I - - . rrf.nc" ' ' we win .r. frea our t i az. tha C2.CTV -TBTW fiZZL rrrr,rrte tw city, u 115 rtjr report U t rr : j - A - - . VOL XIV LOCAL ISTEVS KtoVday ; T)ECEMBE"R Hr ISjOO. ; ' NO 2.98. i ; The receipUof cotton at tlil.Voft j tolay foot tip balen. iU ml. IntLls JMuh of a hunRh nf )lnd co,(ler- kev lost. ror.oorin Carolina, rair weal tier ' i Mi--"" 1xwT-i;unrk of Kpj - xztn C oyurnix arc : : Atxv-4im J onra Hons Hooits ritxai c 8ox Hand-sewed Shoos December drop n on us o d&T r eP"ai,t JRuglislnuan. "FormeHi? rlf- x'f vtli!s Veil nianaged and r:. I ' . ' 1.- SLsin5-e 'iff ? prosperasinstitution sh'oald lose no 1 V " DU r1 111 answer J l v ll,e ,me,uSWfti.ue in subscribing The' books i.,nrnt 1"um ue-. I' - ipowoppn at the office of' the Presi Save money and bui vo.ir.IIn.wl -Jr' U' H! ntin3 has opena.1 n Sleuf, Mr. JTathJ. Jacobi. 1 ' . KEW ADVEUTISE2IENTS. general mt: : oat " ' Tb9 nams or ue wzlter.ma5t fci-rtxa 13 fujv clawed to tue saitcr. One Rlllft Of thn runm . rtraon&UUes masi ton avxai .x . ,-" v i And U Is espeaaujr and parttcclar' r stood tft&r tais &mor does riot . t 'brr a U)d-r!eK3of correspondeats culcrs fttc3 in Use edicoilax coiiutnak- i w" X, i - ? js ew a u vkit i i ; r::Tr wear at auinburg. Th fimlpr wilt K ?rLcaI forecasts; froiUSi. nr. to-day wrtnleil ori-lravin thMii at' Mri Wilmington and j vieinitr. Mr IV. O. WlutoiVad, offltW ; jVather an J cojder. : jC ' Uta ' ': i ? 1 -iluirklM font A ssociaUon. - - " P?--S?" American never have u ... - - . m r., Al -.. : iiririsni anoi j: ; .i- - ... v." l-3:Your is Spent iiipd; Mattresses, Springs and ; Pillpwp. . ' - , rOH HALE fon'EKXOVXt EP.'1 "' L - ... - are TlTM5lnt 11 h Vfl ta,MQmlAyi; fivnadjfldleate-casea b th a U. S. Com inmi.iaun uve weunestiayK. Hovk will wear oat Pants very fast. n get them strong and very cheap I" 4 1 ' . . . ; " - " ' ' J viit "Jfri ii t.itv:i; t 14 llctwaiil j wt ntlinburgV -, - jt l.'.lr mi the KMueml Thoiua W. Strange was i ! VAi. titans tho tharre left for Florida on: Saturday - . - ! li-ntl driMs. liMih ,,"l0,UD0lK0 oocause lie was not wHI. i r r'.rj mid I'tirrs. Krmn t.t 13 till of in kind ever pro OjiaJ uolv 1-cneficial m iti flrtd ouh' frfni the ir.o .y irwtle aultaces. if. lei sire xoade it" the inf rfTvi i for sale In 50 liilci tr all leading lru 'trjep'J for" any. one ':i6k Do not "accept an) Ski w I. m fUMCisco. cml TEtm KIW tOXK. M.T. star r n lumy, I tio;tsiLt imtr.r.iT. 'i wtuziinzton. N. v. Sen new ail. of Mefsrjt. Sneed & ;o.,minounciug the receipt of pretty and useful thing for holiday pre- wit. "o frost this morning or. yes dnyHOmfng.- To-day has been !iii.staswanu and pleasant as a t April. :, -i '' - in er" al day Dnc'BOOics-. IV BOOK STORE - We f egret to learn thatCapr. Jno. W.'flarper is etfll very ick and does not Improve, :- A physician from the city -vent down to pee him to-day. . ; - i- 5 I am Manufacturer s Agent for Barbd and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fence?. 