W0 vr.n .t: tlid. to i a t : l .izl: c r. POSTAGE PAID; . 5U months C.OI Three f-lt monUKSS cents. r.J w (KUTered W carriere, tree asT F of the cnj. i tins above 2-rr , low and UberaL tortwifcrtrpapw reggUriy. apv Ktrn i:n to , t t r .. . . v. 1 fcV 4 I- - 1! . . -, oxis ::xjoys lAtleHi'-i A'"1 results -wlicu :i iirtdtti i t lite talc, anil acif ti:iliIl4lV on the KMiicvJ. ' slxt rjl V vmmes the sj fS":: wld. liwTP iaifl t ;!. :mt cures halntup! wnan-f- i-vnip of Figs Li tlu fV rwH f it-. Uiml ever pro i-li r.lo'.inL' ti tin tnste xiiul ac rrtjVe t li e swn.nrh, prompt ir tt tir. n a ih I trulr iienenciai in xi prrparitl onlr from the mo-' J lr xiA mecal.le sub4tancc, it! est exrrl! nt qiialitivsi com menu i! f ti aii-1 t avc malc it. the mod' fArnriI known. : Jjn:p of Ftp-i is .for rale in 50 sJll Ixvtilrt by all lcailing dnig 4a Any reliable druggist vthi fftiot b.ive it on hand will pro t it nrwuitlf for auv one fU 6hn to try it. Bo iiut accept auj Artiste. " UUFOBNIA FIG SYRUP CO. J4 f rMMClSCO'. CML. 13CSYXII, if. KW roftt. Mf. far sale tr BOIJEUY H HELLAftlY. WHOLESALE D HUGO I ST, ftS Wlltnlnston. N. C SAM JOIIE SOTJC BOOKS. TATES' BOOK STORE H. A. Tuckor, pUttK IN iO.XITf. MARBL AND i Stoa. yanufactnirr of Cemetery, hwiuUM lintldlDs Work. :iW Nona Front Street, Wilmi nston, N. C. Fi line liifrj LkIjsv Prereale J. yitns that are rntcKED rrn l!s or ctr panel tred wounds la tbe loot. ?iww mtHy, re la no fltncr cf U3f fpoa Lxi)4ir. Atter praatcal ex ract ct 5? jurj i tm pret and to sraaran r5tleie. ta ioame. D. Ql'IXLIVAN. EU Tlie 1 1 orsesboer aad Farrlr t. JUST RECEIVED! 500 BIXCIIKS BANANAS. Krnkw by . A. . WI.SSTEAD, . Fruit and coofcctloceret. sit morta!w)naS!k,ntr P.ol STOVES! STOVES J 4 1' . JUMZC, ILL K1SIW. ANI AT "A IX mi aM vf ltrra nt - . WiJERMAN, FLANNER & CO'S. E. G. POLLEY, fnclical Tin Rhftp.f Iron . , . - - - . . W W . . w . Worker and Contractor. . T"ffliritfauBrtin? and proirrtiy e. tir nn eswueiKf in lha ICQ 11 h Hif - Kn'n frlTI lif. PT ARRIVED A IIOICE LOT CELE- -K) Corrta Wood ! ,,4,c- Ao. mackjfcfl:. c. Cl1' J. A. WltlMiER. For Christmas llXti ir rEFlT. A1 ritETTY la jue ITKMTT'RE Vn. nrUtai L,tvmnZ la rapidly, call aia w t-JBt!i,Uf presmu that are useful ns SNEF.U CX.. rnnfltare Dralrr?. cor. Hartft aod Bccoad bt. More of That Butter Itf J' n KI Uv F.1I AXOTHElt UT OF EX- ib?7TJ R trvm Ml. Airy and wlllcs; at i?T Larie lot of AFPLKH from MU WJi1 10 tn crate, at rx a rrate. ri? TATOEH by me birrcU LGGS li. chickens fcy tii cop acd fcjr,. 1. T . F. ALPFltUAN. " r 1M No, water St. - - . " i - . , . : -: - -z - . . r .rt .11 ? , - ; . , - ' - - : local news. Iwdixo Kbit ArcxTijctMtimi fxrtc Ctv-rurniture - Mrxi RiorHins Druji-ts 1 orrai. llorAK kick's sweetheart - Kibehav-c tt-Aunioiiule i , c? V Virrs Sain JtJnea sen j fwks TherecelpUof cotton at this f)orti V,, wtlfi , A",atLon-tc-dav foot up 859 hales i i fl leire 8lmres ,n tl,e new , 1 I j series of this well managed and A special meeting is being hefd by proVperoninstitution fifiould lose no the'Hoard of Aldermen thl nftn' I ti'.no in siihpili.!n. ti,. noon. . fcvi Or. D. M. Bui and Hr. Bruce'Wil- liniiii', of IJurgaw, were m the city uev. jof. i. Keen, pastor ofLthe at. Br Church at .Topsail, was inthe rity to-day.. , Nwr Hiver oysters were plentiful '""'Kei morning. Pellinr? nt i gallon. f ' . . MhJ. D. O'Connor, who has been in Knleigh in attendance on the Cir etiit Court, returned fo the City last nijjht. - . I MayoT Fowler