JOURNA Li DEVOTED TO POLITICS, THE MARKETilGItlClLTURE, FOREIGN ANl DOMESTIC NEWS LITERATURE, AND GENERAL INFORMATION. - DAVID rULTOW, Editob. h itxi s i JmWmw $SdiaJ oJ edt -j&'ai rfj GOD. OUR COUNTRY. AND LIBERTY. TERMS i 83 50 tn advance. - f - i : rr: VOL, 3. NO. 31. , MM JM1 O U u . 4f r. WILMINGTON, JV. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1846. WHOLE NO. 83. , . . - : ' ' ,r - - 1 " "' - ' - ' , . . , Am . www . w tMLlWIGTON JOURNAL: lM IlllSHE! EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY PRICE & FULTOX, PnopuiK-roas. r E s vo U .i'ars and l.ity nts Paid hl a(IVa"ce' ; at tlic end oi three months. dUWtinued until all arrearages are ,MeJut at the option of the publishers. No irt,.tt..i received fa than twelve months. TO CLUBS OF subscribers, to one address, $1 1 00 Fiv: lie iv s Ten, do. d. do. U m Tuctty, do. do. 33 O0 'bers, 13 drawn No a Ut au-V onUr unkM8 tht mmey ICZU'itf'-" - (,, I'. . n ri 1 I . Mid and upwards, and money may be re filled tkrmgh the mail at our risk. m ister's certificate of such remittance shall be a Inserted at one dollar per square of 16 lines or le9i for the first, and twenty-five cenls for each auccccdmg insertion. 25 per cent wdl be deduc red from an advertising bill when it amounts to thirty dollars in any one year. V kaiu.t standing advertisements will be inserted ai .u per sqwu.e. , All legal advertisements charged 'Zb per cent hiiher. . JLfi ry If the number of insertions are not markco j .,n P advertisement, they will be continued until ordered out, and charged for accordingly- ,rl,etters to the proprietors on business con nected with this establishment, must be post paid, and directed to the firm. t FFICB on the south-east corner of f root and Princess streets, opposite the Bank of the State. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, Neatly executed and with despatch, on liberal terms for cash, at the JOURNAL OFFICE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, N. C. MANTUA-MAKING. rmRS. PRICE would inform the ladies of Wil AUL mtogion and its vicinity, that she will ex ecute work in ike above line, on reasonable teiins. Residence over the JOURNAL OFFICE, November 7, 1 845 i 29th I 30ih GiXf.Kspa: & ROBESON Continue the AGENCY" business, and will make liberal advances on consignments of Lumber, Naval Stores. fcc. fcc. Wilmington, August 1st, 1845. The Observer and the North Carolinian, Fay etteville, will copy six months and forward accounts o this office. John S. Richards, CO.TI.TIIjSION merchant, G EXE UAL AGENT, Wilmington, N. C. Respectfully refers to Messrs. J. & E Anderson, Wilmi t0ll N. (j. R. W. Brown, Esq. 5 Messrs. Woolsey fe Wlsej-, Richards, Basselt & Aborn, A. Richards, Esp June 27, 1845. CORNELIUS MYERS, i-aamtf actum: jtIicalcr lit '''HATS AWB CAPS, WHOLESALE. A !i UKTAIL, MARKET STREET Wilmington, N. C. GEORGE AV . DAVIS, Commission and Forwarding tfERCH AST, LONDON'S WHA'ltK, Wilmington. N. C. Auiitioneev & Co;nmtsSlon Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal ado ;ncrs andean shipments to his friends in New York. September 21, IS 14. 1-tf. (C 0 a initio it jil c v c it a t , One door So. of Br. taut $ DeRossett's. IVuter-at WlL:lMiTON, N. C. AND C V.U.UESSIO.Y JISliiCUl.YT. In the $irt next North if the new Custom House. WlLM'NGTON, N. C. firSU.BANCf AOAISST FIRE, IN the lrtiETNA INSURANCE COMPA NY," of Hartford, Conn., and the "HOW ARD INSURANCE COMPANY," of New York, long established and approved Compa nies. BROWN & DEROSSET, July 11, 1845. 43-if B LAMK CHECKS A neat article, for sale at the JOURNAL OFFICE. B LANK WARRANTS for sale at the JOURNAL OFFICE. Bum and Whiskey. M Bbls N. E. Rum, fTl' 20 do N. U. Whiskey. Daily expected and for sale bv J2 BARRY & BRYANT. Cjiarden Seeds. jk FRESH and full assortment, growth of Jjk Just received by F13 22 WM. SHAW. .9 BBLS. Fayettevi rasa r luuk, 60 do. Canal do. 50 half bbls. Canal do. Just received hy ADAMS &. McGARY. Nov. 28th, 1845. 11-tf JDFJiyCES. IBBRAL CASH ADVANCES made on consignments of Produce to my friends in New York. 4l-tf rS'sw York. JOHN S. RICHARDS. Jane 2. 