1 1 1 FOR PITCHER S n a 3. Cvatoria Tremot Digeatloa, nul overcomes iatulicy, Constijauion, Bear Stomach, Diarrbcrft, end Feveri luiesA Thus tbo.cLIl J it rendered healthy and it? Bleep sAtnraL CaatorLa contains no Morphine or other narcotic iroirty. - Cxxtori U o well aulaptd to chilJfrn that I rvcommraJ It as suprioc to any prescription known to n" , M. A. A ca aa, 31. I.. 65 Portland Ate-, Brooklyn, . . J xtaa OMtorla la "my practice, anl Cn.l it dccIaUt adapted to affections cf cbillrea." 1C67 Sd Are- New York. Trs Ocrrirm Ox, 77 Murray St., H. Y. n n uu la an invaluable remedy for SICK HEADACHE, TORPID LIVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, MALARIA, COSTIVEHESS, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. Sold Everywhere POMONA HILL NUKSERIES ' POMONA. N. C, Two'iad naif Miles West ot Greens Doro. N. C o mnaculn llneof thoK. D. K. K. passt tLmrt tue jrroun-ls witiln li o ft o f ttmofflce. scm trains mattstopsireuur twica ctaiiy eci way. Tnose lRierfsttvi in I?uu aS rrult Growing are cordially l nutcd JotMpectthls. the Largest Nursery in the sute. and one ot the largest In the sout a. tocJc consists of Apples. I-each. rear, enprrr. nam, Japanese lerslmmons, Apn- rUnt. tnZUSn rnuaui, .-vu3. v. ...-- strAwlrrTcs K06C9. LTnrrecns. hhatlc 1 nts, AAuS?newrarrletlcsa well as the oldoneA. which my new catalogue for Isn WcltTe your orders to my authorUcd a,tnt or ' lor'ie free to applicants. Address J. VAN LINDLEY. rOilOXA, Guilford CO., N. C tr KeU&hia Salesman wanted la cmr County. A good pajlnff commtaRlou will te TIMK TAUL12 NO. 3 Palmetto Railroad i- O N AiiD AVTKR FK1UAY, DEC. tB, 1 Trains wUl ran as tcuows. dsliy eK-p- "Ji.- diy. GOtKO SOUTH No l-rassenyer and Freight Leare Ilimiet, N. C... y' 5 ArrtTe at Cbcraw, S. C UOIKO N0KTO. Ho. t-lrasscnffer and Freight; tear Cheraw. S. C - J- Arrtre at UamW. N. C ....&r 1 ac v tf wm.m tS'U KE. S'lp-T The North Carolina Presbyterian .13 A Religious Family Paper, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, And deroted to the intellectual, moral and spiritual interests of the people. St numbers amon? Its corn-spon.iiU avny of the Ttry fccat writers of the wit hern I ns. byteAIaChurrh It U iaorouph4y orthodox on question of doctrine, but Inn- a ado nj spokea to us Hews on ail op-'B V aGowa and lnTiies tree dtscusuoa wtmin thf bounds of courtesy. , In popularity the iKarri!UiN U cou stantly adTancin?. It U Tho Paper for the Pirwl-. and presents In tu columns matter to ''f1 and instruct all a$s. classes and conditions of the people . ITte per annum, t Cr or tor one Jr t Editor nn rroprletor, Wllmln-ton. N. O AUESTS ""ASTEUl' TO CANVASS FOK if Direr Js if 1 1 ipl mil ia ht non. Samuel &. C'Sanaet-) Cs. late U. s. Minister to.Turkej. A mtrnlflceat TOlume of over tkX) pasts beautifully and profusely lllurter M a. cox'a Lar xt ax a sr rroBT. facts-as D TTTS. nTSTOaT AND BCMOa. Tha work sparkles with the bright en wit. It contains nuaverous amusing AtrrhA. but .It alao iruesa ttr. enactse, a 1 laterwtlni: c nf JfthYotomn Empire, f rota Ita foun Utloaioihepreaentday. TfcU l-i rui haw Urct aue. and ue aaenta aouU secure terrlto.T oniT tboroJXhly rctiabic x,r-. wl" wwl thrrToVy -tor ah it 1 wU.,- htc irVwho wUl promise eameat wort will be accepce-l. - : 1 ' ' ' ' General Aut tor North CaroUna "if! ? n . lm.tJo0serrlc5. C mar e . lie Tlio Dally RQTriow.l Editor & Prop'r - ' Josil. T. Jamks, WILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY. DEC. 27. 