........ - r 7BlItL !mt. the Bowels. At 1 f Wm Ivjk at, ' , An' Autarua" rieareI" " Now renal rM rxf ul1 romcl fUcki arowr JliB ovrrlxvi tl p Isarsu rock ialth . : I An. I cujAvi worm cradle ?eatii yt;r .w. ... hlVK, .. i ... . ..,.. .. AUifTa the distance thm half L&y wooda "I; " ' . tJW with the harm gkjry of decay Vaioiy eta hramb wrira to drape twVW IMiow Iarw rs many emptWi Audi as t sstat IJcbi ta the a ' FWreal mi fn crcvpuj; Uoti the '.UI-" Ho-! Atitimia .tm WhimI h.-r t,- AUMin m Saturday Review...- 'ILL'S Ctsts CougH Colds, Ifairsencss, Asthma, jgSyBUP TTT-r-S ftiffS C!SABiT73 for Ca- r'ft jit Sum PHREYS VY.wm. port- " rum. u M : M'r1 ": v.. t i:,iLrf)r. Vertfco 2 Kit't t i''- vioBt atu. .35 5K"',' "-f ;. 2 Wrikei Well lex JL.nu "VISITS' MEDICINE CO, -"iiMr fPEC I F I C S ,rLltwt writ forsamr.ie. rnrr grit Newart, N.J. cj if-ars' roflts rer month. Will i.iinr it or piy f-rfetu 'New por. tj,ret A fi ) simple sent rire 10 wi. OEAF 1 hrrl Cum PROTECT 'aa.'srj If it" t tr toy 1 o?-trt-iyn? n It h CEREALITE. vkf per urn wiu Urelr tncreaso the - jHef inula i Mr . ' rl'l CAKMf.H t-u.. lunimore, M4. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CUtam aa4 brmttrm Ut twr. utr to tta 1 craiaiu 1 1x5 1 or. ; Otm irs.p 4 ti hair fauj2-, . 211 kaniiiinf Imul It mm In tm lm"li ICtBCORNS. Hi rlr ur ror for rvrtj gfALLPLASTERS El tm tcxr.r Ttars used and Dre-Sl 1 br Phvsldans. but onlr ' fctrodeced ceneralb'. R DR-CROSYENOR'S 5r? PLASTERS. T Tbest Torous Hastcr madejei ttr plasters. !vo be sarccCS- aarjlie genuine with he pic-PT St 01 t hrll nn V Slmm itraAWKif I - tutrix-coMi-oitTTNO. - r tB!S COCOA. T 1 ft. S . Two lUtitslhon.4"' I rFnrhx ! mil on jait Im late for the annual aulbors lintnjrfwMcliIjj one of th-i vxenU vt the weapon tbere. aal on lljinacrTinnt, tul 1 men oh: my, time was aliflfiKt $uiivly- Liktn tip J,T law Tf f Tr W )a. Sie Qrpr. I Jul iHt mert as - many -of the literary wen I fhonld bnvo lik-l to wet. 1 wwrirgtioiV tleal, lioweTrr, of Glmund (losec, TrhJ is (me ot thr jnost polished nd delightfnl of men, and has always Iwn very kind tome. ; His house is a Hrt of t-enter, hii Sunday cyenins lein? dt lihtfol octHsions where one may a score or writers, sculptors and painters.-" ' . r' " ., ' Occasionally t met hitn at lunch at liii clnb, : where ho would get Aujrin ;Dol-. son. wno iav like lumself, m an official position, in Whitehall, and obtains there from the substantial! of life which cna bio him to cnltirate the mnses on sorne tiling a little better than "oaten reed.'.' Both Dobson and Gosae are directly; in line for the lanreateship when it hall full vacant, though no one knows who will get it. I am indebted to lwth of them for much personal kindness. Gosse is a good sitwl, handsome inan, of the .blonde English type, with the cheeriest face and voice, and wherever he goes it grows warm and comfortable. f Dobson is somewhat older. Both of them strike me as being among the most cultured men I ever met, ' They haMe Engtish lit erature at.their fingers ends, and dwell in an atmosphere which is redolent of the masters. Thomas Nelson Pae in .Richmond