1 848. LsJlJJUld 15. JjUCA d Basement Rooms, under Engl, corner of Main and 13th streets Richmond, Va. ; UNPARELLELED LUCK AT LUCK'S Lucky Office. GRAND SCHEMES FOR APRIL ARE AS FOLLOWS : jP40,(K)0"! $I5,iOO! $10,000 ? Grand Consolidated Lottery, class No. 16, to be drawn on Saturday, April- 18th, 186. 78 nuuir i ORAM) CAPITALS : of 40.000 15.000 10 (K 6 0U0 1 of 5 25 !g!4000 8M0 inj &c. &c. &c. Tickets $10. halves 5, quarters 2 50. A certificate of 26 wholes costs $119 00 Do do 56 halves do 59 50 . Do do 26 qrs. do 29 75 $30,000 ! 10,000! 6,000 ! Grand Consolidated lottery, class IS'o. 17, to bt drawn on Saturday. ApriJ 2oth, i S45. 75 nos. 15 drawn. ouaSI) capitals 1 prize of 1 do $30.0(10, 1 prize of $4000 10,000 1 do 2000 6OO0! 10 do 1500 1 do Tickets $U)T halves 5, quar ers 2 50. A certificate of 25 wholes cost. 92 50 25 halves do 46 75 25 qrs. do 23 .37 The following mall rc hemes to be drnwn as follows : DATE. APJ.IL. CAPITALS. PRICE Of TJCKUTS. WHOLES. HALVES. UUS. 1st -2H 3d (ith 7th 8th 9th 10th 13th 14th IS h 16th 17ih 20Ui 'Jlst 2d 23,1 24 th 27th 28th Pokomoke 05, 1 82 81 do. do. do, do. do. do. ' do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 66, 8.00!) &c 67, 14.000 &c 6S, iSj.BuU &c o 1 l ir,t p. I 2 4 8 5 1 o 4 8 "I 2 4 8 5 1 2 4 8 5 4 2 1 2 4 2 2- 1 o 4 f 1 2 4 2 1 o 4 2 2 1 50 1 A M 1 50 1 2 !' 50 U3, O Ul M',Ul'UfVI. 70, 71, '72, 73, 74. 75, 76, 77, 7 , J9' So, 81, 82. 12.000 die 8,000 itc 10.000 &c 25.000 &c 16,000 lie 12.000 &c 7,d)0 &t 12,W)0 Ac 25.000 die 15.0iK c 12,000 &c 6,000 die 12.000 &c. 1 2 1 i 1 50 1 2 1 50 S3, 4 of 10.000 oic 64, 17,500 Ac J?5, 14 000 Ac SO, 5000 & IU of 1000 My friends and, the public generally will please bear In mind dial all prizes are in the hands of "LUCK." Then lor prizes pleast- address C. B, LUCK. Vender lor D. PAINE & Co., Managers. Persons ordering by the package in any of the above can deduct the price of three tickets. The tickets in the above Loteriesare received, and all orde s addressed t- Luck will meet the most prompt and confidential attention. 1 have every day Lotteries from 1 to 20 dollars, and when h remittance is made to me, large oy small, I will always invest in the must popular lotfries "ii hand. The drawings sent when requested to all who order from me. On all letters enclosing Cash or Prize TickPts. the nostai'e, as nsunl, need not be paid. C. li. LLCK. March 13th, IS-45 2ti r"IMiE undersigned havina been elected Insnec wi to.s of NAVAL STORES ar.d PROVI SIONS, bee leave to inform the makers of Tar and Turpentine, that they ha vtf associated them selves together, under the and style of I, ARftlXS & CORBUTI, for the transaction of the Inspection business, and that they respectfully solicit a liberal share of their patronage'; and promise, by industry, punctuality and fidelity, to endeavor to merit their favor. Consignments to4hem shall meet with prompt dispatch- (TOffice in Mr. Nutt's building, Water street, up stairs. WM. R. LARKIINS, JAS. L COR BE IT. Wilmington, N. C, M27, 1846 28-1 y Classical School. F11HE subscriber would inform the citizens of A Wilmington S(. vicinity, that the second term of this instilitution will commence on. Monday March 24th, 1846, at the Masonic Hall. Pupils will be instructed in all the various branches pre paratory to entering any class in College. The School will be continued at Smithville during the Summer. Those wishing to apply, may see him either at the Hall, or VIrs. Hill's boarding house, where farther particulars and the best of references will be given. Terms per quarter of eleven iveeks. Common English branches, $7 00 Higher English hratiches and the Classic. 