go HE MAY BE Ar LORD. ,AII Free w w ... , . . . . . I Those who have usel Dr. Kin k ? r ror Discovery knows Its' valne,' and tBntUhe. those who hae not, have now the xaigiana continues to speak of Wil- opportnnit v to try it Free.. Gallon nam Waldorf Astor as an American, the advertised druf?citt and net a. HUMPHREYS? Or. If BfcrY pla,c- araarteatlScanyaaa rarefaUy pcvpLrwJ UvoMrflea. ti-d for yraxs la prrf (ftrtJM aad for or- thtrty year by the. Saph w!Uk rtr rnmrtnm. Every tala lipoctno a Icm-LI rant fnr th dlMM uncd. ,L.7.. .?,.r ana America laughs at him as an imi- I trial noitle, ree. Send your name Ileaeie ta W H4. aajl HMmi T".. 1 ( . t. . 1 a. a1 a - . anil a1lfds tn U V UnnbLn .f'Tn I vu KiKUSilUUUL UUL Li 1 1 1 I rTl L II 1 flA I - w...c-o u 11. j. iubniuu in bo mnchanTlmTliilmn timf va a Chicago, and tret n Bample box of 1-FeTfr. CtU. Innammatlocs.. ,U3 tuallTglated for tho mnmim TWa r,, o rnrrei:,M j-w.r-i. woti itm.womcoue.... M "i iv,i , : , S. I wen as a copy of Uuide to Health 3-tii-i cbuenia.vkrfuto .aa i " " flluwira 1111(1 7e5 " and Household Instructor, Free. -IIe4ee, wc "aacbe.vTUco 3 s "u"Aor nas already txscome a 1 1 4m99T9d Palafal Periada... .US IJ-WhUea. Too IIcom IVrkxL. - .tfj 13-Crap. Lrraltla. Bowcnwi...., .U3 14- Hll UkraM, iJ7liU. Ertrptkxu. . .23 15 RaramatUm. PJtcomaUe Palaa 16 Malaria Collli. Fever and Acne .33 , B--lrra. Infiarna.CoUtntbenead. .23 JO-Wkaaalar Caagli - .U3 27-KMaer Dlaraaea M iHrrit Debility l.OO 30-t'Haary Wtakaraa, WrttlncPed.. .13 HfMPHHEYK WITCH HAZEL. OIL, T Itl unlinent. Tnai tUf.2tU. M Drw. ar . rt af Dm MriMUIC M.ar.l. ll4 av "- sc raurr ua.ro., 1 1 1 1 1 1 muum sc, raw tiu. SPECI FICS ct tuott t-J frt 1 CAHA IN MUN8Y: am o'h-r vl- w7 I V w V a ibi- preiutnm to roni I wjvn UhR:BALL n biuuus, this Is our oi-rnanttT. onr hovk AM) MK NTUr MAMA7.INK. PrtO-2TC AllNewa- cotcr; or 51 lOtU Mrre New Yort VIKG1NIA. COLLEGE, For YOLWO UniK, Itoanoke.Va. opn lilSM. On of tho leadtcg j uoo.s lor 1 oud l.vii(i id in oum 314 t incru i ui Cttirs, ail m-iern ltnproremrva. cu put te acre.' iranl moaotaln scenery in t y or a.. umi ror Demm ku rope a a arj aw-ncinetsti-r Full -ourse. lo Art mi.a Mml uorx x.le-L I'liplls ircia seren irr MAres. tor c-tAloifaen a-drras he n-O.-nt, V. A. JIAUKls. D. D , Hoanoke, FLY--FIEMD" vm pi'tlt'? prMct llor-e ani rattle irmiuDT .nnoyinrf from Flie. tinata and in-fcto' every Klal. Improtes appearance of v. tl !Y TIIOlNANDs; Try It and Us t u. qurt casl f I 0: haU-Ciuon II ; pUlon. f.H tne iralton wih last 3 he id r h' re or caMte an entire ae&s n Beware rt lotil a'lo. Alim hKH'ENT SIKH. CO.. 21 9 loauaa ATc.troiia. PARKER'S I ' MA D BALSAM L"-Cr" ' J-i l'-r FuU to Hflor Oray 1 1 1 'rr iie;tr T. ll rnm tn vufrt C"(t ItNOERCORNS. Th rf cnwfbr fyru Your Stomacli DistrbssesYou after eating a tmrt y meal, a ml the MMtirt Li a rhrank t of In 1LV tIou FtooiiM-U, Ilcartbura, a 1 a Lnrspcpcie, rr a tatwios aiiaca. R.! PANS TABULES Iraf ntte-tUa. Ueaalate tfce lli4.ll0l. asa.r ro-UUe are for f nii Milan. irk iieauaeue. 1111 Uaf4. l All h-r li.