rem from the Baltimore American. THE KENTUCKIAN IN MALTA. A gentleman attached to the " Old Ironsides" during the last cruise, has permitted us to dip into his.journal, which is as rich as Calhoun's gold mine. The following is peculiarly fine : We passed three weeks in Malta, watting for despatches. Various plans were devised to kill time, and never did it pass so pleasant ly away. Fishing, rowing, dinners, suppers, etc., formed our principal amusements, and as the harbor was tilled with vessels of all nations, an interchange of national courtesies was kept up until our anchor was weighed, and "Old Ironsides' again beiore the breeze. At one of the entertainments given on shore by an officer of a British frigate, the conver sation turned upon rifle shooting, which led to an animated discussion, in which our offi cers took part. " I have often heard," eaid the commander of the Thunderer, " that you have some fel lows in your country called Kentuckians, who are reckoned great .shots with the rifle." Yes, sir," replied Lieut. N , " their fame is great in that line, which is easily ac counted for. As soon as they are able to shoulder a rifle, they commence 'practising, and in course of time, become excellent marks men. They may be very clever, but I believe we have better shots on board our vessel." "1 do not belong to that section of the coun try," observed Lieut. N , " and have had but little practice with the rifle ; but, if I mis take not, we have a Kentuckian in company, who will stand up for his native State." " Yes, on all occasion," aid our purser, a tall, muscular descendant of one of the first settlers of the State." M What say you, then, gentlemen, to a shooting match to-morrow morning .'" " Agreed, with all our hearts," said the Yan kees. The next morning the party met in a beau tiful grove, and placed their target seventy five yarls distant. The English rifle is diflVr ent from the American, the band being short er and the stock heavier. Six picked men from the Thunderer were on the ground, all of whom fired. No one, however, ' cut the paper," (the size of a dollar,) although seve ral of the balls were close to it. The shots were considered excellent ; the English and French officers present were greatly astonished at the proficiency of the ri flemen. The commander of the ThHnderer, turning to the purser, said with a smile : " What do you think of that ? I take it you'll find it difficult to come up to it." " You may think so; but I consider it no shooting at all," said the Kentuckian. " Vous montez le haut cheval," said a French officer. " Je vous monfrai," said the Kentuckian. Fire away," said the Englishman. " I'll bet a wine supper for all hands," said the Kentuckian, " that I can make three shot-, every one of which will be better than any vet made, and each succeeding one better than the first." " I'll take it," said the Englishman, smiling. The Kentuckian slowly raised a rifle he brought from home, and fired. The paper was cut ! The second fire was better than the first, and the third " bored the centre." Nothing could depict the surprise of all present; the Englishman acknowledged ihe corn, and said he was satisfied. The Kentuckian enjoyed a hearty laugh, declaring it was nothing to what he could do that he would he ashamed of such firing in old Kentuck. Rolling a quid from one quarter of his capacious " receiver" to another, he continued : "I must have another shot to show you what can. be done with a rifle, and to convince my French friend that I am not boasting." The whole party stood silent in a row, and the Kentuckian .retreated about forty yards, making the distance from the tree to where he stood, near one hundred and twenty yards. Ordering a paper of the "same size of the other to be put up in the same place, he re-loaded, drew his broad rimmed beaver over his eyes, and after taking deliberate aim blazed away. " That was rather too low," he said, " the ball is about the eighth of an inch below the paper; the next time I'll bring it." On examination, the ball was found to be precisely where he said it was, which mcreas e 1 the astonishment the remarkable shot had produced on all present, with the exception of the Yankees, who were "used to it." " This lick will bring the persimmon," said the Kcnluckian, as he raised his piece high up, and gradually lowered it ami fired. The paper fell from the tree, the ball " driving home" the nail which supported it! Lan guage cannot describe the looks of the foreign ers, and particularly the natives, who crowd ed round the Kentuckian in numbers. That night, the wine flowed freely at the " Old Ad miral's," and a more joyous party never met in Malta. Pi tting tiik Saddle ox the right Horse. An Irishman, going down Barclay street in hot haste, in order to get on board the boat which he saw at a distance was at the wharf, arrived there just in time to be two late in other words, just as the boat hand unshipped her fastenings, and put off from the dock. " Ah, Jemmy, said a friend of his who had watched his movements, "you did not run fast enough !" "Yes I did," said Jemmy; "I ran fast enough, but I dtd not start soon enough." There is a great moral in this, if you have sense to take it. X. Y. Atlas. S ash, Blind and Door Agency. THE SUBSCRIBER is agent for an excellent manufactory in New Ark, and is prepared to re ceive orders iu the above line, which will be promptly filled. Just received by late arrivals, a quantitv of 8, 12, 15, and 18 lights 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 glazed Sashes, also, 12 lights 10 by 14, and soin Sashes, unglaed 18 lights S by 10, and two cases Doors, moulded one side. U inch thick, 6 feet 10 by 2 feet, and 6 feet 8 by 2 feet 8 all for sale low, in any quantity. P. W. FANNING, Next door South of Mr Hoard's. June 25, 1847. 4 1 -if Just Received. 75 bb's. superfine Fiour, 40 " fine do 20 " cross do 300 N. C. Bacon Hams, 300 " " Sidca, 300 Shoulders. For sale in lots or at retail, for cash, by June 25. McKELLAR & McRAE. Waatcd. A GOOD TAILOR, at Jacksonville, Onslow county. One of steady habits would receive the patronage of MANY CITIZENS. Jacksonville, June 19th, 1847. 41-2m For Sale. THE FOUR STORY BRICK tenement, now occupied by Dr. Dick son, on the South side of Market street, I together wjth the Office underneath, occupied by Thomas Miller, Esq. Also, an unimproved Lot, in Quince's Alley. Terms, 6 or 12 months credit, with approved securities. WM, D. COWAN. June 25, 1847. 4 1-tf FOR SALE. SUPERIOR Hams, and 5 barrels Lard, by HOWARD & PEDEN. 100 June 25 Corn Meal. BAGS Corn Meal, for sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. 