nli PftPEIt 8 i we wtH" to glad to receive commimicai ens F- . I,EJ.E41tor:alPro!' - -1;) 1 crca our mesas a axy ai ail rctjects . ' Ceneral interest, but . ; Tbe name or tns wnter must always td fur nlslied to do Editor. ' Commanicaaona musvte wnttcnca only one side of tne paper. - rersonalities most be avoided, j And it ts espectauy and partlcalarly Ulcr stood, tb at tne caiior does not airraya entiors e tne news or correspondents onlfga so stated j t-iii Three ilb. ,1101 mow. cents. ... ... .vurcJ ty carriers, free M 5 .--' rA!:?r:rpair ro.'-J riy. . AlV WILM INRTON M n ft A TTTPrfc A V Tli?r!lJM"R"RP: 1RQO NO 303. In ihe editorial" columns." 4 .TIT j V - ! ' ' i . i . t - t i " ; !! . . -K -.ivpuv-s l?:c f:::. h.i1';.-. coins.- hca:- -i'l i.V.I- 3X:u fui iiaimi... ta:5 ::- .Snip of i'lgs 13 tr-Trf-;fl iu fcuul ever pi. -t- slc rIlf rtxVt !" M " ''. pronsj.t I" titts-n ai-i truly cncficial m it: "U jr-omI only fn:n the ' v2v f.r.l nrv-.iMc salvUuico?, it m'r cxml-nl ij;i:ili!K S :" fisliav? Jure i:::ule it the jih thp f Ftps is for sale in 50t c,'?rb)Ule3 by nil lcailiu-: lnf? ki. Any rtlialilc druggist wik uTC t have it on band will prt. it pnxiijtly for any one vrh f?E to try it. Bo cut'acccpt auj ciuFQRM FIG SYRUP CO. Sif FKAXC1SC0. CAU irrjruf. rr. hew rosic. n.r. tat 3 If RUtSLltr 11 UULLAMY, Win. LT. ALE DUUHJI.ST. . . Wilmington, N. C SAM JONES .SONG BOOKS. IATES' BOOK STOKE H. A Tucker, JjLUSK IN UKANITr, MARULE AND tnt Moaf. Mmaraciurer of Cemetery, IxsTntaian! EulldlES Wort. uio North Froat Btrctt, S tf Wilmington, V. C. ? line Oisrrs Lwljiff FrtTUtrJ. JJUHhs TIUT ARE PUUKED WITH t-srM-cr ratcia'cl wounJs In tncioot. trfittd sn:falr. are in no flaozer of r-r irtet Lo.kjaw. Aner practical ex r jfar am pre, a red to snaran- ettiucte. aloame. I). Q: IN LI VAN. t 3 U Ttc Ilorwhocr and FarrteK JUST RECEIVED! 200 litNCHKS BANANAS. ff Ic I.y A. y. WISSTfLVD, Kruii au I t oe feet loner es, , MStr hi Norto Seconfl .St., e tr I. O. .STmTfS! ST0S! U. MZE. ALL KINDS. AN1 AT ALL i AUndtLfm at - . . ALDERMAN, FLANNER & GO'S. E. G. PO LLE Y Practic ii Tin Sheet Iron WVkr and Contractor. Te in svs v i'anl I JlT -M hlNED A C HOICE LOT CELE-TrMrfA-ve COAL. -MX) iVrcU Uooil ! t,r ,no,- J. a. srui.xoKK. .. 0 For Oh'rittmaB U klMx ok USEFUL AN rRETTY t-tirnlnrt lMal(rS. ftlu lor. Market and second ms. More of Tbat Butter JlsT.nE LIVED ANOTHER LOT OK EX- J? Lt TTER from MU Alr aDdlUcg- at iS1, IL Ursc lot cf AlTL!rroa Mt UiV.651 tothecrair. ai K a rrate. trt ItrATOJ.s b the UarrvL L'GGH wmtr- CHIt KENH by tbe cvojJ acd "tkhytbpt an low. I. T O. F. ALDERMAN. ttira'r. r-:ti I t r d for kll roik In rnr llL6 Mcfn r.rfrtirpru!iv and proaptJye r' H-ta,ir ai rioiHnc1 In tne S? fBtl w't iro TioUn:en vill guar- k!T ,r. nuiK m every rcrct. a 1 Ini A lo iu H UNITUKE Une. Cnilstnioa nyM fmicj to lapidly. Call and see bois,t3r rmK-nta that arc u-ctulaa 3prvfJy. SNEKlCO.. LOCAL XxTD3"WS- iXDK TO NW ADTXRTIXKXT8 Sxno H Co-Furniture Jsto D ' atlcr, c S C Legal ad Jso D Tatlo, C C Legal ad A W WATSOK-Cnrlstmas 00003 (' W Yatej Sam Jones $ong Hooks avxcal Mcxrixa Pine Forest Omet'yco " Day's length 9 hours and 50 min ute. Sunset to-tuorro -afternoon at 46 iuitiute past 4 o'clock. The young men's meetlner at 5 o'clock to-morrow afternoon at the 1. u. C. A. rooms will be conducted by Dr. Creasy. . j For bruise or blister, burn or boil, 'Whatever nches or pains, 1 You'd better um Salvation Oil . Until no ache remains. "ilubolio" razor and knive sharp eners. aoiuetlunir new nnd we See lliink the bett hone ever. made. ... uw uui till ti. T I atu Manufacturers Afjent for BurtxMl arid nil kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fence? Or ders solicited. Jmues I. Mett. ,'- t The annual meeting of the Jpine Fort'bt Cemetery Co. will be held in the Mayor's office on next Wednes day, the lOtli iust, at 8 o'clock, j - . Uum. We have them, bought be fore the passage of the McKiuIey bill and can tfive you the advantage of our low purchase. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. It t i We want Zeb Vance in the Senate 1 ii.. 4i-- ir ' uuu tue -eu auce stove in 3'our kitchen. They have been tried and lounii xo oe irue; tnerefore we re commend them to yon. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. - f The Smith c:te came to a conclu-. niou last evening in the U. S.; Cir cuit Court at italeigh, when the jury rendered a verdict In fayor of the claimant?. The defendants, It is said, will appeal. j Housekeepers should have a "Perfection" meat cutter. 1 1 ' has the advantages of simple construc tion, durability and is easily cleaned No knives to get out of order. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. j English services will be held at 11 a. tu. to morrow la St. Paul's Hvung. Lutheran Church, corner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. F. W; K Pc&chau, pastor.. At 7.30 p. m. the services will be in (iermun. j Services In Sr. James Church to morrow, the second Sunday in j Ad vent, as follows: Morning Prayer, Ante-Communion and sermon at 11 o'clock; Children's Service at!j i p. m.; Sunday School at 3 p. m. ; The customary weekly Saturday night's prayer and experience nieet lug of business and working men will beheld at the Seaman's Bethel to-night at 7.30 o'clock, to whirl) the ladies and seafaring mvn arejulso invited. I j Services in St. John' Church to morrow, Secoud Sunday in Advent, by the Rector. Rev. J. Carmicjiael, D. D., as follows: Holy Com iu union at 7.45 a. in.; Morning Prayer, and sermon at 11 o'clock; Evening Pray er at 4.S0 o'clock; Sunday School at 3.30 p. tn. j j Several-gent lemeu in the congre gation ornratM; M. E. Clurch jiave presented Rev. F. D. Swindell, Presiding- Elder, with an elegant overcoat and some of the !adiesf not to be behind the gentlemen, j and who are never weary in well-doing have iriven him an elegaut reclining chair. We wrote yesterday that it! was said that th First Virginia Regi ment trould be luvited to go into camp next Summer with the 2f. C. State Guard at '.Vrightsville, but we were h orrl fled . last night when we read "Fayetteville" instead of 'Wrightsville.' We read the proof but did not note the error. Col. J. T. Anthony has been re elected Colonel of th Fourth Regi meiit. v He received nine votes ami Cul. Martin received three. The fatter wu ejected Lieutenaut Col onel and Maj. E. F. Young as re elected Major. This is considered a strong endorsement of the position takeu by Col. Anthony last Summer nnd which- resulted in his rcsigna - tlon j i - It is damrerous to neglect catarrh, for it leads to bronchitis and conl sumption. HoodsSarsapariuacnres catarrh In all forms. ; The receipts of cotton at this port to-dav foot up 710 bajes. ('apt. Harper was reported to-day as so much better that he, was able to sit up in bed. Rev. J. C. Thomas. Who was nas tor of Fifth Street M. E. Church in 1800-07, Is here on a visit, of Mr. Win. M. Poisson. the priest Mr. A. W. Watson certaiulv has a handsome stock at his store Hot 17 Market street. New Christinas goods are being constantly received and opened there every day. -1 Ger barque Oberburgermeister Von Winter, Hintz, cleared to-day for