10 00 FRANKLIN WEBSTER, A. B. March, 20 1846 27-tf INSPECTION- NOTICfe. THE undersigned having been re-appointed Inspectors of NAVAL STORES AND PROVISIONS, nt the last term of the County Coort of New Han over, tak- this method of informing their country friends anr Turpentine makers generally, that thev are exactly ready to attend to all Inspection-with which they may be favored. lth for town and country. JOHN S. JAMES, M27 28-ly P. M. WALKER. o N HAND, and for sale at the JOURNAL OFFICE. County and Sup. .'ouit Writs do do Subpoenas do do Fi. Faa. C-ur.ty Cnurt Scire Facias Apprentice's Indentures Letters of Administrators Appeal Bonds Juror's Tickets Mai Peace warrants Constable's bonds I 1 ' y 1 Guardian Bonds Administrator's do Military Ca Sas j Land Deeds Negro Bonds Warrants, Ca Sas Ca Sa bonds Notes of hand Checks, Cape Fear Bank do Branch Bank of the State Notes, neeotioble at bank Inspector's Certificates Bills Sale, Negro Certificates of Justices attending Court hipping Papers Bill s Lading tlettci ) fTVAnv hlinb Twinfjil eind Tint em Kind will Ka I hn J ....II U printed with tbe utmost despatch. (Officers of the Courtsand other officers, and all other persons, requiring blanks, or any other work in the printing line would do well to give us a call, or send in their orders. We are determin ed to execute our work well, and at thfe cheapest rates for cash Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE GCH BAGS. TW0 Bushel Gunny Bags, jus HW received per barque Martha per barque Martha, from Boston. For sale by G. W. DAVIS. Corn, Meal, and Cow Peas. store, and for sale by 44 Aimr..i,,,n TT. IM "UN UUUt in me Sff 1 A g Q W- T... T TV- H name of KEE3J & HUSTON, i i i , i i anu arts hov, prepareu 10 coniraci ior any Kind OI ' nrnrh m Km llAS(Ji l.lfh.. Krtth nt lluun Kn. ,,,r,TP,, nrnn irvtr?KT .1 n , 1!'f Si m I : m . y 4 selves that hey will be able to give pr-rfec t sat.s- ; faction to all who may favor them with a JOB. Promising faithfulness and punctuality in the exe cution of their contracts, they hope to receive a lib era! share of patronage JOSEPH L. KEEN, MAXWELL HUSTON. 29-tf April 3, 1816 STATE OF NORTE-CAROLINA, CoLCMBCS CotTXTT. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. February Term, 1816. Charles McNorien, guardian,"". j Petition for par" I ition of Lands, j to J nrnes Mouioe MeNorten ! and others. f tition vs. 1 hclicirs ot John VVestbrook.J I I apneanna to the satisfaction of the Court that not inhabitants of this State, the defendants are it is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made in the Wilmington Journal for six weeks, notifying the said defendants to appear at our next Court, to be held at White i lie on the second Monday in May next, then and there to answer said petition, or judgment will be taken pro confesso and heard exjpartee as to them. Teste, Wm:MILLlCAN, Clerk. MM, 1846 27 -6t fYNmrvTiws Kio i.,;.a. f k;, m t.)o.i rwrttiv i ': i .i n r hijj uuueisiyueu vvuuiu respeciIUIiy lniorm nwiuno, uu I'luui bueei, ijcai mc uau& ui uic Jqj-j JL the eitiens of Wilmington and vicinity, that , State, for the purpose of carrying on the CAR- -i JW Market street, between Front and Second J nuance of past favors, &c. He would par where he would call the attention of the citiW ! tjCukriywoaiinend all Makers to have of Wilmington and the surrounding country, to i !heir PrUce sold a well quakheJ Agent, as U his large and well selected stock of 15 "ot a legitimate business for an Inspector to at- pddivp ,vn ei tt it vt ti n nTnrriiTvn tend to, and it is believed they do not desire to sel 1 ftrlintr A.D iSDliEK CLUTHINtt, ihe article. The subscriber also begs leave to ob got up under his own supe-intendance, expressly ! serve that he charges a commission of I per cent, for the Southern market. These carments are made by experienced workmen, snd warranted for durability and fastness of colors, equal to any that I has ever been offered in this or any other place. ! Persons in want of such articles as arc generally j led highest market price, merely to have their bu kept in a MERCHANT TAILORING ESTAfi-1 siness done for nothing, by which they frequently LISHMENT. will find it a great saving to call ' lose two or three commissions on the sales of their and examine for themselves before nurchasina elsewhere. He has also a large assortment of uncut goods, fAich as English, French and Belgian CLOTHS and CAiSSlMERES, which he is prepared to make up at the shortest