hi i-Arei: r 1: We will t gLaa to receivtt frm ens ME5.EJltorirrop. from our trleaoa oa any a&a all t 'ecta ... . .. - . - , . . . . ,1 general lnteres.trat ; . -tt nan Throe The name or tne wnter mast ftiir&rs te tur olshea to the Editor. . . , - Communicaaans 'cnast oe written "on only 1"" ty carriers. trt 1 r p . n cf t be f.ty. t the -bor lvl----,,:,r-L . ,,"trrivr rTuiriy. one siae of t&e paper. rersoaaitnefl mast op aroiJetJ. . AndK is ejpecuiix nJ earttcaurij tmaer- stood thac n 6iitor does not always endorse vol. xiy. Wilmington; ; . no 27g the Ttewsor cormjponenta oniesa so Etatcd tn the eJltortaJ coioxtins. 1 ' J ' 4 BE . . - - , . iiV r.il ' f -. ' ' Z2. J CWTlTi IWPtI TO NSW AOTKKTUIUI5TS xIED:Jt Co Kurnltarr TiTis-rSani Jones song1 Books "And how ar you Sheriff The pleasant flavor, gentle action j learned, yesterday afternoon, ; fciwl feootfiinff effects of Syrnp of Just before going to press, 'that the Fig?, when in need of a laxatireaud body of Alfred Morgan, the yonng if the father or mother Ia mtrtMk Easrllshman who eseaned from the m mm m ' - ; bilious the most gratifying reU i t - i tr u?r, illul Ik is IliF UrSl I - ,,-.., ..ui( iiu n wwii if. . v-j o: .1 p. ;:;'jOYQ !i r:. J rcMilt3 Trhcu :., !' Ia-tef and acti . i', m the Kulneyf cold. h?Jr ... -It 40 .-vit.p of Figs js tbt rf is' kind ever pro iHSto and ac ..ir .1 - . . ...... I. nrnrnn? 1? 1 ir;;! i liotieficial ia iti U' trnni the irtOi f 7 -; j.-rv-aMe subitauces, ll "'vl bnro nvi'le it tho mo .'.r-::-u'b;uuwn. , n Fir: ii for sale in &k n n- br all lealinz drujr- i Aar n-l'iablc druggist rrh .tit Kive it on band will pro t s pr-niptly for any ne Tvb iu tzr it. Do not accept anj .' mMM FW SYRUP CO. m rsficisco. cml zxnu. it ttivr roK. n.y. rrtEUT K HKLI.AMY. WHOLESALE DKUKdlSTi x; j wiuningtoa, r. u. SAM JOTJ SONG BOOKS. iHS' HOOK STORE. A Moving Tale. fUIWILL MOTE THIS WEEK. IT IS a. ATtick-s ol Furniture aare h. iii tow mmc are needed. We vj ?ocrwaar. t all aoa see us. We " i WtJm jrtit.i. SNEEi) t o.. Furniture Dealers. ! ? 1 'f I'nr V i rtr ami vuvuiil Kft In Full U ast ! :i?aTENT ) srLlTTEIt IS NOW lour cuien .soUcltcd for flnt xJ.ii u best of orcer. Ret! Asa, :'Jli.t Ash, stove coal, fbestnut "'hi roa:. ,V13 J. A. SPRINGER. MUX & Roi.i:i.i.K OTisiflUS, VOLLEltS, in:.i.F.ns Grccerica, '-?.!'r. Tobacco. Cigars, -AND- ulilvvmV linnin i i I rtml ami Ilok Kl., Contractors. rLf.'wu.s WILL BE ltF-CElV-.:, nor-., Tn-sday, Noreinbcr ';.. i; in? liuiiiUDT ex me 'i-i.r. ansl,,n Association, north r j Mulherrj Mrceis, Wit i h'L'. , ,,--c:.:ons w;K"7 feet. Ihre S SrH .... . 1 - T4 hi! It Of three Brick mnd tioT art at th rooms of "a". 'stL'!"iui -sfeociaiiAn, Banc !r:,!- c. Wilmington. N. C. Vr:ft.-Wuisa i-Un$ anf ictflcatlons .-rrvrvesthertilit to rrject. . m. nrsKY. tiecf ral Secret a rf. A. Tucker. tS tittANITI,, MAKBLE AND Manufacturer of Cfmetery, - ta:l EulMics Wort. 510 North rrent Street, - innlnston, N. C. I '3i Liu e This Week. a" m to RT STEAMER AND RA1LTBI3 n -SK NEW UNES Or .' frejh Family Groceries htt . . " 7. rotatcea, cbictens, Kji il Gfxxia In rmt rTp V ?T. fasjwimy. . rrcat Ktrttt.". cue could have asked for pret tier weather on election day than has been vdnch&afed to us here in Wilmington. i Visitors tto oar city shoald cer tainly not fail to call on the N. Ja cob! Ddw. Co. for onything wanting in tne:r Jine. . !. . Use UcgaT Ilendy-itiixed Paint, and nave no other, if yon want a good, durable article; for fate by the K. t i : Ti.i v