- . i 1 1 ... . - i . - i . ' . , .. . - - - - . - - - . - . . - . ! " 1 " I - ' - , ,. , . , 11 1 - 1 5" r:Knrn w corner. frw t s 1 1 ,.n I HtT- W 1 M - ' V VOL. XIY WILMINGTON, N. C., SA1 1 .RDA NOVEMBEFl 8s 1890. NO 280. ho , 1 t' jnliioys. coil?, . 1 1 " - i.t.:i.... i ftp i i;-' " -" if IH Km ! ever in , t-. t.i-tc- and a: lit ! iiora tlic run- i,va I. i.l ii ihc mc L y " Z . cilf In Tit! I .J - ... , . , At-li Lr all Koliajr tlru ilre is c Land will pn r,-pdy fr auv one vlu W SYRUP CO. pns.n. txrt ronx. K.r. btfEIlT HKLLA.MY. nojfi.LK ma r.;isT. SAM JOiM one BOOKS. ILS BOOK STORE. 12 Uloving Tale. T.XZL MOVE THIS WEEK. IT IS prist Artlelrs f Furniture hare ui tnr arv tcctl?J. We -mtjwrwisK lalla-rtFwu. We SXEED X CO.. Kun.it ure Dealer?. - tor. Marifi anl SeconJ Ms. h Full Blast ! j- i.i.MH.D M'LlTTEIi IS NOW ft loorcrutT Kolutrca ror nrst l iu te t lot !.( order. IteU Asb. e Asa, ro-.r t oal. cbesinut n. jr coa!. re.1 coal ana several U J. A. M KINOKIU U. 4 VOLLERS. 10tM4LK HKAI.Ki:S IN Ions, Cir,ceric8,' ToluKco. Cigars, 3KI0." MKRCHANTS, anU I.k Sit., EPH F. CRAIG. tJ ""- rran. Kbnrwr iw PTICAL WoKKEU IX 'oat (Uasement.) i rrtTapt wort sniaran-noTSlm ::' Applt-s Apples I AND f FHODUGE GENERALLY. Ai,in:iniAN, Mirui-ioa Merchants, 110 Xo. Water SU antages We OBbr to P0 AND ORGAN Fnrwell Kive up tho nlit in .! Th,.,jnf,,r..,4 , J . iiioim nii.1 ay.M that Talmer wHl mic- Ito .kv frt 1 -. " 1 . Z ycu ,5 .1 - j Tlie Renter : of "Deeds lias issued RD1 &aM0"anr,f?inperoturc; except Kon Uepublicaii ve:.iarriaKeliceD82sthU WP,k nil '. 'n iuc wesicru por- icai),"wi!l nroli- I for colored couples.- . tion. j - '''.' - the Senate i " m ' iKcai ireci!sis5t irouj a a. m. lo-uay Li ?"! wlH be ,Mly'trl at for Wi!minStoh and vicinity, fair . vuwruu io morrow .weather antl stationary teinneni- - viii.. iosrt nave, nqnor," sii'hs ft ' 1 y:-u cioCK :" ture. ' I fc . ifptioiicnn exchange. But whe:e lid they get the 'honorrT v-i him In the Sena California ha and Stanford, Re pub ably Im1 reelected Poor Callie ! - .) to The New York Legislature is siife-J ,....L.. -..:. a aiiv ;lv Demnr!rjitir n1 K. f .....: i ; T - Democrat been robbe'd latelv? ' "6AVjfl i7m 7.7 Z . ? !l The pleasant tlavor, Srtle action - - .L-iV I7C;7J": ,C4"4,"""locunior and oothinS effects of Syrup ot Xev Hampshire legislature Is Dem- ocrauc inin-s are badly mixed there and a lot of scheming is goin on. the 82nd Con pught to be On the assembly of gresa the camera """m'mu ucur ouce more upon nienoorof the House, The con rrttst would tje simply terrific. Thii way of counting .'the Demo cratic majority in the next House is geinng monotonous. If It Isn't stop pea in time there will be nobody iviu iu Keep iom ueea coiupany. The New York Stat says that the Democratic majority in the next House will be 13C. but the Herald fools it upas 141. There will be 332 members In the lowei house ot the WudX'ongress and of ocrats have 23C. 'these the Dem Maine and California are almost iuv mr apart ior condolence and sympathy with each other; but th new and important State of Wcish- ingion is oetween tliem and can takt a little finger of the circuit complete, cold States. each to make They are all Wily MchJnley, the great tariff inventor and manufacturer, is very sore over his defeat. llJke the oys ter, he is dumb and (jpeneth not his mouth to the reporters. There are but two-. words now In his powers of vcciFiauon and those are "soup" and "damnation. that G rover will be the United States. lto talk of the amation in the and same The election means Cleveland, if he lives! next President of the It's a long ways alien thing but yet not tod long. There will be no ballot. Cleveland will be nominated by acc elected pretty much way. There will be a recount in New York. That which was insolently refused at the reques ernor of the State and the Mayer of the city will be acco riled to the bal lot box. Hut for tha elections Mr. Harrison's administration never have had York. would a recount of New iwith severe at ried a number without any I tried Salva SuCTerinir for rears tacks of neuralgia. 