D II. HIM.. tod ,iri r WE! IttTTIMIV m TFA" DEVOTED TO POLI I ICS, THE MARKETS, AGRICULTURE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC NEWS, LITERATURE, AND GENERAL INFORMATION DAVID PUIiTOMT Edit. GOD. CUR COUNTRY, AND UBBHT7. TERMS 5 2 50 iu advance. II ii i - Mil ' - - ioW - - -- - ; . i VOL. si.- NO. 22. WILMINGTON, S C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1846. WHOLE NO. 74. Wit. al TOS JOUftftl At: PUBI.ISHRD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, UY T Eft MS Dollars and fifty cents it paid in advance. ()q at the end oi mree iumnj. ontinueu unui w anronigvii Two ' From tne Saturday Courier. THE HERO WOMAN. No pjocr dis naiJ except at the option of the publishers. thiin twelve mc No j keep them on, ihe oilier side of the -wall. ;for a few moments, at least, and then are A Legend from George Lippard, E'.q.'s will have to trust to God mm the rest V Fourth Lecture on the liornance of, Look down there, and see. a hand steal the Revolution,' delivered bffore the ing over ihe edge of the wall ? The oh! fRlliam Hut Institulie. j.ftSn levels his piece thai Bri'ish trooper In a thic k wood, not more than half a Trills hark with a crushed hand upon his ; mile from the Schuylkill, there stood, in comrades' heads No longe- quivering with suspense, hut I, en r . . .1 i -. . . . . . . viAIVnfl III! 1 I TIB L lilll IM VI , . . I . ... j!fnpnoii w.ww- ine ume n .ie wevo union, a nnairit oh TO CLUBS OF Fivcncio subscribers, to me address, T,.,i. do. do. do. Y.nhi do. do. do. 38 00 reeled in the earlier days of V illiam Penn, m attention paid to any order unless the money per some ypar3 before the great $11 00 aDr'fN built of mingled logs and stone, and grown suddenly firm, that young girl pas- 20 00 j encircled by a palisaded wall, it had been ses t mailed rule to the veteran s grasp. and stlenuy awaits the result. For a moment alt is silent below ; the accompanies it n'nr? Lrl umearL lhat wa,, when a stout old Retle,' apostle of peace first trod our shores. as, British bravoes are somewhat loath to ;.r risk. The Post meters certificate of such remittance shall be a i i icicnt receipt therefor. Inserted at one dollar per square of 16 lines ot i ... r... ihn Am an.l twi:ntv-tve cmts for each tC-'S, I'll fc'lf j the Indians. And now it stood with its many roof--,' rifle in hand, is looking from yonder win dow ! Here is a pause low, deep mur- its numero'is chimneys, its massive square j murs they are holding a eouncil ! windows, its varied front of logs ami stone, A moment is gone, and nine heads are its encircling wall, through which admit- thrust above the wall at once hark? One sicceedlng mwrtibn. 25'per cent will be d&Iuc- J tanee was gained by a large and stoutly- j two three ! The old veteran has fired r-d fro n an idv riism hill waen it biikbws i gale . a slomj in t,e nwiist of the, three shots, there are three dying men, ilwiy i !9t)n 'VJJjj $iVmnJH u n" ag-wom trees enclosing its grovelling in ihe yard, beneath the shadow 1 xTl'r-'al 'advertiscin: nu charged 25 per cent veteran outline on every side. of the wall! ni(rhr. rrom its eastern mdw you might ob- lftV-nnnhoruf insert! are noi marked iajn a u f , g kj wa , . ... . I. . ..,,11 ; ,. . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ivl until i O ordered out, m l c.iareil for accirdingly. rj-Ii.'ttera t the proprietors ! business con nected with this estahlishment, must he post paid, and directed to the firm. FPIOE nn the smith-east corner of Front and Princess streets, opposite the Bank of the State. Quick, Bess, the rifles!' And the brave girl passes the rifles to while a large casement in the southern her father's grasp : there are four shots, front commanded a view of the winding one after the other; three more soldiers road as it sunk out of view, under the shade of thickly-clustered boughs, into a deep hollow, not more than one hundred yards from the mansion. $ r. N ST t X (5 OF RVBKY DESCRIPTION. Neatly executed an I with despatch, on liberal terms for cash, at the JOURNAL OFFICE. WILMINGTON", N. C. ... . i l- e vwra .RS. PRItJi; woul.l mt.