- - - 1 -x . - ..... . ' " : ' v. '.. "v," . ' . ; . : . j .-. -"- . ;! A , r, .. j 0 1 1 n j , , 11 i f . . - " i- 1 11 ; TT I ' " . ;- - - . : .'. i .. ; . .', ----- -" : 1 - -. w.- -.';r ".'- "J - : ,tii-MAM mmmr- mm . - - - " " ' " .", .. ":r. . r ' - f -' . ' 4 - " ! , . : -" ; - 'Vir '"v '-"i:- mi vAVtn ... FJLEAS2 :;0T1C5 Wo jkUI to clad to rcccivo" ccsmtirl: irons rrora tmr menilai ca acj tzi til Et; eta Ceaerai interest, cat " Tno aaise ot Hie witter nrasrxisrai 13 fur cisbed to tho EXtor. s commtuxxcanona must toe written' ca cnix one side cf the paper. ( ' V Personautieanitet to arotsrM. And it ia especiainaad partcaLiriy.ts2:r atood tnat tne Editor docs not .altraj-s rp-wrse tne views or correapondenta onlcsa so tated in tne edlibrlai obinmna. j.ME5,EJitor;ainirrop. . .rtv months lioa Three -L.ti3.tl-W one contra cents, uo oetmnM by camera. free wre. ... iA lltJeFAL ' NO. -2. oxis r,?:joys 1.4 tl r.i .rt:lIls whe" J-p r.f r : : ta!:tn; it isplcawnh ii'Jvlr-M t . il.f..ta:ti!. wut act-. .l mm mm n eco-v::: iv l'15 w. is, umr j.j'3.;. sthi ciitij vriii rrtu:o!v . T its !;:n ercr pi i l ; lhc 0 m;;!?u.inutheb iTur::! lRi1v.UM.cf.c5al ia it t,- tts rrfprtNl o:i!r trom the mo-.' ; j j ;TrcH?r.l)Jo sub?lai:twt it' . . .t . a l s.n have n.ralc it tho moV i wrren cl r i 1.1 u icr mic in iirt to trj-iL Bo Dut acctt aiij tKUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. - i L.:il.LLt . . f. ttCH MVai. I ....h, Riiiii:ttr it. pru.AfliY. WHOLESALE DUI OOIST. -STOVK! STOVKS! ttflZF. ALL KINIW. AND AT ALL prvr. CMrianJ.vcihrmat ALDERMAN, FLAN7JER . & CO'S. KJt 1 ty ' SAM IATES' BOOK STORE H, A. Tucker, JJUHH IS URANITF, MAKDLE AND Now. Manufactcrrr of Crinetx, 'Iftrjlnd RnHdicr work.' . 310 North iront tn't, 3 l WUmmvtou. N. ?. Irsf Bitf . Jwljatr FrrTf2lf.l. i . II 'KS Tllf i(K: !::l'KKlNVITU t. O' 1X1 IVAN. W3tj Tl llorcshorr acd Frm r. JUST RECEIVED! 200 lilXCHES BANANAS.. "N" ki low bj A. S. WI5STE-D, Krult aa4 ronteitloncrtcs.. ; if" orta secqod !t.; m-ir r. u. 7e7gT polley7 Practical Tin & Sheet Iron Worker and Contracton Lmiuum rut&ii.rtl for ull vror la mi line Wtcatra.tfjiircrviUr ana prorrptljcx r4 lle tuar jors experience la the Jfaaanawua j-cr workmen will jraar- Ulm , Tcirn Coal ! JtST AH1C1VED aVuOU F. '4 Teonsee era I- nrr i ele- l!UU Cords Wood ! oet out. Aa, Pine. BUckJwk. a. Mtt j. a. sruiyotiL. For Christmas . UjilM orVsETUL ASl IE1TY 3la tae I't uxiTVKK Unci ftorlatmas 12, aoiUAT rrtacnt bt are um?iu1 as Mprritfr -H.NEKD&CO.. . . rurnlture DcAlers, t Cor.Mariu aa4SwcKlis More of That Butter J fT REC UVEO yOTR F4t LOT iF S- fiJL?1"5"1 from ML Alrr ait 1 eH'.tff at tf IL Lrr loi of AlTLr-trom ML bniheis tolbcratf. at $4 a cra;. H EET rtiTATpr-- bf tte turTrl. Lim.S JJs erw cuirktxs tr tn ccop and by tae p7. all iot. ' tt,tt . L T. U. V. AIDKTIMAN. t . jn No. Water iff. ' Udchv .nil leading drug-! and all kinds of Wire, Co u- Anr ibMo' -drusgfct vh: rnatiin Wire and Iron Fences, Or jTjnet hive it on hand Ul pre-1 solicited. James I; Metts. - t r il pr omptly for any Are vth. Bishop Watson left here this jiiorn- itetM t-rpondo cl trCnn;s fa ihefo.U. ! to work at" it?" "I'll tell yoo, he treiiri k tnj. Mic tnnft rangrr cl t,r-,.ntHl ivcrv ioor familv In the tttjtetiotr. cal oaiav. - tTouih Svrun early this season.1' - IXUtX TQ 2iKW ADTXSTI9IXtXTt kn'kio Co puncture ', - - -Mrxna DaoTHtKa Un:ssi5ts -r tiRiT cuke, Oraoge. etc C v Vatm Sam Joaea son? licok3 1 i Tlje receipts of cottonjat this no j 10-ciay ioor uiIJ512 bale. - tl,. .1...:-- " ","t . '-':..:;-"-:"-:V- -T,V ee the excellent unlaundried " T-iiu 4 