Times. Her yni OL E3 AL E TRIQEa - TLd rallcnrij ;ucta:ot3 t.pxcaeiit wtoic sale rriccs geaerirjt: :i a rial -jag cp 'amalfcr-' ders Lrnorprices tare' to te tiargecL" ; " BAGQ12XQ j A Scrap or iapVr isaves ' - ,Jre. - -- m ... . " I It was jtifct anvoflinarvJcrap o- i?,apIi,,H" but , HaVtfd her life, bhe tvaj m the . stages, of consumption, told bv physicians that li? wtus ,incttralle and. could lire only a short Jhue; sliwejghed less than M-vcnty oupds. Ona piece of wrapping pa,,?c i&d of Dr. rvJljg s rve Diu;b rr' jifMl wrf n fa.npte little; -it hel'ped -her; Ah; .1 ' bouhv another audgrew better wKroKnlV - ' .....uv.. o u..ium IS UUff i lliimi l l roil if. Iifj4ltlix- larsrwtul rtamp to W.1I. ColfTDrug; nwv sf? 3 gKt, Fort 8,uftb. Trial .bottles of lTf- Kobt. lt IMtaiuvV wholesale andli v.viil ll UK 11 Wi t". .ts,THlany.... ...... ..... . itIlajns.L.. ..:....,., 6 .7 - . 4 ftioviders, 6 1 a . 1 1-. 1 ?:isc;:li. :tii Atlantic Coast Line?. VyiImirigton;&Ve!donR AND CSANCHK8. ; ! B, OejoHbs Central Hailoat Ai 1 " . . . . 1 CI1ANUIS' OF SCHEDULE. COISTDEfSED SCHEDULE TKAIXS GO lO SOUTEU t. I)KCKMi;t:it MOT?. -, " r . - . - . . J:nK.KKAST. T " : , ?!fi'h tcilole ot the naurat !r-. 'rra tli'' "rfatlonsoi Oicestioa WCl31 'o a irrrul app'ICiiilun ol t HTJrZ." t trtU-!lecteJ cocoa. Nr. aa. tftata&t tables witli But t wiu. it l br of nri artc!ci mcU-i tliat :uiity tula up uatli t4t exrrr trmV-ni-t la cr.io atuvi wacmver ,r "lU1'4' oaruvs .vt til forll- Irfj'-trvUI-oiihu: 8 CNCUSH .MONO l'ND. Stole Iluttt from Cmctert-. That too ingenious person who "stole bronze and marble busts from the ceme tery of Montparnasse, touched them up and sold them as effigies of famous he roes, statesmen or orators, has at last met with - the punishment which his lugubrious labors deserved. 3Ioreau, for so the new kind of "resurrection man," -to adopt the phrase of Dickens, is called, came up before the eighth tri bunal of police, and was soon sentenced to three years' imprisonment. J i The singular thefts , perpetrated by Moreauin the cemetery WpasseU un perceived. He - was accordingly able to make some money by his dismal and de plorable transactions, and it is consid ered . prcbabla that many of his trans formed busts now adorn no$ only the humble homesteads of artisans in Paris, but also the libraries and museums of some provincial towns. 1 On one occa sion he is said to have sold the effigy of a worthy professor of the Sorbonne as that of a famous general of the revolu tion, while on" another he passed off the bronze presentment of a departed grocer as that of a Demosthenes. Paris Cor. London Telegraph, v :y'..lt:.' ,'. " , "'. ; , - i Kara Fortitude In a Dog. 1 Many of the sportsmen of Wilming ton will perhaps remember Sailor, the "nne "pointer dog of Mr. J. A. Brown, of Chadbonrn. Ho was an extraordinary hunter and retriever, with abnost hu man tact, and his owner valued him at several hundred dollars. A few days ago this fine dog-was run over by the train aT Chadbonrn, and his left" fore leg was crushed off, leaving-a piece of the ...bono protruding. V t "" :' . Mr. Brown liatetl to loll