1 Thi Oalr Cam - I rii r i a, . . . : . - V V ii I i " I -t f ATI I ft J w oil . . .A I m at y'l'yrJche, Toothache, Cuts, Sons. Backache, Ac. . .T . ..rt ru c Great foimeca 4- uVvnERlS AHY SPECIFI CS V-- ::V, H: ..a.'l,',''""l",,,'I, H"",T. V-.i Itllvab. .... - - 60 iHDrl''J; cr Sent Pw ld aarwTt if.ua mi Jo&a St Kr Yot. EI2IPHBEYS, HOrXOPATHIC fff SPECIFIC No.iO br Mm, Vita! Weakness, 1 er vork or oUr cac r r.it tad Unr poir, tor fx Pn on rvcr(w ml ar I t-.; tan 'tti nt wn. nil cotld oq rfHRLTV BlDlCI.lt to.. ' r-. TT!V' TaVn St- 31.1 LU I'EHBAl 1! COMp-Y.rnCt V.I Nrwart. y. Ji Areas. prcat prr month Will fjJ pw-p it or iai f irfelt- New por no t A f. .) mpie !Qt f ree to &U. Liiawer o. lktd M., -N- V. Ilk l TUSHAt tAi FEOTECf "M aXnrJtl)" by top-ilrrssinjirUh CEREALITE. ) k; prr a-rr wi:t IiiypIt IncreAse ttc y tU f4 vrala ai.a t raw. I!U. i akvki: jc Ualtlmore, MJ. PARKER'S 1 HAIR BALSAM i Nr TiU to Bevtor Ortjl If ( a iia VAtitkful rAlAr. Cur r drtM hur tAiUaf. . V.) 1 1 nl IV-nrr UvERCORNS. Th nnUmtr run Tor Ooi OgALLPLASTERS DR.CR0SVFNOR'; pellesLP'Si 3 PLASTERS. F Tie best Toroas PlaMer madci I J1 ca .riins an J weak places V-ie cter plasters, so be sun ume witti the pc-( IBroRA: RiatAKns. Loshrt.( I n " fS iTTrTw 'i.i 5?PS'S COCOA. 'nS3371 l&wIt1e of the u.itnnU ""S Lr pf 'uHons of dltvuon t.tTnl rT . 7 1 rTii appucauon ox i'u b''T ouctoni' Mltv- It H V,T7 J sc" nic! u tflet tun a tcj. . T .. ta-? PlmrMT "VaTr It,f r taint, h .id OQif !i half. ii'lYROYAL PI1U5 4 rl' -- L-r. A ( Z2ML'W law" kMr. rra ! mmt. '12 " a4Hta0CS UJLIUI. VV" rwrVr'W Poll tVM, "toiCA, co.t ourr Ato, w.? !J xsTt b k t mxaliooj. etc, 1 Srf?m, FT?!Ttrof ca&rs. A 7 frent or t ort Wajnc He fullers from anenrirm 4V.' and. hi is thocmly cas of th Vind re ported hj pbyriciaa. lib liia receired xnAny letters inritiiiff Mm tn for medical colleges, Bo. thejcan cxam uno anu axnay anetmsm ox th orbit but as b3 fours that the blood yewel back of the orbit inAT bnrst &t m r.v. Una end tua lif hJiaa; preferred to re- uauer ioo car or etirgcon, at home. Breen was a braeman r h w.v...v railrca. and vrhil erased in conjdln cars at Ortl. O., he was caaght between the step of the cabooso and the end of a saw ros hicli extended : erer a flat car and hh skull wns fractnred. Aftera loni ljmui jiiness ne rallied rofflciently to, walk about, lrat it was found that the cord of tne leffeye were raralyred rtUlJ ivmcu lo.penorav their narurai iuuLiryjJN A.U9 . amicuon grew ; worse and Mr. Dreen went to Springfield, His-, whereat he Illinois surgeons were holding their annual convention. He was ex amined by 173 surgeons, who pronounced ms case -aneurism or tb.0 eye, . and the oniy one on recoro " Ho was put. under the . influence of opiates and an iron collar was placed about his neck, to which was' attached a thumb screw which - was pressed oyer the orbit to stop tho rusb'of blood. He was thus kept for forty-eight hours, but his caso was pronounced incurable. He is now at his home in Fort Wayne. Dreen is a man of stroncr muscular de velopment, and would appear to hare more thun the average mans chances for longevity, no is not I disposed i to be melancholy over his condition, and says that no may outlive the entire Srrinjr field convention At any rate, ho has the trance distinction of bein? tha nnJ t mm alive who wears a collar made at a black- smith shop. Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat -... . j tUijm XT miry m CatBttaai Teadr. ' The lifoof the chestnut and peanut vender is a hard one, especially when the street arabs of tough but tender years band together; and swoop upon him in serried array and compact sally. X specimen of tho ''lately landed" order stood before his caldron warming his five digits and nursing the glowing chestnut when a band of young urchins sallied by. One gave a quick kick at the stand as they passed, which made it tot ter. The Italian in charge made an ef fort to savo it, but it went sprawling. tossing out tho luscious nuts upon the street. This was the grand strategic effect sought for by the- Trrchins, as it put tha vender in a hesitating position. If he chased the boys he left the stand, and if ho went to the stand he left the nuts. The vender hesitated a moment, and the little band of young arabs waited to see what he would do. prepared to scatter into complete indefl- niteness. The vender i chose to look to his stand, and his doing so was a signal to the youngsters. Liko crows to the prey they swooped down upon the nuts in triumph, and with howls and hoots filled their pockets to the full, pay ing little heed to the forceful ejacula tions of tho vender. New York Times. ' Y7nOLE8ALH PRICE3. I ' r - Tterollcwiri quoUQcss represent whole sale ences iraeraCr. La mwtlnr no email er wavin forever dane in 0Tli2SherirtcelisvetotchAx , " A Itocr oa tb Trak. I While extra train No. C71 was "coming east Sunday afternoon a few miles east of Mast Hone, on the Delaware division, Engineer Edward Taylor espied a large deer deacendinxr tho almost perpendicu lar bluff on the north side of the track. Tho deer reached the track a few yards in advance of the engine, and those on tha rapine exnected to see it run down, but instead it started down the track in advance of tho train for a distance of a ouarter of a mile, and then bounded down the bank toward ; the river. The men on the engine saw the deer nnta the train went out of sight. It was a back with five Tuxmirs,1 and must have weighed in the neighborhood of 500 pounds. It seemed to be greatly ia tiimed. and was probably started up by a party of hunters in the heavy woods hack of Mast Hope. Taylor ana nis fireman confidently expected' to have a atldle of venison for their xuanrsgtviag dinner. rort Jervis (N. X.) tfaxette. n. ram T4b. A UUill f - V o counsel on the subject, soaae farmers .i Jt mt- l..f tVm f Via hint and look af- WvUiU wnm.v vm . W ter the farm tools particularly after the season's work is done; but it will require a good deal of preaching from tha text before "conversion" is accomplished. So ..... a m 2 1 .4- one would tninx wno naeo ia m any direction this -time or tne year. T.