-ar arUlnc frmaUlttirU rrl ronJltlon of tne IJcr anU btumav-b. TL-y art t-nuy yr rrompuy.aaa Entire 4Da 1" iiipanTbul-tAkibtaceof an En ' Vrrv Medlelnf Cbeai. kkotiia L actt tor every am My. um la SOLD DV DRUGGISTS ! CVtltYWHCRL 4.l 7 IT I1 vv a? t iff I HOT TI1M Ib.r OrtrUir 4 UK IlETTrlt PA1 OTIIXUS 5 c-.r 1. 1- .I.. are in t..r Wfi " J if -r; f ithrr t-t. Tft.-.j . k-ar ti- -.ma tUr. ami ik-ti- tioratlx i r . -ioa! abilite rt"Mrnl. II jcu I:iV . i : u yHirtine tu v. tk, wc :H r. , ' . vti yr .nrr trn.ectA V. -,-. . lr U f'?' iwf. tmatjoB, wl - . to - vim free. li--.inf . . INMIN A i ).. , ...1 488. Forlland. PI a In C SEACOAST EAtLROAD. V v. .III ' - . -T" ' m x je a. t a l SchrlaU In r.iTret Jane 15. 189. TraIaaUATrrncrs Street St Jon At 6J30 and W a. nx, 3.00. 5.10 and MS p. m. Trains leare txvaa View at TM and II a. m.. UJ, 6.10 asd p. m. HaadytrAlnlcATe Irlnc?s street KtaUoa at 10 a. n. and 3 p. m. Ix-are Ocea View a. 12m. and 1 p. m. i aoc"U I.VH. KUAHSKE-& CO., Merolmnt Tailors, NEW SUITS MADE. OLD SUITS CLEANED AtldZttspaired. ONLY GOOD WOUK tX)Nt no riiAKUES rou ISPOUMATIOS. 113 Princess SU, Wilmington, N.C. British subject, and since he natnral ized hlmaelf here he has enjoyed prefer ential election to that select circle of England's territorial magnntcs, that po litical holiest of tho holien, tho Carlton club. A further atop in his upward flight was his nomination for tho bench I of tho county of Middlesex, and ho will be forthwith gazetted justice of the peace. That ia an honor conferred by the lord high chancellor, acting for tho crown, on tho nomination of tho lord lieutenant of tho county. It entitles the holder to rank as justico of tho quorum and is an inevitablo preparatory step to higher rank. So far so good, but the half has not yet been told. lie has been offered a baronetcy, but, not quito con tent with that, stipulates for the rank of a baron at loast and will undoubtedly succeed. Let me explain the difference in rank between a baronet and a baron. Tho former is the lowest order of hereditary rank and entitles tho holder to bo ad dreeeed as sir and his spouso as lady. It is in point of prooeduro rank 65 and per mits the holder to sit in tho houso of commons, whereas that of baron entitles the holder to th,e rank, title and dignity of my lord and a seat in the houso of lords. The Btyle of address to tho ejioufto of the holder of. tho title is still my Irvdy, The rank of baron is the lowest of the fivo orders of peers and entitles the family of tho holders to bo known and addres&ed as honorable. Lord Beaconsfleld onoo Kaid thattherw was "a certain moral forco in a name and a dignity in a double barreled name. Mr. Astor is of tho ame opin ion. He writes "and styles himself Wal dorf Astor. So in books of reference look under W and not under A. Mr. Wal dorf Astor, however, is doing well and is appreciated here. Ho has always been in Rood hands, having from tho first been chaperoned by that flno old English gentleman, that sturdy old courtier. Cliristophcr Sykes. Surfeit In social lifo in England dc- rudi entirely on whose hands ono gets in, and it