0r tier solicited. Jamei I. Metts. t Ouua. We hare them, bought be fore the passage of the t McKInlej' I bill and can give you the advantage oHodrMow. purchase. N. "Jacobi Hdw. Co. . :1 I. A. Tucker, -3 CC CfUNXTt. MARBLE AND to. Xia&fKtarvr of Cecrterj, j3dl3lla Wort 3W North Froot street. a hi;i id if PmeilfJ.' tsit A&xrRtc?:io wrrn ly, are la no otogtr ct Aner prcticl x 1 Jn a prr, amt to faaxan .il Uloamc. JTES! MOVES ! 1 ft, I, ..I .1 tl B-l t " O.r, "Uubolio razor and kulve 6harp. eoers. Soiuething new I and !we Uiink'the beft hone ever iuade. See them. 7T. Jacobi Hdw. Co. . if J' I to the city RECEIVED! BANANAS, i Mayor Fowler returned this morning from Charleston but will leave again this afternoon for Ratefgh, where he is called as a wit ness fp the Smith case. . .-. j This is the first day of; the week (secular), the first day of .'December and the first day of Winter hot ye there has been a pleasant Spring feeling in the atmospnere The greatest cure on earth' for pain, 8a(yation Oil, we all should fain Keep handy in our physic chest, j AU keefw full well ith the best, I It stands the proof ttie crucial test. ... - It is announced that the General Freight and Passenger Department of the Seaboard Air Line: wIHbe re moved to-day from Portsmouth, where it is at present, to Norfolk. r ' Wei wdnt Zeli Vance in the Senate and the VZeb Vance" stove jn your kitchen. Thy have beenjried and (nut iti. tQ? true; therefore we..re- rmtittiend them to von. N.' .Trfcqni - - - - m ., ' Ildw. Cw. . j . - HnriRkirn hhnitld ; have 1ft i - v , . - j iPi-rfprtloti" inent' cutter. It tleadvantigt, Qf : siiitphi fniit ruc tion. tlnratiilttv and is easily cIean'Ml (N kuiven tovgtoiit of order. i ' nam. co. 0M si; D if P. d. ''? j ; JCudge UuWll and t " den. and Jno. I. Helta Sold i d Messrs. -Mnl-fi-: "til OvsUr! mr - - - IT v.. . tiny, .ir., win heav for Ralflgh thi afternoon for Ti u rtt. or ' Smitli cae which eoTties :jij ' In tl' jljjJ Will 1 Villi ll nruii'i . - , f.w lil " ' " - ' " '"""S . I I " r,.:H?.u.V.: . .. ; Thnet loof ilnvlight thisnmntii i.y tp u. at . :! b it to ininiit. . In morning! - nTiir i.w j, jo Jllll1lfejl ,ur fa! ti,e rrfr- l fi DPi T r rr ; ' """" we gin 10.-' The sun row? this I. ULLliYv ''luoridtur at 6.rtl nud will rise on tjie 1 lln f'ci 'i - "-31t ht'"jl: it fota'thii evening jnt lnn & Shett ,fn4 4nVi ii otitheaiKtatj Klt Qd Contractor ' ' The election of the CoIoo1. Liet- iKleafor fti rrt tntat ncr trint .fVlojiel and MJkr for tii will lotkmeii wfliQar- bhekl iU tliin city on Thursday cit. Thf erection 'hoartl i? coin posed of the captain and first lieu trnant'of each cotupany ami only , 'Tra 4 4 hoick LOT ckle- crmitnijioned officers can vote. ' ' i Ur. M. K. Rouse, a pmctical dyvr. iT Cwrda Wood ' tailor and Idntler, has located In this UiVi.in. BUckj.vt. e.: c,l?t iU corner of Market and ,nv - . Front trwt. over Soloruan'K Rtore. 4j A. BPttlXOUt. , t.