-mmrm ni!lwrM rtlrM tlll Otlt in thS . ' t ' r a 1. 1 1 v . timAAm nvfriA & rail fence, barrows leaning up against trees these are some of the not uncommon oojecia wuku um j mow An tnm iinns. iirk uinu iui give a coat of paint where needed, and save dollars. inaepenaen. rl iwntinl of Astoria, has on exhi- hition a marine curiosity. It consists of n nrinarv anaweed some 00 feet in leugthn and at the lower end the cluster of roots has a nrm noia ox an HnA ahella several pounds in weight These shells ar occupied by a curious inhabitant tna nas a dca mji. resembles a chicken's, only it is divided perpendicularly instead of nonsontaiiy. San Francisco Call. ' j -. - v.ttoti- Geonre W. Childs coun try home at Dryn Mawr, is regarded as one or me uioai expenMvn j wuwuuv country , places lo the United States. The wages of the servants alone amount to $1.-000 a month. A new stable U in process of erection on the grounds at an estimated cost of $10,000. J - w a f A Kansas man sunk a shaft on his r.m tVrrt nthflr dav. and in rcixLT down 100 feet. It is said, time two v foot veins of xalntSU TZlzU A W zi d brick clar, ft m&7 TS?-cf an4 A ftv (opt itratum of xabla. Oar Shin Thai ?rM I fTl . .' w-r mm, I "ye" a Pretty bark latthfaroff " " Bv the hfttiHrni r.t . -f urre me ele On the lheturinaMUsIniQ voices sweet As tin? notB of the mandolin. oux we wait on the hore in vain to Our jship that never comes in. Thl fairy ship we can nlujost see in- r U .r.ea,,u? ao Cad and briht. It a fretshted down with gifts that we r , ' t.i - ; : . r.rih,l?? by od iiight, ; It is hllrd with the heart's own pre I cioiis trold. 1 f Aid with never a touch of sin, ? And we'll wait for aye that we may oelioTd . Our !iip that never comes in. Her A Scrap of Taper Saves ! s ; Life. j -- ; It was Juat an onliuary .scran o win niun? taior. lint it kmv! h,mw m V-a - w -v. M a uie. one was In the last Ktaa nf cousanjptiou, told by physicians that he was incurable and conld lir only afehorttime;she weighed less wiau seventy iouods. Ona piece of "riiwiiiK paper sne read of Dr. fVlUK a ixew Xliseoverv. and n-ot sample Dottle; it helped: her. fche ponght anoUler and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh- iutf iw iounus. ror ruiier particu tars tend stamp to W.H. Cole, Drue gist, rort Smith. Trial bottles of tins wonderful Di?overv fre a.t Uout. IL liellaiuv'a wliofpAle a mi retail drur store. 18 9. 9' 15 10 u 10 8 Il l I 6 0 00 diiOO KUVEMllEKNOSbENSE. Ted His is a sincrular absence. lietlpiural, yoq mean. He ran off wuii another fellow's wife. "Well." said the undertaker. I'm not much of a Gtrhter. but when it comes to boxing, I can easily lay out any man. - , . llT1l A. am a oat man is notoriously an re liable." "Why? I like the looks of him " II Hraalra Vit m,nA on. " wbwmbo utsi ww vra u stv "How is thatr He stutters." Alice How jolly It must be to be bachelor. Their lives are so full of comfort, you know. Gertie Com ff.AA T a a ab a ioni les. dui oniy ine crumos. B . w 1 . motner loud better' Dot on a veil. The wind will chan vour face. i.mra never mind, a cnap never hurts my