- - - , t ?1I 0ooiM ttav Tnree- .... vs month, SScenu. ':jru Of cirrVrs, free '"oMhecuy.attaAore unvK . - i.i-w. ami iatl" . ;.v3 tlie fv.- i- ' .. i 1 . 1 1 ' ' v. :iu runs Iialiitna :. :c " Still. ( ! 1 w tl. vt i kind evr m t I.. l-.i.firtnJfd in it CV":-'1'1 rtaIitu-3 t-i!nieiMl i I Jil v in.'" fpriMtf Ino-.vn. ..f r 1-i i- fr snlo in 50 IlKrJei lr ail ie:iun urug- JL:r rrlia!Ie lrtJjrg:t wm bre it " hand will pre t r?.arUr fr anv one wh 4 iivt accept ani Lilts. SWJMI W SYRUP CO. III fiAXClSCO. CAL Utrr. rr. An? ror, v. r. fBtT jytfFKT K. HKLLA9I Y. SAM JON lOfJC BOOKS. LIES' BOOK STORE 13 A Moving Tale. JTtTLL XOVE TIMS WEEK. IT IS pcrx. Article of Furatture baTe tvitiuitpw tbtnH are needed. We ciowrwiat-i. l all and ire us. We SNELO JC CO.. Fiirnttnr llealr r J'l lor. Mirkrt and Kwvtnd St a. TOVES! STOVES! n 12 hk nl at All Prictj. not Planner cV Co. 1US & VOL!, tiKS. "U-MLK Dl.AI.HtS IN Tobacco. Cigars, AN v MKRCIIANTS, ;'"ii.c;ros. ftl N. U. Lemon and Vanilla, ; !s V IHI i . u u 1 1'TT'.-t 11 LLS, r 4 in.! . . . uriix t . .. . . . , Xl'Mw KUorUKUS, l X. Front Mreet. ! Apples ? Apples ' . i1' PRODUCE GENERALLY. 'oma.ivion Mi-rchants, t Ua No. Water sr. f Jet tl'AUEh TO TAKE t'fON I uatted amount or FamlU I WoKTII 4 BRANCH. " rroprletors. HIRE. :kiaoi and veiii- nd without drtcrs. ,,,"W-. or d-ite. rertectly "red for bj tht dir. I VOL. XIV W I lm i ne Aiioriiey-ieiierrtl( ha decided uirssin.j contest nr. uofan 'infrac t of I be new lottery la . j - --f- . I ar talking oiir lriritf m--oiif n lniii.i..,.r. t. . i I ,7 ,,r ur Jent in and they'll do it. Tli-plcnie ln WalUtrUtls abriut over with. There werd three -bii I fnilurev all for paltrJ nuiount i ui iarestehitf About en uiillions. i Cd. Polk eWdVnTiFjdm has a ... - ftei 'ance old fhoe. But they won't fit you, Kernel, wear theiu. ' and ybiril never Mr; InffAUs l eviirenily aerv sanguine man. It U said that )ie ha strong hopes of being elected to stH-ceeil himself. He counts on for mer part- affiliations of some of the Alliauce.iuen in the Legislature. i ne national Fariuer Alli inVo a mj . ami Industrial Union will convene at ffcaln; Fla., Dee. 2. jThirtyfiye States will ba represented by two delegates from eaeh each State and one tieiegaie for each 40.000 male piemoers. Some of the k-ailroads is said will carry delegates free. a ltl - Apropos or a prediction which Col. Robert O. Ingersolli mad ten years ago, Chaplain McCabe sent ine louoaingnote to the dotightv -r" vmcr uuv; jrarueuire o me scrintures anil everv- Colonel: Ten years ago you made tne following prediction 4Ten years irom mis-time two theatres will b e built for one churchl' The time i up. The Methodists are now build A 18 ing four churches every day, one for every six hours. Please venture upon another prediction for the year 1800." I have used Salvation Oil for cliil blains in mv familv. and a few an plications procured not only entire reiier, out a permanent cure. IJ. Townsend, 102 S. Charles St., Balti more, MU. - X.OOA.X3STDS"W:Sj 1NDXX TO KlW ADVSRTI4KMKNT8 Snexd Co Furniture - Mrxos Brothers Druggists' Jno;fgarreix Native Meats Jxo n How Executory Notice A 8 Wix3tkad Asplnwall Bananas C W Yatxs Sam Jones Song- Uooks CnKTSAHIBEMCX SHOW TO-m01TOW Oric it a Uorsx III nenry's ilinstrels T F Wood Borrowed Endycopedla wanted The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 1,090 bales. itAt n)c..i, ni.o r r nu I ituo uru uaii uuit vjiiaca iui sciic I I bv the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t : -i l t Dr. E. Porter, of Rojky Point, was I here yesterday for a few hours. Visitors to our city tainb not fail to call on cobi Hdr. Co. foranyth In their line. shoQhl cer- the N. Ja ng wanting .t They are getting up some excite ment over in Brooklyn in the Alder- manic contest. The matter will be decided at the meeting to-night. , How's Your Liver ? :, i - j l3the Oriental