Rotterdam. Holland, with 4,830 barrels rosin, valued at $6,770, ship ped by Messrs. Robinson & King. The George Wilson Minstrel band paraded some of the streets this morning, making a Gne ehow and producing some delightful, music. They formed a circle in front of Mr. Yate.V store, on Market street, and played several fine airs there. Confirmed. The favorable impression - pro duced on the first appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a fev years ago has been more than confirmed by the pleas ant experience of all. who have used it, nod the success of the proprietors and manufacturers, the California Fig'Syrup Company. Change of Schedule. A change of schedule goes into ef feet on the Carolina Central R. R. to-morrow. The night train hence will hereafter run on Sunday night instead of Saturday night, as here tofore. In addition to this another train has been put on the! road be tween Hamlet and Cnarlotte, mak ing six trains between these points. The amended schedule will be found in our advertising columns to-day. Dedication of Grace Church, j Bishop Keener, of the M. E Church South, will conduct the de dication services and prcaidi the de dicatory sermon, to morrow . morn ing at 11 o'clock at Grace M. E. Church, corner Fourth and Mul berry streets. There will be som specially line music on the occasion, and arrangements have been made to seat a. large number of people. Bishop Keener is a great preacher. and the fact he is announced to preach will draw out " a very lar, congregation. " I i The Seaman's l.ethul. The regular Sundav services at the'-Seaman's Bethel will 'be held as usual to-uiDrrow at 3.30 o'clock p. m., conducted by the Rev. F. D. Swindejl, Presiding Elder Wilming ton District M. E. Church, South. All are cordially invited to attend, especially seameD, and pastors of various city churches are requested to give notice to-morrow , morning of this service. Masters of vessels will please have this notice read to their crews and urge their attend ance. ' KOUOII ON COL GU3 For Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Til roat. 2oc. KOUUH U2i TUU1H ACHE. Instant relief. 15c. Rough on Corns. Liquid, 15c. Salve 106 fl;tllliMiia SYMPTOMS OF OVER DISEASE: Loss of appetite ; bad breath : bad taste In t he mouth ; tenguo coated ; pain under tne shoulder-blade; in the back or side often mistaken for rheumatism; sour stomach with llatulency and water-brash; indiges tion: boircls lax and costive by turns; headache, with dull, heavy sensation; restlessness with sensation of having- left something undone which oug-bt to have been '.ono: fullness after eating; baa temivr: bluff: tired feelinjr: yellow ap iearaneoof skin andcj'es; dizziness, etc. , Not nil, h'i a i ways srao of these indi cate want of action of the Liver. For A Safe, Reliable Remedy that can d n b;irni and has never been known to tail to do pood, Tale Simmons Li ?cr Regulator AN i-:FrETrAI SrCCIFIO FOR JMnlarl-i. P'owel C"omphInt, Jynjcw.iu, lck Headache. CoMKtl patiou. Uilioasnes. Kidney ArrrrtioiiK. .Jaundice, Mental lc predion, ! Colic. A rnvsiciAN's OPINION. " I Icm practicing wediciae for twenty ynxi &zml have iw tr tccn able to put up a veceta 4e ccBpOiiil tll tHlf, like Simmons Lire Keul.tfcr, prnrnptly nd cflfcctnally mere the liver to action, and at tbe Mine time aid (instead cf eakcnic5 tlx dijestive - and asinulaUTe pomtrs efthe r Ttem." ' J L, M. !?iroNt v. d., Wa-hinston, Ark. J oxi-t cE3in3rE L -' lias pur Z Stap in red a front of wrapper. - - J. H. Zcilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1 I Sfoartl of Aldermen. i