li 9 I rsOfJ OIL f04 -Ur f lei'r.sUsn, ftcu- .t:.rit ToSarett An . . . . ..:(-'ie.:vtia FCa. IC3 Ml!Ua.Y 4 TT-rciixTac -3sFGIFiO Ke. rnrs pianos ?.k.s?K i.v-Vjrcr DANIEL F. IfTLvc. J. oct 7 4tr I -J . Jlrn or uuiet Vf.r.ziiaLci: t co., ima., ra. " 4 5 rvv h-ari Com i PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM & tti.ftl twwfV 5rw Til '-a to Hetor Ory C2CCRNS. TV r!Tu?etirfor Corri XATrrrt-co M POUT IX ft. PS'S COCOA. CCKAKrAST. iicsrtra ir.ecpratioiis or djotion Zjx by a cin ral application ot - rwrxi m wc:i-9e:eciea t oroa, Ji r. Ir:ri cr bnpakfavt tables vnih ,327 tiwrM Lpra ithlrh may jJ7 teitx 'dvvtorv bills. It is by ss ae c: zci nlc!s ot diet tliat a tatij'bejnnanil'.x bunt up until iOi.)rh: etrry tendency to rtf-U of s-ittie maltdtes rc rsiuirfij to atiacs; wbercver ' J? We may escaie many -.5 ti?iz- oireives well fortl fyw an-i a properly nourlslied h-i v,tvt (;dJ.,v. Maie simply l2f TTor till, sold nn'r In half. ui:r. ll HciiiToptthic fbera- H l 27 Air ENGLISH SpYAL FILLS l "l B0 DIAMOND IMND. V 4 M I 10 5",tJ " f ' wr, early 1 -i n, -li.-Hl.cte, 1 will i w : -''IVi trl by erery JreWLKn, JlooUus, Coniu ns. ftATlilfc- i. 'is risl r,:s' t: Kn i - w -.ldt .... i k-.' " Come and anyone who to nine I pec will keen hment keptto, ion and rcttruiiv. t--fr, Kulcrs ac4 Binders. fftS,., " R !" anyone wl (V; ,4Uf laj. U 1 I ill ail light. SALOON, rth Hutcr at.d 11:15 K B. 5ilsri.iT. - 1XGT0N, N. C-O Self TVIowin Clocks. ' A rbhia jnchronizol srlf winding clocka i. Ix incr establish! here tlrrongh the efforts or Henry Denver, manager of tho Western Union, Telsraph coinpanr. Tlie tiraa pieces !o nut obtain their mo tive power front, electrical nction, thus beins ruljoctto hinOrances resultinff from .tr.tirc t?pndenc43 on electrical cnrrentr.,bat iustead gains the necessary force frcin th-j action of a lino .does an cnlinnry clock. -Two ratall cells or battery are placed m the tor of ihn cafe, connected with a magnet fecnretlj iv iut- irtvi iin. uis iiib inovenaent. is the center vrhwl, ilriven by tho rewind ing f tl;c 5iring, advances, a lever is raked I hat nnlocka the armatnre and al lows it to Kprin back into podtion ready for winding. .When the lever drop the ciicnit is instantly closed, the spring be ing wound by the pawl fastened to the armature. i f. ."."' Hie action of winding breaks thecir cait when the winding is completed. The contacts are made so fchort that the action of tho battery is very slight, thus enabling it to jrform tho work of wind ing for ever a year withont renewal pr alteration. Each clock. Is provided with a simple attachment by means.of , which its hands may be controlled nntomat ically by electricity, i To secure absolute uniformity of time - throughout tho city the clocks will bo connected with a timo wiro jut - before 12 f o'clock each day.. During, the brief period of connection the ettridard clock at Washington through the repeating lines takes pos ti&ien of the wire, temporarily conrroll- ug nil clocks in its circuit. Springfield llepnbncan. Tha VIldcrne Care for Impaired Sight. Edward Sturtevant, eon of D. W. Sturtevent, of Albany, has been sojourn ing in tho wilderness all summer, near Old Valley Dodc:e. northerly of Boon- rille. Ho lives in a shanty alone, save for occasional visitors who 6hare his hoppitality. I f ; . Mr. Sturtevant entered the woods last J nne, at the ad vice of his physicians, to seek restoration of impaired vision. The experiment has proved so advantageous and beneficial that Mr. Sturtevant pro poses to remain there during tho coming winter. He has sent home for his win ter clothing to be forwarded to him. Mr. Sturtevant is a machinist, and was