fUCM'1 i5dIIP ?fSUit. rrlc25cts. UI - i i in I IMP TTf It? Cures to'w, viv, S Hoarseness, Asthma, Jrrtlifl J Croup.Ina- SYRUP ?Wt h Czt. A t drvjghtx PHR SYS " IT. It ftnl V t , . w Jl ! UtT.3id for er fvi rv la fart cl r.r. 7t '"- i.,Mni.i.a!lm I "rrrt. r;.nf li-faotj fun fcc. w.lUnT . t -I JCfll'il ' - " - . I Lf -a." SB ri;... en- srh... riiEbt VI. Unt Conjtbs. . iJh Vfcyh td f"M. nitUM tree. it?MlcltCi.l Fulton St. N Y. iPEC I F ICSo Xit:roG. X. J. DANIEL Y. OCt n 4w r i MUTII ) in 'Vf..ziEt;L&i:tt Itrlght Vouiik en CT Ljauics ejCh county. CO., I'blla., Pa. ". li ir !-arl toto IRpUSS 5 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CbcMr ana WouTw to bIx. hwiit a hrmunant KTovth. Vrrr ril to Betor Qrmj Haip U tta loat&ful Color, i Cut r p d rr ft hair taliixg. , .1 1 !' Imitl i jirJw Ionic. Jl cum Ua ixl l i. tt. li jrfto, riO,Tae la Umt-Mctt rSf ft D M TT. m rur tor Conn UiTtrrL-COMFOnTINO. ;ps's cocoa. BRE.lKFA.ST. tacrffiii tncurhLip or the natural f nti rnr rn t he opera t ions or dl gvsi 1 3txa.iat bv a carrlm appiieaUon ot or weU-seltort tocoa. Mr. 'ajj-rj our trpakfost tables with lKJ 8iwrW brverap wLlch may iiaarimj- doctors' tills. It Is by taiot wa articles of diet that a wj be jnrajaAlly built up unUl 'ici to reti erry tendency to EutTes or suwie ma! ..lies arc ncKiiimdj to ftack- unercver I P'-a'- Ve may esc.ip many -iit.izz ciives well fortl . lBt Kooi taj.i a property i.ourlsbcd ijr'. Ma.te Mm ply l" or tailK. mm only In Half- :ilr iijui.iopatLic chem- r oct 2:4 CaMrcrra.c 1 CNCLISH IYRQYAL PILLS ' 1 "Wt tit -it-u-it I O BMANO. - a"Kra. MiauM as. ZSL8 I-ala," Utttr. by rriara M ! EiAK F3 mi jart, cfyonsf-l crrora. rly 1 w ioi. kx. x a TtjlM!J. ccituialrg full r1 F R EE of eh urrv X l.'T1- i-'btUtated. AdJma. irowini, 3Xoxlu, cmu. s .... i!l r into lias Eustne I anil tec tl. ... " onc woo wui lt krt T15'1 UP wtablUhmcnt ' n.Tt! c:tr 111 kr o. I itCtfully, AiyiACKSON" WELL, Kalcra and LiuJera. rSi James1 School JAMES WILL 1TB f:r 'Ladics. and chll- I . Nly, Oct 2d. : ,n?- Calls S' ..lbe ncrlntn KlckJnr Dor to HIj Flltr Tntia. Indian Agent McLaughlin has given uio 010x11. 10 unacrstana that he will euma no nonsense in regard to the com ing or ino session, iioro . than a dozen of tho xcd - ihtn nor lio in the grmd hotosojpr unseemly conduct, and Kick ing Horse, who Chums to Inrft ino turned from heaven, ha3 been ordered to icavo me reservation forever. ' iuckin Ilorso claims to have gone to heaven through a hole in,tha clouds lie ia cunninpT enough to mix.Christian doc trino with his prophetic rjrcirli?n n make it seem more reaL Thf) Great Spirit; told Iviciinr? -FTnrrt ilut a:i 1 - - vtmurfctn, the Indians, liad' Fuffereil Iotit and the time had arrived when they wonia again occupy tho earth so Ion- nia by tao wliiteo, but they-must" not kill or molest .tho whites.! Tha Great spirit eaui ho himself would wino out mo .wince raco from tho faco of earth. The Great Snirit tnli 41.,, w ti Uiw 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 11 ., .,,.,, , , a m rarth was getting full of hole3, and -i ,tIrrT cjuc aaa atten- many places were rotten. uo would gradually send, a wave of earth twenty feet or more over the couu try. ic wouia move slowKv Th t. diaus must keep dancing, eo as to keep ?a top, ana