1 of to called remedies rood results. Finally jion Oil, and to my surprise and de- fghi on using one bot!e my suirer nirs ended. I .cheerfully recom mend it to all sufferers. Mrs. Laura Lham, 535 W. Haltiniore St., Haiti more, Ud, The Bostou Democrat jubilated on Thursday night and it a the biggest political demonstration the Hub has ever known. But one interment, a child,! in uaKuale this week, none in Belle vue, and seven, five adults and two children, in Pine.Forest. There were 20 additions at Cain- tuck'Chape! in the rocent iueetinr conducted by the pastor, assisted by Rev. U. E. Peele, of this city. mere will, be services at the Brooklyn Baptist Church to-mor row at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m., con ducted by the pastor, Rev. R. E. Peele. chr. Albert L. Butler, Foster, cleared to-day for Port of Spain; Trinidad, with 273,278 feet lumber, valued at $1,906, shipped by Mr. E. be held in this city on Wednesday, Tim , a I - JVIlluer H OOLI. I tbo 10fh inct nn.l rn fho enmp rlnv Figs, When in need of a' laxative and if the father or mother be costive "or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it is the best family remedy known and eVerv family should have a bottle. Eighth Anniversary Association. The Y. P. A. of the Lutheran Church celebrated the 8th .anniver sary of Its existence . on Tuesday night iu au appropriate manner in Luther Memorial Building. 'There was tho choicest of music, both vocal and instrumental solos, duets, quar tettes, etc., and some addresses were delivered. This association of young people, is in a flourishing condition. i , : A liic Day for Stockholders. Mr. Jas. F. Post, Jr., the Secre tary, gives notice that the 55th an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington & WeldonR. R. will the stockholders of the W., C. & A R. R.; the M. &, A. R. R. and the Florence R. Rr. will all meet at the general office of the Atlantic Coast Line here. HI Henry' Minstrels. Mr. J. C. Knapp, general contract- Lven the Maine Democrats have celebrated. They had a bisr time at Bangor on Thursday night and many of Blaine's adherents joined in the glorification On Thanksgiving Day night, Nov. 27Hi, 1S00, the Young People's As sociation of St. Paul's Lutheran infiT agent for Hi Henry's minstrel Chiirch will give a concert in Luther troupe, is in the city and paid us a Memorial Building. visit jthis forenoon. Mr. Knapp fivps us nsnrnnrfa thit. his show i.s a-woman in lowa lias recently be- . firfit.isM - r,ri ic fn wBp come the responsible mother of ; V . . . f . triplets. She is as brirrht and han- -inere is noining m n laai can oi py as a bird, for she has a bisr box of fend the most sensitive and crowds Dr. Bull's Couerh Syrup and sheLf nft0n,i tho rprfrmnn isn't scared a bit. Li. m,, wiicrcvtr it la t;ivcu. incv duuic iu We have in stock an immense va- us well recommended and we feel riety of Cook Stoves, all styles and I sure that it is a good show. sizes. Prices awav down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t In St. Paul's Evangelical Luth eran Church, corner Sixth and Mar-, ket streets, German services will bei held at 11 a. m. to-morrow and Eng lish services at 7.30 p. in. A large line of Breech and Muzzle loading Shot Guns, Air Rifles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. First Colored Baptist Chareh. Services at the First Colored Bap tist Church, corner Fifth and Camp bell streets, tomorrow as follows: Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. L. D. Kennedy, of A. M. E. Z. Church. Bible Day exercises at 3 o'clock, consisting of choice new music, re citations, selectfreadings, responsive readings, conducted by Rev. F. II. Hill, pastor. -'At 7.30 p. m. special Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup- sermon, "Robbing God," by the pas- plies just received. Co. N. Jacobi Hdw t tor. All are cordially Invited. LOCAL aXTJETWS. THAT OI K INSTRU- klr from the manu fs7,v.? I?!? rse stcck, com. S, ,Ll?KromItent tuners. tr!