m . - - - . m m a m m r r , - t i r i i .- 1 I 0 I I M " November. 10.-2:30 P. U. 4 JSjT LOTT BsiCES I . V . L-l iy-. III.-'" I n nv n vm.- mrt rrr'T VT n 'WH. ' I i S7 SN I ing doing. .1 , I l f - -' w i4 rv h pm n t k i iii i iir lira imi i . - . and $1 12 for good trained. TAu Firm at Sl.05. CRUDE TORPENTINK Firm at il.20 for Lard, fl.W) for yellow dip nndgl.W for Tinrtn. j COTTON Dull anil nominal at tf 3-lG cent for middling; low tuid dliusr, 8: coot! middling. 0 7-16. HKCEI PI? Cotton, I.4W: vpinih. 112: ro4n,203; tar, 31; rrnd. 21. and Stools. CaMcst Wcrk cf all Canks. Catalogue free. Address Cedar i Also vvau anu a VJZtZw.-- - Chests, Barber i-urnuure, j cwij tirkis. Complete Ontfits for-Stores and ATLAHTA SHOW CASE Ctk Atlanta, 6a. -MAItlMK NKr-. Absolutely Pure, A crr.m of tirur biUarl powder, lnghrst or ail ia ieaT3inz strcDSin. r. is r.m - Ri-t, A ty. 17, 1W9. iIONDAYrVEMBEil 10, IKK). STATE NEWS. Henderson Gold Isaf: A horrible accident occurred in Warren ton hit last Thursday evening, result in:; in "th death of the twelve-venr-old sod 'of Mr. Jeet)h Koilwfll. Tlx boy was there attending school and . . in some way was run over nv in train and instantly killed. SABford Krpre: A. V. l)ckry It will fce remembered was busy b--for thO election Rlvinp: his opinion fliainst4he force bill, lie never lost aa oppirttxnlty to condemn it. but now It is rumored here that Jie is nklncr hLa Republican friends in this county and euewht re to make up a fond for the purpose of nayin his expense! at Washington as a lobby 1st for the force bill. Charlotte Kexcs-. A Charlotte man who remained all nfcht at the home of Mr. Joseph liurdell. at Lewis' -Tarnoat, tells ns. that Mr. Kurdell has COO bundles of foilder that have betn stored in Ids, barn for li years. Each successive wear they have been covered with new fodder and hav never yet been reached. .North Carolina frranite and North Carolina pranite worker have just necared a bir victory. Th contract for the Noble monnment at Annis- ton. Ala., was riven out on the first of Xvember, and it was awarded to I. W. Durham & CO., of Charlotte, over competition from a dozen lanr cities. North Carolina granite- was adopted over granite from a dozen States. The monument i to. cost $."$,000. Haleiirh Scwt mnd fJOterrrr: The AUUIVEI). i Steamer Cane Feur. Touiliosou- F.iyettevil!e. T. D. Love. .j . Iir schr Mabel Darhnif, Kinder, Nassau. CJronly A; Morris. I Schr Harry i; Hliepneni. itooye. New York, Geo Ham., Hon & Co. CLEAUED. Steamship Pawnee, Tribouj N-w York, II (i Smalllwnes. j StrCape Fear, romliinoru; Fay ettevjlie. F. 1 Love. Gerbarciiie E-Iwrd Pen, Kfpp, Wolgast, W Waller Ji Finke. 1 Br steamship P.elnnia, Owen, Han- go, Alex prunt a: sou. expo'rts. CO AST WIS K. New York Steaundiin Pawnee 1 bagi ciiafT, SG3 pkg mde. 199 bales cotton, 100 bbls rosin,f 75 do pitch, -r13 do tar. 206 casks spirit?, 20,0f0 shingles, 113,903 ft lumber. FOUKIGX. Wolgast ier barciue Edward Pens-223,422 ft lumber. i Hango Isr steamship ietunia- 5,532 bales cotton. . 01) i At Tt fm w I I rl k W ' Lfc O Mm Q IAGA2INJL . T f 14 , and enter- iPY7 vn - r7 - . times pre-,XVV Weelllvrr; ng the past y i ' - : ."- . 