-rm tne lamt-s o. v n- fell back, like weights of lead, upon the ground, and a .-ingle red coat is seen slow ly mounting to the top of the wall, his eye fixed upon Hie hall door, which he wili Here, from the southern casement, on 1 foree. ere a moment is jjom one of those balmy summer days which look in upon ihe dreary autumn, toward the close of November, a far ner's daugh er was gazing, with dilating eyes and half clasped hands. Well might she gaze earnestly to the south, and listen with painful iu tensity for the slightest sound! Her brothers were away with the army of Washington, md her lather, a griin old veteran he siood nungton and its vumity, that she will ex-jsjx reel a((j ,;irL,c Uirhes in his stocking erute worlc in the ahove line, on reasonauie te.ms Residence over the JOURNAL OFFICE, November 7. 1845 CSASL3S D- BLIjIS CO., 13 I '.tijiii: WILMINGTON, N. C. CiIff,Lfi:Ii: & ROBESOW Continue the AGENCY business, and will make liberal advances on consignments of lmber, ay.xl Slrt-. &c. &c. WiliB'mton. Aagst 'st, 1815. Ttia O .s -rver and the N orth Carolinian, Fay etteviilo, will copy six taonibs anJ forward accounts Eo this office. C TI ?I I-SIO H & H 21 A N T, ANO t filming ton, N. C. Respectfully refers t'i Messrs. J.& W. Anderson, V Wilmington, N.C. R. W . Brti vn, Esq. 5 Messrs. VVooisey fc Wwelsey, " Iiii-li iMs, I5.sse:t ;Sc Aborn, A. llichrds, Esi. June 27. IS4.". these men. in the simple words of that vonng girl, who stands there, with the .ifle laid against the powder keg. They stood, as if epell bound, on the threshold of that chamber! At last, one bolder than the rest, a bravo, whose face is half-concealed in a thick red heard, grasps his musket, and levels it at the young girl's breast! Stand back, or, by , 1 will fire ! Still the girl is firm; the bravo advances a step, and then starts back. The sharp ccA;' of ihat rifle falls with an unpleasant emphasis upon his ear. - Bess, 1 am ding,' gasps the old man, faintly extending his arms. 4 Ha, ha, we foiled the Britishers ! Come daughter kneel here ; kneel and say a prayer lor me, and let me feel your warm breath upon my face, for I am getting cold O, dark and cold !' Look ! As those trembling accents fall from the old man's tongue, those fingers from the fruit of unhealthy trees for ex-j ample, trees affected by the yellows pro duce in turn trees liable to the same dis ease. N. Y. Eve. Post. THE GAME OF THIMBLES; OR. BLS I TWO IN THREE. Who has notheard of the game of Thim bles. For the edification of those who have been 6o fortunate as never to have seen it, we will succ.inily describe it. The sporting gentleman produces three common sewing thimbles and a small ball, and placing them upon his knee or some smooth surface, commences operations by rolling the little ball by his third finger under each of the thimbles, which are in a row. lifting first one and then another, as the ball approaches it, with his thumb and fore-finger, and passing it along from one to the other. When all is ripe, he suffers the ball to stop, halfdisclosiiig naff-con- C New York. 41-tf WVhoteale and lie t tit Healer in GHOCSHtBS PROVISIONS. Jliiil & Armstrong s Wharf, Jl'iiminnrinn, ZV. C. Juno I a, 1345, 33-ly HAT AIMD CAPS, MARKET H TJi E E T W il minston , N. C. GEORGE W . DAVIS, Commission and Forwarding 51 Cite II A NT, T.ONnX'S W Il VJtF, WiLMiMGTew, N.C. Aitotioucei' 4t Co'.amisin .Uiitliaut, WILMINGTON, N. C .Liberal admnces mad on shipments to his friends m jew lork. September 21, 1844. t-tf. kit om niHsfo n i s. c r t n a it t , ie d.ur So. of Drown $r Deliossett's. Water-st, WIUUSGTON, N. C. GiSEWiJiiA AaNT AND In the More next North of the, neat Custom House. WlLM'NGTON, N. 0. mUR ASCE AGAINST fiut;, N the lA INSUUANCE COMPA NY," of Hanford, Conn., and the "HOW. Ml) INSURANCE COMPANY." of New otk, long esnhlished and approved Cmnpa les. bKUYV i & UKitUd&HI , 1 ts. July ll, 1845. 