mm ! SETT Absolutely Pure . A cream or irt-r uui:fr ijjU-m of all la Uerjo,; streps h. r. .c tr tnrmt r.Trt. Any. 17. 1530. Tlio 2D oily Boviow. Don't MiftVr from Dj sia- Tk Simmons Jvr Regulator. Ii nlvnp rnre. . Hawaii f Mi? Miid mi an too. who nlvrav rr iitta t- .uorrovr littl rhatif. Surf to fflifve. Thr I no ? uri in Simmon L:vr UKiIu!or. -: , 'INK t Not WEDNESDAY. NOV. 10. MO. STATK N EWS. Raleigh rti7or: Mr. I,. of till citt lias liml blooming i;i lu-r y.inl for the paft trxi tl.iys n r . f th France' variety. vl:!-li mens ares HJ inches in ir-ut.f-t -nce. It was shipped nnr, Irani planted la 'August of thi year. Newbern Journal: Mr. II. fierry has received a collecllon ol )iruls known as the flowering oranp. It Iiofatecent discovery and i ut trnctln much attention atuon hor ticulturists for its beauty and hardi ness. It is of handsome form. gro-4 ' about Tour feet high, and the odr a i . At . is uic tauio n lu&i oi uioniu .iroiiii A 1 4. 1 A . it ! lae uaiurai uruugu iree. ii ufr. through the entire smmtuer and will - lire out doors all the year round. They are being adopted in the Northern 8tates for park. Miit tr ies, and other places as a beau tiDr. Raleigh Kcics and Observer: Gov. Fowie has appointed J. F. Wood ward, of Warsaw, a notaty public -Mr. William Boylan has eut ?. some very fine raspberries, second crop, which are the finest we Jiff vo seen this year. Elaborate pre- parationsare being made for the t?rnnd charity ball at the Yarboro Thanksgiving night. The Oer- xsanton Times. In giviug an account of a marriage which took place in a church at that town a few days ago, makes the announcement that It tt tha flraf arant tt tin. L'iml otja K.tU'l.lL. f sa r. .v . v NovembtT 19 SPIRITS TUIIPKN I n r dofnir. IIOS1.N -Firm at $1 V .-tram anl $1 ! fr, .- -teniiit I. ,! TAK-Finii a! I..V fJlltU'E T UK I EN i f I Fi Rt 51 "l for uri . 'I'.KI nr v- i dil iityl $:.'. Ur in.'1 c;orn)N D ill m u tiling; low middling 8 7 dlinir. f J-ILKCElPrS-Cortoii, 113; roin,cr: tar, 37; t fiit- f r ui Ii; i;-Hl i it i i - 1.41; p:rit. rnd, .1 Treo. Comes (ft Week Specimen CopiC3 and Beautiful Calendar cent Stories bytr Read in Am nrs 1 - - i i a . M 111 ik&j 1000 JTkAYEL AMD PA.6E i CniixsstaaaDj .'THE &MI1Y "X ether Weekly 'Taper give w of a rartVfy of Entertaining and Iastrvdif Reading ct Q loto a pries THIS SUP FREETO-JAM.if-:J89!. T any NEW HUBSCKIBEIt vb will cut out and send tkia Hp wit " 4a TW3 or ET Money OrSer C, fS" Vat" THE yoiJTU'S C OMPAKION- FREEta January, 1891. aBd far a Full Year from that "ate. ?iu.ffer "he FIVE DOUBLE HOLIDAY NUMBERS for naakaff. Cbristmaa, New Year., Exutcr nmd Fnrttt-of-Jnlr, ad all the Illcstrated Weeklj Sapplemeate. USTO JIAIC1XK NEWS. i UWUHdCO h AKKIVED. Sttfaiusliip Pawnt, Tribau, York, H d SiualibohJ ' CLEARKUL &i'ir .Norui'in, S.irf-nf. aiitHtc d CJttl):i, wVo H irik Son &: ('. rarn bv S i: V ii .N' -rrlirop. " I t:xpi:rs. m it F fTa .-.- Ha afue&iznu uri tie Also Wall tad rrcscription cases, Cedar . Chests, Rirbcr Furniture, Jewelry Trays and stools. LSDinex crxot ll"i";ir7CQmucc pn Atlanta. 6a. Banks.- Catalona free, i f-drcss A7LA?J7A SH0 CAS fcU.i Auania, ua. i Simi.iiro J0V'l3ft lumb-r, Hn Schr Xoriii-ifi llllitTIf WKKKI.V STATliw EM", STOOKH 02i IIAXO iy. 14.JSDO. Cotton ithore, J,32: afloat; 13.f04; total, 22,(36. ; Spirits asiiorf. VI'JT: afloat. 