....... - I . " - r LU.1J it 11.1 ! , ! ' ! - V trL lIuMtl. jJJ( MllRmmmmm4&'9BJmfmlmmmmmmwMM ,. ..... " jm ..'..v,. - - . ,. .... ... - , . - j i j. ' - -- T- SHI- if- '''"' 'l1-;.--"-- " ' n J "' - -'t-. '" """"""" " ' " "' ""' -:!. n-wr 'Ji Hi " I'WW I-"' ''ri'l'iaMl.iariiiiii.i.uaiiii;' ... . , 7 "r- plxasj noticj. " '. wp wm m cua to rec&Tfl eosuauisacx rom oar m&&ai d azj. ana jj escjreta o cenerai interest, x:t . TlloiuuaM wtna writair mttnaiirayt t3 fcy nl8nedtotHa2itor Coxamosieauona most be witttea ca cal " one sue ox U paper. " ' Personalities mnst tie avoueeo, . , And It u especially ano particularly z&ezt tood tnat tor Editor coes rot alvaya enoortt tne views or oorresponaettB anless so ttate ltx tie editorial noinmca. . . - this rArzn IiKibysuUNJ.eTcry aiurnoon, except BonUy. v By josn. T. James. J&ator and Prop. : suitscRirnoNs. fostacix paid" oaa year. u.0 ; six mcmuu sua Ttiw montL, f Li b. uu montn. X cent. The papswiu be delivered toy camera, free of ciaire. to any part of the aty.at the above raxes, or 10 cents per wee In it AdirrU&lni; nxct low and tlocraL ' iF!ia59i3itm will please teport any and VOL. XVIII. TOM.INGTON, O-THURSDAY, MAY 24, f894. "SaW I ri mmmm NO, 139. tu faJlmiioroe!e their paper regxilarij. p . r .... . - aAWA 1VDIX TO NlW AbVBXTISXMIHTa tiiixtitioiB-Bicrcle WCH viva M Inerat Water. t? A 3d WiDDiixsaie of Heal EStata ! Small ipool wjrt till izep. i to tt' hml nt JircobiV. 5 Dr- sE. Porfer, of Rocky Point. waa In the city to-day. Thre waa .53 of au Inch of (an Here vesterdav ff.rr. ...i ... ' ai. e o clock this mornmir rtiith regietered (J the ujometer here the wind 8 miles an Hour, nortli west. here The ojaximniu teimera for tlif 24 hours enlinjrat iiini t '.im morning wis 70 ati l 4. 1 mum (UP, a rnnsre of 1G i t ram Od. for i-enecc nenlfii Irr rer Re,zatatn cures tj will ;ive you a - reditu. i in. re ! .Ur.-Wivj iMur of ilia SphJ wit! 8xnop0rthe TVettaer. v The following is a synopsis of thof) weatner ror the 24 hours ending at eiht o'clock to?day, prepared by th U, 8. Weather Bureau:- "r Tiie.sronu iu the southwest has apparently moved very rapidly to the northeast, joininar with the low from the north, the combined stur... - - i) ii-iii Liiia ii nrn ni tr .v . - f wi tilt) . ;xwre and Southern Nur i,tt f jr. W V - W ''atfv Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest S. Gov't Report n o nimf6j " '".f. ,y":,,-v T coa-it.1 a "is leaves the pressure rel . i 4. ' ....... ' .-r- low east of the Ilrinpicomfvtfl and improvement and lend to. no ronal enjoyment whet rightly usrJ. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with exrnuuure, oy more promptly a-bptinr the world's bctt product tc the need of tliv.Hiral beifi. will tti the value U health of the pure. liquid laxative principle embraced in" th remetiy, Syrup of Fig : lt.i excellence i due to its presenting In the form most arcentable aud tW ant to the Utc, tlie refmJiing and truly dence, R. I., in here now for a few ocwuciai prof wues ci n jierlect lax-1 days. ative : ctlocttiallv r!niiHin tli trlm I - . " . - T O , . uipellinr GoUbO headacleji ami fevert I crop are In the crass" is the new ieate on life. 1 - : - . ( ........ You can ; protect your hands by uiinsr asbestos Iron holders. Sold by the N. Jacob! Udw. Co. t lit Brass canary cace wiUisand tray are neat and convenient. Parror and uiock'ng bird cages at Ja cobiVi j T Mr. Harrv ooard Alr.UoH, "O-.r.:. PrIJk. what th usea to wan, but lio ti6V h,g headquarters In R tleih was here yesterday. Misslssinni 'r,i,- . . .. . . r lowly increasing barometer to Tu TT r"4" stward. Gondii ! ?J Following w the addrs X MJ f-a- ,f T ti.i.t. t-. j mm m mm Bl I rV liaBI I Ilk. Let everybody and his wl children ko ro tlie Fete C4 at the W. lt. I Anuoryto nl mjuw inereuy their apprecf our trnll .nt Koldier boyn. Webb, who Is now trailing for an oil house in Prnvi. and icrmanently curing constipation. I cry orjthe fa It haj riven rat m fact ion to millions ancl bat few of th .r n.u. luu j.pruvai oi uic metircaji Into the city. Woild'ff Columbian Kxpuaition i ! iu oe or value to the wortl iMiiMrHiuii.' i ne improveiuentit rn t ; mechanical arts and eminent, ph cians will tell you that the prog'r In medicinal asrents has been V M m 1 eranu me lower UtVmfiinni vai j Rain tell pretty ereoerallv lirouirhoiit tho heaviest in the Atlanti a Anil SnnMi. em States. The temneiatnr : hQ fa Hen: slightly In New England and in this imndiate vicinity, with only flight, changes in other sectiom. 1,19 weainer in tho cotton belt re mains moderately cool with conions showers In all distriwts. it a1 iorvbf Climatic Influence on Ileahli. Itcannotlbe dVniari tua 1... . i n m v.. i IIUU lilt. Iliw lluenoe of climatn m.nn hnaifk of Ut: ret iriug presideut of the, Iadie. Memoriat-iAsoah.r.lrtri presented at the annual meeting on Tusday afternoon: " Twenty-eight years have now elaps ed since the organization of the La dies' Memorial A XRnr.il t inn Many changes- have necessarily occurred fu that time, the most uo- iicaoie oeing the removal. by- death of some of the members of the Asso. ciation, aud other true friends an J warmest supporters of the "Lost vairse. j lieys. Liter and iliowels without weak Quietly, nnlcklv. Dleasantlv tmng them and It U jierfectly free froa neau's Bed Bug "Interceptic " a every objectionable substance. tlve preventive and cure. 20 ci Synipof I its n for sale by all drug ,,mn . . UCi r?,?iln-V nnStl Kittle hut It I. at IU0t drngglsta. - w mm W mW 11111 I ' I - ia ",Jtlulreu W "."ornia rig oyrui Vlre netting for poultry yards. Co. only, whre nauui i pHntetl on everj also heavy netting package, al.o tho name, byrup of Firs nma lm 'tm V. ind bSing well informed, ycu wiU no! ,8ervl?eab,e L . . . inruicrs now ano hence i ' , trrt u jc t ,e ... nxi i importance, aim ne a Krrensrtl r : !, 'r ' 1,1 rt;OKinon or thi5 em Add time to come enlntf laxative tUa Svrun of Fur !"2ViR PP'cians send .patient iuiier nir wirri nn nin.n o jrreat distances for "change n Ur." But when th 0pf . i.:. .! . -"v- ouueirr iliil. v" "c 10 act unon tho nH m . I i : . 1 . . mv. I vor gr Int-ail Li1 . . r MCt? Ills I nr. a tin .. TkT t ' i ,i . ' i UUl neCPSSnrilir hnrinU,.., , Ti. iiouiTiiHrnved nere this mortiinl- i . . . J "wHpos. xoctr on a viMt to the colored firemen of this city.j They paraded some of from active! far in adv-mce of all nthem. Cor-' . ' Firrmen'S Prde. pOK- '-rcept any substitute if ofiemL jaaliy for general fenc and economical. To be found at Jacobi's. t the principal street of the citv dur- ing the forenoon, to the mus-ic of a brifs band, and escorted by the It fs' three colored tire companies in this W. N. & N,' lr U1CL.L.ABXT xLt nwtffi2f((T Schedul 6i Portner's Heer Is the best. made of pure materials and is sold the Cape Fear Steam Fire En- largely abroad as well as in this Ciwe C9. No. 3, the Piioiuix Hose country. At the depot here all kind.