.rifisrArsK I 'j cufortaarrop. I, mi moua . I J! ' . .- camera, tree ...... . ! r At tte atwro j nurJ. nV fITllI nsn 1 i flJ,rp,rT in;uir!r. lit 1'i.tv, . '..- !.Miura ... 1 .. .1:1 -ts me r j. . t . r . - v. " .. 1: ... ' ..t tof .ki'x' fever pro :iste and ac I. .,!- t 'I M'"? !. prompt ir M r' f- 1 llK'l "V . t 1 fnpiici:ii 111 lit f. si rnU lrm the inrL f::rt,Iii.:anii'3 5onu;ieud I C, c: rl-? ii !!! rJes In all h Falc in 50; jlkrJes hy all ieauiig uruy a. I . . T JLst rthalile rugg:-t wik i.t fcire it en hand will pro tlj for any one vh idtotrriL lu nui accept an) J fit RAXCISCO. CAL Wjf. rr. ;y row. at. r. rmEKT It. 1'FM.A.MY. I10I.K5ALK PlU fltilsT, 8AM JONES n f JUfJU DUUUO. JlIES BOOK STOKE. tit Uifoving Tale. inriLL5OVE TI1IS WEEK. IT IS pjct. ArtJdM of Furniture have a rm taj ae w t h I n es an Deeded. We sTOVES! STOVES! H l:s!i, i:J at All Pritfs. umin, Planner cV; Co.. 3SIAX & VOLLEUS, noLr..u.: i:.i.f.i:s in , - -j Tobacco. Cigars, -AND- 'NBSIOX 3JERCHANTS, f. rrm 0. Ick su.. .'USBPfl F. CRAIG,. a ALirmnn. Flanner & ca) HcTICAL WOUKEH IN lucuiron.rumps.CiC, 11 ... :?..u.'' auu "S nor 3 lm r Sl Ann!' c Annlne I 1 . r A XI , , " PRODUCE GENERALLY. T'.F. ALIIKItillAN, tcmmLsioa Merchants, la 110 No. Water St. Advantages Wo Offer to t'lCSARE. THAT OUK INSTHU- lL' X the undcr t flirmij from the maan- .'Wifl?. to select from. 'i r; ;flT1itairetent tuners. itettl.T' e are respcftslblc. ? tr! whea U tor liaaoi i,itiEy.l'rars'ea,8 to" when ajr t i? J Vlt3r bav grantee but Jour Instrument. By wifr4?eQt n 6e Joa in J1 ?l to t. .P' ccnt-10 trUian you ? !rrlUD;? fnts, for you have S'Ty expenses, t buy rrom na are right 'JfcJT1" Jouao not buy the 'H? tn Wiimlottoa ''Wnw waoi-i i an ara see ua. e , inSM torn prices. w SXEED A CO.. Ftuntture Uealirs. f-IS Cor, .Market and Second Sta. ;ia, ttputiMa ASiSSP?1 an4 tenty. weaahcrtaitAimenta. . 1 K. VAX LAKH, Iie4 cross street, -t 1 I ! . .. t l - - -.: - i. ' .at. ... . :. " t ..IV - .vVv V 'W i'. VOL; XI V: I LA It is iloubifiil now if Gen. Palmer In elfctwl to tin Senate. from HlinQly. It imi tiiat the fanners WiH prot- ably centre on o ninn of their own. "- Canned uieattt have advanchl in price becAtiof the Incrpast.l tricc of tin plates and tinmxl rr-,,ia also ben advanced I cent a pound. I ! The Farmer Alliance are doiur a ime b g talking now. CoL Polk jfay that they are. here to etavand that they will exert a vnn.lorf.,1 ir. fluence in future electionK. ' , Ti.i nr,KiiM!.".'u. ! - v,.unv,auij ttvw turjtr i ma- , 3 '- i f.,ri - r,f fn,Tr4 ., f f, Tt tt . . . - ; 1 vt iu , MJiatuOi iwrtwD fa the Senate. Ailtevr ,n the damp r(ainln?t for Dr. Of- the talk, therefore ahnnt i Democrats beius able to control that body is simply ilfy twaddle. r -w.w-!vfi The Charleston News and Courier eMiiuatesthe majority in the next f 0,,"!.a 153 furiously enough, nit? aseuiocraiQ are equally di videdt 121 from the North and! 121 from the South. I . President Harrison, it is said, was in favor of calling Congress together in extra session tljis month but as every member of his Cabinet was opposed to it and advised against it he yielded the poiur. 