-.on-ni - dvelnf? esttablil- " . - intent there. Those In need of work In liis line are 'invueu to-ca'l ar J tUlssioner anI a jastico of the.'peace He will pay particular attention to pension cases. lhe (ioldsboro Aram says: "Our estimable young friend and towns" maa, Mr. L. L. Harkhead, has been appointed to a railroad position and aligned to service between Wil wlngton and Charleston. He left for his new post Wednesday even: ing." . -. i Iai5t month Was an exceedingly dry month; m fact, it is the dryest Noyeuiber; on record here with, one exception slnce.the Signal Office was opened In 1871. On two days only did rain fall and the total precipita tion wate but .36 of an inch. The exception was in 1S8G when but .19 of an inch fell. A colored rice pi utter by the name ot W. H. Wiggins, whose farm is near Little Bride lost his'barn and 5,800 bushels of rough rice y es terday morning, about 2 o'clock. No one seems to know how the fire originated. Tuere was - insurance on the barn and rice with Messrs. Hodges& Taylor, which is thought to be sufficient to cover the los.. Harbor Rlatei's Report. From the books of Capt. Joseph Price, Harbor Master, . we get the following report of arrivalsi'at this port duriDg the month of November: American-J steamers, 4,2G8 tons; lbrig. 230 tons; 13 schooners, 4,075 tons; total 20 vessel? and 8,632 tons. Foreign 2. steamers, 2,410 tons; 10 barques, 7,551 tons 3 brigs, 827 4 schooners, 489 tons; total 25 vessels and 11.2SG tons. Total urrivals American and for. eign 45 vessels, ' aggergating 19,918 tons. ' . - Th OKI and the New. The full proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners could not be had in time for this issue, but will appear to-morrow. The old Board retired and the new Board were sworn in and organized and elected Mr. Bagg as chairman. Tfcera is no difference in the per soriel of the two Boards, - The neie. Democratic county official also qualified and the old incumbents quietly retired. .There has bean no particular excitement and really not as .much "interest manifested. might have been expected. as Death of Col. Collier. Col. Hen. W. Collier; one of the t - . - oldest and most rlnghly esteemet resulents of Wayne county, diet! at hi.4.huitie in (joldsboro .some tiine between 5.30 nnd 7 o'clock n Satur day miriiitig. His death was very sudden; although he had been Mtf- feriug for some days pat 'with ; a broncliial trouble. It. Is suppose! that he diil of heart failure;' Col. uot afc st in an exciliHg ta.Ie duced on the first appearanee of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy-Sj'rnp of Figs a f e w years ajro has been Cotton. TheT receipts of cotton at this port for the," month of Xoveiiibert just Closed, footup 27jS10 bale8,;Tngaitjst. 1,43 trales' for sa:ui ivontlr f.wt yeardecreasQ during the month of bales. 'The receipt? of the ccop-year to date :foot up 120,713 bales', n gainst 84,839 -bales to same LibrArjotts. rjtUE CIIHISTMAS" JfOIBElIj OP 't ENTEJt1,;: ' -TAiSJMEXTJ mil ot 8U'rgre3tlon3fortkfl Lolt- - v y reason. CosuiopoIUan, Atlant ic. Christ- J" ' - . can Ilbtory have t?con received at the ". V WILIOTOSUURAUYKOOMS dec It; ; , - 1 Market st reef, . " , - . - i . n I 9 Bl NCn OF KEYS, ?UIB XIOKNINrt, BE tn nro than nT(fnaA 1 r" f 1 -x - 1 V". -"7 ilw date last vear. an-increasethis vear am experience or ail wno-navemsea i , , - " - A :. .i I uutos. .... - i A f .., i.niitrsuuce- oune proprietors ; v - !tween Chestnut and Water .i: Market frrr-t" - and manufacturers, tlie; California Don't Belief aVord or it. . , j - . Fig Syrup Company. L v .' It is reported here jthaf the graitd I Jnr,r 1 H )nsV.t4- Wo, Bear Testimony." " j " ' " Mr. S VanAmringe, who has for 12 years past filled the ; offlcs of Superior Court Clerk for New ilan over county, steps tfqwn and' out this afternoon to makelway for Col. John D. Taylor. Mr. tVanAmringe has.filled the office very acceptably during his incumbency. He .has been painstaking; courteous and correct'in all of hH transactions and the members of the Ixar speak in nigh terms of the manner in which he has discharged the duties, of his office. We most heartily wish him success in whatever line of business he may hereafter undertake. , It is reported here jthaf th'e grand jury of tho U. S. Circuit Coo rt;nO w iq, session at - Raleigh h4s Jfound a true bUl( against 'theoard pf can yassers for New Hanover county for throwing out the returns. -from Cape Fear township, .We; have endeavor d totraceithe repprt but cannot come up. with the party with whoml it is said to imve ' originated. . It must certainly be ef roiiewis. , In the, first place the Federal Cot'u t has no jurisdiction beyond a liearing and decision as regartl.tlie vote or Con gresstKfin and tlieAute in Cdpe 'Fear township cannot'airect- the result of this election; - Secondly, the grand jury of the Federal Ceurt nan have nothing lo with the matter un less frauI is "charged and we do not at my ofllco, ncrt h ars t con r Ct .! Water streitsi ofATUltiT LL:iara0 brivssarti and pfeim - - - thinsaln thaTURTUKE llae.Chr!?rr.lf, '"TlV'V stock now-coming -la rapidly.? Call ana fcre. r And buy noliday presents that, &re useful 3 :',. well as aretty. : k- - NEED Jt CO: ; , . - ' - ' i Furniture Dealers. . . dec 1 tt cor. Market and Second Bra. 'noufiii on coughs Collier was hi his Tfithv.vear arid leaves it wife and five children, ail f Fire at Wrlghtsvllle. J Yesterdav mdrningjbetween 2 and thinlv any one would presume to 3 o'clncK, the residence of Mr. C.C. charge the board of canvassers with Ketghurn, a well known citizen" who fraud; ns there is not the -slightest lives near Wrightsville'J, was found j evidence of anything of this kind to be on fire. Mr. Ketehtnu had oc- As'to the State elections the Federal casion to get up and give one of his I Court has no .jurisdiction whatever children some water and thus dis-1 in the case. The State courts, onlv covered the fire. - At vthat time the can decide in this matter. Thecase, kitchen roof, had fallen in . and the we understand, is tp be carried' be- back part of the residence was in a j fore the Superior Court in January blaze. On orfening the door of the I and ff the decision there is - against building the &moke and jure rushed jtlufx Hepublicails- tliey ..propose - to in giving the older members of the carry it on appeal to the Supreme family but little iiine. to arouse thelCoUrt of the Stute and there the sleepi ng children, and to carry them J matter will be finally decided. So with such articles as - were in - easy j tar as wecan ascertain there is no reach to a place of safety. The des-J charge; of fraud against the board to truction was complete, as the fum- j be made in the State courts but the ily lost nearly every article of cloth- I cae is to be heard ; on appeal from ing, furniture and crockery, stove Jthe decisiOn of the board of canvass- - -r m 1.1, o.i , a I v ana us uxtures. - in lacri mey lose i ers. them all. It is a large family, quick- 1 mm ha .1 ABA1 r44-'4v ' t S 0 WW rf-v our readers.wil ccmtrlbutettny -rti-LThroar S5e. ROUG H ON TOOTH- cles which they think would be of 1 ACHE. Instant relief. 