;meexcpt, ... d(U Thre r one month. . ....UTemi oy carriers, free cue dtj. t abOT nrt or r3 ? report py nd ! : --J to I Vir i- JEW VOL. XIV : : " WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1890. ! NO 28 B. v-s? w; iu a fitfr.M ii it ijplea-aai l.itt . lU !atc. ana act! -i,rt ir..ti'tlv w: ,,,e lh,eF ri:., ..'4. cUinses the ca LOCAL 23B"WS. 1KDKX TO NB ADrSKnUKtXT -xeedc Co Furniture Mtnm Broth tfcs Druggists SKkCOinr i: Change of .Sofa "iul C V Y atm Sam Joaea 8on!lJoolcs WltMIxaTOH Libiaet RoWpM ajrm 1 NA P & i A t J AT A. A - m . - ! J . . ..ivrs in Anure uiuircli y in uau. . j. - . - . nc- a ua - v.n uun cicr .L C" l C rS LI, A4ltur N EW A DVEHTISG J1ENTS tor -We will lwgUJ to recoir commtmicai ens rrom our mends oa any ana all aatjscui ccneral interest, out, . Tbename or t&e vrnter most alw&rs to fur nlsiaes to tne Editor. - ' . ; r .. Comma nicaaoni moat De written1 on onlj oce Sloe of t& paperr - . ! - ' rersooauties muta oe arXietf. - ' . Ana it is MiMci!uif a-t prucaiArty, nflcr-" stood tnnt tae sait4M-aoe uot alwajs endorse thejTiews or (irrmpodctnt anieaa m Mated U in tlie extltonai ooiiunna. ' - ni:v Avt: is 1 1 s i :m knt .Sunset to-morrow aftet-noon at 52 uiinutes pnst 4 o'clock. Kev. Win. J. Kr.l,an, of Asne- boaidinjj honse runuere, were Swings aild UBhOlSteifed SMlliCr BqCIS Pfi? SfUfil brons!it before the Mayor yesterday i j A " 'ttffernoou, cliared with e.tfcfnffM HVE SOLD. IXVu UPHOLSTERED SPujxo EIS TopimKATTKCy rBK HOTEL, seamen to leave their Tessels. The ; Ashertlie; andio Fine iiotclsln St AtijusMne Florida; to large dealers in Rlchmcnd.iVau'. ; trial was one of interest. J Mri Mars- j Macon Ga-' and Washington D. C; and tin rtiarantee to please the most fastidious vilK will preach at 7.S0. Eugli4h service.- will ba-lial.l nt 11 :a. in. to-iuorro ami German at 7.30 p. in. in St. Paul's Kraiic-elinal T.nth I)ay'i length 10 hours and 13 min-! erau churcli. All are welcome ta at: jtend. The ladies of the Mte Society of St. James' Church have in prepara tion another entertainment which they call the "O. T. & II. 0.f""and that is all e are permitted t knov about it for the' present. i den Bellamy appeared for the de- fondaiiM. Tlie evidence showed that Carl Petersen had been per suading sailors aboardjiouie Norwe gian barque to run awav. Peter novl5tf W. j . H Princess Street, Wilmington, N. e. -. i i , . -i'. AUxh U coM heal- i . . I . mo Linini r-.in Striin of Vl 'S W th( CU ever .V f .Win-' t tl.e Unto and ac lt m die M..i:.:uh, prompt ir - .n. trn v iM iieuciai in iu Sweet potatoes are ret'ailiuir here now at 15 cents a peck. I The recelptK of v otton kt this port . ui 1 1 I mi . - 1 i iciurr' i?, oi an men. The Hot Bed Siudi und fJhW for sale m?st ,,ar1 wrkfd; his life is all ex- by the N. Jamb! Hdw. Co t J,iei"nt.aMd he has to work all nn- i T s;asonable hour; he, of course, suf- Wool Is coming iu more freelv r,Jr8 w,th colds and cough, but he is . ...... .. " Syrup. The Seaman's Kethet The regular Sunday services at Peteresn was discharged and' Carl, the Seaman's Bethel will be held as his hro.her, was -found guilty and pent to jail .for 30 days. x mzml only irom iuo f if ul a;rK-a!.l? sultstanccs, it! (t rllriit qualities cnmmeml i' 'f I I rj til -11 le it the inos: t! lil - 1 v IV-? of ftp for e c0 y 1 bes hv all leading dni Anr refbMc druggist ?h tit bre it on hand will pro iduV for am one whi '6)tTit. Bo not accept anj haimsvti cm SYDIID M WFIAMCISCO. CMU ssnj.tr. kzw rotx. .r. ttmlf mlHV K. IM'LLASIY. wiolesalk DitriansT, til wumlaston. N. C SAM JONES SONG BOOKS. 