1 1 , ' 1 : ' 1 ' - - It is now given out that the Force bill will not be pressed to a vote at the last and short session of the 5lst Congress. Mr. Harrison thinks it would be bad' policy for the closing days of a dyln and stiuking Con gress. ' J -.. " j The Republicans! will still fight under the same old flag high pro tection amd big price?. JTr. Harri- son is now preparing ins message and it is said that there wilt be no back-lown on the, McKinley bill. The Deuiocratrt could ask for noth- iuj uriirii 4- Kansas gave 82,000 majority'! to Harrison and now has elected a Democratic Governor. In 1888 she sent seven Republican Representa tives to Congress. In the next Con gress the delegation will be Ave Democrats and two Republicans. The farmers did it. 1 - I The Democracyl remarks tlie Philadelphia Record, put brains into th late contest. Their opponents re'ied mainly on spot cash. This makes the outcome more inspiring, it is a new proof .that the people sometimes take thin? to think, and - - that they are not corrupt. MOh, for a Lodge In some vast wilderness," sighs Henry Cabot, the author of the Infamous Force bilk and who pulled through the other day with a loss of four-fifths of litis former majority. II J C. will be grati fied. There will be a wilderness of empty seats on the Republican side of the House in the next Congress and a Lodge will be there. j "Let wealth and' commerce, laws and learning die," but leave us still the blissful knowledge that we can cure our ills and pains with that wonderful remedy, Salvation Oil. Only 25 cents. j index to Nsr adtmtwsmikts j Snekd; Co Furniture M013 Brothers Druggists t OrsRA HsrsE Kose Osborne D J Gocij Kock sprtns Hotel r D Qcixurax To Horse Owners C W TaTcs Sam Jones bong nooks ! seicoast R R Meeting" ot bondholders J . I New moon to-morrow morning atLpoast iw. iv. uC ,.u ...w 23 minutes past 8 o'clock. Hot Bed Sash and Glass for sale by the N. Jacob! Hdw. Co. " t: ; j . Ir ...... j New River oysters were retailed by dealers to-day at $ 1.10 a gallon. Mr Bruce Williams, of Burgaw, came down to the city to day on, a brief visit. ! " ' The wind got around to the?forth last night and a change in the weather seems impending." , J i . ' f The woods will be full of sports men on Thanksgiving Day. Ua'i e is said to be abundant this year. i. Visitors to our. city should cer tainly notail to call 011 the N. Ju cobi Hdr. Co. for anything wanting in their Hue. J t, 1 - Use Regal Ready-mixed Paint, and have no other, if yon want a good, durable article; lor sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t . . . . j I am Manufacturer s Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited," James I. Metts. t I NG1'()KV N, TUESb A V. NOV RMBER IT 0 .- 'V ';'' ' " iry iew r?aliy Uno Myrtle Grove osiers nave arrived here this sea- Travel on the Seacoast Ii. If cnn- tinufs fafrly good, considering the season. N Alle sicoat R. R. are !iaviusollllty cdll of the -Burgaw llcr meir carrepainted and put in first- class orders Timber seems to be plentiful. We river ueuceu several rafts on the neticed several that came to day. .. I" the Sprin; uieuuaeauddudiue lllitly tui tlv" turn tr thttTrvlifa ,.t uuiis uouzli yrur wi II cure anv a i - - i vum mi-j- wiuy caicn, you bet. f One of our .Wilmington boys 17 years old, pulls the-beam at 153 pounds. The next in order in the faT11nv u'l.u .,,. Z weeks old. w We have in stock an immense va riety of Cook Stoves, all s'tyles and sizes." Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N, Jacobi Hdw. Co. ) f A large line of Breech and Muzzle loading Shot Guns, Air Rifles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and , sportsmen's sup plies just received. N. Jacobi Hdw. CO.: . ; , f . Some wonder why fish are , so cheap. If they will stop and think of the grand victory of the Demo cratic party their wonder will cease. The fish ran in shore to hear the news and were caught by the fisher men. - - r : Thtra will be a train to-morrow on the Seacoast R. R. leaving Prin cess street at 9.30 a. m.; returning, leave the Hammocks at 12 m. This Is for the benefit, of the excursionists who will arrive here to-night on the C. C. R. R. The terminus of Princess street, at the river, is In a dilapidated con-, dition. Tlie rocks are misplaced and scattered, which make it ve'ry inconvenient and troublesome to teams,especially drays, thatgo there for wood. - The First Ward Democrats will hold a meeting to-night to ! recom mend some one from that ward to fill the office of Alderman made va cant by the resignation of Mr. Geo. L. Morton, who has been elected to the Legislature. The persons claiming to be regis trar and poll-holders for Cape Fear township made application for pay for services yesterday to the Board of County Commissioners; but act ing under legal advice the chairman of the Board refused to pay them.. An oyster is a funny thing. Some people say they have ears and can smell and an old Sounder told tis to day it was very common on a calm morning at Wrightsville to hear them feeding.! Whether they can hear or not, we know thismuch;they can bite. j Mr. D. J. Gould, a gentleman who has had much experience in the business, has taken charge of the Rock Spring Hotel. The House has been overhauled and refurnished throughout. The regular rates are $1 a day, with special .rates to ex cursionists. , I .' A meeting of the stockholders and bondholders of the Wilmingtou Sea- t. T t t,A1,l oft -rlio rITinW or tne company, l-rmcess birea tion, on Friday next, at 3 o'clock iu the afternoon.! All are requested to be present. See official notice of Capt. J: R. Nolan in this issue. Whv shouldl the turning up 01 a clean sandy soil in the summer have an injurious effect upon health through poisoning the atmosphere? Does not tne sand absorb the impurities from the atmosphere j rather than give them out? and is . not ! this one of the old Monti flint - will be exploded a few years henceT. II. Yopp, F. W. Ortniuuu, II. L. V oi lers, J- Puis, H. W. Collins,: J. D. Nutt and Iredell Meares. to coh- BrsapMiIla. It conqaers scro.u . MHrhenm nnaiui o.uer u,OD.. ""- The three -Knights of Pythias i gaged in newspaper work here. For lustrations. "Along Lak? Como" lodges ef this city have appointed the present he will have charge of U another finely iilustraled paper. joiiU committee, consisting of Messrs. Uhe subscription lists and "will be These are only a few of the num 11 iv 1 Airiinprj 11. ij- rf.iiiivsi ' - - - -r --. - z . 1 . f AMiitinriT nnai 11 a . a 1 liic ' zvA t .wm m t r Y , 1!.:.! .iKntmnctn .1 1 PV,!!Klna fnrnc nmlnl denartineilt tceiUS With dCSlgDS lUODCV U SOllCIUUi; euauiuuiiuw v . mj iiuu3 vunuuutu, . . ..... ruirchase suitable Pvthian burialf 3kin Eruptions, and positively cures1 holiday gUs. . , The ktaP-of ,r-HV or refand. Pricq 35 cents .Srfn".; ; Tlie receipt of cotton at this port to-day foot op l.lOOJbaie?. j The new locomotive ; for Hub Sea- Cft R. R. will be here on or about March 1st. Dr. Walter O. Mnrphv. of Pender f aia was ln the city to-day. i Mr. U. Percy Gray. Assistant to jthe President of tlie C, : R- R was n tl city t F. & Y. V to-dav Ears ara liih, 25 and oO jcents a :uozen? - xney win soon nave. wings rii ' j uuu wear i cuuiers 11 tuev" tion i ' gei 'inwWri : i - 1 t " - -. ii ' ; Where was Moses when the H-ht 1 when out? Like the Radicals, in