- Keel Uo- Rn-1 Competent "Hose of soft drinks are manufactured, f j Reel Co. hey will remain until to- i. .1 ,1 t. ... j ujurruwHiju ii trrana oau win oe gi v begun, en at the Citv Hail to-uhrlit in rhir j v w- ------- Jan. 5t, lt4. t'litr rxcarr scwpaV. ..... ... - - - , STATIONS. The city authorities have L" "Udlncr Ilia nam h.iU . i ' fA. .L . t, . . IlOIIIIr. corntr 01 I The names of the N'ewbern com- DrldK.p.. L L . ;";7TKnreHnWUt y No. 1, erce's (i-dden IVfaHioi ntc,. n I liorl u f ! . J. . , ; ' . .j woo utiles 10 uousiaereu desperate owe their . - 1 T I .. jonnson .vuu"u ,' this forenoon. r ktb: aTH!' - lil 6 VLT 4 1 10 TV L . W it i-"T.. & r,f 11 Lt tt lockrtl!e Ar Sut It n Af Newborn Lt 1 M 1 ilmlntrtnn jacKioomie MaTmTiue soimr tOUND. nu makes rich blood. iif r onrea. dvsDeDsia. creates flesh and Is palatable and easily tak o. J. h. Hardin and J. Hick Bunting. i ! Tlie Murder Trial. The lirockcase, which was set! for trial to-day in the Criminal Court b-fonf Judge Meares, has been con- tlnufI until to morrow morning, at P. M lie, c.o eoaneitlf n with a no 2 "I There w.il be two handsome prizes 2 awarded at the baoy conies " Vo' . ck, for the lack of a jury. I . .. . Ikl. ananinv 1 I1H I f . ... A srf cial veuire of 8Q men was sum iimild for to-day, but out of this er: onlv 10 jurymen were-se-1 n.iri,.lnnafrAthU rven Dir. 1 he Orst Is three goia oau pmo, r.i- i rni I nikA C!0e coauni' -" i - ... . u ... M.-hn! CUT Ud ,t a. rrnWl CliaiU. UI1V1 lrlD00 A I . " lw Dciu r - IlUt naifcrt. i HWaQr on d.iu. di. B;isr. forM YiS. f rtnl&t!! at a. m., ainncs BtUW Q ITiuiu,.. w J T ff fllTIJIO, I CO. MAHTOIS. . , ... . 1. The Clyde Steamship Co, second la a gold ring. i jeoi,i, anI so auother special vtnire Fair and pleasant weatherls prom- Jasisting this time of 18 men Ised for to-night and to-inorrow, be drawn aud summoned tor to Kftthnf which conditions are favor- luttaw so as to get two more !ju- r,iA to the wishes of those who may . r;A.tlius makihg the twelve. The Fete Cham petre to-uignt wlice lay up to 3 o ciock was spen iu fleeting these 10 juror.-, wh p to a certai to f o a. : h (T, " wnmpiion,- ur. fierce's J4Ien Med cal Discovery is a posi- vwuHuujpiion. in all the - iiious uiaciead to it, the "Dis liiV- ,sAhe r,e,uey. With severe ' Jing Coughs or Weak Lungs, dii1.018 KO Promptly. Every tl " " r"" reacueu turouffh V)odyields to this medicine. uvlrSal6aft ons of the one fclat 8 CIed Consumption is 2S? jLhei?- i For this, and for ev- Some have ceased work because of ill health, not from lack of interest, we feel assured These thintrs naturallv Imva 'a tendency to sadden us. uartienlariv i Sit. rfl.ia . 1 " - . patients Tu V .7. U4 .am,P' uieecine, wnen diseases , ,ttIu.IHar raPS r those who were always in uieirpiace are now so sadly missed VTo those who are de nied the privilege of being- with us because of sickness or affliction, we ex!f"d our heartfeJt sympathies and kindest remembrances.