An; adjourned meeting of the Board of Aldermen' was held yester day afternoon, Mayor Fowler pre siding. i Mr.j A. L. Scott, the newly elected Alderman from the. First Ward, hay ing been sworn in took his seat with the other members of the Board. The ordinance for the better regu lation of the street v railway, sub mitted at a previous meeting of the Board and action j upon which had been deferred, was read by, the clerk,' and on motion was adopted; to go into effect twenty days after enactment. "The clerk of tbe Board was ordered to furnish a copy of the ordinance to the Wilmington Street Railway Co. i A proposition from B. M. West to open up certain streets in the out skirts was referred to - the Streets and Wharves Committee. A communication from D. L. Rus sell, Jr., keeper of the ferry at the foot of Market stii-eet, offering ! to keep the ferry flat boat on this side the river at night, for use in ferry ing lire engines across the river, if required, for the sum of ten dollars per month, was on! motion referred to committee. ! Alderman Craft.Mrom the Ordi nance Committee, th the matter of application of certain citizens for the passage of an ordinance to pro hibit 'drumming"' at the- railroad depots, submitted the report of the committee thereon, recommending that no action be taken, in view jof the fact that the police ordinances force are sufficient; to prevent dis orderly conduct. The report ef the committee was adopted. Alderman Craft,1 from the Ordi- nance Committee, submitted report on the letter from Mr. Chase, eity engineer, recommending the adop tion of au ordinance to establish; a curb-line for the streets. riie committee recommended that action in the matter be deferred uu til after the expected ;visit of a sani tary engineer to make' surveys -and plans to establish oj- grade and tor a system of sewerage. Alderman Hicks! moved that re port 1 be adopted.! But Alderman Pearsall did not like this way of di? posing of the matter. He did not think it would interfere with any of the. work to be done by the sanitary engineer. . . ; The matter -was discussed at con siderable length. It was stated that the sanitary engineer, Mr. Herring, would visit Wilmington before Christmas; that he! had agreed t come and see what! was needed for $125 and travelling expenses, and would make surveys and plans for a sewerage system ror.$l,u00, which sum would include the $125 if his services were engaged. It was fur ther stated that one purpose in view in the establishment of a curb-line for streets, was that it would make the sidewalks so narrow in places where these encroached upon that thb owners of property would be al most compelled to moire back their fences or walls. j It was finally airreed to refer the report back to the committee, with instructions to report further at the next regular meeting of the Board. Report was made by Alderman Craft, from the Ordinance Commit tee, submitted an I ordinance con cerning streets and pavements. The penalty for violation of the ordi nance is a fine of $50. 1 Alderman Pearsall moved that the ordinance be advertised oace in two of the daily papers in the city, and that .1,000 copies of the ordinance be printed and posted and circulated in the city. J I Alderman Craft did not like the postersJ He suggested that the ordi nance be published once a week for three weeks in the three dailv pa pers, j - ' . I . . I Alderman Hicks i did not favor advertising in the papers. He offer ed as a substitute for Mr. Pearsall's motion,! that 3,000 "dodgers"' ' be printed and circulated. j Alderujau.Sco t 