4 contents (notably the Ranway articles), and it U C1 v v-. . t r 1 -closes its second yearwltlLa new laipetus and j r 11 tlLLA Dpi. - sared success Tne Ulustrations - win : : 1.4 a 4 W Y Tbe publishers of SCKipKEIfS MAUAZINJL all to maxe me muav yvymai nrliliijr ot periodicals, wmie at all Lrin? its hi?h literary character. .iriT-i hnvebeen drawn to ltdurlns: d months tor the increased excellence of Its III THE WORLD, PAPER IX THKcjfITKD .AJtn -ru tr rtroT oflDniin Df ASTERS 'assssssr RHEUMATISM, kidhey paiiis, lame BACK, &c. ( 's the time toSuhCrih I Jinrtngr the year Irjm it ' HfeiQ its ESS-MS 2 ceiu a Drw. t? Chichester English. Red Cross . YJ wz flw V ILLUSTRATIONS THtAiiiini on AmitiMr - ntMitMfbimuiniuuinuBrnw. I jtM uk Drmniat for fMrliait'i Jw Mill Xl nu in bm u AH ilUi M iinitiul tun. lXjX TTirfT". - ,',t At DragiMa. r an4 u 4. hT mm W mieiJtdMrul BeUf for Ldlto," a Utur,7 MaU. BIT) A. It Well Known M4 kr U Uctl DraaUl abernatnrlAl .Vote r 18S8. FIRST DISTRICT. I Tho , National Lilo STATEMENT. COUXTIKS Beaufort Carte Krt Camden -no wan .. Currituck Dare (fates Hertford .. Hyde Martin i'aiulico Pasquotank Perquimans Pitt Tvrrell. Washington FOWLK. DOCKRRY. 2,002 1,073 r9s 743 J78 S2G 1,131 1,132 srA 1,674 740 832 779 2,593 472 807 2,7C9; afloat, 146: 1TKKKLY STOCKS ON UA.ND NOV. 7, 1800. Cotton ashore, J 1,225; afloat,! 10,20i; total, 21,130. Hpirits ashore. total, 2,915. Rosin nsliore 4S.214: ailoaU 6.181; total, 54.39.'i. I TarT-ashore, 3,ft)l: afloat, 3:39; total. 2.913. Crude ashore, 946; afloat, 00t total, 946. j '90. rosin. '90. RKCKIPTS, NOV. 1 TO NOV. Juttou, 7,132; spirit, 787; 5.990; tar, 638; crude, 182. KXPOIITS. XOV.I1 TO OV. t DOMRSTIC. Cotton 12S:piritx,315: crude, 139; tar, 131: rosin, 1.215. 1 FORKIGN. Cotton. 11,544; spirits, 088: rosm, 7 f) Bertie , Craven ." Edgecombe Greene. Halifax Jones... Northampton. Vance... Warren Wilson . 16,823 SECOND DISTRICT. ... 1,316 .,408 1,321 1,00S 2,405 684. 1,587 1,C59 1,S82 545 2,159 15,564 THIRD DISTRICT. ! 1 -r ... r 1 a ri i ini t I I morn! opto Uca r of uteddpneatVi ' fi1P1 Il9l7 3flfl iJlmM phia. of Mr. B. F. Moore, which oc t J O I ! , i Bladen.. Cumberland ... Duplin.. Harnett Moore Onslow. Pender . Sampson Wayne...... 1,541 2,577 2,205 1,444 1,944 1,181 721 2.370 2,78 1 curred yesttrday morning, home two weeks ago he had accompanied one of his siste"r. on aeconat of her health, to that citv. Mr Moore was the eldert son of the late B. F. Moore, Esq., one of the mo$t di.tin guithed lawyers of his generation. - Parties who spent fircn day in Greensboro bring the report of a big racket which took place there on that day. A policeman arrested n negro near the Benbow Houe for being in a btate of inebriety and a a oosireierou.ncs5. ami wiieii lie was. tnarcfciux ofl with hi man the irate x wueoi ine prisoner niarireu on me policeman with a pice of fem-e rnil anil oroke it over Ids lieml; nearly knocking Iuui teus"Ie.s. 1 lie polirc man tunica nua firiu-K ner unit ins club, whereupon the negro man pounced on the policeman from the rear. Several other negroes joined In and. the crowd of white men standing around, numbering fifteen or twenty, went to the policeman's rescue. Sticks were used and a gen eral melee followed in which several cranlums were badly whacked. The negroes were Anally subdued.' how ever, and run into the guard house. Th Deaf lltar. That sound miraculous, and vet one may become temporarily "deaf on account of blood poison settling i in the ear. and then And quirk re lief by using It It B (Hotnme. Blood Balm.) , John W. Weeks, Decatur, Ga. f A a.l Aft wrues: "ijt monui.s ago i nan a pain in my ear and in a few days it discharged matter. Then I grew deaf and could not hear at all. I began the use of B B B and the run ning of my ear -soon ceased and 1 now hear, while mv health is much improved and I feel full of gratitude 10 tiou anu io ine proprietors or so good a remedy." o. ai. l-.llif. Atlanta, ia.. writes: B B B cured me of iuot stiillxrn eczema. 