the dark when the Democrats are about! ! . . I We regret to learn that Mrs. John W. Pe'rdew is very low and that it,is feared she may not live throughout the night. : , 1 . "1 There is but one jail in New Han over county and at present about 75 jailors (or applicants ) An Elderly man is in charge there now. I A. large excursion party is expect ed in on the Carolina Central train tliis evening. They come from points all along the line of the road. 1 j - : . . .: - The new county officials have re ceived their certificates of election and will walk in and take possess ion next month 'sure's you're born." ) Schr. Ml C. Moseley, Torry, clear ed to-day for Saniana; San Pommgo, with 177,496 feet; lumber, valued at ?l,70Si48, shipped by Mr.! E. Kidder's Son. ; j - ! Capjt. J. W. 1 Fry, "General Man ager of the a F. & Y, V. R. R., and his brother, Mr. II. K Fry, Chiet Engiiieerf that road, were in the city tb-dav. j : - ' I i . . JL 1 1 , A lovely calm has rested upon the river the entire day. Apparently everything, since the election, has assumed a new, cheerful and invig orating phase: i'LV i -' .. . ' The new scow recently construct el for the C. F. & Y. V. R. R., and the "second ef the series," is now at Point Peter having the iron tracks placed upon her. " . . e" j Sqtiirrels are reported fat and plentiful Uplne Northeasf river. We saw a handsome string'of the "ratty looking" fellows 'tOhday that were bagged up that 'way.' It is conjectured some of the up river jcountry people have not learn ed of the victory of the Democrats because flatted-wood is wholesaling at $4 a cord. jLow tariff. Clams are the. onlysalt water pro duct that are healthy atd ljapp and palatable all the yeart rounuy They may be found in the market nlinnsf .anvdiiv.in tnn Wflfkl - - ""j y---.r--, - -vr -t To-morrow Is to be the wedding day of two of our most popular young! peoplej oke a ladyarid' the other a gentleman. The former is to be married here and the latter ml Richmond. I ".' . Rev! Dr. Pritchard lias gone to Shelby to attend the State Baptist Convention, which meets there to morrow, and Rev. Dr. Creasy, pas tpr of Grace Mi. E. Church, will fill his pulpit on Sunday next. This is as it should teV j i '. '1 - . I The ladies of St. Jam esV Church will give a chrysanthemum show this week. It is a good idea and one that jought to take. well, lr the linesti of those magnificent flowers of the fall are brought together it will be a sight well worth seeing. On Our Staff. - It is with pleasure that we au- ! imntice that Mr. Josenh M. Hing, . this city, lias assumed a position I thc staff 0f,hd Daily Bis View.- ?, - i Mr. Kini? is an old hand at the bel OWJSj having been previously en ISucklen'a Arnica Salv. m . C 1 .1... ... m I . t 1 1 lift iiisi rwuv 111 tut "ui'u for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt V". . Wt ft - Belial. n dTKSi?t. . - " - ! ; ' 1 11 iSfllor NO 282: NEW AUVEKTISEilENTS Springs, Spring 5 s:x3srx)s of sixisrcs-s- . ' CALL AND SEK Ltht,-elastic, - . - w. noviotf Forecasts. ' For North 'Carolina, fair weather followed by light rains and slightly cooJeiv " 1 ' Local foreuastsr from 8 a. m. to-day for Wihniugton and vicihity, fair weather followed by rain and slight ly cooler. ' . V : " ' '. . ' : Child re a IJnjoy The pleatant tldvor, gentle action and -soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a IaxativeUnd if thb father or mother be costive or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. 