face. I rather eoioy the sensation. I , Minnie So he kissed von. did be? aiamie unce. Minnie iou don't say? Well, the smartest man on earth is liable to make a fool of him self once. First Physician Did old Coupon's case yield to your treatment? Sec ond Physician-It did. 1 treated it six months and it yielded something ittexi,wa Conaampttota SarJy Cnrad To the Kditor Please inform your readers that I bave a positive remedy for the above named disease. By Its timely iise thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be elad to send two bottles of mv remedy FREE to anv of your readers who have consump tion ir they, will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCCM, M.C., 131 Pearl St.. New York. Female Weakness Positive Car Free. To the Editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedv for the thousand and one ills which arise from deranged fe male organs. I shall be glad tosend two bottles of my remedy RKK to any lady if they will send their. Ex press and P. U. address, lours re spectfully. Dr. J., B. Marchisi, 183 Genespe St., Utica, N. Y. i Too r In Bad Fix But we will cure you it yoa will pay us. Uur message is to tne woaK, Nervous and Debilitated, who, by earfy Evil Habits, or Later Indis cretions, have triflei away their vigor of Body. Mind and Manhood, and who suffer alt those effects which lead to Premature Decay, Consumption or Insanity. If this means you, send ror and read our Book ok Life, written by the great est Stxjcialist of the day. and cent, (sealed), by addressing Dr. Parker's Medical and Surgieal Institute, X53 North Spruce street, Nashville.Tenn. i Tuberculosis is ' spreading among cattle near Manchester, N. H. 8. L. IL means Regulator sure. Simmons Liver Dr. Robert Sacasa has been elected Presideut of Nicaragua: re- Chills and fever of three years statMlfuc cured by Simmons. Liver R-gnlntor; b. Watsons, WatKins Houxt, Upton vllle, Ky. - i ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Catena - i Tnitiil mmatrm BCTTSfc SalKUSO Raalara...,..;aU BACOy Norta Carsuxa. .Hams.;...;.....-....... eaouMersw SMes,a.......... Htasft... Y2& Khouldrrs.wib.. Xi;T5i taoes-.v Shoaiacrs, V ft BAAAAuwpimj Tvrpe&Bce. v eeooad THim,each.....:... I 40 so Kew, 2?ew Tcrx, rarj.... -g t Sew,at7, each........,r. i as 70 iaExswAX,ia...'r:...vr... so & m Biucs-s, wuminston, n.... 8 oo icoo Korthfra... BUTTXK, W Korth CaroHaa... ' 2tort&erA.i'..'.M..H CANDLX9. V B 8pena.... j Adamantine CHZESS, v n ' Northern Factory.. Dairy, Cream..... State eorm,vaw- Java , Lasrojra. . . . ..... - Rio . ' .... ..... ... COUN MXALTV bosa, U sacks, rirrfala MsaL..U....... j COTTON TTJC3. f btUl(Se... . tS DostKsncs- TT- . . t neeUii& yal... - Tarns, y jpaacH. i.j: .... ; m & TOO 3, V Hozm.. . . . . T. 10 j& l . aiaclrel.No.lypcol.. CO 39 50 laackcTTl,ITQ.l.naltl.ja 60 O15Q0 JUckerel, J?. 8 9 W4...-1, 13 00 20 00 ' MactoreNatuir bW..75 d SOD Maskerel, Na a, bW. . . . ;. 7 80 Oia 00 1 9 U 10; SW 13 9 00 00 3 25 10 H 11. 00 25 - oo S3 130 . 80 Mallets. .......... 