5.J: total, S.C-'tf. I Roin -r- ahore 44.r47; afloat, 2T0: total; 44,917." - i Tar -aMion 2, ('Si; afloat, 17o: total. Crudf ashore. RKCKIPTS, NOV. 7 TO XdV. 14, V.M Cotton; C.lJ7: piritsj 797: , rotilu, tar, itO; crude, j373. EXPORTS. XOY. 7 TO pfOV, 14, "90. ' domestic: Cotton li)0;spiriti,537: crude, 1;4; tar, 935; roHU, 5.310. FOUKICiS, ' 1691 - i WCKfclJ illustrated; - Hakpkk's Whekvy lias never filled to jUs tiry its title &3 a "lourn.ii of Llsl mion." andltnfisroueso wlta-a consrant regard. to THE BEST POROUS PLASTtKS in & "3KSKS5" RHEUMATISM, KIDIIEY PAIIIS, LAME BACK, &c. S3 cents Tmzxit nrniHTENOa Jfc RICHAKDS, BoJitoa. Bums. Diamond Bbano Tb omly Sfe,' Snr, and raa Pill for file. TTSv CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. RED CROSS Tur nair.iMiL AND CtNUINE. Th nail U1m. mak DraKiM tor Cicr' EnglUh Dimmond Brand in Ued and CoW ntUi bMMiwM with iUm ribbon. Take tker kind. hfux SubttuvHont andlntiiationa. ill puu in pasteboard bozo, pick irrppr. are daafferoms enterrelt. At urugsuts, or km u u iriTiUffii'T'Ti man - xtcuw w r Miium - . ow t j . 4a la MmM for Bsrtieulnrs. 1 ,0M TwdmonUla. Am "apar. T nil Votfl IrmjUU. CHICHCSTCR CHEMICA I CO., MndUyp JSoBnre, HIIII.IIKIJ'MIt J.' A. Cotton, kg; 5.532;"" pirits 500; rosin, i Tlie. Musical M World. VSICAL UECUHD AND OTHEtt MA(JA- M.lfctIonJv. subrtcrltr are at iirjerty to bor row fjxy o tbese uiaiizlac-sj i v1I.MINGTtN LIUCAHY KOOMS, Market strceL that has happened in tlie town for I l,ncs iaia botn voc-i ana instrumental twclre years. j Charlotte C7tro)ncte: Tht lai-irij:; man, i notua9 i. tiiover. nn? been heard from. It heems that h wa neither killed nor hurt by hi jump from th train, but is at th .t. Jamea Hotel in Salisbury, vrher hi? mother l. vrtth him. He wa? out ofi his ruind uheti he jumped tro 11 the frnin .,f nHnn lt.trllA nti ii-! KS Left. JOSEPH F.. (Fornialj with Aldermanj i i RAIG, Flanntr & Co.) PKACI'ICAL WOKKEK IN- Klneer on the Chefor & Lenoir i I in, Sheet I TOil t rUmDS, OiC , railroad, diet! at hh-Oiom- in Flor- , rr1&Mri,t ncar Fr0'nt (tastnent.) ence, 3. L.t .vosterday of typhoid) Wm tx-r:cai to recvivW orjers and give rstiaiatTsr tioo-t-teed. and prompt wor!c gnaran cov ;i im Oysters ! Oysters ! SEV- fever. Tlie circumstance of Mr. Harlleen death are pnciiliarlv tad. Hia tuarriao toMiss Lulu Wiiher spoou, of this city, was auumincd for tho 5th of this mouth, and every &t j r ill preiNiruiiuii iuhuc ior i f fvcuniii. f 1ALLLT THE CAUT UOl'f ON A tlay or o oetore tlin time ri lor.'H. I th iiiarrLfii Mr. IbirlIo wn tnkiMi iith. Ntnitii Marker, audi Dock streets, tor ill In C'nliiinhl i with tavr im.l ilU llrvsh KKW KIVKK OYSTKUS. I get them 111 in i,oiiiuiui.t win ioer, ami tVer moniin' fresh L-om the cartN and will case was cousitiereu uatiKf rou? irom deliver ihera lu any part of ib city tor tUD t!ir flr.vf Ireriralloib ' w. JI 1IOWAI.D. . . , ; 1. trttfni ruceivel by telepaoce at e. cotton at Charlotte np to dato are 15.147 bale?, tumln-t U.726 bale for! the same elate last year, howin;; an I Increase over lat vcars receipts of ust.akiuved a choke lot cele- 5,421 bales. loraeriv a DON'T FAIL TO GET A PAIS OK OUK GENTS7 S6 OO for S4 00 GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHO On y a Few P Ueo. R. French "& Sous, 108 N rti Fririit srt. vOppo-itfe The orton oct 30 tr John Werner. 