I . . . ' FOR PITCHER'S ill Ctori promotes Digestion, au'i overcome ilatuiencr, Coitfctjj.r.tioji, Buur Stomach, DiajThira, re1 FercriCnv. , Thus too child. It rendered lraHhjand it ft2ep aatarml Cattoria cotiUvirn ifo Morphine or other narcotic prc-irl y. "Castoria It so well adf ril to children that I rccommeod it At upTWr to tuiy prescription koova to mf." r IL A. Abcbek. JL1.. K Portland Ate., Brooklyn, K. V. 44 1 DK Castorta la my practice, ami floJ it specially adapted to aJTrctioos of chiidren." Aixx. JVHicBTsoy, f . D.. 1CC.7 3d Are.. New lot k. Tn CcTAtr Co, 77 Murray St, X . T. Tho TDcdly KoviovT'. WfLMISOTOS. N. C There are tbirtVCltie? anJ towns -Supreme atl Superior Coarfg of ot InConnectlctit having a iwpulatioii I - :rnHn-i89o. ; Josir. T. Jajiks, Editor & Prop 'above 4,009, according to a eeiiau . j i JljDGES. :-v : a i bulletin Just issued, and the total iXAyK. ; DISTRICT. RKSIDKXCK. numberof inhabitant - t th al H. Brown.' Bean fort, v v place la 475,GJ. A the whole ojv?-prL Phillips - 2 Edgeeoinbe. illation of the State is onlv74.8ol. It II. . Connor, Kctertd at the Pofrfofflce-at VCmin2Ton.N.C as ccoadlas3 matter. lapiieirsthat much more thmooe- ?L, r n,"V .' , - - ., John A. lii liner; t half the ople. or, more exactly, G'i j 'p Bovkin.' 3 4 5 C "The tvrentzer ronara wan eizrti ; per.cenr, live in ion oi more man j;mi J. axctute. cent of the W.J.ilontiromery-, .Tense F. (t raves. : in uch in fi'ulici'i by order of the puMic ; 4.00.). In 1SS0 7 per . trt ii. . J :..t:i . i : . i proernror. wjien uw wuv M,'l,1,,;i4,,M1 iieit , i wen John CI Bynuni' 10 ro!ix'ht on trial the bno!celler M I toicn-. Tnes. thirty t?iti.x a.-iI tojrn. mI fcJhlpp, 11 (iutt the novel contaiiet1 no atUek in ha.f H$1,132, p'pnlHti.n hay- j; H. ilerrimon, 12 on public morale. .The.Jn.l order ; in -rained in ten year 101.307.- The j h1 thf ork to ha re.tl fro;n beria-Hin for tlie whole State wa only a ' sAMK. Wilson. Wake. Guilford. Sampson. C uiiiberhtnd. C?abarrus.- . Siifrv. J Mecklenbiirg - tFeb. 24, Aufr. 23 I GastonMarch 17, Oct. 6. ... Lincoln March 31, Sept. 29.. ; Cleveland April 7, Aug. 4,Oct. 20. Kntlierford April 21, Oct. 27. i 4 Polk- M ay 5, or. -10. f TWELFTH jrDICIAl, DJSTnlOT. Snrinff J udfre xnnor, Gubernatorial Tote. f jT ' PIHST DISTIIICT. f Beaurort.....i...;. Cr2? Carteret...,............ -j'- i,: r . . 7 r .... .aulr.n. i Chowan ..u..L.y...;. Ctirrit tick ...... .;....' Azj - j -... , a . " - - ta w , , i ii .Til:. . m i in t - - - . Feb. 24,Jnly 2S.-tov.l7.as....v..;.;.......,. ;J - - - ombe tMarchan.tAH. 11, Vora ,.4:.;...-w, iiinr to end. and. thi bein Ione, ; tit! more -12.1,101, thus sh win? John W. Blount, 1 he dcMel atr ilnst the puMto pr. ! that the nirricultural seetions are at C4. II. v hite, (col), 2 necurnr nnd nr.IereJ the ! k-to be a "taiidMiIl..tire cities monopoltziutf Arpo : j- rf.rMl to thf o un. ,A- n repair, nearly the whole growth of the Vitrayhorn, French and Gr.irii triuisJ.ition' Sate. , ). 