. i r - -. : - - ; ', FOR PITCHER'S l a 0 0 TilO DailV EOTiOX7,: leading part In directing, the legis Jatlon of the country." Josh. T. James, Editor irProp'r Wilmington. N. C. - A. Hali Investment. . bring vou satisfactory results, or in Geo. H. Brown, cae of failure a return of purchase Fred. Phillips, price. On ;thi safe plan you can II. G. Connor, Entered at the postofflc at Wilmington. N.C.,' buy from our advertised druggist a Spier DitaKer, Kings ew uiscoyerv -jonn a. vnuurr, Sapreine as.d Superior Courts of Nor -;arolI 1890. r - ' " WEDNESDAY.NOv 12. lm as second-class matter. We find in the, Charleston Xcw and Courier & most admirable arti cle on the Speakership of the next Ilpuse. Our ueighbor thinks that the South should not make a claim tint tie of I)r forConnuinntion' It is cruaranteeh EL T. Boykin. to bring relief intvery case, when Janis C. MeCiae, used for any affection of Throat, W.J.Moutgoinery, Lungs or Client, stsch as Consnuip- Jesse P. Graves, tion. Inflammation of Lungs, Bron- John G. Bynuni, JUDGES. . ' DISTRICT. RESIDKNCR. 1 Heaufort. 2 Edgecombe. 3 Wilson. 4 Wake. 5 Guilford. - 6 Sampson. C umberland. Cabarrus. Surrv. i 8 9 10 chitis. Asthma AVooping .Cough, Win. M. Shipp, Crouo. etc.. etc." It is pleasant and J. H. Merrimon, and can always iye depended upon. Trial bottle: free at RotiertR. linl la in yV wholesaleund retail drug store. CsiatoHa promotes Digestion, and overcomes iatulcaicy, Coiitijuion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, an. I Feverisfcccss. Thus the child Is rcndeml healthy and iit sleep natxxraX Cantoris, contains no Morphine or other narcotic prierty. Castorta U so well adapt"! to children that I recommeod It as superior to any prescription knovn to tae. II. A. Attcnza. M. P.. 8S Portland Ae, Brooklyn, N. V. I tM Cajdoria la mjr practice, and find it fpecJallj adapted to a-Tt-ctions of chi Linen." Atxx. RnnaaTsejr, M. D., 1X7 d Are. New York. Tn Crmm Co., 77 JIarraj El, K. T. lift N Xm an inyahtable remedy for SICK HEADACHE, TORPID UVER, DYSPEPSIA. PILES, mum, COSTIVENESS, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. Sold Everywhorb. POMONA HILL NUKSERIE& POMONA. N. C, Two and a Hall MllesWest of (Jrforntoro. N. v. rjiae mala line ot tne K. D. ft ic passes tnroa?a the trrounds and within l'o fret or tne office, iiem trains makpsujps regular twice dally cacti way. Tftov Interested in Fruit aid i'nilKirowinj are mrdiallr incited to inspect tni the Larvwt Nursery la tbe State, anfl one of the Unrest In ttie souto. Stock Hjmdvs of Apples, ivach. ivar. CLerry. riam, Japanese renlmnipns. Apri cots, Nectarines. jUalberrU. jui nee. Graphs, lies, Ra.p berries. Gooseberries, currants, ne I'Unt. EncU&n Walnut. J'eeans. ciiesmut, Straw terries, noses, Evirrvrrcens. Shal Tres, Mc All the new and rare varieties as well as tne old ones, whlca my new Catalogue lor ism will snow. enre your orders to my authorized a-entori order oi rrct rrom the Nursery. correspondence solicited. DestrlptiTe Cata- loirie rree io appucania. Address J. VAN LJNDLEY, l"UMONA, llullford CO., N. C ww kciudus salesman "wannn lu eviry County. A ciKl pajLaj coramls.sjtJB win Xjo fur the position, not so much as a agreeable to taste, perfectly , safe matter or policy; not for the reasons that hare held us in the bnck iround erer 'simre the war when president!! timler lias been hewed our, but Miii'iiy u a mailer i gu erosiry. We must confess thnt the argument is a good one ami should . strike favorably everywhere Sotue LMh reason advanced arn as fol lws: ''It is neceary that tie. Democratic majority in ihe next Notice shall make no xjistakes and tliat they iliall H'-t together as a ' unit upon all purely political tpies ; ttWi. .Sitare w ill lit 'set for ih-ir: feet, an ever alert enemy illmake. rapital of their blunders and every' opportunity will lie ougtd lo poi u the p-uniic mind agaujt their lei 1 alive wi.rk. A reat political re sponsibility will ret upon the IUp reMMdatives from the South, and; T. M. Argo. I. R. Strayhorn, O.