. ' TLZLLSZ KOTICS. e win te plM to recciro coaxataucat-ons croax oar meaas on asj alliurjects SscnJ interest, out . ' . - - Tbe name of cue irricer'taust ftlwajs te far nls&ea t tiu Ectftor. - :' -J".' Oommtuucation mast t wntteaca oaly one asoe of tuo p&per. ! Person an aes mass be Toidea. - :Z ' And it is wpdiiu Mid ' DAraeaiarly c&2er v stood tnat tne Isarfcr doea uot Vlways e&Oorse tiie Tiews or oorrcapoadsjats ctaicsa bo ttUed la tLe editorial ooiacxnau , ' ! ' NEW A l VKttTIS ESICMTO, Wanted r fSG;;: ' STrt v ! mules, oxe rou .tiTsexctpted, r-vErA,,,i 1 Three - r jr, cvots. ...,rrr.i carriers, tree '-or""" . , ,..:.rt .mj and VOL XIV WILMINGTON, N, (i, lUrRSDA Y, NOVEMBER (i 1890 NO 278. r-;.!-ny. nOV.l l . . 1 - W.W. CUM MING. I a' J J. ' I I U I) ' M T , . '. . - - ' v ' ""r 1 y- -a ... J ;. c : M W I It. It: (i'cf Fr3'U f-r sale in 50 kVsia'b? all Ivailms lrt: I Ait reliable Jrui.'t wh f:ib' it cfi Ian J will pro (xprp'J aa.v one LatrriL I not "accept ani j uirmasco. cal. vpn I ::mwm fmrf MT i , , ; ? j..-t pK'a-;U!l . ,.,v. au'l act; , ;., :.e Ki ln, , j. ..;!. t:C 3Yy ;.iit! fures l:alitr.i I- 1LT3 IS Mi evrr pr fsrr saKT K. Hl'LLAfll Y. 1 nuXsiLS i)i;r;(;isT, !. j Wilmlnjton. N. C. SAM JON IQUG BOOKS. IIES BOOK STORH, R IMoving Tale. Ijl t THI WEEK. IT IS fax u. JLtKW or Furniture nave iMiUwt are needed. We irjrwitt4. i an Jul We NNFEt) Jt (U. I'nrnaure Iea.-rs. 11 t or. Xarrt aul Sx-ou-1 Sts. io FnU Blast 1 Ttrotvi oiutd fr ll rat -Ptu m rrcrr. ed Asa, Jlire aU. vri,t vol. l licstnut irru yj C04l aal scleral LK Y J. A. M'UINGEK. HIS & VOLLEUS. ioti.iLt: m.ti.t.Ks in To!;ic( o. Cigars, -ANU- WISSIIIX MKKCHANTS, Tro( anl l,rk St t'UL(;Tos' v. cv INDKX TO Nlf ADTJCBTISKM EXT3 1 sscgo'X Co Furniture " f csp Broth iiw-iirusThst c W r atis Sua Joacs nong Books j ' ' I j The receipts of cotton at this port tOHlay foot up'SOG bale. Hot Bed Sash and Glass for sale the y. Jacolu Hdw. Co. t t Mr. Brnce Williams, of Pt'nder county, was m the city to-day. I - . . ..t I Visitors to our. city should! cer tainly not fail to call on the N. Ja cohi H1. (Jo. for anything waoting jit their line. j . j f Ue" Regal Ready-mixed Paint, and have no other, if yon want a good, durable article; for sale by tlie N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. I f I aiu Manufacturers Agent for Barbed and all kjuds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fenced ()r ler solicited. James I. Metts. f ( New pilings j ore being driven, where needed, on the trestle on tlie Seacoast It. U. across the Sound and also on tlie Ocean View R. R. trestle. We have in stock an immense va riety of Cook Stores, all styles and sizes. Price? away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ! t Mr. J. A. Oates, Secretary of the Sampson County Agricultural So ciety, is here in the interests of the Fair to be held at Clinton on the 2Cth, 2tth, 28th and 23th Inst, f ' i ' Photographic: views were taken this morning of the Acme Saloon and the Portlier Brewing Co. V beer depot, to be used in an' illustrated work soon to be published here. A large line of Breech and Muzzle loading Shot Guns, Air Rifles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. y. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ! ' it Contractors. e'rVALs 'A I I.I. r.K KKCEIV '::;; '. In-, dir. November . .,., nr..itrc of tbe a?r AxviaUon. nortb- w - rr .at tzt V .:Wrry fetret-ia. W1J. kt - , i- ... i:u ot Urtck anc i j ;T . v :" 1 1 n Hj rooms of .-1:2" ' ' " tennn and ""iTv! ' , aiid sped neat ions l3siThi7"'ncthor,ihl to reject ha s" M. HUSKY. I'tnTal Secret arr. H A Tucker. 1 w. uamt. mai:ble ad 5lBtti:diBsWort 4 30 Nortb rront Street, vviunlnjton, y. V. l Uue Thi8We7kT" Tl3T STEAMER AND RAIL Til 19 NEW LINES OP Family Groceries. " t. AlrT n.i V VnrV ry-m , p rotitcea, iblckcns, Es c04 ta 5Te varlet j. p.swann; Act., -o. rront Strttt. lllbln Heading. It has been finally decided to adopt the following plan in regard i to the Bible readings of Rev. W. J. Krdman: The afternoon meeting on Mon day will be at the Y. M. C. A. rooms at 4 o'clock. The night services on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights will be at Grace Church, and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at the First Baptist Church. The Annual Found Party. We would remind our readers tliLt the Annual Pound Party" for the benefit of St. Jaines Home, is ap pointed for Tuesday next, the 11th Inst, and that donations of money, supplies and material of all kinds for domestic use are respectfully solicited in aid of the Institution. These annual donations have here tofore greatly aided .in carrying on the good