Scribner's Sons 743-745 Br way. N.Y. I890r Harper's Toung: People AN 1 1 LLUSTR A TED WEEKLT. The Eleventh Volume of Hakpbs tocnq Pkoplb, which begins with the Number for November 5. 189. presents an aitractlva pro gramme, it win offer to its readers at least four serials or the usual length, and others in two or three parts, namely. "The-Red Mus tang.' by William o. &T0DDARD: "Phil and the Baby," by Lfct C. 1 jllik; " Prince Tom my," by john Russell coryell: and iioth- er'sWay," by Margaret E. sangster; two short serials br H jalmar H jobth Botesen. Two series of Fairy Talcs will attract the at tention of lovers of the wonder-world, name ly, the aualnt tales told by Howard PruB.and so admirably illustrated by him. and another series in a different vein by Frank M. Bick nell. There wlU be short stories by W. D. Howells, Thomas Nelson Page, Mart E. VVILKINS IN OR A PERRT. HARRIET PRESCCTT Spoffobd-, David Ker, WORTHj SOPHIE SWETT, JOHNSTON, etC Hezekiah Butter- Richard Malcolm a subscription to Harper's Young People secures a juvenile library, 'here is useful knowledge, also plenty of amusement. Boston Adrertuxr. i . -. . : - an'a v.u Stories by the V literature and Arl H A Choice Plashes of WitandB Information on all Subject! ' Only One Dollar a Tear Do not ran to shh Mirrors NEW YfjfffT 0BSEEVE1 Terms - Psta' Prepaid, $2 fir year. Vol. XI begins Sovriitirr 5, 189. SpejiDien Copy sem on receipt of troo-ccnt siagie Number, Five Ontseach. uemittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Sewspapers are not u, copy this adrersineinent itniiioui thp t-xpri fsn tyrmv ot Harper s. Brothers Address- HA HP SKA B OTHERS, " nov 'M j. f Vw Yo Superior Court. The Oldest and Best " Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editor- rL respondents at Home ' an AbrL Stories. Review- nA.-.., Jeptnients tor FarmerT ! chants, Bankers. 'Prnf.iAJ.i Students Bors aid 01 FIFTY PRIZE ST0K1E8, and the ablest and mnct twL.i.. writers will contribute to itt cS umns. Poets and nrnaa vi-. thors, editors, men of science aad women of ffeniu3 will fill th . umns ef the Observer, and it wfl - give fifty-two unexcelled papert h u5 cwuimg year, ! fiice, f ij.uu a year. Clergymen, $2-00 a year. . Great Inducements for 1890 1 The NEW YORK OBSERVER will feint (or one year to any clergyman not now a tub : seribcr, for ONE DOLLAR. . 2.. Any subscriber sending: bis ownsntecnp Lion for a year ln advance and a new inbsai ber with $5.00. can have a codv of tiis us Letters." or "The Life of Jerry McAsia' 3. We will send the OBSERVES for tit i malnder of this year, and to January L isa, to any niw subscriber sendlnw ta hUnaat ibi address and S3.00 ln advance. To sochmbscn bers we will also felve either the rolaiafcf 'Ireaaens Lttters" or "The Lift of Jerrjlc Auley." Agents wanted everywhere. Litem w Larcre commissions. Bample c ree. Address, . New Yorlt 0b8errif NEW YORK Passescr Sia'ii, blfigu," C. IDS B1 vcmber 1st. for Misses Burr&James'School JJISSKJ' mrk and jamrs will ke orca their School for Younj.LaiU and chl!- t drcn orboth wxe. you will continue to use it. If you do not we males a loss. Thus we show our con rtdence in the merits of HE-NO TEA. MARTIN CILLT & CO.. lEstnilislrJ .) Exchasgt Place, Baltimore, Md. On Thursday, Oct. 2d. IjFOR TilEH ifJILV! Tte cvurae of st u Jr, a STstematlc and Ihoroujrh. hemorore. will be IndividUJlinstruc- tioa bestowed upon each pupil; thes.imr care- rui aiieotion jrlon in training; tne s:o miod -i iuoe ni rnui inn-uerr. Cl4 Slftru. Fn-e-bind Dr.iln. C'nlis thalcs an. NcodicworV free of chaw. Matlcal lcp.irttnnt. unfr tbe sunrrititen dem or Mr. M. t LMUNti. Pnptt in muAic. cittern Uhln or