-H. Allen, tVlliMlnston DUtrKct Fourth Konnd Qumrterly Meetlnff in Part. Wnccauiaw, Shiloh. Nov. 14th ami 19lh. i Ilockv Point, Burgaw reek, 19th Frank McNeill, ami 20th t . ' . 1$. F. Long, Brunswick Mission, Nov. 2Sth. - Thos. Settle, Hrunswick Circuit, Nov, 2Stli and ; W. H. Bo - er, SO h. i i F. Is. Osborne, Kenausville, Charity, Dec. 3rd and J. M. Moody, 4th ! Grace Church, Dedication. "Dec. 7th. F. D. Swindell, j "Presiding Kfder, --s - . r.K3lO.V KL.IXIR A Il-oiint Drink. For biiiouris and constipation, rake L.Miioii Elixir. For indigestion aud foul stomach, Uik Lemon Elixir. For ick and nervous headaches, take Ieiuon Elixir. For slee jlessuess and nervousness, 11 Mecklenburg 12 Buncombe. , SOLICITORS. i N'AilK- ' DISTRICT. RKSIPKXCK John W. Blount, 1 Perquimans. G. H. Whrte. (col), 2 D. Worthington, Halifax. 3 Martin. 4 Wake. 5 Durham. 6 Duplin. 7 Richmond. 8 Iredell . f -9 Roekingham. 10 Caltlwell. 11 Mecklenburg 12 Buncombe. the sooner thsy mid all of us apnre-1 take Lemon Elixir. ciate the situation the better it will j For loss of appet.te and debility, b, for folMj. of .he party am. j t lillllria, tak, the country. We ould not linvel fiuon Kli.xir. ' them sacritice the least particle oft Dr. Mozlev's Imou Elixir will not fail vou in any of the above named pa-rt of the power to numbers sliall TIMK OF HOLDING COURT. VT 111 V II i urn from a stomach, toruid or diseased liver. legitimately entitle 5 kidneys or bowels. them,, but ve would coiiiiueud to Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozley, them that modrsty of demeanor and that conservatism of spirit which Atlanta, Go. 50c cts. and 1.00 per bottle, at drni?rists. will serve to strengthen the Imnds! i itmmin.ni Miur writM. of their political allies and party as-1 After ten years of great suffeiing sociates iu the North, East aud from indigestion with great nervou Wet. Good politics on the 'part of ! Pftration' biliousness, disordered ., .! , .. . . kidneys and constipation. I have, the Democratic lUHjonty m the next been cured by Dr. Mozb-v's Lemon (!ongrehS will be the highest patriot- Elixir and am iww a well man. U TIM 15 TAHIiU NO. II Palmetto Uailrond (. AND AiT EH FRIDAY, DEC, t, l&ST Trains will run as follows, dally exoept sun day. Gotxa SCCTTL No 1 i'assenrer and Frljh Leare Hamlet, N. C 8 30 A. M Arrtre at cneraw, & C 9l:m a. M Goixa North. No. rasaenjfr and Freljrnt: Lear Cneraw. S. v ; i.Ti V. St. Arrtre at Hamlet, N. C ST I. M. docllir WM. 14 ON CUKE, Supt. The North Carolina Presbyterian IS A Religious Family Paper, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, asd deTOted to the Intellect u.l, moral and spiritual interests of the people It numbers among its correspoa.lents many ot the very best writers of the Somlieru 1're--bytertan Church. It Is thorough:? orthcxiox on questions of doctrine, but free arut oat- spoken in Its views on a:i o;nn questions. 