-. "in ym send tor llafioct VorJr', for when any. trrJH' hAX fraaraatee but kjJC;' lour injarunjeot. My ,fZv!5l we can Eellyoaln iCnk fcTxnl' erUan joa r I sjiTHtiljjodo col buy tbe LAM In K. VakLAKR, ? SZ. yX Uiat lh ntitf,.-fi 'tj1.?"?1 oj"inteCTltr. f? tea jmw ttmt. 1KDKX TO Nl ADTKKTHBMEXTS Sniid Co Furniture j Mcxds BROTBUts Drasrgists W 4 W It It CoAnnual Meeting C W ran-Sam Jones sjmg Boots DayVlength 10 hours and 28 min utes. I Sunset to-niorro afternoon at 57 minutes past 4 o'clock. - Hot Bed Sash and Gins for sale by tbe N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. - t, 1 : The November mooh will come In on Wednesday uiorniog and will be full on the 20th: Visitors (to our citl- should cer tainly not fail to call on the N. Ja- Services in St. John's Church to niorrolftov the Rector, Rer. J. Car- michael. D. D.: Holv Communion at 7:45 a. iu.: morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock; evening prayer at 5 o'clock; Sunday school at p. in. t There was another slight lire this noon in Mr. Behrend's furniture store on Market street. It caught in the same way and nearly at the same place as that recently chron Mass Meeting Postponed. The committee of arrangements for the Prohibition Mass Meeting met this morning as previously an nounced and decided to postpone the mass meeting until Tuesday, 4 November 18th at such place as may be hereafter announced. The post pouement was decided on onjaccount of some of the leaders in the Prohi bition! movement expecting to be absent from the city next week; also on account of it being the week of THE LiniURY CONC'KUT. Fine"-Music Crowded" Hooie People Turned Away for "Want oi Itooni. - Those who were fortunate enough to tret seats at the Librae concert last night spent a delightful even, ing in listening to its varied excel lent- music. j ,ueilcaey ot toucn ana line expres sion, at the piaiio, quick and grace ful -execution -on the mandolin, smooth and rich tones -from the violincello, sweet ; harmony from voice. and cello combined, orchestral effects from cornets, all these, inter woven with the various -vocal solos and trios, gave variety to the pro gramme and added greatlv to the evening's pleasure. miss isowuens voice stioweu re markable finish and power and, while, already roue to delight aril audience,-': promises still greater j - . . PLEAS X KOTICZ. we win be glad to receiTS cocuanucsii ens from cur tnenaa on any and ailtn&jscts general Interest. tut ' j .'' -(- . ' .. ' tl." '. f "T . Tno name or tne cmter mast always be ror nisnea to tne fcoitor. Commonicauoa mast be written on only one siae or tne paper. Personalities mast b araiKss. abi n t epttdjtr n i paxticniaxty cner atoott tnai tttf scuuir does bpv ai trays enaorse tne views or errespouJeca oniess 00 tt&ted In the etUtori.il ooiumoa.! " " -1 : EW7. A O VKICriSKaiKNTS. . Extracts Lcmori and Vanilla; qastoh oil; rAi:Gpiuc,Turrs PILLS, Horse's r ills, and a large assortment ot chewing gcms tor the Kctatl Drag- and Grocery Trade. LOWEST VRICES.' i , l UNWS BKOTIIEKS, r ; w 8 1 f " jiot x. Front atreet. , H. A. TucUor, EALE1C IN GUANITff, MARBLE AND Brow n stoce. Maufajctnrer t cmetery v. s ilcnamental and liuildliff Work. " , sep S3 tf 10 North FronrJtrcet, V : ; Wilmington, n. c. U things for the future. iclett aniWrom a stove pipe. In this prayer in the Young Men's Christian instance there was 110 alarm sent out and Mr. Behreuds and his assistants managed to get the fire subdued. Association and the.Biblc Readings 1- fl - T-v. .4 F r y 01 uev. XJr. &ruwtn Grace Church To-Morrow. i GraceMethotlist E Church, South, Northeast comer of Mulberry antl Fourth streets, Rev. Walter S. Oreasv,D.D.Pastor. Services to mor- row at 11 a. m. and 7.W p. m. &ao- Uath School 3.30 p. m. Weekly prayer Cooke.1 Selcctett Heading. . , . . , The following selections, will lie found on the shelves of the Wil- mington Library: Robert Ellsm?re, MrsHomphrey Ward.r . . Mr. Tohuau, Frank K. Stockton. The Deacon's Wooing, Rose Terry ,4 :jsi meeting and lecture, Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Seats free. A rnr,li.