'I'UEKK IS BUT ONE. AND' HE HOLDS I forth at No. 29 Market street- A irood Shave for 10 cents, a shampoo for 20 cents, or a Hair Cut tor 20 cents. Four or me oesi uaroers :n the state. Clean towels. Rharp razors and prompt attendance. JOHN WEKNEU, The German Barber, iri i t f 29 Market strret. 1591 Warper's ILLUSTRAT 3D. 11 rieu's Uazak Is a journal for the home. Giving the ateat Information with regard to the Fashions, irs numerous Illustrations, fashion-plares. and pattern -sheet supple ments are Independable alike to tw home dress-maker find the professional modiste. No is spared In making! lis artistic at tractiveness or t ne nijruest. oraer. us ciever short storie3, parjor plays, and. thoughtful es says satisfy ait tastes, and its last page Is fa mom as a budget of wit and -humor. In Its weeKiy issues everything is mciuaeo vmxen is of lntertist t. iWomen. i During 1891 Agnes B Or sbee will write a series of articles on "The House comfortable." JcIiet Corson will treat of "Sanitary Living," and an Inter esting succession of papers j on Woman. In Art and History," supeibl illustrated, will be furnished by theodokk child. Thesenai stories will be written by Walter Besant and T BOM AS IIAROT. I wo-hpr .t-inrtard of artistic and lUerary excel lence. It leaves nntouchel no Import an tj.-lfase Z the world's progress, and present? a iccoid. equally trustwortriy and lnteieattg i o he notable events, persons, and achlovent nts pf our time. . - r, special Svpt.len.etjts witi be rentir.i.ed in l?ll- -They will be literary, sc'entin. art stiC historical, cifticl: topoara hicai. or ce ciip t.ive, as occa If n may demand. ; WI con tim e to e'e erve- the rearty , commend ition which ha 1 een bestowed on pa t issues bi the press m i t e public. " A." a fand 1 jour nil, Harpek"sWkeklt wlll s hf-mo 'ore. le ed.tfd -with a stiict regard for th qa ibt'es tit rt aKe it a. tafe anl weieorr e every home. . . ; - r : - - .;' ';..'"..;'. HAftPEB'S PERIODICALS - : rr. -v:;;; 4-.-; , -- - - :: : .. PKR YKAR -,y Vl HAKPEK'S WEEKLY.. .. HAItPER'S MAGAZINE .......... HAUPER'S BAZAR.. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE....... ILLUSTRATED f Tre important scrlea or 1 ' Ataerks. by TnsonoaE Child1,08 Th(i ... .... .. H W w. . uiv-irr pari w L, vmho,.. unc uihcra c lfornia hC.iankL.'r Wakxrb. will n'r i' i"f b: ot h r nouworih vllir, "U1L aZ1 ortgtaai drawings t)j W MffS suut.shed for th nic 1 ciat net Uls rate r by 0RQft5oLe rru. uvtleite by W,uJ hi inii?! i, S Of papers On Trrtn t53U: In tie nuu.ber and vir r-tv nt m per. aiJd o, h-r articles bte2K' U I h'j dLstliigtiiclied. a 11 bcut HARPEUSV PERinnti.. ha iper s Magazine.. . ; lAUPER'S WEEKLY....... f tA UPElt'S ju ZAlt. :.. . HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLS. fu VvtiyaU sabs, ribert "-Mil he volumes of the Maziw bwir, Aiiruw-r? for June nni 1 jj'.n i. luur la ,I'Jnn.l k Ttats. Utocrtpitotaltt "t at tin. 'V w iUi the Numb w uTff iiJtii ir order.