11 allows and lames free dlscuv-uon within the bounds ot courtesy. In popaiarity the raciirrxBtAN- l con stanUy adrancin;. It U The Paper for the Pcipl, and pt and in orhe and prrsents tn Its columns matter to interest Instruct all sires, classes and rondttlcns ortbe reople iTiee per annum. fSCV; or for one year to any new subscriber, f- IV Address JOHN McLAUUIN. Editor and Proprietor, Wilainston, N. C AGENTS WANTED I TO CANVASS FOU . it PrrtrjiiiJ f t HI nil ia raltif Ky Hoa. Samuel s. ("SonscfO Cox, late U. & : Minister toTTurtey. rages. sm, and conservaiiui is now tne be!t politics. I "The uuitv and efliciencv of the Democratic party in the nation is of far greater and more'lasting politi cal consequence than is the distri bution of a few Congressional offices to very worthy Southern Demo crats, because thev are southern Democrats, ami because the youth i eolidlv Democratic The South is Democrat ic, let us hone, because he Democratic party i the partyof he Constitution and the only party wincli guarantees to every man equal rights and equal opportuni ies under the law. It is also Demo cratic partly, because it cannot af ford to be anything else; certainly it is not Democratic for the Presi ilency or the Speakership or coui' uiillce chairmanship?. It is worse than foolish to claim that because the South is naturally Democratic it has a proprietary interest In the oneaKershin or in any oilier na tional office. ; Properly speaking, the office of S(eaker should be con ferred upon the man who is best qualified to discharge itsduties, and not upon a candidate because he hails from any particular part of the country; but considering the question from apolitical point of view, the Speakership should be placed where it will confer thegreat- est political benefit upon the party. It will be evident to any one who will study the lessons of the recent elections that the Speakership of the next House should not come to the South. "There will be 212 Democrats in the 52d Cougress, of whom 121 will represent Northern constituencies and 121 will represent Southern States, counting Maryland, Ken tucky 'and Missouri as - Southern States. There will be equally as many Northern as Southern Demo crats, so that It will not be ,pos-ible to decide the question of precedence by foree of numbers alone. There i a far better and more just way of I deciding it. At the election on Tuesday last the Northern Demo crats made a clear gain of 60 Con gressmen, while the Southern Dem ocrats only gained 21, ami iu! States! where there was practically no well' org-tu'z?d opposition. "The North j em- Democrats had to fight ' th . ban lest for the victories which they won, und are, therefore, entitled to the highest praise, und if jtolitical "rewards are to be distributed for tli- faithful and effective discharge Kiev. C. C. Davis. Elder M. E. Church South. No. 28Tatuall St.. Atlanta, Ga '- Toil are in a Had Fix But we will Cure you d yon will puy us. Our message is to the Weak, Nervous and Debilitated, who, bv early Evil Habits, or Later Indis cretions, have trifled uwav their vigor of Body. Mind and Manhood, i rr ti l rr a. anu wno suner a i loose euecis which lead : to Premature Decav, Consumption or Insanitv. If this means vou. send for and read our j Book of Livk, written by the great est Specialist of the day. and sent, (sealed), by addressing lr. Parker's Medical and! Surgical Institute, -153 rsorth Spruce street, N ash ville. i enn. Female Weakuesp Positive Cure Free. To thk Editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive thousand and one from deranged fe male orirans. I shall be zladtosend two bottles of mi' remedy FREE to any lady if they will send their Ex press ami I'. ; v. autiress. lours re spectfully. Dr. J. B. Marchisi, 183 Genesee St., Utica, N. 1. Un IonFeb. 