-l invitation is extended to strangers and visitors. V. M.C. A. ! The union meetiiig under the aus- nices of the Association will be held cobl Hdw. Co. for anthlng wanting jat the Flrs;t presbyterian Church In their line. Howi I CrossedMaSai-Iiand,.Jbsepli Thompson. ;:'i t . X Problem 111 rortrauure, xrio Bates.) j. - Stage-Land, Jerome Jv.'yerome. In the Valley, Harold Frederic. Friend Olivia, Amelia E. Barr.. The Auglomauiacs, . Mrs, Burton Harf isbn. - I Use Regal Ready-mCxed Paint, and have no other, if yon "want a good, durable article; for sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t will A-Flaggiu,? Sally Pratt McLean. 1 A Woman or Shawmut, E. J. Car-j . " . a I I to-morrow afternoon at o o ciock.-a neuter: ! short Bible Reading will be given iom 4 at By request, Rev. Dr. Creasy preach n sermon to young men 7.30 o'clock to-morrow nurht at Grace M. E. Church. 1. am Manufacturers Agent for Barbed and all kinds 'of Wire, Com bination Wire and Irqn Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts. t Prayer and experience meeting of business and workipgmen at tbe Seaman's Bethel j to1 night at 7.S0 o'clock. Ladies and iea-farlng men are Invited td attend. ; : by Rev. Dr. Erdman, after which there will be an address by Mr. W. G. Burkhead, of Whiteville. ' All the regular monthly meetings of the Association coming next week will.be postponed until the week ollowiiig'.V - " llucfcleii'a Arnlcm S1t.. Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap-, ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ! For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholes:! and T3to.il druggist,; The (lamertou Typewriter, L. O. WhiteJ John! Toner's Scheme, jGeorget WalshJ . ' . The Moimtams and Mountaineers of CraddockTs Fiction, hi. 1. iiu rich, f ""''. 7. . Fray Beuto's Bell, C. r. JJiacKie Doctor Birch, W. M. Thackeray, nrnai n Pictures. Heinrich Heine. ' The Briefless Barrister, J. G. Saxe. The Battle of Life, Dickens. Bread Upon the Waters, Mrs. Mu- lock. ! ' r -'v. ''ii'- ' Tlie Two Captains, LaMotte Fou que. i ' , , Impressions QfThrophrastus Such, tfeorgo Eliot. . . ; -- Mr.-Barbot lias a line uass voice 01 great coins pass, excellent in upper as well as lower notes, ancl is a "valuable ac quisition to Wilmington. Sir. May- er'svoice has, if anything, gained in volume and sweetness since last year. Miss Annie DeKossers voice showed to a great advantage in tbe piece selected by her; anil hearty and continued applause proved in how great favor she is held by her aV Wilmington friends, so loth toj' lose her. Mr. Murchison's performances on cello and mandolin were a sur prise and delight; his composition and execution on one of his own pieces beinsr such as to prove him to possess a true genius for music. Mrs. Taylor and Miss Gabrielle De- Rosset, by their excellent and pains taking accompaniments, added much to the brilliancy of the various solos, duos and- trios( The concert was introduced by Capt. Bixby who took advantage of the occasion to reaffirm the value of a library and the needs of the pres ent one; to call attention to the many improvements due to the zeal and efficiency of the principal li brarian, Miss Sargent; and to ask from the Wilmington public an in creased support and membership for the coming year. i - The Grand Rapids Eagle says of this piece, which is to be presented at the Opera House here on next Monday night: ''The "Legal Wrong" drew an -excellent matinee yester day afternoon, and last night there was, the .very hot weather consider ed, another good hpuse. The play on Dotn occasions went smooth ly, and the scenery hitches which to some extent marred the first per formance were noticeably .absent. The story is a very pretty one, not lacking in romance or dramatio sit