wnen tno wave passed all the whites would bo buried underneath and the Indians would be jon top. All tho dead Indians would bo restored to ufo again, and all tho buffaloes, harsos. gamo and all their old hunting grounds would uc as tney were hundreds of years ago, and tho Indians would !for all time in tnc future own and occurrv this earth- All Indians who would not listen to tho words of tho prophet and keep dancing would bo turned into fishes and occupy tue rivers and streams. lie said that while talking to the Great t-pmt -the devil cam to thm. IIo de scribes tho devil as being very tall, with immense knee joints and monstrr month and long teeth. IIo was covered all over with coarse hair. He asked for half of tho people, meaning tho Indians. Tho Great Snirit told him no. He askpd ugatn. and tho Great SDirit replied. You can havo none of m v chosen. In dian children, bnt yon can have all the wiutcs.r standing Ilock (N. D.l Cor. Chicago Tribune. . i ' ' Stnawbrrlea In Alatka. Alaska has usually been, looked upon as a bleak and distant section of Uncle Sams domain,, where the! land was mostly water, furnishing seals and salmon, . while icebergs and glaciers Ladornod wonderfully picturesque land scapes and waterscapes, the, delight of summer tourists . who visit that - far northern climo to enjoy a few elongated days. ' ' "- .!'.'. .. , - ; . Among tho arriralgin this city yes terday was James Cox, who left hero for Chilkat a year ago last April with his family, consisting of his wifo and three children, ilr. Cox is quite well pleased with the climato whero ho was stationed, tho temperature seldom dropping to 13 degs. below.zero and occasioning no in convenienceJ Ho had quito a nice gar den last summer, in which hh raised fine vegetables turnips," bect3, carrot3, on ions and potatoes. He says there is an old half-breed woman at Chilcoot mis sion, a few miles from Chilkat, who has raised potatoes and vegetables.! or many years past. : This last season she experi mented with some strawberries, and suc ceeded in growing some very fine ones. Astorian. DrinkaTrom tbe Slot. The latest development in the "penny- in-the-fclotM system is an automatic cof fee tavern now on exhibition at Birming- Jiam. The purchaser drops in his penny and pulls out a knob labeled with the drink he desires. Then, by pressing a tan. h is able to draw tho exact quan tity. There are two plated cups for the use of customers, and a second tap gives a constant supply of water for rinsing. Each reservoir of drink holds j seven gal lons, and tea and coffee are kept hot by an tinseen.ga3 burner. Tho putomaton turns tho gas out when the reservoir is exhausted, and ! displays : a : notice Empty in front. Iced drinks are to bo sold through tho samo machines. which can also bo utilized for the sale of sandwiches, pies and cakes. London Tit-Bits. i I . 