1TEV BOOK STORE U.Toving Tale HI WILL MOVE THIS WEEK. IT IS ,1 ijfta. Articles of Furniture haTe Hcailteir thiAcs are needed. AVe s .TJ joar trants. tail aad see us. We -saaMtomrrices. sxeed a CO.. Furniture Dealers. 'f Cor. Market and Second Sts. STOVES! STOVES! UJ EiJi. aaJ at All Pricr?. t4rmiDt Flanner Co.VL & Y0LI.EUS iin, Or Ciirif s -AXU fiSKilOX JIKRWIANTS, -sLmon and Vanilla, l: 1 i ; u , t ni .4 PI LL9, . M a Ixi aiso.l!neut of ci t . . . . . . Nf fcl:oi HKics, l' X iront ttreet. I App! s Apples f -A. .. PRODUCE GENERALLY. 1 lii No. Wafer St. V-l MOD hirfri jpilj I ,',s'.U;fci m T.KK VtttS 1 "'aiiB.UiMtmotmt ot Faa -.ityj ni . . ... mat ni r Key gobbler is roosting high now. He scents thanksgivinir in the air., - The Register of Deeds The stockholders and bondholders of the Wilmingtou Seacoast B. R. has issued met at the company's office in this . I i marriage licenses this we-lc tor t wo city yesterday but nothing of inter white and three colored couples. est to the general public was trans- Vi;o,- frt actei1- .Themeeti.g adjourned sub- . 1. T"U,H" Jwtto.tl.ecal! of the President. ...iinj nut, inn iti cu on rue rx. ,ia-i rtild Hdw. Co. for anything wanting iu the:r line'. Use Regal Ready-mixed Paint, and have no other, if yon wa durable article; for sale Jacobi Hdw. Co. Mr. John P. Garrell purchased 30 of the finest of the lot of beeves brojight here from Asheville for sale, as mentioned by us on Thurs day. In addition he had a car load the same day direct from the moun tains, and shipped to his address. Agent for making C5 fine, fat beeves receired nt a good. by the N. t I am Manufacturers Barbed and all kinds of (Wire, Com- by him in one day. Forecast a. bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts. t 4 Our clever young friend, Mr. Har ry Webb, has taken a position as flagman on the C. C. R. R. and weut out this morning on his first trip. For North Carolina, fair weather, except light rains on the coast and warmer. Local forecasts, from 8 a. m. to-day for Wilmington and vicinity, fair Mr. R. Ii. Reville, a prominent weather and stationary tempera citizen of Fayetteville, impending a ture. few dav In tli !f If will lnnv'o T I frill llrlm nlnw RtlOrt.1 ATI PTtpllftlvO 4 "IU f III tllA I j ... , . i- South II ic iiciuuut iitt ur, jjeuut; uciiuu and soothing effects of Srrup of The mud has accumulated to such Figs, when m need of a laxativeand an extent on the board crossings if the father or mother be costive or near the postofflce that from sight. the boards bilious the most gratifying results have disappeared almost entirely follow its use, so that it is. the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Week have The interments this been one adult In Bellevue, two adults and one child in Oakdale and three adults and two children in Pine Forest. Change oi Scheilole. ' A change of schedule on the Sea- coast Railroad will go into effect to morrow. Trains will leave Princess Br. steamship Tudor Prince.Camp- street station (daily except Sunday) bell, cleared to-day for