15c. Rough service to tliem in tneir nresent des- on uorns. x.iquiu, 10c. -paivo titute condition ?If they, will paclt and send to SeacOasvDepot; marKed to Mr. jatneSf acoiiiljerfWilgi8 vine, iney wiinrouipny- ueiiver- ed and "kindly and thankfully re celveiL i - ' 'i! ' ' r i ..... . ... ..r . The potable feature of i the Scrib- m- i ner's Magazine, for December is the first of.a Heries of ptper, on Japan bvSirK!wn Arnold. The illustta- . t .... - .M .-' . -. tionof tb.ej paper arc numerous and effective. EichaPd Harding Davis wlib is one kf fhei jyerV fe w Ji'e-ws? paper-men ; who oitu c w r i tej J mh g in a i tively of tle iiartl.cnaractersiiom they nre eompelleV to see-,' has: a touching Htory, My j Disreptuble Friend. Mr. ' Ueageu.;. Octave Thanet distinguishes ierself with another strong sketch of a man, "A Plumb Idiot." Oeorge, A. ilHibara which he contributesT but ltl por- est worKjsj netem nan: me averate ITn 1 i rl o rr WattoI f I a cr "T rsFAL, WE HAVE A-SttENDID As sortment or Caristman card3.'A few hand pat u ted Porcelain 8tudles, flne Extracts, raag- , nlflcent array of Hair Brushes. call in and see u. ' - - ' ' - I 1 r MUNDS BKOTUEK8, a&e- i n , ; lot N. Front street. Dyeing f Estnblisliinent. - pEATIIEHS, . KtD GLOVES. ..- UATS AND. aji kinds of Silk re-colored. ; Now is. the time to haTe your cast-off Suits Cleaned and re-colored and made to look new. GENTS' LIST. -Sulta Dyed $3.00 to . $3.00; Hats cleaned, dj ed and pressed, 25 to 50 cents; irmbrellas- retoped In any cloth at short notice. KDlESlJSl40sitrlch Plumes. Tins, sash es and Itt boons Jpl all kinds re-colored and clenedup. ; , Vf-' . . . . - Tailor! i g such ay Blndlngr, - LJnlngr ' and Turning. f " - - : ., ty All Goods not called for In 90 days will be Eeld tor charges, v - t. E. It OUSE. " : corner Market and Front streets, (over SoU onion's Dry coods IS! ore. W - . decllw 'it. To City Payers J.1 to be sold for Taxes due for the year 190 will be Btade out on the 20th December. -l ' - ! Pajments before, that 'timC:TtlL save yctt'tU r' i V costs. " . b; vai. twillson. '' f; 1 '. , nov292t . 4 clerk and Treisurer. Z , ; leail.Fi'eilSfe .1 . - - j. .-.'--: ;. i .. - ... YOU CAN GET A PAIR OF GL.STV mi KS FOtt 84 00, Y itih - C 00, OR, A PAIR LADIE SnOIS FOtt 4 VilJiatir?lI.!t i?3 V?iS ".t St; Secoiul Itegim-t,r, C. S. oonDro". a rnox tiRArnic;eon9uU hJm; 8ee mdjo thli lgsu t3rt- Cr.ron pwwn't tpec-1 .rtUotlonal not a local but ncca- 1IcAiA Dml Tnnlre ft ' v.. I 1 ltnnVo Sari aparilla to effect a enre. - T ? . , v -' '- ' noon from Sr. Stephen7 Cuureti. - : nublished. t writes rif-tuy npbsarrT,eaj 1-: and Wrw f ck,r nd, cm " , iBf 0RKESTG PEOPLE -1 b J v can tako Simmons ' -. Liver 11 c gu 1 a t or ' .without loss of time or dan- ger- from . exposure. It takes the place of a doctor and , costly . prescriptions f and "is therefore" tho medi cirio to b,o kept in the" hoxisehold to be given upon - : it 1 - i -1' ' "1. pproacn- contains" nnedient3 nlrf H, Wat is; purely ;egetable, r.nsitsh.yr i wprtu cenue vet tnorongn in us. - - potto ion a uiifi 60, Worth $4.00. CALL ANI SEE. Roo.'U. iVench & Sons, -lOSNortfi rfoin Streot. "'!