returned to ithe city this morning and all'the jwit nees in the Smith case got back last night. , j "Unbolio" razor and knive .hharp rners. Something new and j we think the bet hone ever made. I See them. ; Jacob! Hdw. Co. I t I am Manufacturers Agent, for Barbed aqd all kinds of-Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences, t Or ders solicited, j James T. Metts. j t Rain is severely "needed here now. The dust is simply terrific a.nd we hear that some of the wells are go ing dry and cisterns gettiag lowj - ilt is said that an official in vita t ion will be extended, to the First Virginia Regiment to encamp with the Stare Guard at Fayetteville next Summer. " ; Unns.- We have them, bought be fore the passage of the McKinley bill and can give you the advantage of ourIow purchase. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ; It " . "" " f We are truly glad to be able to state that tkere are still further favorable reports as to Capt. Jno. W. Harness condition. lie was re ported as better tills morning. Dr. W. J. H. Bella my has return ed from Southport, where he has been in attendance on capt. Harper, and we are clad to know that he ... . . ... . "" . - thinks lie win get along very wen now. . Look out f6r connterfeits! See that you get the genuine Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup! Do not let the deal er sell you some "just as good," but insist upon getting the genuine with the Bull's Head trade mark on the wrapper. - 1 - . . .. .. v , , . 4 New York Herald: The Rev. Dr. Deems, pastor of the Church of the Strangers, playfully says that twen ty years ago he was fifty years old, but that he is seventy years young to-day. . j . - - i ' . -rr ; Mr. Dan. C. Button, of the At lantic Coast Line offices in this city, and his brideirc MIm Lina P. Davis, of I Van fort, arrived here last nipht after a visit to some of the Northern cities - ! , Mr. K. Kuhblank has goti" to Flonnce wherein will ussist'Mrf O. Banck, General Supervisor of the Portlier Brewing Company! Agen cies, hi establish ing a depot in that town. " x '' "v ' ' "! ' .. j " We want Zb Vance in the Sentte and the "Zeb Vaiice- stove in your kitclien. Theyjiave been tried and found toHio true; therefore we Re commend them to yo. N. Jacobi iidw. co. . 1 ' . ;t Housekeepers should have a "Perfection1', meat ciitter. It has the advantages of simple construc tion, durability and is easily cleaned No knives to get out of order. o!d by the N. Jacob! Hdw. Co. OK your reserved seats ready for Wiln'M in i nst rels' At the Opera II oum? to-morrow night. We think that it will prove a good thing. They eeem to b well endonjeiL Minstrel shows always draw Weill In Wilmington. U they are gool shows, mid thre i wilt probably, be a fine rtudieiice to morrow night. j tfllt NKUnAIX.lA ANO IICAUACUK Us "Rough ou Paln. Instant re lief. 2JandWROUGH ONUORKS. Liquid, 15c, Salve, 10c Rough:on Worms. Safe?4 Sure Care. 2-c i Foimiu. " ? For North Carolina, ram and warm er reather. - m " i IfiZili forennntH, frou8 n. Hi. to day for; Wilmington mid vicinity, fair weather and frlfchtlv warmer.'