notice, and warrant a perfect fit or no sale. Gentlemen coming in and wanting clothes made by experienced workmen, will find it to their advantage to give a call. In ad iition to his old stock of Ready-made Clothing. he has added a splendid assortment of CLOTH DRE-S and FROCK COATS, made of the finest 'rench, English and American cloths, and cot in he latest styles for the Southern market. He has also a splendid variety of the newest styles of Spring and Summer W A IS TC DATING S. AUo a beautiful assortment of French, English and American fancy and plain Cassimere pants. An entirely new style of Summer SACK and BUSI NESS COATS, suited for the Southern climate. Persons wisiiing to be fitted in a genteel uit, will please all and pass their own judgment. Wilmington, N. C, March 20, 1840. Fire Insurance. THE subscribers, having been appoin ted Agents for the Williamsburg N. York INSURANCE COMPANY, are prepared Jo take Risks on buildings and mer chandize in town; and, also, on buildings in the country, at the lowest rate of premium. M13. 26-ly KELLY & McCALEB. TIMER AND LUMBER INSPECTOR. LAMES T. MORRIS would respectfully in- 'J form the Timber and Lumber getters of North Carolina, that he has been elected a Timber and Lumber Inspector for the town of Wilmington, and he respectfully soli, its the custom of the ma- kers of these articles. He believes Irom Ins knowi - edge of the business, that he will be able to give ! satisfaction to those who may employ him. March 13, 1846 26-tf I undersigned having been appointed at the last term of the County Court, an Inspector of A' aval Stores, respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. He feels truly grateful to his old customers, friends, and the public in general, f.r past favors, and trusts by close attention to bu siness 'to merit a continuance ol the same. JESSE BOWDEN. M13, 1816 26-ly The North Carolinian and Fayetteville Obser ver will copy three weeks and forward accounts to this office. IlffSPECTCR'S NOTICE. MIE undersigned having been appoin'ed one nf t!,P T N S P R C T O R S of NAVAL S ' ORES and PROVISIONS for the Inspection District adjoining Wilmington, tender his servi ces to the public. To his friends and the public generally, he promises entire devotion to the busi ness of his office, and hopes by his constant atten tion to the iot rests of those who may avail them selves of his serwees, to secure a share of the pa tronage of the public. JAMES A. BUNTING. March 20, 1S46 " 27'tf ltaBEtsiHB LIMBER INSPECTOR. TTAMES ALDERMAN would inform his n3 friends in the surrounding country that he -nw-n 1 T -B T-t AT rTTm T TVT . , . a xiMBER and LUMBER IN . . . - , . IT SPECTOR for the town ot Wilmington, ne would respectfully solicit at the hands of the Tim ber and Lumbermakers of North Carolina, a share of their patronage. He hopes by doing justly, both by the buyer and seller and by promptness and industry, to please those who may connuc their Dusiness 10 mm. VI - 1 1 VJh " -a v Notice, i A LL persons indebted to the estate of Wm. jm. B. Meares. dec d. are nereoy notineu, mat unless payment is made on or before tu. 15th of January next, suit will be commenced in every in stance of failure. C. G. MEARES, Jotice ot Copartnership FHHE subscribers most respectfully inform the :: e : . i i .u i ... , . , , , public general y, that they have entered into co - r Y : 3l . r H.-n-monM e partnership under the firm ol MAI I lcON & Wmu a h..i. r ,u branches. ( One of the firm, lately from the North, ; havino had great opportunities of acquring a cor- u. , . w-, ii. L . . 1 - C A ...k!,..(.,.n , mr icvt iiiuwicur ui iiiuufiu .niiiJiiriiuUt ti pine- , - , :.