10 MEDICAL CARD. DR. WM. D. COWAN, havine returned to Wilmington for the purpose of resuming practice, has taken the Office lately occupied by Dr. Wm. H. Hill, immediately under the Chron icle office, and will be at all times ready to attend to the duties of his profession. June 18, 1847. 10-tf m MARBLE MONUMENTS And Grave Stone Agency. THE subscribers are appointed Agents for one of the bast and most extensive MARBLE YARDS in Connecticut, and will receive orders for Marble Monuments or Grave Stones, either lettered or not, which will be furnished at the shortest notice and most reasonable prices. We have received a variety of patterns, various styles with the prices, which may he examined at any time. J. C. & R. B. WOOD, Builders and Contractors. June 18, 184t 40-tf BUFFALO SPR1JIG, MECKLENBURG CO.,VA. THIS Establishmcn will be open for the recep tion of visitors on the first of June. In addition to some general improvement ren dering the cabins more pleasent and agreeable, a good Billiard room has been built, and a splendid i ii l, f . I , ,.f h f'nmnanv lable provided for the amusement of the Pany- The music is as good as any In the State. I A. 6c F. W. Boyd s line of Stages trom ltiuge- it wav2denot. on the Raleigh and oaston nan iumu, to Halifax Court House. Va.. will run by the Springs every day except Sunday : leaving Ridge way every Tuesday, .Thumlay and Saturday, reaching Buffalo by 10 o' clock, A. M., leaving Halifax Court House Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and arrive at the Springs at 8 o'clock A. M. With these facilities, the proprietor hopes and expects an increased numlier of visitors. DAVID SHELTOxN. June 18, 1847 40-4t. ANNIVERSARY ef ROCK SPRING TENT No. 180, I. O. OF R. fjTHE celebration of the First Anniversary of Rock Spring Tent will take place on Saturday, the 10th day of July. At 10 o'clock, A.M., a procession will be formed before the Tent Room, on Market street, under the direction of Bro. Thos. H. Fields, Marshal of the day. After marching through the principal streets, the procession will proceed to the Methodist Protestant Church, where an appropriate Address will be delivered by the Rev. Mr. Jones, a member of the Order. We cordially invite the citizens (tne and all to attend on that occasion that every one may see that something good can come out of Nazareth. N. B. A full attendants of the members is particularly requested. Show yourselves, Recha bitcs ! and let it b a day that will long be re membered. By order of the Tent. JAMES H. SMITH, Com'tee of WM. W. PRICE, 5 Ar'ments. June 11, 1847 39-3t. $75 reird. RANAWAY from my planta tion in Duplin county, sometime in June last, my negro man He is about 5 feet 10 inches high, stout built, dark complexion, and walks a little cramped, from having had his toes injured by frost, has a pleasant look when spoken to, and is a black smith by trade. Said boy was raised in Jones county, where I think he is lurking,- and probably harbored. He is also acquainted in the counties of Duplin and Onslow, anil has been outlawed. I will give the above reward for his apprehen sion and confinement in any Jail within the State, so that I can get him again. LUTHER WRIGHT. Duplin co., IVov'r 27, IS46 1 1-tf Notice to Dealers in T U It PJEN TIN E & TAR. WitMiNGTos June 1, 1847. THE undersigned, purchasers and dealers in ! vr i o. .1.: ..i -,i . - . ,,.,. Naval Stores in this place, with a view to adopt j some general regulations which seem to them to j in, fniuolod in instiep. and morn in neeordnnep I in justice, with the customs of other markets, have agreed to establish for their future government, the follow ing REGULATIONS. That as no good reason is apparent to them for changing the size and weight of barrels of Tur pentine, and it would perhaps be productive of in convenience to the makers, it will he purchased as herelofore, the gross weight of the barrel to be 320 lbs., or 260 lbs. net; the turpentine to be delivered on the yard for inspection at the expense f the sel ler; and as there has been in many cases, an unjust inequality, in fixing upou the amount of Extra, and whereas the law prescribes what the order of turpentine shall be, when exposed for sale, with out proscribing any remedy in case it is not in said order, we therefore agree that hereafter a de duction shall be made under the denomination of extra cooperage as follows; For scuttling, packing, &c, one cent per barrel, for the first two hoops that may be lacking short of twelve as prescribed by law, one cent each, and for each hoop less than ten that may be short, two cents each, also what other labor may be necessary to put it in the or der tne law prescribes to be adjudged by the In spectors, together with the usual dedutions for un muTchantable barrels exceeding the number taken to pack. Purchases made at the Rail Road Depot will be subject to a deduction of two cents per bbl. drayage, thereby pla- I cinr the sellers per Kail Road on a footing with those by water. These regulations to apply to Tar, only so far as regards expense of rolling, draying and inspection. The custom adopted in reference to the condition of the barrels it is sup posed must be free from all objection, as turpen tine put up in perfect order will only be subject to a deduction of one cent per bbl. instead of the for mer rates of extra. We also agree that in future we shall refuse to compromise for fraudulent mixture as hereto fore, that we deem chips, straw, billets of wood, limbs, dirt, Sic, as a fraudulent mixiure, and that we shall abide by the strict letter of the law in all such esses. And whereas it appears that the In spectors do not consider themselves authorized to make bills otherwise than as prescribed by law, that we will in all cases, purchase by the bbl, of 320 lbs. and allow the Inspector to make bis bill as the law directs 280 lbs. but that there shall be de ducted from the bill one eighth of the amount. W. O.JEFFREYS, A. H. VAN BOKELIN, H. NUTT, B. FLANNER, W. J. LOVE. Jr. R. C HALLETT, JOHN McRAE, A. MARTIN, W. LATIMER, JEWETT & CO., BARRY & BRYANT, B. HALLETT, JNO. CHRISTIAN, R. G. RANKIN, Hall & Armstrong, C. D. ELLIS. 39-tf Wilmington Hotel. THE undersigned respectfully informs the Public that he will be ready to re ceive Boarders, at the WILMINGTON HOTEL, formerly kept by Thomas F. King & Co., as the Planter's Hotel, the 25th of this month. He begs leave to inform those who may feel dis posed to call upon him, that no pains will be spar ed by him or his Lady, to make it a comfortable house for either monthly, weekly, or daily board ers, as his whole attention will be paid to the house. The tab'e will be furnished .with the best the market affords. SAMUEL J. PERRY, Wilmington Hotel, near the R. Road Depot, Ma) 14, 1847. 