Reval, Rus- at 7.00 a. m., 2.d0 and 0.10 p. m. sia, with 3,785 bales cotton, valued JLeave the Hammocks at 8.10 a. m., at $185,000, shipped by Messrs. Alex- 5.00 and 7.00 p. iu. Sunday trains Sprunt & Son. J leave Princess street station at 3.00 p. m.. and the Hammocks at 5.o0 p. m. We have in stock an imioense va- styles and rlety of Cook Stoves,' all sizes. Prices away down guaranteed to give satisfactfcn. N. Yesterday morning, wli:i Frt-d pletiou of this road from Monroe.to and Stoves Stabbetl On His Way to the Vessel. Th Cryianthemam Show. i The chrysanthemum show, by the latliesof the Mite Society of St: James' Church, yesterday after noon, was a singularly successful af fair. Notwithstanding the unprom ising weather !the attendance w as very large. The exhibition of the beautiful Fall flowers was an ex ceedingly handsome one. A number of other cities contributed to the show. Mrs. T.I A. Hodcres. the ladv of whom we spoke on Thursday as having' such a large and superb as sortment in her gardens in this city, exhibited one! hundred varieties. Thti -ladies dispensed refreshments and we are glad to know that the receipts were gratifying. A repeti tion would surely be hailed with de light. . 1 It. & O. and It. & A. Stockholder Itfeet. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad was held at Raleigh Thurs day. A- large majority of the stock was represented. Dr. W. J. Hawk ins was chosen chairman and W. W. Vass and J. M. Sherwood secreta ries, and the reports of the Presi dent, creneral Manager and Treas urer were all- read and were very satisfactory to the stockholders. We learn from the News and Ob server that Mr. John M. Robitisou was unanimously re-elected Presi dent, as were also all the old Board of Directors. The Directors met af ter the meeting of the stockholders and re-elected all the old.officers. The meeting of the stockholders of the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railroad was also held on Thursday at 12 o'clock at the office of the Ral eigh &; Gaston Railroad CompauyJ Nearly the entire stock was repre sented in person or by proxy. The reports of the President, General Manager and Treasurer were sub mitted and showed a, most'satisfac tory increase in the 6usiness oC the road and the President and Direc tors were all re-elected as were all its old officers, The Georgia, Carolina aud Northern. Abbeville has celebrated the com- Jacobl Hdw. Co. ship that place, and now the road is i usual at 3.30 o'clock to-morrow af ternoon, conducted by Rev. Robert Strang, rector of St. James1 Epis copal Church. All are cordially in-Tited-to attend, especially seamen. Masters of vessels are 'requested. to have this notice read to their crews arid urge their-attending these ser vices at the. BetVtel which are con ducted and arranged especially for them. -They cannot in-a better way show their appreciation of the efforts being made at this porti on their behalf hy the Seaman's Friend Society than by attending these ser vices. All city pastors are asked to give notice of this meeting from their pulpits to-morrow 'morning, and es pecially urge the attendance of ladies, who can sing and who can in this way make the services more at tractive to seamen. Reading Selections. lo be found at the Library Rooms 12H Market street: The Reversible