43-if L.ANK CHECKS A neat article, for sale at Ihe JOURNAL OFFICE. who had manifested his love for the red coal invaders, in many a desperate contest, had ihat morning left her alone in the old mansion, alone in ihis small chamber, in charge of some ammunition intended for a band of brave farmers, about to join the hosts of freedom. Even as she stood there, gazing out of the southern window, a faint il'.impse o! sunlight, from the laded leaves above; pouring over her mild fare, shaded by clustering bro - u hair, there, not ten paces from her side, were seven loaded ri fles and a keg of powder. Leaning from the casement, she listened with every nerve quivering w ith suspense, to the shouts of combatants, ih hurried t ead of armed men echoing from the south There was something very beautiful in that picture! The form of ihe voting girl, framed by the square massive window, the contrast between the rough limbers, that enclosed her, and that rounded fare, the lips parting, the hazel eye dilating, and the cheek warming and flushing, with hope anil fear; there w;is something vrrv beau tiful in ihat picture, a young girl leaning from the window of an old mansion, with her brown hair, waving in glossy masses around her face ! Suddenly the shouts to ihe south grew nearer, and then, emerging from the deep hollow there came and old man, running nt full speed, yet, every few paces, turning round to fire the rifle, which he loaded as ; he ran. He was pursued by a party tif ten or more British soidie-s, who came i rushing on, their bayonets fixed, as if to snike ihrir victim down, ere he advanced ten paces nearer the house. On and on the old man came, while his : daughter, quivering with suspense, hung tlt'lT J leaning from the window; he reaches the B '-UW-W Lt.l. I . -ii"uog grtic ncii : fie is surroun ded, their muskets are levelled at his head, he is down, down at their leet, grappling for his life! But look again ! He dash es his foes aside, with one bold movement he springs through the gate; an instant, and it is locked; ihe,Britth soldiers, mad with rage, gViZe upon ihe high wall of logs and sione, and vein their anger in drunken curses. Now look to yonder window ! Where the young girl stood a moment ago, quiv ering with suspense, as she beheld her lather struggling for his life now slands Now the lasi hall is fired, the old man stands there, in that second story w indow, his hands vainly grasping for another load ed rifle! At this moment, the wounded j down the mansion; then a contest on the and dying band bolow, are joined by a j stairs; then the echo of rifle shot anil ihe party of some twenty refuges, who, clad j light of rifle blaze ; then those ruffians iu in their hall robber uniform, came rushing (the doorway fall crushed before the strong Iroui the woods, ami, w ith tine hound, are leaping from the summit of the wall! Quirk, Bess, my rifle !' And look there even w hile the veteran stood-looking out upon his foes, the brave girl, for lender in lorm, & wildly beautiful in lace, she is a brave girl, a Hero VVonian had managed, as if by instinctive im pulse, to load a rifle. She handed it to her father, and then loaded another and anoth er ! Wasn't that a beautiful siohi? A cealing its resting place. Hands ara then unloose their hold of the rifle already the i lifted, and the easy dupes make their be troopers are tenure of one victim, at least, as to the identical thimble under which the a young and beautiful girl; for affection for j ball may be found. The strength of the her father, is tnauiering ihe heroism of ihe ' game lies in the legerdemain by w hich the moment look ! She is about lo spring i gamester removes the ball and places it into his ar.ns ! But now she sees her dan-j under any thimble he may choose, after ger ! again she clutches live rsfle ; again ihe bet is made although her falser s dying accents are in Thousands of dollars have been lost at her ears Mauds thrre prepared to scatter that house in ruins, if a single rough hand assails thai veteran form. There are a few brief terrible moments of suspense. Then a hurried sound, far this gane. About three years ago we took a trip upon one of the fine Western steamboats up Red