employed in the .Edison electric light machine works at Schenectady. In his sylvan retreat he whiles away tho time in reading, fishing ! and hunting, and seems entirely content with his surround ings. The former vigor "of his op"lic nerves is rapidly returning, and he has concluded to remain: in the woods until a perfect cure is attained. Amsterdam (N. Y.) Sentinel. j j ' A Kitten. Journey. Miss' Amelia McLogan resides on Fourth street. A couple of .weeks ago an old. cat "which made its temporary headauarters in the house in which Miss McLogan lives, was found to be the mother of a dozen or so kittens one morning, and four days after the arrival of the brood Miss McLogan left for New York to make some purchases for the firm she represents. ! When she had gone the old cat discovered one of her kittens missing, and liad been in a great stew about it ever since. The young feline was industriously searched for,' but no trace of its whereabouts could be found until a letter was received from Miss McLogan saying that on unpacking her trunks she found the little one curiea up and in good physical condition. She gave the kitten to a chambermaid, as she did not care to bring it back. It seems stramre that ; a kitten less than a week old could live in .such a place. Detroit Tribune, ij : : .Folding Jiapklna by Pattern. Commercial enterprise has entered a fresh field in the recent issue by a New York firm of paper! patterns for folding tablo nankins. This art has up to this time been relegated to the butler's and parlormaid's repertoires, and compet encv or the reverse in its accomplish ment has frequently been one ' of the tests of eligibility to service, now, however, this is done away with, and the mistress of an' establishment may have the knack at her finger ! ends to twwh tho merest novice in her " employ. It is a question, however, if this uni versal knowledge will not deprive fash ionable tables of one element of individ- uality now imparted by the exclusive napkin lore of some trea sure or a j eems or Martha. New York Times, j Doca Stamp. A Hamburg firm is making a fortune by selling bogus Heligoland postage stamps to collectors in Germany. As soon as the Anglo-German agreement concerning the island became known there was a tremendous demand for the old Heligoland stamps, and the prices went up to forty-fiver and fifty cents apiece. The firm j in question at once bought -the Heligoland stamp for little more than its value as "old metal, and has kept it a-going day and night ever since. It has sold already 20,000, and has .more orders in sight than it can fill. At av recent meeting of the f postage stamp bourso in Berlin a movement to stop the fraud was started. Exchange. - Something New to Compete For. Dink Melvin, a veteran fisherman on the waters adjacent to Albany, is con sidered the most expert bateau, paddler in this section, ne offers to wager $100 that in tho swiftest current he can paddle a boat eighteen inches wide between two poets nineteen inchea apart. Cor. At Linta Constitution; A War Ship In Hooaler Water. The United State war ship Michigan Is in port on a recruiting trip. She car ries 110 men and boys. The boat was built in 1811, and tho iron in her was hauled overland to Pittsburg with ox teams. She is still Isood for several years. Indianapolis Sentbel. . . . . , , .- ... . . . . - . t . i ' - The Dead letatante. Here in her dainty clramber ThV . le sno? wilite l,ed U "es Of joy to her ..violet ye? A woiulerf til riuent fashioned W tli Knot of Mlvery ribbons lo f.iMen the folds in place Oi., lay it away forever ' In tht. sweet, dead leaves of the nM . - - f . ; With tho fat, aud the fairy flippers, Kjov- uu.l tlie iiken lies-, Ihe ttulict, too. tliat'wHR'atted'" lolier:irlLsli and graceful fhape, - In ' h! uv' 1 fnvsty fringes, . 