his valuable and faithful log. so he got Dr. A. Mc Kinnon to amputate tho crushed mem ber. When 1 ho operation was perform ed Sailor obeyed the. command I to lie down, and never even gavo a whimper 3Thoij the workwa3 done, . The poor ani mal 3 muscles were contractea wiin pain, but with a few sympathetic ca resses from his master he lay perfectly ttill until the amputation was perform- cd. Wilmington Messenger. j , Fait of Eiitrprl. J A bt'j with it xnowing j machine called atii house on Second avenue the other day; and asked the woman if she wanted the trrasa cut. t !.v,v :'! ; ."Mercy, noP bhc replied. "No one cuts grass at this season." -j i 'ill contract for next opring,? contin uetl the lxy. - X r But I may bo dead by that time. "Then HI contract to I eeo that your grave is Kept green; , jvirvit I lre?s. ; ' ' I ' i . Aearch for tho oldest clergyman in j England thovrs that the Rev. John Elli- cIUcxt of Randwick.'wUl'bo ;100 in three months. He preached bp to (he r.go of 03 regularly, and occasionally last ' yoar. He goes to church now regularly every Sunday, and occasionally visits I parishioners. ; : 1 f H us band ; 011 AVddingi-TourI want rooms for .myself .and wile. Hotel Clerk- Suite? KiUmnd-Of cotirM 81h is prfet lovelv. t The sweetest girl in the world. ' Matnl irnrry, I'm afraid you don t love me as much tus vou uael tol Harry Why sr., dearest? Maud The these; chocolate, er-creanis are iii-uiaetiine,niade.l (Sobs.) i'Iercy on me, George, what aTe, you doing? 'Only wiiing my pen. That's what ien 'winr!i are made for, Wt it?' Oh, George,' how could you That my bathing suit.'," She Some one has said that the ocean never sleeps; but I am sure it looks calm enougji now to be taking a nap. He Yes,itU except that part astern; that's awake you know., Mrs. KubbinsI don't like that 'ere chocolate 1 got here yesterday. Have you any Monieri 'chocolate? Honest Dealer No, madam, pone meauer than that I sold you last. s :l he doctors are doing their best tt convince the public that ibe water is (dangerous. Perhaps jt is, but then so are whisky, and toy pistols, anil matrimony, and loU of things. I , , , - : , Adwlco to Alotner. : - , Mrs. AVij slows Soothing Syudp should always be used when children ire, cutting teeth. Itrelievesthe lit tle, sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet - sleep by .relieving the cnild from pain, and tbe little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme- 4yj for diarrhoea,, whether, arising trom teetning -or. othr causes, rwenty five cents a bottle.- , - inlv o.deod&wlv 1 ... : a . At I'ltfsDtirg natural gas saves 8,000,000 tons of coal annually. . . I Conguniptlon Surely Cured. To thk Kbttor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy Tor the above named disease. By Its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion 11 they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. j 1 10 is 70 BA KKJEJ JS-Spirits Terpentine; i v - second Ilaaa, each..::. J.. X cw, flen xorif, eaca...... w yewrnty; eacnr. ..rrr. rr?rr(S & BRICKS, Wllwln5tonvr llhrMLfle 10 00 MKortidTi..:..;.;:.7..;.;r:.ro w i oo buttek; v - v 1 . r t . 