II U . 4 1 1 M J i. - : it U ft Absolutely Pure A cream otarur btf la' pow der HJi'-H of all la inealflj strength. f. k u"rt ltuxt Rlirt. Aug. . ' Th.o Doily noTrior. MONDAY. MV. 17. 180. STATE XKWf. Charlotte Chronicle; Tli- m v rUt of ML- Willie Brou. ..f Mccksvllle. to Wade llnmittott l UranJ, of Riciiuiomi county, i m nooneel to take place on V-ln day next. The cen-nwny performed by Rev. P. II. D.iltoii. -f lIockBTllle. Il&lelffb JS'cws and Obr.rvr: lHh op LruiiM retained on Friday evrii inr from his visit to Pittsburg uxul New York. His health has jrreatly improved during bis absence. It Ij announced that the trustees of W.T. Blackwell will pay, on Friday ntxt, th depositors of tne Hank of Durham a dividend of ten per cent., which will ba the 100 cents on the dollar. The first session of tin Western North Carolina Conference which meets In Concord, November tbeCCtb, and continues que week, will be a most interesting esion. It will consist of 150 clerical and 8C lay delegates. Charlotte Netr: It is a frequent occurrence for a train to run over a horse, but It isn't often a horse tries torunorera train. Yesterday af ternoon as the C. C. tram pulled out of LIncolnton poinj? to Uutlier fordton and before the train had fjot eood on the way, there came a horse and bufcfjy up the railroad track "uieetinjr the train In a cut. and rnn with fall force into the front of Mr. Boon's engine before Mr. Boon could stop. The collision coiupl-tely uiaAbed the buggy, and it wn some time before they could uet the hor?e from under tke side of the car. The horee did riot seem to be hurt much. There was no one in the buggy when it struck the engine, as the young man that was In the buggy jumped out when the horse turned up the track. Greensboro Workman: Few peo ple seem to be awrre or the real status of the different sections of our State with regard to iiealthfulnes. and many are in utter4 Ignorance or the facts hi this case. Our attention Is called to the subject now because of two clrcnmstancea just brought to notice. One I. the death of Mrs. Bynum. of tvphoid fever at Mount Airy. Mr. Bynum went from Mur fresboro, Hertford county, n ec tloa supposed to be far Ies healthful than the mountainous portion or the State, and of course, she thought she would at least be free from th- rrr' lmt w venture to av that there are as few cases Hertford county as In nf AflAdIv character, of fever in Surry fever . Airnin. we have Intelligence from a minuter in lisdison county, amorigthe tall mountains of the State, and hi r3 port I, that of the five members or tils charge who died durimr the year, four were carried a way by fever. Thl. U remarkable, -sp--cially wheu it Is known that the mountains in that section were cov ered with eoo on the Oth of No vember of this year. La nK Trouble. KlienmatUiu. etc. Frequently a per-on is supposed to have consumption when It is some other disease altogether that Is reducinghis flesh and makinchiiu look pale and thin. J. W. Yates, Tuliahomn. Teim . writes: "It doe me good to praise Botanic Blood Balm. It cured me of an abscess on the lung and asthma that troubled me two year and that other remedies failed to bene Qt." So you see it is sometimes well to try constitutional treatment. No reiued v U so sjood a B B B ( IS-rarnr. Blood "Balm) tor rebuilding waited tissue, and giving health to -vry portion of the system reached liy that great circulating Mrenmor life, the human blood. Again, it is oltea supposed that colds and exjosure are the- only cause ot srUticn. rheu matism, ete. . Such is not alway- the case. It U fretiuently cnus-d ty im purities in the blood Win. Price. Lottsville. Mo . rire: 'I was afflicted with scintlrn and bad lest the ue of one arm nnI one leg for nine years. I went to Hot Springs and nUo trifd different doc tors, but found tu cure until 1 tried Botanic Blood Balm. It made me sound and well. I am well ktiou in this vicinity. Observe, even when the renown ed HotSnrings failed, B B HlWoucht relief. Keruetuber, no matter what blood remedv you hare tried or in tend to try, B B B is the onl one that will give you complete satisfac tion. , ..