is not always that the most written about are tho most dcsirabla In the caso of Mr. Waldorf Astor, his chaperon is not much known outside, but Christopher is a man of raro judg ment and unsullied character, and, what is more, ono of n. B. H. h set, high in the favor of Queen Victoria and socially a Txrwer behind the throue. From the standpoint of practical politics tho giv ing of social rank to Mr. Waldorf Astor Is brilliant. It will tend to attract other multimillionaires, and when wo get the A8tors,Vanderbilts,Havemeyers, Rocke fellers, Goulds and others our London a. a a season will blossom iiko a rose, ana when tho few remaining coronets of British aristocrats now In pawn bo ro- decmed then the plebeian government of the United Htatea may devise somo means 6f social demarcation to keep her millionaires at homo. Meanwhile a cor dial welcome awaits them here. Cor. Philadelphia Times. j JOSS IS TO HAVE A NEW TEMPLE. Sarronnded by Trne Oriental Lnxurlea, the Iltj Will Receive Ifum Homage. 'Tho Chinese citizens of Chicago will . . . ' 1 a . toon nave tno most magnmcvuv ju- houso in America, " said Sam Moy to n reporter. Tho entire furnishings for the place are now being designea ana made in China, and wo expoct to open tv houso in about three months. Our people aro habitually very quiet and not dven to displayor parade, out tno neoi- Catloa of tho new josshouse will bo at tended with Chinese ceremonies and a narado far more elaborate than has ever been seen in Chicago ana prouaoiy u the Unltod States. . The place will not be used as-a joss- house alone, but also as tno loago or headquarters of the Chinese Freema sons of this city. There aro many 01 the here, and the society Is hundreds " " mm a. a. I . A. of years old in China, j in aaaition to this it will servo as a place for tho tem porary entertainment of tho peoplo of our nation who rnako a few days' stop in .the city. They will be housed and taken care of there. ( HJp Lung, probably tho wealthiest Celestial in Chicago and a relative 01 Sam Moy, explained that every pieco of furnishings for tho jotahooso is being designed and made in China, and that tho furniture will cost not less than $2, OOO. It will bo made j of etxxiy and other rare and costly oriental woods and will be elaborately carved and heavily decorated w ith gold. ! The entire cost of the house will not bo Jess than STiOOO or $3,000, and there will bo nothing like it in America. It will have two large jossrooms, with tne finest Ch!no hangings, decorations ana fnrnlshincs. JThen there will do a large general parlor or reception room for en- ertaining the general guesw aim private parlors for special use. Tho location ox tne johsuoumj uu jet known. Chicago Post. t Will Alalia Bpbea la America, Keir . llardv. M. P., has decided tc accept an invitation to tako part in the labor campaign througn tno unuw State in rho autumn. He will ve tne rmrt of the Independent Labor party and other industrial and political bodies- Frank Smith, number of the Lon don rvmiitv council, who has represent ed the Salvation Army at two or three