River to the foot of the Raft. As usual, there'was a large number of passengers on hoard, among them the celebrated Dr. B , the inventor of anus of Continental soldiers. Then a w ild shriek quivers through the room, and that young gir! that Hero Woman, with one hound, springs forward into her brothers arms, and nestles there, while her dead fa ther his form yet warm lays, with fixed eye-balls, upon the floor. THE POTATO AND ITS DISEASES. The London Examiner has the follow ing article, headed 'Anticipation of the Po tato Disease "In a note in Darwin's Temple of Na ture, we find this remarkable conjecture : 4 'Mr. Knight first observed that these apple and pear trees, which had been propagated for above a century by ingraft ment, were now so unhealthy, as not to be worth cultivation. 1 have suspected the diseases of potatoes attended with the curl ed leaf, and of strawberry plants attended with barren flowers, to be owing to iheir and ue lock will he burnt Irorh "us sockets j having been too long raised from mots, or the passage will be free! Now is the j by solitary reproduction, & not Irom seeds, fair young girl, grasping powder and hall, with the r.wnrod, .ising and falling in her slender fingers ! Now look down to the wall again ! The refugees are clambering over Us sum mit again that fatal aim again a horrid cry, and another wounded man toppling down upon Iris deatl and dying comrades ! But now look ! A smoke rises there, a fire blazes up around the wall ; they have tired the jate. A moment, ami the bolt or sexuial reproduction; and to have thence acquired these hereditary diseases.' "The poetic text illustrative of this opin- fiery moment of the old man's trial ! While his brave daughter loads, he continues lo fire, with thai deadly aim, but now oh horror ! He falls, he falls, with a musket ion is as follows ; ball driven into his breast the daughter' ' ars successive, from perennial roots , i i .1 ., ; The w ire or luilh w ith lessened vigor shoots otil-stretched arms leceive ihe lather, as,1 u . .. ...... . . i I ill curled le,ivt-s or barren flowers betray who me nu.on spouting iron, nis wouno, A W;mjng lineage vermg to d cay ; lie topples hark Irom ihe window, Ah. it is a sail and terrible picture ! That old man, wriihing there, on the oaken floor, the young daughter bending over him, the light from the w indow stream ing over her lace, over her father's g;ev Or till, ami tided by connubial powers Rise seedling prouenies from sexual flowers." " Thai the potato is an esculent, is the creature of cultivation, is quite certain. In Dr. Paris's Pharmacoloyia we find lhat " ' Molina, iu his history of Chili, speak- hairs. while the ancient furniture of the ; ing of the potato, says : 'Il is indeed found mall chamber affords a dun back-ground so the scene ! Now hark ! The sound ol axes, at the hall door shouts hurras curses ! U e have the old rehle, at last!' The old than raises his head at that sound; makes an eft'-rt to rise ; clinches for a lifle, and then falls hark again, his eyes glarino. as the fierce pain of that uouml quivers through his heart Now watch the movements of thatdaugh Ur. Silently she loads a rifle, silently she rests its barrel against the head of lhat powder keg, and then, placing her finger on the trigger, slands over her father's form, while the shouts of the enraged sol diers come thundering from the stairs. Yes, they have broken the hall door to Iragments, they are in possession of the old block house, they are rushing toward that chamber, with murder in their hearts. and in their alariuo eves! Had the old f ih; t old man himself, his brow bared, his j man a thousand lives, ihey were not worth LANK WARRANTS for sale at th JOURNAL OFFICE. Ruin and Whiskey. OBbl N E. Rum, 20 do N. O. Whiskev. Daily expected and for sale by BARRY & BRYANT. For Sale. mft BUSHELS of first quality Planting ' fV Petal, by B. F. MITCHEI.J,. arm grasping the rifle, while his grey hair wave ba.