' .,tnr sowny excepted 1 ;r. We will ta tua to receive corxxilit ca frcra our tnecoa caucy aaa allnrcta general interest, bat . . - Tte came at tne writer oust alurajj td far d&ned to tne &stor. " ';v:. ' CtoEiinuicauona'intist fca' tratwaca crUjr rersoaaliaeaf ta asi be anaaea. - " : JLnil it ts esWouy tats parUcuUrir Cilcr stood tnat t&e itaitur aaea not" aivajs esime tne er of Wrrcspondcsta anless so it&ted a tno editorial csoiaracv : ;i v J --v ( 1 IT F !l i PAID:- r tu.N.1" ' 4 1 t cicatns jirtx Three A, UTnM cy carrier, free B. m a. T T T. 11 lb tmf rrrt any and r cfctiir y. ' 4a ?sas& f. i r-i:ii? wnc: : ; ii it jiensanl V i . ., a: 1 ucl.' :i - 'ic Kiilney. , .t'K-t-s the -v If .;.-.,!.- c-Mti , in t run 3 habit u;; i rv' IS ll'.i r ,.f kin-l ever pro t . ;.- taste ur.u a. .. 'i, prompt n 'if.. i. , ;',! v triii the mo-'" .tt f,;::iii:i cmme.r.d i' it tho mo saic in Gu , . " - ... ,. , t ail loaning. tin: hr itibUc .IruircU vh ,Vtr t i:i liaiwi win pro j.-.i.tly fr any one "vrh jCyiL IX nut "accept mi) f. ,,51 nu vi iiu i w UMM1C8C0. CL JsEKT K HKIJ.AMY. t.. U llialnstou. N. C SAM JO WES JE BUOIt oTHK Moving Tale. :nLH(VE THIS WKEK. IT IS Article jr furnSturo hare rviuJifw things at nrvded. We iCVWTirait-. rail a"rt 5oe US. We xijtroarrtvps. Furniture Deal m. i or. Market and Socona bts. pJTES! STOVES ! 'I liik a:! at All Prices. ;'mo, Flamirr I'!- 1U V0LLEK8. HOLtALK DK.tI.KKS IN ?rs Tulmcio. Cigars, -ANI mtti 3IKRCHANTS, t. mi, n, iock Stu., LSIIXCJTON, N. U. '4 3EPH F. ORAIG, ' P'4Ai,fcmun, riannerciua) TKML UoKKEK IX 'bt Irm.Pumps.&c, U5V"!t, '" r.!er ana Klve j "! tia nfviupr wort nJiran- nov :i ita v . J! Apph s ! Apples I A& li PRODUCE GENERALLY. icmmiasloa Mfrra&nU. 110 No Water St. &ia LicnlrT ibsiSt rSKTAKKn TO TAKE UrtlS lfUa.ticd amount orramllj -a ra be in cnarse of a comre- WORTH BRASCII. - rroprletora. Hardw are, AND CROCKEKY. -E.iTUISGSKCO.. kroner and Jobbers Purcell BulWtne 4 PA PPP is printed witu feaJ; Ulw Ink manufactured by rnnrimr ink worta. ?w T WniflBT CO . I .ITanjlrxUa arenue. u:z ituiadeipnia. r a vm VOL. .XIY WlLM LOCAL 2STJ W S lDKX TO SHW AJTCXTT-KCXTd sxtaifJt Co Furniture " ' , -UrsM BRorHR3 Urujisita !fTick To Voternof First Wiri- . o W YaTES-JSam Joaes sonj Uoo'x Mortox A IIaix Diss liutloo notice K W Maxxixo ojstera at Wiljntarllle " " oiirriur i u-n.ru uimuiiw ior Faie ; ny tlv2. Jacob! Ildw. Co. t nr.Erdman'K tllUU reiuHr.c. Unii f continued at 8 oVlock this eveniuff at Grace Church. Everybody Is iu - vited.' G T kTVFiui- ui uur trruii present an antique njpect; they are strewe.1 with faded leaves and dead brunches of trees. ' Visitors to our city should cer tinly not fail to call on the Ja Mti l.'Co. for anything wanting in their line, ; f UVe Hegal Rertdy-miiei Paint, and have no otlier, yon want n good, durable article; for pale. by 'the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. . t The old, defunct Radical party has received its death' wound and as 4Uucle Jones" says, all they can do now id to u whine." The Fifth' : Street Methodist Church revival is becoming very in teresting. They are having largo congregations every night. I. am Manufacturers Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire,' Com bination Wire und Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James J. Metts. t. We have In stock un immense va riety f Cook Stoves, all styles and sizes. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. "N. Jacobi lid w. Co. t Tin house of Mrs. Lizzie Watkins, on Third, between Church and Cas tle streets, was visited a night or two ago by robbers, but they failed te effect an entrance. Capr. E. W. Manning has opened his oyster house at Wrightsville for the Summer and parties applying there for a roast can be served promptly, with the best. See ad. In thii issue. . Tho Arm of Morton, Hall & Co. has beeu disolved by mutual con sent. Mr. Hall retires from the firm and Mr Morton will hereafter con tinue the manufacture and shipping ofnaval stores in his own name. Mr. Morton will also settle up the busi ness of the old firm Don't-despond. It" there is any thing-that is calculated to test .the composition 'of a person it is an in sidious cough,! the" forerunner ' of consumption, the most fatal of hu man afflictions. 