1 1 . He VT Inffenloas.! A Ivw's Rhirkincr of tasks does not of ten rcsnlt so well as in the case of W. C. Smith, of Round Pound, who has made application for a patent on a milk- g machme which , promises to do a good thing. Ho got his ideas .when a boy living on tho "Meadow Flat Stock farm. - His parents would send him to milk and he; would want to play ball with tho other boys, and as ne couian t nhv ball and milk both at tho same time he would put straws in j the cows teats, and they would imifc tnemseives. Afterward he made improvements on this nlan which resulted in tho milker. Pcmaqmd (Ale.) Messenger. . A" People Temple. , Tia nmir-t rf nrovidimr a t)laco for mrt-ommodatinir 10O.0OO people is being considered in London, Ihigland. A pro posal Is on foot to build a VPcople 'a Tem ple," by covering a space wherein at least 100,000 could assemble for the dis cussion of topics of public interest The building is to bo made architecturally beautiful, with such arrangements that It can bo subdivided, when required, so that discussion on many subjects could bo going on at the" samo time. New York Commercial Advertiser, j : . AM v i icu, ine eldest eon of the czar, who is to make an American tour, is a handaomo young man of 23.' He has a tall figure, a powerful . physique and is a colonel in tho Imperial guard. Ho is said to show considerable talent for the military profession. - - . - " i It is estimated that one horse power cf cJtric cnergy'Il ftnTjish ampIpKcat for a street t? ' -mrVoor" dust cr.Tctica''c t cItST' ' ' The Uraret of the littles. - " Hit- bravt..Ht battle that tver was lOtlgllt,' Shall I telj you where and when?! U11 thfl maps of the world vou'l! find it not; - ' . , : 'Twas foU?ht by the ' niuilent nf lueii. ?JV: "ot wiiU cmiion or battle hot, itli - word or uobIr'ten; ' ay, not witn eloquent wod or thought " " i - Frofit mouth of wonderful idea - S Hut th ft I iu"n. irnll doe 1 1 iua. heart r Of woman Hint tM r.f lint - ho No bravely, ili ntlv bore lu-r part It here tli battteOebL uiarIiallhig sou r, , bauuer to -Hut oh, tluti lori troop, uo bivouac irle 1 tii and wave! battle, they last so From babyhood to-t he grave. 1 - ,. Joaqiiiu Miller. U . ' '-... . - Krinarkabto 1Chcii Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainlield, III., makeri the Matciuent that she caught cold, which settled oii her liing; ;he as treated for a month by Iter family physician, but grew v, ors-. fletohl her hlie was a hopc icsh victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her drnggist snggefcted Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself beuefited frotu first dose. She continued its uve and af ter taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as shepver was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at IL It. Dellatuv's Whole wile and Retail Drug Store," large bottles COe. and $1.00. :. I WHOLESALE PRICES. : Tbe ioilowiD Quotauoss represent whole sale prices generailr. In raafeis cp small or ders fcigner prices asvo tote cbaireL " AttiKOAX- Many an ailment of long standing is caused by two much aittincr. CJhicago Tribune. " When the Indians raise, their tomahawks tinners becrin to Iook flourishing. lonkers Statesman. 