1 lie long white opera capn. For :tade, hhe is done tth danc- . t And the pktiMires and pains of No babe i-lia.ll call lief mother, Ad no man call her ife. I or lielo in the dark. nod parlor, With her hlender feet nnhliod. She li on a couch of liliey. All drey?ed for thn Court of God. Mnina'Irving. 'Ilio KirntHtrp. l'ernap. you are roni down, can't tnit, can't uleep, can't think, can't do anything to your eatiMfaetioiv and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, v6i are taking the first step into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonip and in Electric) Hitters you will find the exact remedy for re storing your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surpris ing results follow the use- of this great Nerve Tonic aud Alterative. Your appetite returns,! ood diges tion is restored, and the Liver and Kidueys resume healthy'action. Try n bottle. Price 50c. at It. R. Bel lamy's wholesale and retail Drug Store. ' XOVISBICEK.NOXSKXSE. I his neck he has The man with a boil on never borrows trouble; enough of it. j Strange is slang. It js just when you ge; on" to a thing that you "tumble." - Honor and shame from no condi tion rise. Some meujweie lowly born on whom there are co fiies. Jepson "Why is it that men uarry widows?" Jobson "They don't. It is the widows that marry them." Johnny (watching his big brother dig angle-worms for bait) "I say; Bob, if a worm will catch a little fish, wouldn't a snake catch a whop per?" . j . "Dear," said a physician's wife as they sat in church, "there is Mrs. Goldburg sitting in! a draft," "Never mind," said her husband. "I will cash that draft later on." "Whar you gwine, Sambo?" "Gwine to testify." "What for?" "Oh, gemman stole a pair ob boots las' night an' I 'greed to gib him a good character for ha'f a dol lar." I - . . - . . CoBShraptlon Surely Cured. To thk Kditor Please Inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been j permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my rejnedy frke to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post "office address. Res pectfully. T, A. SLOOUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., Nw York. Patienc and wisdom will "wear out all which is not of God. , mm J Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup 6houId always be used,when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it 'produces nat ural, quiet sleep by l relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher nb awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the! gums, Allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme Iv for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or oth.r causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. inlv fi deod&wlv j Female Weakness Positive Cure, Free. To thk Editor: :Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the thousand and one ills wfiich arise from deranged fe male organs. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any lady if they will send their Ex press and P. O. address. Yours re-specttull-. Dr. J. B. Marchisi, 183 Genesee St., Utica, NJ Y. If you feel weak and all worn Jout take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS, When Baby was sick, we gare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria." When she had Children, she gaTe them Castoria. 1 CAPE FEAIl ACADEMY Iteopens Hepteniber t22ud. Ikonu Prtparauoa for Bosiass k Cillfge. competent instructors. LEADING MALE SCHOOL I riease enter at bcslnnlrc of session. a-jsee catalogue m nookstores. V. CATLETT. Principal. 