Jrooi jiuw. U). . f jine neit entertainment at the Opra House will be ooflJlonday night nextjwhen "Iegal 7rongM will b presentel HiHenry'8 famous minstrel troupe are booked for the Opera House in this city on! the Saturday night of next week, the 8tn Inst. I am Manufacturers Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fence?. Or ders solicited. -James I. Metts. t It has been a dry town to-day. mi ine saloons were all closed at C o'clock last night and will not open again until to-morrow morning. Rev. C I. Arnold preached In Goldsboro on Sunday to his new charge but returned to the city yes terday for the purpose of voting to- dav. Man's rreatest enemv is the wine glacis; .woman's, the lookinofrlass. Hut the greatest friend of both is that world-rono wned philanthropist, Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. - - ' We have In stock an immense va riety f Cook Stoves, all stvles and sues. 1'rices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacob! Hdw, Co. j " t Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son lale yesterday afternoon cleared British steamship Boskenna Bay, for Brem en, Germany, with -C.500 bales of cotton, valued at $313,000. A nrrrm line of T?rp(h nnrl M1177IA ! lofirllncr Shot' finn. Air Riflp ond Pistols; all grades at 1 lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. N. Jacob! Hdw. CO. -j I Mr." Warre G. Elliott" President of the Wilmington & Weldon R. R., has remeved! his family to this city and. they arej domiciled at tht ele gant residence built by Mr. Geo. W. Williams ori Fourth street, near Orange. " ! i : - The Board ef County Commission ers have uppoiated Messrs. H. C. McQueen an4 IL W. Hicks delegates to the annual Southern Inter-State Immigration Convention, to be held at Asheville, N. C, on the 17th of December,1 1800. j . - We regret very much to learn of the death, at) Muiicie, Ind., yester day morning; of Mj. ; XT. C. Euier en, father of Messrs. ,Thos. M. and Horace M. ; Emerson,' of this city. Both of these gentlemen left here last night to attend the funeral. Mn Aodit and Finauce. I he Hoard of Audit aod FiuaOv met yestenlay afternoAn in regif session. Present: Messrs. . TLL uuues vcnairuian; w. U. K.enan ami Jno. W. Hewett. Bills were audited and approved as follows: Current expenses, $o, 213.50; note $10,000; interest on'the jaiae, $220.44. National W. C. T. U.. Convention. Iheisational (Convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held in Atlanta about the 10th of this month. The Georgia W. C. T. U. Is working vig orously preparing for the conven tion. Mrs. William C. Silby, presi ueni oi me uteorgia union, nas chosen Mrs. Sallie F. Chapin to de liver the address of welcome. Wilmington will probably be rep resented at the convention, by one or more delegates. ; The Cotton Plcklne Machine. It will be of interest to our farmer friends to learn that x successful cotton picking machine really has been invented. At the Memphis Cotton Exchange a day or two ago a bale of cotton was exhibited that was picxeu ny maciunery. it was the first picked by other than hu man hands ever shipped to that or any other city in the world, and if the machine does what its inventor claims for it he has revolutionized the cotton industry and at the same time settled,' to a large extent, the negro question. It has been held as a valid objection to any scheme ef colonizing the negro out of the South that he was ' essential to the cotton planter in gathering his