-and a prayer that the Father of mercies may ieai tender v wit i ii iu accoruance with His ho!y wil i-iiitt ineyj may yet Occupy their piaces among us as in da s past. t c nut lorget tne msnirar ion we received from them, and those of us woo were associated with thou. ?n the work of wdavs o-on hv' wn ever oear in mind theirl untirintr ef torts to build an the ' Assne.intfr aud to add to the interest of it. ' - i? or tuose who have passed awav iuio me ongnt Devond nnrl ro ,,t resr, we have a sigh of recrret. and On CM1 M. mr a. 1 a. At uiauuc Liiat rneir iMPTunrioo -i "o?e sue will onto. i... wirh z-al and rnVrtneV. feTltJi sure that she will be rewarded S? renewed efforts on the part of 'the members to perform whatever duty may be assigned them in the future, regarding work iu this .sacred causa a pleasure rather limn merely a diuy . May the interest on the part or the membership and the com munity generally never diminish, but increase as the years go by. Mrs. j; J. HUDItlCK. - . - ' -1 . be oife, benefcure,youhave-oir Cafything else be goof you to buy? uiu ueiteve ir f tho Fete Cha will ever be; kept fresh and green hyi those of us who are letTZn are em u lat nths; examva. nai pasin Forecasts. . 7 ft V j ' For North Carolina, fair, "westerly winds. . . ' Local forecasts, made at this sta- tion-for the next 3ff hours: . . Fair; light to fresh north west winds, beV comina variable. - Backlen'a Arnica Naiv. 1 Tho best Salve- in tiie world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, 8alt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chap ped Hands. Chilblains,. Corns, and. all Skin bruptions,; and positively cures Piles, or ho pay required. It is ifuaranreed to give perfect satlb faction, or money refunded. Prfc. 2r cents per box. For sale by Rob- ert IL Bellamy, wholesale and retail When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. ; When she waa a Child, she criM for Castorla. Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, . When she had Children, she gave theiu Castoria, iarji 1 1 .1 , , . ... ..V'"r . WI - rJoni mmT -mm - - ULUI . giiea. if ifc . ft 7,1?." no wortTir1".0 there hi. k "ri OOIH OT Kao a an l.ffllv m-m r r n v W . - v -B. m mm, m J m m m m 1 t mm.' m mm -m M monev Q t we realT'r"?. Rt year. OLUlC. 'jast as Vice we realize that aTi fz year- done now is to I ! thef i to nuusrr. r m the Associaf on an inter-IF Tn2s 0BE op rnir every effort to b u ?d ftDd ? ake BPeiter Court for New ? ' ot numbers. R ".A',U 1 fc. P in nomf L . .. ew uver Countr. r ; Op is of, I. petre. er rains who,. If " 7 " me tv. L. a. sairi n i f " veteran tnoi..k.. orffaoizatiori to , 3"!r m. 1. wero . i,.".rr-V"u.,no't w aAfi iiaai A.. wB - tnwnf. - HOUS dIS v-UL tU tn or the Pet ,uer. liV(rpMA..ii POjntla i r... ...7V"uuiern nu,.,n. 'tvl" term, isot in 3.. !"'- " e ve-y year. 1 "e w nn; the CourTn. A5 e : bler woiuaupecen'n'T "'at dar ,rt(,n N. c. rr.V" ier dutv m VkT ' ' !a tract o7 A"?'clo au iso to ilea r - recarM wnanwa f.rr:.u" iana. vrit r-"v-r- . "'iuawa in ma annua. oetae Dirt r snd Dar;.' t J' 58-ton N. a onA'S?r. ? the cTtV 4 1 rain Vtui " W. at 12 ov.h go to the and Ashing to-morrow s i "'.. ' The News anu uoserver pcor.8v. w. 15 'u.d to the tnomh " a olina-arrhr"resentiYorth fio. inTOS the c0B:, waiter or WA DD ELL rgah - .