- r , - .w...,. a iir iiuuns nrr now open at the ofHee of the PresU dentT Mr. Nathl. Jacobi.1 '! ' ' " ! ConHrtued. . f - 'Hie favorabln impression pro- duced on the first appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrnp of Figs a few years "ago has been more than confirmed by. the pleas ant experience of all who have used it, and the success of the4proprietors and manufacturer", the! Californfa FigjSyrup Company. RUbop Keener In the City, j Bishop Keener, the Senior Bishop ot the Methodist Episcopal Church, who has just closed the Conference at Concord, at which he presided, ai ri yed4nthe city last night where he will remain until he 'proceeds td Vilsou next wek to hold the Con ference; there, fie was met at the depot by Mr. W. M. Ppisson and CoJj Roger Moore, of the official board of Grace M. E. Church, and was conveyed to Col. Mjoores rt;sl dence, where he will remain while in Wilmington. Bishop Keener will preach at Graca M. E. i Church at the dedicatory services on Sunday next. Next Week's Kugaseinont. The 'Diew York Novelty Co. will play here all of next week, a tie Opera House, opening on Mouday night in "Jack's Sweetheart," a very pretty and enjoyable comedy. They willjplay at popular prices, 10,1 20 and. 30 cents, and at this rate all can get iiearly a week's enjoyment for thejamonnt usually paid for-one night's entertaiument. j j- The troupe come to Wilmington excellently recommended They play in Raleigh this week where ourj ex changes tell us that-theyjhave good houses and play well. "Jack's Sweet heart" was produced there last Mon day j night and the three dailies of that city spoke V.ighly of j the result. Mr. J P. B. French .seems to be the leading gentleman and Miss Helen Minkley, the' first lady, Is described as "a winsome and clever little ar tist who has become quite popular witti theatregoers." Thejsompany have a fine repertoire and"they will produce some of the besi selections therefrom next week. , j ! ' . 1 Second Regiment N. C. S. G. The election of officers of the Sec-J ond Reglisent N. C. 8. G. was held last night at The Orton. ; I. Tlie meeting as organized by calling Capt. J. F. Bruton, Co. F, to the ehair aud appointing: Capt. W. A. Johnson, Co. A, secretary. The officers present were W. R Kenan, Captain Co C; DT T. Cronly, Lieut. Co. C; Jno. F. Bruton, Cap tain 'Co. F; II R. Thorp, Captain Co. D: W. A. Johnson, Captain CoT A. Twelve officer. were present by proxy. . '., J- President Bruton stated the ob ject pf the meeting for a biennial election of field officers, in eompn- anco wiin uenerai mors Col. W. C. Jones was placed in noitmmtioh for the colonelcy anil was unanimously elected.! C Capt. Jno. F. Bruton, iof Co.' F, was nominated and duly elected Lieutenant Colonel. j ! Maj. W. L. Faioh was then re elected Major withoutopposition. The secretarv was onlered to noti- ty the newly elected officers of their . election, and the meeting then ad- j journeil. 1 a. I ii I Immediately at the close of the meeting the officers were all invited into the spacious dining 1 room' where a delightful feast had been spread Lor them, and later in the; evening the 4Gld orth State! Band,' the Second Regiment Bandit sereuadetl the officers. j Uacklfn! Arsira 5h1t. The Besr Saive m th'e world for Cuts, Itruisea, sores. Ulcers, aau ; Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap- i pea w amis, i;nu o iain, orns. anu aij Bkin Eruptions, and positively Cares ... n .... . ."ii i niea,oruow, requires. wr-, anteod tojnvo ierfect satisfaction,; or money refundeu. f rice zo cents : per Do I. l For Bale by " Robert R Bellamy, : who!eali"and rstail dr-jsit. j. The Wilmington Library. There is no question but that the Wihiifngtou Library- Association, under the able management of Capt. W. H. Hixby, in in a, far, better: con dition than' itiever- has been i pre viously in theJ hlftory of that insti tution. From a report drawn up by him recently, which is to be submit ted to the Board tf Directors', we get the following facts: j The Library Association has made excellent progress since- last year. Then there were only 51 nayin members-inow there are 119; a gain of 150 per ceiit.u.There are; now 177 diflferext magazines on its tables, of whlch l are bought and the rest loaned by members. 