6Cp 15 lm Cor. Firth and chestnut streets. :Tr Entertainments ! f rpnOSE WHO ABE rLAXKIKG AMUSE xncats and Entertainments for tha comlns season will do well to consult the Magazines tn the : . ' 1 WILMCsGTO WBEAKY E003IS, r.0Tlti KiMarlKtsrrett. WHOLESALE PRICEa 7 8 9 iii .10 6. The following quotations rej?resent whole sale prices generally, in taaJdng' tip small or den higher prices have to te caarged, - " ' BJLQG1SO " ' , k. : Gtuxny..... ....... Standard..... BACON North Carolina. " - r Hams...., ni Q B Shoulders y ft.;......:..; 9:& t4 Sides, 9 ......... 8 10 ' WESTERN SMOKEI-. ' Hams, "9 ft....;...' "... Sides, V lb. . ...r........ - i Shoulders, DRY SALTED - ' ' " SldtiS, .... ."I.... Shoalders, ........:... BAllRElJ9-Mts Turpenttne. Second X(anH, each......;..'! 40 Kew.NewTort, each...:.. GO & New, City, each............. l 65 9 beeswax, v ft. '...-n; so? s BRICKS, Wilmington, 8 00Qlfc00 I Northern. o 00 kit 00 BUTTER, "9 ft . ' V ' ; .North Carolina.. Northern ... CANDLES, 9 ft . Sperm............ Adamantine..... CHEESE, V ft Northern Factory.. Dairy, Cream. State eoFFEE, y ft Java........... Laguyra.;... ............... Rio.. CO RN M EAL, hush. In sacks. Virginia Meal.... COTTON TIES, V bundle. ..... DOMESTICS SO 70 U U 10 (9 13 & 9 27 Zi 20 00 "00 35 & 3 25 12)4 10 14 11 30 23 A4 5 I 30 Sheeting, 4-4, V yard...... I 6 0 63g Yams, v hunch...... ...... 00 80 EGGS, vdoz 10 & . FISH , ' .. j - . , MactereU NO. 1, DDI. . 00 30 50 Mackerel, No. 1, y ball bbL 12 50 15 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbL 13 00 a20 00 Mackerel, Ntt 2, hall bbl... 4 75 & 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl 7 80 10 00 . Mullets, v bbl.....' 6 00 Q 7 00 N. C. Roe Herring. V Keg... 00 & 6 00 Dry Cod, Vft .". 5 10 FLOUR, V bbl Western, low grade..... .. 50 & 4 00 " Extra ....... 4 00 O 6 00 " Family... ...... 4 50 6 00 - City Mills Super 4 00 4 10 ( " " Family.... ..... 4 5 00 GLUE, v ft...". 8. 3 10 GRAIN, V busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white 48: & 50 Corn, cargo, la bulk, white, 00 & 48, Corn, cargo, in bags, white, 53 O 53 'Corn, mixed, troin store.... 00 51 Oats, from store. 33 Q oats. Rustproof. .......... 00 q -60 - Cow Peas.. ... 95 0 1 00 HIDES, 9ft r Green ... 2 3 Dry.......l 3 a 5 .j. . ... i i 05 85 75 HAY, 9 100 as- Eastern. Western, North River.... HOOP IRON, V ft LARD, 9 ft Northern.!...... North Carolina.... LIME, y barrel LUMBER, City Sawed, Mft. Ship Stuff, resawed.. 18 00 Rough Edge Plank. ........ .15 00 x West India cargles, accord- tag to quality ....... .13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, V gallon . ; T New Crop, in hhds. ........ ;tn bbls..c. ..... Porto Rico, In hhds... ....... in bbls - Sugar House, In hhds " Y uihbla:..... 8yrup, In: bbls... ......... .. ails, v. Keg, Cut, lud basin. jILS. 9 gsmon. Kerosene... Lard....; Linseed. U... Rosin....: Tar... Deck and Spar.. . POULTRY j Chickens, live " rotrn....... .Spring...."......... Turkeys; PEANUTS, V bushel, 23 ft. .... . POTATOES, "9 bushel - Irish, 9: bbl... PORKV barrel City Mess..... .......12 00 ' Prime........ ......15 00 8 & 125. 0 10 00 00 7 10 00 20 00 ia oo I 918 00 923 00 915 00 25 28 28 28 00 16 22 2 40 9 18 90 15 00 00 25' . 10 .75 100 65 3 25 9 9 9 9 9: 9 9 30 30 23 15 18, 35 - 9 2 50 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 14 45 00 16 20 22 30 20 00 25 75 75 m- m Rump.J-...' . RICE Caiblma, V ft........... Rough, v bush, (Upland)... ' (Lowland). RAGS, 9 ft-Country..... city.......:..