iuur:iuureiis ior iic. Vlebrie WiUo, Mln;tMl ! Norfolk on Saturday night and they' imd n bfic honel"' : j - j . Saturday night is jthought; by many to liare bfn the coldest night of the featon. thus far.' :. At ,the afteriiCKjn service in St, dait.es' Churoh yesterday afternbou, unv i-niKimaje, n gentleuiaii, was iriiiiiiriuvti uy. me DJbUOp. - a w k m w-mm. r b u t a v t Attn a a ucm none ever maue. oee Jacob! Ildw. Co. The uiich h Fhe bills are-up, for tne appear- ere next Saturday night of McLean aud Mis Prescott. riiy are to give us Cleopatra. ; I atu Alauufucturers Agent for ing for Murfreesbbro where Ite will hold service this evBoing.. Mrs. Wat- Upn remains here tjut.twJU join; him later. - . . : : ' . . f ivir. w. 2 jacous was on the Mr. streets to-day for the first tlure since his recent Jebgihy and severe sick ness. Everybody was glad to see him. - i I Huns. Ve liave them, bought be fore the passage of the McKiuley bill aud cau givo you the advantage of, our low . purchase. N. Jacobi IIdw.Co. It The wind got around to the South west yesterday afternoon and it was much warmer duwog tho day, but this morning it hung out in the Northeast and it'is cold again. 1 ' ! Wo want Zeb Vanco lu the Senate and the 4Zeb Vance,T stbvo in 'your kitchen. They have been tried and found to be true; therefor ' we re commend them to you. "N. Jacobi Hdw.Co. !. f - t . i . I Mr. 'KllyiflpV. horse ran away again this morning. lie ran down Pi-lncess street to Front and "turned into that f treet and on South Front I street he fell and hurt-himself pretty ! savrrely.. ', . --", , , ; He trimrihe luxuV of doing iiruod."- v,lid het How did he go Housekeepers should have a "Perfection1 meat cutter. It hns the ad vantages of simple construc tion, durability and is easily cleaned No. knives to get out, of order. Sold by the N. Jacobf Hdw. Co. j t If you want your Cliristmas cakes priierly baked send them to Mr. P. Christ, at 100 South Front street, aud you may rest satisfied that they will be cooked properly. Mr. Christ has a!o on hand a full line of good things for Christmas. . There was a. lively, deiuatid for TOod this mornlug. A dealer in the aftlele fold us that one or our citi zens owing1 oa little heedlessness In attending to his - supply or fuel, had none to" burn from yesjferday noon, aud Was in a big hurry j for a load this morning. Vhou!J pre suitie as much I ' - a ! i1;..i..h.ifLrt!hon manager" ttavinj been approached by two trends for a pointer f on cotton, j-olemitly ans"crcl: uWho listen with credulity tn the .whispers of fancy and follow with eagerness, the phantoms of hoic, who expect age will perform the promts of, youth and tha the deficiencies of to-Iay will be 'supplied by- the morrowy buy or sell August; deposit the cog toiuary marginal requisite; select jur chpice,. and- don't give the pointer" away. " j . Popularly called the king of tnedir cines Hood's Sarsaparilia. . U con quers scrofula, salt rheum and all other blood. dishes. . It JTOll nre offered a bottle of 6a! - tliiitMi i ir - 11 1?raRp?r 0Mul y price, yoa tuay be sore thatt,,,sh,y est- t liere is something -wronc it. may : ton died at hU residence here, cor -re f ? or"l,:fs or danfrej - ousoun - "Terieit. Insist unon crettiirr n. nr.r- 'fcctunbrolcn, genuine pack w fn I yellow wrapper ; ' :? rt 1 - - ' , ' .! ' I.--:. - t. :: ; l or isortli trarolma, fair weather 1 ,t? ,,He"or ra,n .u tne coast ana ;Shtiy cooler. M.