--"wwusiy ffiven wjis ,e Judge, discharged until :tdPveryWng was moved lnj-"" i-.vWe felc thaT1" . . m jiva a- r- a w m . - i . . A ,j aa. a a a ra. i irurii - -. i - -r v aa a v . urruv- sa friMrivM w mm iivmii i. i sr aw su nil u srr w . i v . r- mi f f fm . -w- , - . t 1 ii. ncfeaoftiiinnnrt i memorial ac-.. r. vw wie j.ri m&y 2t et f i m my i r ; . . . . at n ItUa, nraaenee Q Rtleigh oi - ..frrtW nrnftkfioun.Hi-lar MeKRtent8 weredarlr .7 represent th X? . could Mivia YnrkJWlImtnRlOn.li.U. I""' . . .n,l T. Kelrth.Jr "of "J ".pu a Jarmorv fffiJ .:uu ? ,ent but Miss Ka e "h Ltv, 1 wn...tnffton. and of -Miss Battle ( - at,n4.i hv the Conn, frer and lieht iT?." w,lhl.ed her, bot n " - - i a a a ID'M -wtnM'i ... w a UUL Wl rnef n -1 I VTTJIirr r nnA 1 iu ! Tnne.l 6f Wlliiloeton. looff preN: th 8o r 1 W t auan e for the State. " ce. The fnd waa i.- :J . VMC1C ander the lo- . -k at GUOrgetOWn, b. b.i Lines. dent of the Memorial Asfociatiou that C. tV." i , .,-1n- '. . f - - uniiv vi- .nn i ti - . .. ,i t;..i- kuri ipnriA. i. iHliarKet 3. . - r -cr. veninir. Tho.- ...I. . RMWU8 . 1 jTI ft - 1 af-attlft " J the "luraiu. d taii4i betfof i-. . - - - otate than nr"Sf.?Qe.Qt'y ' unately. u-atances. "Oder; the leader, regret r ?" ws a source of S!" 8trai t if ul. of the isorii u . .t hlVr rr rts. r?1 tflOLOuart,w may 2 3l jane 7 Ssl0Wr- TDK Vivnn minffton, as nifowx. 0 L.the tltr of Wi. for S tC'A YO 1 thereft sfivets hardly pay hlch .,r,r!uPsia8Beoui- ; ""ui and . ,.!aturly. kotah ...i- ;;.;.aioTrtt v . t. . n.v. tu- WILMlStnv., MaT2S ONKtrA." .....TtiCSdSJ. MST CtiUATAH... Lowest TWtmcJ oat Tal J Xflller will g - I ur ruin - - .,. i VirtTIIIIIT I I1B i -- . i. Alihle ear i rr a a riani-" - . H-u to-iuor- oni . . . -....a rn mio '1'ijiirai, ai v v vonine. - ,uous recital ori 1 . I iLf'aai " - mi ro i i'iau ONE1PA ...-.f;;::v;. V.VS5l" J Chadboarn Mem .....HGiToWS. row.evea.MK. i:: cents I Mr. Heinsoerg--" whole aod 25 cems i CllATTEL JIOItTGAGES a "-g t rt uer W. are po- JT of t ho I WiliulogtQP- of all kinds in The And tlio ill Uod fails you is IJOTS TO 8U jit. AT.orncK.or K"' - ; h.r VOU Will U .t . Front street, - rvh0(1y. lator, UUO nltaDie c,v-' . - t . V " nf 1 ". member of the rami- you i from trie . 1 ali at the excellent i. DAILY REVIEW t Brrond Sir"1 btwc prenyl vu.wm-.- at Heinsber- tr store. o . . a nuirsa la. ly to the youngest and lowe.t ,.UK ..,,.i Vhat any TheClar.nceui.de It i3iUc tfcaUna Beach T'- ; 1 tkthrr. to t. P'"- . cooJ- takes tho a - a arxwi k rr a-' - - a i engr,oi gne Ua omei l lir lot. debarked l tort b. 3- Kli. V I''akeanothe, gives 1; - COmplinifnffl jii ttlie bandi " l"e ent'euien bre Prfncal departments in th 1" uower r:... oZVds room, relc rnr- "e This depaTtuIe-nThad btlSlVraTn lorexntoition.in the buildint? anri nence was toh:;"uf.as " Associatio' ""Ul Bessie B.n,l.. "I Hae. Ml.. "annaaUS n-rroricereror . III J riTAl aat a. . - MDi;H B atV-Kll . BL J -oisas an AI' UtI and liss her irn ac eea Hon- Jl,an sjih. orator. fEfrwaX.Wo . .-iiil""" n'uiaeir STA' or th. ar ."D:' "ar or . . "aaoo fb ui na Mni.. a. w a UL II 1 0) V that . she ri?"16 rfre ff'ad tolearn fflK?J!i rai.. POSIt nn . I nil i;rT'cr' I regret .Ll. . . ta nrAvo ".Jgiy that sf.ir I fl" 15.L, "C. IV. wa? a source of t A ii i w mei PKPf.C,ai ! fgKioeTiif-ooin pir; in Li r"" "c Htt,u ue omcers of tho A. u.o.