1SS0. Entered aTtba Poswmce at wilrainN.a. . . as sewndclas. ?M,y: TITT table and kindly deed have endear rd her to all the peopfe in Lisbon, t i.tl r, .... rirl wa once an iiiiiu.r llido I larmier iv iiniut-. ........ , . 4. n in HI rs A., niitlil tion to become a singer impelled her toco to Europe to study, and tot ,anr y-r. , - - - . wife of Prince Pel diuand. rame xne wiie in i rmv of Portugal. On Id death, ix or ; MM-,,mMn he left her a for- ral. On Uis tie rs ar, he left tune of e-J.00O,O0J f ratio. T almost ine entire income from hich Mie nai entire income from h .ince spent in charities. Anew fafthion has been intro ducel iti Paris by n jrreat Huiati j Princess whose patriotism is nJ s trreatas her wealth, and probaMr j s ...Sill before lon the hauie munon ';jonu HunyanV immortal allegory find Us way to England and America di;iljaveil Ilone 0f tlie .Inxterity with It i,. the Rii.iati Iac- hithert ued wl,ijh Senator Sherman can smil-..n- l.v- ltis!.in. atid practical! v , ... siile of a financial unknown outride the Empire of tlie: . e .. t:.. .... Czars U Ik made ot tn- iiu-m imeu . thr.l. and 1 tun omy re.u t r 1. Si. ..ItpiI I'nlnrs. If is se- dotu seen in white, but in the rich ecru of the anbleached tlax mixed with a pale or a deep blue or a vivid red, the colors favored by the Rus sian people: . It is nearly twenty years miico John W. Keely announced to the world that he had discovered a new force which was destined to revolu tionizc the whole system of locomo tion. The inventor is now 51 ears old, and it seems probable that his M-cret. whatever its value, will die with him. The original capital or the company formed to develop the discovery washulf a million dollar, and after this had become exhaust ed Mrs. Bloomfield Moore supplied the inventor with funds to proceed. Now fehe proposes to retire from the concern and its finances will suffer accordingly. - Margaret Manton, writing of a visit to the United States Senate chamber, says of Senator Ingalls: it is a joy to nee him come in. His tine, dark face is always Piucoth as n woman's his silvery hair and white moustac-.be a. e carefully brush ed; hi? bhu-k slnteHiiaiiV coat is buttoned up ami lit perfectly. At his neck is just a tint of scarlet ueck tie, and at his wrist a hue of linen that is ul ways snowy, uiid he sits like a statesman, too, erect and alert; whether he reads, writes or listens, you feel that he is there and that he is alive and awake," I)r N II. Leonard, editor of the Port Wayne (Ind.) Gazette, a lead ini Republican paper, was among those, interviewed by the Chicago Time, in regard to Presidential pref erences and prospects. He says he thinks it doubtful whether uny Re publican except Judge (iresham can carrv Indiana in 1802. He is em phatic in the opinion that President Harrison cannot carry his own State again. Perotinlly Dr. Leonard is a great admirer of Secretary Blaiue, and considers him "tlie greatest American statesman of the tlms," but for all that he does not think that Mr. lllaine could be electedif Indiana's vole be necessary for that rts'ilt. The shaft to commemorate the landing of Leonard Calvert on tSe oil of Maryland, for which the L-gMatute of that SUte aTpropri atcd.SJ.r'O la-t summer, will stand on a small Kind! near.the old wharf at St. Mary'- City. The mulberry tree under which, according to the legeud. Calvert and his companions gatherc.1 was standing on this knell uiiti! a lew y.