( I v IocaI forecasts, fromS a. iu. to-day " ...tJi,wii mm vicmuy, lair Wetttter "sl'tly cooler. - Confl-.. ' -.; ; : 'i,ne . farable impression fpro clnced on the flrU appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, a few Tears ago has been more tlrnn continued by the pleas ant experience of all who have used ftni the success of the-proj)rietors and lnanuracturers, the California Fig Syrup Coiujmny. . ! ' Conference Appointment; Fiom a private telegram from j Wihon, received by Mr. W. M. Pois son this afternoon, wfc get the fol lowing appointments: Wilmington District Rev. F. D. Swindell, P. E. Grace Cfureh--Rev. -W.S? Creasy, il D. ' " ... ! Fiffli Street-Rev. "K. C. Beaman. Bladen Street Rev. J. R. Sawyer. The Wilmington delegation will return to-night. , A Narrow Kacape. This morning GeoVge Grant, a lit tle white boy living Jn the-southern part of the city,, while at work in the cotton mi!) gotcaughfc between the elevator and tfie floor as the ele vator was descending and was se verely injured. His head was cut in several places and his arms, aud shoulders were terribly bruised. Had it nbt been for the immediate assist ance of Thomas Farrow, a white boy standing near by, who reversed the elevator, he would have undoubtedly- been crushed to "death. The injured lad was taken to a phy sician who dressed his wounds. ; A Pleasant Time. The attaches of the DAILY. Rk vikw celebrated the' 14th. 'anniver sary of the establishment of. the paper last Saturday " night by par taking of an excellent oyster roust and "fixing at Capt; E. W. Man ning's at Wrightsville. . We noticed a veteran ex-reporter in the party, to whom the day was the 28th j an niversary of the battle of Freder icksburg iwhere he was severely wounded. He seemed to enjoyj the occasion and the oysters hugely, although he took hls'n ravrt instead of roasted. The party was pleasant, the oysters print,' but the weather was cold and "don't yon forge it. Capt. Phil Thomas had charge of the.t rain that transported the "press club" over the road, which is a. suf ficient guarantee that they were in safe, hands. To Capts. Nolan tand Manning re make ouf. blandest' bow for the courtesies so kindly ex tendetl us. 11 . 1. : it ir itr mr n I Grand Fox Chaie. rroJectMl. The Raleigh News and Observer says: "Arrangements are being made for one of the the greatest fox hunts on record in North Carolina The hunt will come oft iu the nex three weeks, aud the hunters : will make their headquarters at Wrights ville. in this State. Packs of hounds from-North Carolina, Virginia ; and Pennsylvania have already entered and others are expected. Foxes are abundant around Wrightsville, , and the country exceptionally fine for the chase. An invitation to lovers of the hunt throughout the country to participate ba been extended, It is not known exactly when this luut will take place but itproiulses now to assume large proportions. There ia talk of ltd being a State af irair, with some packs also from other SUtes. Capt. Manning will prooa bly entertain the clubs and kennel the dogs, correspondence to this ef fect having already passed. The dates have not yet been set but they wlll probably fall in the week after Christmas. . t i . . . : Uncklcn The Best 5aiv Cutsv Bruises, Rheum, Fever dchI Hands, Chilbl Bkin Eruptions, and positively. Piles, or no nav reoaired.- Itiscuar- ' antoed to give perfect Fiitisf action, t ormoney refunded.. Price 25 cents,. nr hoi - . - For tale by wholoa!'anj TStsil drvrrht-! ' i e in tlie world for 1 Trif4 lY'Y; Sores,- Ulcers, Salt j ZiVit SoresV Tetter, Chap- J fei .luio-t s rrfe-t-ttre for. aM iHccri" 1 aius. Corns, and all stomach iv'.- - -. .,'." ; ' 4th f ilr. Alex Johnson.