- It taken the SulUn of Turkey tor ty minutes to say bis prayers la ' royal form, Dont suffer from Dysiepsia. Take Simmon I.Irer Regulator. It always cures. ! IT TO VIZ BAt'K A U f. Or Tea r all vora one r -jty s-r uota- BMUWX'A JKO.V irTKt.S. UtrSl cart yon, r!n jr-cr Uvcr. aJ fir J wi i. l i .n to u a u k b r r . ; November J 7. 5:) ' SPIRITS THRPKNTINli- Steady at 37 centr. No sl ir r Jlortetl. -ROalN Firm at $t.P'o etraineI arn$l 15 for ttiained. j TA It Firm at 1.5-. CKUDK : TURPKNTIN6 Flm. at $1.20 for hard. l-00 for yell.. dii aodf 1.10 for virgin. . - fHiTTO.N Qit hnd nominal at 9 cents fr uiiddilnir: low mHdlii-K 8 9-C: irood midIIiu. W). ' , . . UKi;KIPTS Cotton, 1,1-11: .pint. 119; rotinTlg: tar, ?5 crude, IK xibixk ntffv I ARRIVED Stiar (.'ape lar, Tomliiisoiil Fay e teviile. F. D. Lovel CLKARKO. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T. D. Lbve. j ivKK ki.V sTAfiTi es f . f 8TOCKS OX HAND SOV. 14, 1800. Cotton auhore, 9,13i; afloat, 13,504; total, 22,630. j 8pirits ashore. 2.5D7; afloat. 53: total. 2.C-V1. I flfwiii ashore 44.' 17; afloat. 270. tntnl 41017 Tar aOior-. 2,t2: aflat. 175; tota. 2.H-.7. Crude - nhir. l.l'S-'t aivfKIIT-. NOV. 7 T .NOV. 14iM. 4ttoii. u'J.il. 'Pin! 797: rosir. -. ern.t i :173. 1 KXrORTS, ,NiV. 7 Tt NOV. 14,, iK. UOMKSTIC. Cotton lyypirits.-Wicru le, 154; tar, V2T,; rosin, 5,:ilo. Cotton. 5,532; spiritk 500; rosin, 7,53G. . Hardwares 'IMNWAKK AN I) CMOCH KHW W. K.-SI'KINOKK Hi. Irnportf n knd Jobbers nT . )farcen Hollaing English andCFassical School -BY- i Kev. Panlel Morplle, A HI. riiHE THIRTY-SKCOND ANNUAL SESSION I I Kill Begin CD- V.) Wednesday , the ttrst of Oc tober. For soy inrormatlonj apply at No. 42( Orange str.et, corner of Flftn. sop 15 tf CAPE FEAR ACADEMY ftcopxtiM September 122nd. HorflBb Prtjlaratios Nr Kasin'ss tr Collect. . COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS.! LEADING MALE SCHOOL I ri.ase enror at besrlnnlne bf session. ! v. CATLKTT, PrmcJpal, sop l. 1m Cor. Fifth and ch nut streets. A FREE fmP TOEUROPE. rjlllK PLHLIMIKHS OF "THE CANADIAN o UKEN will Rive, a fne trip! to Kurope to the person sending the largest numtter tf words constructed from letters uontalnud In the name or ihelr weU known Majrazlne, TnE CANADIAN 2UE'.N." Additional ! Prizes consistmeof Silver Tea Kets; told Watches, fnina Dinner Sets. l"ortlere Curtalna. 8111c Drrsses, Mantel Clocks, and man&other nse f ul and viiuabie nrticics will jalso w awarded In order of merit. J Wet tern I'niibrldjred Dictionary to be used as Auihorltv In doeldinjf the contest. This is n popular plan of Introducing a pop ular publication. Every ooe Eendlcg a list of i,ri i-ss than ten worJs will n-celve a present. Eueiose thirteen stampii for IUustrated i-iiiRineiiA of nrrcrnt and tnree month's trial nirfi'4niiv omtTMff A AS U w iy i tf Toronto, ont. L890. harper's Young Peonle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Eleventn Volume of UKrak Tocxo pkorut. wUkii begin wita the Number tor November . presents an attracUva pro uraniutt. U will offer to lis readers at least four herfals