1 lie directory ruled all France at le time. It wasrf t merely a citv airectory. outing?. Willie What is meant by "hue Papa Yelling 1? ,iVTi. 4r fancy,. Willie. - ami cry "blue murder, Jester. Even the laziest of men cau usual iy see some work that some other fellow ought :to do. Somerville Journal. I j muu rim l eAi'ci iu iruu kuu t much business with a barber with out trettinir into a scrano. Bincr- haiuton Leader. it is saul that there are more iinn with a classical education on the streets than therw are tramps N. Y. World; Edwin And vou'U always be true to me, Angelina? Angelina Why do you doubt me, Edwin? Edwin tin, you, re top gooil to be true. Life. It seems now to be very certain that William Tell did n6t refuse to bow to Gesslers hat. What Air. Tell really did was to ask Mr. Gess-- ler where hegot it. Iouisville tour rier Journal. a . . - . , Consumption Surely Cured. To thk Ed iTOit Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy tor the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less eases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of vour readers who have .consuinp- liou if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C.. 181 Pearl st.. New York. Sparkling diamonds, as well up.". as ri " - Ailvlce to BlottieTR. il RS. WrIXSLOW'SSOOTHiyO SYRUP should alwaj's be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves Mie ut- tie sufferer at once; it produces nat aral, ciuiet sjep by relieving the ciiild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and Is tue best Known reme- Jy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or othr causes. rwrntv live cents a bottle. inly (i deoiIArwlv 'ou nre In a Had Fix But we will cure you it you wilt -pay us. Our message is to the Weak, Nervous and Debilitated, who, by early Evil Habits, or Later Indis cretions, havo trilled away their vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, and who suffer all those effects which lead to Premature Decay, Consumption or Insanity. If this menus you, send for and read our Book OK Lifk, written by the great est Specialist of the day. and sent, (toalcd), by addressing Ilr. Parker's Medical and Surgical Institute, 153 North Spruce street, Nashville,Tenu. SAGGING , - GunnT.;.....;... :.;.... stanaartL., BACON North Carolina. .; - nams..-... ........ .......... " Shoulders V E.... - Sides, v WESTERN t40KED Hams, a.................". sides, 9 B-... .. ...... . 'Shoulders, v ... UKY SALTED 1 sides, a............j.;.. Shoulders, V B BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. . Second Hand, each......... Xew, New. York, each..'... . cw, city, each 1 BEliSWAX, V : j vvumingtoa, y M. - Northern..... ,;..L DUlTElt, C - ' ; - -North Carolina... .. ' Northern j CANDLES, V B Sperm.: Adamantine... CHEESE, V lb j Northern Factory....:..! Dairy, Cream......... ...i State. ....... COFFEE, tt -Java.... ...... Lauyra lUo . ....... .. CORN HEAL, V bush, lnsacio. Virginia Meal.. COTTON TIES, 5? bundle.... DOMESTICS! " i Sheeunj, 4-4, yard .. .. , Yarns, viunch.. .... .. j,.. LEGGS,l?doz..:.... Mackerel. No. 1, bbl Mackerel, Na 1, V aal bbL 12 50 Mac&erel, Na 2, V bbl. .... .15! 00 9 ex 5 ;r Al ! an ti c Cms tJA noM Wilminon & Wcldon R R. 11 & '- 12 - Yf.xiX 8 .tf 8 & 10 1 12X 8. S 6 (4 li -8 ; CONDENSED; SCHEDULE; TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ; M ISCEi.LANFOl'S Seaboard Air-Lino. I GdroliBa Cebtral Eailrcai 40- 1 00.. C5 so 8 00 0 00 13 18 10 50 5 70 ..... .......4. & CO H 00 13 & 9 25 30 55 12 10 14 11 " '1 ,'."'- -Sf;-' i?2i;te Date Nov. 6, 1230. c'5 id 2 c'i?c . . I l.h I .. P. I. P. 3t. A. l. Leave Wcldon 1380f S43J 600 Arrive Rocky Mount....... 146 ...... -710 v-"c-,' P. t-vl'i--". Arrive Tarbora.. ........ '217 Leave Tarboro. ............ 