-.......:-:. ROPE, 9 ft ? SALT. 9 sack. Alum Liverpool Lisbon American... ....... ....... SOAP, 9 ft Northern. SUGAR, P ft standard grain.. Standard A... .............. -White Ex c J....; Extra C, Golden c Yellow....... SHINGLES, 7 in. VM.... .... ; Common......... v Cypress Saps... Cypress Hearts. ... ...... . STAVES, 9 M W. o. Barrel. B.O. Hogshead.......:... TALLOW, 9 ft : TIMBER, 9 M feet-Shipping. ,.12 00 Fine Min.... ............ ...Jl 25 Mill Prune... ...,..:..-7 50 mui Fair. ;. ........ 5 00 Common Mill... , 5 00 . Inferior to Ordinary. ........ 2 50 WHISKEY, V gal Northern... 2 00 North Carolina WOOL, 9 ft Washed....!...., Unwashed . Burry..-. i... 00 4 60 80 00 1 14X9 70 9 1 10 9 00 9 00 9 4X9 6X9 6 9 0 9 - 5X9 5. 9 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 CO 918 00 916 OS 915 00 9 6X 9 80 9 1 00' 9 1' 9 X 22X 75 r 50 ; 00 70 5 6X ex 5X 6X 00 9 7 9 2 50. 9 5 00 9 7 50 an 00 0 00 91000' 4 9 5 9U 00 913 00 98&0 9 0 CO 9 0 00' 9 4 00 9 50C 9 3 00 9 ?5 9 18 9 .18 1 50 23 : W 18 OYSTER ROASTS j AM BETTER PREPARED than ever to accommodate my friends with OYSTERS this season. I will km none but the Best on hand always MYRTLE GROVE ROASTS a specialty. Every thln? overhauled and Improved. .-.Oysters readr at short notice and expert aauefcera to open them. - , -. -. 1 Special rates to parties. Givo me a call and will do my best to please yoa. , oct jtt wngntsruif. ;.;-1r tifkizjim&i Atlantic Coast Line Wilmington & VVe!donR. R. AND BUANGHE8. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOTJTIL. MISCEl.LANl.Oi:? eatonard Airrliino. DATSD NGVt 6. 1890. . 6 a drt 6cX -:-.--::.-;-iy..v-' . 5 a- i i P. M. P. M.tA. M. Leave Weldonii......... 1230 543 600 Arrive Rocky Mount.,....- 146 710 Arrive Tarboro...r....... 2 17 Leave-.Tarboro. . , 1020 ...... ...... - P. M.l Arrive Wilson;. ....... v.... 220 7 00 743 Leave Wilson....;..;..!. t2S0 ...... ... Arrfve Selma.:.... ........ 330 Arrive Fayettevlue ........ 5 30 .... ..!..... . Leave Goldsboro.... ....... 315 7 40 835 Leave Warsaw.. 410 ...... 9S4 Leave Magnolia 1 4 24 8 40 949 Arrive Wilmington. ....... H 5 50 9 55 j 11 20 V. .TRAINS GOING NORTIL - . : , j:- ,. i U . - .a" A. M. A M. P. M. Leave Wilmington...... . . .' 12 01 9 00 4 00 Leave Magnolia... 11 1034 536 Leave Warsaw.. 1048 553 Arrive Goldsboro. . ........ 2 23 1 11 45 6 53 Leave Fayettevllle. ... . 1920 Arrive Selma.4. ............ 1118 P. M. Arrive WUson.. 1220 Leave Wilson........ 303 12 37. 747 Ar. Rocky Mount.......... 110 818 Arrive Tarboro........... "217 Leave Tarboro............. ...... 10 20 ..:... . v. 1- ' pTml Arrive Weldop.... . ........ t 301 25 930 - Daliy except Sunaay. I Train on Scotland Neck Rranch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 37 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. m., Greene gile 6;C2 p. m., Kinston 7.15 p. m. Returning avea Kinston 0:00 a. m , Greenville 7:20 a. no. Arriving Halifax at W:10 a. m., Weldon 1O-.S0 a. in., euuiy except sunaay. 1 Local Freight leaver Weldon 10:30 a. m., Hal ifax UiSO a. m.. Scotland Neck 2:00 p. mi Greenville 5:30 p. m. Arriving at Kinston 7:40 p. m. Returning, leave Kinston 7:00 a. ra., Greenville 9:30 a. m., Scotland NecklidO p. m., Hallfax35 p. m. Arriving WeldOBUL-OO p. m.I dally except Sunday. ' Train leaves Tarhoro, N. C, via Albermarle & Raleigh 14. R. dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M., Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrive Williamston, N. C, 6.30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 7.50 P. M., 5 20-P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth, mouth., N. C, dally except Sunday. 