-; ago. .The tree Ml IT-red mh frotti reli- hinders that the inhabitants of Mary's cut it down an I placed Sr. the trunk in Hie char. h. The shaft i of Vermont granite, standing twe:. t !. veil b it alcove a brick founda tlou. It .lli b'r two mei!a'!ioi;s, carrying the joat of arms of Mary Und, aud thechirf inscription reads; lu tuemory of Leonard Calvert, first tlovernor of Maryland, this monument i erectt d by the State of Maryland." Life I Ml wry To thousands of people who have the taint of scrofula in their blood. The agonies censed by the dreadful running sores and other manifesta tions ot this disease are beyond de scription. There is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for scrofula, sal rheum and every form of blood dlMa. It is reasonably Mire to benefit all 'who give it a fair trial. Be sure to get II ootP. . Good society frowns on starch as it does on perfume. Whv HI yuPsnffer from Indi- E-:i m ami uysjiepnn o.mmou lvr Rfmilator is plensiiut ami . . . -' l cure.- ' cu Children Cry for. RtAsr's CslorU1 Tin Hon." John Sherman Is char "actrriziHi by the Philadelphia . Re- cord hs one of those opportunist statsniAn who floAt alorur .wjth any 'rnQfncarrent of popular opinion on questions of currency. In sup- o,rt of this characterization the R..COrtl say: "While opposed "In principle to -the issue of more Rreenhaek,, he hn lntro,lnce.r a bill to make ree.d.nck. the only paper- currency or tii 1 . i Tlinn.rlt hnttilt tO freft MlVlff COIO, ..v. - . - -t o.,.. 1it !iPlieve.4 tliai in ine ur.n : , future free silver coinage can i - ti be iutrchlucd With entire T'iu our opportunist ; ; , ;conciI, - . , 4n conHielm- theory and practice. An advocate of the national banks, be i. ...rviil.l i r VP favors aiu'Ti- mw - their nores ... w rA . " j opponent or prreenoacKh, ur P' 1 poses to make them the only paper .nrrPMrv. Onnosinalfree silver coin- ai,e je JijcouroKe itn advocates by lir(i,iictinjr its success in ttieoiear f ture Wr Facin-Both-Ways in 11. . nestion (,Yery time that it 1 may preSt,llt jrelf." I Koiuarkable Kescuft. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plaintield, III., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; phe was treated for a month bv her family physician, but grew worse. He told her shewas a. hope less victim of consumption and' that no medicine could! cure her. Her dr!i""it suggested Dr. King s evv Discoverv for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from hist dose. She continued its use and af ter taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this (yreat Discoverv at R. R. Bellamy" Whole sale and' Retail Drug Store, large bottles COc. and $1.00. . . . All the newest dresses have one flounce around the hem.' No one ever tried Simmons