ccuveutiauH in America, will go too. All of which Ls guaranteed to do I you (rood and cost you nothing, at It. R. liellajiiy'g dru store. You will peldoui need a. doctor I If you have S 111 in on s Liver llejrilator haudy. ! j I suffered from biliousness, iudi geftion, ete. Hliuiuous Liver Reiru- lator cued after doctors- failed. W. D. Bird. t URE5 RSINC "MOTHER'S FRIEND" lisdds ofrerfil cLild-L-aiii. wenun. I have h-.c-.. ml'-vlffl for many vcar. r.ml in eac'u cui whero Mother's Friend" l:".d twnr.rp;l it ha &ci-omtli3hp?l tromicrs and relieve-.! nsr.t.' sulTetii.. it Im tho l?3t rr-nie1y for rir c the breast known, and worth ti;e lice for tlu alone. ilcs. il. t. Ur.r.tTER. iloiitomciy, AL1 Snt eTpre-, charges prcpaM, on rcceiji tf i riceSlXO i er botilo. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., old by all druggi3ts. Atlaxta, UA LADIES DO YOU KNOW - WHOLE8ALE PRICES. j Tae foUowiEA qaotauoas repreeent wuoie- sala cnoes senerally. . In ranting up small or ders Higher prloes have to ce caargea. P a BAGG1KO f . Utuiny....i. I 10 10 14 15 13 10 40 00 1 65 so 8 00 0 00 IS 25 (4 It 00 4J4 0i) on. FF.I.1X LK imi'NS STEEL AND PENNYROYAL PILLS Are Thn ortcloal Mnd only KKKNCH. sur and reliable cure on the martet. Price $ .00: sent pyualL t.enulne s A: o.uy bv ROBT. R. BELLAMY & CO., j Dru,n;ists and sole Agents, dec 5 tt Wilmington, N. O. LE BRUM'S Gr & G Cure. FOR EITHER six. This remedy bvln-4 loj- e d dtrectly to tie S at or thr8f dlseasfS'OI th ; (ienlt. -uniaT ocvaus. rrquire4 no c lunsre ot d et or naae. ous. Mercurial or pelvniom medlclnej 100: tuKeci Int rna.ly w heniued A A I It KX I J . Tl V K by lther tex It slm olble tx eon!iaf.- nv ven-real dise is : but la the c ise of tu'mal-. 18 10 10 LS 9 27 Zi 20 00 00 25 00 10 6 20 26 12 14 11 JU 25 22 f 70 I 30 6k 80. 11 teaty Ukfoktcnatelt . kklicted with (Cm irl(Qii an I (J. -t. wa u.1 rante & tre. Prloj by m iU ik)3 ng-. p Hd, $1 per twxi r 6 b xi-s for $ V ROBT. R. BELLAMY & CO, Untwists and sole AjrenO Wilmington dee 5 if Atlantic View V. Now Opeji for tho S-3s?n. Standara. BACON North Carolina. i Shoulders v . sides, V ft Uams, v j sides, o Shoulders, V UKYSAJ-TJCiJ Sides, v a...v............ Shoulders. .-... HAKKEIJ iirits Turperitlne. second Ifana, each 1 New, New Yortreaciu.. . . . New, City, each. BJSiVAX, ft BKICKS, Wlunlhgton. V M. Northern BUTTfiK, V North Carolina... Northern. . CANDLE.', V ft "sperm. ........ AdainanUoe sjcss, ytt North err aotory., Dairy, C am. tar.e nrfiK, a Java.. Laguyi Rio OVKN MEAL, vN jugh, m sacks. I nrginla Jaekl . JTTON TlEj y bundle ...j DOM fCA'I K'S Sheeung, 4-4, yara Yarns, ? bunoh iGS, y rtoz.... F1SU- Macnerel, Nai,bw xi 00 Mackere., No. 1, y half bbL 12 60 Mackerel, No. 2. V bbi" lb 00 Mackerel, No. 2. half bbi... 4 75 Macxerel. No. 3, r btl 7 go Mullets, v bbi... 8 00 N. c. Koe uernng. y keg... 00 brycod, v ft 6! wesujrn, low iade Extra " Family. . city Mills saper . Family gu,v ....:! , GKAIN, V buaheL corn, im store, bags, white Corn, cargo. In bulk, white, I corn, cargo,' in bags, wtute Corn, mixed, from store. . . . ? Oats, f rom Etpre . i oats, Hust Proof J Cow Peas.... UID.ES. Tt Ureeu jbry UAY, y 100 fts- : Sastero. Western , ! North lUver UOOP IKON, ft LA HI), V ft M Northern... i.v ........ North Carolina.. .a.. LlMJ, v barrel..,...'...... .... 1 25 -UMBjKK, city sawed. VM ft. Ship stuff, resawed........l8 00 20 00 ! Hough Edge 1 Plank 15 00 16 00 ! West India Cargies, accord- I ing to quality..' ....... ... 13 0C 18 00 I Dressed Flooring, oeasonecLlS 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, comn.14 00 15 09 . ex 14 13 10 14 14 12 li 50 75 70 23 - These four initial letters stand for one of the largest ana most extensive manufacturing enter- r : : . . prises in the conn try, which is tho 1 .. -... HI BREWING CO, THE LEADING IJaily Paper OF HOUTH CAKLLINA 18 The lews-Courier Price $10 Per Annum Mailed to any addresh TJ3F MO8T CIJAbTK Xn PURflT SUNDAY PAPER IN SOUTH CAKOLINA IS' The Sunday News, i wce, with Daily, 1 11 per year, alone, v I , - 1 ' - - year; six months, fi; ciniirie copy, f. rt: rr?u to any addreap . 3 50 4 50 4 50 4 00 4 8 75 00 62 00 38 00 , 6 30 50 015 00 320 00 td(XJ (410 00 & 7 00 e 00 10 4 00 & 5 00 4 10 5 00 Id KVEKY ONE'S. PAPJ2H, THE WEEKLY SEWS AMD lOiriliESi. Price, fl'per yer;g)x ir.rrithE, f0 nt-: f !t gl copy, 5 cts:m ailed to any address. men 21 4 (A id 2JiS 14 2 3 5 85 75 77 67 53 ;u 50 00 3 4 10 90 00 3 12 16 00 Itllltl I UV T IP II1V UTPL' Xtlk'WT'II b"3UU ' " :X i molasses, v gallon ... . . I Vatir Pwn Im t ,a 1 w v uiuu. AAA iiuiin. . couifcrt;b!e cottages, well-furnished ioaj3 attentive servants and au excellent; uisie HATES LOW. I ED. WILSON MANNING,' ! mays U PropMr o. The Clvde Steamshin C) New York, W Imington, N.U -AND- Georgetown, S. C, Lines N W YOKE FOK WILMINOTON. wihtan Saturday. July o N EI DA. .... - saturqay , July a 1 WILMINGTON FOK NEW YOKK. j New Crop, in nnua. 27 S w " " in bbia... 29 & 30 Porto lileo. In hhda 22 5 " in bbla 24 & 2& Sugar House, la hhda 00 9 15 j v ! in bbia 16 o 18 Syrup, in bbis. 22 & 35 ?AILS, V Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 2 50 ILS. v ganon. j ; Kerosene...:.., vx . Lard :.i i Linseed Kosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY f' Chickens, live, rown. spring........ Turkeys.. PEANUTS. V bushel, 23 ft... . 0 60 POTATOES, V bushel sweet. ; 65 & 70 Irish, V bbi 3 25 9 3 0, POKK, v barrel ; City Mess...... .M. ...13 00 Prime 15 00 Kump .1 12X914 CE Carolina, yft 3 9 Thev. manufacture the most 1 a m. DELICIOUS BEER which has l . ever been placed on the Wil- I mincrton market. They don't ' trade on the fears or the preju- i dices of anybodj. Their goods sell themselves. There never has been a day when an imperfect Beer has beenjby them placed on 1 this or any other market. They ay brew from the best and purest materials and tlie constant en deavor is that each output shall surpass its predecessor. It has a. a been liberal to its customers in 1 n every conceivable way, ana in Wilmington, as in many other cities, Portner's Beer has be come household words. UA I Faithful Friend is hard to Jind, And wl ten y 011 find one Good and 'True, . Dotit