crop. The inventor ot the cotton picker claims that his machine will do the work of Ofty men. The Voting riace3. The following are the voting places in thp city for- the coming election: First Ward, First Division-Thos. G. Williams' store, corner Fourth and Harnett streets. Second Division Building corner of Sixth and Campbell streets, re cently occupied by Mr. James Lewis as a restaurant. . - Third JDi vision Unoccupied store on the corner of Tenth and Walnut streets. -s Second Ward-The Court House. Third Ward-Giblem Lodge. Fourth Ward Cape Fear Eneine House. Fifth Ward, First Division Fifth Ward Market House, corner of Fifth and Castle streets. Second Division Bannaker .Hose Reel House, on Ninth, between Cas tle and Queen streets. TIioWek or I'rayer. ; All who are interested in the study of the Bible will find that the privi lege of listening to the readings of Rev. W. J. Erdman, who comes to our city next week under the aus pices of.the Y. M. C. A., is an excep tional one. The national reputation of Rev. Mr. Erdman causes his time to be constantly in demand, and ef forts were begun nearly six months ago to secure this visit. The earnest words of commenda tion of Rev. R. G. Pearsdo. for whom our community has such high There is a deplorable condition of ; reguru, are sumcient. to acquaint ure affairs here uow. There Is not aPui'H3 witn nev. xur. cruiuan, . vtickof oak lor ash wood to be nothing else were known Lof him bought here.! Last sales were made bere. Mr. Pearson frequently x at $1.50 a load, on the wharf. We ! pressed n desire that his revival scr really cannot! uuderstand why the might be folio cd by Mr. Erd- wood shouldinot be brought into, man with his Bible readings, for market. tu0 sake of the new converts, to whom the Scrlptnres woum tnns oe biade plain and attractive. J ' " His tyle is not that of nn orator whose personal magnetism-attracts crowds, nor yet of a profound scholar City Hospital some, days ago,; had been found In the - river." It was found in tho afternoon by a colored 4iian by! the name" of Salvage, oppo site Kidder's Mill. Savage towed the body up; to the wharf at the l6o of Dock, street, and notified Coroner. Jacobs who took charge of Jberecf4i ns which were fully iden tified as- those of the - unfortunate young man. There were no marks of violence '.on the body, and the jury of inquest found 'that the de ceased came to his death by acci dental drowning..1' . By direction of Mr. Jas.Sprnnt,the British Counsel, the body was placed in the charge of an undertaker to be prepared for burial and will be in terred in Bellevne Cemetery to-day. The Election- , l Everything has passed olf harmo niously here to-day. It has been a bright, pleasant, sunshiny day and as a-consequence the . registered strength of the two parties has been steadily polled. The Democrats reg istered nearly up to their entire strength but- the Republicans fell greatly behind. -Indifference- and disaffection combined have wrought this.r Our piper closes an hour, or more before the polls close and it is therefore impossible to , forecast the result. All that is known at this time is that the result will be close, with the chances In favor of the Democrats. We greatly fear, how ever, that we will lose, despite the gallant fight which has been: made to carry the county.. The Issue has been mainly between the twa par ties, the side show in the shape of the Independent Republican ticket counting as a very small factor in the fight. j 