-.. - . . "rnrlwiw lrw years back, -in ueKif Tii hir,f,?aai' ...t by mall, pos..,S WJ tr volunuv lion, lt far ? c, Axitage Free to all subscrtovrs in tftfi' Stab-?, Canada, or Mexfccu 4 00 4 Ci The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no Mme is mentioned. subscrlDtlons will beein wUJi the Number current at time of receipt of oixler. " - Hound Volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postagepaid. ox by express, free or expense (provide! the freight does not ex, ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 Ott per voL Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, wUl be sent bv mall, post-paid, 00 receipt of f l 00 each. - . t . ' . Remittances should be made by Post-Ofllct Money order er-Dral to avoid chance of tos3 yewsparers are ivi to ccrpy this aawrtrisnnttt TK.'ior.' 7 express order 0" Harper & Brotbei Address HARPER KKOTHEKS. : nov is - . Vew Yorli" Th HARPER'S PERIODICAL I ' I PER YE Alt: HARPER'S BAZAR L . . . ; HARPER'S MAGAZINE i. HARPER'S WEEKLY. . L . . . J. . I I UARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. $4 U 4 10 4 00 2 Tftunespc iai year, miowiii ah j o?t veur's receipts of! f I Mr. F. K. PAtrick,' 'iident.of Charlotte, bra Coat FT ilt-U Tenuis ! CO.I 'JOO Cord, Wood I SVAScneit ink. Ash. He . at reduced 1 ri-.-es. nov . tf Pine, Blackjack', &c. J. A. SPRINGER. E. G. POLLEY, Practical Tin '& Sheet Iron Worker and Contractor CM I nut t rurnlshtl tor all work In mr line .m l jtll iotiirn-;s faHnrulU :and pronrpily.cii Hrutil ( Rstc had yvnrn eiilt no Jin the buvne?-i Mnt with jro. Hortoui-u will guar untrt tirst cias3 work in every reptc uov n im 1 re diet! in ricw York city lat Sitmlav nlffht from tlie effects of un opera tloa perforiueil on his lienil at a lio.s- pltal In that city. A jrool maiiv colored preachers arrived in town to-day to attend the annual iiifetin of the Western Haptit Mi.iouary Union. It meets at Mt. Caruifil church. lOoVlork to morrow'. There will ! 75delates In Attemlatire. See rotary .No ble, Accompanied by Jin. Nob1ik. ar rWeil In the city from Iiiiilutti to-day. Tlicv vri'tv mi l at thaio Una Central VKt by Col. William Johnston, (oL Willlu:u K. Myer-, Po3tniater Itraily, Mr. J. .1. Situp, llr. Stuart CrHiiiej-. Mr. Kd McDon ald anil Mr. W. 11. Millrr. The S-i-retarv wra ewrorted to thr Ihifnrd HoteL aud left this afternoon for Washington City. vter hoise at wrightsville Lnaj Troab!e, ltlieiutwtlin. !. j Frequently u proy is iipportl to hart cotiMimption when It i otu other illjean altethr th it; i. retluclu hi Uesh ami uiaki; him '. look pnle and thin. I J. W. Yat- Tullahouiii. Trim , ! writes: 4lt does nie i;mm to pra'i Botanic Wood Halm. It.rnrct! iu of an nUcfMi on th Iuiiir and! asthma that trouhlnl iu two y.-ar and that other remdn (aihtl to THE OWENS HOUSE, No. J05 I Street. AVISO ENLARGED MY HOtSS BY takins the rooms. facing: Front fetrcct, I have had them nicely fum'shed and carpeted a ; nl e Parlor for ladles up stairs and a Sitting Room for Gentlemen down stairs, sunpMed with writing desk3. &c ' . The table Is furnished with the best tlie aarket affords. Boird by the d.iy week or month. JlRi S. II. OWENS, nov 18 rt - rostaye Jnrti la an subscribers in Ifie UuJJe'i Mates, CatiaCla, or Mexico. j, The Volumes of the Bazar besrln with