salnUtion, . knowing that good health cannot exist xdtliout a healthy Liver. When the Liver 13 torpid tho -Bow-, "els are sluggish and corr stipated, the food lies in tho stomach ) undi gested, poisoning the blood; Creauent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system! is de ranged, i Simmons liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them li Pal rhv liver than any ers. agency Known onj earth, i It acts j W1U1 Uiiruoi- dinary power and efficacy. HCVCW MtZH OlSAPPOINTtD. rental family remedrlfor dyrpeptb. vt. rrn,iiion.etelbardl7r7 I A3 " T-j w... hn UB. I I simird and Bowel. 1 ... I W. J. McXiJtoT. aiacwm v- lUnot Irapoaed Upo! J Examine to acc tliat you get the DlSuDXUlshed from all fraud and lmiuuoaa brourmt X. Trt Mark onmraiw nur r, too on aioc utc km h - i j NG( )N, N; C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1890. Tlie tains will fatten the oters Whicli liaVr become nocr and sVir nf lat . The ruin iin .. ' ... . ... .. . u "ii uay, witn the wind from thn Southeaa Mr. Win. Klberth, who hai been extensive .trip In the north, returuei1 to t,,e 'city last nipht. - i Mr. Clarence Low, of New Orleans, " the KUest f ,,U broth' We added 25 new subscribers to jour fwwscnptlon list yesterday, all residents of the city, and all Kood men aud true Col. E. S. Latimer, President of the Wilmington Seacoast Ll. 'R., re turned to the city last night from a visit ui North. There were four cases before the Mayor this morning for disorderlv conduct. Two were fined $20 each and two $ 10 each. I am Manufacturers Agent for Karbed and all kinds of Wire,. Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts. t The street force' are arranging to lay a brick sidewalk on the South side of Market street. East of Sec ond, and in front of the old Lord lot. Uev. Dr. Erdman is an interesting sneaker. -He has a wonderful know body who can should go and hear him. We have in stock an immense va riety of Cook Stoves, all styles and sizes. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Some one borrowed Dr. Wood's Encyclopedia Britannica and failed to return it. The Doctor is in need of it and asks for its return' through rti, na Mr. Thomas Hicks, the gentleman whom we reiorted as being serious ly stricken with paralysis on Mon day, died last night. He leaves a wife and twosmall children A large linof Breech and Muzzle loading Shot Guns, Air Rifles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. N. Jacobi Hdw. A brilliant german, complimen tary to Mr. and Mrs. G. Herbert oiuiui. was criven at vyoncorciia nan . . , , A A. 11 last nigiu ana was largely anenueu K !ll 1 ine music was oy rroi. wuiers uanj. A noveltv in the way of legislation is announced from South Australia "Boys under eighteen years of age when they catch cold, have to taKe Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup, as the leg- lators reeard it the only safe rem edy for coughs and colds. The habit the boys are getting again of carrying Slingshots should be looked after. A gentleman told us to-day that he had several panes of glass broken out in ids windows last night bv some bad boys with a sling. We understand that Capt. J. R. Nolan, the efticient general manager of the Seacoast Railroad, intends to make some marked improvements at the Hammocks during the winter, preparatory to an expected big run of custom next season. There is onej lady in this city, re siding on Dock street, oeiween Eighth and Ninth, who has a large garden full of nagnifleent chrysan themums, ull now in full bloom. It is said that shf has several hundred varieties of these beautiful fall flow While the people in the Southern piit of the city appreciate the rock road the city has so liberally gtyen them on Fifth! street, they would have the authorities kindly consider that the road -will not be passable or useful until the rocks are broken up. . I - At the conclusion of services at 1 . ... the First Baptist Hhtircn to-mgui Rev. R. E.Peele, Pastor of Brooklyn Baptist Church, will administer tne . . i,...,', i,v immersion to hc vi number of candidates who are to members of Brooklyn uttlwllic Church. r.frrh indicates impure ; blood, - J tarra Jncai wi i aua 10 curd, - : , - rnia, wimi u Mr. G. Herbert Smith returned ta th citv lnt nlht frni n ri trt - ...p,..