0 1-n LI Dudley paid over yes terday fjthe; widow of Mr. A. G. McUIrt 12,000 and to the widow oi Mr. H. C. Premperi $3,000, the amounts of benefits held by tha dr ceased gentlemen in the Endowment Rank of the Knights of Pythias . Dr. Totter Keport. ' - Dr. F. W. Potter, Superintendent of Health, reports 37 deaths in the city daring the month' of October, a e m - . il I mciauings lun oinns. oevenaeain.j vhoie learning makes him too lofty occurred ; Trom. malarial diseases, j to UDderstooJ bat ht is a plain, The doctor urges the necessity of a . common p;nso teacher of the truth furnace to Iburn garbage and con- j of the scriptures, who proves Scrip demnedmeaw.'and deprecates the:ture by Scripture. To appreciate irregular way-of laying terracotta; him he most be heanL ; ... - - j. pipes for sewers by private citizens, . , ; . . LL-U will M.nff fn inlnrr ' LMUMLLE OIL, . .A . . - r m 1 n... .. . . -" . v . 1 . r ageing of the bkiu. Prevents "with, ering of the skin or drying up of the firr.-Wll. ; Ir. rnnnnm fierofnla. Hesh. mature s wonuer lor preserv- . n vtrtrt ri;- inr vouth and freshness. $1.00, large l i HCUiU ULiV.4 .A V1V& W4WW I . ' - , . . to health. '' - The king of medicines IIood7a Board of A!tlermen. . The Board met in regular session last night at the City Hall; Mayor Fowler presided. . : The Police Committee- reported the appointment of J. S. Piver and E. Piner as members of the force in place of officers Gafford and Green, resigned. The repo'rt was adopted. The Committee on Permanent Street Improvements reported the cost of laying the sidewalk on Third street,, between Chesnut and Mul- berry. , as. $248, and submitted the following vrecommendations, which were adopted: , I 1st. Thax the provisions of the act of Legislature under which the work was ordered be carried out by the Mavor at once. ' r 2d. That Third street, between Mulberry and Chestnut, be graded and improved to conform with this sidewalk under the supervision of the Mayor and City Engineer. The reports of the Chief of the Fire Department and the Superin tendent, of Health were read " and ordered on file. ' :ft- ! v. On Alderman Hicks' motion it was ordered that repairs be made to the fire wharf at the foot of -Chestnut street. ." .' j Application of Jno. B. "Richard son for privilege of renting stall. ISo. 3, in Front street market house, was referred to the Market "House Com mittee. . - . Petition of J. J. Herring, night watchman, for compensation for performing pelice duty was referred to the Police Committee. " Alderman Geo iZ -Morton tender ed his-resignation && a member of th e Boartl from the FirsttWard. On uiotion his resignation was accepted Aldermau Pearsall asked by what authority, the sewer on1 Princess street was;onstructed, and spoke in opposition to such privileges being granted, in view of the fact thai the cjty would probably adopt a gen eral plan of .sewerage. 5 After dis cussion, further consideration of the matter was postponed until an ad journed meeting to be held to mor row afternoon. - . .' Coaurr Corumiioner. - The Board met i yesterday after- nooh"in regular session. Present, Messrs. H. A. -Bagg, (chairman). Roarer Moero. B. G. Worth. Jas. A. Montgomery and E. LfYearce. E.! Hewlett, county treasurer; sub mitted his monthly1 report, showing a balance of $17,130:25 on hand- $8,274.04 to the credit of the general and $.85G.27 to the credit of the educational fund. i. The Register of Deeds submitted his monthly report of fees