1 had a bad cough, took Dr, Bull's Coifch 8yrup and was relieved. Cant. Wm. HARCduRT, Baltimore, Md. Postofflce. It is amusing to stand around the fruit vessel at Dock street wharf and see the fishers of spoilt bananas and oranges, j There are about twenty five colored urchins loafing about there with-gigs to capture everything turned iuto the river from the vessel.' Messrs. Adrian & Vollers have purchased the Urge brick building occupied by Mr. Philip Chrisf, the; baker, on South Front street, be tween Dock and Orange, and they Intend to make a handsome place of It. Officer J.s B. Brinkley has been emplyed to rig n purchase to lower t the street the two-large sycamore trees in front of; the building, which are to be cut down. We heard a ' Republican remark to day that everything was so quiet it looked as tllongh the bottom had dropped out. We made him no ans tor ot ins success, uyuu iimcaur wer but thought, "old boy ou re ithinfr to sell ailvertise it and don't about right; the good peop e , of the f. ,r offlce wth ft country are getting tired of the old ? ft narw contracted brain rotten Renubhcan "bottom" audi . ir i.si. m rouen iwpuui can .."o""u ""!,,... -I don't think it'll l.jefeometlns else."- -That "Uot-: torn" hasnot only dropped out out will stay out. ' . . Last night a tnUchlveous littU liov rauifht a mouse and nut it ill T , - " T V,: : retired. This morning as nsaaltlie "T" rrj'' until he reached his boots. His foot was .u the boot before he found the j mouse and such kicking and rearing as that uncle did would have surpris ed aTexas pony. " (v . i Leading authorities say the only proper way to treat catarrh Is to take a" constitutional remedy, like Hood' Sarsapnrllla. INGTONt N n-'-'''V 1?TSM t?Ct'VA- V:- - XTriTljlTlT,' 'in -ionn. ta' noo - Mr. J."A: SirIner is having li:9 wharf; at the coal yanl. repairt-d. There are ajrreat liianv excuroonJ -Uts i if our city t-lay. We exteml thiu a hearty' Wflcotne. . ' j Mr. A. P. Powell, of Vineland, and M. H. 1?. Slinrr rt l.nL-u ttT.. ""i registered at the Orton to-dav . - Ae proiuiseu rain lias not yet come, althouirh it lri sadlv i.ap.1p.i n. - - i nirtt ls re very ury nnu duty. j A train will leave Prihces street ,; l,nious o?t 'gratifying results ;llepot o'a the! Seacoastr R. R. to fo,,ow its usi that it is the best I morrow mornii).' at 9 HO oVlopk- fnr!famlI' remedy known and every the Hammocks. 4 T1:V liew COUnt V bulldimrc tlw JNew HauoveMlouie," were taken! possession of yesterday by Mr. B. ! . fT I R. King, the Superintendent. j Nor barque ilecktor, Johanuesen, cleared to-day for Bristol, England, with 3,090 barrels rosin, valued at $4,9S0, shipped by Mr. J. W. Bolles. Mr.ii. S. Dolton, of. New York, arrived in the city to-day. ;Mr. DoN ton has many acquaintances here and is quite j popular among the ladies. 'Sewerage" seems to be t.lie con-trovert-d- point. Peck's bad boy can debate that subject nicely; es pecially if there "be gas connected witli it. i Quite a number of young ladies jind gentlemen were out .boat row-, ing this evening. They had an ex cellent ride. The river was calm and the weather delightful. Messrs. W. M. Bledsoe and Of., ii. Ostin, of Ashe county, arrived here this evening via the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad with aG5 large, fine beeves. They are daisies. The bids for constructing the new Y. M. C. A. building were opened yesterday ami were all .rejected, as none of thorn were satisfactory. New bids will probably be called for. ! "Farewell, happy fields, where joy forever dwells." " Oh! there's no need for giving up those pleasant visits to the country. If by chance you- should