"".rfli rrm erftin ..wn. or an rrop. Ve "1JI t to recfire uquciuoicm CIS rrora cnr rrseuos on -.4"Uer:;ccrs " general tnte-wo. out ':;- . 1 - The tuiaif ur mo water nt Mvru,ra te far LUTrrM dx camera, free r , r of iw " ab0T? mtaxP- one aide or ine pApPr. : rttfrv . . .air lld i rr stood t-hJit ttw iwiitr loea irot ij-xaya endorse the ne wr ftwn puunu onloesi to tt&ted. In ihe eJitortiU cumiuti - ' ' v ING rx N, N C , AV EDN ES I) A Yf NOVEMBER 19, 1S90. NO 289. ire i n - . u ; . .- - -- - . m-. ti n - v n .is -i t is : w i i - n u . . . t i ' if ' a it fill f - t ? ii - rt. : . - i i?- -r u - . m ri s ' u ' I .. I I 4 I i fel l I 9 1 j - 1 , 1 11 u!, a --e , r .11 -m- m: i " I, -f - a f ' A . IH f IiA. - rT . . .- fT. :: . K. Ih f:t'-. 2iUl HCt f '.t I". u- I lr.if3 tliO s r .'v ,.r! oo!i. licc.ii f i f nn.t ciirt3 fc.il)it:n j is t 4 IS t!f . 1 ever in f'f jJJ i the t::tt and ih. toiu:!-li. i.nmipt i; mob 'rjrifEfkknovn. promptly for any one wh 'iatatyit. Do cot accept an; mmn FIG SYRUP CO. lit FMCISCO. CAL SZnZ, If. Kt W YORK, H. f. WtfEICT K. HKLLAMY. WHOLESALE DKUGGIST. jj . Wilmington. N. C. MOVES ! STOVES ! Jil liilj. uJ at All Pritts. JUrrmto, Flanner & Co.. 8AM JONES SONG BOOKS. 1IEV BOOK STORE !J3 . A Moving Tale. pniUL VOTE THIS TVEK. IT IS Tc5 ta- Aruclw of Furniture hare r"-3 lM Lew thlnr bi-m U'a ??Hl??riri111- CaU tee ua. We JWkxtm prices. SNEEO CO.. runuture Dealers. 25. Qor.Mirtn and Second sia. URTIV h Tfl 1 LM I "10LWALK DE.LtR3 I" partslons, Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars,' ' mm 3IERUIIANTS, fw. ffmt mm Unck Sl. : - !Mi. I ... ... Lemon and Vanilla, OIL. rAKtr.OUIo.TrTTS PILLS, k r ' a Urjce a-vso.lrnent of trsii f.ir the Uetalt Pros and j LO. lt 1'RICIX " liM N. Front. street. p' sl Appl-s ! Apples I j AMI T8Y PRODUCE GENERALLY. . 110 NO. Water St. i !ilUia LiBsJrt ftsxpaif YtST retPAIlCI) TO TASK VfOX linrtted aniount of ramlij ttUfam be to charge of ncompe- '- WOKTIX BRANCH. rroprtetors. POR HIRE. I 11 AXD CAKKIA4&S AMD VeIII t C Wi, wtta aivd without drtrera. ... tvatori3e, or Ctt, rerftctU and cared for fcj the oar. ata. StOOND-lIAND VECICLXS r. C. ORREIX, Cor. Third and PrtJxcess.s; - 14 1 spared flnlv jVcju the niO' (T'.rJf .hi. miali:! eur.;ici:tl i' 'j i bodes br nil leading drug- ia reliable druggist tL f l ! Iin1 will rtrrk in any other city in tin . ! I. ! j Tnrear ai nuiny as Jiht thft Uni td Slate., i sion. She U to have no eiectric rail way thirty miles 1od. Canr.da haa-5S,JXX) tuile's of tele graph wire, and did a Luisinefi In of4,27,rSl dispatches! i uiirtn the pant seventy-three yearn the American Bihl Society hatdUtrihuteil i over i fcVT0 000 coiles or tiie tscriptttre. . - OIeve!an.d- ami Palmer" Ih he rirket wldoli tlie Chlraoj Jlcralfl s :it present supportiti; ajf in its judg ment, the heat that can li4 made for The Indianapoiiit Sentinel and heveral other Indiana papern jure urInt: that. Congressman eject William D." By 11 u in. of their Statf, is junt the man to lie Speaker of the Coiifirress. - Tlie Italian and Lenanto. of tlie Italian navy, are two of tljev largest war Mhipa ever hnilt. " They are 400 long long, 74 feet broad, and possess a mean draught of water exceeding 30 feet. j ........ . j Sheriff Alison is authority for the statement that, in the city of Glas gow alone, 30,000 people qet drunk every Saturday night, and crime has Jucreased six times faster than pop ulation. j:: , t .; , : t .4- j The new French tariff imposes duties on over 1,000 articles, while ours covers only about 85ol But ours sets there, all the same.. At least it did on the flrbt Tueslay of this month. , Hambure drives what luayj be called a roarinsr trade In wild beasts. liions and tigers can be ordered at 1,900 francs apiece.