t-t first Number for January of each year. Whvt no time is mentioned, subscriptions win ber - ; with the Number current at lime of receipt or order. i 1 Bound Volumes of Harper's' Bazar, for thrct years bixclr, in neat cloth binding, will be sent Dymaii, postajre paid, or by express, free ot expense (provmea tne ireignt aoes not exceed one donar per volume), tor 7 tx) per volume. ciota cases for each, volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. i I lieruittances should be made bv Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. etrsnapers are not to com this advertisenwra 'riilmnt the express order of Harper & Brothers. Aaaress liAiU'JtK & .BKOTUJSKS, nov 1 " i i New York A send for 1 Oysters at Wrightsvillo. I inw opn fr the xasoo. Ladles and Gen- llomen ' accon moued promptly with THE ltlr To BS HA1. f 1 KOATS reidy on arrival , E. WTMANXINJ, uov 11 tf Proprietor.1 involution Noilce. FARM FOR SALE HXE KA KM" OX MAOXBOKO IS OF- slf. iMi:se: 'Ii.ab:'.l y of owner to Lfvc it LI: ier nil atienMon. Then are 100 a.Tvs ln-t Le tract, :5 t which are cleared and unter cultivation. There Is a comfortabJe Dweblng and a Kitchen on the place. A - part is Inexhaustible bottom land. Will be sold low and on good terms. Full particulars made known on application at the Keview p.Tlrse or at r 1 Xun sti eer. - nov 1 1 .It eod OLYD Now Y rk & Sceamship WilmiDgtoD Oompanv 1 -! -1 Apples Apples !. T EORIVEO 1 HIS HAY 50 BAKhtLS FIXE IV . , NATIVE apples, dire t from ' Mt. Airy, which will be sold cheap to dealers nd con sumers. A !., srood supply or Banana-, Dried rrur.. iirape, rioc coniectHms. &c A. S. WIN STEAD. PKOM PIE it 29-EAST KIVEP, NEW' Y'Olth IiOCated bet ween Chambers ard Roosevelt sts - At 3 cclock. P,M. Y,. FAN1TA ....,.. Wednesday, Nov 19 BENKFACTOit i... ..iSatimlav Nov'? PAWNEE Saturday! Nov an KKOM WILM1NOTON - ' '116 ritl.M Ut Ml'MUA k 1 1 A 11. ()A distUtel by mutual tons'ut on th h of No vember. lneQt. So you et it i oiuetiiiif- wll to try rontitutioiml treatment. No ruiely l. o tfood a I! IS Ii(H..tatiic Blood Halm) lor rebuiMitii; .wattnl tUsue, and ;riviti hfalth'to Vvtry itortion of the KVtein rearhfil tiv that tfreat circula'tin tn-nm of lif. , :E' r:it u" Jta,Qft lhe nrm. an 1 tlio human hlootl. aln. It I often j & aixcuntsd-i them. utippoyetl tuat coMji ani XMiur- nor 13 ?f Fruit and Confectioner es, 115 North oond St., ne tr P. O. PAWNEE.... .. FAN IT A B fc X K FA CTO li . OF THE ueorse I. Mtoa succeeds to the italness, I iioil. JultCrSOll DtiVlS. BY 1 It J I :ff K N I v t" . liEO. L. (MOKTON, B- Y. HALL.' are th oulv cause ol !:iatira. rhen- matUm, tc. wach Is not always tot case. It Is frequently iy im purities In the blool. Will. Priet. Iitittsvillf, Ma., rite:j "I wm affliefed nifh oeintica and had IOst tlie u v ol on arm ami one le'fornio vean. ! went to Hot I tor htiu their tonfidincc anl hn- M m CV MBSCklFIluX ONLY. T CHEEK Fl'LI.Y COMyfcND xK. MORTON to the friends a.TI patrons of the old firm and Spring and ulsrj tril ilifTerent doc tors, but found no curt until 1 tried IJotanie Blood Balm. It n.ul me And well. I mn well knon Oherrc, vtn hei Sis renown-j edHo:S:Tintf! failril. H II it4iniuht relief. Ke member. n matter wliut tead to try, ii R U I the onl 'one that willive you complete satisfaction. B. F. IIALU I WILL CONTINUE THE 1I.VXUFACTCKE anl ulpptn of Xavat stores as above inllca- ted la t o a unie. and riw tlully solim the correspoudruee aud. patronage of tte friends of the olJ firm. 1 he prospectus and complete outfit for can vassing will be ready tmmediat ly. AO ENTS WISHING DESIUABLE TERKI TOKY on this great wort will please address, as soon aa possible, the publishers. 