change him for another." I. ; . These aro golden words. The T?rtU T-a "R.AW; n' l,nc- A nuinber of new features and departments ItObert JTOrtner iJreWing L-O. lias will be! added. The lr-test development in alt , neias !or contemporaneous numan lrterest bfifin vnnr frimid in tho rmst. and MLysst irom week to week by I acucmpiiDuuu vvritcr. will be in the future. Stick to TUP MPWR nc TUC UHRI n C 111. IILIIU Ul I U IIUI11-L them and they Will Stick to yOU. wlll in a conM nut r.omn,Prp mnn Every lmportatt or interesting event, either at nome or aoioaa, wju oe aujy aescnoed in the commns 01 the weekly lie KALI). In politics thellEKALD Is absolute'yinde- pendent anl sound. It tells tho rights and wrongs of all sides without fear. warmers ana soook raisers cannot a fiord ta wltnout the WEEKLY I1EHALD dulrfTx the coming year. It will contain a regular dca partmeut each week devoted exclusively to Riibleets of tlrnf-lv lntarRHr. to tLm nni . oiv. lngr many vaiuaoie suggestions and n?v ldeas THE NEW YOKK 1 -. - - Weekly Herald For 1894 WILL BE Leading WITHOUT QUESTION AMERICA'S Family Faner. o o The reputation that the WEEKLY J1EK- ALD has enjoyrd for many years of belrig : he best home tewspacer in the land will be ma terially added to during the year c f 84. No pains or expense win te Bnared to make it in every department the most reliable, 1 merest -ing and instructive of all f weekly newsoarjer publications. . - Jt win re improved in many ways. The Tivoli and Cabinet BEERS 90 15 0O .5. 25 10 14 d 1 45 S I 00 & 16 & 20 e 22 30 SO 1 00 Are sold all over this and are exported largely to Eu- I ' " ' A rope. Orders solicited here not only for the best Beer but for the best - Soft Drinks, The women and children ot the land will In the WEEKLY HEKaLD a welcome visitor. The household and children pages win De Vt h Itiutimiltifu a nsf Antni.lnln. mill a 1 VULU 1UD11 Ull to auu cutci uuuiu, lie yttit country abound in hints and receipts which women so A briiila t array of novels and short stories by the best writers In Ameilca and England has been secured, so that fiction will be one of the most attractive features an the weekly HEKALD during 1894. In fact. ie WEEKLY HERALD wlll be a magazine of the highest order, combined with a complete newspaper. 1 318 00 16 00 00 4 ONEIDA... CKOATAN .Saturday, July 21 .Saturday, July 28 WILMINGTON FOK OSORGSTOWN, S. C. ONEIDA CKOATAN... Tuesday, July 17 ....Tuesday, July 24 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Throng) atea guaranteed to and from points In NortJ d South Carolina. I i For Freight or Passage apply to , H . SMALLBONES. superintendent, i Wilmington. r C THEO. E. EGEK, Trade Manager. J , New York WIL. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen! Agents, c Bnwitriir oreen. New iork Hammocks. : w E UAVE IN STOCK A LARGE ASSOKT- ment of good HAMMOCKS, Ladles', tientUH men's and Children's sizes. : , II you wish to be comtortable and happy. bay a Novel and a Hammock at j ; IIKINSHERGEK'S j j i j jy 7 tf . Live Boak and Music store. Hello and Hello li HELLO. BOSN WHtHt luuuni.. - - .1 T trf1 n or tn TVular GOlDg. you mac- . . a, Ka Aat a ttllj a Lee's, rounn birwi, uuuu wi, bridge, ta buy coffea at 20 cents a pound. Su gar at e a i-ound. Flour at 2c. and tV Soap and Starch and Orned Beef and lots of other good tMngs at f Air prlc s. Golly, boss! rse miss you. D0ZIE1T & LEE j ... 