- A good "rhino ceros, however, will fetch from 8,000 francs to 28,009 francs. - Tlie people of the United States consume, it Is said, 200,000,000 bot tles pickles annually. -About Oojper cent of this amount is credited to the Republicans, since tho reeent election, as they look exceedingly sour. j The distance travelled by Stanlej' tn the Interior of Africa isjestimated by hiin at 5,400 miles, of jwhichj all but 1,000 were on foot. The expe dltlon occupied three years, aud rescued 300 persons, at a cost of less than 30,000. , The highest cnurch spire in the world has just been completed.! It Is that of the Cathedral at Olm, Wurteinburg, and fa 580 feet high The top of the cross on the dome of St, Peter', Rome, is 448 feet above the pavement, j During the first nine luonths of the year 244.4M emigrant left Eng land, as compared with 282.870 dur ing the corresponding months of last year. There have been only 49,348 Irish emigrants, as tigalnst 50, 614 during the same periodln 1889. Col. Vilas, who was POstmnster CJeueral under Cleveland, is the leading candidate for the United States Senatorshlp. In Wisconsin. but It is by no means certain that ... - At ' A. lie will le viecteti, roriiiere ismtuu opposition to hliu in his own party. The accumulation of wealth, esti mated at 14 per cent, of j the gross earnings of mankind, now aggre gate .fXXXOOO.OOO per annum, and is increasing, relatively jas well as absolutely, from year to year. The pension sharks at Washington City come In for a big slie of ihis pie. The Hon. eiifton R. Breckinridge, of the 2d district of Arkaiisas, who wns unjustly deprived of jus seat by the Republican majority. In Con gress, has not only been sent to the 52d Congress by a decisive majority, but he has also been elected to .fill the unexpired terra in the present Congress. Most of the members ot the present House who were active in unseating Mr. Breckinridge were defeated for re-election. Tlie testimony of the FJre Engine Department, and of livery stable men of the city or Baltimore, Is to the effect that for cutf, sprains, galls upon horses and other abrasions of the skin. Salvation Oil la an inval: uable reraedr. Price 25 cents. Mro & co Furniture " Mcndj BkorHSEa irug5t!ts K or PAtteiition. .vemWn -i O O F-Atten!on; -Members NonfB Wil Typographical Union C W Yates Sam Jones song Docks - - Only one week now to Thanks- KiWoj Therecefpts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 1.451 hales. Mr. A..W. .WatM)nHin New York, ptirchaving holiday gools.: Hot Bfd"3ash and Glafor-Rale hy the N.gncoJi Il.iwj Co.' t t v It is estimated that tliere are now nearly 20 varieties ot chrysanthe mums in bloom in thi oity. Itev. Dr. Pritciiard returned to the city last night from attendant on tlie Baptist State Conyention at Shelby. - President Cleveland and his young wife are happy in the present, and look forward cheerftillv to tlie fu ture. Br. Bull's Coujrh Syrup Ih ex cellent for infants and'adults. Visitors -to our city should- cer tainly not fail to call on the .N. Ja cohi Httw..Co. for 'anything wanting in their-line. t Use Real Ready-mixed Paint, and have no other, if yen want a good, durable article; for eale by the- N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. . t Chickens are somewhat cheaper. Messrs. I. T. & (i. F. Alderman had in a lot' this morming, selling at 30 cents each, for the best. I ata Manufacturer s Ageiit for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com biuation Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts. - t . We have in stock aw immense va riety of Cook Stoves, all styles and sizes. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The wood from the oak trees ia front of the new Government ..build ing, now being removed, will be stored in the City Hall yard and given out to the poor this winter. A large line of Breech and Muzzle loading Shot Guus, Air Riiles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. !N. Jacobi Hdw. co. ; ; Schr 'ormuu, Sargent, cleared late yesterday afternoon for San tiago de Cuba, with 203,213. feet lumber and 100,000 shingles, valued at $4,520.52. shipped by Messrs. S. & W. II. Northrop. The W., O. & E. C. R. R. track is now laid to within a few miles or Jacksonville. The iron to complete the missing link is on the way and may arrive at any time. Once at jax the cry will Oe "On to. New born." I . Some few flue turkeys are in market in anticipation of Thanks giving. We saw one- this morning that weighed 18 pounds in his feath ers and cost $1.C0. When cleaned he would probably weigh 14 pounds. It was a noble bird. Superintendent Sholar is having; the oak trees iu Front of the new Federal building removed. They are being taken up root and branch There are 'some fourteen of them. They were planted there more .than half a century ago. A meeting of the . Wilmington Railwav Bridge Co., called to meet to-day at 3.30 p.1 m.,at the office of the C. C. R. R.-, was held but there being no quorum there was no election of officers. Tho old officers will hold over. - I ' ' . - The annual meeting of the stock holders of the W. & W. R. R. was held in their office in this city to-day but it is impossible for us to publish the proceedings to-day as according to the late hour of adjournment the report could not be secured in time for this issue, j .. , llackleu Arnica S1t. The Best Saive in the world for Outs , Bru ises, ' Sores, fleers, bait Rlieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hand. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It sguar aute'ed to give : ierfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2o cents oer box. - " " '' "-" For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and Tatail d Children CrJbrPitcher's Castorii j L'or iorth Carolina, fair until Friday -morning and ' arv.j te'iiiperature, except - I nation- I cooler on the coast. ' LocaV-CofecaVts, from '8 a. in. to-day for Wilraincrton and viciuitv. fair and slightly cooler weather. Children Enjoy . .1 . The pleasant, flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of. Syrapof Figs, when in need of a laxative and if the. father or mother be costive or bilious the-,most gratifying results follow its use, fio that it i the best ramUylreiiietly knowing hnll every fa m i 1 y should have a! bo tt lej Gone to Roanoke. ; J Yesterday Ctapel Ilillian says; "Mr, W. P. Huggins, of Wilmington, N. C, left "yesterday ' for Roanoke, Va., where he will, serve! on the local staff - of oiie of-j the leading evening papers. Roanoke is a busy and booming .town of over' 20,000 people, nnd has a bright future. Mr. Huggins is one of our most popular young men, and we predict for him an.uncheckered career as a 1 journal ist. We are all sorry jto jsee "him leave, but are glad to see tiiat one of us so young has beeri chosen to fill such a responsible position." Supreme Court. The following are among heopm- ions filed In this Court On Monday: r 1'uffer vs. Ijucas, from New Han over; appeals of, both missed. i Maxton vs. Robeson parties .dis- county; no error. .