10, fFeb. ; 17, Sept . 15, fSept. 22. y-;; ' : - r Mecklenburg -tFeb. 24, Atiff.25.. , Gaston March 17, Oct. 6. -. Lincoln March 31, Sept. 29. " ClevelandApril 7, Aug. 4,Oct 20. i Rutherford April 21, Oct: 27. Pol k m ay o, s oy. iu. . . ., v TWBLFTH JUDIC1AI, DISTRICT, - Spring-Judge Connor! . r 1 . Pall Judge Phillips. - Madison Feb. 24, July 28, fNov.17. - Buncombe tM arch 10, f Aug. 11. Dec. L - Transylvania March 31, Sept. 1. v : Haywood April 7, Sept. 8. ,w Jackson April 22, Sept. 22 I "Macon Ma v 5, Sept, 29. . V t 1 Clay May 12, Oct. 8. I Cherokee May 19. Oct: 13. t G ra ham J un e 2, Oe t. 27. i s : Strain June 9th, Nov. 3. ". r , ' Gabernntn-ri.t 2,002 Beaufort Carteret. For criminal cases. -' t For ci vil cases alone. ' For civil ase alone eases. ' r' ' 1'-"r'--:y CRIMINAXr CIRCUIT COURTS except inil Camden ,J Chowan ..: Currituck ...."-' 1,073 593 743 978 S2Q 1,131 Dare..... Gates.... Hertford... Hyde......;..,.. 674 '40 832 1 1 yue............. z: Martin " ,5 l'amlico..........w..' l Pasqaotank!..... c? Perquimans rue......... ;.. o ei Wash ill j n ; 807 ? ; " 1C,823 SKC02TD DISTpt, Bertie...;..... 'j. , tvr.i eu iQo E4lgecoiube.......... I'Xj Greene. 1 ftftn . ........a...... , , J0 Lenoir.... n I m r,K Wllm .: , C84 1,587 ' - - V ' 15,504 THIRD DISTRICT Bladen .i. A....... j Cumberland Dupiin..;............. ,..;: 2 Harnett L.. ..... f'ff? Mooro ;;; ; Onslow.:............. : '?:J j. cuuci ,, Sampson ................... w avne . 721 2.370 2,71 NW IIAXOVKR BOUNTY. Oli v er P. M ea r es, W i lm i ngt on, Judge. Benj. R. Moore, Wilminirt on, Solici tor. - ' Court Isegrns Jan G. March 17, May 19, July 13, Sept. 15, Nov. 17. MECKJLKNB URG CO UKTY. Oliver P. Meares, Judge. Geo. E. Wilson, Chariotte, Solicitor. '-Court -.begins Feb. 107 April 14, Aug. 11, Oct. G, lcc: 1. C - BUNCOMBK COUNTY. " , Chas. A. Moore, Asheville, Judge, , E. D. Carter. Ashe.ville, Solicitor. ' Court begins Jan. 27, April 28, July 21, Qct: 27. Supreme Court meets ucst aiouuay in February. Examinations on Fri day and Sa tu rday; before--. ; -Fi rst JJistnct. Jj'eii.- a; secona uisincr, ' Alamance Feb. 10; Third District, -Feb. -17; nffi"?,8""- Fourth District, Feb. 24; Fifth Dis- rwh, f-jV trict, Maich 3; Sixth District' March Frank ""'''" v "': i'Ji? 10; Seventh Dist r Eighth District, March 24; .Ninth Nash. DistrictMarch 31; Tenth District, nin- f'l.'t April -7; -Twelfth", District, April H; Wake ' i'ili Elerenth District, April 21. ' 4'618 Last Mondav in September. Ex aminations Friday and Saturday be fore-. First District, Sept. 29; Sec ond District, Oct. C: Third District, Oct. 13; Fourth District, Oct. 20th; Fifth District, Oct. 27; Sixth Dis trict. Nov: 3: Seventh District. Nov: 10; Eighth District, Nov. x 17;. Ninth Person 1.375 District. Nov. 24: Tenth District. Rockingham ..' 2 sas Dec. 1,; Twelfth District, Dee. 8; Stokes............ ......... 1,450 Eleventh District, Dec. 15. - Surry. 1,671 l,70l FOURTIDISTRICT, FIRST JCDICIAIi DISTRICT. Spring-Judge Whitaker. Fall Judge Connor. Beaufort JFeb. 17. May 26, fNov. 24. Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. Camden March 10, Sept. 8. Pasquotank March 17, Sept. U. Perquimans March 24. Sept. 22. Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. Gates April 7, Oct. G. Hertford April 17. Oct. 13. Washington April 21, Oct. 20 v Tvrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Dare May 5, Nov. 3. Hyde May 12, Nov. 10. Paiulico-May 19, Nov. 17. SKCOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring-?-) udge Womack. j Fall Jutlge Whitaker. Halifax -fMarch 3, May 12, Nov. 10. Northampton JJan. 20, March 31, April 1, Sept. 20. Bertie -Feb. 3, April 28. Oct. 27. Craven-tFeb. 10. May 2G, Nov. 24. WarrenMarcli 17, Sept. 15. Edgecombe April 14, Oct. 13. THIRD JUDICiALi DISTRICT. Spring Judge Boykin. J Fall Judge Womack. Pitt - Jaii. 6, March 17, Jun9, Seot 15. ! - Franklin-Jan. 20, April 14,N&v.l0. Wilson J Feb. 3, June 2, Oct. 27. Vance -Feb. 17, May 19, 0t. 13. Martin March 3, Sept. 1. JDec. 1. Greene March 31, Sept. 29. Nash April 28, Nov. 17. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring -Judge MacRae. j Fall Judge Boykin. Wake Jan. 6. tFeb. 24, March - . New Hanover 1.880 & "or July9' tAug- 27'sppt- mim mm iuke "whi r mn, 5!s;ts?f-:"- : hill I . ......... V.Ufcll N' - I ci j , ; " ' u. - made byline old Dutch process, the best Lead I S51 auey . J on t he market." -Taeynot belD In comblna-1 Union. ..t..., 2,040 1.'. c. 1.!:: . c:j U: l,iu 1 fr- I.3C5 1,81! 425 Mie 2,561 U83 19.C85 -; ( T 'IlUVi,''' Caswell.; .... 1,353. Forsyth..........;......,, jja Granville.. 2 4fw Guilford........... ..... 2.470 Fis h ermen's Su ppli es. Builders' Hardware, '; y PAINTS A iND SASH j - . 15,314 I StXTH DISTRICT. Anson,..!...... 2,241 .Brunswick i,tio Cabarrus ......... 1.C45 ColUmbus... 2,072 Mecklenburg ...... ... . 4,1 G3 remedy for the ills wnich arise FOU IlYaPRf'SX,' Indigestion, and olornaeh djjct -lcr?, nsc BROWX'i IltOS BlTTK'.S. All dealers kep it. SI jvr NtMe. Oer-vir-e trade-mark and crosbed red lines on vti i. i. 22. tOct. 20 Wayne Jan. 20, March 10, April 14. Sept. 8, Oct. 13. Harnett Feb. 3, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Johnston-Feb; 10, Aug. ll,Nov.l0. FIFTH JUDICIAL. DISTRICT. i - Spring Judge A rmueld. ; Fall Judge MacKac. Durham Jan. 13, March 24, June 2, Oct. 13. i Granville-Jan. 27, April 21, July 21, Nov: 24. Chatham Feb. 12, May 5,Sept.29. Guilford Feb. 17, May 26, Aug. 15, Dec 8. i Alamance March 3, May 19, Oct. 27. Orange March 17, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. Caswell April 14, Aug. 14, No v. 10. Person April 14, Aug. i9, Nov. 17. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall J udge Armnekl. Pender March 10, Sept. 8. New Hanover tJan. 20, tApril 13, tloa can ta&ke special price on same. , ' COOKING, SJ0VES. Largest assortment lu tne Mate .to se. from; sold at factory prtces. - " Oil Stoves 0 All Sizes. , in tiaem you will rind comfort and economy Pnfip , St p-? adders. We asc for your parronag-e and so all eY ; endeavor to deserve the same. , ;! Respect fu Jr. - . . " : 1.517. ; 2M i,i: 2,lXt 1.C96 Via 4,913 17,500 1,M 4i,5s4 2.680 1,593 2,101 1.533 1,573 1TO 7V 863 J15 910 ,2S4 in 1.C31 i,?:i . 817 - 137. 15.8J1 1 ' :, ' " 20,581 ' SEVENTH DISTRICT. " Catawoa: 2,W0 -fij Davidson........ 2,018 S3i Davie.....:.....:........... 1,008 1,204 Iredell....!...,............. 2,724 1,897 Montgomery....;. - ,979 - 1,215 Randolph v,;. . . . ... 2,171 2,327 Rowan...... ............... 2,739 lf2CC Yadkin .J 1.071 1,41? . ! . 12,419 15,070 - ! ; - . EIGHTH DISTRICT. Alexander;..........:.... 953 U TKi TTrtr ; fl" I Aiiegnany.. wt . u aou ui uai unaic ;JU$i Asne l, ap tt 12 SO. FRONT ST. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria tScpt. 