11. Allen, mJ others in j ' "TL " .'" iinpny iioih ti .f.i r roiMt and lCntlifi tan ae in pre par.it ion. 1 Frank McNeill,' : B. F. Lonpr, i ' Wu. TiiniuoiiN Po-tmater of Ida 7u?; SoitJT; vijie. Iiiil.. writes: KIectnc Bit Mecklenburg Buncombe. ; ' SOLICITORS. DISTRICT. RKSIPJSXCK- Perquimans. Halifax.'; Martin. Wake. " Dtirhaiu. Duplin. Richiuond. Iredell. ; W. H. Bo erf F. Ij. Ofborue, 3 4 5 G 8 9 10- U Madison Bnnc Dec. Transylvania Ma reh 31, Sept I. Haywood April 7. Sept. K." ' Jackson April 22. Sept. 22. ; Macon Mfl 5, Sept. 29. ; Clay May 12, Oct. 8 ? t Cfterokee 3klav 10, Oct. 13 4 : Gmhaaii JnneS, OctT 27ia2r Snain June 9th, riov.JJ. For criminal cases. t For civil ease- alone. ,? ; - For civil ;ase Hltme except -ja ii ease& ''"i 'Cv'-v-i 1 i,:;,. sC CRUIfNAli CIRCUIT JJOtlRTS, J Thnre has bf.-n a irood ileal of fun j terx has done more for me than all i rootj ' . ,&' ' 'e York ovr theeeriified -tnte-' of ,L-r iediciiie? cuiubii.ed, for that J' v . t ,1 t . 1 -k;:. b.id fe Iin nriMAii from Kiunevand; time op HOLDING out tciVHn bv' thK l.ol,;blt.o,,Mlrer troiN. John Les.K farmer ; "MfcOF iiouu ilididat-. f their itCiiM in the I nn,i rrlcmn. if wmm Jitarv mvs:: ,n Ttrnthnr tv COURT. Ii III Mininiarf i ii.eir xpoH i.j 1 ftn, Kro"knirtn, f wuiih ,placv fav:: WtrcT: JiiDiciAIi DISTRICT; lt i-an p iijrn. J Ii- riohibitioiii! fjiil r.tetne l;ters toe Hie ; snrin J udsre Whitaker. " j Jvuinev aui i.iver ; mwimine, ii ... 1 Fall Judcre Connor. a am turnt' mull I i 1 r ' A ,1 . 1. ir Xf Of! Vnr - ; - j v. tranitjer, naruwar mercnanr, ;2J r - - j iut ft:,; -ie .it f!.e -l,:i;on. ami sam- to n, s.t: Kfeetrio " Bitters j Ciirritiick Mareh3, Sept. . 1. r- pu.eu'l tt mi peiii:fr ii't t- Jm tlie tiling ir a man vnoiau; 'Oamderi March 10, Sept. H. i:-;l VI" 10,323 " V" Craven. .iv;:.... iS If.; Kd,oiube..-a... . : . i - ; Mn.iiiix.....rt;.,H 04a". ' l i orl,am 01iverIVMeui-. Wilminton,Judge. Lenoir JSV j tj JXlnh Benj. R.:Moore, Wilm:nton,,Soi Bnncombe.! J h'! 19; July 13, Sept. lovKov. 17. ; , : fW-hviti. 4..:u 2 iS Martiu:.,;...4.j..- ramiico.v...,... Pxiqnota n k...... . .... 1,C74 740 832 c if tTJ1 47 ; . "',... li,ilui:x er.- b f.r f t most et-i v u Kidney au ... . , . I . i Miail tit- feel hk r'nr .lfiwn and don t -ejn whether : Pit muitnuk March 17. St-nt. 15. he Jiv s or di-.-; . he .found n-w Pemui'tmns -March 24, Sept. 22.: it? h- n ftl pic The 4tiiiidai tor Mny..r piutl out i.r expfiie. th-, tn,nxtlu ,,ood app-tite and felt j..t I j r.h.-n.i March 31. Sent. 29. iui!i -f 1,77 which was fspiid-l like he lial a new lease on life. Only j Gates Anril 7. Oct. 6. Tbla ennlajr remodr never falls t aiiKiaaucare- etl n.ainlv for ailverti.-inK' while the 50e. a bottle, at . R. Bellamy's ..,l(,Jt.. f.- ,!ii. m.. ,.OUr!v aim HPmii iinj; thirty in iiUiuber, paid out amonntK ranjrlnj: from $1 to $200. Aecordinjr to the Rev. J. W. Hill, ot Oden. Utah, the re-election of John T. Caiue to Couirres bv 4.000 Dycpcnsla, Constipation, Sick "jor:tj does not indicate tiie,over- ,, m , n... (throw of MoruiouiMti, a? wuh paid neaUdUWO, DlllUUSIieba Utelv to have about taken place. And all diseases Arista? -from a The Kev. Mr Hill says of c;rtine: Torpid Lfverand Bad Digestion. is Mmpiy a conduit through T1i atarat reealt f a rod anpetllo I vt)itrh The power of Wootlrtiu i car m& eIid rieeb. iveee email i eleraat I ,., . ... ,... ...., 1 iar ceeted aad caar to twallow. i rit-i. rim iuiu iiou-c n.o ci.. SOLD FV V-h.yvh KP.F late. I kuow tnat Uiiihon of dollars have been poured into