work of the Home, and It will be most grateful to the Sister in charge, who devotes her life and energies to conduct the various operations of the institution, If a lilwral response Is made to .this ap .peal. ! , Although the Home is the proper ty and under the management of St. Jatucs' Parish, its school and charities and luoral influence ure for the good of the entire commun ity and not of any one church or denomination. Contributions may be sent to the Home on Orange street, between Eighth and Niuth, any time, up to the date above mentioued, and all who feel an interest in this noble woVk are cordially invited to call on the afternoon and evening of Tues daj next. '-. This is to certify that I have used Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup in a caso of bad cold and severe cough and found relief aud cure, and cheer fully recommend It to any, one suf fering from the effects of cold. War. P. FitAZER.OQ Barron St;,New York. "It is not madness tiiat ' I utter, bring me to tlio test." I have said and I am prepared to stick to it, that this suffering world need no longer sigh witlt pain, since it is so well known that Salvation Oil kills it, without any trouble. j Forecasts. ' t i i , -' i! For North Carolina, fair weather until Saturday and slightly warmer. Local forecasts, from 8 a. m. to-day for Wilmington and vicinity, fair weather, shghtfy warmer and cooler to morrow. r CliWilren Knjoy The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in-need of a Iaxativeand if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. U. S. District Court. The following cases were disposed of in the U. S. District Court yester day afternoon: The case of Bryant Gaston, the colored highwayman, was tried 'and., the defendant was acquitted. He was charged with assault with in tent to rob the mail carrier, Mr. M. Capps, who was going along the Newbern road about twenty-twb miles from the city in company with a friend, on tlie 27th day of lajt June. They were stopped by Gaston who demanded their money whereupon Mr. Capp's friend "drew a pistol and attempted' to shoot Gaston. The pistol failed to fire, however, whereupon Gaston shot at them aud escaped into the woods. After hearing the case the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty, there being no evidence to show that there was any knowledge on his (Gaston's) part, that he knew Mr. Capps carried the United States mail. John Kenuedy. charged with rob bing the United States mail, sub mitted the case and was found guilty. Sentence has not yet been pronounced and an effort is to be made in the young man's behalf as there is good reason for believing that he is not in his right mind and has not been for a year past. Bryant Gaston, charged with as sault with intent to rob the mails, was found not guilty. The T,:tet cw. The summing up of the election returns finds the Democrats a long ways ahead. The result has. beeti better than even the most sanguine dared hopp for. The column foots up New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Penn sylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North ' Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala bama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Ar kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Ken tucky, Ohio, Indiana,! Illinois, Kan sas, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska and Montana. In some of these States we have made almost a clean sweep and in others we have gaiued largely. The three .exceptions of Republican States, are California, Washington and Nevada. The esti mates ure from CO to 71 majority in the next House and a gain of a U. S. The. County Ctnrassera. The Board of County CauvassersJ I met at jjie Court House at 12 o'clock to-Uay, Mraccomauce with ! the re quirements ot the law to canvass the vote cast in New Hanover county. Mr E. G. Parmele was made chair man and Mr. Walker Taylor Secre tary. On motion, Federal Point town, ship was called and the vote can vassed and ordered received. Cape Fear township was next called and Mr. James Cowan pre sented himself and was duly sworn as a member of the Board. He re ported that there was no election in Cape Fear. Thereupon one C. H. Thomas, without stating who he was, arose and said lie had a paper he wanted to present. The Board declined to received the j paper, Thomas not being a member of the Board, judge Russell, who said he appeared for Thomas, remarked, "you won't receive this paper then?1 The Board then received the re port of Mr. James Cowan,1 Regis trar of Cape-Fear township, j Masonboro township was next called and the vote was received, cauvasped and accepted. . Harnett township was next in order and this vote was also receiv ed with the exception of one vote for R. F. Holmes, illegally cast." The Board then called for the Fifth Ward and the vote was can vassed and received by divisions. The vote of the Fourth Ward was then taken np, r canvassed and' re ceived. - -' . I The vote in the Third Ward was likewise canvassed and received. The Second Ward was then called and the returns received and passed. The First Ward, the last on the list, was then' called by divisions, and the reports were received and passed. The summing up "gives the Jelec tiou in the county to the Democrats, with the exception of John L. 