- .. v,. .,. New York. The finest fruit that comes from the Sound; at this easoh of the year :ia oyster?. . Mr.' A. S. Winstead has just re ceived a fine lot of Aspiuwal ban ana?, which will be sold low by the bunch. - Use RnraJ Ready-mixed Paint, and haveno other, if yoii want a good, durable article; for sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw, Co. C t The Democrats will hold a meeting to-morrow night Jo appoint the night for the grand parade." Gov, Vance is expected to attend aud de liver an address. ." -Master Geo. Tienken,6f New York,1 a nephew of Mr. M. cr. Tienken, of this city, arrived here yesterday,on the steamship Benefactor. He will remain here with hisuncle and make Viluiington his home. The excursiohists from Riither fordtbtfrand along the 'liiie of the Carolina Central Railroad will take their departure to-morrow mornipg at 9 o'ciock. We hope they have en-, joyed their trip. You need'nt go all of the way to his own house to see him. He will hold the boards at the Opera Houge to-night. It is said to be a fine play and our exchages speak in high terms of both the piece and the performers. We have before us a neat, liand coiue little paper of 12 columns, call ed the Chapel If Mian, which is pub lished at the University bi monthly, witn Mr. Walter A. LSonitz as man ager and Mr. S. A. Ashe, Jr., as as sistant editor. We wish it much success. i Mr. j Henry Wilkins, of Brooklyn, N. Y. arrived in the city yesterday on the Benefactor. His family have been stopping here and Mr, Wilkins says that if he is so favorably im pressed with Wilmington he will make it Ins future borne. They are the guests of Mr. M. G. Tienken. Ill Henrv'a llliued ftllnstrels. Lovers of unobjectionable amuse ment land all' 'who enjoy a hearty laugh will have their fondest wishes gratifled at the Opera House on next Saturday afternoon and evening, when the famous Hi Henry's Min strels will appear in an entirely ucw programme,) embracing all the sal ient points of minstrelsy. The wide spread reputation of this company and their loner list of Celebrated Stars and their low prieesof admis sion is an inducement for the pat ronage of all who enjoy an evening of minstrelsy. Follbwiag- is what the Greenville Daily News says of their appearance in that city: "The largest Saturday night audience ever in the Opera House, and by far the largest and most appreciative of this season, greeted Hi Henry's minstrels last night. The- curtain went up on the most gorgeous scene a Greenville audience has had the pleasure of seeing in many days. The stage was bedecked with da mask j drapery and the minstrels were dressed in elegant costumes of silk and other fine textures. The music and the singing was far super iar to the average minstrel troHpe and the encores were frequent. George Decker, the basssoloist, and Burt Winters, the tenor, were both heartily applauded by the audience after their solos. Will Q.' MacK, in Southern Life, or Scenes on the Levee,' impersonated the old negro to perfection and was supported in his songs and "dances by a good corps. Billy Benson was so great iti his female im personations " that many thought he was a woman. H Henry and his cornet were" special features of the, evening and Mr. Henry was warmly applanded. The performance, which was considered equal to any of George Wilson's, concluded with the transformation clog, something entirely new aud altogether seasational." Buck leQ8 Antics Slv. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, ! Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, , Tetter, Ch ap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded- Price 2-5 cents per box. j ' . . - ; - For iaie by . Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and ratail drjgit.,. . NO 284 NEW AUV KKTISK tlCNT. 1 : - i , cDrines. DrinfifS. .- -J - . v y T KT3STDS OF SKXlSrCS- " ;CALL AND 8EE A MEW LOT OTj THE- , ' ' ' ' Light, clastic, durable, corafortlblc, - ..t-: ... w. nov 10 tf Children Kn joy 'The pleasant "flavor,; gentle action and soothing e fleets of Syrup of Figs, when in nood of a laxative aud if the father or mother be costive or bilious the 'most gratifying results follow its nse, so that it is the best family remedy known and every familv should have a bottle. Something Worth Seeing. The chrysanthemum show pro posed by the lathes of the Mite So ciety of St. Jam?s' parish will be given to-morrow afternoen, at 3 o'clock, at the corner of Fifth and Market streetf. The admission is only 10 cents, with half price for children. , The display will b a mag- J nificent one.' Not' only Wilmington but Charlotte, Raleigh, Charleston, Atlauta aud Augusta will oe repre sented there. Every lady in the cit' should be there, attended, of course, by a cavalier. Refreshments will be served by the ladies at the usual prices. V A Cutting AfTatr. ' William Friar, a white boy about lo years old, was before the Mayor this morning, sitting ns a justice of the peace, charged with an assault upon Caesar Collins, colored, 'who is about the same age, with a. deadly weapon. Friar and Collins got into a difficulty yesterday morning at the .corner of Fourth, and Castle streets, iu which Friar cut a severe gaslijn Collins' arm. The knife en tered just below the elbow and pass ed entirely through his arm. The boy was taken to Dr. Burbank, who dressed the wound. Friar was found gulslty and bound over to the next term-of the Criminal Court. A I'rctty November Wedtling. St. James' Church was filled last ifight, "to the esho", with a lare and brilliant assemblage, gathered there to witness the nuptials of Mr. J. V. Harris, of Cartersville, Ga,, and Miss Annie DeRosset, of this city. The groom is a lawyer and one of the most prominent men in Geor gia and Miss "Annie is the eldest daughter of Capt. Armaud L. De Rosset and one of the most beau tiful and accomplished young ladies iti the city. Tho impressive mar riage service. of the church was pro nounced by the Rector, Rev. Robt. Strange, assisted by Rev. Dr. Car- michae!, Rector of St. John7?. Prof. Greenewald was at the organ and the full surphced choir sang a beau tiful wedding hymn. The bride was given away by her father. Mr. Guy C Hamilton, of Athens, Ga., was the groom's best man and Miss Louise DeRosset, sis- ter to the bride, was the -maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Misses Callie Reid French, Carrie Myers, Augusta McPherson and Sarah Lip- pi tt.-- The. ribbon boys were Mas ters 'Nash DeRosset, Louis Myers, Clarence French and. Victor - Boat- wright, and the ushers were Messrs. Kirkland Huske, D. II. Lippitt, Ar- mand M3'ersaud Robert C. DeRos set. A reception was held b5' the bride and groom at Capt. 'DeRosset's resi dence, -'immediately after the cere mony, and the parlers were throng ed by the many -well-wishes and per sonal friends of the lovely young bride. A large array of beautiful and costly bridal presents was "dis played in one of the. rooms. During the evening Mrs. Harris at the earn est request of her friends,, sangal sweef and touching ballard of fare . well. The happy couple left o the 10.10 Southern train on the W., C. & A. IUR. en route for Mr. Harris1 home at Cartersville. UOXT I1K IN TIIK IIOl'SE. ; 'itough on Rats.1 Clears out rat, mice, roacnes. tvutunw uimaio. Safe, Sure Cu re. .2-c. Kongn Toothaehe. I u.