I -trm V r- 0 KUVOj . .WIIiiaiHGTOIf JOCIirf AD : : - f uMulrei &Tciy Friday Burning. --. fiiai of scBscitiPTid w 50 ayear, in hdvance.or $3 00 if not paid wttluu ' Nnanhacrintinn received for le8B than 12 months. No subscrioer permitted to discontinue his paper af r the commencement of a subscription year, till the "IStplration ersaid year. - Subscribers wisiiiag their paper d tscorrtinued at the end of their subscription year, must pay op in mil ana mire he proprietors two weeks notice, otherwise tne ' paper wi HbecontinueUandchargedfor.iccordingtotne -afcoye terms. . . . . We will pay the postage onletterscontalniog i nree Dollars and upwards, and money may be.re, " through the mail at our risk. Tbe Postmaster eer lincateofsuchremiitanceshallbeaeufficientrccelpt iherefor. Letterg un buginessconected with his of fese, must be addressed postpaid to A. rsica. CIRCULATION of THE JOURNAL 1300 MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. Post Offices Wilmington. Northern M Ait-, b? Rail. Road, due daily at 9 A.M., Qd close at 10 every night. . 8otrrHBBNMii.it, by Steamer from Cnarlesten, is due dally at 8 A M-' and closes at 9 A" M" Cvery Fatbttsviiab by Rail Road, is due on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, al9 A. M., and closes on same Jays at lOatniht. Fatsttbviu.e Mau., by Prospect Ilall.Elizabethtown, Westbrooks, an J Uobesons, is due on Tuesdays Thurs days and Saturdays, at 9 A. M., and closes oil same daya at 18 P. M. Bmithville Mail, by Steamer, is due daily at 8 A. M., ihd closes at 9J P.M. every day. Taylor's Br.iDOB, Longhsbk, Moorb'sCrbek, Black Rives Chapel, ami IIarrell'sStorbMail, isdueeverjr TTinrsday at 6 P.M., an-' closes same nightatlO. Onslow Mail. Via 'topsail Sound, Stump Sound Sneed's Ferry, Jacksonville to Richlands, and returns Via Bannerman's, is due every Monday at 4 V. M., and loses eery Thmsday night at TOP. M. EDWARD CMTWELL, ATTORNEY AT LrAVV, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan "26, 1849 20-tf GEORGE W. DAVIS, Commission and Forwarding MESlCIJATfT, DAVIS'S WHARF, Sontli Water S rect, Wilmington. N. C WIVl. A. GWYEB, WHOLESALE AND RETATI. COTIMISSION ""in ERCIIAXT, Sorlli Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. BETF.US TO B. N. Disbtiow, Esq., New York. Rob't G. Raskix, Esq., Wilminston, N. C. October 6, 1848. ' .'. WIVL II. LIPPITT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ISO HEAT.EK iw Taints, Oils. Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Garden Seeds, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., r On Front street, between Market and Dock, two doors North of Messrs. Hart & PoIIey's, Wil mington, N. C. October 8, 1847 4 W. L. SMITH, Late or the Finx or Sanpforb & Sjuth,) (COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C Stohe on North Water Street, Parsley's block. Se)tcmler 29, 1818 JOHN T. UUSS, INSPECTOR OF WlLMIIffiToy, N. C. October 13, 18 18 5-y T. F. HOBESON, INSPECTOR OF TlvllBllR and IAJllBERi WiLMisGTosr, N. C. Dec 22, 1848 15-1 f MOODY B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Has located in the town of Wilmington, N. C, and may be found at his office, opposite (the Court-house. M. B. 8. will also Dractice in the Courts of Brunswick and Duplin Counties, ept 29, 1848 3-tf SCOTT, KSBW &Xa "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS i'HJ XL" JEB2 3SS. 33C QEB IXC HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Market-Street, Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 19, 1849 19-ly. Law Notice. fTHE subscriber has resumed the duties of his i prOlCSSlOll, illlU Will UC IUUI1U HI U13 'JUiW vxt the corner of Second and Princess streets, Nix on's basement. EDW'D CANTW ELL. Wilmington, N. C, March 24, 1848. m Prompt attention given to claims under the various Pension and Bounty Laws, passed to en- couraee enlistments in the Regular Arm- and Volunteer Service of the United States, March 10, 1848 26-tf TO TIMBER AND LUMBER MAKERS. The undersigned having been appointed INSPECTORS OF TIMBER AND LUMBER, will attend promptly to any business entrusted to them in the above line. THUS H. AMik. W. H. LASPEYRE N. B. Thos. H. Ashe will be happy to attend to the business of his former customers, as of old . Sept. 22, 1848. 