00 d 7 00 N. c. Roe Uemmg. V keg... 00 at 00 DT7O0d,9ft fi 10 FLOUR, V W4 ' m; Western, low grade..... .. GO 9 4 00 Extra.............. 4 00 ft 6 00 " Family ..... 4 50 00 CttjMllla Super.... i. ... 4 00 9 4 10 jFamUy.... 4 5 00 QLDX. 8 d 10 GRAIN, w aneL Cora, Qa store, bass, waits 48 60 Corn, cargo, in bulk, wnlte. 00 & , 48 , com, cargo, in bags, wnlts 62 e S3 Corn, mixed, from store.... 00 & 61 Cs, from stare. ........ . 38 9 oats. Rust Troof 00 a 60 Cow Peaa. ... 05 j 1 00 HIDSS, V lb : Dry 3 9 6 BAY, V 100 las . Eastern. j..... 1 OS 9 4 10 Western.... 83 9 W North Rlrcr 75 9 00 HOOP IRON, fj a . 29 3J LARD, tt ft j '. Nortnern....... ........... 6X9 7 "North Carolina 8 9 10 LIME, V barrel...., i 1 9 0 00 LUMBER, city Sawed, VMtt. Snip Staff, resawed... 18 00 RougnJEdz Plank.... ...... 15 00 West India carglts, coord- lnjtoQualKy..., 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasonedJS 00 scantling and Board, corn's 00 W0LASSK3, V gaJlor Newcrop.tanhas.........." 25 ia bbis.....' 28 Porto Rk, lannds..;. 28 i u Ms 24 Sngar flouse, la aaos. L. 00 labels....... i Syrup, m bbls.... "....I... 3 AILS, Keg, Cot, 10d asm.. 3 40 jILS. v gallon. Kerosene Lard. .... linseed.. Rosin..... .. ......v.. W1J Tar .s. Deck and Spar.. ... ....... POULTRY . Cnlckens. nve row,...... Spring V..1 Turkeys P JCANUT8, busfiel. 2 ft. . . . . . POTATOES, w tmShel ! Sweet.... '.. ixlsHHI bbl pork, v barrel City Mess.: U 00 920 00 9U 00 918 00 922 00 913 09 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 26 30 30 28 15 18 35 v V 9 2 60 14 9145 00- 9100 t IB IS 00 w 25 10 75 1 09 85 3 25 9 18 20 23 9 30 9 20 9 1 00 9 1 25 9 75 0 3 75 Prime..... aJb& OCt S3 It dXw W ORGA FOR CASH OR INSTALMENTS. K OFFER FOR SALE UKDEtt GCAU an lev for six years WILCOX WHITE. FAR-t RAND ; VOTET. MASON Z HAMLIN OB- t - . 1 :r . ciANi. la uak. Blroa. Black walaot. sad good bard Western wood Bases, of A latest designs; prices rrom 833 03 p. Cam be bonnt for 85.00 cash and L00 per week until paid for. We cbcerrolly sbow our Stock to ny.latcr- j ( - 1 ? . ested -parties, Can and .examine our . is 'stramenta. - - -' ' r- I j' " " 437 Bed cress street.' V- cor yt joadencs Mllctted, nov 5 tt Dwma RICE Csiouaa,fft Rouga. y busn, (Upland)... . (Lowland). RAGS, v tt-Coantry...... city ROPE, JS). SALT. V sack. Alain XalYcrpooc - . Lisbon .. American... SOAP, sy ft N ortbera ......... SUGAR. P ft Standard grain.. Standard A. wnlteEx C........ Extra C, Golden CYeUow.... ....... SHINGLES, 7 la. V M. . Common...:.... .... Cypress Saps....... Cypress Hearts STAVES, V M-W. o. Barrel.. R.O. uogsaead. ... TALLOW, V ft.. I.... TIMBER, M (eetGilpplng. 4 60 80 00 1 . .... i . . 918 00 .15 00 919 00 . CO 013 00 & .80 9100 9 1 UH9 22 70 9 . 78 110 9 160 00 9 00 00 9 70 49 & 9 VA 9 6 V 0 9 5V9! -9 5X 500 260 4 00 800 000 4 1 M Fine Mill.. .i. .......Ui s Mill Prtme.i....... ......... 7 60 . Mill Pair. go Common Miu.. - 6 00 Inferior to Ordinary. . 3 59 WHISKEY, V gal Northern... 3 0 xforta Carolina. 1 so wool, ft-wasned,.... 23y 9 Uwaaaed,.J....