1 hat) doctored it without success for twelve yean W. H. Davb, Han Marcos. Texas wrue: vi am raptaiv recovering from blood poison bv the ne of B. B. B. ... Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoru MY- SALOON, Comer of North Water and 18,764 FOURTH DISTRICT. Alatuance 1,741 . Chatham 2,516 Durkam.. 1,815 Franklin 2.204 Johnston S.t24 Nash 2,157 Orange l,61i Wake 4,618 Mulberry Streets, j . i ! If Of i from 1 i clock a. m. Urdu UclH II: 13 p. a. SatarjiT. ! (JUAH. F. BKOWNF, AffOnt, mca 10 U . 1NQT0N, N. C 10,685 FIFTH DISTRICT. Caswell 1,858 Forsyth Graaville- .. Guilford Person Kockinzhain 13 W Cti i Surry 2,259 .2,406 2.47 ..... 1.375 ..... 2,395 1,450 1,671 icj9(L j HnrpprN Weekly, ILLUSTRATED I IlAxriR's Uiult has a well-esUbllaned lace as tbe leading: Illustrated newspaper In America. Tke-fairness of its editorial com ments on current politics has earned for It the respect and confidence of all Impartial read ers, and tbe variety and excellence of Its lite rary contents, which lncluda.se rial and snort stories by the best and most popular writers, nt it for the perusal or people or the widest ntntre ot tastes and pursuits. The Wkkklt I supplements any of remarkable rarlety. liv- lerest. and value. ro expense is spared to brio? tbe highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration or tbe chanceful pha.se of borne and foreign history. A Mexi can romance, from the pen or thoxas a. J amvikk. will pjear in the Wkiklt la 18U9. 15,314 SIXTH DISTRICT. Anson 2,241 Brunswick 1,010 Cabarrus 1,645 Columbus..; 2,072 Mecklenburg 4,163 New Hanover 1,8S0 Richmond... 1,711 Robeson... 2,823 Stanley MC Union 2,04 20,581 SKVKXTH DISTRICT. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. per tear: 1 i HARPER'S WEEKLY .....4 00 HARrEKS MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR..; 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE j.... 2 00 fostaoe Fit to all f tbtcrintrs fn U Unltrti. atat's, Cattadii, or Mexico. Catawoa...... ... Davruson Davie.. Iredell.... Montgomery Randolph Rowan Yadkin 2,3U0 2,018 1,008 2,724 979 2,171 2,739 1.071 15,070 KIGHTH DISTRICT. orriCK OF TI1K HEfRCTAKY. MUMrOH X WKI.SOX AND W ILVIXSTO. otru it Acurrr Kailkoip. The Volumes of the Weekly becln with the first Number for; January of each year. When r.o :imc is meniiooec. sutscnptions win beein wm h i be Xumy-r current at time of receipt of order. t l'ound Volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three years back. In neat cloth blndlnir. will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provide 1 the freight does notex- en one aouar ier volume), ior 17 ou per vol t;iortt Cases tor each volume, suitable for Un-linjr. will be sent by mall.. post-paid, ot reoMpt of $1 00 each. kimmanccs snouid oe made toy Post-offii Monty order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss .'tr?lmii-r art not to cow this aaveTtUtemrttl ftitr't tit Tpr fjrdr o Harper A Brother A-Vlres 1IAKPKR BROTHERS. . " i Vew Vor Alexander... Alleghany........... Ashe.......... Burke Caldwell..... Cleveland... Gaston Lincoln Watauga...... Wilkes .952 CS7 1,399 1,247 1,258 2,269 1.584 1,209 898 1,706 11 m .