22. L.enoir Feb. 3, Aug. 10, Nov. 10. AND . Lite s the most ancient and most 'treral of all liieases. Srarcely a familv Is entirely free row it, T. liUc tlioosand everywhere are Its suffering slaves. Hood's Sarsaparilla has tad remarkable success la curing every form f scrofula. Tho most severe and painful unnlng sores, swellings in the neck or toltre, humor in the eyes, causing partial r to til blindness, yield to the' powerful tffects of th! medicine. It thoroughly r- noves every impurity from the blood. j Jly little daushter's life v.as saved, as re believe, by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Before Jie was six months old she had 7 running tcrofula sores. One physician advised the imputation of one of her fingers, to which re refused assent. . when we began giving ter Hood's Sarsaparilla, a marked improve- ocnt was nouced aud by a continued use of it ler recovery was complete. And she Is now. elng seven years old, strong and healthy. i. C Jo'ks, Alna, Lincoln County, Me, Hloodls aril la Wd by all druggists. 1; six for 05. Prepared by . . . .. . . ., v. .. I L HOOD CXX. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas. of a iHtriotic duty, the Northern x Sarsap Democrars are entitled to greater I considerations than their Southern A taanlAcent volume ot over 600 beaautuii and proruviy luustratco. am. cox Lstut axb scst srrorr. FACTS aSD rCX. HISTOaT AND nCMOE. The work sparkles with the brtrhtest wit. It contains numerous &mtsla? stort-. but It count of theottomo tnplre. from Its toun- lioual issue, all t-eclional lces tutlon ta the present dar. run ix win hive a Un aale, and lire areau i : l winp territory at once. only th'MOurhlr rriutic acet t. who will work lh Ir terrt'orj -for all tt Is worth, are wuatt-d. kUnerit-et aa:s p referred, but thers who wtu promise earnest work will be accepted. ror particulars addres. w. a. u K tt B EKT.K tnston. N. C. General Ajent for "Sorth Caroiioa Kc&Uoa UJj pxptr. , - &n 3 brethren. ; "' ' .. j - 'It wuuld be far letter to eurren der the Speakership iu1891 than to lose the Presidency in 1892. We de plore th sectional issu any sco but it i- fur letter that tne South should rai the actional iisuo against it now than to wait ttfo yHrs and hsii the ?. tionnl issue raised IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Jn 20 irr dAw nrro mo a wta sat FIE2 OEQ mVI VYmr LOST r TAILING -Oeacral aai SXB.Y0US D OOIi X rwkaaaef Body andKisrf, ffe4 IXLlof KrrsrtiBr Kxpeini im CldorTaaar MttMCODMItilnltni. Bam im ruimrnn iiwctwt w t K. c ikv t ic rD e ixs pa ars or ftoat t U.T MUJtaf HOBS T AXATHtiT ret ! a mmy 'IMaWtUlMu4fwilnOaMrfN. WrltotlMn CSCACOtCAb CO., 6UFFALO, U V Early Iecay and Aboaa a!?aiiit it bv the nation. TIia Smith -r-r ?f It. jviAr.aM is tdroug enough to walk aloue. but it is not strong enough to take a A rf PArJHOOD Rt4.VU1MltnrA. rirtliil.ri ,i UwmgtitntM. BwSsMTtaaaatfjaa4aeaIl. Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Sampson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct. 0, Dec. 8. ' Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. Jones March 24, Oct. 27. Onslow March 31. Nov. 3. SEVENTH JUDICIAL- DISTRICT. Spring Judge Bynum. j Fall Judge wraves. Columbus-fJan. 13, March 31, July 28. Anpon Jan. G, tApril 28, Sept. l, fNov. 24. Cumberland Jan. 20, tMay 5, July 21. Nov. 10. J Robeson Jan. 17,May 19,5ept.29 Richmondr-Feb. Jf, June 2, Sept. 15. Dec. 1. i Bladen March 17, Oct. 30. Brunswick; April 7, Sept. 