-i..X6 9 Bwrry. ..J 18 97 00 0 9 5 00 9 750 914 00 910 00 9 5 914 00 u 00 9 850' 9 ocd 9 000 9409 9509 9 300 25 .10 13 Q9 OYSTER ROASTS J IN BETTER FREl'ARED Lb an erer to acoommodate say mends wttb OTSTEKS tnis season. I win ken en but tne Best oa bant always M T kTLE GROVE ROASTS a epedaSy. srery iklnx orernaoled- aad LsprorpoL Oysters ready at aaort zxoCc aad eDert saockers to open tbeta. , - -- , - roeoai rates toparuea, erven can and wui da my best to pteas yea. . , -- - Lectrsiiy, 17. H. 8T05LET. ' ect e.tr ' - wrijntaruir. - ; Atlantic Const Line. Viimingtpii &VeIdon R R. AD BRASOHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. DAW Not. 6. m II . n r p. v. pTm. a. m. Leave weldon.. ;.: .... 1230 543 spo Arrive RoekyMoant...... 18 710 ' i - ' P. M. Arrive Tarboro... 21J ......j. Leave Tarboro............. 1020 ...... ' P. M. Arrrre Wilson........ 220 .7 00 7 43 Leave Wilson............... t2S0 ...... ... . Arrive selma 3 30 Arrive FayettevUle 530 ..... Leave Goldsboro..... ...j 315 7 40 835 Leave Warsaw....... 410 954 Leare Magnolia 4 24 8 40 849 Arrive Wilmington. ....... 550 0 65 1130 TRAIN 8 GOING NORTH. I .- - 9ao 1 A. m.'a. M. P. M. Leave Wilmington........ 12 01 9 00 .4 00 Leave Magnolia 1U 10 34 5 36 Leave Warsaw.. ...... 10 48 5 53 Arrive Goldstooro. ......... 2 23 1145 . 653 Leave FayettevUle........ ...... 1920 ...... Arrive Selma. 1118 1 P. M. Arrive Wilson.... ...... ..... ... 1220 Leave Wilson........ 303 1237 747 Ar. Rocky Mount ...... 110 8 18 Arrive Tarboro......... X. 217- ...... LeavetTarboro.....VJ..V... 1020 ...... Arrive Weldop - I 1 30 2 45 9 30 IX Auitnsts H. H. ih- COIfDENSED SCH EDTJLE: TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated NOV. 16, 1890. No. 23. NO. 27. IP. M. P. M Leave Wilmington..! 6 io is io Leave Marion. ..1 9 33 12 40 Arrive Florence...... 10 20 l so NO. 50 A. M. A. M. Leave Florence 3 20 . . .: . Arrive Sumter. 4 35 , ! NO. 52. ! A. M. Leave Svmter... . 435 t Arrtv Colombia...... s 15 io 55 iiiscuLLAN rrous SealibarC JLii rjincu GsTolina OsTitral Bailroad a-A CH AifU K OF SCHEDULE WESTBOUND TltAI.tS. v No. 43. -Nor. 5, lSWt jt a iWdallyex. - - v- "jiV. Sunday. b...r.;..:.J-9 20 Leave WUmirigtcfi Leave Pj unlet. . s Arrive CbarioUP..., ljeave wnartwie. . . .-. Leave Iincolnton.. .v. 1 MJ- A fUAWJ ... ... . . ... ArriveRatnerTdt7 . am pm pm 41 1 pm 4 pm 5 43 pm 40 pm 7 63 pm No.U. dally ex Sunday. 8 00 pm 5 00am, 6 nam 9 00 am EASTBOUNU TRAINS. Nov. 5, issa' No. 841. i No. 24. dally ex. 'dally ex Sunday, j Sunday , Leave Ratberrdtn..U Leave Sneiby.. .....v.'.t.. Leave Llncolnton Arrive charlotte............ Leave Charlotte.. ....... I Leave Wadesboro . . . .. . . ;r. i 1 2 22 pm Leave namlet.....;. 3 F2pm Arrive Wllmlngt'n. . ,. 7 80 pm! 10 Ooamr . 11 12 am; 12 ru pm 12 39 pm 8 (Opm 11 2 pm 1 15 am 8 00 am Trains No. 43 and 38 make close connection at Hamlet for Raiciu and at Llncolntoa for Hickory and W. N. v. i t . Trains 2io. 3 and 4 make close .connecuos at Monroe for Chester. ' ' ' Tnrongn Sleeping cars between wnmingtoa and Charlotte. -i!jr 'ntsd-i.T T. w. WHISNANT, Superlntendeat. F. W. clark, Gea'l rassenger Agent. . norstt - ? Atlantic Coast Lind. - U . .l.v. North-Eastern R, Rof S; I f , .. ' -. - - . j CONDENSED 0tfit Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Bianch Road' leaves weldon 3:15 p. m., Haiiiax 337 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. m.. Green vine 6.02 p. m., Kinston 7.15 p. m. Returning leaves Kinston 6.