Landscape, Stock ton. , .Maiaelons, W. II. II. Murray. YoHina, L. Hearn. ThV Shadow of a Dream, W. D. Ho wells. Pan's Revenue, M. J. Savage. A -Flying Trip Round the World, L. Bislaud. A Dusky Genius, Maurice Thomp son. George Washington's Last Duel, T. N. Page. Deacon Phebv's Selfish Natur, A. T. Slosson. The Little Man in the Ttnshop, Jasl -Whitcomb Riley. New Years Eve, Cha. Lamb. Wre'c'sed on Carr's Reef, President Bates. A Ghost at His Fireside, L. 0. MoultoH. Chronicle of Three Little . Kings, O. T. Miller. Our Italy, Charles Dudley Warner. The Inuer House, Walter Besant. A Mother, Malot. ; Captain Joe, F. Hopkins Smith Little DafTy-Down-Dilly, Nath. Hrfwthornt'. " North Devon, a Prose Idyl, Chas. Kingsley. An Old Scotch Love Story, Miss Mulock. A Holiday Romance, Chas. Dick- Days of Bruce, Grace Aguilar. The Cole worth Ghost, A. R. Hope. Adventure of One Hans Pfaal, E. A. Poe. ( AspiwiUJ Bananas; v - -1 ... -. ; - JECIVEl TO-DAY SMj Blf'cnSS ,OP- Flre ASl IXTALil P.ANAJfAS, vhtCB I am ofTeilng at lor rates for cash. Must bo pold . thisjweelr. j A. S. . WINSTEAD, : 'm. I 1 Fruit and confectioneries, vjipy 13 tf . 113 ortu second KfneirP. o. Muntl s B rotlicrs, i - MY A NOT" FRONT STREET. WILL eioso tneir Store to-morrosr, SUNDAY," Kora lfitli1 at 10:45 a. m. for balance of the day., Sirxns brothers. : m North Fpurtn-Street, will be open all daj f lit io pj m. j :.."'". n0T.15.lt' vs. THE VOUNG (iENTLEJIAN - v .- -h .. - -: . . wno borrowed my " 1 - r ENCLYCOPEDIA BRITANNICA : WILL PLEASE RETURN IT. nov IS 3 TllOMAS F. WpOD. To liorse Owners loci air PrfTMtd. . : -j! !-. . . J .- ... '. . . V J JJORSES THAT ARE PRICKED WITII naiis or oticr i?uhctued wcunda In the foot. ' when treated sKiifuly, are In no dan ere r ot dying: rrom Lockjaw. Atter practical ex perience of 20 jears i am prerared to cuaran- tee the atovo. 1 rail on me. - . .... .i J i D. QUINLIVAN, ct29 ly ( : The Horseshoer and Farrier. oi:Tl BRAM'll. Proprleto3. P0R HIRE. XUKS AXD VKI1I- wlibOQt drivers. lO fill VP 4.-f mWmI 1 7 rd cared tor bj the daj-. "EtOND-UAND VEClCLES R. C. ORRELL, Ccr- "Hurd and Prtnces3 Sts. Johnson anu several oi uis s i.iitp9 wprp on their wav their wav ; pushing for Atlanta. A correspond- W are pleased to chfonicle the . . . . . lf f, S1M. lent i of the Ngivs caid Courier, after relurn of Miss Cherry Farrow to the . . . , ;iitiMli, (. i? i wi..1Pf describing the celebration, gives city. Mis. Cherry has been on a ov JllTpontfM, ilV SOIMi. 0.ilpr us some points about the road. Tke ! it I - ! . .7 . . sailors oil Nutt street, near Paddy's voni ol the road per mile lias ocen j Hollow. After some luir'h words about ?':a,wu, wnicu uoes not coyer to-mDrrow were passed a tight ensued, iu which any of the rolling stock whatever, j either Albert Tatske or Uenj. j Tiie roaa nas oeeu uunt euureij y . Quirk stabbed Fred Johnson, once a syndi cate, at whose head is the' Evening in the shoulder and once in the side. ; lion. John M. uooinson. ic is mag It is said the wounds are severe and nihceutly equippeil in every way will probably prove fatal. :and is one of the finest built roads ; Tii wmimletl sailor was taken to in the South.- bo. far one Hundred - i ! 