Vihhgron POMONA HILL NUKS( R;ES through Caine anil other njreiit of the Moriuoiii Church to assist a POMONA. N. C. Tiro and a Half Miles West of Greensboro. St. t lUte mala line of tbt K. D. H. K. piwscs keeping that sink of iniquity in full blast." ... TheDallas (Texas) News printw a letter from Ex President Cleveland In which he expressed . regret that presin: professional engagement warm tteoSi.. ieta tralni raarestoKi rKruiar I would prevent huu fro;n attending V"lc .ZfHJ' TIPJEX??".! the T.xa State Fair ttii fall. Mr. Fran mm J r ruifc unjiox rr rvruiuj uiMici i - totasct tm. the Laivest -Nureory lo tht- j Cleveland added: "I watit verv much Htioe. aoloae ottieiarvetilatue south. I . cs.. i fttodc eoaslita of Apples. Inch. i-c.u, to -ee ouiethiii of your State und V?--Tir-'tr?.1 ?.?.Apil- toiner vour Iio-im table and IUnt. Ko-rtlsU Welnnt. lit Mrawberrtca. Hems. ETrrmrn c. AU tlie new aivl rre varlctlta as well s tae oti odcs, w will show. m a - - ae f m ae mil tSAflim m . n w oritfraircct from the Nurr.cn-. realms Mr. CfewUnd was obhretl m corrpoonoe Mik-uetL .Dntnptire.cau. , ,i,.cjllf, ftn invitation to vhdt rtirrries.cumiDt.s. nej hearted people; and, iiotwitlismtul nrrtfnv shaue TmH. ing my pres'nt disappointuieiit, I jw and Mre vartctlt-aas well as , t, . t H1II1M fnture ti:iie I mav rUicUiuy new cataiojfue ror 1V8 1 noM tli tcai some imure ii.ut. i m-ij M be pfrinitte 1 to do o." Friiullar J. VAN LINDLEY, rUMONA. Guilford CO., C ' KelUblo Saleamaa wanted la ctt County, a good pajto commimo win be TIB TAHLK NO X ,Pftlrhetto itiiilroad V.n. i AND AVTSR Fill DAT. PKC. t, 1887 Trilas will raa aa follow.' dally except so nay. - .OOtKd Socth. , vo l 1'assensrr aad Frlsat Leae rfainiet, N. C n 3i A. M Antra at caeraw, a. C sum A. M Goixe Soars. No. 8 Passenger and Freight: li Che raw. H. C P. M. Arm re al Uamlet. N. C " -K P. M. N)UU WM.MONCUKS.Supl. Memphis, Tenn. ; ... . ..- Some men are elected to office in hpite of themselves. Lew Steward, of Illinois, is a good example. Against his wishes he was nominat ed for Congress by the Democrats because no one else would accept the nomination, which was believed to mean Mire defeat. lie naid If the people wanted him for Conres. they could elect him, but he would not turn his hand over himself. He refused to pay an assessment, and when informed that It was for print ing his name on tho tickets he wrote hack to' the committee that they could leave his name out. Candi date Steward threw otlrer obstruc tiens in the way of his success,1 but In spite of all h was elected, i . - It rts money to run for office in New York. ICvery ;andidrtte for judicial honors had to pay heavily to Tammaiiy rrom $2,000 to $10,000 besides incidentals running up in to the thou-and-. and even Comp WUailnc-toi) DintrU't Fonrtli l!unl j 'Quarterly Electing In Part. Brunswick Mission, Nov. 2Sth. Brunswick Circuit. 2sov, 28th and 30th. Kenansville, CJliarity, Dec. 3rd and 4th Grace Church, Deiiicatiou. Dec. 7thJ F. D. Swindell. J Presiding Klder. I 1 . " Take Simmons Liver. Regulator. One dote is worth 100 dollars. '! ' ' i Feiun!Wealiii Punitive Cure Free. To thk Editor; Pleas inform your renders that I have a positive remedy .for the thousand and one ills I which arise from deranged fe male organs. I Vhall be lad tosend two! bottles of my remedy i'RKE;io any lady if they will send tneir .hlx pres and P. O. address. . Yours, re spectfully, Dr. J. B. MARcnisi. 