'seconded 5 Alder man Hicks substitute nnd it was adopted. i 1 j Alderman Scott was made chair man of the Market, Committee Bismarck, tlietrreittGeriuan prince, : has received his forty-lift b decora- 5 tlpo, . while the. deoration of Drf Hnil s Uougti vmp are to be found . i ... . in th ninnnmcntR of rn.tifnd It. hareareil in the hearts of the thou- Fand? it has permanently cured Children Cry for Pitcher's Castom Forecasts. For North Carolina, light rains and warmer weather. Local forecasts, from 8 a. m. to-day for Wilmington and vicinity, fair weather and slightly warmer. , Uucklen,'AniicaISalv. - The Best Salve m the . world for Cuts, Bruises; Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, .Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and alt Skin 'Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no p4y required. It is guar anteed to givej perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box." " For sate by Robert R Bellamy, wrholesaln and! ratad drug--1 fiBW ADVEUTISEM13STS otice. MEETING OF THE PINE IIE ANNUAL Forest Ceaietery company will be held In 1 lie I . Mayor's Court Hojm on Wednesclaj', Decern- ber 10th, 8 p. m. 0 10 d?c G 2t (Star copy sun and wed) Christmas Goods AT- A. W. WATSON'S CHINA STORE, No. 17 IWarSet Stroet. decc tf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of New Llanovcr. In the Superior Court, Betore .Tno. D. .Taylor, clerk. ( Armand J. leKo5?et. William L. DeRosset and wife Elizabeth DeKoss6t, CD. Myers and wife Eliza il Myers, Graham Dares and wife Alice L. Daves. Catherine D. Meares, Armand L. DeHosset and wife Tallulab E. DeRosset. Frederick A. DeKosset and wife Mary O. DKr-sset, Gabrlelle o'e G. DeKosset, A. Mccican Parker and Wife Catherine DeR. Parker and others, Plaintiffs, i Aon i)) ' Eliza J. DeKosset, !Ad3ie S. DeEosset, Graham D. DeKosset, Addis Emmett ' DeKosset and Mary J-DeKosset. Defendants. This i3 a ppeclal proceeding- brought Kr the partition, and a sale if actual partition cannot be had. of certain : real estate In the city of Wilmington, North Carolina, being- a part of Lot Xo. in: Bio :k 177 on Plan of said city, lu which plalntlfTs and defendants are tenants in common as heirs of the latt Elixa Jane De Kosset. The defendants, Eiiza J. DeKoystt, Addle DeRosset. Graham D. Delto set, Addis Em mett DeRosset and Mary J. DeKosset are hereby required to appear before the Clerk of the said Superior Court of New Hanover Coun ty, at his oflaceln the court nouse, in the city of Wliralrfgtcn, North Carolina, pn. Monday, the lirh day of January, A. D. and an swer or demur to the complaint which has been liled. Dated this Gth day of December, A. D 1590. JNO. D. TAYliOH, Clerk Superior Court of New Hanover County, dec 5 6w T3 3 jan A 10 STATE OF NOHTH CAIIOLINA, County of New nanover. in the superior Court, Defore J no. D. Taylor, Clerk. Armand J. DeKosset, William L. DeKosset and wire Elizabeth s. DeKosset, Charles D. Myers and wife Eliza If. Myers, Graham Daves and wife I Alice L Daves, John K. London nd wife! Camclla K. London, Wil liam L. London and wife Caroline II. Lon don, II. A. London and wife Kettle L. Lon don. Jonn D. Lord and wife Helen 5. Lord, F. Ancrum Lord and wife Kate A. Lord, James C. Munds and othrs, Plaintiffs, A((msl " Eliza J. DeKosset, Addle S. DeRosset. Graham U. DeRosset, Addis Emmett DeRosset and MaryJ. DeKosset, Defendants. This is a special proceedloy brought for the piulttlon. and a sale If actual aartltion ean had, oi certain real estate in the city of Wilmington, North Carollaa, being parts of Lots Nos. :j and l in Klock 171 