-. u i ,u . strength and durability of buikhngs, as well as thfe "eat and chaste style 'of their finish, they feci con- fiJent ab,e mali u : iof gentlemen intending to build, to give them a . ; call Their system of framing timbers for Facto- ; jries, Mills, &c, and for roofs of large public buil-j I dings, cannot be excelled, and offers great induce- ments to citizens of other states, where timber is scarce, to procure Frames ready to raise, of the best timber in the world. They will make to or der, common and circular Ovalo Sash, circular & fancy, Gothic, Belection or Ogee Sash; Frances and Sash iu the perpendicular Gothic style forchurch- I es, &c; Imitation, Grecian and Egyptian Chim I nev Pieces : Imitation Frontispieces ; Common, Continued Rail, or Geomatrical Stair Cases; plain and fluted Portico Columns; Venetian Blinds, Pannel Doois, and any other work in their me 01 business. Thnv ivill also furnish lis r.rdpr Tptnl Sacb w'ltb heavv )a(e glass for Fancv g, fronts. Metai anJ GUt me fcj hts an( Transoms, dec. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. Jobbing of all kinds neatlv done. J. B. MATTISON, 11. S. THOMAS. Wilmington, . C, April 10, 1846. 30-3m Turpentine Agency. T,HE subscrber respccfully offers his services to 444 Turpentine Makers as Agent for the sale of the article, and hopes by prompt and active alien won, togemer witn tiis experience, to receive a and will endeaver to earn it on all occasions, and in conclusion wou d particulaly recommend all Turpentine Makers not to engage their crops to, dealers in the article in this martlet at the so cal produce. JOHIN HALL. April 3, 1846 29-3t T HE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PA NY, OF NEW YORK. This Institu tion, during the month of June, issued ninety new Policies, viz : To Merchants and Traders To Clerks To Agenis To Brokers To Manufacturers To Booksellers and Publishers To Iron Masters To Dentist To Teacher To Grocers To Clergymen To Physicians To Lawyers To Mecnanics To Artists To Supercargo To Pres't of a Bank To Cash'r of a Bank To Gentleman To Ladies 7 31 To Physicians 3 10 1 To Lawyers 4 4 To Mecnanics 6 3 I To Artists 2 1 1 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 ives Insured 90 Condition ot this Office on the 1st of February, and at this date. . No. of Poli- cies iss'd. Gr. Rec'ts. Loss & Ex. Ain't. Iw. January otst S10SG June 30th 1513 $124,687 827,4 H 897,272 191,997 33 315 153,592 in. since 1st Feb 8427 867.220 810,901 856,313 M. ROBINSON, President. Samuel IIanjtay. Sec'y. The undersigned, agent for the above Company in this town, will receive and transmit applica tions. JOHN S. RICHARDS. July 18, 1845. For Sale. T HE STEAM SAW MILL at the foot of Grand street, (near Williamsburgh Ferry, New York city) consisting of a 40 hore power Engine, 4 boilers, 20 feet long, 26 inches diame ter, 5 large Drums fr running 4 Saw Gates, and now in full operation ; can be taken down and re- i Inaved at small expense For further information 1 appv to BARRY & BRYANT. 1100 BUSHELS Turks Island Salt, 103 bags coarse fine Liverpool Salt, 50 bb's Onions, 270 bbls white Planti.ig Potatoes, 50 " Beets, 15 bbls Turnips, 15 " Carn.ts. 60 " N. E. Rum, 5 " No. I Mackerel, No. do 100 bales Hay, 111 bags Rio Coff e. For sale by J23 BARKY & BRYANT. Com and Bacon Afloat. 1800 sale by BUSH. Corn, 1185 lbs Bacon, cargo ofschr Surpass, afloat, for Wm. COOKE." FROM NEW ORLEANS Dmfy Expected. 10 casks Bacon Sides, . 125 kegs Lard, 700 bushels Corn, in sacks, U)0 barrels Rectified Whiskey, for sale by M27 G W DAVIS ACKEREL AND ALEWIVES 80 bbls ifcT r a 1 1 X.1ML :o. a macKerei. 30 bbls Alewives, in good order, and for sale by M27 G W DAVIS Alfred Alderman DOPTS this method of informing the public . that he has received from the County Court tbe appointment of Inspector ofJYaval Stores. He respectfully solicits patronage, and promises punctuality and fidelity in all business entrusted to his care. M27. 1846 28 tf LIFE INSURANCE. New York Mutual L'fe Insurance Company. -HE subscriber having been appointed Agent L for the above company, is prepared to receive applications, and to communicate all necessary in formation on the subject, to such as may apply. JOHN 8. RICHARDS. June 27, 1845 OLD NASH BRANDY. fcfcU . wrrntr1 1 0 veaw old. for sale by REMOVAL CHARLES MARECHAL respectfully in forms his old customers, friends and the pub- lie in general that he has removed to the Store ou - i . . -. , ,, . o.