Liver Regulator without I bemg satisfied with its effect. ; LADIKS Needing atonic, or children who want build intr up, Rhould take BROWN'S IKON UITTEItS. It Is pleasant to take, cures Malaria. Indl feftioa, Biliousness aud liver Complain ta. Apiolntinents for VUitatl.m by the Itlsliop or i:ast Carolina. Dec. 23, Sundav after Christmas, Morning, .St. Peter's, Gates county. lVc. 23, Sunday after Christmas, Evening, St. Mary's. Oatesville. Dec. 20, Monday, Communion, Sr. Mary's, Gates ville. ; Dec. 81.Wcdneday,Grace Church, Woodvilte. Hertie county. Jan. 1, Thnrslay,St. Mark's Roxo Jan. u, Saturday, Morning, bt. Martin's, Hamilton. ' Jan. 4, Sunday, 2nd after Christ-ma-, C'uurch of the Advent, Wil- iamstou. . 7 ii 1 Jan. 5, Monday, Morning, Bethel, Pitt county. Jan. Sth, Thursday, St. John s, South Mills. ! xr Jan. 9, Fiiday, St. John's Newbe- K"bin. 10, Saturday, Woodville, Per quimans county. . Jan. 11, Sunday, 1st after Lpiph any, Christ Church, Elizabeth- City. Jan. 11, Weduesdaj', St. David s, Scuppernong. Jan. 15, Thursday, St. Andrew's (yoluiubia. ., . , Jan. 18. Sunday. 2ml ufier hpiph anv, St. Thomas, Whidsor Holy Communion at all morning services. Thevhildreii catechised whenever pacticable. The Vestries will please be prenars m! to meet the ttishop. OiTering.- tt be for Dioeesau Mis sions. s. .0 yr, Bsr? -- li a cor.-iii: 1U1 tll.-j- -. . -.p'lt'aM vtn"!y .vor'r.ii:-: il,: w.i -: :u uot a local disease. - ii i-:i;i:i'jt Lo cured by local it jcuires a constitutional ! in-.ui'i :4Hrs.-iparIIla. which, .ti.i Hie MohI, eradicates the ! o:-'.:-:es and proir.otcs tha cic's n j rvrmaiient cure. pt-!.p:-. Si(iry tr lli success r-.::;:rH::i . rcriJjr for f IJfif.fi- ??.tarr!i v.iicii uihc't i:ivjaju.ious had failed. i s sny I ha bcea troubled for sey r v Hi ;t ti-rriWy tlisagreeablo t:.t;:i'i.i. 11 hkc Hood's Sarsapa- i:i 5 I'.; w rv lcs : csuIU. It cured me of tU:it Jfupj-irj ja xny throat, and stu.T. J ii. :ov.iig. It J:ns .';Isq hc-Jped njy n'..tl!vrf v. !;o !iju U!;c:i it forrua down stats f he iUJi :md Md i. y trouble." Mas. S. D. Heath. PuU.atii. Conn. "I Lave ue.l Iloovl'i Sarsaparilla for ca tarrh wlih vtry suttfactory result. I hare received laore encanc!il bcuefit from it than -from any otter remedy I Lave ever tried." M. E. Kead, cf "A. Kead & Son, Wauseon, O. fUbriUdxCTlta. ft :Lz for fi. Prepared only If Q.U HOOD A COApoUMcazto Lowell, Maa. IOO Doses Ono Dollar mrr-rc, ni D"riTj is I'RINTKD with X O-lrS X A i UD tiucmajmfactnredby r.iHfflit PnnHnff Int Work "'"-'T"rru:nT. 0 k u & 'W t?s iki 5a a s w m u) 1 apamla , T. K. WRUitiT ACu, Snpertar Cim.rt. f Wat nprjm . Jftrotloa-ISTO. . JUDGES. namk. district, residkncts. w Brown. " 1 Bean fort. Fred. Phillips H G. Connor, 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 10 11 12. Edgecombe. Wilson. Wake. (Juilford. Sampson. C nmberlaud. Cabarrus. Snrry. I n A Gmer' g T. Bovkin. . Jf Monmy, John G. Bynniu, TPn, If Ol,!nn Mecklenbnrg Buncombe. - . r j- tl. Juerniuv, SOLICITORS. - DISTRICT. RKSIDKITCK. NAMK. , 'John W.' Blount, 1 Perquimans. Halifax. Martin. Wake. Durham. Duplin. Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham. CaldwelL . H. While, (co.), 2 i). wortmngTou, , T M o ? gtrayhorn, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 r If Alton w. " ' (n j B. F. Lone:, ;Thos. Settle, j w H Bo . er F. L, Osborne, Mecklenburg J. M. Moody, Buncombe. TIMK OF HOIiDING COUKT. FIRST JUDICIAI DISTRICT. Snrine Judge Whitaker. spring o 0 FallJudge Connor. Beaufort tPeb. 17, May 26, Nov. 24 - Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. "Camden March 10 Sept. 8. . Pa-quotank March 1, eP"Ae--1 Perquimans March 24. Sept. xa, Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. ! Gates April 7, Oct. 6. Hertford April 17, Oct. 13. Washington April 21, Oct. 20 Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Dare May 5, Nov. 3. Hyde Mav 12, Nov. 10. Pamlico May 197NOV. 17. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Snrin"" J udge Woinack. oprin,, 0Fttiijudge Whitaker. UoKf are. h S.MaV 12. NoV.10. Northampton tJ an. 20, March 31, AJr$lL Aorll 28. Oct. 27 Craveu-tFeb. 10, May 26, Nov. 24. Warren March 17, bept. 10. Edgecombe April 14, Oct. 13. THtRD JUDICIAL. DISTRICT. w,.i"tTT?Tiif1rrft Bovkin. . " " Fall -Judge Womack. Pitt-Jan. 6. March 17, Jun 9, Franklin Jan. 20,April 14,No.10. Wilson tFeb. 3, June 2, Oct. 27..... Vance Feb. 17, May 19, Oct. 13. Martin March 3, Sept. 1, JDec.l. Greene "March 31, Sept. 29. Nash April 28, Nov. 17. FOURTH JUDICtAI. DISTRICT. Spring Judge MacRae. . -Fall Judge Boykm. Wake Man. 6, tFeb. 24, March 24, tApril 21, July9, tAug. 27,epr OO Or.. 2rt Wavne-Jan. 20, March 10, April 14. Sept. 8, Oct. 13. - ' Harnett Feb. 3, Aug. 4, Nov.- 24. Johnston Feb. 10, Aug. 11, Nov. 10. FIFTH JUDICIA1 DISTRICT. Spring Judge Armfield. - Fall Judge MacRae. Durham Jan. 13, March 24, June 2, Oct. 13. . ., rt . Granville Jan. 27, April 21, July 21 Nov 24. i Chatham Feb. 12, May 5,Sept. 29. Guilford Feb. 17, May 26, Aug. 15, Dec. 8. rt Alamance March 3, May 19, Oct. 27. Grange March 17, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. Caswell April 14, Aug. 14,Nov,10. Person April 14, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. , Spring- JndgeUraves. Fall Judge Armfield. Pender March 10, Sept. 8. New Hanover fJan. 20, tApril 13, tSept. 22. Lenoir Feb. 3, Ausr. 10, Nov. 10. Duplin Feb. 10, Au?.4, Nov. 24. Sainpson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct. C, Dec. 8. Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. Jones-March 24, Oct. 27. Onslow March 31. Nov. 3. . SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spri ng JudgeJBynum. I Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13, March 31, July 28. I ' Anson Jan. C, tApril 28, Sept. 1, tNov. 24. I , , Cumberland -Jan. 20, tMay 5, July 21. Nov. 10. ! ' Robeson-Jan. 17,May 19,Sept.29 Richmond Feb. V, June 2, Sept3 15, Dec. 1. Hladen-Marchl7, Oct. 30. Moore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 27 KIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp. Fall Judge Bynum. (Jabarrus JJan.7. April 28. Iredell Feb. 3, May 29, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. " i Ilo an Feb. 17, May 5, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. 1. - DavMson-March 3,Sept. l,tDec.l . Ilanlolph March 17, Sept, 15. Montgomery March 31, Sept, 39. Stanly April 7, Oct. 13. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. ; Fall Judge Shipp. Rockingham Jan, 20, July ,21, Nov. 3. i Forsvth Feb. 3, May 19, Oct. 20. Yadkin Feb, 17, Sept. 22. s Wilkes March 3, Sept. 8. Allejrhanv March 17, Sept. 1.. Tavie March 31, Oct. 6. -'tokee April 14,. Aug. 4, Nov. 10 Snrry April 21. Aug. 19, Nov. 17 TKNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. ....... I Fall Judge Merrimon. Henderson Feb. 10, Joly 13. Burke -Jarch 3, Aug. 4. Caldwell March 17, 8ept.l. ' Ashe March 24, May 26, Ang. 18. Watauga April 7, Aug. 25. . Mitchell April 14, Sept. 8. Yancey April 28. Sept. 22.' ' McDowell May 12,' Oct. 6. . BLXVBNTH JUDICIAI DISTKXCT. , Spring Judge Phillips. " - t - ran jaore iirown. C.tawba Jan -13. Jalj 13 .; c : ; . j t . ivi r i r v Union Feb. 10, tFeb. 17 Sept- AlHaWlKr JWt..lrJUljrfcJi- - f gn, Oct. 6. - Lincoln-March 31, Kept, ffts; Clevelandpril 7.4t. 20. Rutherford April 21, Oct. 27. r . Polk- May 5, Nov. 10. i', - TWKLFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring-Jrgennor. Madison-Feb. .24, July 28. jei ox,it. Buncombe tMarch l0t ,tAng. II. tDec I.- .,i,--r-:-"V-i'YsI-r-- Tm nsvlvnnia ai arc n o a, ae y 1 . -r Haywood April 7, Sept. 8. Jackson April 23, Sept. 22. Macon May 5, Sept. 29. riiav May 12. Oct. 8. : ; ; Cherokee-M ay 19. PctS Graham" June 2, tJcr. . : - Svain June 9th, Nov. 3. For criminal cases. M-: rr o t For civil case alone. - t For civil case alone except jail cases. . . - : i - CRIMQTAIt CIRCUIT UOUlVKX iQSxr HANroVRR'COUNTT. Oli ver P.' Meares, W ilmington, Judge. Benj. R. Moore, wiiiuiiikiuiiuiiu- Court begins Jan 6. March 17, May 19, July 13, Sept. 15, Nov 17. s MKCKWCNBURG COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares. Judge. Geo. E. Wilson Chanotte, Solicitor, f Court begins Feb. 10, 'April 14, Aug. 11, Oct. 6, Dec 1, ; t j r BUNCOMBE COUSTY. Phn A. Moore. Asheville, Judge. tor. IE. D. Carter, Ashe ville, Solicitor. i Court begins Jan. 27, April o,iuiy 21 Oct. 27. ' ! ' ' ' t ' ' " I Suprj?meCoiirt mtets first Monday in Februarv. Examinations on F ri day and Saturday beforp. f lfirst District. Feb...3; Secoud . Dustrtct, Feb. -10; Third District Feb. 17; Fourth District; Feb. 24; Fifth. Dis trict, March 3; Sixth District, March i0; Seventh - District: TMarch. 17; Eighth District,' March 24; N 'nth District, March 31; Tenth Disttict, April 7; Twelfth District, April 14; Eleventh District, April 21. Y I Last Mondav in September. - Ex aminations Friday and Saturday be fore. First District. Sept. 29; See ond District, Oct: C; Third District, Oct. 13; Fourth District; Oct. 20th; Fifth District, Oct. 27; Sixth Dis trict, Nov. 3; Seventh Districts o v. 10; Eighth District, Nov. -17; Ninth District, Nov. 24; Tenth District, Dec. 1; Twelfth District, Dec. 8; Eleventh District, Dec. 15. Scribner's " Magazine TOK THB COMING; YE Alt WILL BE SOT1?