1 St rickea Wltli Paralysis. i t Mrf Tliomas Ilicks. who has! been in the employment of Messrs. 1 Fow ler & Morrison,, .was stricken j with paralysis yesterday . euenirtg while engaged at his work. Mr. Ilicks de scribed ho" he was taken. He says that' .the .first' premonitions of the stroke made its appearauce in kis left toot and then iimediately af. ter wards he fellio the ground and became helpless. He is now in a critical condition, and the doctors, a. i .1 Jf . ' j 1 ..a . J 1 it is said, fear that he may not re- cover. III Satanic Majesty. j The next attraction' at the Opera House will be the .appearance of MlssRose Osborne, on Thursday evening in a thrilling melo-drama entitled - VSatan'- lMi Osberne has a fine reputation. She -was leading lady with C. B. Bishop and starred for two years in Bartley CaBipbelt's" famous trotrpeT: She played in Danville, Va., last- Thurs day night and so heartily were the people cf that city pleased with her that she was tendered a reception by leading citizens of that place. Reserved seats for the entertain ment are now on sale at Mr. . Yates1. At the Opera House liat-; Night. . , There was a large audience and fine' entertainment at the Opera House last night. "A" Legal Wrong" is a thrilling, realistic draia of to day, with a stirring plot, lively movements and exciting climaxes. The company is a fairly good one; not the best, it is true, but a fairly good average Miss Rose Wilder, as Helen Wilton was very good, as well in the make up of the character as inits impersonation; Mr, Jas. , F.. Green, as Murty McNaliy was just splendid and became a prime fa-, vorite with the audience before he had been five minutes on the stage, and Miss Lillie Durham, the sou brette, was charming. The music and dancing specialties were j very fine and the scenery- was excellent.. The compauy go hence to Raleigh where tney should be greeted : with a large house. : Patsraon's Magazine. - i - - "A holiday jaumber" one may well call the December Peterson. 1 It is the handsomest number we ihave ever seen of this excellent magazine a hint of what may be expected for I80I,- wliick will be its fiftieth anniversary. ' The "Cupid" on the title page is an enchanting little fel low, and the ' steel and full 1 page wood-engravings uro very beautiful. The opening illustrated article, "Same Ice Carnival Sketches," is in Harriet Latham's rsprightliesti vein. "A Problem ever oiveu '-is the best story we h ave ever read irom facile pea. "From Edgar Fa cett' Cliriifmas to Christmas" is a capital tale with a series of admirable il- Paris letter gives the newest fashion chit-chat, and the colored plate and other " designs the latest out-docr and home wear. Tlie " needle-work for WauW. 1S-. Salre,- 10c. BonsU on Wdrm. Safe, Bnre Core. 83e. .. will be srlad to recciTe ocjiauiic&t cr.s rroa cur-ittcnas oa 'sty ara aUti;;c:s general interest, hkx ,; - The came of the rntec mass always t j fur ' nlsnsa to the SJitor. J ' r ; Coaamanicauoua mast bo written ca c:Ji Q:neEtd6orthepa(rJ . v - rersonaiu bjik be avot-it-a. And u 1 er.ii!y an 2 . parricaiarty C22er atooi fiat tue Kaxuir 4ons not always endorse the view os dnv.s.po dents anla bo rtated In the cMiconai cuiaioaa. ;-. n bv a i vi;u ns mi k:;?a . e m 1 rw j- i - t. .