-.,,Tir-lT; nuismf, N. c. Nov isv rJHIK KlPTY-riPTH -ANNUAL. MKirtySli of ihe stocxhoUers of the wiliiangloa & WeUoo Kallroid txmp4ny wWl be hld in the onve of u compiay at wiim:ajt.n, N." t.. oa WdQesdAy, November 13nhlm. at nU-pa-nt 11 o'clock a. ta. JA. I. ltT, J a . oov S IX fcretary W. X W. l.. I! i a. JJOK". 11IT AKE ri:i KKI ViTH auaoroc tr punctu t"! wo'taUia iLe tot whtt treated sxitfu ly. mt ia no .a.ir r ct djus froai Lojav. A ner nr.cu.jl ex. Pnr ace ol 23 rears am pret art4 lo juran- lee tne a corp. i al oa me. IX QiiINUVAN. oct3w Tbo forxaaoer and Famer. NORTH CAKOLI.VA. New Hanover County. SuieTior coun. 13,209 NINTH DISTRICT. Buncombe 3,041 Cherokee 046 Clay r. ....... 391 Graham .' 271 John U. Mran-ss. vs. f lcter H. Mnlih, Walter fcmiui. Minnie Smith atid clarence bxnlth. Heirs at Law of Haute K. mlth. i This is an clon brousrht by. the above named pUlntirr a?alnst the defendants above rnaned for the immediate possession of a cer tain lot or lan.i situate in tbe City of Wil-rlng-ton. county ot'New Hanover, an! MAte of North Carolina, and more specifically set out in tne complaint rued in tnu action, i -s roore is oerroy Kiven io aater irann. one otthedfe-dant ao re named, who Is anon- n-sldent of the state cf North Carolina, to eitner plead, answer or demur to the con- iaint filed in u above e titled cause on or leforethectb Monday before the flrav Mon day in March. A. I. li. or tbe relief asked for by tne piaiatiff In the couiplalnr hereto Q!ed will be k rati led. ' i.tvrn riitCt-r my band and seal of 6Sce this. the i;th uy of iKtober. a. d. Clerk of the Superior Court. II. MCCLAMMY andM. BELLAMY. . oct i; w m j'xaitttnrs Attorney!. Haywood........ llendeiou Jackson ... Macou ftfadisvn Mitchell McDowell....... Polk Rutherford Swain Transylvania. Yancy 1.320 917 903 780 1,178 698 1,119 470 1,690 505 520 040 1,799 077 602 ' 791 438 209 880 1,002 75$ 1,287 619 1,217 : 982 2,328 367 1,014 -AND M at i i r it v A ssociati on OF WASHINGTON. D.C. 14,89 1.097 2,C37 2,509 1,072 2,897 ' 620 1 1,90 1,S86 875 1,521 18500 Has Paid to Mem- - i burs Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - r - None. UORATIO KKOWN1NQ, ' " ; President, SA5IUKL NOKMENT, Treasurer. snow some new effects, and nothing - to make scRHJNER'S MAGAZINE attractive ajud ln terestlngwiu be neglected. - . THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be conUn oed by several very strmng papeis; one espe cially Interesting by Ex-Iustmaster General Thomas L. James on -Tbe Railway Postal Ser vice." - - fUHstrated. - MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S Sena novel The Master of BallantraeT will run through the greater part of the year. v Btyrvt in Xomnber, u a kOKESloNDENCE and collie: Ion o manuscript memoirs relating to j. BY, Ai lilet antt a. famrms cToun of cvodcrn Fienc-b Falnte: s will furnlsli the substance of several articles. V .