received on account of marriage . licenses, amounting to $33.6V, and .exhibited the Treasurer's receipt for the same. ,: Ordered, that John E. Wood aud W. H. Davis ba relieved of payment of poll tax on account of physical disability. v Ordered, that the bond of the Register of Deeds be increased from $(m to $10,003 to take effect from and after the first Monday in December next. j I Ordered, that tax charged against A. H. Neff, on Biock tS,, be retuitted the same being the property of heirs ofL.iA. Hart, and having been list ed by them. ' 'T .1 Jurors for the IS ovember term- of the Criminal uourt were drawn as follows: W. W. - Harriss, W. T. Shepherd, J. G. Wright, eb. W. Gilchrist, E. VanLaer, H. A. Tucker, J. M. Lee, W. J. King, John SVelsh, E. T Mason, Sam1! Davis, Ji M. Jones, Ed. Pearson, S. C. Styron, Uenj. Farrer, Jr., W. P. Price, C. Twining. A. S. Holden, W. L. Rog ers, E. -Blackman, J. K. Jones, Peter Bloome, J. If .JStrauss,W.F.Furpless, L. LJ Boonev A. E." Blake, John G. Wagner, J. W. Mintz, W. H. Hardy, Julius Weill, L.-B. Southerland, A. F. Davis, A. T. Walsh, G. R Holt, D. S. Bender, J. W. S. Harvey. There's nothing half so sweet in life as "love's young dream." Now about this there is some diversity of oainion. Some giving preference to a good article of taffy, but there are few things' any sweeter than j ease after a racking pain and this is only gotten by using salvation Oil.;' j Clioi ce North Caroli na BED RUST PEOOF" SE.ED OATCTi "yiTE HAVE.JVST RECEIVED A ' ITLL surply.of the above OATS, which are the tost for plinti?ln this' and aajoinlnff States. ' : ,- For sale by liJ . -,; B. F; HITGHEIilj5S0N oct Vtf - . V-r'.- ''::::"" I AIm mm, t i A fipOD DftA Y. wan lou w..m. cuiiMiNu. CTn 9 CnU 1 1 Ui.ES, ONE TOI5 r Or wUI6 I $140.00, one for sraoo. novl tf AV.iCUMillNU.. For Sale ! Straw. Mattresses. $ snucK - -,..v; EXCELSIOR- :? MOSS . -JIAIR : Kenovatlnsr done to order, - Call nd tee my "Oombinatlon" Mattress. m , . i ' t . ' r;"l.'ctJaiMING. ! (Alleii Building, next to 'iurw office.) ; Wilmington ScacoastB.Bt mJ.: v -r; L tfg-- v . . t ,. . . ' , -;f - l-l.;; EAVE VVlLXllNQTOJJ 2:30 AND 0.30 P. Ml. NEW AOVBUTISBJUBNTS. H Ta ; Horse Owners Lockjaw Prevented. OKSES THAT ABE THICKED WITH Leave Hammocks 7.50 a. m. and 5.G0 p. m. -Sunday trains leave Wilmington g 30 and C.30 pm. ; j . .'-. .', : ; Leave Hammocks 0.30 a. m. and 5.33 p. m. I ; Leave Wilmington 10.00 a. m. Saturday only. 25c round trip every day. j , J. If. KOLAN, octstf , I . General Manager. JOSEPH F. CRAIG, (Formerly with Alderman, Flanner 4; CO.) PRACTICAL WORKER I-i j Tin, Sheet Iron, Pumps, &c , Princess gtreet, hear Front (basement.) i Will be pleased to ceive orders and clve estimates. Good and prompt, work .euaran-. teed. . . nor 3lm -r nalls or otner punctured wounds In the foot. when treated skiifutly, aro in no danger of aiinsr irom LocKiaw. Alter a practical ex perience of 20 years am prepared to guaran tee tne arove. ' ca'i on me., . i , D. QI1INL1VAN. oct 20 1 w , The Porseshoer and Farrier. (Star and Messenger copy it) Apples, ! COUNTRY Apples I Apples I -AND ' PRODUCE GENERALLY. Entertainments ! rpiIOSE WHO ARE PLANNING AMUSE- I . v - "I - ments and fintcrtalnmentrs for th5 coming! season will do well to consult the Magazines in the . : . r WILMINGTON LIBRARY ROOMS, nov 1 tf j 1 133 Market street. I. T. & O. V ALUKKftIAN,v . ''';. . Commission Merchants, bctootr . ' , no No. water St. Hardware9 mix WARE J STOVES! STOVES! All