8. Moore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 27! EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp.v ' Fall Judge Bynum. Cabarrus JJ an. 27. April 28. Iredell Feb. 3,, May 20. Auer. 4. Nov. 3. Ro an Feb. 17, May 5, : Aug. 19, Nov. 17. Davidson March 3,Sept. l,tDec.l Randolph -March 17, Sept. 15. Montgomery March 31, Sept. 29. Stanly April 7, Oct. 13, NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Jutlge Merrimon, Maturity Asspciiitidii OP WASHINGTON. C. i - 399 Burke.....U............... 1,247 Caldwell.t............ 1,258 Cleveland.......:........ 2,269 Gaston ...i 1,584 Lincoln...... ...........l,20Ji Watausra - 898 Wilkes .'. 1,700 Has Paid to Mem-- ; bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - None. it. HORATIO BROWNING, xTesioent, SAMUEL'NOKMENT, ' Treasurer, OKOKGE D. lLv'RlDOE, See retary. Manager an Actuary, - 1 - ! ' ;i3,209 NINTH DISTRICT. . .. -. . i .. . ... , Buncombe 3.041 Cherokee-.......'.. 646 Clay..v......i 391 Graham..; 271 Haywood................ . 1,326 Henderson....... Jackson..l....... .... Macon....!... Madison ....... ...... IVXIICigII McDo wel I. .. . .. . Polk...;..;f.............; Rutherford.... Swain.........;...... Transylvania... xaney........... 903 780 1,178 COS 1,119 470 1,690 505 520 940 15.395 . 552 403 1,452 1.165 717 ' 764 " 1,235 901 - 3GJ A io.a 2,815 . 83 287 133 n K9 742 IP 1,5C4 83 1, 410 ' 53 .753 15,93 The total vote being Fowle liW Dockery 134,035. GEO. J. EASTEKDAT, Ass.t Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. . A Guaranteed Policy. An Inoontestlble Policy. Maturity Value in Casn at Fixed Age Annual Cost ADsoluteiy Llmltod.1 Only Foar Payments per Year. . , m Non ForfeltaDle Atter Three Years. ,. P. S. RIDDELLE. M. D. . Medical Director W 11. GIBSON; Special Aeent. t tV li t j . f Hoae Oftlc, Central National uanlc Bulldlntl I? all Judge Shinn. WashlnErton. D. c. - , fe KocKingnam Jan. 20, Julv 21. lsIXa.i.LTXATAraUaaiutf. Nov. 3. Forsyth Feb. 3, Mav 19, Oct.r20. Yaukin Feb. 17, Sept. 23. VilKes MarcU a, Sept. 8. Alleirhnny-t-March 17, Sept. 1. Davie March 31, Oct. 6. tokes April 14, Aug. 4, Nov. 10 Snrry April 21. Aug. 19,. Nov. 17 TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. 5 . Fall Judge Merrimon. Henderson-j-Feb. 10, July 13. Burke -Jarch 3, Aug. 4. Caldwell March 17, Sept. 1. . Ashe March 24, Mav 26, Aug. 18. Watauga April 7, A'ug. 25. Mitchell April 14, Sept. 8. Yancey April 28. Sept. 22. McDowell May 12. Oct. 6. KLKVKNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. " J$-J?dZ Brown. CHA uauiwua y au AO. J Uly 13 JOHN U AAK. Jk Lecal Aeent. I . oct 28 - r, : Wilmington, t. c, Qpi h aai Iliglt. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line tf.., advertising in American 1 papers : by addressing Geo. Howell & Co" . Nevj 'paper Advertiaing Dure iu spruce ou, -Send lOcts. for 100-pa tfI,!w; I-. Send lO cts. for 100-pa MY SALOON, rjArjfea Corner of: North Water and r M ul berry MrcetV, ir r It Cp from' 1 Vckk :a, b. lo.diT Uil? Will u SatuHaT. "r; Hit j iy s i;i a , v ; :t ; JNQTON, N. C Q a GENTS.OF EITHER SUA w-irf t United :ates to nandle Br.,.elett Cora and Bunlon'Cure. ; llW??t& loids almost instant relief. VhirO accompanied by a guarantee. we will lorrelt In every remedy falls to pertect IfnnaD , . Sample box, 25c; six Jhae oar tj good agenta $3 per day i0.ln,l vor tcrffi fato their Bectlon: no P.rers. particulars address SSSfS" " aidlMNorAs mciauuw w ou uiy j :. men jq tf

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