of the usual lengih. and others in two or three intriH. namely, f The Red Mua tans." v Wilmam i. t-TODDiao; Phll and the i:aby." by Lrcr C. 1 iluk "Pilnce Tom njyby Jcnx Kcivu lcoktkll; and Moth er' Way.' by Maroakkt K.Sakgtik; two Rhort serlHla bf IUalxar Hjobth Botisk. Two wile or Fairy TaIs wilt attract the at tenilon of lovtrs of he wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tale told by Howard Prui,and o adaatrauiT ltlustr.iul by him. and another sertea in a different vein by Frank M. Bick-NRti- There will be bhort a'orles byW. D. IIowkij. Thomas Ski-son Paux, Mart K. Wilh.!i Nora Prrrt, Uarrikt Prxscctt S5rOFRb. DATID KER. IlEZStlAB BUTTKR WORTO. MFHIW ?WSTT. RICHARD MALCOLM Johnston, etc, j a snwrtptfort to HaRpirs Yocsa PorLK fecure a juvenPe. library, here lsinseful know.tHix. ao plenty of amusement.-fBm l erru' Postage Trepait $2 pryear. JTI vin SovrntfXT 5. 1888. ,s;-.-fM 7u" on receipt tf tloo-OcnX Mr.jtte Number. Five Cents each. Komi nances bhould be mdM by Post-ornit; Mo.vv ftrr or Draft, to avoid chance of los?. .e"xtrfrji uitt mo; u ujpv this ad rr rtlzrrr. rul vi'.'-y t jvrviu urafrqr uarper s urotuer- Alrew H KPEKS UVOTI1ERS. ?ii Jw Yoi NOKT1I CAROLINA. 1 I -. . . superior Court. naapver trouniy.j John II. Mruifc, TS. ltter IL mlh. Wnlier.suilt. Minnie Smith ihI curcncc iulta. Utlrs at Law otlfattle E. smith. ThU 1.- an nclou brought by the abore named plalniln against the defendanw abovt n.imoii tor the immediate Dosse&dlon of a cer tain lot of Ua 1 HMMte in the tnty of Wltna las ton. County of New Hanover, aal bXate of North Carolina, and more spectaoalOr set ont In I he comrUlnt tllrd In thl action. Notice la hereby Riven io Walter mltn. one of the dtodAtiU ab re naiuetL wh Is a noo rrldent of the Mt ri North Carotin, to either plead, answer or demur to the com ptalntnied In the above e titled cause on or before the Cth Monday befortv the first Mon djr In March. A. D. 1S9I. or the relief asked for by tne plaintiff In the complaint; herein nied will be granted. i lilven under my hand and seal of oftlce this. the 11th day ot October, a. u. ism 8. VAKAMUINGE. ! " Clerk of the tnpertor court. 1 O. McCLAMMY and M. BELLAMY, 5 ; octlTew m Plain tiff "a Aitomeya. II Spoctoen ST0IUS5 Read in EVERY VEEK SYTSS 450.000 seam Homes y oiher Weekly Paper fxtet to 7C3I8 a-irn. m4 81.T3 liJl? .f tSflT.'aad far Fall.Tear frw TUEYOCnrs COMFAKION FEKt. "ER8 f.r GUP w.wYMr'i.EutertM s yiuui ns - .ww - - - - , tt It Md Stools. Cabinet Work of all Va sKc Ran rataloinie free.- .odreas ATLAWI vnup , belli 1 VUP nr-nT'POROUS PLASTERS W THE WORLD, whu7re.RuEUMATISU, KIDIIEY PA MS, LAI.1t bau, ac. r 2W eeata Drocsuta. I s ' CHICHESTER'S ENQUSH.RED CROSS . Q) THE ORICINAL AND GEWUIHJ LUI. tit Drucift fcr CkicA beze tlad wiU bto ribbon. Takaaa tela. S2T 1V,U, lnunnux Si" Z "T1. b M4 ay 1A-ImU : the Ad vantages We Offer to PIAKO AVD OIIOAN pUSTOMERSAHE. THAT OUK JHSTKt- rnents are careruiiy seicctea oy nw.uuuci- sljrned and bought directly trom the manu ffiJrer. we hive a very large ck oom- sile.. to select from. All our naaosaredtllveied and kept In tune the first yen by two com, cieii luu-i.-i. a. w'ar Viht here, we are responsible. whlc is not the ca e wh-n you send w I latiO or buy from travelling awn .a, 'or when a j ; thlnvf is wronff jou m o urnu""""" thiB rtnp t. renalr your Instrument. Hj eoonomfcal rttuniicemeHt we . an bell rou ia strumentsat leas- 30 per cent, io - er th in you t..VA trt niv ti t rivfiliu4r auents. for jou nave to help oay their heavy expense. i ne instruineovs juh uuj m j.u . here and consequently jou do not, buj tnc ratln the ba0". Over am instruments sold In Wilmington ccnndencelnour Judinnent and lntegrttj. Ar w e seu ior uuaii i iu""1 --" . K. ANLA Kit. foct 1-1 tf 407 Ked Cross street. Dissolution NoJce. 