'Dud ley for Treasurer, E. Hewlett, Re publican, receiving a majority. The average majority for each Democrat on the ticket is 45. Everybody knows scrofula to be a disease of the blood, and Hood's barsaparilla is trie best remedy for all blood diseases. - . . Board of Aldermen. - - . i'J '.- A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen was Jiejd yesterday after noon to consider the matter of the sewer now under construction on Princess street. Alderman Pearsall submitted an ordinance making it unlawful to lay any pipe or drain in any street or alley of the city for the purpose of any kind of sewerage without the consent of the Board, of Aldermen, and then only in conformity with such! sauitary requirements as the County Board of Health shall pre scribe in writing aud under the di rection of the city engineer as to the character and execution ;of the work!. It further provided that any one pffending against the provisions of tliis ordinance shall forfeit and pay $50 for each violation, j Alderman Hicks wanted iXo hear from persons interested in the. sewer Senator in New Hampshire, New j under construction on Princes York and Kansas, and possibly also street, and also from Drs. Wood and Thomas, who were present, j Capt. R. M. Mclntire, oneofthe parties interested in the sewer, sta- from beginning to end, and danger ous in the extreme an experiment that had been tried ; by other cities with the most disastrous results. He argued, also, that "it would besides defeat any public system of sewer age by the city; instanced the fact that the temperature of the river in the summer reaches the point of pu trefaction; Northern cities could with impunity do what we dare not do. It is no secret, he said, that genuine typhoid fever has increas ed, and its origin begins in sewage matter. He argued strongly in be half of a complete and perfect sys tem of sewerage by the city, under the direction of a competent scien tific engineer. . . Dr. Thomas expressed himself as thoroughly in accord with Dr. Wood, and urged the importance of a properly constructed system of sewerage. He instanced cases of typhoid fever which were directly traceable to foul and improperly constructed sewers. j Discussion of the matter was pror longed, and finally, the ordinance, being submitted to a ballot, was rejected by the casting vote of thej Mayor, who stated that he voted against the adoption of the ordi ance because he thought the same1 privilege ought to bo allowed the tompany asto other citizens, at least to complete the construction of the sewer now under way. On motion of Alderman Post a sum not exceeding $1,500 was ap prppriated to secure the services of a competent sanitary engineer and securing plans for a complete sys tern of sewerage. A communication was received jrom Mr. Pembroke Jones in regard to repairs of Chestnut street wharf. It was referred to committee, and the Bo.ard adjourned. Library Association Concert. The concert at the Library Rooms for the benefit of the Library will come off to-morrow, (Friday) even ing, commencing at 8 p. in. Tickets at Yates' and the Library Rooms. Price 50 cents. The programme is a very inviting one, containing vocal solos by Miss Annie DeRosser, Miss Bowden, Mr. Barbot and Mr. May er; piano solos by Miss Adrian and Mr. McIIenry; mandolin and cello pieces by Mr. Murchison; and cornet duets by Mr. Krupp and Mr. White ley; the various pieces being accom- panied by Miss DeRosset, Mrs. Tay lor and Mr. Munson. ' ( HOUGH OJf COUGHS ' For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat. 25c.: ROUGH ON TOOTH ACHE. Instant relief. 15c. Rough on Corns. Liquid, 15c. Salve 10c NEW ADVEKTI8EMENT8. f JOSEPH F. OR AIG, ; (formerly witli Alderman, Flanner & Co.) j . ' -PI? ACTICA L WOKKEK IX - Tin, Sheet lronfPumps,&c, ,( Princess Street, near Front (basement.) ! Will be pleased to receive orders and give esUaiates. O'ood and prompt work guaran teed. novSlm ; Apples ! Apples Apples ! ; t AND ' COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY; , I. T. & G. F. ALDERMAN, j Commission Merchants, Oct SOU '. 