-00 a m., Greenville 790 a. m. Arriving Halifax at W:10 a, m.. Weldon 10-UJ0 a. nu.nally except Sunday. Local Freight Ieave3 Weldon 10-JJ0 a. m., Hal. ltax U-J30 a. m.. Scotland Neck 20 p. nx. Greenville 530 p, m. Arriving at Kinston 7:40 p. m. Keturmng. leave ainsron 70 a. m., ureenvuie 90 a. m., scouana koce i:iu p. m., aavaaaaJavStM aaa as a a vv vmivu y aaj aaiiy except sunoay. - 1 Train leaves Tarboro. TS. C. via Albemarle it Raleigh R. IL dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M., Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrive Wllllamston, N. C, 30 P. M 4.20 P. il., Plymouth 7.50 P. M.. 520 P. aL Returning, leaves Plymouth, mourn. N. Cf - dally exorat Sunday,- 6.00 A. M., Sunday 9.00 A. Al.. Wllllamston 1.10 A. M., w.00 a. jh. Arrive Tarooro, xv. vj, 9.30 a. m 1120 A. M. .m; Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally 'except Sunday, 6.00 A. AL, arrive Smltnneld, N. C, 7.1)0 A. M. Returning leaves smlthfleld, N C, &00 A. M., arrive Goldshoro. N. C. 9J A. M. Train on Nashville - Branca leaves Rocky Mount at 3.00 P. M.. arrives at Nash ville at 3.40 P. M.. Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves spring Hope 10.00 A M. Nasnvuie 10.35 a. m.. arrive Kocry Mount 11.15 A.M.. dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw tor Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. N. and a 10 P. M.. connecting at War. saw with Nos. 41 40. 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson FayettevUle Branch is No. 5L Northbound is No. 50. 'Dally except sunaay. - 1 , Train No. 27 South wllTstop only at Wilson, UOiasDoro ana Magnolia. ' Train No. 78 makes close connexion at Wel don lor all points North dally. All .rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay une. All trains ran solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have ruliman Palace Sleep ers aitacnea. JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'l SUpt, i. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Passenger Agent.. Atlantic Coast Line. TRAINS , GOINO . SOUTH... ,t ' t i 1 .2 it2- .nr.. Dated May 12, -SO. Na 17. Nasa Noi; . i -1 . 1-:'. ' ,v. . : J !:- A. M. A. M. f. Leave Florence...... ;l 85 j SO :. , " Klngstreo 2 29 I10 65 . Arrive Lanes. 2 60 11 20 P. M Leave Lanes . 2 50 ; J 11 so 7 i Arrive Charleston.;.. 6 00 J 30 J t A. M. I P. M.4 P,,M. Traln Na 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Train on c. ft D. il R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. - ,i ' TRAINS GOINd NORTH." ' Na '78. NO. 14. (NO 7 62 a. m. r. m. "a7m. Lf ave Charleston.. .. 12 25 4 M 1 Arrive Lanes.... 2 45 e j ' 9 - Leave Lanes.. 