-taut relief, 15c on H . A. Tucker,. EALSR IN.tiKANITE, MARBLE AND Broan Stone. Manuiaciurcr . oi vemewj, Monumental and BuBdlns Yfork J . - - - Sl02?ortn From Street, " sc?atr . .. - . whminston, N. c. , I r?LEASS NOTIO. We win te giiia to receive "comznticicut cza front our menaa on any &a Ailcusiectii genera interna, but . , . Tue auna or tne. writer mast anraj eg far nliea to tb Editor. " s. Coram unJea.Uon most t&t wriucn'ca onlj one side f tiw paper. - " ' Personam? taos t avoijpa. , Aiis n uHiXKnnriy 4ni p&rucai&njr under stotKi tu.it tup nror aoea not ATtraja easone in t he MfirLU coiniaaa, ; ! . ,- - fc , SDrinsr SDrinfirn. . . w . - M p : m. cu na rj i rjc, Next to MStarw ortice. -AspinivjalJ. BananasIC t j jECEIVElj 'TOIAYVlf00."BlSCBEjVb?.: Fire ASl lNW AX, BANANAS.-Vttlch t la offerlDs: at low rates for castu Host lX)old; th!3 weeJc. 1 A. S. WINSTEAD,. .. , rult and Confectioneries, -nov 13 tf n.i yortn Seoona st, nearJ o. . ' Executor's Notice . i. - --' HAVING QlfALIFIED AS EXECUTOR OF . "I tile Estate of Kato Af ataon, cccea.etl, lato of tae couaty Bf New Hanorer. notice Is herr- by given to ll persons bating any claims against the said aecedent to exhibit the sumo ; to me on or bc-tore the 13th day of November, r 1891. otherwise they win be barred of recov- ., -v ery. All persons indebted to this estate are " i-equcstea to make immediate payment. ; . T JOHN II A II ltl MS HOWE, ; . nov 13 Gw jthm Excut0- - v - THE YOUNG GENTLEMM .3 ENGLYGOPEDIA BRITANNICA .. wnJ, PLEA8E KETUBN IT.k J ' ! THOMAS P. WOOD. nov3 3." Chrysanthemum Show. rpSE LADIES OF THE MITE SOCIETY OF St. Jasaea' Parish will opoa ta the public at the corner of Fifth and Aiarket streets, to morrow (Friday)-afternoon, at 3 o'clocfc, a magrniMcent display of chrysanthemums, which wUl be a rare treat to all lovera or floTrers. Admi3ioa 10. cents; Children half price. Itefreshsnenis vlll o served at; usual paces. nov 13 it OPE R A HOUSE. MATINEE AND NIGHT, SATURDAY, NOV. 15TII - - Hi Henry's Minstrels. - 30 Bran New Specialties 30 A colossal cpllectlen never equalled In Min strelsy. Matinee at 2:30; i and 50 cents to all parts cf the house. . Kcservi d fc'euts at Yates' Fi Iday. nov 13 3t "MY NATIVE LAND." "IU1LS IS MY OWN, MY NATIVE LAND," 1 .1 ann patriot ism Is at a pretlum now. So la our NATIVE BEEF. It can be bought at as lew prices as it has ever yet sold lor. I will sea none out Nativel Native V Nativel i NATIVE MEATS; Another car) load of Beef from thomoun-. tains here- to-day. splendid market to-morrow; superb market on Saturday. All "Native and to the manner born." . Nauvely yours, JOtlK F. GAUICCLL; stalls l and 2, Front Street Marfcet.south side. nov 13 St ) . -j ; : Oysters at Wrightsville.- jyjY OYSTEIMIOUSE AT WRIGHTS VI LLE 13 now open for the season. Ladicg and Gen- Uemen accommodated 'promptly witn THE - . BEST TO BE HAD. . M UOAS.TS re4iy oa arrival. E. Y. MANNIN J, nov 12 tf ! ' Proprietor.. h Horse" (i . ' , J.JOBSES THAT ABE PBlCKED WITH nans or or er unctu'ed wounds in the foot. vsken'treaJed jbfctjfa-iy, are In no danger cf UyiDg: frjm Lp.:kjaw. After practical ex-, periencc of 20 ! ears arn pre fared to guaran-tc-e the auovej- C'al oa me. . . IK Q' IN'LIVAN. The Horaeshoer and Farrier. oct t9 1 j OPERA HOUSE. Thursday, Nov. 13ilu THE I'AKCINATINa AKTISTV - MISS E0SE OSBORNE I la the; Successful Mclo-Urama, ,T i -j - - (.Adapted from the French.)- ',. rrlces u 50: and 25 ccnu Wednes ray at Yatesv j Reserved feats. nor list CAPE FEAR ACABEMY Iteopcni September lil!od. Tk.rca Prfpap!ia fir formi r Wlff. COMPETENT ISSTKrCTOKS. 1 LEADING : MALE SCHOOL I T PI pave enter at teglnnln? of session. - tee Cat aiOKHe in Hook Ktores. w. CATLETT, Principal, sep 13 Ua C0r. Fifth and chestnut Btreeu.. r. C. ORRELL, tcr- x.d Pilncei$ St. 'I J. IL Zelllo Co. hvall druggists. DOT IJU VXW cnta

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