- j - j . Tomlinson vs. Seacoast Railroad, from New Hanover; no error. estate vs. Barker, New Hanover; reversed . Wadesboro vs. Atkinson! Anson; no error. State vs. McDuffie, error. Moore; no Leak vs. Gay, Richmond; no error as to both appeals. Walker, ex parte, Robeson; no error. . Au linrly Monilus Wedding. ; There was a pretty' wedding this morning, at 8 o'clock, in tlie First Baptist Church, f The parties were Mr. James Fowle Perryj of ibis city, but formerly of Scotland Neck, and a nephew to Gov. Fowle, and Miss Lucyv the lovely daugiiterj of Dr. Jehu H. Freeman. The churcJi was beautifully decorated vith flowers and evergreens for the bappy occa- siou and the ceremony was led 'by Rev. Dr. Pritchard, jerform the pas- tor. Mr. James Pittman, fof Scot- i land Neck, was best man; for the groom aud Miss Mattie Freeman , if. and Miss Helen Perry, sisters to the bride aiid groom respectively, were the bridesmaids. ' The .ushers were Messrs. E. Horton Freeman Robert S. Cojll ins and Vance Norwood. The sjiacious church was crowded with the friends and relatives ofh c bride and groom.' The happy couple left ou the 9 o'clock train for the North on a short wedding tour and on tlie return they will stop, for a few days at Scotland Neck on a I visit to Mr. Perry's relatives. s vt A great many beautiful, costly and useful bridal presents were re- ceived. Crlmlnal Court. , . The following cases were disposed of in thiscourt to-day:J State vs. James Quinn and W. H. Anderson, affray. . Anderson found guilty. - . - , State vs. Ben Mathis, larceny. Two years in Penitentiary. State vs. John Wright and Wm. Simmons, affray. -Simmons found guilty." . -v . ,. --' . - Yesterday attefnoon Charles Rob bins and. Robt Jones, both! colored boys, were charged with burglary in the second degree in breaking into the house of M. Bellamy, Esq., dar ing the absence ;of the family Jast summer. Rob'bins submitted, and Jones was tried and found guilty, hnt the indcrment of the court was m - . t at the requesfbf the Solicitor with held until to-day. Indictments were also found against Jones for" break ing open and robbing the residences of Mr. W. H. Northrop andf-Mr. -is. J. Powers last summer' during the abscence of the 'owners, ! but the Solicitor stated; that) these cases would not be tried at this term; the papers, ho wever; would be filed and ready for use after Jones bad served his first term In the Penitentiry. -4 i l-nI in" authorities say the only ; uprtnur wv tn treat catarrh is to tF our red z Trde ilaxk on front ot Wrap proper way to ireai carrii i s oq tf of take a constitutional remea, 1Ke;jr.iLZeuuico. -Hood's Sarsa pari I la. j . ' noriatfDiSV call: NEW ADYEKTISE HUNTS 1 "" iiir' ''''' 1 1 " ""' " Ul " " 1 11 """ " !""' bpnngs canji; upholsterea ll HATE: SOLD 3IY UPIIOLSTrRED SFJ;IKG BEDS TO TUElJATTETtT PIJK nOTEI,, I AthevlIIe; and to FlnelioteUla St AugrisUiie. Macon, Ga., and Washington Ciy, D, C; and W . nov 15 tf :.. Deeply, Darkly, Desperately Doll. , Down on the wharf they are feel ing the effects of the money troubles hi New York arid London. There is no real t rouble here," only a gen eral dullness. ;. The effect is every where the saTie. r The Baring Brcs' trouble is largely responsible for this." It is almost impossible" to ne gotiate foreign exchange and of course this has a depressing effect upon the markets. New York is fast recovering from the Wall street troubles, however, ' arid in a few daj-s we may look to see tlie markets everywhere resuming a healthy tone. In the meantime cot ton is tumbling and naval stores are on the ragged edge.'' The receipts, however, are light and this helps to tone the market. We got here yes- terdav 119 casks snirits. 