- Mr- Alei Johnson, a -enerableand : ner Sixth and Waluut streets, at 11 JT-A- i it, j : . xi- a 7" ' VT ' - V"-Sj,,efinck j teriaft originally (rorn anaftac'i jof paralysis. ; - ; 4, Mrtni,ncnn -e ' r,nJira f PaiU. woJnty and removed to this city lfroin yetteTilleshortW rafter the sWar, where he has been encaged In j tnejiavnl stores business ever einoe. l,c WM 67 years of age. and ieav ives wife and seven children to mourn their great loss. 1 ; " : ' - 'l Mr.Johnson.was. a good mau; an honorable, i l.igli-tbned, cliivalrous, up-right in an; a gentleman, sampcur et tans, rcfyroche; "and, witha?, an humble, sincere Christian' with a charity as broad as the universe ana a faith as iixed and immutable as t he." everlasting hills." He was - j a member of! St. Andrew's, Church. lTlip fiinprn.1 srvifHM took nlaee this afternoon and the remains were i tenderly laid away to rest in Oakdale there to await the sound of1 the last trump. The pallbearers were Col. JohrtD. Taylor, Mr. J. G. "Wriglit, Capt. T. C. Lewis. Mr. J.-L. Dudle Col. John I. CautweU and Mr. IT. P. Convingt on: Ortlinalion at St. John. . Rev. H.-.A. Duboc, of Southport, 'was Iregularlv ordained yesterday morning at St. John's Chnrch'td tie Priesthood or the Protestant epis copal Church. Rev. Dr. Carniielmel, Rector4of 'the church, preached a very fine, sermon on this occasion, one of '.the best,, it is-thought by many, that he has' ever delivered here.1 It was in relation to the min isterial orders of Jthe church, bishop, priest aid deacou,-definnJg the, du ties of each to the world, to thorns -selves, to! the church and to, each other.". The laying on. of 'hands was by the Bishop, assi sted by Dr. Car micliael and RevMr. Strange,' :of St. Jameh', after wlich the-Holy Comiuunion was celebrated. Thejre was -a large congregation and the service was' beautiful an impress ive in the extreme. Rev. Mr. Duboe has been'resident at Southport for some time past as minister in chargeof St. Philip's church at that. place. He has also'a flourishing school, there. "He has been ; in deacon's . orders I for more than! a year past,. a - service of at leAstone year as deacon being re quired of all candidates before they can be elevated to the priesthood !in t.he Episcopal Church. His wife a charming lady, who has nobly a is d- ed her husband in his labors at Southport and we hear that Mr.ahd Mrs. iDuboc'are greatly beloved by the people of -that town, where by precept, influencejind example they havfi succeeded in accomplishing a great deal of good. ; ; ; Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorh How's Ybur . Is the Oriental ealntation, . . knowing tliat good health .cannot exist .without' a - Healthy Liver.' When iho " Liver is torpiil-the Bow els are sluggiih and con r: etipated, the j food lies in the fetomach nndi . gested, voi soiling the blood; fluent headache i en5iKs a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how tho wholo svstent is d4 janiro!. Simmons Liver "l Ilfgnhitor 1iabeen.' thc: Y menus of restoring m5re ti -; 4xhji1o U) hcalth andl aliejilthy J-ivcr. than any agent V.ii(n onr vvth--CJrJTactA. AVith eitror- dinarj jovit and efficacy.. NtVtn BEEN DiSaFPOINtEO- lie nat iurmt)T cpm ! ixiuijLp. to sc tnat ton rrrt-tn ncanliie, Diiiir--:. -1 fri - 't fra' . r--i tr-iurf-rn lTOurrt.IZTra.le Mark U fffcut 5nirap- r. and on the tide ttxe seal and sanat ore of T EormtUivr catu Liver c u res -y . i ' .'