- ,n,,;0,i M tier treet, stroated between tpe otores occupied . -.: .: ; ,f , . 0 , i M. r n wuU hy Messrs. Sandford Smilh and Mr. C. D. Ellis. of the Custom-house, whtre he has j;st re from New Yok, a general assortment of - Wm9M mm, jb SU9 ..ffi.JP ss consisting principally of Calicoes, from 5 cents In Fk nerta nor t: erfl PronrK If n c 1 1 ns and l"i i r rr .'iu-huo mw .mu&- ,.imi. l:11W nn,l Hftilt-r,.Kf f.ho I. . . ...... . .1 test styles ; ladies Bonnets, oi the latest style and fashion, very cheap; silk and cotton Parasols ai.d Umbrel,aSf of lM descriptions. A complete assort- ment of Hosiery, &c. &c. A general assortment f Ready-made Clothing, cut in the latest style and fashions, and of the best materials-. Also, a large assortment of summer and spring stuffs for making eveiy description 01 clothing. A large assortment of HATS and CAPS, for spring and summer wear. SHOES AND BOOTS, of every description. A general assortment of GROCERIES, HARD WARE and CUTTLERY, together with a va riety of other articles too numerous to mention in an advertisement; all of which he respectfully in vites the public to call and examine for themselves, as he will sell his goods a little cheaper than such articles were ever offered in this market before, either for cash or country produce. Wilmington, April 10, 1846. 30 UN IT ED STATES OF A MERIC A Dis trict of frorth-Carulina District of Cape Fear In Admirality. Wm. Murch, for himself and others, vs. BiigFinta, her tackle, apparel, fur- "d,ulv- "-5W- 1 In obedience to an order made by the Honorable i Henry Potter, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the District of North Carolina, oa Fridav, the 24th day ot Aon , 1S46, Ishail ex-j , , ... J .. 1 r , , , r nnp In khIa f nn j hp niiflinn nn KaralAti a vvlmrt I r . " .' ' - ' in the nwn nt VVi m n tnn. m mm v i - v -r m m m m - j . . . m m m m . , O I 26i) hogsheads and 40 tierces of Molasses, 1 box of Sugar, and 1 or 2 barrels of Deef, Pork and Ship Bread, being the cargo and stores of the brig Pinta, libel led in the Court aforesaid. Terms cash. WESLEY JONES, Marshal for the District of North Carolina. by JERE. NICHOLS, D. M. April 6th, 1S46.. 30-3t WTiNITED STATES OF AMERICA Dis- ; trict of Korth- Carolina District of Cape Fear In Admirality- Wm. Murch, lor himself and others, vs. brig Pinta, her tackle, apparel, fur- niture and cargo. Profjils of the Slave Trade.h appears by Whereas, William Murch, Master of the schoo- ,, cjujli . ner E. S. Powell, as well for himself as also on be- lhe PaPPrS found on bord lhe 8,avet fnY half of the owners and crew of said schooner, hath j captured that the slaves cost cn the coast $15 exbibted his I ibel in the District Court of the U-! a $20 each, and will sell in any part of Bra nited State 1 for the District of Cape Fear, in the Lj, fof 33 If he ponJJ ha( reacre(J District of North Carolina, stating, alledgtng and propounding, that a certain brig called the Pinta, j destination in safety, she would have cleared was found derelict, on the high seas, and was j oboul $25,000. If lhe Panther had been sue brought into the port of Wilmington in the Dia- trict aforesaid, by the said William Murch and the r-rew nft if sa d scbooner E . 8. Powell, and nrav- ing that reasonable and proper compensation for their said salvage services, together with their ex- j tie oreat Halifax express stated that the sieam penses in that behalf sustained, should be decreed ' er Kennebec out her way through iceiaht ihoh by the Honorable the Court aforesaid, to be due es xiU.k in ,he j3fy of Fumtay. $0tC Cw to said Libelants, and praying further that process ; York paper immediately mavrnified its thick in due form of law according to the course ot said , nesa lo eighteen Inches. The Boston Star court in causes of Admiralty and maritime then baj j, h feet TUe Senlina, turn might issue agamst said brig Pinta, her tack-1 ca the c1maXt , a hsmorotta notice of le, apparel and lurm.ure, with the cargo laden L remaks therein, wheresoever the tame may be found, and L:m, u nf;.; u cr .1 . 