15 & 10 - North Carollaa..; . , Jforthera........,. Sperm. ......'...X. Adamaa lnp , CHEESS, -9 it . . iormera factory. Dairy, Cream. ...... . btat... a .. . . . w'.rf Java..,... ... ,2T a LafftiyTai,.. . . Zi corn meal. bttsh, fasacJct r q Virginia Meal 00 25 80 13 .9 & H 11 JO V 52 60 COTTON TIES bundle:.-. I ; l . a I 30 DOMESTICS. Tl - tin.' Sheeting, 4-4, yard....... 6 63 .Yarns, y bonch . I - 00 & ' 0 ECJGS, v drat..,M..V-f w KSU-V j v?' .Macterel, o. L 9 MA... . . . W !D0 "3I3 5&i Mackerel, Na t, V half WLVi h'lo'oO ' MacterelL, No. 2, v Tow. .15 00v320 OQ. - Mackerel, No. 2, hairfcToi-..4 To C 6 60 Mackerel; Nos 8, V bhl .; .." 7 80 g!0 00" . Mullets.- v -bMr.v: rrr. r.r .ir S"00"grT OCT N. c. Roe nemngr. V ke.f. 00 & 6 00 Dry Cod, v ft .. 5 " id tw 'DaTsi Nov. Leave Weldon. ; . Arrive Rocky Mount. . . Arrive Tarbbro.... Leave. Tarboro. .. Arrive Wilson mfm Leave Wilson. Arrive Selma .. Arrive Fayptievlllej... 25 d .12 J J Leave Cioldsboro.. Leave Waraav.',...j Leave MajjnoJla Arrive Wilmington. 1 FLOUK, V bbl-,. . 1 Western, low yrade . --j Extra ;. : 4j Family.:. . City Mills Super. ; " " Family.., A 1 : 4 00 4 50' "4 00 Female Weakness 1'oaltlve Cure Free. - Ttf thk Editor: Please inform your renders that I have a positive remedy for the thousand and-one ills! which arise from deranged fe male organs. I shall be lad tosemw two bottles of my remedy free to any lauy ir they win senu tneir im press and P. O. address.. Yours re specttully, Dr. J. Be 'Marchisi, 183 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. The oth of November, which, even m th inemorr of those who do not con- i eider themselves old, was generally ob En srland as .4Q un powder Day," T,?ml V 7 C I aid to 1x3 noSv almost ignored, even in H LJLhJ f London. - - . t - .uy brf m t - exhaustlvo cxperimaits the substi . Jcii iTf as: U EtlU L. JLal J tKth, La.. vriH U veer, owmi i " .r . 1 'www Kwt mtaLool. cte 1 which, it U: said. tioa only in St. James but a scant crop tins to the lato floods. icmrei. FT? rrtf charr. .A j i . i niinr ,!vnt rMcTania. X t SboQia lxal tj eTy i ' - -a11 Aratn-rw .- I -,t VIaIvt rifle ' '1 -JT I Tou re In a liad Fix But we vili cure yon tt yotrwili pay us. J pur message is to the Weak, Nervous and Debilitated,ho, by early Evil Habits, or Later Indis- cretiom1, have5 trifled aWay 'their vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, and who. suffer all those effects which lead to, -Premature Decay, Consumption or Insanity, If this means you, send for and rea.d our Bo6kof Life, written by the great est Specialist of the day. and sent, (Veiled), by addressing Or. Parkers Medical and1 $urgica! Institute, ,W3 North Spruce street, NatTi viIIe,Tenn. "The Ohio law compelling payment of waces every two weeks was de- clared courdltutional. f Health demands healthy liver. Take Simmons Liver Regulator for dyspepsia and indigestion. j , ; - -1" - Hon. Lewi Darker, one ;ofthe most prominent men in Maine. vas killed by a runaway horse. GLUE, ft. GRAIN, y bushet ; ; u 'L Corn, tm store, bags, white 4 Corn, cargo, in bulk, white, 00 Corn, cargo, in