1 2m Main Street. Store and Dwelling House FOR SALE. TOHE UNDERSIGNED is desirous of closing ak up his business at Stritkland'a Depot, Du plin county, N. C, and therefore offers bis premi ses for sale. It is well known to be an excellent locirtion the very best on the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road, and offers a desirable opportu nity for any person wishing to engage in a safe and profitable business. The Store is 25 by 40 feet, well arranged internally, and fronts on both the County Road and the Fail Road. The Dwel ling House is new and well finished, one story, 26 by 82 feet, built in the Cottage style, contain ing five rooms; there is all the out-houses and improvements needed on the lot, which contains one and three-quarter acres. I deem this slight description sufficient, as those desirous ofpurchas ng, it is hoped, will view the premises themselves. It is the most healthy location in this section of the State, and presents, in all respects, a most de sirable opportunity for investment and a perma nent profitable business. All persons indebted to me by note or book account, are requested to settle without delay. The Stock of Goods now on hand will be sold at greatly reduced prices, for CASH. WM. A. GWYER. Strickland's Depot, Duplin co., N. C.,p May 7th, 1847. 5 34-tf m. Spring and Summer Medicine. Or. TowMend'i Sarsaparilla. HE MOST EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE IN the world. This extract is nut ho in quart bottles; it is six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted supe rior to any sold. It cures diseases without vomiting, purging, 8 ckening, or debilitating tl.e patient. The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla over all other remedies is, while it eradicates disease, it invigorates the body. - IT HAS PERFORMED MOKE THAN 15,000 CHRfeS THIS YEASt. 1,000 cures of Rheumatism. 1.0OO cures of Dyspepsia : 8 500 cures of general debility, and want of nervous enercv ; . 3,000 Female complaints and ov r ; 7.000 cures of diseases of the blood, Viz : lllcers, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Itheum, Pim ples on the fice, &c. Ac, together with numerous cases of consumption, Liver Complaint, Spinal A flections, Ac. Thi., wc arc aware, must appear incredible, but we have'letters from physicians and our Agents from all parts of the United Slates, informing us of extraordina ry cures. R- Van Buskirk, EstJ , one of the most res pectable druggists in Newark, New Jersey, informs us that he can refer to more than oue hundred arid fifty cases in that place alone. Theie are thousands of cases in Mipf'irvnf Ni'U- Y iwk. which w will rpfpr tn wttli pleasure, and to men of character well known. United States Offksh. Cap. G. W. McLean, mem- bPr0fIhcN,Wjersev LegtsMure, late of the United js.ies Navy, has kindly sentusthe following certificate. tells its own story : Rahway, January 25, 1847. A year since I was taken with the intlti neaand my whoie system left in a debilitated state. 1 was Induced to try Dn Towhsend'sSarsaparillaiulaftertak ng two or three bottles I was very much relieved, antt attributed it entirely to the said Sarsaparilla I have continued ta I king it, and find that 1 improve every day. I believe it i saved my life, and would not be without it under any I consideration. G. W. McLEAN. The Editor John Jackson, Esq . Editor of the Rah way Republican, published the above certificate, and remarked in an editorial as follows: The success of Dr. Townsend's preparation of Sarsa parilla appears to be of the most extraordinary charac ter. We publish to-day two certificates in its behalf, one from Capt. McLean, of thi-town, and one from Rev. Mr. White, of Staten Island, a gentleuisn well known in R.'ihway. C'apt. McLean believes the medicine to have s;:vd his life, and Mr. White seems to entertain an e qually strong confidence in its efficacy Intelligent men like these would not praise so s rongly what they did not fully believe to deserve it. Sckofula Cured. This certificate was handed in to Dr. Townsend's office this week, and conclusively prove that his Sarsap irilla has perfect control over the most obstinate diseases of the blood. Three persons cured in one house is unprecedented. THREE CHILDREN. Dr. Townsend Dear Sir: 1 have the pleasure to in form yon that three of my children have been cured of the Scrofula by t lie use of your excellent medicine. They were afflicted very severely with bad sores; have taken only four botties ; it took them awuy, for which 1 feel myself under deep obligation. Yours respectfully, ISAAC W. CRA1N, 106 Wooster street. New York, March 1, 1847. RHEUMATISM & THE PILES. September 10, 1846. Dr. Townsend D?ar fir : My wife has been for seve ral years afflicted with rheumatism. She has tried ma ny different remedies to obtain some relief, but all to no purpose. She was finally induced, by seeing your ad vertisement, to give your sarsaparilla a trial, we pro cured some of it from your agent (Mr. Van Buskirk)and it gives me pleasure to state that after using it she expe rienced great relief, and was in a very short time per fectly cured. I was also (together with a man in my employ) badly troubled with piles, and by using a small quantity of your Sarsaparilla, our complaint was com pletely cured. I consider it one of the best of medicines, and would advise all who are afflicted to give it a trial. 6ARRIT GARRABKANT, 1:23 MarkPt-st, Newark. Clergymen and Physicians. As well as thousands of others in all parts of the United States, arecontinual ly sending certificates and informing us of the benefits derived from Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Dr. Townsend Sir; Some time since you requested my opinion of the virtues of your compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla ; I am now prepared to give it. I have us ed it in my practice and prescribed it for the last few months, and inusi give it my decided preference over a ny thing of the kind with which lam acquainted, both as to its medical virtues and the reasonable price at which you sell it. In scrofulous affections, cutaneous eruptions generally, dyspepsia, indigestion, costive ha bits, and liver complaints, I am much pleased with its effects. In these Cuinplaints, or any other where scrofu la is indicated, I can with confidence recommend it to the patronage of the piofession as a valuable auxiliary for removing diseases in some of its most troublesome tonus, and to all, asasafe and valuable medicine. Brooklyn, Nov. 21, 1846. BENJ. WEEKS, M. D. Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : Having for some time past been afflicted witli a pulmonary affection on my lungs, and a continual pain in my side, owing to evening expo sure in travelling after preaching, and finding my dis ease to increase, with much difficulty of breiithing and nt hl nlnrniniT svtuntniriQ 1 uraa nit vie Aft hv a r-lorovinmi a friend of mine, to try your celebrated Sarsaparilla. I ! did so, and after taking two or three bottles 1 found my I self relieved. My appetite has been restored. I find myself much stronger, and hope very soon to resume my usual duties. I have been so greatly benefitted by yrfMr excellent-medicine, I feel ft my duty to make known the facts for the benefit of others who may be la boring under the same difficulties that 1 have been for fame time past. Vours, respect fully, SAM. WHITE, Nov. 22, 1S4G. Pastor of Uaptist Church, Staten Island. ALMOST A MIRACLE. Read the following, and doubt if yon can, that con sumption cap not be cured. This is only one of the sev- ! era! hundred cases that Townsend's Sarsaparilla has cured : Brooklyn, Sept. 14, 1840. Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : I was taken, a little over a year ago, with a severe cough and a pain in my side. It increased on me very fast, indeed. I whs pronounced by physicians to have the quick consumption. I raised large quantities of bad matter, had night sweats, and sinking very fust : my doctor said he could do nothing forme. I went into the hospital in liopeof being bene fitted, but was pronounced there as incurable I was now greatly distressed at the lungs and Pould hardly breathe ; I soon became emaciated, and expected to die; was confined to my bed, and was obliged to have watch ers.; indeed 1 cannot give you any description f.hat would do justice to my case. I was supposed by my friends to be past recovery ; 1 had tried a great number of rem edies, and all seemed to bo to no purpose. I read of some most extrordinary cures performed by your me dicine, and to tell you the truth, I suspected there was some humbug in them, lint I was induced to try it ; I did so, and am very thankful I lid. I cannot say that I am entirely well, but am so far recovered as to be about my business, and hope to be entirely well in a few weeks. My cough and pain in the side, and night sweats have left me, and raise but very little, and am fast gaining my usual strength. I felt it a duty to give you a statement of my case, to publish if you please. PETER BROWN, 47 Little-street, Brooklyn. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is sovereign and speedy cure for incipient consumption, barrennes s,leucorrlioea, or whites, obstructed or difficult menstruation, incon tinence ot urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system no matter whether the result of the inherent causes, or produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorating effects upon the human frame. Persons all weakness and lassitude before taking it, at once become robust and full of energy under its influence It immediately counteracts the nervelessness of the female frame, which islhe great cause of barrenness. It will not be expected of us, In cases of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we can assure the afflicted that hundreds of cases have been reported to us. Several cases where families have been wit hout children, after using a few bottles of this invaluable medicine, have been blessed with healthy offsprings. Dr. Townsend : My wife being greatly distressed by weakness and general debility, and suffering continual ly by pain and a sensation of bearing down, falling of the womb, and with other difficulties, and having known cases where your medicine has effected great cures, and also hearing it recommended for such cases as I have described, I obtained a bottle of Extract of Sarsaparilla, and followed the direction! you gave me. In a short time it removed her complaints and restored her to health. Being gra'eful for the benefits she received, I take pleasure in thus acknowledging it. & recommen ding it to the public. M. D. MOORE, cor. of ttrand Albany, Aug. 17. 1844. and Lydius-st. ' Dr. Townsend. To all whom this may concern : This is to certify, that my Wife used one bottle of your Sar saparilla previous to her confinement, under the most a Iarming and delicatecircumstances, being troubled with the dropsy, swelling of the feet, nervous affections, and very much debilitrted. With my persuasion, and there commendation of Miose who had used it, she was in duced to try it, with little or no faith; and suffice it to say, the medicine had the happy and desired effect, not only in the hours of confinement, but after theexpiration of one week of its use, the dropsy and nervous affection gave way to an astonishing degree, and her health is now better than it had been for a long time previous. If this will be of any service to you, or any who doubts th success of the medicine, you are entirely welcome to it. I subscribe myself your most obedient and obliged servant, S. S. JAMESON. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from physicians in different parts of the Union. This is to certify that we. the undersigned physicians of the city of Albany, have in numerous cases prescri bed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations of the Sarsaparil la in the market. H. P. Pulling, M. D.; J. Wilson. M. D.; R. B. Briggs, M. D.; P.E. Elmcndorf, M. D. Albany. April 1, 1845. The following is from one of the most respectable physicians on Long Island : Greenport, July 10, 1846. Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : It is with satisfaction that I say to you, that I have recently witnesaed, in several cases the most beneficial results from your Extract of Sarsaparilla Being engaged in the practice of medi cine, I have prescribed it in several cases, and never without benefit. In the removal of diseases arising from a deranged state of the digestive organs, jaundice, &c., it far exceeds anything of the kind ever before of fered to the public. You will please send me two dozen, o:c. c. Kcspeciiuny yours, s. v. rKGaluH, M. V. Principal office, 126 Fulton-st, Sun Building, N. Y. ; Redding& Co. 8 State-st.. Boston ; Dr. Dyott & Sons, 132 North Second-st., Philadelphia; S. S. Hance, drug, gist, Baltimore; Duval & Co , Richmond ; P. M. Cohen, Charleston; Wright & Co., 15LCharter-st , New Orleans; and by principal druggists generally throughout the United States, West Indies and the Canadas. fXj-For sale, wholesale and retail, by W7M. SHAW, Druggist, Wilmington, N. C. None genuine, unless put up in the large square bottles, which contain a quart, and signed with the written sig natureofS. P. TOWNSEND, and his name blown on the glass. 