10 20 1...... Arrive Wilson........;..... 220 7 00 7 43 Leave Wilson. .. 12 SO ......L.. . Arrive SeLrna 330 ...... Arrlvo FayetteiRe.....:.. 5 30 .j. Leave Goldsboro.;......,.. 315 7 40 8 3.V Leare Warsaw... 410 ....... Leave Magnolia..-'.;-..;. ....1 A2i 840 94a Arrive Wlirolngton . ...... 5 50 5S 1120 CHANGE OF SCH EDULK. WESTROUND TRAINS Nov. s. im Leave WUmrr.gtoi,. 9 20 am Leave Hamlet. ..v . t 1 0pm . -. Ieae Wadesboro ArrtTe Charlotte...: Leave Charlotte, t . . : Leave Uteolnioa. ......... Iave Shelby.... ArrlTeUuthcrrdt'D . ... . .... 1 No. 4if Q.u jdailyex-ldailycx. : jSunday. Sunday. ,8 CTr'a 5 to foe 6 1 nre 9 Ware 4 U pm 4 n pra 6 42pni 40 pm 7 55 pa EASTBOUNDTRA1NS NOV. 5, 100. No. tfl. 1 No .St." uially ex. 'dally ex Sunday, sunaar rr Leave sbetby.. UO 09 am! Leave Uncolntoa... ........ HI 13 am Arrive Charlotte............ 113 CJpm Iave Charlotte.... ... It 31 pm Leave Wadesboro. Leave 1 am let ... ....... AlrtfO WliUQlDgt'p..... 3 rspm 3 f s pmi 7 so pm s oopm 11 si pm l 13 am. 8 00 am TRAINS GOING .NORTH. close connection Lincclnton tor 27 51 120 00 00 25. 6 00 10 .10 00 & 3 & & 9 & 30" 25 aW 52. 65 1 30 80 30 50 15 00 S20 00 6 00 Tj 80 W 00 6 00 & 70d 6 80 & 10 00 5 B 50 00 50 00 8 48 00 53 1 00 33 CO 95 4 00 6 00 & 6 00 9 4 10 5 00 3 .10 & 9 Mackerel. Na 2, half bbl.. Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl. . J. . Mullets, v bbl N. c. Roe Herring:. 1$ keg.. Dry Cod, v FLOUR, v bbl ' Western, low grade....'.!'.', Extra L., " Family... City Mills Super.... .. .., Family.... ..L. glue, y ft GRAIN, V bushel. I Corn, fm store, bags, white Com. cargo, tn bulk, white. Corn, cargo, ln.bags, white Corn, mixed, from store. I..' Oats, from store. ; oats. Rust rroof I.. cow Peas.. HIDES, ft " Green, i.s-... Dry,......" , HAY, V 100 R3 ; Eastern L.. ........ Western 4-i ......... North River..'. HOOP IRON, Vfti LARD, y ft b Northern.... J. North Carolina.... LIME, 1? barrel... i ..j", LUMBER, City Sawed, J M It - Ship stuff, resawed.....;..l8 00 30 00 Rough Edge Plank.. I...:.1.. 15 00 16 00 , ' West India Cargles, accord- j lng to quality.. .....I.. ..13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantling and Hoard. comH.ll 00 MOLASSES, gallon ! I New Crop, in hhds... BVAA Wwl Porto Rico, in hhds I " In bbls . .L Sugar House, In hhds. " In bbls.. ....L Syrup, in bbls. I SAILS, y Keg, Cut, lOd basin. JlLS. v gauon. " j !-'-: -' -:'-si? $ . o cs or o a .:' ..." ;. . . -: 'A "-. . ' . ' -; 1 A. M.1A. M. V. M. Leave Wilmington......;.: 1201 900 400 Leave Magnolia. Il 10 31 Leave Warsaw.. ..... 10 4 5 51 Arrive Goldsfccro. . ..: 2 23 11 45 G 53 Leave Fayettevllle.... J930 Arrive selma ...... 1118 " it. M. ?V ; Arrive Wilson...... ......... 1220 ...... Leave Wilson.-. 3 03 4 12 37 . 1 47 ArRocky Mount. ...... 1 10 j 8 18 Arri V8 Taiboro..... ....... "217 ...... : I : A. M. ; Leave Tarboro... ......... ........ 1020 . Tj : . pTm" Arrive Weldon.. ... ........ I 130 245 930 Trains No. 43 and 36 make at liamJet for lia'clgh and at Ulcfcorr and W. N. C, Trains Na Stand 24 make closo "onrectlox i at MGnioe for Chester. - 1 . Throush stct rdns cars between Wilmington and Charlotte. .... . 