bags, white S2 Corn, mixed, from store. -. Oats, from store. oats, Rust Proof: . ; . . . ... Cow Peas..: HIDES, V & 'Green..... Dry HAY, 100 fts 1 00 & 6 00 6 00 (3 4 10 & 5 00 ' 10 00 33 00 "95 2 3 O 1 60 53 51 50 00 5 05 85 T5 a.i 10 29 I 8 & 0 .5M 90-00 3 .7 10 00 20 00 ,i:oo, 18 00 22 00 15 00 25 28 28 28 00 16 22- & & & 28 30' 28 15 18' 81 4 "" Western.;....... North River.. i. HOOP IRON, V ft.... ...;....... LARD, ft j Northern.1...... North Carolina. , . . LIME, v barrel. ........ DUMBER, city Sawed, v M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed...T.."..18 00 RoughlEdge Plank.. .... ,?. ,15 00 West India Cargles, accord- ' 4ng to quality .. J .13. 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 siantllng and Hoard, com'n.H 00 VOLASSES, V gallon . New Crop, in hhda. u 4-to bbis...:. . Porto Rico, In hhds......; " In bbls..... .... , Sugar House, In hhds M la bbls....... Syrup, In bbls.,.. .. AHS, v Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 a 2 50 jILS. v gallon. T . ; " . - , " :7 Kerosene.. Lard. ; . . . . Unseed.... Rosin. .1... V Tar... Deck and Sparr. . POULTRY . - - , i Spring. Turkeys PEANUTS, ,Vushef,JSftt:.r 1 M M 125 r LPOTATOES, V bushel 1 ' r v T Sweet.... 65. a 75 Irish, 5hl. . , . . ; 1 3 "25 3 75 PORk;v barret-. ,.. ' . .; " Clly.Mes3...i.i 00 'OlStXX , Prime...... A.. .15 00 916 00 Rump...... '..............m, 4 OQi 315 0a.. RiCE Caiollna, if ft..'.:;..?.1' 4 & f Rough. VDUSh, (Upland)... . 60 9 t 80 ; ,v Lowland); 80!9 1 00 16 '90 15 00 00 "75 a 11 & Is 43 9 1 00 9 16, 9 20 9 22 t 304 9 9 1 00 - Spting-time stirs up the bile. Sim mons Liver Regulator removes it. , j ... .. . . : i, if mm hack A' iir.s. Or you arc all mom ovt, rt t.li p.riwth r Injr, tt Mineral 'i.-:r liy ! nitotrx lao.y rt'rrr.j.x: : ItvsCl cure youvrljseynir ;i-.r; r.-l ;l. : j, a cl e4"v! ... . 4 " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori? WE ATfraAwnooD IfV Karly Jecarn't Aoua U lmpotcT. Latt Vis r. b I t 10ifmllTrrr. VHeeUcr4. ra.rteiJrT?4, oct,291f diw ... . I , . FOR CASH OR INSTALMENTS. YJE OFFER FOR SALE L'NDEE GUAK antce for six years WILCOX WIIiTE, FAR RAND VOTEY. MASON OAMLIN OB- OANS, la-oak, Birch, Black' Walnut; and i good hard Western wood Uascs, of the latest j - " v - designs; prices from IS3 01 up. Caa be bought for $5.00 cash and SL90 per week until paid lor. - . - We cheerfully show our stock to ny later csted parties. Call and fxamlne our In struments. " ; - . - : : S V. . 457 Ued Cross street.; 5 Ctr-v snoadenee solicited, ,' hot 25 tf 00 9 1 9 14X9 70 9 rags, "9 ft Country City. UOPE, SALT. V sack. Alum.: Liverpool.. ,1 10 - Lisbon. ..........". ..i.. . 00 ..American ....... 00 9 SOAP, v ft Northern. M" 49 SUGAR, P ft Standard grain. ' &9 : StandardA..; .. v. 9 . Whle.Ex-C.......f Jo"9 Extra C, Golden.... ri,. 519 C Yellow .':.".... ; 5 9 SHINGLES, 7 in. VM.. , 5 CO - common;...... w 2 00 Cypress Saps.....:.J Cypress Hearts. . . -r, . 1 . . .; STAVES, v M W. O; Barrel.t R.O. Hogshead.. .r........ TALLOW, V B.. ...... L....".. TIMBER, M feet-Shlpplag..1 2 00 FlneMUl ......r.....Jl,2S Mill Prime..;;.. Mul Fair Common Mill....... ....... Inferior to ordinary WHISKEY, V gal Northern.. 