-k from his wrinkled and hlood dahbled face! That was a fine picture of an old veteran, nerved for his last fight ; a stout warrior, preparing for his death strug gle. Death-struggle ? Yes ! for the old man. T ITT k isaac am pole, had dealt too many hard blows among the British soldiers, tricked, foiled, cheated them too often to escape now ! A few moments longer, and the y would be reinforced by a strong pattv of refugees; the powder, ihe arms, in "the old block-house, perhaps that daughter, herself, was to be thetr reward. Ther was scarcely a hope for vhe old man and yet he had determined to make a deap r ate fight. We must bluff off these rascal V he said, with a grim smile, turning to his child. Now, Bess, my girl, when 1 fire this rifle do you hand me another, and to on, until the whole eight shot ara fired ! Thai will a farthing's purchase now. Still thai girl grown suddenly white as ihe handkerchief round her neck stands there, trembling from head to foot, the rifle in her hand, ils dark tube laid against the powder keg. J he door is burst open look there ! Stout forms are in ihe doorway, w ith inns kets in their hands, grim faces, sunned with blood, g'are into the room. Now, as if her very soul was coined in to ihe words, that young girl, with her face pale as ashes, her hazel eye glaring with deathly light, utters this short yet meaning speech- ' Advance one step into the room, and I will fire this rifle into the powder there V No oath quivers from the Hp of that girl, to confirm her resolution hut there she stands, alone, with her wounded fath er, and yet not a soldier dare cross the threshold ! E mbruted as they are In deeds in all the fields ol this country, but the plants lhat grow wild, called by the Indians maglia, produce only very small roots of a bitter taste.' Dr. Baldw in also found the w ild parent of the potato plant at Mon te Video ; and Mr. Lambert informs us that this statement has been confirmed by Captain Bowles, who not long since re turned from the South American station ; he says, 'It is a common weed in the gar dens, bearing small potatoes, but too bitter for use.' " With regard to the notion that the dis ease of ihe potato may possibly arise from the cultivation of old and worn out varie ties, without resorting to the method of obtaining new sorts from cultivation by seed, the Examiner does not seem to be aware lhat all this matter has been very thoroughly discussed by the agriculturists. Nor does the Examiner seem lo know that from lime to lime, .ew varieties of the root, raised directly from the -seed, are in troduced, ami the older ones abandoned, as no longer fit for cultivation. Yet thee new sorts are subject to the potato disease as well as the old, though some contend that they are not affected by it in so great a degree. As to the apple and pear ami other fruits, the theory of Mr. Knight, lhat the varie ties which have been cultivated for above a century by grafting, grow unhealthy, has long been familiar to cultivators, and at one lime seemed to meet with very gen eral reception. Lately, however, it has been controverted, with an appearance of j torVexperrse. much force of argument. In Downing s excellent book on Fruit Trees, the reader will find a summary of the facts and rea sonings on the subject. What Darwin calls the hereditary dis ease of plants, may be propagated as well by the seed, as by slips; or cuttings, or grafts. It fs thought by gaitieners to be the game of 'thimbles!' The Dr. frequent ly amused the passengers with several games particularly one called 'Calcula tion,1 which seemed to be his favorite, and brought him quite a revenue during the trip. The Doctor himself, was quite a subject of curiosity and study to us, having heard so much of his unrivalled shrewd ness as a sportsman, and the vast amount accumulated by him by the little game of Thimbles. Indeed, it was said that he was the moving cause of several penal statutes iu regard to gaming, having been enacted by this State and Georgia. One evening after supper, it wa3 insisted by some of the passengers thai the Doctor should exhibit the game of Thimbles, which, with his usual modesty, he decli ned to do, protesting among other things ihat he had no thimbles. This difficulty was easily remedied, a messenger being despatched to the ladies cabin soon return ed with the requisite number. 