38-12m Negroes Wanted. WISH to purchase a large number of NE GROES of both sexes, from the age of 14 to SO, for which I will pay the highest cash market price. As I intend making a long stay in Wil mington for that purpose, persons from the coun try would find it to their advantage to bring such slave property to town, as they have to dispose of. Also wanted, some good Caipenters, Black smiths, Coopers, and Bricklayers. Apply to me, at the Carolina Hotel. ANSLEY DAVIS, of Petersburg, Va. Wilmington, May 7, 1847. 34-tf HISKEY. 33 barrels rectified Whiskev. For sale at HOWARD & PEDEN'S. EW GOSHEN BUTTER Families can be supplied with fresh Butter every week, at c H1 HOWARD & rtsiJKrvs. AY 50 bales, for sale at J4 HOWARD & PEDEN'S. cuani.ES Gil air, SUCCESSOR TO AVING purchased the stock of C. Blares lee, the subscriber will continue the sale and manufacture of &wr8 & spoils end keep constantly on hand every variety of arti cles in his line. All orders for work promptly and punctually attended to. BOOTS made in the latest fashion and finest style. BOOTS and SHOES neatly repaired. June 4, 1847 y. CHAS. GRAY. (WUGAR-A fresh supply of Crushed, Powder s' ed, Loaf, and St. Croix Sugars, at J4 HOWARD & PEDEN'S. WHINES AND BRANDIES Madeira, Port, W Claret, Scupernong, Malaga and Sherry, at J4j HOWARD & PEDEN'S. MERCHANT TAILORING. STkHE SUBSCRIBER has received his supply 44 of Spring and Summer GOODS, consisting of the following : Black French Cloths; Fancy colored do.; black Doeskin Cassimeres; fancy French do.; black and white embroidered Vest Shapes; fancy colored Vestings, black and colored ; Cashmeretts ; Drap d'Ete ; Queen's Cloth; white and fancy colored Linen Drills; checked Ginghams; Gambroon,&c. Also ; an excellent assortment of R E A D Y -MADE CLOTHING, among which are super fine black dress and frock Coats; fancy colored do.; black Cassimere Pants: fancy do. do.; black Satin Vests, plain and figured ; fancy colored do. do. ; white and colored Marseilles ; Tweed and cotton Sack Coats. He would solicit the attention of the public to his assortment of Goods in the Gentlemen's Furnishing Line, Manufactured expressly for the Spring and Sum mer season, among which are : STOCKS, silk, satin, bombazine, all styles and qualities ; Opera Ttes, plain and fancy, l,ght and dark colors ; Cra-1 vats and Scarfa latest styles, a full assortmen ; Suspenders, silk and india rubber, with linen, to wasn, an entirely new imcie; oniris, duswiis iy Collars, of every style and quality ; Under Shirts and Drawers, silk, cotton, woollen, lisle, thread, Merino, &c. &c. ; Gloves, black, white and color ed, kid, silk, cotton, lisle, thread,! the best man ufacture ; Hosiery, silk, cotton, linen and merino; Handkerchiefs, plain and twilled, India, sinchew, pongee, plain and fancy linen cambric; Umbrellas, silk, gingham and cotton. All of which will be sold unusually cheap. CHAS. BARR. N. B. All sales of Ready-made clothing will be cohsidered as cash; the usual credit will be giv en to custom work. C. B. May 14th, 1847. I 1 ol.' I. T 1. (PRING AND SUMMER GOODS of every ir style and quality, suited to a complete Mer chant Tailoring Establishment, to wit : Superfine French Cloths and Cassimeres, of every shade and color; Vestings, in variety; French twilled d'Ete; silk Alpacas; light fancy Cassimeres, all of the latest style and best quality, which will be made up to order at the shortest notice. READY-MADE CLOTHING. A large and complete assortment of Ready-made clothing, just opened and for sale, very cheap for cash. Also, the OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT is very complete, with the most choice assortment of Fancy Goods. Superior L. B. C. Shirts, of every variety and quality ; silk Under Shirts and Drawers; superior fancy Cravats; Stocks; Collars; Bosoms; Umbrellas ; all worthy the attention of j those in want of them Customers in the habit of payinc: cash will find it to their interest to make it known, as in future j I am determined to make it the interest of all who deal with me, to pay cash. Short credit will be given to punctual customers, and to none others. Those who have not settled their accounts to the fiist of January, will save cost by immediately doing so. H. S. KELLY. Wilmington, May 14, 1847. $50 REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber, of Jones County, IV. Carolina, negro man MORRIS, . , . , ... .I i , , ri a u:u :i, I tolerably stout built, black, about 5 ft. high, quick speech when spokon to. He is doubtless lurking about Panther Swamp, and on Lime Stone, in Duplin County, as he is well acquainted on Lime Stone, and has a wife on Panther Swamp, belon ging to Doct. Graham, of Kenarsville. The above reward will be paid for his apprehen sion and delivery to me, or for his confinement in any Jail so that I get him. An additional reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid for evidence sufficient to convict any white person of having harbored him. WILLIAM P. WARD, Near Trenton, Jones County. May 14, 1847. 35-tf FKMALE INSTITUTE, i tjfor y, jv. t . THIS INSTITUTION will be opened on the first Monday in July next, under the super intendance of a gentleman eminently qualified to impart instruction, and to direct the studies of his pupils. He will be assisted by Ladies of the highest attainments, as Teachers. The French department will be in charge of a gentleman a native of France who has much celebrity as a teacher of that language. No pains nor expense will be spared to make this Institute a permanent and a superior school for the Eastern portion of North Carolina, in which students can receive a liberal and accomplished education. Beaufort is a pleasant village, of some 1500 in habitants, situated in full view of the Ocean, and much resorted to in the sickly season for health. Tuition in the Scientific, Musical, French and Ornamental departments, with boarding, &c, will be on the most reasonable terms. For further particulars inquire of J. F. Jones, I. Ramset.Jame9 Rt'MUT.orWst. S. Langdon. P. S. Beaufort is 80 miles from Wilmington. April 30, 1847 33-ly To the Public. TAKE this method of informing the public that I now occupy the Livery Stables formerly occupied by Mr. H. R. Nixow, and solicit the patronage of the public generally. All persons who may favor me with a call, may rest assured that their horses will be promptly attended to, as I flatter myself that I have the best of Ostlers. Also a large Lot for the accommodation of Drovers. W. T. J. VANN. April 23d, 1847. 