1 . X 75. 91.50 9 00 70 9 T 00 . 9 150. 9 5 00 Leave Wilmington..... Leave Magnolia.. ..... Leave Warsaw. . Arrive Goldsbero...u. 6, 1SS0. o5 o - U-Ji f I fa 1 i rfp. M.p. mj'a. m: 12 30 5 43 6 00 1461 710, . IM. li ; A. M. f 7 p. mJ ' ir i r. ! t2 3o I ..... . li.. .; j , 3 3J j ...... I .... .1 .530 I...... 313 7 10 SS5 1 4 24 i 8 40 9 49, ...... 550 j 955111 20 , i . ! rFrf J ! ! ! ! 'l . A.Y EVrSOCND TRAINS N4 ..J.iJC." Nvy 5.ito, .:! 9 2tiam! Leave WllmlisrtonT. Leave llamk-t. ,....f.' 1 fU-r( Leave Wiulvsboro... Arrive Charloitp;..,. 4 1 5 puii Leave Chariottt.,,..'.- 4-i.. na 7 55 pin . Leave FHclfcy. : r. .. iV. iiw . An fveliuthendtu -aliyex i:nday. to pre EASTBOUND T1U1NS 2vov. ft, ISfill. ! Na .'"C. i No. 2U jrtaiiy ex. dally cx ' .t n . I. it tv A suuday. .Sunday TRAINS GOING NORTH. M.I A. Jl.J,P. M. 12 CI 1 9 001- 4 00 1 il 10 Si I 5 $ Leave Fayetteville. .i Arrlye Selma Arrive Wilson i... i 1. Leave Wilson..... ..u..- Ar. Rocky Mount.. ...... Arrive Tarboro. . . . .j Leave Tarboro. j Arrive Wefdon. 303 I" 30 10 43 ; 1145 J920 11 18 P. M. 12 20 12 37 110 217 A. M 1020 P. M 2 45 5 5'! S53J 7 47 8 IS 930 "Dally except bunaay. ! " Train on Scotland ' Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8:15 jh m., Halifax 3:31 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at. 4.25 p. m. Green i vine 6.02 p. m.r Kmston 7.15 p. m. Returning leaves Klnston 6:00 a; m., Greenville 7:20 a. m. Arriving Haiirax at if.io a. m., Weldon 10:30 a. m., dally except Sunday. : I j Local Frelgut ieave3 Weldon 10:30 a. m., Hal-i lfax 11:30 a. m. Scotland Neck 2:00 1 p. m., Greenville 5:30 p. m. i Arriving at Elnson 7:40 p. m. Retunilng, leave Klnstcn- 700 -a. m.,i Greenville 9:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 1:10 p. m., Uaiifax35 p. m. Arriving "Weldon 4:00 p. nr., dally except Sunday. . - 1 Train leaves Tarboro, N. C," via Albemarle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sunday, 4.05 P. M.,i Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrive Wllllamstoni N. C, &30 P. M., 4.20 S. M. , Plymouth - 7.50 P. M., 5 20 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth, meurh. N. C, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., Sunday 9.00 A M., WilUamston 7.10 A; M. 9.58 A.M. Arrive Tarbpro, N. C, 9.301 A. M 11 ?0 A. M. j . Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro.'N. .C. dally except Sunday, fi.00 A. M.. arrive SnilLUfleld, N. C., 7.30 A. M. Reluming leaves smitmieid. M, cv; s.w a. m.i arrive Goldsboro. N. C, 9.30 A. M. . '- ' Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at aoo P. arrives at Nasn vllleat &40 P. M..Sprlmr Hope -4.15 P. M. Returning leaves Sprinsr . Hope 10.00 A.' M.. Nasnville 10.35 A. M., arrive Kocyi Mount ILLS A.M.. dally except Sunday i ' Train on cunton israncn leaves Warsaw ror Clinton, daily except Sunday, at. 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 80 A. M. and aie P. M., connecting at War saw with' Noa, 4 1 40l 23 and 78 t southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevme Branch Is No. 51. Northbound Is No. 50. 