111IE FIRM OF MORTON & HAI L WAS dissolved by mutual consent on the Cth of No- vember, I$9J. George L. Morton succeeds to the bu&lness, pays all cUlms axalnst the firm, and collects all accounts due them. (JEO. L. M'iRTON. B. F. HALL. X ('IIEEKF I LLY KlMMb.M' iiii to the frien'Js and patrons of the old Arm and bespeaK for him their confidence jnd busi ness. B. F. HALL. "T WILL CONTINUE TUB ilA.MJJAiaunn an! shipping of Nvai Stores as atove Indica ted In my o n rnin?, and res ect fully soiicir the correspondence and patronage o? the friends of the ' id rirm. HOT 12 if tiEO. L MORTON. Hnrptr'n B Z ir. ILLUSTRATEP. luvpRk'j IU71R is a lournal for tho home. Otvini? the .atest information with regjird to the Fashions, irs numerous iiinsirauuiio, f.hlon-plate3 and pattern bheet supple ments are indispensable alike to th.n home ftrcss-maker and the professional modiste. No expense U sprl In making Its artistic at tractlvenessof the highest order. Its clever hhort stories, parior p'uiys. and tDOushttul es- moui as a budget of wit and humor. In Its wo-klr Issues everythlmr is included wblcn is of Interest t.- women. Durtn? ISA olivk THORNI MII.LEK, CHKIriTINB 1MHUXJ IIBK- u:r anft Mart lows Dickinson ? will re- spectlvelr furnlvh a ieries cf palmers vn -The Daughter at Home." Three Meal" a Day," and -The womai of the Period." The serial novels will b wriuen by Walter iiksakt ano F. W. K0BINS0M. ,. HAKPKRS PERIODICAL-; - I -PKR TSAR: : rJAKPEK UA2AK... U CO HAltTERS MAGAZINE 1 4T iIAIIPKH S WEEKLY! ...r...... HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ! fXttCav Fi-- im all subscrfoi'r in IT UnUn SOitrf. Canada or JTexiaa . , The Volumes of the Bazar begta with toe first Number for January of each year. h?L nn iinw t.t mrntmnrtl. subacrlntluns will be?:t wit n the N ember current at tune of receipt of Bound Volumes of Harpers Bazar, ror three freight exceed nn atntlar rwr vrtlnmt.. tor ? nil TVr mli-mp ' Cloth Caaea - for eaeh Totuaae J solvable lot; Undine, will be aenl.br zaan, post-paid,' on Money order or Draft, to a roll chance of loss. Jirwpmpfrt arfnM to eopv t tt attoerttoement Address HAKPEIt BROTHERS, &OTC0 New York years back, in neat Uotn btndln?. will be sent bv mail, nostaze nald. or bv express, free of tfopica' ana CwtUul CalsBflsr 1000 'ri OCT . frtat a Twry of Xnteruumn? rFREE TO JAW. U iui. , LIBEB- wa. will e- joriii - . -w w .- m... Rmtfin. Ma a mmmmm fflHDH E9 I urn mm - ! S ITUIIV HOl'J GASES Cedar v Also wan anu x v'v ; Chests, Barber Fnmta iSjS " ' . ni mtnui DoMUn E. . im r.'"T Mmllki ".'rr. .i . a HJ SMBUa-ftati AtDnigstett, or Miaic&& Pli lH ''f f Ac J T H E STATE tHR0NILE. r t iwi car.nor .onri 'M Mh anli! au UaJer New Mafiageiaent -j l -. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN -Ijj'.witji the IIVfES HE "STATE CUKUNICLE' WILL BE I wh it, lis name lmplles-a State Paper, It is i'- not the ualcl-rh "Chronicle," and will not be local or sectlonaL It will aim to. keep up with the news from Murphy toi Manteo, or, as the politicians put It. from tjherokce to cur It will be the organ of bo man, no ring, no taction; no party. It will be Democratic In politics, but will not hesliate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officer . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year.......... Six 31 onths.. Shroo TMnnt.hs.: I. ( f2 00 1 fO TFor a sample copy address j ... . . m . mr .11 lit XT I - ' T IP 1 lAJliV lUUl'lllVllli, Ualelfrh. 