uations, and the scenery' is much more realistic than is nsually ear ned. The storm, wreck and rescue is very effective, while the:' tropical island scene, with its stately palms and rolling, flashing sea was admir able. A number of songs and spec ialties are introduced with excellent effect, calling out great applause. The company is evenly balanced arid the'play on the whole is well worth the warm reception it receives everyyuight." OPERA HOUSE. MONDAYbV. ITUV ' I, ". " GEO.O. MOUHISGREAT SENSATION, A LEGAL WRONG Or Lost in ilio Troplcil " TnA Ohio Kall3 Quartettor Great Special Effects! Wreck in Jlld-ocsan; In all a, Gigantic Stage Per formance. Keserved seats at Yates' SaturJay. novT St OFFICE OF THE SECRETAItT, . - j WlLMIKGION & WELDOJf AND WlUIIXOTd.V, 'Columbia & Augusta Railroads. WILMINOTOX, FIFTY-FIFTH Stockholders of N. c. Not. 7, 189tt - ANNUAL MEETING the Wilmington k ' rjiHE of the Weidoa Railroad Company will bo held in the Office of the company at Wilmington,' N. .C, on Wednesday. November 19th..l8M. at half. past It o'clock a, m. JAS, F. POST, Jb , nov 8 lot . Secretary w. & w. R. It. Co. C AND YmAN DPRTJIT 1 HAVE ARRANGED A CONFECTIONERY and FRUIT DEPARTMENT Jn my largo Gro-. - .4. -j r eery Storb on South Frbnt Street, whore I- will kep full supplloa 1 of FRESU FRUIT, FOREfGN AND DOMESTIC. CONECTION- . - ! - - : ERIES, DRIED FRUIT, C, all of which win he sol low and to which attention. B. F. SWANN, Act., nov 7 tf D&w so. Front Street. infnMAl ff A GOOD DRAY. vvanicu 1 w. m.cumminq. For Sale I novi tf , I respectfully invite MULES, ONE FOR 3140. uo, one ror smoo. W. M. UUMMIiU. For Sale ! Straw Mattresses. ' SHUCK KXTPrsmi rr MOSS . " - PINE FIBRE HAIR Renovating done to order. Call and see my 1 . - "comblcatlon" Mattress, . -j. . ' W. Br. CUMMINO, j Ullen Building, next to "Star" office.) , STOVES ! All fizts, Kinds, and at All Pricfs. can and see them at Aideriiiati, Planner & Co.Jt: nov 1 ly Ta tiaiifor Uouie. We learn from a private letter just received from Bishop WatsOn that hctxrects to sail from Glasgow for New York, per steamship CircassiaJ onThursdayi November 13th. The Bishop liopes toarrive in Wilmiug- STOVES I ton before the aud. will enter end of the month immediately upon a visitation iu the Diocese, particulars of which will be duly made known. The prayers" of the Churches in East Carolina are requested for the pre servatiou of the Bishop and Mrs. Watsou from the dangers of the sea, and for their safe arrival at home. ft ; Horse Oircf rs Locij air PrtRflteiJ ' jgrOKSES that are pricked with rails or ofjer punc? u-ed wounds In the foot.s when treated sia;fu ly, are In no danger ct dying from -Lockjaw - At;ter practical ex perience oi 20 years r.ra prepared to guaran- tee the above, Cailoame. P. QUINLIVAN. J ect 29 2w 1 The ?orsejshoer and Farrier. SPECIAL! If gray, gradually restores color; 1 e.leantitouic uressin, oc; l.UU, Druggists, or $1.00 size prepaid by express for sl.00. E. S. Wells, Jer sey City. ROUGH ON TOOTH ACHE. Instant reief. 15c. Genuine Hand-Sewed HO S6 for -AT- 04 j IF TOU 12 B4tJK AClirs, Or yoa are all worn cot, ze ??)y roM p t ncAlw tns; it is generrj deyCify. irj BROWN'S TROX UlTTEJfS. It will cares you, cleanse your lirer, and girs i a good aprietite. Geo. K. French & Sons, IOS North Front Street. (Opposite The orton.) oct0 tf John Werner. Eater iaiiiinnpts ! rnUOSB WHO ABE PLANNING AML'SZ- rllflERE IS BUT ONE, AND, HE HOLDS I forth at Na 23 Market street. A cood Enave 1 : 7T 1 r ; Z.,, .V V. . t0T 10 snampoo ror 20 cenu. or a ii air Save the boys and the girls from season will do well to consult the Magazines cut for 20 cents. Four of the beat Barbers u scrofula and other forms of impure lathe . . ' the fctate. Clean towels, Eharp razors and Wod bVgiving them HoodVSarsa-; : WILMINGTON; IJBEABY EOOilS, - Prompt m tendance r ; parilla. . , I novitf . x . lfSyf Market street. ; I i 13 tf liarkxt strtet 1 - . ' t' !

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