708 barrels rosin, 75 barrels tar and 9 barrel crude' turpentine: exceeding Char- lestob, where the receipts yesterday footed up but 93 casks spirits and 180 barrels of rosin. Prohibition lUectinjr. j - ''- The Prohibitionists met last nigh t at the City Hall pursuant to notice irivek. About one-thinl of 'those present were colored. , Rev. Dr. Pritchard called ' the maetinir to order and nominate! Rev. Dr. Creasy for" chairman. The motion was carried rand Dr; Creasy took the chair, Mr. W. H Shaw being reauested to act as sec retary; :.. .' Dr. Creasy made a short speech, strongly advocating Prohibition. x Mr.- J. M. Forshee submitted a motion, whith. was adopted, T to ap point a committee of eighty-four from each raceto appoint an execu tive committee to consist of fifty members, white and colored. The chair was authorized to appoint the committee of eight, and namet Messrs. Preston Cumming, J. M. Forshee. L. W. Sneed and J. R. Marshall as the white members o said committee. " j Addresses were then'made by Rev. Dr. Pritchard, Rev. Mr. Anderson, Rev. Dr. Creasy,. and Rev, Alexan der (colored); Rev.: Drv Sanders (col- ored). Rev. Snicer, " f colored),"' and John II. Whiteman (colored). On motion of Mr. Forshee, the committee of arrangements was di rected to appoint a time and place for the next meeting and give notice thereof. ; The meeting then adjourned. DOX'T DIE IN TIMS IIOUSJC "Rough on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches. ROUGH ON WORMS. Safe Sure Cure. 25c. Rough on Toothache. Instant relief, 15c. ows , , Is the Oriental salutation, knowing thatgoofl liealth ; cannot exist without a - healthy Liverr AVheii Hie ; - Liver is torpid the Bow- els are. si uppish and con- r etipated, tlie food lies , in the stomach nndi- ; . gested, poisoning the ; blood; f requen 1 1 ieadache -. ensues; a feeling of lassi- tude, despondency and nervousness indicate ho'.v : 4 tlie whole system h .tie ransred. Simnion.? JJver Kegulator has, bert the ; means of .restoring nioro": i - people to heal th 7 and hapiineso by giving Ylient ; I V a health y Liversi!iari;ny agency l;nbwn on-e;ifth.. J - It acts , withy est n vn- ( , dinary power an.'! efiiescy; j HCVEa OSEM DISAPPOINTED j As a'svorml feoiity fe!y ;. f cr few ;-' b;, Torpid Ll rer, Cocitipation. ctc I hrW ? ; ntc MTthins elie,- ad Late jver K , appointed In tho vS&et pnJsrci; liff :-J r bo almort a perfect care for al d:cs5n.,--s x Uioxaach and JJowel-.m , '. - ; lie not Inap! tpon S .- '''J i FTm!r.o tn wtt tJtit rou ret the (Venice. Disuni-uisriPd froia ll Irauds and imitations Your feprmg seds vror; bale. - Fiortdai; to iarje dealers tn RichmtKd, Va can guarantee to plcise ihe most, fastlJlou?. fil. cuiyiiUJiPJC,:., : ill Princess Street, Wilmington, H. c; Death ofU r. IU M. Orreih . : ' We ire pained to learn of tliedeath 4 of JMr . R; H. (rrellV.n well knowu. ' reMdeut of this city 'and a printer. ,. He'died at Ids residence this inorn. -ing. aged 38 years; after a long' i ll- n es, of t h a t d read i VI laease, c 6 n - . ' -s u m r t ion. MrOrrel I; grad uat ed at ; the old JourjtaL office Ho was a good printer, an excellent, ctizeDt,J a kind hiisbandand an" 'affectionate fathe r. The f cinema!; Fervices will C take place to-morrow afternoon : T from Fifth Street M. E. Chorh and T. the riMiiaius will '.be , followed to the - grave -by tlie Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythia jof both of : which ordersheT was a member,: arid ! by the Typographical Union. The Heaven ou Fire. . 