get chilled, you ran avoid rheumatism by using Salva tion Oil. Only 23 cents. A large line of Breech and Muzzle loading Shot Guns, Air Rilles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. I ' Capt. Jno. F. Divine, General Su penntendent, Capt. B. R. Dunn, En gineer of Roadway, and Mr. M. W. Divine, Assistant Engineer,, are on a tour of inspection of the Atlantic Coast Lirie, south of Wilmington. There are about 400 in the excur sion party on the C. C. R. spoken of by us yesterday. Many of them came from the mountains. Nearly all of them went down on the Sea coast R. R. to-day to tho Hammocks. They leave here on the return home on Friday morning. Elder. J. P. King received a tele gram to-day stating that Elder J. A. Cargile," the celebrated Southern evangelist of Adventis'm, will pass through Wilmington to-morrow morning via the W., C. & A. R. R. Mr. King will try to stop him and if he succeeds we mayheai him preach a few times before he leaves. Mr. Cargile is now in Charleston. A Mistaken Idea. Some people are simple enough to say that adyertisingdoes not pay. Advertising is claimed by every successful man to be the potent fac tor of his success. If you have any- pay . s ,iseil onlj. to those who venture, j The ISobbers Out AcIn. A few nights ago the store or W. it colored man do- ins business at No. 215 North Front Q .b robbers riikil of ieveml articles. The scoundrels tore open a little money It runai ltc ot I " thlt. - X'thelfibut-t7 thefr 'sur- nrise found no money in it. They -j- 1 V..na r,rir rMn ! uuiue bwai .v p. - -r; the safe but failed. In all they car j ried away about two or three dol-; tNinn,AnPvand stamns and sevT t j . , . I eral boxes of cigars. Forftt i . " - " r For North Carolina, fair-weather, j ecePt raio.oa the const, and sta t,.ouar' teniperatafe, . ' forecast., from Sal m. to-day ffor Wilmiugton and viciuU v. fair weather, followed by light rain. Children Enjor The pleasant flavorf gentle action and soofhinjr-effects of Svrun of r;.c -,i,o .-i-.-lf- r,c-, .mm iii ui a liuuinf nuu if the father or mother' be costive .or j family should have a bottle. i The xw-Firh.Wara fl. L.. Co. llail l.'nR - k . - The title to the plat of ground on 'he corner Of Fifth and Castle streets, selected for the Fifth Ward Hook and Ladder Co. N. 1 building, lias been examined by the city and found ; to be good. The city has made the purchase aad the erection of the building will begin in a few days, f Hurrah for the. Fifth Ward" boys ! ; -. - - A Hare Iicivery. A gentleman living 3n New River, while out oysterlng yesterdayfound imbedded In that river two large oysters which were connected 'to-' gether by a perfect set of false teeth, including the roof of the mouth. It is certiinly a remarkable thing. The teeth are of the old style and probably bavej been lying there in the mud for I many years. It is thought that they are the te0eth of some unfortunate person who was drowned in that river. Married In ltichmoud. f Mr. E. P. Boatwright, was . married at St. Paul's Church, Richmond, this evening, at 5 o clock, to Miss Fannie lialljdaughterof Mr. GreerH: Baugh man, of that citv. Soon after the ceremony the newly' wedded couple leave on au extensive northern tour. Messrs. J. Harry Boatwright, 1). T. CronJy, j Jno. W. Bolles and Walker Taylor, of this city, and Mr. II. C. Geduey.j of New York, Were with Mr. Boatwright on the happy- occasion. . Hie Board anil the Sewer. The sanitary board of the city met last night at tjie City Hall to con sult i tti City Engineer Chase about the contemplated reconstruction of Jacob's Run sewer. It was decided to lay two parallel. tweutyfour inch tena cotta drain pipes from the head of the sewer to the river,- oic pipe to answer the requirements of the sewer proper and the other to carry ofiTwaste water in. the event of heavy rains, etc. ; ; The sewer is to be laid straight from its head.to the river. The City Engineer was authorized to correspond