1 890. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Wkkklt has a well-establlsheo lace as the leading Illustrated newspaper id America. The fairness of lts editorial com ments on current pontics has esirned for it the Mc,nrt- onri i-onfiipnrt at all Irftntirtial read ers and the variety and excellence of Its lite rary intents, which Include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, at it for the perusal of people of the widest ranse of tastes and pursultsj The Weekly suynleruents are of remarkable variety. In terest, and value. No expense is spared to bring the big neat order of artistic awiny io bear upon the illustration o the chanceful phases ot home and foreign history, a Jlexl- n..n mmainna fpnm fflp Y.PT. OT - I TT f I M AS A Janvier, will appear In the Wbjkly In 1890. HARPER'S, PERIODICAL?. w PER tear: HARPER'S VEEKLY'...i....... HARPER'S 31AUAZrNE.......r HA RPER'S BAZAR . . . HARPER'S VOTING PEOPLE.. Hmiaae Free Co all mibscriotTi '.........hp i 90 4 00 .......... 2 00 In Ute JniWd states, Canada. Jfxtora. f . t - Thn-VninmoG flf tin WaaMt iwirtn with the first Number for January of each year. Whtn no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin w'th the Numbor current at time of receipt of order. I Bound volumes or uarper s; weciuy, rar )V.ivu -ona Vo r- In nast lrt YA nrHriir will lv bill tC 1 M V V . J "'""O . ' ... sent by maiL postage paid, or by express, free of expense provldel the freight does not ex- ceea one aouar per vuiumej, ior i wu ytr w. viorn cases lur euuii ,vpiuiui;, wuwuic iur binding, will be sent by- mallj post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. i - 1 - Kenilt tances should be made by Post-Oface Money Order or Draft, to avoid phance of loss Srwipaper arr not to copy litis atfrmimtenL 'Cilhont the exvrwe order o Harper & Brothers no SO 1 LTa.b ITji John Warner. 'J'iJEUK IS BUT ONE, jiAN.'J HE HOLD forth at No. 29 Jtartet srreet. Ji trocxf have - - , - I, : t. t -. . for k) cents, a Shampoo for at ena, or a Hair Cut tora) cents. Four oi the best Barbers In the state. Clean towels, sharp razors and prompt attendance; .JOUS WERMER, '- TheiUerman Uarber, t'tti"tr I s vriret wiw OF THE 1 1 oh. Jefferson Davis. BY 0 SOLD BT fUBSCiiirTlOS 0XL1V " r ' , . ': ' , " -, . 1 1 1 The prospectus and couplets outfit for can vassing will be ready Immediate iy. AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE TERRI TORY on this great work will please address, as soon atj possl'de, the publishers. . . BTLF0RD OPMPANY, - 18-S East 18th Street . NEWTORK, v iaauaivu L . lis. XT V V Cszt i??- .TnE - &M1LV mtknane and wl Tliaak.alTl.i, Cirlitmai, U-aVO Scribner?h?Magttt 1 1 For , - .f wwiKNEK'S MAGAZINE i . al foVma tt tto mT popular q ow. Svsai ? foeriodlcals, waile at all imcs pre Llvlnl?tsh Rfrary characters 25.0i new readers have teen drawn to It during thejpast reTenthsby the lncreaHl excellence or It ?n ured wwesa. The illust rations wiU showme new effects, and nothln? to maKe 5cRI SNER'S MAGAZINE attractive a;ad ThomalJes on --The Hall way Postal i?er. vi. - Illustrated.. "i1" MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSAN'S SOlia uoveThe Master of Bananlrac.