1J tlieM-r.ne Hospital. The parties and urty nine nines nave ueii com- ivilized world. -1 This Is, that pain implicated are iu custody ami will jpieteu anu uie rjau is uuw.yiucu mtiII no morf walk tlie eVlli, it is Innneur liefore the Mayor Mouday . from Monroe, N. C, to Abbeville. lMlug fast Killl out with Salvation ,Iinrllill., The roadbed is perfect and the raiN ; Oil. - inrp jl!I new and aresixtv nound stee' A large line of Breech and Muzzle The MinireUTo-Nigiii. raii! when the road " is completed loa.lingShot Guus, Air Rifl-s and Tlx Henry's t;ouipauy arrived ny frou, Monroe, N. C, to -Atlanta it Pistol.-; all grades at loy.t priees. special engine to-day. 1 Hey nave xvij ,)e ooo miles in length, and it. Wcxh! Powder and sportliiifii's MiiV-'ltlie tinest ear that travels on n heels. ' wiJj b controlled,-of course, by it ived. N. J.ietibi Hdw. The treet parade this forenoon ownfrs who are, as has been stated, J made a hue impression, all being tle syndicate controlling and' run- I .m. t? - 1 - .11 .1. . , ....1 knl.a . . . A. Church to- ,m looking uuti hi lirrwuRr,,,,,- .niiig the eaooard Air jjiue system uieii,Miil diMouisei exceiieni music. Qf mjroarls. : A great ileal of credit visit to her aunt, Mrs. Janie Doars, in Robecon county. Services at St. James' as follows: At 7.30 a. m., Jloly Com uiuniou;nt 11 a.m.. Morning Prayer aud sermon; at 5 p. iu Praver; at 3-XOpi in., Sunday school. Render therefore unto C;esar, the things "which are CjesarV and aecept a fact that i tlehghthnr the W plies Jt recei C . Services iu St. JoVnV Rev. J. (Jar mm iiifi w mia' mlrhael D I).: Holy Coii)muiiion nt We had the please or a can .ro:u , jr. for excellent construction of me rnI-ior ii..- Karl ,,n'V,ln' .W,' l"1-- Mp- road isdneto Major John T.inple, ,... at li o'clock! KvAi ng Prayer Henry. Our people are sure of a the c,,ief engineer of the road,whoe atr. oV!ok;SmfcySchJlat 4 P- .u. eat .et them turnout and g,ve: h,alquarters arenow, as they have : . 1 r- 1 them what I'ayetteville gave, park- lM.,.n for tj,e past year, at Grwen- Chrysniitbt-uiuius are i all colors, ( loUJit, wool. Ilelvt ha 1 entire ! s.i.iervi- fr.-iii pure white t dark ciia.Konj t 5 ,t 4od show and Mire to1 and purple but, traiitf'lr eiiotigii, . Then is nothing whatever the name itself is derived from two L jr to olT,.:id the susceptibilities o' Greek wonls iiieaiiinggoIJ und lluw- tlje nost ftidlous a.i I l.wlie at er. Itwas originally a Jjure yellow ten tj, performance wherever it and no other culor. -j j I appears amIia .liniimetl meetint: of the i rn r f the construction ofdhe ral. . and no one who has !-een what, good work Has been done can fail to com mend and congiatulate Major Tfin- pie. Youn Livers i ' ' ' " Is the Oricntal galutation, knowing that good health, -cannot exist "without a healthy Liver. ' When the Liver i3 torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in' the stomach undi gested, poisoning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi- ' tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how tte whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more , people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency Known on earth. It acts with extraor--dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED, As a general family renwdy for dyspepsia, TorpidJLiTer, CoaaUpatioo, etCw I kardly ever uso aaythlng else, and. hare nerer been dia appolnted ia the