with manufacturers of terra cotta pipes at once, in order to ascertain the most advantageous price of pipe.i " Tha Same Old Satan. Don't forget the appearance of His Satanic Majesty at the Opera House to morrow night. Miss Rose Osborne is said to have a good com pany with her and we all know what a fine performer she is herself "Satan" will be presented in gooi style. The box sheet is now open at Mr. Yates' and the best seats are in demand. Judging by our coteui poraries and- especially those near at home, where they have recently appeared this is a good troupe with a good.play. Miss Osborne re ceived almost an ovation in Dan ville and the Winston Daily gives them this fine endorsement: .. - Miss Rose Osborne's dramatic com pany played Satan last night in Brown's Opera 'House to a .fair sized audience. Miss Osborne takes several parts in the play and each is executed with excellent taste and skill. Rich and handsomely made costumes constitute her wardrobe. Her support was good last night. In fact the whole play was excellently rendered. The company is -far above the average of those that visit our city. They give a matinee this even in" for ladies and children and play again to night. AH -who, wish to witness a first-class; refined play can do so by going to see Miss Osborne to-night. . Uncklen Arnica Salw. The Best Salve 'in the world Jot Cut, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm. x ever ores, letter, vuau- rvi arwi rniilhlain. Corns. andali U uin Krantions.'and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. ltJsguar-;tMln an teed to give perfect satisfaction, JJr mouey refunded, ' price 25 cents per box. I . -I'W'V'd For sale oy twom euwjr,t j wholesale and TStail drttggiV .; . j iU anI -tnil iltaa NEW ADVKKTISCJIEXTH rings, Springs, J " ; ; 5 EZT1ST3DS OF SPKI2STGS- : t ; ; ' - j ' "--; ''-CALL AND SEE A 'NEW LOT OF THE :Z'-ni'j:.-f UsUt, clasUc. UnraWe; comfort able' - w. EVL cur.TrjirjG, nov to tt The, Democrats of the'First Ward will.. -meet to-morrow (Thursday) night, at 4the Pluenix fire engine hall, cn Brunswick, betwee'u Sixth and Seventh streets, for the purpose of nominating a suitable person to serve as Alderman of theeity, in the place of Mr. Geo. L. Morton, resent ly resigned. Whoever is recommend ed by ballot at this meeting .will be elected by the Board of Aldermen. IX was intended to have this meet ing last night, as was announced by us yesterday, but it was thought best to defer the matter until to night. There are a, number of can didates, but the faght will probably lie between Messrs. W. H. Strauss and A. L. Scott. Di ed lit a Strange Land. M: J. A. H. Riudre?, of Arichat, Nova Scotia, died here last night at Mrs. Darky's res-idence, on Second and Ann streets, of typhoid fever. The deceased had been in the citv only a Tow week?, as representative of Northern houses in the book trade. He ! was buried today by the Masonic Fraternity,'- of which order lie waa.meiub'er, and the fu neral took place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Presby- tenan utiurcii. rne nxermeat was in Oakdale ceiMeterv. During liis illness the deceased was faithfully attended by the mem bers of the Masonic Lodges in this city. He was about fiftv years of age, "and a native of No via -Scotia, where his family reside. The re mains were interred this afternoon with Masonic honors. . , liOUfJII ON COUGHS For .Coughs.-Colds, IlQarseness, Sore Throat. 25c. ROUGH ON TOOTH ACHE. Instant relief. irc. Rough on Corns. Liquid, 15c. Salve 10c OIliL). MUNHOE. In this elty, at 7 o'c'ocl: thts morning". MAKGAKKT TUEKESA MUNKOE, aea a 3 ears ?aa aays. . Funeral notice in tp-morrow's papers. - . N15W ADVERT18KUENTS. rtmE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OP TlIE 1 -, ' jtirti warn sic nereDy notiuea tnat a mcetins: will be held to-morrow (Thursday) nisrhtat . 