'V - Some beautiful meteors were ob-..u served last evening , darting- acros f the 1 ortherh sky. Sohie oC thejui lookedas 4arge as skyrocket.' It f -' - just ihe right time of yearv, now I for thest. celestral visitants.'- It was in November, 1833, that the great 'nie- teorrc shower'took ptace, 4 One (who saw it ilescriCes it to us as a- grand, beautiful and impressive sigh t. Tho , excitement here was intense. For an hour or more the .meteors -shot athwart the sky, darting hither arid " thither and disappearing as sudden- - f. Iy as they appeared. Many thought that the last day had come; that day. in which St. Peter says that it "will . come as a. thief in the night; in the 1 the heavens shall pass away - , whic witli shall a great noise and-the elements melt with - fervent heat; the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up.' People ; prayed that night who had long ; been un used t prayer, . moans arid laiiieptations were heard on all sides t .' and the negroes, in especial, .were . 011 their knees in most fervent sup- Plications for pardon and mercy. It was certainly a night vnever to be forgotten by those who saw the wild commotion overkead. " . I "' " .:-... DIKD. ..t-;.,- ; I.'. ORlicLL. In this-city, this mornincr, at 10:30 o'clocK, Mr. 1L II. OltUELL, aged 38 rears. mineral to-morrow, Thursday, at 3 p. m., from Fifth Street Methodist Church, thence to oaKdale cemetery. Friends aad relatives are requested to attend. - v , . aur and iiessenger copjj i- N KW AU VEItTISEAl ISNTO RJotice. T WE MElillEUS OP yiL3IIXOTON TTPO- graphical Union No. 28, aro hereby notUlea to meet at their hall on to-morrow rrhuiBdarV evening, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose xt at- wuumg tuc iuiit.Ta.1 ot tneir comraae, r. ii. 11. OrrelL s. 0. II ALL. ; nov 19 it . - . . secretary. L O. O. Fa MEMBERS OF ORIOJT LODGE, NO. 67 Urethren: You are hereby stunmoned to appear at your Lodge Room at 2 o'clock p. m. to-morrow (Thursday) to attend the funeral of latel'. O , K. M. OrrelL -,1 Cape Fear Lodrd Mo. 2. and nil rvi.i VAimvnt m k'(ou Bianamr are invited to attend. By order Jf. ti. J. M. ilcGO WAN, Secretary. nov 19 it Attention, ! of P5 Stonc- i wiil I Lodge No. 1. I YOCI ARE HEREBY REQUESTED TO meet at our castle Hall on Thunder, the 20th Inst., at 2 o'clock p. m., to attend the fu neral or our oeceasea orotuer, u. iu OrrelL. -i oermania and Clarendon lodees -aro invited to attend. W. F. PEKOE w. C. C. 1). C! Ii KVAN E, K. Of r. & 8. , nov 19 It! (Star and Messenger copj) ; .1 ' r J 1 11 . 1 1 ,-; H. A. Tuclcor, EALEK IN GRANITE, MARBLE 'AND Brovrn stone.. Manufact urer of Cemetery, Monumental andBulldlns Work. . 1 - 510 North Front Street, 1 sep2?tf Wilmington, N. O. ; Tf Dorse Oraerfr locljav Prertnttl. I igrORSES THAT ARE PRICKED WITH caUsorotoer panel u-ed woanis in tho foot. when treated Eiaifu'ly, are la no danger of dying from Lockjaw. Attcr a pmctlcal ex pertenco of 33 years 1 am prepared to guaran tee the. at ove. Ca'l on me. - . . . . I - , 1. QCINLIVAN. f oct 8 ly 1 ;JTfae llorseshoer and Farrier. . - Ex cn tor's Notice. ; HAVING QUALIFIED AH EXECUTOR OF the Estate of Kate Mabson. ceceazML late 01 tie eounry or ew iianovcr. couce 13 here by given to ail persona navlcqr any claims against the said decedent to exhitit the asme to me ea or before the I Kh day of November, ISM. otherwise they wui be barred of recov ery. Ail persons indebted to this estate are requested to make immr dtate paytrnt. I JOHN HARRIS HOWE. cot 13 en tiro iterator. l't i t

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