without the rn-Uool. will be accomaiod-itcd w ith suttaout hour ot lastructloa that mu not latcrferu with Un ions or hours ox siudy. Ccr carr an.j attcn-! tmn is citen to lh moral wettan of t ur riilul. For further rrclculars pl-aV apply to North.Thlrd street wwt sew lrint-ip.i WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL NC- the construction of the U nlon Passenger Station at Kaielgh, N. C. Hans ntdsneclflcatlona can be seen at the office of the Raleigh 4T Gaston Railroad, 313 Halifax street, Raleigh, N. C. JOHN C. WINDER, II lot For the Committee. University of North Carolina Tlio Fall Term Opns ent. 4. Taitloo, $30. T70UK REGULAR COURSES OF STUDY, JL classical, rhirosophlcal. Literary. Sclent nc. Special courses in Cnemlstry, Civil and Electrical Encineerlnir, rharmacy. and other studies. Separate schools of Law and Medicine, whose students max attend tne university lectures Address HON. KEMP P. BATTLE. L.LD., Jy S tf President, Chapel Hill, N. C. oct VmTn LOST or FAI1X50 HANHOOJI Wrakatsaaf Body and ttiad. Effect f Emner Xzwuti la Older Traaf Hardware, rjlINWARE wrlnU , tiutUMtM pwtm miirm fJti ) tr UnW 5JWE MCOiCAi. CO., BUFFALO M. V SPECIAL! nov AND CROCKERY. iW. E. SPRING ER CO.. Importers and JoObrTsi; PunJl Kmalnp. 1890. harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. THEACME MANUFACTURKRS OF SUMMEB RESORT-.! tfeuuilie Hand-Sewe(l MANUFA0TURIN&00. SHOES, S6 for 04, WKIUIITbVlLLC, N. C, h NOW OPEN UNDER SAME MANAGE meat. Tgc Hotel and grounds are near the waters ot the bound and tbe Atlantic ocean and a few steps from the Depot of the 8ca coaat Railroad from Wilmington. A& the conductor of the train to stop yo at Wrights vine. E3AID if TBI DAV, IT.EK OrS0lH; AT- Send.for Circulars. ZZX. WILSON u MANNING. ProprlJtor. John Werner. rjMIEKE IS BUT ONE. AND HE HOLDS forth at No. 9 Market street. A rood nve for 10 cents, a Shampoo for SO cents, or a Hair rut for a) cents. Pour of the best liar bers in the Mat. Clean towels, sharp razors and prompt attendances JCIIN WERNER, The lierman Barber, fiblOtl ra atartrt inrcct Geo. R. French & Sons 108Nortb Pront Htreet. (Opposite The Orton.) oct 20 tf Ue ITiIsiaa Htm Liciirj ficuj ARE NOW PREPARED TO TAKE UPOI " j - i reasonable terms a limited amount of Fanilly Washing, which will be In charge of a com re- tent lady, octstf WORTH BRANCH. Proprietors. Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting Wilmiogton, - - N. 1 rjlIIE REPUTATION OF OUK FERTILIZERS the. ACME aadGCM. tsnow established, and the results of three years' use in the nands of the best farmers of this and other States will attest their value as a hbjti grade manure 1 The MATTING, maos from the leaves- ot our native dne. is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It is dally Increasing, it has vir tues not fpjnd in any other laoric The FIBRE or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to nalr. beinir iteht elastic and proof against Insects. certificates froca reliable parties using oar roods casjbe seen at our cZLcc. or will be mall. ed cpon pubiicaxion. r viaa i IlaRPKK'g wbkxlt has a well-established lace as the leading Illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of Its editorial, com ments ou current politics has earned for It tbe respect and confidence oi an impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of Its lite rary contents, which Include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, nt tt tor the perusal or people or the widest range of tastes and pursuits. The Wkxklt supplements are of remarkable variety, in terest, and value. No expense is spared to brlnsr the his nest order or artistic ability to bear upon