- worthy for a aumber of special features which the Publishers believe are of very un usual Interest, and among thm the following may be mentioned: 1 - SIR EDWIN ARNOLD contributes to the December number the flret of a series or tour Am ieBupun aiau, u people, Its ways, and its thoughts. Mr. Kob ert Blum, who was commissioned to go to Japan for Scribner's Mejrazln , has preoared a very remarkable series of drawings to Illus trate sir Edwin's papers. Articles upon the recent Japanese Festival will foliovv, illus trated by Mr. Blum, j : HENRY M. STANLEY has prepared for the January number.'an 1m- portan article upon -The pigmies pttne li rput a r Hran Forests" Another cont rtbutlon lu this Held will be Mr. J.. Scott, Keitle's ac count of he recent African ExhlblUon held In London. Both papers wiu De ampiy illustra ted. - ; j : : I-:' . . THE WRECKER, a serial Novel by liobert Louln Stevenson and l.lovd Osbourne, will run 'hrougb a large part of the year. Illustrated by Hole. A two-part story by Frank R. s ocaton will also appear. PROF: JAMESf; BRYCE, M. .thni- nf ihA American uommonweaitn." will write a series of i-our 4 1 tides upon In dia, embodying the results of his recent Jour- Iiey anq Sluaics on tiua ituiu i aoiwituums interest. . ' ' i . " ' OCEAN STEAMSHIPS wiiV tl ih snippet of an important series . - -t - - somewhat upon tne unes 01 iuc tuwcsoiui Kaim ad Articles. -PasseDger 1 ravel," "The Life of Officers and Men," "Speed and Safety ipviers."' and "Management, " are some of ..... . . ., 1 , the subjects tou -hed Upoh and Illustrated. GREAT STREETS OF THE WORLD is the title of a hovel collection of articles on which the authcr and artist will collaborate to give the characteristics ot famous thor oughfares. The flrs on Broadway, will be written by Klchard IIad!ng Davis, and Illus trated by Arthur a. jrrosr. utnero wiuluiiutt cn Piccadilly. London: Boulevard ; Parts; The Corso, Rome. ; i i The price Of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE ad mits of adding a subscription to one's other reading at very smau cost, uruera buuum w sent at jonce. . - j - - . 83 a yar ; 85 cent a nuraberi" 1 - . i j ' - A. ' Charles Scribner's Sons; - PUBLISHERS, 743-745 Broadway, New York. S3000: , A. YEA II I I undertake to trfeflf I teach aujr fairly ititrllipent person of I eitbar ki. bo caa read and wrile. land .who, after infraction, will work ' indnsfrionslr. bow to earn Tkraa Tbawaad Dollars a K ear in tbetr own locallites, wbcterer tbf v lire.I will also famiafc tb aitoatioa or employment, at which yon can earn that amount. - Ko money for aae unless msccMfa! abore. Easily and qoickl? learned. 1 deslra bnl qu$ worker front each district of county. I bar already who are making over SSOO nyear each. It's Ik J3V and HOL.1I. PaflMtrtienUra I'll! E. Addresa at oner. 1IX 44, irttSTa, UUK. dec 8 ly DW - FOR . HORSES AND CARRIAGES AND VEfll- clea of all kinds, with and without drivers. -norses for ladles to ride, or drive, perfectly safe. Horses lodged and cared for by, the day. week or month. . - j : "A few1 good ; SECOND-HAND VXCICLES for sale. - " j R. C ORRELL. . nor 10tf cor. Third and Princess S? s ;! C WT aVw aft TT 1 i V A i - V ' aeralaadL . wU3 LiillX ! -'ii rS"rt3caei8ef LatryaEdniaJ, X2et M f f'f lrerCT3Exeeia Cider Yrca s tr.. ' u,n 0if-,.$rAMtHiOBf i Hfii:iM bull T SiiTHiSIhatltt to t u; t ..- Hmo4 arH tcnaArKw. WHtetaa, w-i --. -n . t) j 1891.; llarpflr'g Magazine. .'