-tittaa order, it I soft! Atinn in eonAi . .. ill - to each son to congratulate ourseiveso'n the flJ peoi tiii: wasthionged throughout the en tire evening, i It is full of rare artic les and dearly-cheri$hed mementoes of the war. It would take one en tire page of thi3 papier to catalogue these and we shali therefore not at tempt it. i ' The, Fete will j open at 5 Vclock this evening, j when j there wiji be a j .wi nine, uues oeiween one and six years presented. The uow ana mere w very large number In attendance ? oar Chaplain, (Rev. A. D. Mel to-night. j :T? .extend our heartfelt! The re.i, department w, be open iZZttl . I"""'"' PlltfCiai Ollilrrnrirvna !. - ' - Sa,, waa, tuiia . a IIH : diufiSh.w.,fl"M nrst isef r-. ay or snr o one a any umelwitt " cy, at and sufficient m7ta"r"'" 11 a c . va -v uu laii irvA nr ra 5 "f ti alleysTr Walshes or ttt?t v I. T 1 . HI uuj UUJC. Wlinil r l nirtn.la.a ... j- ui ins auoreHM in na..,i.i.i i nnri C-Hiv "ry" a lunucu wj'u a trood - form, done no in th. iS.r,""5lHrtti. wt-m, it&ue. VllO?e?Iier w hua I nern " T.i w oy some Broner - u i u i ta. r-. u, vi , iu raMj ni nMrlMit man. J - " I 1anl. i.k. ..... . " bvma CVC JM.rp-1, va, . per,t access or fhis memoHa, SSSL 0!"th,an,klar? ae ll" Chief Mar. J?1' i-att "KS KTerwESVS! untiring efforts him to the in this diree.rifan i electing permanent chief mar- We are confident 1,3" SSS?": L-fl inty-nre' ttrwT, , ----"HI . -"Wa,w. . and prizes to be ITJ: u' "?.,e.Wer wltfctlon could : atl- . - a.,o uccu iiiaue, aDG tO his naslor- weather is good ants, who so faithful v SlrfSJfl'i HI probably be a Leirdutjes, wealsdoffPnnr thoir may 23 it It. B. CLOWE, CJaJerotPoUce. CAROLINA BEACH. rri., I . K: f Tat... ,., xaoieaui, music and recitations 1 V , lI,e,r ""asic. in that they will be had at nnrht in tu 1- l1 onJX a fw days for orenara- - - laiurj nnn 'I'hAi . r tent, and there w,M be a -W of prriau and VX,737J!- War" between t-inw rm... v derrf . ..wu. iue ia-- TV."" vai Ueservesand the W. L I. in tu - - aa w afternoon anu Beach 5.30, the laat trains. YUU KVEKTASTSa njfjntinp J nnr fierSl rttli jour P"1"" ii. et m expen- tien we Felix Ij lllPTkjaia.p. - .a lir. x: rn .n,M C02?FC- iTnaUiVely Kfl?ri -iir Robt tern. want. Liquid, or dry or n It M A hm ii 3 1 .ue weftiaer permits. All the booths in the yard will be opened. - ! S A haudoiue doll, presented by Mrs. a m Fi.hblate; will be award eJ to the onejjuefcsing iu name We n!sk lol-u iaL.n .1 . . th M7 - r,r. f'ureiumanKinir, r u aiiesenger and REVIEW or the notices so kfndly given bv them in their local columns. 7, At nw.aS there is nothing else to report, I be- leave to bespeak for rr , wor-.,"rfr;.lne fcf-ci atten. nun COUbldii accorded me 1 lubt a ion that has been Leave Wilmington 9.45 a m 9 &UrDAY feCHEDCUa. , -Leave WUmlngten 10 a m and Ieive Carolina rmm o a z-30 P Fare for ronnVi tT-c i.2 30 a m and 7.00 p m Fare to mSS i ? cts Q Sunday a eta. I?f m Jtaa " to TfU boat 3) cts. Canons at rhn i2.nr?f,CTln;loilS or accommo- . caeuin nVSLfan be obuine4 rromthe T J F is Association. I Tiw wis. "-i-vriNHTKanj.. R. Bellauiy & W"" "' aam . m.' .MUkfl KlL ill- i I II A-HUES.

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