effect prodaced; it seems to le almost a perfect care for all diseases of tke fctomach aaft Bowels. -' " - . W. J. McEleoT, Ha con, a, He not Impose 1 Upon! Examine to see that you :et the Genuine. OPERA HOT) SE. -"I I ;-f.. M .vriNEK AN O NIGHT, sa;tuRaay, nov. istu , ;- Hi Henry's Minstrels. -; 30 Bran New Specialties 30 A colossal coHecUoa peter equalled In SUn strclsj. Matinee at .y0; 25 and 60 cent to all part of the house - ' ; - Keervcd Seats at Yales' FrWaj;. tfov isat " IT JO SEP H F. 0E AIG, (Formerly with Alderman, Flanner & Oo.) riJAC'TlUAL WOKKEK IN ; Tiq, Sheet Iron.Pumps.-id,, Princess street, near Front (basement) Will be pleased to recplvo amor ini triva estirnates. uood and teed. nor 3 lm H. A. Tucker, lALEH Ix'eUANITE, MAKBLE AND Brown stone. Alanufatturpr nf nameter - j Monumental and Building Work. ' ' 310 North Front fctreet.v JVllmington, N. C.; sep Wi 29 tf In Full liast t rllk I'ATENTi WOOD KTLITTEIt IS NOW I blast our ordirs solid led for first Wocd. In the ix-st of orer. Jfed Ash. oil, wiiitc Ash,' stove coal. Chestnut uiuau- vuai, rea cxwi and eeveral kinds of coal. - hi tf J. A. Kl'UiK'nru . - in fail blast class toil others o t i mi !! gt on S eacoast E.E 1 n i T ' i VOl LpfflXO CUAXHt'.OV sciied- :e on ihr V"il!nin?ton Mcanast Jfallroad will tate afreet .SurMiay, Nor. l;tb: Tra(s leave urinc-osH street at 7.-(K) a. rn.. tlr-y ;ihd ;! p. ia . d flir rxceptundar. lf iiarmuons :r, a. m.; im and TXT) t. mi diUj-..except Sundi v: HtoMay trait leaves r-rinces Kreet at g:0) ! - II. .NOLAN, i j. general Manager. p n lf SPECIAL! fiojuijno Hand-Sewed 1 Democrat of.the Fiwt Wanl, held Itucklrn' Arnica Slir. rr,,. . C- J...T... f rrvfKl U UISUDgUlftnni IIUUI AU IT4U "Aa xiie cjui'cumciiucu ui Dj-ov redZTraae niaru on f roni mi rap Capt. John A. Dodson, wlio has Tr .and on theside tlie Fal and sismatare of The Best Saive m the , , r charge ef it from Monroe: to Abbe- Wristf Dtv orld for ..ifaii m ic : cb th Salt ' ville, and when completed will also! Ucf ntnt. Dr. iV. L.' i&COll sirua Hirers. ... . . 1 I . . m . i 1 . . 1 .r .I, a itrtiAla linu rhoen-to represent mat waru ou Rheum, Fever ores. xetier, uiiap-i ueui ciwrgoui u.c ..v.v..".. i.--m i r AMrmn. The vote ned Hauds. unilDiains, uornh, auuau . n.rPvr rv ir.J n; Scott Uml 101 for kln Eruptions, and pottlrelrore. ( i- - r7Tto tokl W M ml 1 i an teen w kic - . aeu. The Musical World. CSICALKECOKD AND OTIIEK 3IACJA- Und 101 for skin Eruptions, and positively cures and 101 for P y reonired. Iti.uar. Prevenl I Anteed to crlve nerieci saiiMiteiiuu, ; -. , . - , ,.a myJu,r. .m t itwtT 10 bor- 0!5 cents" erniK 01 xne pkiu r urjius ui mc ne$.h Nature's wonder for preserv- ror any ot these magarlnes. but a con- or money refum Price htitutlonal disease, and requires a hv Ttobert R Bellamy, j ins: youth and fres-lraes. $1.00, lar- constitutional remetlj 1 ke Hood. w,0, tbnrd ; W ! LM IN GTOK LIBUARY EOOMS, novina uixsnrtet stmrt. S6 for S4, -AT- Geo. R. French & Sons OS North Front Street. . (oppo-ite The orten.) -t octaotr TRTS PA PPT? isvnuifzD wrrn lulu i. xl X XJllt Lnk: AianolAyCtnrcd fcr T' t.i pflrrr.VTint lrlntlTny lntr Wnrl-m T : I T. K. f iilGLIT K. CO - seta street UKFcfUUtyiranJa avencjv jinil - t LlU2c!chlA, y i .- - - t v t

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