32ti WEET OIL, English Mustard, Pepper, Gin fce ger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Mace, &c, for sale low at the otd stand Drug Store. W. SHAW. (SULPHATE OF QUININE. 125 oz.Sul Tlhato OllimnA n fill! OCCAffmont y . i f dicines, Drugs, Chemicals, &c. &c, just received at the old stand Drug Store The Subscriber flatters himself that he can sell on better terms than any other establishment in the place ; it will certainly be to the interest of Physicians aad country Merchants to inquire his reduced prices before purchasing. Having enga ged a competent Druggist at the North to assist him in the business, Physicians may depend on the utmost accuracy in filling their orders, and every article will be warranted genuine. Medi cines supplied at any hour of the night, and Phy sician's prescriptions accurately compounded. Wilmington, May 14, 1847. WM. SHAW LAND DEEDS, a new supply, just printed and for sale at the JOURNAL OFFICE PANAMA, LEGHORN AND PALM LEAF HATS. JUST RECEIVED, a splended assortment, for sale at wholesale and retail very cheap. County Merchant's are invited to examine our stock, which we wH sell at New York prices. MYERS & BARNUM, Market Street. March 12, 1847. BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR SALE. JAMES PETTEWAY RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Wilmington, that be keeps for sale at the Mar-ket-house, the best of FRESH JtTETS, of every description, and he solicits a share of pub lie patronage. Hotels or families can have their purchases sent to their houses if desired. Droyers will please always give him a call be fore disposing of their live stock, as he will give the highest price the market will aflbrd. JanV 2, 1846 16-tf FRESH BEEF, STALLS Nos. 2 44 THE subscriber not wishing to enter into a longdetail,would m e re el y state to the citizens of Wilmington, that he is now prepared to sup ply their tables with the best of BEEF, FORK AND LAMB, at the lowest prices. His arrangements are such as will warrant him in saying the best, for he will have that or none. Hotels or families can have the beef sent to their houses if they wish. fXj Drovers can have a ready sale for their cat tle, by applying to me. JOSEPH M. TILLY. Oct. 19, 1845. 1-tf NEW CHEAP CASH STORE, First noon in R. W. Brown's new buii dinos, on Front street, a few doors from Market street. THE subscribers beg leave to announce to the citizens of Wilmington and surrounding country, that they are now receiving a large and general supply- of g fine Broad CIoth B1&f Cassimeres; Q J , Bed Ticking and Apron Checks; Mens' Palm Leaf Hats; Boys' do do Musquito Nettings; Table & bird eye Diapers; 8-4 brown damask do 8-4 damask Table Cloth; Black, and brown Shirt ing and Sheeting; 30, 32, and 34 Scotch Ginghams; A large supply of Look ing Glasses; Silk & Cotton pocket Hdkfs. Summer do Drab de Ete; Plaid Drills; Slate Linens; Linen Checks, Persian Stripes; Striped Victoria Cord; London Drill; Oregon Cord; Bl k Satin Cravats; Bl'k Satin cut Velvet & Marseilles Vesting; Irish Linens & Lawns; Cravats and.Scarfs; Umbrellas; FOR LADIES. WEAR. Plain black Silk; Colored, plain, & striped Silk; Swiss Mull and Book Muslin; Plaid & striped do Jaconet and Cambric; Bombazine, large supply; Fancy summer prints; Ladies col'd Kid Gloves; Lawn Ginghams; do do silk do Grodnap Parasols; Fringed do Ginghams do French Fans; German silver Thimbles; Plated do do Blue steel do Bl'k, white, brown and col'd Cotton Hose, Misses' do do Mens' do do Corset Laces; Lace 6c Edgings,assort'd; Black & white English silk Hose; do raw do Eartston do Balzarine; Colored Lawns; French Robes; Large silk Shawls; Borage Shawls; do Scarfs; Ladies Silk Cravats; Col'd Florrene; Organde Muslin; Muslin Shirts; Bbck Silk Fringe; Col'd do do Silk Buttons, for Ladies dresses; Bonnet & Cap Ribbons; Linen Cambric Hdkfs; Together with a variety of other articles too nu merous to mention ; all of which, being purchased by the package at reduced prices, will be offered at uncommonly low prices for cash. We would call the attention of country mer chants to our stock, and solicit them to examine the same before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we can offer better bargains than l .i i i of i : .i uiey ever nau uuereu in mis m im . 3 tohtv kvtp jtr rn Wilmington, N. C, March 19, 1847 3-y VALUABLE REAL ESTATE In the town of Wilmington. THE SUBSCRIBER BE- ing desirous to close his business in Wilmington, offers for sale, the House and Lot on Walnut Street, continued, now occupied by Mr. Jos. M. Tilley. The lot is 66 feet by 330 feet, corner lot, having on it a new one and a half story house, containing 6 rooms, with all necessary out houses. ALSO, A House and Lot, situated on Red Cross Street, now occupied by the undersigned. The lot is 80 feet by 300 feet, the house contains 8 rooms, is nearly new, and is filled in with brick ; there are all necessary out houses on the lot Also, an en closed lot adjoining and fronting Red Cross Street, 66 feet by 200 feet. ALSO, Two enclosed lots on Boundary and Third Streets, 55 feet by 25U feet. ALSO, One half lot on Third Street continued. Also, one quarter section of Land in the State of Illinois said to be of exce'lent quality. For further particulars, apply to WILLIAM WILSON. August 21, 184G 49-tf PaTJEJYT JUED1C1JYES. THE subscriber is agent, and has for sale, the following PATENT MEDICINES, to which the attention of the public is especially di rected, as he warrants every article genuine. Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry, Wistar's Balsam do. Dr. Jaynes' Expectorant, Carminative Balsam, Vermifuge, Hair Tonic, ii it " " Sanative Pilis, Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters, Carpenter's Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparil- " Extract Cinchonine, la, &c, " u Buchu, Sands' Sarsaparilla, " Tetter Remedy, Dr. McMunn's Elixir Opium, Dr. Perry's Dead Shot Vermifuge, Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, Dr. Smith's Whooping Cough Syrup, Upham's Pile Electuary, Henry's Magnesia, Leidy's Blood Pills, Murray's fluid do. Gray's Ointment, Lee's.. Peter's, Beikwith's, Brandreth's, & Spen- Dr. 1 hompson s Eye Water, cer s Pills, i STl S, Arabn Ba,S?m' Taylor's Balsam Liveuvoru Swaim's and Indian Panacea, Rowand's Improved Tonic Mixture, Scarpa's Acoustic Oil, a certain cure for deafness, Allen's Vegetable Compound for Dyspepsia, Harlem Oil, Pain Killer, British Oil, Bateman's Drops, &c &c. WM. SHAW. January 