183 Genesee St.. Utica, N. Y. ' i j L.K3ION ELIXIF. Itn Womlerfnl Km-rt Ii the Lver, Slom- i HCh, Hiiweio, Kittnrya Hud B1kI. Dr. MozJevV Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink that positive ly n re all Hiliousness, ( onstipa- tion, Iudiarestion. all Sick and ier vouh Meadaene. Ivulnev Disease Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chills, Palpitation or Heart, and al other diseases caused bv disonlere liver, stomach and kidiievs, .the (irst great cause of all fatal diseases. 50 cts. 'and $1 per bottle. Sold by drug gists. Prepared only by II. Mozley, M. D Atlanta, Go. Hertford-April 17, Oct. IJ Wt.slungton April.21, Oct. 2Q V Tvrrell April 28. Oct. J27. Dare -May 5, Nov. 3. Hyde Mav 12, Nov. 10. Pamlico May 19, Nov. 17. v SECOND JUDICIAIi DISTRICT. Spring Judge Woinack.- 'all judge wnitaaer, MKCKLE2TBURG COUNTY. Oliver Pr M pares. Judge. G eol E. Wilsou , Chariotte, Split-it or. Court hegins Felv 10, Apnt 14, Aug. 11 , Oct. 6, Dec. 1 : - rS BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Clnis. A. Moore. "Ashe vi lie, Jmlge. E. D. Ca rier-Ashe v il leV- Sol icir r. Court begius Jan. 27, April 28.Jnh 21. Oct. 2T.v-:a; ".-.:- ; Supreme Court uiefa first Monday -t'.i)on in February. Examinations on Pi i- ityne.:.,..... day anu wuimiay " oeioi-. -1? i rr District. Fet. 3; Kecoua nistnct. Feb. 10; .Third District, Feb,? 17; Fourth District. Feb. 24: Fifth: Dt trictn, March 3; Sixth District, March 10: Seventh. District. March 17; March 24; 15,nC4 THIRD DISTRICT. B!aden.U CmuKerland ...1' oV-ri uaruett Moore ....i.... Onslow.. Pender ....... April 1. Sent. 20. i Bertie Feb. 3, April 28. Oct. 27. Craven -tFeb. 10. May 26, Nov. 24. Warren March 17, Sept. 15. - Ed gr com be A pail 14, Oet. 13. THIRD JUDICIAJj DISTRICT. Spring .Tude Boykin. I Fall Judge Woniack. I Pitt - Jaui 45, March 17, Jun 9, Sept. 15. ' k "vi T Fratiklio Jan. 20,April 14,Ngv.10. Wilson-JFeb. 3, June 2. Oct. 27. , Vance-Feb. 17, May 19, Oct. 13. j 1 Martin March 3, Sept. 1, JDec. 1. '- Greene -March 31, Sept. 29. 1 1 Nash April 28, Nov. 17. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. j Spring Judge MacRae FOlf Aianiatjce.... 'haThniu.:.... Dipjmiu.. PcanMin ...... JoliiVjitoiK:...; Xash Orange ........ Wake Eighth District; District, March 31; Tenth" Distic Ait-il 7 '1'wt.lffh nistiiftt Anril 14t uaiiiax Tiuarcn of ftiay xiov.xu. Eleventh District, Aj.rii 2U v Northftmpton JJan. 20, March 31, Last Motidav in September. "Ex aminations Friday and Sat urdaybe- fore. First 'Districts Sept. 29;-Sec ond District 'Oct. C; Third District, Fifth District. Oct. 27: Sixth Dis- Caswell.. triet Nov. 3: Seventh District. Nov. Forsyth It); Eighth District, Nov. 17; Ninth Granville... District, Nov. 24; Tenth District, Dec. 1: Twelfth District. Deo. 8; Eleventh Districf. DecV ; Guilford.......!.... ..... 2.470 Harper' Bzur, - ILLUSTRATED Person .... Rockingham Stokes.......... Surry.:......;...!. ....... 2.fHii 1,444 1,W4 ...... 1,131 72i ........... 2.370 2.781" IC.7G4 RTH DISTRICT. 1.741 . 2,516 - .1,815 .......... 