8 p. m,, at "Phosnix Fire Engine nauY.J$runswick street, Between Sixth and Seventh, for the purpose of recommending a sultahle person to serve as Alderman tor the unexpired term caused by the resignation of Mr. Geo, L. Xortsn. - - WM. II . STRAUSS, "nov 12 it President Democratic c:ub. WIL3IINQTOX isEACOAST RAILROAD, OFFICE OF GENERAL MANAGER. "Wilmington, N. C. Nov. llth, is9. 'JinERE'wiLL BE A MEETING OF THE stock ana Bondholders of the Wilmlsrton seacoast Railroad, held at the office at Prin cess Street Station, on Friday, Nov. 14th, at 3.00 p.m. All lntrested are requested to be present. J. IL NOLAN, nov list Secretary and Treasurer. Dissolution Notice. qtlE FIRM OF MORTON 4 HALL WAS dissolved by rautual consent on the G h of No vember, I3f3. - " George I Morton succeeds to the business, pays all claims againstihe firm, and -collects all aceouats due them. ': - ' ' "- ' GEO. L. MORTON. B. F. HALL. , - -' - - - J CHEERFULLY COMMEND MR MORTON to the friends and. patrons of the old Un and bespeak for him their confidence n4busi- nes3. : - , a. r: hall. A tWlLL CONTINUE TnBIANUrACTRE and shlppins of Naval stores as above ladlca- m 0,nna and rcsecuuuj solicit t , v - ' , , the correspondence and patmage of the 'frteniof tne Mntj.A-yH- novlitf GEO. U MORTON. 4 N 15 W AIVKirI'ISI2MKNT-4. Springs; Spring Cm Next to Mstat" Office. Ojsters at Wrightsyillo. r-. I MY OYSTER HOUSE AT WniSIITSTILLll is now open for the season. Ladles ana Gen- - tleuen accomraoated promptlr with TIIE to hk iiap. y-.-f;: -"-KOASTS read en arrival. , ' " -, V: K. W. MANKIJ,; . novistf i '.T. ' rroprletor. H. A; Tuclcori I EALSU IN GRANITff, MARBLE AND " ;- ,'- I .''4r: p i- ';y.'.,f Brown Stone. Manufacturer of Cemetery, Monumental and PuEtdlns: Work. ' i :.V'r-., .310 North Front f ireet, . sep29tf ; Wllminston, N. C; v - i T Hirsc Ofners ioclj iff PrcTeBtcl. XT OR3ES THAT ARE PRICKED WITH jV A-!- - ! - - - - talis or otier pancttt'ed weunds in thefoot. when treated skHfutly, are in no dangrer of djing from Lockjaw. Alter practical ex perlence of 20 years I am irc;ared ta guaran tee the atove. 1 ca.l on me. - ; . ! D. QINLlVANv oct S9 ljr - j The Ilorseshoer and Farrier. 6TEJiA HOUSE. Tlmrsdiiy, NftT. 13tlu i- -t- t V. THE FASCINATING AKTIST, MISS ROSE. OSBORNE, j In the Successful Melo-Drama, " . (Adapted from the French.) . ; Prices 75, 50 and 2 cnts. - Reserved sseats Wednesday at Yates'. . nov list , 1 ; : : : j- f, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, t WILMINGTON & Weapon ano , Wilmington, j Augusta Railkoads. S C0LCMBI j - Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 7 1890. i rjiHJI FIFTYfFIFTH ANNUAL MEETING of the siockhplders of the ,Wilminirton & Wsidon Rallroid company will bo held m tHe office of th company at Wilmington,! N. CM on Wednesday , November 10th 1898, at half past 11 o'clock a. m. JAS. F. POST, Jr , - . nov 8 IQt ! SecrctaryV. & W. It. R. CO. SPECIAL ! " Genuine Hand-Sewed I : Mr -:-.' - - '-: -- : : Hi S6 for S4, AT- Geo. R.Fr(ii0h&8oiis4 108 XortiiFront Rtrcot. (Opposite Th -Orton.) oct 20 tf- FOR HIRE. OltSES AND CARRIAGES AND 'VERI-' clos of all kind3, with'and without drlvera. Horses for ladies to ride, or dire, perfectly 1 safe. Horses lodgrcl and cared for by the day,1 wreS or month; i - - 1 A few g-eod - ! ' .1 SECOND-HAND .VECICLES R. C. ORRELL, z cor. Third and Princess sts. for sale. 1 " j nov 10 tf Extracts Lemon and.Vanilla, CASTOR OIU PAREGORIC, TUTTS PILLS, Morse's FlllH, and a large asso:tmeht bt CHEWING GUMs'for the Retan Drur aJA rocery Trade. LOWEST PRICKS. MUNDS BROTHERS, ' 1 -;- 10TN. Front street. nov 8 tf CANDY AN I) FRUIT 1 r HAVE ARRANGED! A CONFECTIONERY ant FRUIT DEPARTMENT In my large Gro- eery storv o jsduth Tront streef ; where I wHl keep full snppli of FRESH . FRUIT". FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, CONECTION- -.!!:- I r , .-' ERIES, DRI ED FRt'ITrC, aU ot trhlCh Will be sold low andto wfclcli I raqwtfully Invite attenttoa;- f 'S- -y-, 'jwiuitoXTjii' street.; SB ' ! ,.' - u. '-' J. . -1- I - i ' 1 )