15, 1847. " NOTICE. MjONSIGNEES and owners of Goods, coming by any of the Packets consigned to my ad dress, are hereby notified that they must attend to receiving them on their arrival, and during the i thne the vessels are discharging, as I will not be ! responsible for any goods after being landed. sponsible GEORGE W. DAVIS. October 16, 1846 Hats, Caps, Ore. WE have just received by late arrivals from New York, a fresh supply of Gentlemen's black Beaver and Moleskin Hats, spring style ; one case extra Drab Beavers, A No. 1 ; Gent's black and drab Leghorns ; Boys' Leghorn Caps, and patent leather Belts. Also, a few silk velvet Riding Caps for Ladies, very pretty. Call and see, at MYERS & BARNUM'S. May 28, 1847. $10 REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, about the 15th ult, his Negro boy BEN. He is a bout 17 years old; is Well known about Wilming ton; and formerly belonged to Dr. W. A. Berry, from whom the subscriber purchased him last spring. He is so well known about town, where he is believed to be lurking, that a more minute de scription is deemed unnecessary. The above re ward will be paid for his confinement in the Wil mington Jail, or for his delivery to DANIEL S. SANDERS. November 6, 1846. 8tf MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, Head & Foot Stones, Arc. THE subscriber has taken the AGENCY ol an extensive MARBLE MANUFACTORY at the North, and will receive orders for the above named articles on as favorable terms as can be pro cured from any other establishment. GUY C. HOTCHKISS. Wilmington, N C, Feb 1 3, 1 846 f22-ly WINDOW SASHESBLINDS and DOORS. T , . . - r.u u . HE subscriber is agent for one of the best manufactories at the North, and will receive orders for the above named articles, which will be orders for the above named articles, which will be boxed up and delivered on board of vessels in New York, at the LOWEST PRICES, and at short notice. Persons about to contract for buildings, will find it to their interest to call and examine prices beiore sendind their orders abroad. GUY C. HOTCHKISS. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Columbus Countt. Superior Court of Law Spring Term, A. D., 1847. Eliza E. De Shields ) vs Petition for Divorce. Martin A. De Shields, j TjrT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court JL that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, on motion, it is ordered that publication be made for three months in the Wilmington Chroni cle, and Wilmington Journal, notifying the said Martin A De Shields to appear at the next term of this Court, at the Court House in Whiteville, on the third Monday after the fourth Monday in SIflnnmbor iiovf txn A nlon1 Anaiirar rr slnrv HV tf to said petition, or the same will be taken pro a n- fesso and heard exparte. Teste, JUHIN A. MAUL 1 SB Y, Clerk. April 16th, 1847 Printers fee $10 3l-3m COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. HE organization of this institution having ta ken place, in conformity to its Charter, Books of Subscription are now re-opened at the Bank of Cape Fear in this place for balance of capital stock. O. G. PARSLEY, Pres't. April 31), 1847 33-tf ailTJERS f BaRJYUJft, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN lints, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, &c. &c. RESPECTFULLY call the atten tion of the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity, to their large and splendid assortment now receiving at the old stand ofC. Mters, North side of Market street, which we offer at wholesale and retail, cheaper than ever. Genl.'s Beaver, Nutria, Moleskin, and Silk Hats, of Beebee fe Costar's and Leary's Fall Fashion for 1846, a splendid article, just received, and a " few more left of the same sort." Please call and examine them. Also, a very large assortment of Men's, Boys', & Infants' Caps, of the latest and most approved patterns. Gent's French soft Dress, Silk, Velvet, and Cloth Caps 4 Gent.'s French Guard do.: Blue and Black Spring Band, Palo Alto, Ringgold, Oregon, Oil Silk, Vel veteen, Glazed Lawn, &c, &c. Youths' and Boys' Caps of every style and quality, from 12$ cents to 2, 50, the largest assortment ever offered in this mar ket, and at astonishing low prices. A beautiful article of Infants' Cloth and Silk Velvet Caps, to which we particularly call the attention of those wanting Caps for children. In fact, every article in our line we have a rich and full as sortment, to which we respectfully call the atten tion of the Public, and warrant a genteel fit, and at Prices to suit the times. MYERS & BARNUM, Wilmington, Oct. 30, 1846. 7-tf THE Subscriber would express his gratitude to his Friends and Customers, for their liberal patronage heretofore extended towartL him in Wilmington. The same business will hereafter be conducted under the name and firm of MY ERS & BARNUM, at the old stand. C. MYERS. The Old Kock Spring FOREVER! rpHE ROCK SPRING RESTAURATEUR is now open for the accommodation of the public, where every Refreshment the market af fords may be had, at all hours ot the day or night. The Bar is supplied with choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars. DAVID THALLY. j Dec 18, 1846 14-y Just Received, SPRING style of GENTLEMEN'S H VTS, received this day, and now open for inspection, at MYERS & BARNUM'S. March 19. TO THE PUBLIC: Summer Arrangement. E will deliver ICE from the Ice House, in future every morningfexcept Sunday "jfrom sun rise till bieakfast bell. It will also be retailed from Shaw's Drug Store at all honrs of the day. We will open every Saturday afternoon for two hours before sunset to supply our customers for the Sabbath. In eases of sickness during the summer, can be had on Sundays or at any hour of the night by calling on W. Shaw, at his house nearly op posite Mr. O. G. Parsley's. Thankful for past favors, we beg to assure the public we will use our best endeavorse to accommodate and -kep a good supply on hrmd. SHAW & REPITON. April 16th, 1847 3 1-tf SPRING STOCK! . ajl)HE subscribers have just received large addi ia, tions to their stock, which makes it complete. They will also continue to leceive weekly, such supplies as are needed for the season and market. Also on band, a good supply of SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, &c, all of which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other establishment. Particular attention will be paid to manufactu ring and repairing, as usual. G. & C. BRADLEY. March 26, 1847 28-3m $20 Reward. UNAWAY from the subscriber's plantation, in Sampson county, in December last, his negro man Said negro is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, dark complected. He is probably lurking about the lines of Sampson, Duplin and New Hanover counties, in the neighborhood of Mr. Bryant New kirk's, where he had a wife at the ime the sub scriber bought him. The above Teward of Twenty Dollars will be given for his delivery to the subscriber, in Samp son county ; and an additional reward of Forty Dollars will be given for proof sufficient to convict any white person of harboring him. CHAS. H. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., April 23, '47. 32tf OUGH AND READY HATS, at MYER8 & BARNUM'S. lOW PEAS. 750 bushels daily expected per schr. Charles Hopkins, from Windsor, N. C, for sale by June 1 1. G. V. DAVIS. iu iii. aim os ana Tranlliiig Cammaaiiy. Kl THE subscriber hw, and intends keenin stantly on hand, at his old stand i? con. street, a general assortment of goods in hi. , 1 to wit, Ladies and Gentlemen's SADLFa ti Imitation, Fancy and Common TRUNkv' ces. Carpet and Saddle Bairs. IbJ 2" niwwii,, Hard J --.l"" oacn.oig, Buggy and wagon BAKNEfiftTT lars, Whips, Stirrups, Bits, Spurs, &c. & ' o' nf wbirh hp warrants tn K U - All " " "in nest r.l. ship and materials, and are rflerl r. ... "an. an. owest prices. ai ALSO Charnottecs, Buggies, Trotting to gons and Sulkies, for sale low. Northern g Leather and Shoe Maker's Findings. GUY C. HOTCHKl N. B. Particular attention will be paid u ufacturing SADDLES and HARNESS 75 and repairing the same, together with t .' Carriaeg Jd maki cJH Sept 18 1846. uon8. . j C. H Saddle, Harness & TruijJ"" MANUFACTORY Front Street, Wilmington, I, c. THE subscriber takes this method of informin, his friends and the public generally that h has taken the store formerly occupied by Porter & Blakeslee, and immediately opposite the Chronicle Office, where he is now opening a complete as sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Martin, gales, Valises, Carpet and Saddle Bags Collars, Whips, Spurs, Bits, ' &e. k(, &e. &e. I " of "Jwh will be warranted of good manufae ture and materials, and will be sold low for Having lowo expehiebce in the above bmi ness, he flatters himself that he will be able to render full satisfaction to those who may be di. posed to patronize him. It is his intention to keep no BOOKS, but to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, by which means he will be able to furnish articles much cheaper than they have heretofore been bought in this market. OC'Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice. JOHN J. CONOLEY. July 31, 1846 46-ly Board ins: House. THE SUBSCRIBER would inform his friends that he will remove on the 10th of October wext, to the house adjoining to and one door North of the Hanover House, on Front street, where he will be prepared to receive those who may favor him with a call. His terms will be moderate, and he will endeavor to make transient boarders as comforta ble as if they were at home. He can always ac commodate those who may have horses. He would also inform his friends and the public at large, that his Livery Stables are in good order, and that careful hostlers will always be ready to take charge of Horses. He keens constantly on hand. HORSES and BUG GIES for hi re. DAVID THALLY. N. B. Drovers can be well accommodated e September 26th, 1845. 2-1 2m LJST OF BLAN KiT ON HAND, and for sale at the JOURNAL OFFICE. County and Sup. Court Writs do do Subpoenas do do Fi. Fas. County Court Scire Facias Apprentice s Indentures Letters of Administrators Juror's Tickets Appeal Bonds Marriage License Guardian Bonds Administrator's do Peace warrants Constable's bonds Notes of hand Checks, Cape Fear Bank do Branch Bank efthe State Notes, negotiable at bank Inspector's Certificates Military Ca has Land Deeds Negro Bonds Warrants, Ca Sas Ca Sa bonds Bills Sale, Negro Certificates of Justices attending Court hipping Papers Bills Lading (letter) QAny blank wanted and not on hand will be printed with the utmost despatch. OOfficers efthe Courts and other officers, and all other persons, requiring blanks, or any other work in the printing line would do well to give us a call, or send in their orders. We arc determin ed to execute our work well, and at th cheapest rates for cash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE BEtAHK CHECKfe-A neat article, for sale t the JOURNAL OFFICE S EIDLEITZ POWDERS. Five gross fresh Seidleitz Powders, for sale at New York pri ces by the doz. WM. SHAW. EARL BARLEY, Bermuda and AmericHn Arrow Root, Tapioca, Pearl Sago, Russian Isinglass, Irish Moss, fresh supplies, just received. May 14. WM. SHAW. nUST LANDED, 800 barrels fresh Thomas ton Lime. Also, Calcine Plaster, Hydraul ic Cement, Plastering Hair, and Fire Brick. For sale by J. C. & R. B. WOOD. May 7, 1847. 34-tf Just Received, AND now opening, another lot of those beau tiful SILK VELVET CAPS for Infants, and other styles in great variety. Call and them at MYERS & BARNUM'S. November 20, 1846 a"pOBACCO Aromatic extra Roanoke Tobac 22k co super extra Aromatic do., in small kegs. For sale low, at F19. HOWARD & PEDEN'S. Selling Off! AVING concluded to make a change in our business, we offer for sale at gbsatlt kk- di ckd prices, in quantities to suit purchasers, our large and desirable stock of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, IRON, CASTINGS, NAILS &c. &c. Most of the dry goods will be sold New York Coaf, and the balance of the stock at very small advance over the cost. All person wishing to purchase, will consequently find ' greatly to their advantage to call at our store. J. & E. ANDERSON. Wilmington, May 14, 1847. 35-tf ClRRiaGES. Market Street about 303 Yards abort M Episcopal I hnrrb. TUB ulTHSflRlBbK has on hand a large and general assortment ot CARRIAGES, cf his own m.mufacW' which he offers for c on the most reasonat terms. Among which mav be found, . Coaches, Barouches. Charriots, Buggies, th Sulkies, Wilsons. &e. . , All orders in the above line thankfally rece'v ' and faithfully executed. Repairing done at sno 2 tice and in the neatest manner. He has also on hand and continues to man ufaf ture Harxess, of every description; SabbM, Trunks, &c. ISAAC WELLS. Wilmington, May 8, 1847. $25 Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber, on the M inst, a negro fellow by the name of Pm Prince is a dark negro, hes a downward loos, about 5 feet high, 19 years old, and J0", rPl. T wilf r4v S25 to anv one who will , O - r . ., Q,...nf1. I- him to me at my plantation on me ikk" . miles from W 'ilmington ; or $20 if be rjail. GEO. W. POLLOCK, ver county, April 16, 1847. 31-tt lodged m New Hanover New-Hanov t. tf 1 TPS 0