2.204 3-W4 ......,, 2, 1,010 4,618 I9,C8; FIfTH DISTRICT. 2.259 - 2,400 1,375: 2.S95 ..... 1,450 i.G7i-: Anson . Brnnswick.. ... Cabarrus...... .. 15,384 SIXTH DISTRICT. ........... 2,241 1 A1 A LKMOX HOT UROrS For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and -Bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. Foe pneumonia and Laryngitis, take ljeaion Hot Drops. For consumption and Catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Mot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tiou.i 25 cents at druggists.". Pre pared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. . " When Baby was sick, wo gare herCastoria. When slie was a Child, she cried for Castoria. l I ; ! AVlien she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. , Wlien the had Children, she gave them Castoria. JUS ramiiy Caper, trollerlyer-, who had no oppoi-jg . ! lion, was mulcted $s,500 for the two! PT: JSIIED WEEKLY. j Democrat factions. T.e newjelec-! fS&zg(' ohe intellertnal. moral and ! ,,,'v " r,nr-i u, ndidatcs, for i fQ Vhf North UnroIiiM Pn-sbylerian ' ISA Religious Family Paper, pum And derated to spiritual interests of tne people. jt compels them. to hum! in a selied i It tiuinbers amon-- It eorreaDondeuts mtnrt I of the Tt?rr test writ era of the SoiiMrn frrs- ill" of expeu-e atnl 'to swear to if. h t!.? rroit Rn;i-::t t.-i'i W35t itwcral of all or;Vsroo? aSJoKl-lml.- !avid file.da,. who was Hsea. A carlya fan,!!,- Is entirely free tpoventaits ivsoa a:i open qwH i.n. It : eUcteil to the Sui er;r Court on orn n 'r''m lLf-everywhere are Its allow and Inrltti free dl-cussloo t'i!n th ... , , i ' . - eiTcrinif shves. Iti'i S:r'r?parilla has" wundjofcwirtesr 'the Luniipiiviirlirt, wy? lieiipnt njrwi?AaHcw..;!ii(-,ria;cTfrffo!Bi. stladTrnff?'It yXT"1 ",n . for p.ters ami a-lverllsiu, ,t scorr.Ti. The o t sevc-rc ar.l-painful m n -T r " n . !and in .idditi 'ii his friei d- raiel '. anulaa at.;-e. wi-:;:iigs la the nrck or lDU raD'.r tor tOf Ff. '! ,tMXl to p.v l:U a-emeut bv toltrc, la t5:e eyes, caaslag partial v 1,645 .... 2,072 .... 4.163 24 rAnrii 21 iJulv9, tAug. 27, Sent. ' fashion-plates, and jpauern theet supply jew Hanover......; .1,880 : - ' ' I rripnts urc. Inilinensahlft, fllikp ta th home i o!i i 1: Fall-Jud-e Bovkin. ."SS". JtJSJi Columbus..... , m A m i , I till i.CXVJ int,T701 1XJ1VIUIUI1UU ItU IIUIU LV I r mm Wake Man. u. TJb en. 4. "Marcn the Fashions, Its numerous Illustrations, I aagysivieiiiiurir 22. tOct. 20J ments are lndi-pensablc . alite to th home j Riehmocd..... ' WrtViift Jan. 20. March . 10. Auril I exnensp Is snared in maklnsr Its artlsilf. at. I L-Opeson....".. 14 Sent 8 Oct. 13. k ' . i I trswitiveness of -t he highest order, -ins clcyer I Stanlnj-; ! Harnet t-Feb. 3. Ail. 4. Nov 24 2- J Johnston-r-leb. 10,Aug. 11, Nov. 10. mflm sabudiret of wit nnd humor. In us I BtIwn Tnm,,T11 luuTDTPT 1 weekly Issues verythlnr ts Included whicnis . FIDTHJUmuAiiUi!5iui((i. I of 1 a to rest ; t, women. lnrtng: 1891 AGJfis Snrinir Judge Armfield. ' - v KB Okmsbke uiil write h 'series o -aitlcies on U........ 1,711 .......... 2,823 996 2,040. 20,581 SEVJEIf TH DISTRICT. 17:, v n - , it '- V I2.83J Ul- 2.013 ui: 2,011 XH v 1M v 1.2SS - 4,943 '17,300 V 1.C27 2,584 ' 2,009 2.CS0 . 