the illustration or the changeful phases of home and foreign history. A Mexi can romance, from the pen of Thomas a. jantixk. will appear in the Wkbkxt in 189a English and Classical School -BT ( NORTH CAROLINA, I - New nanover County. J John H. Strauss, vs. Peter H. Smith, Walter Smith, Minnie Smith and Clarence Smith, Heirs at. Law ef Hattle j is. smitn. - j ; Thi3 is an action brought bj the abovl named plaintiff against the defendants above namea ior tne immediate possession of a cer tain lot of land situate In the City of Wilmlng- j ton, county ot New Hanover, and State of north Carolina, and more Specifically set but ui uie cumpiaint mea in inxs action. Notice is hereby elven to Walter Smith. One of the defendants ab we named, who is a non-! resmeni oi me state or norm Carolina, to eitner pieaa, answer or demur to the com- piainc niea in tne aDove etititied cause on or before the 6th Monday before the first Mon- uay in aiarcn, a. u. i89i, or the relief asicedl r-nr-r- mr -rr rimflOC nMfed111 e complaint herein A FREE TRIP TO EUROPE. Given under my hand and seal of office this, iuc mix uaj wi vuvuuer, a u. isyu. I S. VanAMRINOE. j Clerk of the superior Court. u. jucuu&aiaix ana m. jsttiAiAMx, c ., oct 17 6 w m Plaintiff's Attorneys. Iter. Dan t el Morrellf, A.W. rrtllE -THIRTY-SICOND ANNUAL will begin XD. V.) Wednesday, the in"00" t jiber. -ror any Information apply at Xa Orange street, corner of Fifth. f Btf THE STATE CHRONICLE, Successor;to the Farmer and Mechanic tne chronicle. ; - ano ITnder New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN UP WITH THE TIMES. ' fJtnE PUBLISHERS OF "THE CASadiai QUEEN" will give a free trip to Europe to Ot person sending the largest number ef constructed from letters contained tots name of their well known anf. t CANADIAN QUE15X." Aadldonal W consisting of Silver Tea Seta, Gold Wttca Chlna Dinner Sets, Portiere CmtfJni. Dresses. Mantel Clocks, and manyow S f ul and valuable articles will also be trw in order of merit, i Webster's Unabridged mctionary w - as autnonty in deciding tne conicau r'HE p'STATE CIIRONICLBn WILL BB what its name implies a state Paper. It is I not tne Kaieign "cnromcie" ana will not be local or secUonaL It will aim to keen im with the news from Murphy to Manteo. or. as tue puuLiurjis pub it, irom cneroKee to cor- ritUCK. i . - : , . - : it will be the ortran of no man. no rlnsr. no wvuuu, uu ptuij. ib wui do jjeiiiocrauo in pouues; Dut nu not nesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officers. ' HARPER'S ? PElilODICALS. A PER YEAR: 1 HARPER'S WEEKLY.....'..... ....$4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 L HARPER'S BAZAR. ............. 4 no HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE:........,... 200 fosiage Free to aU wubstrtoers tu trie United States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for J anuary of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at tlmo of receipt of order. 1 . Hound Volumes of Harpers Wecklr. for three years back, ln neat cloth binding, win be sent br malL postajre paid, or br exnrw rrx of expense (provldel the frelzht does noter. ceed one douar per volume), for $7 00 per voL ! Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable fort." 2J?'.THlnt' iT maJ's. Post-paid, on ; ; uemittances snouia ne made by Post-Offi I KatllfMI ' vJ fllh Vf 'Ml If II I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: one Year... ...t2 00 Six Months.... 1 no! Shree Months.... ,.i j. 60 1 'i ror a sampie copy address - oTATJC CUKONICLvB, , : - 1. - Ealdgh, NyC This is a popularplan of tntrofloclaf a larpubUcaofon. 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