-; JvilL run tnrouk'h the gresitcr part of the year t - A CORRESl-ONDEOK; and Wlhion .o. and arwnousYrroup of modern French lU tliit h. siittance of several articles nui'"" " " - . -. f ..... . -,, lUustraicd. - i : - Tlie brief end paper written last yeajr-bj B?bt Eoill everaon, will Py tomous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich Will write the first of them for the Januarj ntMarValuaoleLITERARY annear apaper on Walter Scott's Method ot illustrated from original M8S.. a second ShcTf of Old Books." by Mrs. James Fields aSd mSrother articles equally JiotewoiThy 7 - illustrated 'JX Articles on ART SU BJECTS lUfie,a .feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence CookrETfl. Blashfteld. ' AusUn v Dobson and many oth ers. Illustrated. . . t. FIsniNQ ARTICLE - descrthlhg sport lathe best fishing rrounds wiU appear, salmon WiinKh,8 1& Jnd Tarpon are the subjects bow arranged. The authors are well nown sportsmen. Illustrated.'. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE of great yartety. touctinir upon -oil manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will appeaa, bui not of the conventional commonplace sort. . Among the most Interesting In the ust-pt scientific papers for the.vear will be a remarK Iblearticfe Prof. John Trowbridge.japoii the meat recent developments, and nses of PHOTOGRAPHY; Illustrated. , "rtvS A class of articles which has - proved of spe cial interest, will be continued by a . group of papers upon ELECTRICITY in itatnost reeent applications, by eminent authorl ties a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether Interesting papers. t 'r--ir Unique Illustrations ' - A - SPECIAL OFFER ' to cover last year' numbers, which include all the Railway Arti cles, as fOllOWS; . - Jv- - A yesir's subscription (18S9) and the num- -; -bersfor 1888...... ..... --H.o0 A year's subscription (1889) and the num-: bers for 1888. bound In cloth. . S3 a year ; 25 cent nuraber. Charles cribner's . Sons. ; 74JV-745 Br wav;NY. . ; - Wilmington SeacoaitR.R iv icFFKcrr nv. ? i fi. ; THE FOLLOWrxb -CH ANG K OF; J?CHED- u e on the Wilmrnton 8eaoast Railroad will trtke etTet-t Surda1 . Xov. UMh: Trains leave ri ri-s street at. 7:0;) a. tar. 2:30 and' 6:10 p. m .dull v except Sunday. - Leave liatumfc s 8.13 a. ai.; 5:0fLand 7:0J p. m . dalty exoep? Sunda . ' - r - Sunday train leaves Princess .street al p. n?.. leaves Hammocks at 5.30 p. m t . -V - - j. R. NOLAN," novl5'f i-'- General Itfaaager. ; THE . . . -.-- ..7 . .... " . - -.. 7 -f- MANU A niN&:00.' j MANOFACTUREKS'OE;', Fertilizers! Pine Fibrerano Wilmington -vB?TK THE REPUTATION OF OtJK FERTILIZER tne ACME and GEM, is now established, and tte results of tnree years' use in the naadsof the best farmers of this and other States will attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, maoe from the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet Tor comiort and durability and the demand for tt is dally increasing. It has : Tlr tuee not found in any other fabric. ; v : Thft FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used, ror upholstering purposes, and as a tilling for Mattresses is almost equal to naif, being light elastic and proof against insects. ,: certificates from reliable parties using out goods can e seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon pubUcarton. : tan 4 tf CANDY AND FRUIT! HA VB ARRANGED A- CJ?4Tt65ElY and FRl' IT DEPARTMENT ta my large Gro eery Storv -on south Front street, where i wUl keep faU supplies of FRESH FRUIT ' I t -, r ' - . - FOREIGN I AND OMESTIC. , CpNECTION- E1UES, DRIED FRUIT, &o., all Of Which will be sold lowland to.wLlch I resptfhUy 'ihyiie attention. nbv7.tr DW" Sd rront Street. U n iversity of North Caroli ria The Fail term T7OUli ' It EGULAR CO U JIS ES s OF STUDY, Classical. Phlloeonhleal. Xiterarr. Knt fie Electrical Engineering, Pharmacy, and other studies.- v, -: "r'p- -- -:- ---v---' ?