'Dally except sunaay, .1 . Tram a 27 south win stop only at wnson. Goldsboro-iind JiagnoUa," " - Train wo. 78 mates ciose connection at wei- don for all points "North dally. - All rail via Richmond, and dally,: except Sunday, via Bay Line. : All trains run. solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have- Pullman lT2lace Sleep ers attached. . f - JOHN F. DIVINE, GenlSupt. . J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EM E KSON, Genl Passenger Agent. . Leave RutherTfitT . JV . . ' s O-i tim j - Leave Lincointon..... 11 12am! . Arrive Charlotte.... il2 2pm , - , Leave Charlotte... "15 3 pm 8 00 Pm Leave Waosboro. 2 22pm 11 21 y m Leave .Hamlet.. .,.,1 :t :"2rml 1 i: am Arrive Wliiclugtj... 7 30 pm) v ty sio Trains No. 4 J and 36 make close connection . at Hamlet tor Raleigh and "at Llncolnton for Htvkory aud W. N. C. i Trains No. 'Zi and 24 make close connection at Monroe for Cb pa t er. . -. Through Sleeping Cars between Wllmlcgtcn and Charlotte. m T. w. WH I SNA NT, SupcrlnTendept. - F. W. CLARK, Gen'l I'asscnger Agent. nov 6 tf . r;:--v- - :- " Atlantic Coast Line, . 4 , - ... . -- I . f k . ' Northeastern R, Rof S?l f CONDENSED SCHEDULE v-v TRAINS GOING -SOUTH. Dated May 12, '89. Leave Florence..... " Kingstreo..... Arrive Lanes.... ..... Leave Lan es. , . . ; . , . . Arrive Charleston...; No. n. . A. M. 4,1 35 2 29 260 8 60 5 00 A. M. No. 23, '.1 .-- NO. V JVM. t . P. M. Traln No 63 takes No. 63 Bouth of Lanoa. ' s Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at Klorcnee With No. 23 Train. . A. M. 9 3(M 10.55 -'11 20 -111 20 P. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH.' Atlars tic Coast Lice, . - " "j - & Ausasu H. K- CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 16, 1890, Leave Wilmington... Leave Marlon, .t. .... Arrive Florence iff . - Leave Florence Arrive Sumter. NO. 23. NO. 27. Leave Sumter..,. Arrive Columbia. -.Pi 6 id. 9 33! .10 20; NO. 50 A. AL 3 20 4 35. Leave Charleston.... Arrive Lanes......... Leave Lanes - Klngstroe Arrive Charleston.... NO. 78. A. M. 13 2 C 2 60, 3 10! 4 20 A. M. NO. "14. P. M. I 4 :io 6 281 i 0 4', !' 7 65: P. M. NO. 52 a. m,: 4. - 9 . A. M. r Dally, t Dally except Sunday. . Train No. 14 connects at Florence with tralj ' on o. & 1. r. 4i. for Cheraw, s. c and Wades -boro, N. C. . . ,-. 4 ; - . , k No. 52 runs through to Columbia via crr.t ra , R. R. Of 8. C. i. i Nos. 78 and li run solid to Wllmlcgtcn. ' C., making close connection with w. &. w R. for all points north. i JNO. F. PI VI Nit. General Kuprrlmonapiit.? J. R. KENEY, Asst. (ion'I Mannger. . , T. M. EMERSON, Gen4 Passenge r Agent., , ffiyll1 ; T Wilmington iSeacoast R, R I NT EFFECT NOV. 1 Tf ! j " TBE FOLLOWING CHANGE OF 8CHED- k uie on the WUmlneton MeanoaKt. irrtk ri taice effect Sunday, Nov. loth: i 2.20 and 0:10 p. m., daily except Sunday. il Leave Hammocks 8:15 a. m.; 5:00 and 7:00 p. m . dally excent Sundav. - . -. ' J .r' : Hunday train leaves rrinrr! Ktrt - t.(w' - p.m. Leaves H ommocks at KMam. ' - nvi-tf I , J..R. NOLAN.' -novl.jtf . '"-'ftenrral MnnttrvpF P. M. 10 101. 