1 - I T. w. WHisNANT", Supcrintendect. r. iw. kmka, oen 1 rasscnger Agcnx. Atlantic Coast Liner m Ll r..i; n n ".f n i Hurin-nasitirN n. n jay o, u CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 05 i 85 1 5 O ex" 8 -60 48 53 51 50 CO : 3 5 10 90 00 3i 7 10 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 .... , 1 - 25 28 28 2S 00 16 -23 2 40 l 28 30 30 28, 15 18 35 50 Daily except Sunday. Train rn Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 37 p. m.. arrtvts Scotland jsecK at 4.25 p. m.. Green vine 6;02 p. m.. Kmston 7.15 p. m. Returning leaves iunston C:uu a. m., ureenMiie 7:0 a. m. Arriving Hallax at 1fao a. nru, VcldOttl0UJ0 a. m.. aairyexceDS eunaay. . - L.ocai jfreigut icavea weiaon iuuj a. m.. uai- ureen vine, 5:au p, m. Arriving at Kinsion 7:4U p. m. Keturnin?. leave amsron 7:ou a. m.. Greenville 0:30 a. m., Scotland Neck J:10 p. m.. naurax:;:ii p.m. Arriving weiaon 4:w p. m. daily exceot Sunday. . .; Train leaves Tarboro. N. c. via Albermarie & Raleigh R. R. dally except Sunday, 4,06 P. M sunaay 3.U0 r. m,. arrive imamston, N. c. C.30 P. M., 4. TO R. M., Plymouth 7.50 I I. M., 5 20:1. M. Rcuifnlns: leaves Plymouth. mouth.-" N.-'C,- dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., Sunday 9.00 A. M.. Wiillamston 7.10 A. M n.roA. m. Arrive Tarooro. n. c. 9.30 A. M ll ?0 A. M. Tram on Midland N. C Branch leaves Gelds- boro. N. C. dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M. arrive Smimfleld. N. c. -7UJ0A. M. Keturntne leaves : Hniii nneia, c. 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro. N. C 9-TO A. M. Tram en Nasnvuie Branca leaves Rocky Mount at a()0 P. M..- arrives at Nash ville at 3.40 -P. M.,Spiimr Hope -4.15 P. M. Returnlns leaves Sprinc Hope laoo A. M. Nasiiviiie. ia35 A. M., arrive Rocliy Mnunt 11.13 A.M.. dally except Sunday Train on Clinton urancn leaves . Warsaw ror eiintdn,-dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., eonnectlrj; at War saw with Nos. 41 40. 23 and 78. - Southbound Train on Wilson & Favettevllle Branch is No. 51. Northbound Is No. 5a 4Dally except bunaay. Train no. 27 south wm stop only at Wilson. uoiasooro &na Aiaenoua. Train jno. 78 makes close conneouon at wei don for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. . All trains run solid between Wllmlneton and WasiLloffton, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attacnea. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T, M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent.; Atlantic Coast Line. Dated May 12, '89." Leave Florence...... " Kinirstree..... Arrive Lanes.... Leave Lanes.... Arrive Charleston.... Na 27. A. M. 1 35 2 29 '. 2 50 '' 2 60 5 08 A. M. No. Zl ?Na A. M. 9 3H 10 65 : Jl 20, Jl 20 1 3U p. m. j p.ja. P. M, Train Na 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanesa 4 Train on C. & D. R. R. connect s at Vlcnmc wan sso. 23 Train. .. . TRAINS GOING Jno. 1 ' NORTH. 78. No., 14.Na 53 v A. M. P. M. A. 11. . j3 25 4 3(V 7 . .2 45 6 28' 9 . 2 50 8 : '". 3 10 - 6 461 " .4 20 " 7 55:,-:. A. M. P. M. A. M. Leave. Charleston.. , Arrive Lanes........ Leave Lanes........ Klntrstrce Arrive Charleston... Dally, t Dally except Ftiiiaay.r-."t: Train No. llconnects at Florence with traiv ' & D. R. 11. for Cheraw. s. c and wadea 52 runs through to Columbia via centra 1 m h. u. . -. m . 