6.00 A M., Sunday 9.00 A M., Williamston 7.1O A M.; 9.58 A M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.30 A MJ, 11.20 AM. i Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. c, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A AL, arrive Smltnfleld, N. C, 7.30 A M. Returning leaves smitnneia, j c, sax) a. m., arrive GOldSborO, N. C, 9.30 A. M. I Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3.00 P. M.. arrives at Nash ville at 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. -M. Returnlnar leaves Sprine Hope laoo A. MJ. Nashville 10.35 A M., arrive Rocky Mount 1L15 A.M.. dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and. 11 10 A M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch Is No. 5L Northbound is No. 55). 'Dally except sunaay. Train No. 27 south wlll'stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.' Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for ail points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. , All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attacneo. JOHN F. DIVINE, GenT Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. - T. M. EMERSON. Genl Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington, Coining s Augusts "li Kf & ! CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated AprUSJO, 1890. Leave Wilmington. Leave Marlon.. . . . . . Arrive Florence.... Leave Florence:...:. Arrive Sumtef. .. Leave Sumter... Arrive Columbia.... No. 23. P. M. 6 15 9 33 10 20 N0.'50 A M. . 3 20 4 35 4 35 6 15 NO. 27. P. M. 10 10 12 40 1 20; A M. NO. 62. A M. tl0 33 11 55 INO. 15. A M. Na 68 A. M. t 8 25 9 35 Na 52 runs through from Charleston-via v. , , Leaving Lanes 9-15 A M., Manning 9:56 A M. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter... Leave Sumter.. . Arrive Florence . Leave Florence .... Leave Marlon... ... Arrive Wilmington. No. 5L :: P. M. 10 35 U 68 11 58 A M 1 15 NO; 78 A M. 4 35j : 5 22 . 8 35 NO. 59. iNa 53. P. M. r t. 6 P. HL 5 20 6 32 37 60 NO H. P, . 8 tS 8 55 11 45; Dally. f Dally except Sunday. . No. 63 runs through to Charleston, S, C, Central li. V.. rrlvlng Manmng 704 P. 1L Lanes 7:42 P. M-, Charleston 930 P. M. Na 50 connects at Florence with C and D train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. . Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. W. .R. R. for all points North - " - " Train on Florence R. R. leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7-iX) p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6i a. m ar rive Pee Dee 80 3. m. - Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter dally, except Sunday. 10:50 A M..arrlv Rimini 121 p. f. Returning leave RlmlnJ 12:15 P. M-, arrive Sumter 1 l P.M. . JOHN F. DIVINE, i r General Superintendent, i it 1L KENLY. Ass Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON. General Passenger Agn " cot 18 . .v5----' '...--:--; ' iT m Table I5oardt x FEW GENTLS2ICT.CANbJSCCOMMO ttted withrraiEoara bii' srTUcatia-n &r -OCh27U . ?4N.,TH1KDT Csrolina OeDtral Bailrcad 5 r,T"R r. V - CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS Nov. 5, IbSO. Leave WUmtegton.... Leave Hamlet.... .... Leave Wadesboro..... Arrive Charlotte...... Leave Cb ariotte. . . . . . , Leave Lincoiaton..... Leave Shelby...., ArriveRutherrdto. . .. . . ! No. 43. dally ex. Sunday. ...1 9 20 am 1 20 pm 23 tim 4 U rml ft zj r m & 42 cm 6 40 pm Nixi. dolly ex. buaJay. 8 00 pa 6 00 am 6 15 am 9 00 am EASTBOUND TRAINS Nov. 5,1S90. No. CO. 1 No. 24. (dally ex. dally ex bunaay. isunaay I jeave Ruthermfn ........ Leave Shelby.. Leave Lincoln ton Arrive charlotte.,:. Leave Charlotte..... Leave Wadesboro.;. Leave namlet. Arrive Wliroingm.. s 05 am ..110 ro am ,. 