-(fx -ILLUSTRATED. The Important eeripa r r. ! . America, tr tmodom ChuSS,,0 ilnued in Harmb Maeauvi eL1 greater part of ts year 1891. ThffSft ' Wakkkb. will . also be iM.S I 1tiUt othrnoU3worthy attractions wmii mo by CHaai.ES Egbert Craddocx- ftVf.A tum original drawings by w1JcS"oS pubhshed for the flret ne; a iovM AJL' and lllostrated by Uzvnci DJxf Tin noTClette by wWam Dkax uVw; series or papers on London by w'tfii aM AST. -l'"- .. . tu. In the-Jiumber and variety of Ulustr.M ! pers and other articles on subjeaiw P- 1 hjteresT.nsweUas In the xuuiTaiiM ' ter of lis Bhort stories, poems eta f brc Maaazrxx will continue tamainufn Hi1 card of exceUence tor which ltwSi"" long distinguished. 108 8o HARPERS' PERIODICALS j -5r'."R -YKAR j . I ' ; ; HARPER SMAQAZINfi... ... HARPER'S WEEKLY..;..... .j, HAHPEltS BA ZAH ....... .. . . . j 4 ... lac HARPER'S YOCNU PEOPLE .1 I ' f :;i- ?!,:-v:,, ' lxiage pre to ail subscriber in VlU;t ssates, Canada, or Hexlco. The volume's of the Matrazinp Numbers for June and December ottulfr Wheaiio time 13 epedned. auhrimTi:" oegln with the Number curreiat Umfoi celpt of order. , - , w three years back, in neat cloth Una&eivl sent by mall, post-paid, on receiprofc m per volume. Cloth Cases for blndlie m FJz Jnno ion - Kemltrancea i-bould be made by Posuur Monev order or Urait, to avoid chaneotffif -, fievspaper are not to topy this admtUti merit tcUhout the eipreu order- of limn Bros. - , f J1A U & BKOTBEKS, NeW Tort. THE LEADING OP SOUTH CAKcLINA Isi h ks 1 U?, Price $10, Per Annum, MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS. 1tHE MOS.T CHAbTB AND PUREST SUNDAY PAPER. IN SOUTH CAROLINA IS The Sunday News. Price, with Dally, 111 per yean alone, crer year; six months, tl: single copy, 6ctt;maikd to any address ' r EVERY ONE'S PAfEU, I TUB WEEKLY -NEWS AND COUIUE price, $1 per year; six months, 50 ctt; m copy, 6 cts; mailed to any address) menu ADVERTISERS Cah learn the exact cost of any prbposjd line i of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P.s Eowell & C3, Nev paper Advertising DuM lO Spruce St., New York.. Send lOcts. toe lOO-P0 Patm school Misses Burnt James TITISSES BURR ANP JAMES WIU open their schobl for Yopng Ladies, aBdctfl- drcn of both sexes, 1 On Thursday, Oct 2d The course of studyr as heretofore. ;irlfl aystemaUc &nq thoroogh. indiridaallB5' Uon bestowed upon each pupil: these ful attention given In training tne alo as thoe of bright mteUect. j- q$$ Class Hf glng. B reeand Drawins. thenlcs and Needle wnrtc free ofcDar., Musical Department, under tpe ""i, a dence of Mr-. M. K aHw aA music either within orjwithout crjrf will be accommodated with V Instruction t hat will not mtenere tons or hours of study. Every care Uon is Riven to the bot v For fnrthpr mrclculars Pl? North Third street and eee lTim I GAS m . I a r m I I V il ill J We have just added, i rerj pense, a four-horse power w V ditiyr to run our fire Pvm- "Bie and makes our presses hum. u & It ; no trouble to show anyone call at our office. We i(SAb&Vs' abreast of the nTnd our w U the largest In the city, Dfrfc if bard work, prmnptntf, harf cash ckn keep o. Kepectfully, f JACKSON rflje Leading Printers, RuJernd index to liarper Magazine, AlphabetlcaL Analytical and ciasstpeS, for Volumes 1 'nciuaive. irom .nine. isriO. r Daily Paper in .t m in a I'i i. u rm at n a i !- tr.ia carer. . - . - laa

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