8 and 14 run solid to Wllmlnrrtcn. C. niaklnir close connection with w. w. R. for all points north. - 1 " JNO. F. DIVINE, t... I -General Superintendent. . . iiisjfir, assx enTi Manager. T. M. emerson, Gen'l PasseDgt r Agent. one, boro.; NO. R. R. Nosj. .FOR 1890; rown..... Beware of losin hot weather. your temper in You will seldom need a doctor if you have Simiuous Liver Regulator haudy. , - - Beware of tho man who of his wife's faults; tells you No cure-all or untried remedy will cure as does Simmons Liver Begu lator. 1 . Many Persons are b. r, down irom overwork or household caxi. , Brown's Irou Bi tiers RcbuCdR the vyEtcm. afcti digestion, removes excea of bile, and cures BialaiLu Get tho cenuina. HO ( Kerosene.. Lard....... Linseed !.. Rosin J.. ........ ..i. Tar..;-.. I...........U Deck and Spar. POULTRY Chickens, live " Spring Turkeys i I'EANUTS, v busheL 23 ft. . . . POTATOES, v bushel- Sweet.. Irish, v bbl.:. PORK, v barrel j - j City Mess . .............12 00 Prime .J ;....'.15 00 00 4 60 80- 00 1 9 16 90 15 00 00 r 25 10 75 00 f 65 25 (A & & & & u 45 00 16 20 22 50 20 00 25 75 75 WIlKiingtOB," CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. I ' Rump . RICE Caiollna, ft Rough, y bushi (Upland). .'. , ' i (Lowland). RAGS, y ft country... city..... I...;........ rope, ft SALT. 9 sack. Alum... Liverpool... .;...; Lisbon , American.....;.... SOAP. 1$ ft Northern. SUGAR, P ft Standard grain.; Standard A.... .. i ' white exc;..;.........:L Extra C, Golden......... I c 'Yellow ;..L SniNGLES.71n.VM.. . .... i -'Common Cypress Saps......... i Cypress Hearts. ,:. ......... '! STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel., j r R.O. Hogshead.L .; TALLOWVB ft.....l.. TIMBER, V M foet-Shlpplng. J2 00 Q13 00 16 00 15 00 5X 80 00 1 OOt' 75 50 00 70 5 & & & 1 70 10 1 00 (4 00 , ih OS" 6 & 0 0. 5 & 7 Dated NOV. 16, 1890. Leave Wllmlngtcm.., Leave Marlon. ....... Arrive Florence...... Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. Leave Sumter.... Arrive Columbia. Na 23. P. M. 6 10 ! 9S! 10 20 No. 50 A. M. 320 4 85 1 4 35 6 15 NO. 27. P. iw 10 Jfif.. ...... 12 40i. ....... 1 m; .j No. RS A. M. A. M. 9 35 !Na 52. A. M. j t 9 4V 10 55 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 CO 0 &t 6 6J,' 5 5 00 No. 53 runs through from Charleston via Central R. lu . Leaving Lanes 8 80 A. M., Manning 9:10 A. M. Train on C. & D. R. Reconnects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. oaslder Sjai3.'ga'j MiaAzrug waen ro are deciding, upon your reading matter for uciiaeasot. -me BUDscnption rate 13 low 2T fWl n van w . . , The standard of the Magazine Is high. Its spirit proeressive. ... The illustrations are !ntrp?tfn ni nf trim best. -.1 , . ... - There is not space-here to pItb mn a nra. mary of the features to appear this year, but among other things there will be a new de partment and additional nacres, and tri-nrm nf "usv" wu 0,1 uuca win uv aevotcu 10 mo I01 AiTican isxpioration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles). Homes in city. Suburb, acd Country Pro vl diner Homes throurh l;nt!rtinf Iti tlons, i r . 