11 12 am .. I29pm ,.'1 31 pm .. I a 22 pm ..I33rm ..17 30 pm1 8 00 pm 11 24 pm 1 15 am 8 00 am I Trains No. 43 and 36 make close connection at Hamlet for Raleigh and at Llncclnton lor Hickory and W. N. C. Trains No. 23 and 24 oaake close eonnectlox . at Monroe for Chester. i Through Sleeping cars between WCmlcgton and Charlotte. . T. w. WHISNANT, Superintendent. F. w. CLARK. Genl Passencer Acent. 1 novCtf vj m ;.; Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. R. of S. L I ji 1 1 CONDENSED SCHEDULE.; ; TRAINS GOING SOUTH. j ! Dated May 12,'89. No, 27. Na 2a No.; ' . " . " " ' ' I - ; a. '.i- A M. AM. IV'. i Leave Florence.:,.. . "135 9 30 ! v i Klngstree..... 2 29 10 55 ' ' Arrive Lanes.... ..... 2 60 .11 20 -P. "U! Leave Lanes......... 2 50;- 1120JB 7 5 Arrive Charleston.... ' 5 00 1 80 r 1 - - a. m. p;m. p. m. I Train No. 63 takes Na 53 South of Lanes. . ! Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. - - ; TRAINS GOING NORTH. ! No! 78. NO. 14. NO. 63 AM. P. M.- AM, Leave Charleston.... . 12 25 4 80 7 . Arrive Lanes......... 2 45 6 28 ' 9 Leave Lanes ; 2 60 0 28 Klngstree..... " 3 10 6 40 Arrive Charleston:... 4 20 7 65 A. M. P. M. A. M. . Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence with tralc on c. & D. R. R. for Cheraw, 8. C, and Wades boro, N. C. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via centra R.R.ofS.C. - ; - Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington. C, making close connection with W. w. R. for all points north. . . , JNO. F. DIVINE. General Superintendent, . j. R. KENEY, AsstGen'I Manager; T. M. EM ERSON, Gen'l l'asseBgtr Agent. 1 my 11 . . : v '. ; :- :- . .. ' .. . J-,"-. ' -on3lder SsRtsyza'j M4iiztKC .ri9Q. yo areMaeclding upon your reading matter for next season. The subscription . rate Is low' 13.00 a year. . , . : The standard of tlie Magazine Is high, Its spirit progressive, , ' v The luuatrations are interesting and Of the best. - . -i- - . There is not space here to give even a sum mary of the features to appear this year, but ' among other things there will be a new de partment and additional pagesand gronps ot illustrated articles will be devoted u the fol lowing subjects. , v African Exploration and Travel, 1' Life on a Modern War Shi p 3 articles). Homes In City, Suburb, and country Providing Horn es through Building Assoc The Citizen's AifctB, j Electricity In the H ousehoid. f 1 Ericsson, the Invert- by us Authortz Blographsr. , Hunting, . i i v Humorous Artists, American and Foreign There will be 3 serials. , ' J f , Kobert Louis Stevenson will .contribute 1880. : - ' ; ; . . j i. Each sub Ject, and theref wiu be & great va riety this year, will be treated by writers mast competent to speak with authority and with interest. , Readers who are interested are urged to fiend for a prospectus. 1 - 25 Cents a ;pmkr, $1.00 for Font leatk" Charles Scribner's Sons, 743 II road way, N. T t Jan 6 tr " 1 - ' I -''. THE STATE CHRONICLE. Successor;to.the Farmer and Mechanic ann the Chronicle.) - . Under New Management NEWSY; BRIGHT AND CLEAN UP WITH THE TIMES. I -ill BE rriHE 'STATE ' CflKOXK?I.E vrrr t .1 what its name implies a State Paper. It is not the Raleigh "chronicle" and will not be ioral or Kvtlfinnl ?r. win aim tn i- with the news from M urphy to M anteo. or. as ritUCk, ,- ' . ' It will be the organ of no man no Wn?. no section, no party. It will be Democratic 10 TUtilfl tMf 11 k... . . . . P""i " ii uvy uiuou wj. , criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officers." TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: " ' Om Year ' - mm' SlxMonths.. .. ..... ......... .......... 100 TFor a sample copy addre3 .1 THK bTATE CHRONICLE. " - - , Raleigh. N.C Diamond Vera Cura " . FOIl i Y8PISl?aiA. , - 'For sale by . " . A DILF.cTmilI.E3, . ' eomr Ccj.Fourta itua v ' -1