'Ab6utl20 vol unies of general literature, a "Targe number.of public documents a com plete . set of Coast Survey reports and 400 maps, and a copy of the En cyclopedia Brittanica have, been-re-ceived during the past year. The Library has also been a U. S. public depository of governmental publi cafTons. A tabled three table covers, eleven-book cases, four periodical cases'twerity newspaper files, two newspaper racks, and a transpar ency have been added to the furni ture, while the old book cases land newspaper. cases have been remod elled and painted. , About twenty pictures have been mounted and fix eil upon the walls: and the old car pet relaid in a neat manner. The books have been; all , taken several times from their shelves, cleaned, repaired, replaced and arranged -in systematic order according" to .their subject matter and order. A list has been made of the entire collec tiou, aud a card catalogue has been added o enable f persons- to ..- find quickly and readily any boolv in the library. This card catalogue is equa in thoroughness! to that of any library in the United, States. Visitors to the library (and they are increasing in numbers each day) are beginning to j appreciate the! use and value of a strained librarian and ours s one of the best in j the country. !)ne-square advertisements have beei l inserted in all "the daily papers, over 10.000 circulars as to the libra y have been distributed aboat the city, arid everything done to invite ijhe public to the rooms. A series of eight stereopticori lectures and two cpncertsj have been given under the, auspices of the Library during the past-year. -. This library is a credit to the city and should by all means be encour aged and sustained. Capt. Bixby's efforts have been a labor of love and not of money. He is anxious to see It placed upon a highjplane of usefuluess and profit to its members and he has therefore freely given of his- time and jTenergy to accom plishso "desirable a result. There is every encouragement; nov: to hope for'a - geater l degree yot 43ro"sperity next year,-, and -with .this . end in new, arrangements will be made for , a , series of pleasing entertain ments d unng the Winter.' Catarrh indicates; impure blood, and to cure it, take Hood'sSarsapa rilla, which purifies the blood. Sold by all druggists.. I . C5 1 SYMPTOMS OF LIFER DISEASE r Loss of appetite; bad breath; bad taste In the mouth ; tongue coated ; pain under the (shoulder-blade; in the back or side often mistaken for rheumatism,; sour stomach wiih flatulency and water-brash; indiges lltn; bowels lax and costive by turns ; headache, with dull, heavy sensation; re&tlessness, with sensation or having left something undone which ought to have been i dono;.Jullnes after eating; bad temper ; bin : .tired feclincr ; yellow ap pearance of skin and eyes ; dizziness, etc. ! Not LVlut alwaja same of these indi-car'v-vrunt of action of the Liver. For i A Safe, Reliable Remedy llmt co An iv Uattu and has never been kiiuwirl'tfiii: Wunffwo'l.t . - I'iic Simmons Uni Regulator ' XX rrJ'KlTlMI. SPECIFIC FOR MTlH,r- .t- jjot el Complaint. j Jysjvcpia. - . SUsk Headache. -Co:iKlIpliTi, i UilicTOsneffs I '. - - K'nlnfrAff lions, ' .lanndlce, :i 3IeutsI DrpreeiOB. t'olie. JJL P1I VICI.VSTS SiTUi ION. f "T f..