1 ALWAYS TUB 3tE. Rough, V bush, (Upland)... 1.00 9 1 15 ' !; (Lowland J. C6 S GS, V ft Country 00 & 1 City.... 1 6 X OPE, V ft 14Xa 22V ,T;V sack. Alum 85 & 93 Uverpooi.. ..'... .2. i 10 50 I Usbon ..' .. 00 50 j American... I ' 00 a 70 SOAP, V ft Northern 44 5 SUGAR, P ft Standard grain.. ; 43 6 standard A.: M 49 6X White ex C q a 3 Sxtra c. Golden 4 9 4 C YeUow...: 4 SHINGLES, 7 in. V M.... ...... 5 00 Common .... 2 00 cypress saps.. ..v. 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00' STAVES. V M W. O. Barrel.. 8 00 R.O. Hogshead..... 0 00 TALLOW, ft.: ; TIMBER, v M feet Shipping.. 2 00 Fine Mill....... .....11 25 Suitable, to the Season. Our Aim is to Pleaee, land Satisfaction ie 1 ' Guaranteed. Aim Prime. J 7 50 Mill Fair. s 00 ! ; Common Mill 5 00 1 mferlor to Ordinary .. . 2 60 WHISKEY, V gal Northern... 1 60 north Carolina. 1 WOOL 9 ft Washed : Unwashed..;. ; Burry 9 7 00 S 2 50 9 5 00 7 60 en 00 eioar 3X9 4 014 00 013 00 8 60 l 000 a 0 00 9 4 00 , & 2 00- 1 10 26 9 18 (A 14 Respectfully, ! I Jno. 1 !, Wright Manager Wilmington Depot, j Wilmington, N. C. 00 23 16 12 Nerve Pills. OYSTER ROASTS. J ; AM BETTER PRjCPARED than ever to accommodate my riends with OYSTERS this season. ti wlL tt-ep none but the Best . on hand always MYRTLE grove roasts a speciAlty. Every toing overnauled ; and Lmproveo- Oysters reaUy at short notice and expert shuckers to open them. special rates lo parties. Give ma a call and I will do my best to please rou. xespertrouy. dcirtt W, H. STOKLEY. .wnatrruvs 'J i EREE TRIAL. rtL n 4!. all diseases WUTtiS rurilldlltlllllY of the Ner- vous System, either acute or chronic in either sex. 1 It restores Impaired or lost power. Checks all forms of waste or drain; makes tlrong the weak. Full package SI: six for $5. trial package 12c, with book, sent securely sealed on receipt of price-. Address ' -. ! Da. R. DUMONT. apl 20 Ty 88 so. Uaisted.su. Chicago. 111. Old Paoers IOK SALE IN LOTS TO.SUIT. ' i Apply at jan27 THIS OFFICE. Now Is tlioTlmc to Subscribe. Only One Dollar a Year. HEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. Address, THK WEEKLY HliltALD, I HeraldSquare, lew York; Steel Sweeps, For Clipper and Dixie Plows. Water Coolers, Fly Fans,v Ice Cream Freezers, Galvanized Hardware. i s ! t ar . '.- Netting for Seashore. AND PAINTS, BUMPS, Sash, Doors and Blinds. We leel conndent that we cat. please you In quality of goods and prices. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. K I These tiny Catisulca are stiperloVTr if Capsules are snperio. to Balsam , of Copaiba, Cubeba and Injections. They cure in 48 boura tho same diseases without anyinoon YCFiencc. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS I jjyHJt Cable Letter.

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