-: - - i- :.' (Oppo treTiie Onon . deel tf ;H Al R:;iB R U S H ES. - LAliliE A.-so:FMENr OF n.Mit ' t Urush statoLsln prlrcs. ttc naie Ju . ! rctlvcd a l.'?rrtl-.t cl the rclrbrnted 1 n: ' f II i:i;rsH ts-a rpfi ll in- rometor. ty). Mteorotetrnl Mr. F. P. Chaffee, Signal Dbsrver. w,l a c-v of . . Ttnf Ii RafVtv and itlio-most at this port, reports as follow for v traciitiohs to revise their im-,; satisfactory results to any the month of. .oejiiiber: Me m a- . - iTrt,r,r r.Uv trr wfffmlka flflfrn; - .17: highest, on tbej' I . f -,., the . Tf. 1. nrvnuai: Trv it- . , Italian- school ' , J pnrey Wjaru r Exlmlnc sec that ycu fret --the rwrnulne. the famous DlstingulshPd trcxa ait iranos ana muiauons - ' i vui rir . mi -. -r Tendon auction room. ' .. " - per. od on the side me fceal and s5gnatoie of A 1 - flOil,,. rAful -JlT 1 , rwH . jl . . nany ranjre. .-on vur ioiu, i L,-.or mnleti- v'K.A. 7 . . 1 t ll.a 3 - " v . . 11UV l. LI t - i. V4t ces a - ia a - .. Of il. afla " jim; lowest, w. nu u r .-, ,pader of the modern tempemture, o.; highest , . onne to. aqd..Hum mm: mwesi, u ii.tr . - .. abon .hrlatleV'-f est daily. moge, on tne -.rn;e- I The departments are complete J-umt Oj r . raaa i9- f tt v-u iniriinr a i . . 'am .i ,Cmrt...v ... r? i , VtmnLo- is - fln nnn.enA V 1,1 -. onth 93; toUl erce since' Janua- v-;--f - .r v!' revamng uirectiou ui , . j , S , . -4 -i ...... - v- ' - . for Salt Judge: farkai: s lectites, mondav, in ry; isU; sai; p the wind," 8. W ; total movement, j i;ockiea''Araicaf5aiW. j a ...:i. orfrumn vinrltv. 24. S. i Th- Bfi oaive in the world :..:i-;nn ifa Bruises.- Sores. Ulcers, n ouiwu.,. loV"7,vV" Rheum, Fever. Sores. :.Ttter,- ;j. .SCof an inch; number or days on t idChilblaiftiTornsandall .H-;':,:;t;r..t..f(: r nicii ri ieu, ruo:c"u.' s skid rrnpuui, wiuwm.i .dttlta.'50c ChadreB.23c-i ;-:'-j'nov 2J 2t in "nrxdpUation during the mouth. Piles, or no pay requireu. nugyar- T - : 2-; total deficiency .ioc Jabuary j-teed JDffp Ciouuy aays, o; ciouuy u. j - t or baie uy ftuorrj .... 8tTPt pecrylranlAaTcstJ. B. Hanks, the rif au.m aci t. t ?lhd r' Telephujie fO-j t, Opp.' -t:ity IIal. ' v r nov rttf TJotico fpaE AXXl'AL MKETJN'O OF ftTOCKHOLD- X- - - - era oft be Karas&s Gnano company of .WH-v. - - ; - - ..-.. .. mlnTton will be held at the Company Offloe ia thli tity on Thnr&day, nth December next, " at 11 o'clock a. fci. I. MacHAE, J.. nov s si 1 i v hecretary. , : Still' They Come r - . A XOTIIElt tild SAM: 5EXT TUESDAY " I fiie Dlact tVa'nut parlor tet, . .Mara ana Fur-H- rjlturecf air kinds, ilattresies. Ac Uo::a3rt o:; the I t 2d, 4th, 23th and 20th. wholesale and TStail drgp tioods oo eonsimnient and must be sell. It ' f wilt pay joti to call at 27 Hirfcet street. 1 R-nd la ccasisxtaents early tor Tuesday ! file. 4 W. J. KIUKIIAM CO., ,coTS9tt J ':-' t.:. SI Mar-et fctirrt. '.