-"--t Wustratcd.. -i-.'n .t " l""? its regular ihm, w fra:- ine unci, cuu jrtprc- ' i. j m . . -- -wisui,, . i t.,,11, croiruicnn wrfll h mnlnrm1 ht I eaually Interesting contrtujtlons by dlffere t famous authors. Mr.' 1 bomas Bailey Aldrleli wUl write the first of them, for tne January! nnmber. V; .1.; zj$m'; tr' -. f - Many valuable utekaki-'akj ii;lb.-wii appear; a pnpn-r viu ;1.K.u-ntu..au --... '''"nil iiofi,!,. Shelf of Old Books.? by Mriames T fields r Pract ical -Farming ami r- , - and many otner amcjcs equ!iujft uuit-w tin ix , . . v vaueuu ArtlclesonARTSUBJEirrsmUbeateatiu 1 Wnmi V, 'V,fe, Papers are arrangied ro appear by clarence I v Oman's Work Cook, E. n. Blashfleid.r Austin JWDson anat , - Stories bv flm u . ' many others. . fuusiraifc I t t. . ! t'Auih, JlOXlllAVt ViAAVxi0 v best-flshlng' grounds will appear, salmon Winnlnish, Bass and Tarpon are tbe subjects now arranged- The authors -are well known sportsmen. i:itiStrateCL -n-. ILLUSTRATED ART1CLE of greatvarlety. touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will fppeaa, but notfof the conventional commonplace, sort. - Amoncrthe most Interesting -In the list, of scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by ProL John Trowbridge, upon the meet recent developments ana uses 01 PH OTtXJ It AI'Il V. lltusiratea. r A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest, will be continued by a group or papers upon ELECTRICITY In Its mest recent annllcatlons- by eminent authorities: a IV maricable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether interesting papers. -' - ' . ZZ ' unique luusiranons. : :i . A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year' numbers, which Include all the Railway Art! cles. as follows; -: - : . - '-' " A year's subscrintton (1883) ana tne num- - bers for 1888. ... 1 . 7. . . . $4 JiO A year's subscription (1889) and the num- i ters for 1888. bound in ciotn ;...... . literature and Ah EiiXewsr OKORGE Dlii R1DGE, secretary. Manager an Actuary, 3 a year; 25 centa nuiubeT. 1 Obarles ScribnV3rSohs 745-745 Br war. N.Y. ' - 1,365 2,232 1,154 877 1,846 42. 757 1,U6 - 2,561 12.833 1,517 2,099 1,617 2,041 .2,096 1,690 1,283 4,943 17,300 1,097 2,584 2,609 2,680 1,293 2,101 1,333 1,575 15,872 975 965 915 910 3,284 2,856 1,684 1,988 817 W7 GEO. J. EASTEKDAT, ,AS3't Secretary." 15,391 756 2,335 1,204 -1,897 1,215 2.327 1,266 1,419 12,419 552 405 1,482 1,105 717 764 1,236 901 965 2,352 10.439 2,816 868 287 182 974 1,291 5C9 742 1,873 1.504 858 560 1,C63 410 -553 780 Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An incontestlble Policy. Maturity value In Cash at Fixed Agtf. Annual Cost Absolutely Llmlted. Oniv Four Payments per Year. ' Nori Forfeitable After Three Years, P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D.. 3ledlcal Director, tv a: gibson. Koecial Atrent. Hoiae Office, Central National Bank Bulldtngf Washington. D. C j joiin IIAAK. Jk.. Lecal Agent. wt 2 Wilmington N. C7 OtYDE'S New YorU A'Wilmfn?' Ste&mshid V.o r Fisliermen's Supplies, i Builders' Hardware, PA INTS AND SASH - - "1 FROM PIER 39. EAST RIVE K NEW YORE Located between Chambers apd Roosevelt sts At 3 cclocK, P. M. : t r ; ; V FANITA PA WNKE. ....... ..Saturday, -Nov 8 ..Saturday, Nov 45 mmn strictlyigrk whre led, made bythe old Dutch proces9," the best Lead on the market. They not being In Combina tion can make special price on same. i COOKING STOVES. ; Largest assortment In the State ;to se