12 40 . 1 20'. A. M. 4 35 6 15 iNo. 62. A. 31. t 9 4i 10 55 NO. 58 A. M. t 8 25 9 35 Charleston V via No. 52 runs through from Central R.R. , . .' Leavuur Lanes 8 80 A. m.. Manning 9:10 A. M Train on C. & D. R. It, connects at Florence With NO. 58. - - TRAINS GOING NORTH. . 4 50 OtXPtflTSD. 9 C9 .A CO 4 750 ...... 5 00 5 00 2 50 200 North Caroilna.r...M.. WOOL, "9 ft Washed...... 7 Uawashed... Barry... x. 914 00 910 00 ' 9 . 5 914 00 91300 9 8 50 9 0 00 -9 00 9 4 00 95? 150OOM 23 9 .25 rli . 18 '16 0. 18 Leave Columbia... Arrive Sumter..... Leave Sam ter..',.. Arrive Florence ... Leave Florence,,,.., Leave Marlon.. . i Arrive Wilmington... ffO. 5L No. 59. NO. 53. P. M." f p. M. . 10 35 ' 5 20 11 58 6 32 P."'M. 1158 t'etV.l i A. M. 1 15 7 55i NO. 78 -2io U. A. M, P. a. 4 y 8 iS 5 10 8 65 S 3D 11 45 OYSTER- ROASTS er to accommoaate my yjL?- than ever: to accommodate friends with OYSTERS this-season. I will keen hone but the Fatten baud taltrtn MYRTLE GROVE RuASTS a specialty. Every thing overhauled and improve l. Oyttcrs ready at short notice and expert shuckers to open them. .-. rppciai rates to parses. . uiro rae a cui m OU do niy best to paso j o o. - 4 - Uespectnuiy, - ' W. XL STOKtEY, 0Ct2.tf wrijntsTiiJr. Daily.- . . -iDaliy except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C, via uenirai n. it., amiicg canning 7-04 r. Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charlf4iton VUx) P. M. , 1 iNo. 59 connecut m, Florence with C and D tram from cheraw and Wades-bora - Nos. 78 and 11 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & w. IL ic. for ail points Train on Florenoe K. K; leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P.M.; arrive Rowland 7AC G. so. iteturnlng leave luwland mxi a. m.. ar te Fee Dee Si50 a. in. Train cn Manchester A Augusta K. R-Ieaym Sumter dally, except Sunday. 10:50 A. M..arrit e Rlmlnt 121 P. 21. Returning leave Rimini 12:15 P.M., arrive Sumter 1..-M P.M. ' - 1 JOHN F. DIVINE, ' " General superintendent. J. R. K ENLY. Asst Genl M'axacr. ; I TV M. EMEltbON. General lasfaenger Agea Table Board, FW GENTLEMEN'CANIBSACCOilO dared wltlJTatlScard 01 arrtlcstlca at tn:b27U r4.N.TJilli!KT - . 1 J,.r. , . - . i ' . . . . MY SALOON, Corner 'Of If 0rt.l1 Water and ninlberry.iitrcetK, 1 Jf ' - ".' ' w . .... If n from I o'clock a! nujloriaj Cilfl'. : ll;i5 p. m. 5alcrJaL ' CM A. P, BUO WN K, A jrc n't mch 10 if 1NGTON. N. tt s Oysters at Wrightsvilie. if Y OYSTER UOUE AT WRlGcfrsVILI E 13 now open for tbe season. Ladles ard Gen tlemen accommodated nmmntt' fh thw BEST TO BE HAD. - . I - 1 - . ROASTS ready on arrivaL , , i K. tt'. MAN7JIN J. v - Proprietor. J nov 12 tf University of North Carolina Tlie Fait Term Opens fepU 4.r TultfpD, $30. i . POUR REGULAR. COURSES OF BTUDY,' t lasik-al, ritilosoplilcai. Uterarr. c!e&tifi, '. SDCilal courses la Cnim!jirrv -itii r.i Etertrical Eniriiicerlnr. linmicr. m rt rr Mudjes. . - Separate scLocis ot La tr and ltccicl3. wtctso Huat-ntsmaytU'n4 the tidreruty lectures. HON. KEMPT. BATTLi:. L.LI)., , Jr 3 tt Preeiat, Chapel iiLl, N. C.

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