1.2U3 2,101 1,575 ' '" .. ( i - . 975 - 919 : 3,284 2.k.:g :w . i,ss ' - c:; ; 151 f; - . ! T io M u o tV win treat of sanitary Living,'', and an inter Catavoa 2,5JUU i , 7C Durhaiu Jan.-W. March 4, June eug uycssioa--of paDer-oa'Vpmaii-ta Davidsdn:....!.....'..... 2,018 21 Oct. 13. ji Art -and History," supc hi Illustrated, wm tJi -inns- oai ! firiinville Tun 27 Anril 21 - Julv be furnished .by 'J iusodobr Chiu). The serial UH ivui ,i vVi ofi J11:" iV)ru 'l stories nilt written by W4LTKK-BE3ANT and Iredell.........: .......... 2,724 XW I " . - -r - . . JiUllliiUIUCI T ............ 0ltf ' - v v RandolDh ..... ! Chatham--Feb. 12, May 5,Sept.20 I Guilford Feb. 17, May 26. Aug. 15, Dec. 8. : , t! Alamance March 3, May 19, Oct. 27. . ' -ir . ; H ARPER'S-PERIODICALS iwnuuo.M. .. ........... Yadkin ...Y... HARPJnfS, WEEKLY. 'j Orange -March 17,ug. 4, Nov. 3. uakpkk'S BAZiK...........;.....-...s4 tk ' P.iontu 1 Artril li Alio ti IVrkvr 1(1 1 . . I Person April 14Aug. 19, Nov. 17. iLAJtPER'SAiA GAZ IN ....... . ......... 4 (0 I SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. V Spring Judge Graves. . ; i ii Fall Judge Armfield. Pender March 10, Sept. a I New Hanover tJan. 20, tApril 13, St-pt. 22. ; "! , jjenoir ieD. o, auv. ao, nov. iu. : Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. 2,171 .. -2,739 1.071 15,070 EIGHTH DISTRICT. Alexander.....!.......... 953 087 ; .... 1,399 : 1,247- 4 00 Alleghany..;.. ljsta0.Fr't0 all vib-soribera in the ITnitr I Caldwell... ...J........... 1,258. cowxda. or MkOco. . . . , , ; Cleveland .....1....,,.... 2,209 The Volumes of the Bazar "besifi with tne I Gaston ......... "...'..'..... 1,584 first Number for January of each year. Whet Lincoln................. 1,209 Sampson-tFeb. 24, April 28, OctU order. no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin Wn tRnrrn -with the Number current at time of receipt of vn " ana , Wilkes .'. .. 1,700 ; a Hoe H I t Carteret- March 7, Oct. 20. Jones March 24, Oct. 27. Onslow March 31. Nov. 3. SEVKXTH1 JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Bynuni. j t j Fall Judge Graves, i Columbus Jan. 13, March 31, July 28. . - -ij. v-- : v . : v, Anson Jan.-6, tApril 28, Sept. 1, f Nov. 24.- v " - v ! Cumberland Jan. 20, tMay 5, July 21. Nov. 10. M .1 Robeson Jan. 17, May 19,Sept.29 i Richmond-Feb. Ji June 2, Sept 15, Dec. 1. : t Bladen March 17. Oct. 30. ' Brunswick. April 7, Sept. 8. i Moore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 2fl KIDITU JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ; : .13,209 NINTH DISTRICT, Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three rears back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent oy mau. posiaee paid; or Dy express, free of i Bxpense (proviaea me ireisnc aoes not exceed find HaIIijI" tot VAlnmi fni An -r. a w. wmI a , cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for I Buncombe ... ........... o,Ui binding, will be sent by. mail, post-paid, on Cherokee .....i...; 646 receipt oi ii weacn. a , Pin - - i sol .. 271 XwxpoirsareitocQwnii8aaofrtiwi4M I Havwood L... l.fflo "oiihwxi tiut express order of Harper: Brothers. I Uonrlorcon l fll7 novis v - New York 1891 Harper's Young Peoole. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Jackson..... Macon.......... Madison. .4.......... 1,178 903 780 ... ....... 693, Mis v Mitchell...... McDowell.... Polk:iv;..ia:.4.....: 470 Rutherford......... .... 1,690 Swain Transylvania!.......... Spring Judge Shipp. 505 520 940 1.VS93 The Twelftn Volume ot Harpbks TorNalYancv .. . .. and most comprehensive weekly In the world vFall Judge Bynum. I tive projrramme. In fiction there win .tw Tli fvtot 1wTn?Fowll" . i . . .. 1 - '1 ... . r. - - . . J V,.U. . - r. a.Mrrus-jjan. js April wj.- v .5 iLEr Bockerv 134.035. t en. . 3. Hav ir.i. An?. 4. ! ;i"v"j:lYr utimw, ujr ,i - ' ,. . - ' " -! i iiuwuru ryie, wim illustrations py l ne AU "v ' v V I thorr FlTlno-nill Parm ' hv onhlA s.tr. .2,327 1,201 1,419 12,419 K2 :405 1.4S2 1,13 . :. 717 7C4 1,23C 931 - 9C3 2,r.s 6 V: 2C7 -152 , $:i lA'i 7;2 lp ip ; r , n 413 : v ' 15.9-5 i Iretlell Nov. 3. thor; riylng Hill Farm," by tophle Saetr and presrntntn ltHiilnmn"iiiiirrt'. l-'Test T.niit.:ili Hiili. X-t .1 ut lre MfA!a-j ii i A t be people rriee trr tno'tm. tiff: or for ie r-n? w h sabnerfber. ti IV A,rir- ffe'ls of tr..' ir.;.ii, It thoroughly ro- i an h-.r.eM men. in ex-lient' -i t i - r.ov?- tiTeryimpurlty from the blood. i aint .ue if th'-. ablest it our jnr- ; juii.n vclm kin. .t-. aiMlnutiioi t.r ii.anv law Looks. T' 1 A ff .orarprl WlUo 8l, r,lll!i?j.ntiou, i, he tlt i,i .he ;fi3(fJ fj irT AUKXTSX VXTKIl I .-.t--i-htn yrr .i.,.e htj WWJ I el-:ed J'ltlge he ha ?ieVr ,leeii r gjj 4. . .. IVW .1.... t - ..... I r"' '". ,' ,r,lu '""r " 11 "air iittla danrr.ter! life v 1 . M I . ll 111 i ivi uh ii, jxity o,-Aug..Ai jmuju -iiuv, -jr jv. JiuuKiLiricR: ana Nov 17 !! ' "Yellowtqp," by Annie nronson King. In ad- - ' r.,i,i-llTirMv i sjl,, i -n V dltion to these five serials, there wUi be storie iDavnl.-on-f-Marcl; 3,Sept. l,Dec.l. m two or.three parts by Thomas Nelson Page, ! . - ' '. - I Randolph March 17, Sept. 15. HJalmar Hjorth Boyesen,-Edwin Lassetter 5 . . - 3tvnU- nril 7 Oet 11 puuins. Nora Perry, and others, short sto- Tt rr T T TC T?T?S btanlv April , Ocf.lJ., J rics, and articles on science, history, travel. A IjVK K I j&J 0 1 . Y , or illustrations of the highest tharacter. will!- M' i hpnng Jmlge Merrimon. v . I render Harpkr-s Yotriro ieoplb for 1891 on. J Hfl TI - t I ! w . ait aj nage oiiipp. I ,ut5J uiwtruauj ui me li reauiDg ior i i Rnckmliflin -Jn W T,,iv oi wys ana gins, . - v " , , . I 4IT)ui hact huM. nnMU.X.. k.M. learn the exact ccst of ariy jpropoud li c If Kterius j tipl ad is fa U, If an. KamuPl N. f-nM Co, late V. SC - ... Minister to Turltry. mmlfljeat: toluru CTou-r m pA?. taatgaily mad proro ly tr.aira. va.coi Latcrr a 8dr arrorr. fact akd rr. rurrtaT wo a can "ke ror prtle. with th brthie !t. It co a! is auoMvoasani'iala; trt. lu'- it aio riT a r:er. coocH. a? Intert-stint: o wVCti iL tK'uia K.nplrr. from 1 lui d"4i I i he prrert do v. TiU tieval'J hTf a !re n!. aid I'.rr aH2t 4iaU1 nr-UT ferrltorj i vi. otiIt t nra i r-iubrf x.'' Till wtrw iaci. -T'-rr ""for al tr t -tr,a." athn trno 111 protu 9 eart work will be L ror ptrUcclars adlrcm, h. a. llEhBEKf.K ta:oa, X C. Cratral Ajrct for Xorth iiroia at 4iUia tru par. jan 3 i as sared. as mitiut in t.