4 B'LFORD OOMPANY, 18-C2 East lgth Street NEW YOKE. , ebt li . ; .........Friday. Nov 81 .. . . i 4 .Tuesday, n ov 25 u. ......Friday, Nov 26 tT Thronrh fillla Ladinir and r.nw.r Thmi Kates gnaranrwd to and from colnts in snrth and South Carolina. i i - For Freijriit or Pasnae apply to H (i. SMALLBONEs, Superintendent, i Wilmington, 2t C TUEO. E. EG EK. : TraSle Manager. I Xew York WM. P. CLYDE ac Co.. Gen'i Agents, nov lir.f 5 BowUngr Green. New Yor. -ANL- LifC Maturity Associatioi. OF WASH INGTON , D. C. : -v : Has PaidtoMtm- -;' , bers Over - $600,000 Acarued Liabili ties - - - - None. - tmiex . i-A i narperi .MSUM2 in' 1 Ltalythaj imi naAwinlK, i-.t jr iMnii.' i, "'. 4 one.- ia K,j ... ... 'JW., n 1 . 1 . ri-ea.itTM.cesj-hould te muj'A hi. - ' ;!- Address: : "' ' v x '. : ,.. ) - -A :.nn & BllOTIlEUS,Xer rort: ' THE S FATE CHRONICLE,the Farmer and Mechanic ' - the Chronicle.) ui Under M ew Management NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN UP WITH THE TIMES. lit 'PUB ESTATE CHUOJilCLB W1U what li?name implies a state Paper it u not tho Raleigh "Chronicle," and wui 'not le local or sectlonaL It will aim to keen w with the news from Murphy to Manteo. or u the politicians put It, from Cherokee to cur. rttuck. .. It will be the organ of no man, ao rinr no section, no party. It will be l)emocrau is politics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic QZur. TKRMS QP SUBSCRIPTIOS: j' One Year........ .......cro 1 69 '. UOUATIO KUOWNING, "m lTesiaenw - SAMUKL NOKXIlvNT, J Treasurer. " " 1 OKOIlttK I. - ltl DGE,' -secretary. Manager an. Actuary, - GEO. J. KASTEItrAY, 1 : ,:As3t 'Secretary, Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. , . - Ahdncontestlble Policy. Maturity Value In Cash at Fixed Annual Cost. Absolutely Limited.! jut Payments per Year. Age Six Months.. snree fijontns.... r y rror a sample copy address THE bTATE CHRONICLI, I . , . m. Raleiga,S.c THE ACME M AN UFAOTIf BINQ CO. MA.NUFACTIJKER8 OP 1; fertilizers, Pine Fibre and " : Pine Fibre Matting Wilmington,--; - N. II flUE HEPUTATION OFOUKTBSTlLHItl -"I ..-.... y i he ACME and GEM; is now establlsned. tte results of thrpe years use tn tlie an tho best farmers of this and other suu u attest their value as a high grade manurr The MATTING, made from the teafatftw native pine, is conceded to t wum w w wool carpet for comfort and auraouiix uwf demand for iftis dally increasing. It mi ra tues not foutid in any other WDnc.. ' The fib or wool is exiuaw - upholstering plirposes, and as "JfJS Mattresses is almost equal to nalr.helnf u.- ceruncates irom rename u,rri:.v eoods can be seen at our omce, ed upon publication. us( Only Four Non yorfdtable After Three Yean-: f. S. iilJIUKt.LJ. M. V. Medical Director. W H. GIBSON. Special Aeent. I .ZZ rmzrt n Horn office, central Natiotial Banfc Building I fflfly WllrWiH f X 1 I vvashliwton.D.C. 1 - flfttiiU! All tTtW Jll JtlllN oct 26 HAAK. Jr.. Local Agent. .'