-. j ,j New Enrlneerl os ITlnn. - 11 Attention is invited" to the card of Messrs. Chase & McRee, civil engi neers, in this issuer. The senior partner is the well-known' gentle j meuAvho harresided so many years in our midst in charge of the Water Works and Mr. McRee has been.here for the past twelve months as Resi dent Engineer for the North State Construction Cojaiid Ijouaioi the engineering w?rk -atthe G. F. &; Y. V. depot here. He is a na tive of Wilmington and we are glad to know that he 'is again to reside permanenlv here. These gentle men will give prompt attention to all calls made, upon them.; Appointments for Visitation hr tho . Bisliop of East Carolina. " Dec. 15; Monday, Evening Prayer St, Harnabas. Murrresboro. Dec. 1G; Tuesday, Communion, St. Harnabas, ai urf resboro. i ; Dec-16, Tuesday, Evening Prayer, St. John s, Winston. Dec. 17, Wednesday. Communion, St. John's, Winston. ! ' ; Dec. 18, Thnrsday, Holy Innocents, Avoca, . . . . ! .." .L- . Dec. 21, Sunday, 1th in Advent, Morning, St. LiikeV, .Washington. county. I ' , Dec. 21, Sunday, 4th m Advent, EveningGrace Church, Plymouth . Dec. 23, Tuesdav, Holv -Trinity, Hertford. I " . f-- - : Dee. 24, Wednesday, Evening, St. John the Evangelist, bdentou. Dec. 2., Thursday, Christinas,: St. lJaul s, Edenton. i i Dec. 28, Sunday after Christmas, Morning, St: "Peter's, Gates county. Dec. 28, Suuday after Christinas, evening, St. JVlary s, watesville. Dec. 2.U. Monday, Comnninron, St. Mary's, Gatesville. . i Dec. 3i,Vednesday,Grace Church, WooIville. Jiertie conntw i . Jan. 1. Tinm?dav,St. Mark?s.Roxo bel. :.;... - Jan. 3, Saturday, Morning, St. iuariin!s iiamutpn. - - Jan. 4, Sunday T.. A t !.-..(; ti 1 mi. . i mas, Church; of liaiusfoii. .j Jan. i3, Monday Pitt county. the Advent,. Wil- Morning, Rethel, Johu't, Jan. 8th. Tlufrsday, St; South-Mill. - Jan. 9, Fi iday, St. John's Ne w - gun.- . Jan. 10, Saturd.: ly, yootivi le, Per- quimaiis countv. Jan. 11, Sunday, 1st after! Epiph- any, Christ Church, Elizabe h City Jau. 14, Wednesday, St. David's, Scui)pernong. ! I Jan. Id, Thursday, St. Andrew's CoIumbia.V U .A Jan. 18, Sunday, 2nd after Epiph any, St. Thomas, Windsor. 4 Holy;comm union at all iuornmg services. ; The children catechised Whenever pi acticable. j I ' i - Ihe Vestries will nlease be urenar en to meet tne jiisnop. Offerings to bejfor Diocesan Mis sions, s. -' WELLj' HAIR IIALSA. -------- ....... i - j If gray, gradually restores color: elegant tontc dressmcr. 50e.. $1.00. Druggists, or $1.00 size prepaid by express for $1.00. j K S. Wells, Jer sey Uity. HO UGH UN TOOTH ACHE. Instant reief. 15c.1 - NEW AOVKKTlSEiSlENTJHr . ; t -! : - vail atjp. Ghrilst's, No. 10!) Houtli Front Street, TOR CirRISTMAS CAKE8, BAKED TO order, jcaStDIE8, ORANGES, APPLE 9 and NUTS, all of tue finest,' In lull stok now. dec 15 lw v JOIIN C. CIlASE, JOS. J. 'MCREE.- . City 8uirejorJ CHASE &TJCREE Civil togineefp. Consultations. plans, estimates ;and suecifl- catlons for engineering worts and construo tionsupenmenaea.' i ! -i - umce us princess street. dec la lm mon,wea fti f--"J v Christmas Cards. JOJIE BEACTTFULTIIAX EVER. CUT Glass Cologne Bottles. Uandsome goods. Low prices. Large assortment Fanej Ooods. ; r . . j - MrDSKciTllEKS, dec la tl 104 2. Front ttreet.. Ohrislnms NotesTrora the Library - ' r v j r . f.j. ; J GOOD UOUSEKEEPIXO UA$j RECEIPTS for Christmas bon-bons and candles; tells wMt to bare for: a Christmas i dinner, and what to maJa: for Christmas gifts. Art Ama teur. Interchange Home Journal and ail the children's magazines giTe deslo4) tor mono grams, china painting or fancy worfc. - - -y WILillMiTOX LIBRARY ROOMS. "Oysters at Wrightsville. Vf Y OYSTER HO ufs E AT WRIGHTSVILLE - i - r is now open for the Season. " Ladles and Gen- J tiemea , iccommodated promptly wit a THE BIT-TO iiE HAD. ! ...