-.V W .raifn? laedJcme "for twenty mri U'i ha-e ifcr bern aWe to put ttp a reeta- ; M: copiiixitxJ tbat would. lke Simmons Lirer Ke?TiiTor. irociriiv , , ; - r t a ftt the URie 4 im lBSte3d ff eellcnir; the. i;csriTeaad mSatire arm eascMtaur move tne , ,y v V xc,mj a,: Ha tc:2 Ftamp ta red ca front of wrapper. J.H.Zdlia&C3.,Taaad:IiP3. : NO 302, Ir. Creasy In Concord. Iter. W. S: Crfhsy, D. D., Pastor of Grace M; E.Cjiuich, has returned (to the city. from Concord, where h has been in at tendance on the.. West ; eru Conference. ! The SVaiulcCfti saya of Jiis presence in that town,: J "Tuesday night the Forest Hill. Methodist church was packed al most to its utmost capacity to hear a sermon by; Rev. Walter a. Creasy, of Wi'mingtou! Mr. (!reasy is re membered here with nothing but the warmest love, having labored here as pastor of tlie Methodist church f cr four years. l"His sermon i was full of good sense, of lovinsr tenderness, and was siJiced with many appropriate illus-it- -trations. Tlie speaker snowea tnac he had not lost any of his youthful vigor." , Marriage nt St. John's. v i Mr. Edwin J. Justice, of Ruther j fordton,and Miss Lila Davis daugh-i ter of Mr. DuBrutz Cutlur, of this city, were united in the, holy bonds of. wedlock last evening at St. John's Church by the Rector.Rev. DrfCarl michael, assisted by Rev. C. L. Ar-1 nold, of St. Stephen's,-Goldsboro. i The spacious church was filled to itsi utmost capacity long before the hour, appointed! for .the ceremony.; Mr, E. P. Boatwrighfpresided at the organ and ,the i choir consisted of Mrs. Thorburn, Miss Florence Bow den, Miss Gabrielle DeRosset, Miss Lizzie JVnddeH and Messrs. II. M Emerson, AJex. S. Holdenind Jnliusi Barbot. " . ,..:. Miss Lula Cutlar, sister of thej bride, was maid tf honor, and Mr. I Dick Hackett, of Wilkesboro, was best man. . . i . - I Tlie bridesmaids and groomsmen; were as follows: . j Miss Eliza Potter with, Mr. J)u- Brutz Poissori; Miss Susie Massie,of Virginia, with Mr. Frank L-'Hiig-l gins, of Wilmington; : Miss Meta Harden, of Savannah, Georgia, wrth Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar, Jr., of Wil mington; Miss Sue" Meares, of Wil i mingtori, witn Mr. J." A. Allen, of i Charlotte; Miss Mary Van Winkle,: of West Virginia, with Mr, W. Alden James, of Georgetown, - S. .C; Miss Jeannette -.-Lewis. "of New Jersey, wito Mr. F. S, Clark, of Wilmington. Alter tlie marriage an elegant:.; re- ception was given at the residence of the bride's parents, and at its conclusion the happy couple left on the train for a trip to the South. A great many beautiful wedding pres ents were received. , ''Be happy and content!" You need not suffer' any longer from pains brougkt on by gout or rheu matism, for all these ailments are now easily cured by Salvation Oil. It costs only 25 cents. r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . Large Consignments () F UOLIDAYI GOOD.S TO BE SOLD AT Auction and private sale. Tey were shipped here to be sold and we will sell. Also crock ery, Glassware and House-furnishing Goods. Auction S ole every night. - . . iW. Ji.ltlKKIIAM. CO.; decstf Market street. OPERA HOUSE. BEST OF THE SEASON! SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6TH. Geo. Wilson's