7 . that tl same may be condemned. And whereaa. a ?"lish lliat Pper stales the Judge of the District Court for the District 1 W of Fund ay was recently frozen aforesaid hath ordered and directed, that all per- j 0Ver. 0 the dePUl S,X ? ffet' and Probably sons concerned, be cited and intimated to appear wo!ud never 'ave been broken up again had at the court to be held for the District aforesaid, in Wilmington, on the first Monday after lhe fourth Monday in April, 1S46, and show cause, if any they have, why judgment should not pass as pray- r , ! . i t 1,: .: T.l- right, title, interest or claim, in or to the said brig . . : ' . 7 r . . .r Xry Pinta, her tackle, apparel and furniture, or the car go laden on board said brig, libelled against as a foresaid, to be and appear at the time and place a foresaid, before the court aforesaid ; and also to at tend upon every session and sessions to be held there and from thence, until a definitive sentence shall be read and promulgated i:i the said business inclusively, if any of them shail think it their duty so to do; to hear, abide and perform all and singu lar such judicial acts as are necessary and by law required to be done and expedited in the premises; and further to do and receive what unto law and justice shall appertain, under the pain of the law and the contempt thcrcot ; the absence and con tumacy of them and every of them notwithstanding. WESLEY JONES, Marshal of the District of North-Carolina, by JERE. NICHOLS, D. M. Wilmington, N. C, April 6th, 181P. 30-4t NEW STOCK OF DhlUGS, ME DICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WIN DOW GLASS, &c. &c. &c. The subscriber has received at his OLu STAND, a full and complete assortment in the above line, to which he respectfully invites lhe attention of Physicians and Country Merchants. He would take this opportunity of expressing his thanks to his old customers, and begs lo assure them that nothing shall be wanting on his part to merit a continuance of their support. I am in daily expectation of receivirg 250 oz. Sulph. Quinine, which I will sell during the sum mer at the lowest possilde price. Also, a lot of Carpenter's Compound Extract Cincboninexon taining all the propeities of Quinine at one third the price. The public may depend en their or- ' rflflflirinrr nrnmnt 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 ( i !1 . son. I liiTER. Having fitted up my apparatus with all the Izte j improvements, 1 arm he prepareo in a lew uays 10 I . .... . a i I . open, and have no hesitation in paving frcm pie- sent facilities I shall be able to prepare that delight ful summer beverage in a style not to be surpass- rLLJm of LADIESA will have the rear of mv torP neatlv ntted uo and kept exclusively for their benefit. Ladies will enter by the door on Front street, directly opposite Dr. DeRosset's of fice. W M.SHAW. Ice at Retail from 6 A. M. to 10 P. M. April 10th, 1846. m u BRLS. best New Orleans Molasses, 4:W 3 hhds Porto Rico Sugar, 10 bags Laguyra Coffee. Just received and for sale hy A3 HALL & ARMSTRONG. ea. inooeaiencewsamoroer anauirecoi ,iuo!fol,owi account in a late foreien paper hereby peremptorily cite and admonish a P-j now peasino; a contrast it forms to the dread- t?rnc? r It o towor havinrr ir nrrtni u mrr tn huvi nilV . . 1 ... Casks Thomaston Lime, daily expec ted and for sale hy BARRY & BRYANT. From the following paragraph, which we find in the European Times of the 4th irtsL, it would appear that the great champion of Ireland is draw ing to the close of hh long and brilliant career. We trust that the Times may be mistaken in its estimates of the " Liberator's" heaitl. i Uaxji.l O'Cosnell. Those who see him nightly in the House of Commons declare that he is sinking fast, and that the last twelve months have added thirty years load to his existence. He enters and leaves ihe Honse nr. tK .rm u;. son John; and once or twice, when he essaved to ti , ... i speak, his voice was so feeble that he could scarce ly be heard in the reporter gallery. This appears to I e the winding up of a career which will always stand out, despite its imperfections, as one of the most remarkable in the history of the Irish nation. W7e find the following line in the Wash ington Union of the 23d ult.,and although we are not ultra 54 40' in our notions we think them worthy a place. 