- a& m. A NEW LOT OF TDE durable, com fortaMe.' , I . - , m. ouRanairJG, . . ;Ne?t to "itat" Office. We Will. Jollify. . j ' : The. Democratic Executive Com- ; iuittee met last night and after dis cushion ot Hie matter decided upon " having a grand jollification over the Democratic victories. The commit -tee will meet again in a few days to : . appoint the date, upon which the celebration shall be keld. An invitation has been sent to 1 Senator Vance to be present an'd de-" liver an address on the occasion and- the committee is awaiting a reply - from him before appointing k date for tho celebration. " . ' : - I i .1. 'l w l, '. iiv h 111 iu me necusuiii - i He lives' in a hotiise o ChiBquepha . , street, or.e of twins and karal to ,tell f apart on a dark night and especially - when the brain is addled. He took a little too much! last night a lid' as his underpinning was weak some of , his.frienis took hiui home in aAcarT,. riage, fouixl, as they -supposed, the right house, opened the door land shovred him in. He entered tlie par - lor'and disrobed,' down to liis-ensan--- guinedgarmentswUentheladyof the' house, hearing a noise, entered and found him seated in a chair and fast asleep. She may be pardoned for taking him for a! veritable Mephis topkeles, for in j the dim light he looked just such as is sometimes represented on tlie stage, minus the hoofs and candte appendage The -lady-was alone ip the house, as her ' husband, who works till late every night, had not yet returned. Fright ened almost out f her wits she ran " screaming from the house and met her husband on. his way home." The; convival gtitlejnan... was found by . the husband in the same chair and in the same attitude and the same carmineous attire. With some dif ficulty he was made aware of his fix and was assisted into his nether gar-' merits and -escorted to his proper domicile next door. . There ,was a sick man arid a sad man and a sorry man under that roof this ' iiorningi He swears now ttiat he will never be . green enough to get drunk, agaiaj even if the House should go 1,500, majority instead Jof a paultry 150. NEW All V1SUTISBMENTS. The Eock Spring Hotel, I Chestnut, betweea Front.and Water 6tteets iLnNGTON, y. c. ' ; ' HAS BKEX NEWLY FURNISHED, AND IS , prepared to accemmodate the travelling: public, aDd offers tiood Fare and Polite At- 2 tentloa. KatC3 f L60 ter day. special rates to excursionists. j . D. J. OUL, dot ii ltd law" I Proprietor. h Horse OffMfg-J-Lodjair Prevfntfd. v J 'I'-'' - ' "'H '" "" ' TTOliiES .TUAT AUJS PJI0KED WITH eaila or ot fier punctuTcd woflai's ln tne foot.1 when ires ted sictifHjjr, are ln no danger of dying from LOJkJavv'.i Alter a, practical ex- . perlence ot 30 years i :am prepared to guaran tee tbe atom Ca:L o&me. . I J D. Q'lINLIVAN, ott 2S Ij The f orscshocr and Farrier. OPEILAj HOU.SE; . Thursday; Nv. 13th.. ; THE PASCINAtLnCaIITIST j MISS ROSE OSBORNE;. iu the yucccsfctui ilelo-Drama, ' i - (Aelapted from the Frrnch.) i Prtcysis. SO and 3 ctnts.' Ucsened seat Wcdnes ajr at Yates', novllSt ; WIL3MNGTON SEACOA5T UAJLKOAD.. 0?ri;E OF CiEXEKAL MANAGER. Wir.iNiTer. N. C. Xov. llth, lSJUL , mkitr. wfLL kk a xeltixg of the htoct aad Boaahokter of the Wilialnsrton fccacoasi Uailroad, held at the oftiee at Prin cess Street station, oa Frirtaj. Not. llth, at Mp.ia. Ail interested arc requested to be pretfiat. - i . 3. K. NOLAN. - i no 1131 .S-cretary and Treasurer. .; Extracts Lemon and-Vanllla' -ASTOIi OILPAHEGOJaCTUTrS PILLS.i Horse's rills, and a arge- aaso.tment ot CHEWING GUM.Sl 'for the Jtall Dru kza Grocery Trade. LOWEST TIlICEii- . ; mcnds niiOTnma, nor 8 tt i m X. Front .-.r :. 1 - - - : f ft. i M ' 1 i 4fr

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