Minstrels. A First Part of Wondrous IJr.iutj-. Kovf'liy upon Novel-. ' - lieserved Seats at Yates' Friaay morning. O PER A -HOUSE. NEW YORK THEATRE COMPANY. moxmy7'deo, stii. One "A7"oo3s:", CHANGE OF BILL NIGHTLY. MONDAV NIGHT, "Jack's i Sweeibeart." Irlcea, 10c, 20;, and 00 cents. Reserved seats at Yates'. ' Cecstf fJBER t 1-3 TOCE LIFE IS mST IV BED ! Mattresses, Springs and ; Pillows: FOI? SALE OK. KENOVATED. t r frj, f.1. OUPr.lirJG. from c::r rnr:i3 t : tz': general larcrwx. cai- -- Tlie name crttw rttfffuu3t always Lo r.;r nlslied to tne" editor. ." - , . ' ' . Ccmmumchanous cost cu writt:',Tca cz.' ; one sice or t&e ptipcr. .' ' ?r - PersoaaUties aim4. Le avclicJ. And it is e-ei ridiiy aai paxtlcTU3xly.tr:;: r stood tnat t&e eaitor ttoe3 tot always czIzti o tlie news or correspenct o ta ' cr ' ; :j eo e tit c 3 in tne eMtorialolaniiis. , - ' n ew a iv1:utis r.r.i i:ut3 . itE roi'PLAit rrjcts on. -. BOYS'. KNEE "PANTS." AND YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THE BEST "ONES FOH THAT PRICK AT 11.1 PKIXCKS.s' STUKKT M-EN'S FURNISHINGS, Hats and Children CIoiriiii; 23fr ' Wore open from T &' a. n."aiitll s p. utA.' Satuniay's until 11.45 p. nv lec i l f lS5SjLi' THE ; t No w Yo rk We e lily Eeral il AT- ONK DULLAU PEIt YITAUr IS THJ5 BEST AND 'OllKAFKST FAMILY PAPKR IX THK UNITED STATKS. : f Now fs the time fo Subscribe Many novelties wilt bo added to the variety of Its coatents during the year 1891, and notn ing will be left undone to please and gratify Its siDScrloers.r - 1 . 1 .'" ; It Specialties Tor .1891 WJll.lle: v OUIOIXAL" AJ1TICLK8 "OX PRACTICAL FAFtMIXO AND OAKUE5IN0. - - . -SEUIALvS AS D "SHOUT STOiaRS JlY THE BEST AUTJIOKS. - . v , --- ' WcJjMAS'i WORK AXl) WU3IASW LEISIHIJ? -GfjMS OF. LITElt ATLRE AUD AUT. i -ORIGINAL FLASHES OF WIT AND IIUMOlt. swers to Correspondents 1 rompily and Fhlly Aladei l'. The Latest News from Every Section of the Globe, ; Address, JA3IES GORDON BENNETT, ' New York Herald. .' , -' - ' New TorJc city, Only One Dollar a Tear. Do not fail to Subscribe rqwjorthe : ; New.York Weekly Herald. dec5tf 4 4 Dyeing Establishment. pEATIIEIW, KID- GLOVES, JIATS AND all kinds of SUK re-coloreL v ' Now is the time to have your ca&t-ofT 8uits OstliCh Pllimp Tina Kua1. e3 and Uibuons of all kinds re-colored and Til riling " a " - 5" All fJOCKL? notRAUejl tnr In rk- M .v-t. -n in be sold for charges. if. i;. itousii.- vomer . Mar -.,. and 'Front strppfo arorKnt. onion's Dry f r:ore.v . . dec 1 lw . XOTIIKIt ALLA1 PASTL'IIE OF- PINE, fed" KATJ BEEF CATTLE Was received by me .vestcrdajv 'irTi alfe'rr. from the eover. pastures of kestcrn North Carolina a nd is as koou an i he best Will ha;e it on my stall. To-5Iorroy and Saturday , , Ai ALSO A FINK LINK. OF " Pork, Matton, Veal, Sausages, &e, -Call early in the day . and makpyour JOHN F. GABUCLL; 8tall3 1 and 2, Frost Strict 'Markerisoaf b ija. 3 Aff 1 r Cliristmas Carcio. WILL.JSHOTV YOi; A SPLENDID A sortta?nt,of cirniSTJlAS vATtm next Mon dayall j rtrf . 1 ' ' ' " ,K Z : ", UND3 BKOTUEILS, " dec 4 tf . ' rrorjt fctrw:. :THIS PAPER i .. - I, , ,, . Cleaned and re-colored and made to look new. ' - itHPP' Tlta urea-run tA".Cf lata cleaned, dyed and pressed, to so cents- -1 mbrelias retoned iu any cloth at short notlre " -LADIES' . LIST. Ostrich Plump Tina 1 . T. K. WlilGHT & CO . Kh street axd'enrifyiraEU cvtaue ZZM - lli!Mf!;!Jxl

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