-tkiug hi eai. Hur his beJk-vc. hy IlucU's SarsapariUa. "Before exa nple sdj" how ImhI it lis to he rx sii r.ionthi old she lad 7 ninalng break il the vieiou aiiienr ,croIa!A 50r8S- 3 Iydcian advised the ce r. rufcd ant When we bc-roi crvinj ; ir IIoitlai S.imapari!, a marked Iroprove ; iKMit ttjw nd';el and by a continued use of it ; w recovery was eotapletc. And she Is now, ; Hrinj sven car old. strong and healthy. ", J. C Jones, Alna, Lincoln County, Me. tm. - Catarrh I f th heat I ! a cottatiltitional Disea, niitl retiuire A constitutional reaiedy Like Utodt Sars.trmi!ln Whi.'ii puritlK the IiIomI, Make the wreak strong,. Rector' health. To it ii.i. KitnrAM mux cirrici sv AU df alert keep it. fl per W-t'.e. 'C cuulr.e trada-aQatk ani czvacU rd 11ia 41 wrt ptr. Hood Sarsaparilla A - A TS r I X . I - www waiJ yuviJVAUVU 1UI J LftAU. LC U I r orsyi n i? eo.o, aiay ct. w. pie In existence. It Is edited with scrupulous . IS --A intent nn A Trl6riC2W t an kin Feb. 17, Sept. 22. care and attcntlcn. and instruction and en- ' (Lu.V OT ClSluK H JXWK1, 'Wilkes March 3 Sent 8 v tertainment are mingled in its pages in Must i 0 ' v- :-f ' u lX'nr SrXi? w i the right proportlots :o captuatethemfnds W J fl fl TfiSSl j , AHetr ham Uareh. It, Sept, 1. . of the young, and at the same time to Cevelo? JtrlVOOTS .DV aUUl QiJ avie munin 01, sct-. o. : i lueir iuiuttiir cower." .1. J ." IMsrrrfr i 1 tokes April 14, Aug. 4, Nov. 10 April 21, Aug. 19, Nov. 171 Term?: Postage Prepaid, $2 pryeari - VoL Til beains Subember 41 IfiSO. ' ". Spring Judge Browu. ' i I volumes VIII. X and XI of Harixr's Yorvn j FallJudge Merrimon. I IKOrlJ bound in c'oth wiu be. sent by mail. -Henderson Feb.10,Jnly 13. Burke .farch 3, Aug. 4 - Caldwell March 17, Sept. 1. . Afrhe-r-March 24, May 26, Ang. 18. Watauga April 7, Aog. 25. Mitchell April 14. Sept. 8. Yancev Apnl 28. Sept. 22. . McDowell-rMay 12rOct. t5. s , KLKVKXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. , j Spring Judge Phillip. postage paid, on receipt of f3 50 each. The orner volumes are out or print. k4db?!ldrxzisu. 1; tlx for 3. rrc-pr4toy r 1 L Ji)D CO ApotbccAT'.CA, Lowell, Xxms. I .ww BH-viw. wonar r . Ijuio.Feb. W, tFeeiV 'Sept. JinSQjjrdrr trm hicn ired sat . - 1 15, JSept. 22. ' v ' ; CHtawlin Jnn 13. Jnlv 13 Alexander Jan. 27vJniv2S Sperimrn Cow tent on receipt af cco-ccn : anjie Number, Five Cents each. ' Remittances should be made by Post-omee iloney order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. - - SeictiHiperx an yot to cow tUin aartrtljen.na nmnoui ze expre orc-r of Harper s. Brothers Address . QAKPEK& USOTUEItsr '-18 " . . .. V vr V PRTQ Pa Oil? ,! pmntei with A. LL AO A ii A r -Xi, f ny Kirtuuiacture! t he Jrairmount PnnrJne Ink vitrks, - T. E. WliKiHT CO , , . JCth street aadrresssyirasia avenue, ; , Jan ll . . . . .-. HillaaeirSia, X - Geo. P. Eoweli: C3 H' paper Ad vert'.r.og - V io fspniU st. New 5nd lOcro To- t n f ,ev, rjirjTED. - A" GENTS OP JElTnKU iT3Kpt1 t be raited-State . w handle our corn and Bnhion Cure. 1" spPJ;! f fords almost instant rehet . and W jrtzj ect a pcrtn" j rJ we remedy !jtmple box. 25c; six t5 Jcar f; vonnri':i wf day to lntrwui c s j Uio th"lr section-no Pa f particulars addre he iriandliTCNcrthgii fCO 11 ITT U

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