from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them you will find comfort ' and economy Pump1, Stf p-f adders We ask for your patronage and shall ev- endeavor to deserve the same. " FROM WILMINGTON T 1 , Tl "-VT n f7. Jra. v .... FANITA...... .Friday, Nov 7 .Friday, Nov 14 Respectfully, N. Jacobi Hardware Co., ap tt 12ISO: FRONT ST. nr- Through Bills Lading afid Lowest Thro Bates guaranteed to and from points in Nortb and South Caroll aa. - ' ' ' For Freight or Passage apply to i r . . - U - G SM A LLBONES, SuperlntndenL r wilmingt.on, N4 C. TIJEO. 1?. GKR. Tranic Manager, v - New York WM. P. OLYDE & CO.. (icn'l Agents.. " novyi.f fowling Gnen. New Yorfc. x- a.t'on on all Subjects Xewvork Iimio, One Dollar a Tear. Do not. fan fd'Si!iwn..i2 "' . . v .' ror the Nfcw York dec Ifltf Weekly Herald. fk .. OBSERVER. The Oldest and Best New paper, Wilmington en co a t RR University.of North Carolina Tlie;Fan Term. Oppn'g ept. Tuition, $30. I70UR REGULAR COURSES OF . STUDY, Classical. Philosophical. Literary Sclent .fl(L Special courses in Cnemlstry. Civil and Electrical Engineering, Pharmacy, and other studies. Separate schools of Law and Medicine, whose students may atieno tne university lectures. Adfress . HON. KEMP P. BATTLE. L.LD., . Jy 3 tf President, Chapel Hill, N. C. I S 'KFPEQT OCT. OTII. EAVE WILMINGTON AND 6.30 P. M 15.S9.5 15.903 The total rc4 beins Fowle 148.335: Dockery 134,035. v- - : TOTQ P A PFTJ 1RINTD WITH 1 illO Z txl. DIVlnJ: manufactured by be i alrmouiitJrrntiBg Inx u orte, . . , - T. K. WRIGHT A CO . rcth street arcsssylratia avenue, jaail . fht!lgij?ii p- . Missi s Burr & James' School HTISSES BURR AND JAMES WILL RE- open their School for Young Ladies, andchil drcn of.both sexes, . . 6 ii Tliurjcdny, Oct 2d. The course of study, as heretofore, will te systematic and thorough. , Indlridual instruc- l ion bestowed upon each pupil: the same care ful attention given. In training the slow mind as tho;e or brtgnt intellect. Class Sir glng. Free-hand Drawing, Calis- tnemcs ana reeaieworK iree Of cnarge, - Musical Department, under tbe superinten dence of Mr?. M. s. CUSHING. Pupils in music, either within or without the schobl. will be accommodated with suitable hours of insrruction tnat win not interfere with les sons or hours of study. Every care and atten -tlon is given to the moral welfare of the child. For lurther parclculars please apply to 2?4 North Third street and see Principals. J b hn Werh er. 'JflERE IS BUT ONE, Afc.O HE. HOLDS forth it No. 29 Market street.5 , A good Share for 10 cents, a Shampoo for 20 cents, or a Hair Cut tor 80 cents. Four of the best Barbers In the State. Clean towels, sharp razors and prompt, attendance, JcilN WERNER. The German Barber. . .en 10 tr . : a Market street. I iEnteriJiinrants! JMIOSE WHO AKE PLAN5INO AMUSE- ments and Katertainments for in coming season will do well to consult the Magazines in the ' . . ". - . '- WILMINGTON LIBRARY EOOMS, noTlti t asjaiartet; street. ' Leave Hammocks 7.50 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. .,-..!..!. Sunday trains leave Wilmington 2 30 Jand 6.50 p. m. " L I Leave Hammocks 9.30'a. m, and 5.30 p. m. Leave Wilmington 10.00 a."