54. Where rolU the broad Paciffic wve Beyond Columbia's rock-ribb'd shore Shall tread no hireling despot's slave We claim the whole tj 54. Let timid hearts in terror quaiL Enfeebled, pause at 49; At 51 our harriers hail There let the star-lit bahher shine - Forever shine in peerless pride 1 0 guide our nation s onward sway, A- I II., 1J V. .: i uvea,, a uUI-, Unawed by danger or dismay, ,ant our fl 54 .. 1 .1 L , M (.ome wo or Weal throughout ai ttuid ,.. .... . o Shall tulure millions blessings pour . - - r ITf.ii.,,-,r In memory of our faith sublime. Firm as the mcks on Nootka's hajf Green as Vancouver's fairy isle. Shall Fame protect our gallant way. And freedom bless us with her smile. YOUNG DEMOCRAT. We understand (says the ChaMeston Newa of the 23d ult.,) that Thomas Gadsden, Esq., has received the appointment of Surveyor ot the Port of Charleston, In the place of T. H. Jervey, Esq., deceased. Uesaful, she would have made 9350,000 above ., , " t ft. - Arithmetical Procession. The conductors of nit: Kciuie ut?c pio'iueo ner way inrouirn 11. We nre not exactly satisfied of ihe truth ol" this last statement. Kennebec Journal. A Novel Scene in a Madhouse. We find the TuI scenes which were formerly enacted in in- stitntions of this kihd : "A hall and concert were given last week at the Notingham Lunatic Asylum, at which nearly all the parents Were present. A very large and commodious room was fitted up with flowers and evergreens for the occasion. Benches were placed oh each sidte of the apart ment for the male and female patients-. The entertainment commenced with glee-si njring, which aeemed much to attract their attention; and one poor man began to sing and recite verses in the most pi intive and mHahchbly manner; yet all was order ahd decorum. When dancing commenced, each person se lected, indiscriminately, his partner; and the country dances were danced with as much cor rectness as is s?en in more rational circles) and really most of the patients seemed to en- 1 - rni joy the enlivening scene. 1 ne matron and several of the attendants And visitors danced with lhe patients, and there was not the least restraint or apprehehsion. Some fr w despon ding patients were brought into the room, in the hope that the festive scene might them from their wretchedness; but their mal ady appeared to be too deeply seated for them to be much relieved. The scene altogether was one of a most gratifying nature, and fully proved the advantages of the modern humane treatment over ti e brutality and Cruelty of for mer days.' Ilemarkabe Escape and Presence of Mind. i As Mrs. Patterson, of this oily, was crossing; the railroad bridge just south of Asylum street, last Mopday morning, the train of cars from Springfield came down and nearly overtook her before she noticed them, when in attempt ing to get off the track, at the south end of the bridge, she stumbled and fell; and not having sufficient time to get upon the outside of the irack before lhe cars overtook her, she had the remarkable presence of mind to arrange herself between the rails, with her face and person close to the ground, also to untie her onnet string, when lhe whole form passed I immediately over her without causing the least ; njury except a h iorrible fright. Hartford CouranU A Promising Clerk. One day last week a merchant in Milk street, Jersey City, ordered a clerk of 17 or 18, whom he has just received into his counting room, to take of an acconnt from the books with all despatch, koon after hearing him scratching out something from the ledger, the merchant inqoirred what he was doing ; to which he replied that be "was. taking or the account bet his knife was so darned dull that it would take all me aiternoon to get it off ! When one divea for pearls, he generally en counters a ehark in the way. 1 ' G. IV. DAVIS. A10 Sbv. 58, MS. 11-tT lixcruinx.