110 No. Water St. iu Illinois and Colorado. We lose a Senator, however, hi Ohio, which elects a Republican .Legislature, al though the Democrats have gained j ted that they had gone to work af larWlv in Congressional districts, j ter making application to the prop- j It Has been one Ol cue granule - uumw. ,v.CD. nOLOOSE AND PERFUME BOTTLES IN tories known in the history of polU : Mr. S. H. Fishblate said the com-. y - ; pany had received permission from at raneiy. ew 00003 ana reasonawe j the Chief of Police to' prosecute the prices. MCND3 BKOTnEKS, : Cut Glass, For Sale ! Straw Mattrsses. SHUCK : " . ' EXCELSIOR MOSS ' ' ' ' PINE Fill I?S lienoTatlng done to order. ; Call and see my '(Jomblnationr Mattress. l; , : j AT. t. CUM MING, (Allen Buiidin?, next to 4Btar, office) i Owners of Cit Property and - Contractors T IQCIR IN( B DILD1NG LUMB EB. . WILL do weU to examine and price our stock. Par-: tlcularly our Klin Dried Flooring and Celllnff : of whicn we mate a specialty, and the prices -. i ' . -: oa the lower trades will astonish the closest buyer. Mouldings of Clean Kiln-dried stock.' Laths all sap no pith to stain plastering.. - I PARSLEY & X7IQQ1NB. V" Telephone No. 73. mon thu oct 27 2w; ! - SPECIAL! .r Genuiiio Hand-Sewod HO E S6 for S4, Geo. R. AT- French & Sons, 108 North Front Street.; (Opposite The Orton.) oct20 tf j Te florae Opers Lockjaw PrtYcnted; : HOUSES THAT ARE PRICKED WITH nails or ofser punctured wounds in thofootj when treated sKiifuily, are In no danger of, dying from Lockjaw. Atter a practical ex 1 perience of 20 years 1 am prej ared to gtiaran- ie tee the above. oct29 Iw Call on me. D. Q.TJINLIVAN. The TTorseshoer and Farrier. (Star aiid Messenger copy It) The Wilmington Steam Laundry Company A RE NOW PREPARED TO TAKE UPOK reasonable terms a' limited amount of Family ' Washing-, which will be in charge of a compel . i - - . . j .' tent lady. . WORTH BRANCH. oci3tf Proprietors, i . I STILL AT WORK. T AM NOW WELL PREPARLD TO REPAIR all kinds of Furniture, Sewing Machines; Fan cy Articles, Ac., and where It Is possible make them as good as new. Work done promptly 1 - i ' 1 ' and prlcespow.! call and see me and get es- mates and prices. ' J. B. FAR4IAR, . w. cor. Front and Orange streets. 1 am still agent here lor the New noma Sewing Machine, one of the best Machines on i he market. Needles andOU for sale. mch lo.tf A Choice North Carolina RED RUST PROOF SEED -:- OATG. yyE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL supply of the above oats, which are the best for planting in this and adjoining States. ' I For sale by B. F. MITCHELL 6 SON. '. oct7tf ;:VT-. - ; '; v.-- . tics in this country. - . ? work, and he asked that' they be al- oetrtf The Best satve m the worid fox . . . . , : JZllL Cuts, Druises. Sores. Ulcers, au . - Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap-; Dr. Wood, upon Invitation, - ad- ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, andalP Pressed the Board. He had care- ;104 N. Front street. STOVES! STOVES I Skin Eruptions, and tiositivelj-cures foy stulied'tbe whole matter of a All f ilU, All Kiajj, j l All ftiftt StorlMlctl.-.jr.t.u, of Mweg. for thecity, and. CMmat:; - V , ' i or money ref unded. per box. - " 1 h or saie oy xiooeri. Price 25 cents regarded what , was being done as jeopardizing the health ot the whole The Advantages We Offer to PIANO AND ORGAN j QU8TOMEES ARE. THAT OCR INSTRU-j ment3 axe' caremily selected by the under-! signed and bought directly from the manu facturer. We have a very large stocs:, com-; prising all grades and styles, to select from.! All our Pianos are delivered and kept In tune the first year by two competent tuners. -. j As we are tight here, we are responsible,7 which is not the eae when you send for Pianos or buy from travelling agents, for when any. thing is wrong you may nave a guarantee but' this does not repair, your instrument. Uy economical management we can Bell you in struments at least so per cent, lower than you have to pay to travelling agents, for jou hare : to help pay their heavy expenses. - I The instruments you buy from us are right here and consequently 30a do not buy the : "cat laths bag. - 7" Over 300 instruments sold In Wilmington 1 aioie is ine Desi propr that tne public haro R. Bellamy, wholesale and 13 tail druggi city; it was a piece 'of patchwork noviiyDiW auu , i.'jkuuk'i. vv. e seu 1 or casa or instalments. OCtl3tt . VAKLAKK. 407 Red Cross street. - J!" .If. -

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