'J he Doc tor made him a little hall of paper, and commenced ihe performance. At first he was quite unlucky but he paid up punctu ally, ami consoled himself with a favorite expression of his. that 'sometimes I am veri severe, then again not quite so sly.'' Among the mokers tin w as a young gen tleman from good old Connecticut, on his (itsi visit 'South.1 He w as on his way to the head of navigation, with a pretty little stork of groceries, by way of trying his fortune in the Greal West. He soon man ifested considerable interest in the game, declaring he knew the thimble under which the ball might be found. The Doctor gave him a knowing wink, and desired him in a whisper 'not to tell. But so ofien did our friend 'guess1 right, lhat at last he laid aside ail scrupless of conscience, and de sired to be permitted to bet a few dollars. To this proposition the Doctor at first ob jected, declaring 'he did not like the young man1 eye it was too keen,1 that he saw the ball, &c. This seemed to please 'Connecticut' very much and made him the more anxious to bet. After much parley and a good deal of reluctance on ihe part of the Doctor, it was at last agreed that 'Connecticut, might bet a few dollars, 'just a few,1 if he would allow the Doctor a liule chance against two such piercing eyes as he had. by betting two to one. This being at length settled, our young friend put up his twenty dollars against the Doctor's ten. Hands off and all being ready, he lifted the thimble and sure enough there was the ball. The Doctor gave up the money and all enjoyed a hearty laugh at his expense. This w as the largest bet which had been made lhat evening. The Duet obseved, 'sometimes he was not quite so sly 1 The ball and thimble were again put in motion again all being ready our lucky friend proposed to bet but ihe Doctor declared he must have some chance against sucn great odds as Yankee eyes,1 and in sisted on three to one, or thirty dollars to ten being made. This was also accepted again the thimble was raised, and sure enough there wds the ball. Our friend again poeketed another X, and again the social hall rang with laughter at the Uoc- lle unrolled a portion of the paper ol which it was made, stuck out from under one of the thimbles. This onrinnecticul IriewJ plainly saw, and we presumed the Doq tor, through old age, (now about 70.) had his sight so impaired as not to be able to see it, and could not, therefore, play fiis game with his accustomed adroitness.- But the tale was soon told. Our 'Yan kee friend' proposed to double ttte fcet 'having the thing so dead.1 The Doc tor impatient ol repealed losses told Iiirn tq make il hundreds instead of fens. This was done, and our friend bet three htm dred dollars against one hundred dollars. (Just here we thought it a shame to take advantage even of a professional game siers blindness, for the location of the ball was so evident.) . The money up, Connecticut was all impatience to realize hi3 expectations and in great eagerness he raises again the thimble and sure enough il was NOT there!!! He had reached the climax of the Doctor's expectations in regard to his ready cash and willingness to bet, and he could not win We have seen many pic tures of disappointment, but the appearance of that young man's countenance we can never forget. The laugh was now" up roarinus. As much as you have pitied the poor dupe ihe laugh was irresistable but the poor fellow, 'like the boy the caff rim over, saw nothing to laugh at.1 He W53 a stalue of amazed misery. "Tim Doctor cooly pocketed his cash, while our friend stammered out his astonishment with the declaration that all was not right, that he had never bet before and had sure ly been taken in. Nevermind,' says the Doctor, 'what's a few hundred dollars to a young man with yov r eyes ? The ladies all admire them I heard them speak of them today. and you won twice