-.-.:. - .. : , .'"..T'Tf : ArA . ROASTS ready on arrirttL v .-. " .E. W. MASSING tor 13 tf ; Prcrn::cr. NEW AiiVKUTisnsinriT . YOU CAN GET A PAIlt OF r ja, H' gentss s:nns foi: 4.00, Worth SC:00, r:- t)R A PAIR LADIES'' SHOES FOR - $.50, Worth 84.00. A:. C ALL AJD SEE. Geo. R. Wrench &SQiife,- IOS North Front iitreot. - ': :.' -,.:- k 4-.-.. - . : f ? (Opposite The Ortgn V'f dec 1 SLRlYAWnfier; a ; . VALUABLE; UNIMPROVED " BUILbirJCLOTC For Sale1 at Auction. - - , , . : A r-- 'r-- - QX. f HURS0AY jXBXT, 18T1I, INST.. AT lt'o'clock a. ml. Mre-vrtlUKCll at the N. K. cor ner of Front and Wright streets the VAI WABLE U2TMPROTEl PROPERTY as men-. tlo ed below. sitnatrd In - tho lower - and" southeastern part of the eltj n the section where real estate has advanced more rapidly and rommandimr higher prices than In any other portion of the town. " , - - The 1110C& have been sub-dlvlded into Lots . ranging in slzej from S)x75 feet to stsUtt feet. sale posliiveland without xeservatlbn. Title" guaranteed. Terms at sale. Plat of the prop erty to be seen at our oilice. v - 'agonette wnii leave our ofllce, 15 Princess street. "i take those wishing to attend, at 1C: U o'eloct'on t he: morniig ot the Hale,- free of charge. -AH are invited to goj ; - v -' 5 Lots on lllo(ik 31 said block b'lo? between ; Frpnfc and second streets, and Dawson --A- 'tt"! Wrght strwis. . .iv.,w'.' .. AA ; 2 lxt8 on BIock 47--Said block lying between . 1 nird and Fourth streets and Wooster and Dawson streets. . .... - , , 8 Lo ts on Mock 30 said block Ijfng between : sixtitand seventh streets and Dawpon aad Wrjght stn'cts. A . , . . fe 7 IOLs on Ulock .7) said block lying between t sixth and seventh streets and-Wooster ' -.and Damson streets, t : ""SA 3 Los on Block S?-Sald block ljlug between - Eighth and Ninth streetsund Wooster and Dawson streets. :-. , - , - 1 Lot on Dlock&l-Said block lying between ' - Ninth and Tenth streets and Wooster " ; and Dawson etrects. -- .8 Lots on Block 40 said block ljing between , i Tenth and Eleventh streets an J Dawson and Wright streets. 48 Lots on Block 55-Said block Ijlng between Eleventh and Twelfth . streets and" Wooster and Daw son streets.- v - 2Q.lxts on Block 50 Said block lying between i. . i weuia ana Tnirieeni n streets ana -. ; . Wooster and Dawson streets. . . v 13 Lots on Block 45 Said block. Jylng .between , iweum ana 'lnincsntn streets and Dawson and Wright streets.- 16 Lots on Block 523 Said block lying between i uirteemn ana tourceentn streets ana . . i Dawson and Wright streets. , 13 1ts on Block 523-J5a'd block iring between r ouneentn ana nitcentn ntreets ani i)a,vson aad Wrigiu. streets. , dec it t . j. ..r " "....- - A' OUXC; MAN, NOT O VF.R 20 TEARS OF. age, for office work, j Must be a good penman ' atd accurate with figures.--, i r. ; Address mown handwriting ' - J i - A - ltD. K. 3L" ' dec ll 3t thu sat mon At Review Office, r HAIR BRUCHEGb ArtSORTMEN'T OF HAIR A LARGE Brushes at a:xishing prices. We have Just received a large '.lot jol -the celebrated - "IL s. W." English TOOTH BRUSHES-Ta special im portation. John B. t-3an;o, THE PIIAItMACIST,' '"-"- Third Street, Opp; City Uail. Telephone px f . - - not w t f , FOR CHRISTMAS i A' y a, -J ani) .: a, Vv; v"-'-- THE noIilDAYIS ! Apples, ! Leraonp, - As-- .'"'J-Jr:. ftal id, Citron,' . Primes, -lince Sleat, , t Candy, CalreH;' - Jelly, Cisar, Ac. j. '5 Aj ' ly - A OKI AN & VOLliDKS.'1" decJltt ' 4. ." - , " Ohrictmoa Obod: -AT- A. V; ; WATSO M'S CH 1 1; A STO RE, IioriT IlZTHzt Ctrcct. ,

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