2 50 - c 28 - ; " Klngstree f 3 10 6 4fl! , Arrive Charleston.... " 4 20 7 551' ? ' A. M. P. M, AllB. Dally, t Dally except Sunday. . , -Train No. 14 connects at Florence with trait" on C. ft D. R. R. for gheraw, 8. c, and Wades boro, N. c. " ... , - wo. 62 runs through to Columbia via oetitra R.K. ors. c. - it Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington,' p., making close connection with W. ft . k. ror an points north. . 1 j ; JKO.F. DIVINK. General supcrlnrciiaf nt. J: R. KENEY, Ass't Gen'l Manager. - . T. M. km JEKSON, Gen'l Pasaengir Agent. - null . :.., '4 -. i ' WilmiDgton .Seacpast R. R 13 yQ No. E8 A 3i t 8 25 9 35 No. 62 runs through from Charleston via central r. k. - , Leaving Lanes 8 80 A. M.. Manning 9:10 A.M. Train on C. ft D. R. R. connects at Florence with KO. 68. TRAINS GOING NORTH. IN EFFECT NOVrlOTIi; rVB E .FOLLOWING CHANG E tOF t SCHED- uie on the Wilmington Seacoast' KallrOdd'wlU take effect Sunday, iiov. loth: - h . -... Trains leave PrlnreEH nt.rtt. at. -vi m- 20 and 6:10 p. m , dally except Sundayv Leave Hammocks 8:15 a. m. : So and T-m m . daily except Sunday. - ; . :.7,' Sunday train leaves princess street at 3.-0J p. m. Leaves Hammocks at 530 d. m. . . . nv ;. J. R. NOLAN; - noviatf . t General Manager. Oysters ,af Wrightsviller ; MY OYSTER HOUSE AT WIliaHTSLLE is now open for the season. Ladles and G tlemen accommodated, promptly wt THE ! BEST TO BE HAD. . I V K" fi ; u ' - ' - - ROASTS rrdy on nrrlvaL f E. W, MANNING. : D0Ttf Jproprtetor:. : : . - . .? . i . . . ... Open Bay aai Hii iNO. 6L Leave Columbia.....: Arrive Sumter Leave Soitr;. .-.. Arrive Fioreqpe .... Leave Florence'...., Leave Manon.. 4....1 Arrtv Wilmington... P. M. 10 35 11 58 1 11 58 A. M. 1 15 NO. 78 A. M. 4 35 6 2t S3 Na 69. NO. 63. P. M. t 840 7 55 P. M. 6 I MY SALOON- NO H. P. . 8 15 8 55 11 45 Dally. f Dally except Sunday. Na 6,1 rans through to Charleston, s, C, via centra u. u.f am vug vanning iih p.sl. Lanes 7;43 P. M.. Charleston P. M. Na 5 connects v Florence with C and D train from Che raw and Wade bora. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at wil. mlngtoa with W. ft W. R. R. for all points North . . . .,1 ' . , Train on Florence R. It. leave rce Dec daily except Sunday 4:49 1. M.. arrive ltowland 7 AC p. m. unurnmg icave itowiana nz a. ia ar. rive I'ee Dee 80 a. m. - . Train en Manchester ft Anrusla il H. leavea ! ! . -; v- -' :J v f4 Cornrr of North Water oncl Mulberry fctrectr, s Mprifrsni I a. tku hitiijitt Jl:i5 p. tL, tditUjl.Xl mchiotx :.iNGTo;cPf "j i HORSEH AND 'CARRIAGES' AND" VEUll , . . .1. ' sumtcroy.exrTtsuiuiay,iDA.MMarrive ci -h kinii-Vtth -.w , Klmlnl teoi r. M. -Ketornlng leave lilminl I CICS 01 ajI and without drlTcra. 125 r.M.. arrive Sumter 10 P.M. - . - JOHN F. DIVINE, - . , r- - - General superintendent. J. XL KENLY. Ass Ucal Manager. T. M. zerson. General rassenger Agen 'wil':... ...i'L'A;.u., safe. Horses for ladles to ride, or drife, ipertectly 5 rlEcd.u a few orTLri ?: vrsccoicio fisd wtamt:crd.on appSctnoa ar CXa7U . Si N. 1111RD ST. Horses lodged and cared for .byjthe. - if. " a .': " . " : weekormonth, 5 1 ? . , A few good 8EC0ND-HAXD YTfrr: for sale. R. c. onnn r' . rorlOtf Cor. Third and Ptiet.-i f?