.-- Wilmington , N. C.T i 3rmeii s uimJies, Builders' Hardware, : . PAINTS AND SASH J WAIKK'S SIEIGTLY PURE Willi I LED, made byjthe old Dutch process,, the best Lead on the market, They hot being in combina tion, can make special price on same, ! . " COOKING STOVES. Largest assortment In the- State to se from; sold at factory prices. " Oil Stoves of All Sizes. in them you will find comfort and economy Pump, St p-iLaddftrs 1 " H'tT. 'LIB I It Y ill i r-t: WJ' V "HeUo ! Tom. , Glad to K9 you, downi let's have an experience jaeean ,( thewife?" -.iinnn? Oh t he' gam t nfttsU,-" 1 Ing something I can't afford." ft - Weu, we au want Hmeuuut - , got. - Don't yon f " , . I to keep down expenses ; "d"7riV sat- 'Ye started ti . 4. A .li.i. iiMit nr niuii having anything to show for jfon' downstreet. and she looked as btppj uTtVi.w.k.U. anil ar tM have to be. My wife can make pa- than anyone I ever 'knew, yej AT W.0SK AGAIN - : h - I' - IUAVC KEOPENED MY GENEItAL ItE ' j ' I ' - pair shop at No.?4 south Seccni 'street, near " ' - t! - J . " -Dock, and respectfully solicit work, i will do my best to please and only ask a trial. '- " ' ' . t: '. ; j " " ; My prices are LOW anl my work 13 TEOR- orou. . Uespect folly, f . " HOT IS W ; j k B. FAKKATi. We sl3' for your patronage and shall L endeavor to deserve the same. -' 5 irespectfuily. DOT 12 tr GEO. L MORTOJT. T ? TQ PA P "R ls KINTCD WITH I Jt ti X o 1 ill :lb Ink t i.c r ku uiuuak r nut ic mm urios, T. K. WfUGUT CO , ryrt yxn areei aaflCPeansyivania sxrenucr -jju rimaaeipiUA, p. ' tjly UrT . - - 5 1 ever jlucw, -nr i- prisisg me with some dainty S0"" ,;,. .?. adds to the comfort and beanir 01 I and she's always merry f v" ,n4 f t ntv nr a how she manage, it, .fS5S itt i Oh I that's my secret J Bat IJStSf covered her secret.' When we marrua. knew we shonld have to be rery cu made one condition : sue wonso TSt s f maae one conauion : oe " vjr Vithoot s , ev sen ior uouoie mc lur--irt, bit -it together, from the tpaz6? J? thirT" i of Important events and 2&zi1 ' me posted so that I can talk ' - new idel from the household N, Jacobi Hardware Co. 1- Magazine Wdi ap tf 12 SO. FRONT ST. CANDY AND FRUIT ! T HAVE ARIJANGED A CONFECTIONERY and FTtL'IT DEPARTMENT in my large Gro cery Stort on south Front Street,- where 1 will keep full suppilea of FRESH FitriT FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, ,CONECTION- .. - ...... i .. , ERIES, DRIEI FRCIT , &J1 Of which wfll be sold low and to w. lch I rrw erfu.iy iavi s attention. , ' nov 7i tf DiWj . . . So. Front street th the croup, by domffjowa.-"; . Sanitarian Department. Jsnicw1";' "What wonderful r?""," VbJ- 1 . " Dcmoreot's Family M'" 0 1- Whatl Why that's what LU , . . and I told her It wa an exi ?.xm t' WelL my friend, taais --tieft7r frrand mistake, and one yo ; soon as yon can. Ill take J hIv t on my wife's account: she i "".7x1 f.'. tea-set In time or onr Un rlMtar f My cold watch was the prcm.u - rrt - nn a cjud. uere ww- . irfo -, .is part cash. Mrs. rs.Tom. Only:XJOayer-,tI that in six months, yr ZZ. tf " -iM trect, New York.ior a peun w