out of three times thaVs the best two in three any kow. The Ladies Can Till4ffte editor of the Louisville Iris, on his way home the other night, picked up a very extraordina ry piece of decoration belepftng to some young woman. He appeared to bo ai a less to know what to call it. We presume;' however, that some of our female acquain tances could give him light on the subject Hear him describe it: I It is shaped, or rather was, a good deal like a recent half moon ; some like an India-rubber life preserver, and some like. t iiig yoke ; felt a liule soft like, and was covered with bed ticking. We had near ly broke our neck over it, and as we never had any luck in our life, we thought may be we had found a treasure at last. We didn't know but it was a new way the banks have adopted of making remittances so as to prevent robbery, for the ugly thing had a string at each end so that in an emergen cy a man might tie it around him and car ry it a short distance. W ith anxious hand, therefore, we seized our knife and tore in to it, it iipt about six inches, and the first thing that protruded itself from the orifice was an old roundabout, and then, in rap id succession, three short shirts and two long ones ; an old fur cap ; a pair of breeches, old and ragged ; the skirt of an old calico dress ; a pair of old calit o draw ers, with fringed bottoms; four old night caps ; two cradle blankets ; one. old leg horn bonnet; one old morocco boot; two table c'.oths ; ten small pieces of diaper, very much worn ; an old pUno cover; two long night-gowns; one ragged chemise; three quilted petticoats and six bippins. What on earth could these things have been? Do teli? of blood, there is something terrible to (pretty well ascertained that peach atones The thimbles were again arranged. This time we observed the game closely, as wa thought from his repeated losses the Doctor was hardly entitled to that great reputation for cunning and sagacity which had ever been attributed to him. Now in the moving of the little paper bail, we thought we discovered the source of the Doctor's mtefortiines, for becoming a lir- A Man with One Hundred and Forty five chit dren ! The Worcester shield, published at now Hill, Maryland, give the following account of an extraordinary man, now firing in Sotterct coun ty, in tKat state. "There is at this time, in a neigh!orhood In Som erset county, Md., a gentleman named Nelson, in his 9Ut year, who ha 145 children, gTand children and great grand children nov Hvirrg with in the sound of his voice. In hia own language, h "can stand at hia door on a calm morning, anil make every one hear him with the exception of three." Hp further says, reasoning from what has occurred, "if hi life is spared five years ln fr, he will have 200. instead of 145 co lateral?, iiniiieiUn hj around him." He yet retains th vigor and activity of yonth i foif of sporting and often amuses himself by hauliof the seine and sometime stand fur boars waist deep in the water, without expMncing any bad eflect from it. He lost hi wife about three winters ego, wUh whom he bad lived in happy wedlock 69 jear. It bas been 20 year eince IiOhas had any sick ness and 40 years since be bas required a pbysi can for himself. He is quite a monument oi am, tiquity, being perfectly familiar with the scenes) of the Revolution, during which tune he was en gaged in the then profitable business of oy storing; and supplied Gen. Washington' table with oys ter at Mount Vernon until his deatb. He has feqiienly been In bis house and received the mon ev for the cargo from the great man' own hand lie rty it wa hi custom never to boy Jess than fifty bushels, part of which his noighbors would get irom mm. Ways of the West. At Little Fort, there r being storage room sufficient to accommodate the ira amount of produce coming forward at that thriving point, we loam, the Court Howe tMriag full, that a commencement hbeen made to fill the CjtoreAewth wheu--CAtccrgo Jour. rrge IHvidend.ThB Atlantic Mutual In eoreiicf Company of New York, declar ed a draioend of Pr 5er on wt a4i