on Plan of said city In which tkei plaintiffs and defendants are tenanis in common as heirs of the late William Ancrum Lord. The defendants, Eliza J. DeKosset, Addle H. DeKosset, Graham D. DeKosset, Addis EFumett DeKosset anl Mary J. DeKosset arc hereby required to appear be fore the Clerk of tho said .superior-court of New llanovcr county, at his oMce in the Court Houec, in the city of Wilmington. North Carolina, on Monday, the l'.Hh flay of Jan uary, A. D. l8!h arid answer or demur to the complaint, whichnas been ttled. Dated this th day of December,-A. D. Ua JNO. D. TAYLOR. , Clerk 8uperiorCourt of New Hanover County, dec 6;vv dec 6 13 20 27 Jan 3 10 Large Consignments HOLIDAY qOODS'TO KE SOLD. AT Auction and private sale. Tfcey weie shinned here to be sold and we will sell. Also Crock ery, Glassware and tlouse-furnlshihg Goods. Auction sale every night. W. J. iilKIOIAM & CO., decrtt 27 Market street. FOR HIRE. ORS'ES AND caRRIAQES . AND ' 'EIII- cles cf all kinds, with and without drivers. Horses for lades to tide, or d1ve, perfectly safe. i Horses lodged arid cared for bjjthe day, week or mont h. ! A lew good YeC0NDtI1AND VECIC'LES forfeale. R. c. ORRELL, novlOtl . OorJ Third and rrtnccs3 Sts O FOR CASH OR INSTALMENTS. E offe'rI for .sale under cirAit antee for six yehrs WfU'OX & WH TE, FAR- j RAND k VOTEY, MASON & HAMLIN OR ga"!, In oak, Birch, Black -Walcctaal i good bard Western wood Bases, of the latest t -1 . . . . j -. ; , for 15.00 cash and si.GO per weex nntll paid for. - . sbfl mrtn 3 .nt.rT , - " : z , r- pstwl narti l!all ind 4vm1r, onr -In- strameats- 407 Red cro stmu fV.IWiAn TAM NEW A U YI5UTI S KMENT3. ,a ! ' I ARE POPULAU PRICES: ON t BOYS' KNEE -PANTS. AND YOU W ILL ALWAYS FIND THE BEST ONES FOR THAT PRICE AT 113 PKIXCESS STREKT. MEN'S FTJENISHINOS, Hats and Children's Clolliiii.- csr store open from 7.30 a, m. antll8 p. m.5 Saturday's until 11.45 p. m. ; 1 dec 4 tt O PERTA HOUSE. BEST OF THE SEASON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6TH. -- - t Geo. Wilson's Minstrels. " r j A First Part of Wondrous Beauty, upon Novelty. ' ' v " ; - Novelty ' : Reserved seats at Yates' Friday morning. 1 : doc 4 ;it - . OPKRA HOUSE. NEW YORK THEATRE COMPANY. MONDAY. DEC. 8TH. One "W(1sl, ! CHANGE OF RILL NIGHTLY. MONDAY; N I til I 1 i "Jack's Sweetheart." i Prices, 10c, toz, and : cents. Reserved Stats at Yates'. . i Cec5 tf 1-3 10UR LIFE ifMUl IX mi Mattresses, Springs and Pillows, FOR SALE OR RENOVATED. ' rji leg.E.Fl YOU CAN 5T A PAIR OF, GENTS1 SHOESOIt $4.00, Worth SCOO: ' - '.'. .. ! '; OR A PAIR LADIES' SIIOEtf FOR 50, Worth 4.00 CALL AND SEE. : i eo. R. French & Sons. lOS North LVoat Street. - (Opposite The Orton.) t dec I By inj Establishment. pEATnERS, klD GLOVES. HATS. AND all kinds of sil'ic re-colorcd. j . Now u the time to hare your castloff salts Cleaned and re-colored and mafic tn nar OENTS' LIST.-SU118 Dyed riOO to dTco-' -nats cleaned, dyed and pressed. 25 to M cents: Lmbrellas an oped lu any cloth at short nnn. LADI E.Hf LIST. Ostrich Plumes. Tips, Hash es! and Kihbons of au kinds re-colored and - cleaned up. , Zr All GoctH not called for" In 90 days will be,fxld for charges. si. e. ROl hE. Corner Market and Front KtiwtK mor . onion's Dry Goods More.) ' deel lw - Christmas Cards. sortmcnt of cHRisTif a8 cards next Mon- dajr an 'prices.: r"r .i";.'; p.;-'-; '". t - JltJNDi BROTHERS, V djee 4 tf VC; 101 X -Front street. ', THISTAPBEiEK he FainsottntPruitimrirdc works. 4 V; - - -x. , T. K. WRIGHT te, to . , t 2i5tii sixect and;i'cansyivaiaa avenue. jaau , Fhliaoelphu. N V U No. water st. I"