hits, All1 Kinds, and at All Price',! Call and see them at . Alderman, Fianner A; Co.'s. novlly D&W nov AND CROCKER V. W. E. SPRINGER & CO Importera and Jobbers . Purcell BuUdlnc. Cut Glass. COLOGNE AND PERFUME BOTTLES IN great variety, f New Goods and reasonable prl&s. oct 27 tf MDNDS BROTnERS,- ' (104 N. Front street. SPECIAL! Genuine Hand-Sewed SHOES. S6 for 34 j 4.T- Geo. 11. French & Sons 108 North Front Street. (Opposite The Orton.) The Advantages We Offer to h PIANO AND ORGAN CUSTOMERS! ARE. THAT OUR JNSTBU- 1 ments are carefully selected by the tinder- ! signed and boilght directly from the manu. 1 facturer. We have a very large stocc, com pretng all grades and styles, to select from., ! All our Pianos are delivered and keot in tnno I the flrst yeai by two competent tuners. -, i As we are t icrli f. hew ? nr imnnntihia' ;!' which Is nbt ca?e when tou send for Plano : or ouy irom inng agents. Tor when any thing is wrong yoji jnay have a guaranteo bat tnis aocs not irepa'r your Instrument. By economical management we can sell yoa tn Btruments at least so jxt cent, lower than you have to pay to travelling agents, for you have to help pay their heavy expenses. . . The instruments you bny from us are right here and cocsequently jcu do not buy the cat In tn bagj , ? ' . : Over ooo Jntstruments sold in Wilmington alone U the best nroof that the nuhu hftrn coniidence in our judjrment and Integrity. i - K. VisUEH oct 13 If 4 : Red Cross turoef.'. ' fo . WilmifiB fleam Unit Cospiaj ' KE NOW PREPARED TO TAKE UPON reasonabl-s terms a limited amoint of Family . Washing, lilch will be In crtarge of e compe.. tent lady. oct3tf W ORTH K BRANCH. Proprtetors. oct 30 tf STILL AT WORK. Misses Biirr& James' School fISSES BURR AND JAMES, WILL K- J AM NOW WELL PREPARED TO REPAIR all kinds of Furniture, SewingMachlnes. Fan- : BuckLen'. Arnica Sal re. Tli o Beat Salve ia the world Xor CrTts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Obeum, FeverSoresr Tetter, Chap- j cy Articles. Ac, ind where It is possible make i'cu ii uuiu, vii 1 1 utiuus, Vforus, uuu ai i Skin Kruntlnns nnrl nndMi-olifotiroe them OS good as new. Work done promptly Piles, or uo pay reooired. Itisuar- j a-d priccs?yr. i!ail and sec me and get i anteed to give perfect satisfaction;.' , or iuonev rrfnhdpfl. Prinn "1 rtnt tlmatcs and pricei . !, nT box. PricoS5 cents For ?aItL. Ijy Kobert 11 Bellamy, t wholesale auJ ?tail dici V " 1 Ilot Bed Sash ami Glais for Kale by the X Jacob! Ildtv. Co. t prl: r . "! Jj 2. FARRAR, '.S. W. cor. Front and Orange streets. 1 am still agent here for the New Home Sewing Machine, ens et the best Hahlncs' on I :te market. NeslLcs asiilOll for sale. rich lf!.tf I ' 4 - ,- j v" ' - . - : ' open their Scnool forJTocng LarU, and chC- dim ofjot h se esi, ' On Thursday, Oct. 2d The course Of riludr. as heretofore, will fx . systematic and thorough, Individual instruc tion bestowed upon each pupil; the same care- fal attention given la training the slow mind as thoie of bright intellect. cuss sirgingj Fmvhand Drawing, Calis thenics and Needleworlc free of charge; : MUSlCftl lfDartmnt. limW fhftnnfrinfn. dence of Ik M. it, CL'SHINO. fcplls in mnsic. cither wlihf n or without the fechool. will be accomm'idted with sol table hours cf instruction that win not Interfere with les rona or hours of study. Every care end atten tion ts given to tua moral welfare cf te ctiid. xoriunnerparuciurspica.-43 arrly to L-'l t2rta TLlrl LtrKt tzl C3 Prt-dj 3. I,