'i ne citizen's jvi., cs, v : ; Electricity in the Household, ' " -Ericsson, the. Inver t- hv hi a Biographsr. i .. - jjunung, . Humorous Artists, American and Foreign There wiu be 3 serials. V - ' ' ; . Robert Louis Stevenson' wrftl MitHhRta 1890. ! Each sub Sect, and there win w 4. n vaL I riety this year. wlU be treated by writeri I mst competent to speak with authority and with interest. Readers who are Interested are rged to send for a prospectus. " 25 Cents a famkr, $1.C0 for Tear Mm Charles Scribner's Sons, 74' Broad wAy. N. Y 7 I FineMiu...r....;.: j Mill mme Mill Fair common Mill.............. i Inferior to Ordinary ... WHISKEY, V gal Northern, j d orth Carolina..! WOOL, V It Washed...1..... Unwashed... 1 Burry........ .11 25 7 60 .5 00 . 5 00- ; 2 50 . 2 00 j 1 50! . 23 15 16 O 2 50 5 00 750 314 00 10 00 v- 5 &ll 00 013 00 O 3 50 & 0 00 0 00 0 4 00 0 5 00 0 3 00 0 0 0 13 18 OYSTER ROASTS ri M BETTER ; PREPAR ED ' . than ever to -accommodate my f v friends with OYSTERS this season,- I wHl .'All lin keep none but the Best on hand always MYkTLE GROVE ROASTS a specialty. Erery- Cblnz overhauled and Improved.: Oysters 1 1 1 iwriiaeu or Uoaf aad luita, tec ; reoay at saon uuttcc cuiu expent ouutu-w w '111 Lr. mmmrrrT-rrnm.r-min f!'nlerVOTC " firfi thPTTt- '. " ' - - iiix (fnr twnwt Hw taMiarr ac . . mwii nfM tn T!irt1 rTTm mn ra.U and SZZnMWVyi" ! win corny best to please you. v , STSaTlW ta wW. mm r-ptm ttrtpa. Hrit tt : RCSPeCtf Ully, . J . STcviaaW Pk!VT,U mm ail- (araM I frC I " i W. IL STOKLEY. MSTlIhlSrlCAtCp.tCUFFALO.tlaY oct2t : !" ... Wrlgntjrrti. 1 ; v Na 5L NO. ML Leave Columbia..- .. "l0 25 Arrive Sumter........ 1158 . . P. M. Leave Samter II 58i t 6 40 - a. m. Arrive Florence ..IB 7 551 . NO. 78 '- " A. M, Leave Florence 4 35,.. Leave Marion... ..... I 5 CO.. ...... Airtw Wilmington... j 8 35j..... N& 53. P. M. . ' 5 20 6 32 i Bay aai Sigli SAT OHM No 14.1 P. a Ail 11 45 Dally. DaRy except Sunday. Na 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C, via Central R. jr., arriving Manning 7-01 P. M Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charleston &s P. M. Na 59 connects t Klrrrcncc with C. and D. train from cheraw and Wadc&bora Nos. 73 and 14 make close coj&nectlcn at Wil mington with W. x.Y. ii.11. for all points North Train on Florence IL R.' Icavo 1-tse Brc daily except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arri-e Kowland 70 p. m. Returning leave Kowland 60 a. faS. ar rive pec ix &50 m. - Train Sumter Rimini 12.-01 P. M. Returning - leave lOnilnl 12:14 P. M arrive Sumter i-s P.M. JOHN F. DIVINE, - ? - funeral Sapertntiindfnt. J. R. EENLY. A sst Genl Manager. - ; T. M, EiLEJwON. Genfnl passenpr res -novI6 - . - j . . --' - T7l)Vai Board ' a . FBW GENTLEHEI CAN.J3B ACCOXMU dat ei with. Talorrc.tri arpiscaf ar : . inch 27 U v r ri N, TiiI;D sT - Coriipr of Norih Water 'and ii til berryl Btrcetif ; 11:13 f, el Faturlajr. - ; A CUAl . IMJltOWKE. AffAtif. mch 10 tf INGTONr N. C' XSeopebs September STSnda on Manchester!: Augusta K. It. leaves J J bfCS'i Pff SaraUaa TT ' EsSISfiS if f trf daRy.cxccptSunday. 10:50 a. M..arrtve I , oJ .lt"i'UJ'1 51 'OV. COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. - LEADING MALE SCHOOL ! Please enter at beginning of session. m- r.-r uaiaicrue in rooK Mores. . - W. CATLtTT. iTtRrt nl scp 15 lm cor. Fifth and chestnut Mreets. THIS PAPEEfflSSJEaS! - he faincoantPrintic? Ink works. - a- a a vi m49m, T. K. WRIGHT A CO . 2?th Etrect ancCltnnsyjTania avenue, Jin 11; I'UiiCc.'rii, i