- m. l. Saturday only. 25c roimd trip every day. " r ; J. R. NOLAN, 03t 8 tf General Manager. THE ACME MAlJ TJFAOTUBING 00. ,- - . . . ' i. .... . . - ' T 1 -'. ' , - -v ) MANOFACTURERS OF Fertilizersj Pine fibre and Pine Fibre Matting rpHE REPUTATION OF OUR FEltTlLIZKHS the ACME and GEM, ts now established, and the results of th.ree years' use in the" hands of the best farmers of this and other states will at test their value as a high grade manare The MATTING, made from the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the raemand'ior it is daily increasing. It has vtr- tuta uvi. ii'uuu iu any oLiier launc The FIBRE or WOOL Is extensively useti for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for jiatixesses is aimosi. eauai to nair. oeine ucrnt elastic androof against Insects. ceruncates from reliable parties uslnsroTii eoods can be seen at our offlce. or will be mall. ea upon puoucauoiu lan 4 tf STILL AT WORK; AM NOW WrELIr PREPARED TO REPAIR all kinds of Furnitore, sewing M & nines, Fan cy Articles, &c and where It Is possible make them as good as new. Wort .done promptly. and priceslow. caUandsee me and get e tlmates antl prices. ' .i. 'W .-.ik;:i"f ? V-'-:'r'-r- 7 ' B. TARKAR, ? S. W. cor. .Front ant Orrge srnets. I am sou agent here for theNew :nome Sewing Machine, one of the best Machines on I the market. Needles ana foil for sale.ni L luca io tf , - ' 1 .Dix neguiar Editors; Special Co rc&puuueuia at Home an Al.rn. Stories, Reviews, Condensed Km Departments !for FamAM n": chants, Bankers, Professional Men Students, Boys and Girls. i ms year the Obskrvvb urin -u ish more than! FIFTY P1MZE ST0H1ES, and the ablest' and most Tvmnl.. writers fw11 contribute to Tte cof umns.rr Poets and Drose .writ.A. thors,editorsj;men of science and women of genius will fill the col umns f the. Observer, and it wfl give lift y-two unexcelled papen io the coming year. I'l ice, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, $3.00 a year. t Great Ind ucements for 1830 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER wQl tttttBf 'or One year to any clergyman not now t tab scribcr, for ONE DOLLAR. . 3. Any subscriber sending his own subeatp tion for a year in advance and a new subsoil ber with $5.00, cani have a copy of the In reus Letters." or "The Lite of Jerry JicAnlej.' 3. We will send the OBSERVER tor tne r malnder of this year, and to January L is, to any kew subscriber sendlnvtisuliBameua address and $acd in advance. Tosucnsutisrn bers we will also give either theTolnnoi 4IrenttsLftters,,or "Tho Lift of JerrxXfr Auley.' - i . Agents-wanted everywhere. Liberal ter' Large commissions, sample c ret Address, .. . . i ;. ;.,; : New Yort Observe, NSW YORK English and Classical School . BY I Kov. Daniel Morrell, A. 11. 11HE THIRTY-rSECOND ANNUAL 8SSI0J j wiu begin D. Y.) Wednesday, tne nr w w. taber. For any Information applj o Orange street, corner of Fifth. seplStf A FREE TRIP TO EUROPE. rj HE PUBLISHERS OF TDE CAaAiu oUEEN" will pre a free trip to rnwpe tt tie person sendlnj? the largest number tt won constructed from letters contained la'5 name of their, well known Magazine CANADIAN QUE15N." Addlttonal nw consisting of Silver Tea Sets, Wia Cblna Dinner Sets, Portiere Curtain. Dresses, Mantel Clocks, and manyw" ful and valuable articles will also be awanw i in order or merit, j: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary to w "m as authority in deciding tbe contest. 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