-' separate scnoois of law ana r ei icinc, w case ACME Address ... ' . l o HON. KEMP P. BATTLE, L.LD., - Jy 3 v Prealdeat, Chapel HU1, W. C MYorliyceUlya.., AT . If -i, " .'.j L .... .NovVVthetimetoSu;; 1 1 PuMfc .iLe5earl8)it.Wrt .. x ' j trtsto rlea&e its 6ubscrnBti 1 r eluding ttrst-tjass 7. It Well Khowb ,, Practical Farmliiimi.ri n.!' i Literature and Art, r. C hoice Plashes of Wit iud Hd . :.KxclusiveNew8 for i , ' i rvwnri lfcfmation res V JAME GORDON BKSn 1 I : Si OdIv- 0ne .D()liar ft v.;. Do not fall to Subsctlbe tow tor n,. ' Nf w.York Weekly Hep'i OBSERM j ' The; Oldest and Best ; f ! - U Family WevmDcjB'-: respondents At. Honie. an Abtoao Storifeg, Reviews, ConlenpeU e Departments . (or Farnim, ' L' ' chanta,- Bankers, Professidnal llfii j Students, Boys and Girls. . ..; t : ' i This year the Observer will 'pub j Uh more than i - FIFTY PRIZE TOItlES,' I Hnd the ablest and most '. DoVtV writers ivill contribute to Itt j umns.- Poets and prose writer, u " thors editors, men of science and voriien of genius, will. fill the r4 nmnsef the Obskrvkr, anditv.il ive fifty-two unexcellea'papen k the coming, year.. ; - tv' Price, $3.00 a year. ' . 1 1 ; ., Clergymen, $2.00 a year. V -f Great IMucernehtrforlLj j i. The NEW YORK OBSERVER WlUteiei . .'or one year to any clereyman not tovat.i scrlber, for ONE DOLLAR." i 3. v Any subscriber sending nls own gubscnp Qou for a year In" advance and a ne vxtsA ber with $5.00, can have a copy of a 1w 36us Let ters." or "The Life of Jerry Mcloiej., ( 3.We will send the OBSEUVEK Sorter1 malnder of this year, and to January 1, r taanywBW subscriber sendlnn us aUnactM . address and $3.00 In advance. To suchsutotn bers we will, also iveeitaer iu 1,7 Irentelis Lttters" or "The Life of Jerry ml ?v " ' Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal Iff rjarsre commissions, sample c reft Address, . " .- .-.. , tr "Nivw York 0b8err,, l NEW YORK 1 i "HeUo ! Tom. Glad to see IJJT Jt'iahnoattenyeariJtncewewn down: let's have an cxpencu - M Ohfahe'. io;be m -Ing something I can't afford. n Wftfi WelL wiall want some thins more cm tirtedtokeeplownesei;wdnow . , rmmeaii,rand aha'i tired of ari" , ?thir- to ihow for . 'i' wjAtreit..helopked , T I ttinit ane u ; "hm far Oh I that', my secret r Jil covered hr ecret When w manija. knew we ahonld have to be W)Urtiii Taade one condition: wopfllSThoatU B7- ? And she was right 1 1 f ld Wl rrJ ' self or double th WrtPJS. Utt word : ' It together, from the litW-paje to n" the tWa keep our haul. yon ng j" of important events and Bcitiflo-m' ,f , , me posted so that I can talk fgiooi '. what is going on i : njy wlf 'm dcSlrtJ new idea from the houwhold jWrr. . makes all her dresses and those f1." Vuatf and she gets all her patterns foi '$fcjm&L . Magazine ; and we saved Joe when h t withthecroim,bydomgjartw , fianiUriau Department. atlcan'twi,'w , TWhatwoflWal Mfrln.U'd-- - V ' - Demorest's ramlly fe"f'J sj tA 4 , and i toid ner tt w n i T0B on my wife'a accoant: h ?,Z?eit teaet hi time for our tin ffJf geif My gold wstcn was tne p'" thnfw Prrff -. npaclab. nere'e a copy, rif pf s-s ; , ; list for clttbs.-the blgseet tM S writs I- t -rV.. .Aii want. YOU V6 OBJ7 Kj.!l'T the publisher and teU him - ttlaatack-hanmieroranewcarriagjrW , makeeperial term for yoa, Hh ,ar rartcaihT Better nbbent o lira. Tom. Only $i00a TTudt1 I that In six month. Or JSTii U Jf ! ' pnbliBher, W. Jenalngs IJffp eoa Street, New York, for a specimen copy , . thafreminTn litV .-: " ' -a-' - J. LJj U fi J K A FTn 1"SM J rTTT i tut i . ' . "t Well, mr iriena, JJ ,"7 jecitfyr . oct lx wnr , , .. l'3

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