2-6m CO-PA 11 TNEIiSHIP. THE Undersigned, on the 15th day of June 1848, entered into a Copartnership under the firm of Casstbet, Schraber & Co., and have erected jointly an extensive IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. Together with Machine and Black- mith Shops, which they have denominated the WILMINGTON IRON FOUNDRY, where they are prepared to execute with dispatch all or dersthey may receive in the above branches ofbu- iness. JAMES UASSlUEY. THEO. SCHRADER. WM. SUTTON. July I 145-tf Notice, liHE subscriber has opened an office in Pars ley s block on Water St., for the transaction tff a general Commission Business. Proper at tention will be paid to the sale of merchandise of anvlr rwl f trt the sa 6 Or sh nmoof nf n of the products of the country ; and the usual ad J -r-"--- -"j vances made When .desired, on consignments for eale, or for shipment to my friends at the North. t have a good Naval Store yard and Warehouse, remote from the danger of fire and will make tharges Very moderate, where persons may desire to store temporally. W. O. JEFFREYS. May 5th, 1848 31tf NOTICE. ONSIGNEES and owners of Goods, cdming by any of the Packets consigned to my ad dress, are hereby notified that they must attend ttt receiving them on their arrival, and daring the time the vessels are discharging, as I will not be responsible for any goods after being landed. GEORGE W. DAVIS October 16, 1846 FOR LEASE OR RENT. A small Store House 19 by 30 feet, just fin. ished off on the corner of Surry and Church oireeis; a good stand for a Grocery. Apply to Jan 12 PERRIN & HARTSFIELD. ' B-sr,a. i..giiio:n. I ood, oun oouutiiy, axid iibeiity. J VOL 5. NO. 23. DR. TOWN&SNB'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP Wonder and b let sing of the Age! THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY MBD1CINB tN THE WORLD. Tht Extract is put up quart' bottle ; it ii fix time cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It cures without vomiting, purging, tic&ening or debilitating the patient. The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla overall other medicine is,that while it eradicates the dis ease, it invigorates the body. It is one of the very best spring & sTjirrraEix RiEDiciNxa ever known ; it not only parities the whole system', and Strengthens the person, but it creates nets, pun and rich blood : a power possessed by no ether medicine. And in this lies the grand secret of its wonderful success It has performed within the last five years more than 100,000 cures of severe cases of disease ; at least 15,000 were considered incurable. It has saved the lives of morethan 5,000 children during the two past seasons. 10,000 cases of general debility and want of ner vous energy. Dr. Townsend's SarsoparlUa invigorates the whole system permanently. To those who have lost their muscular energy by the effects of medicine or in discretion committed in youth, or the excessive indul gence of the passions, and brought on a general physi cal prostration of the nervous system, 17a nt of ambition, fainting sensations, premature decay and decline, has tening towards that fatal disease, Consumption, can be entirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This garsa pariilais far superior to any Invicorattng Cor dial. As it renews and invigorates the system, fives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular syg. tern, in a most extraordinary degree. - . OotiruMrnoN Cored. Cle&nse and Strengthen. Con sumption can be cured. . Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Catarrh. Coughs. Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Soreness in the Chest, Hectic Mush. Nieht Sweats. Difficult or Profuse Expects- ration, Pain in the Side, tfC., have been and can be cured. Spitting Blood. Neu-York, April 23, m. Dr. Townsend I verily believe that your Sarsaparilla has been the means, through Providence, of saving my life. I have for several years had a bad cough. It became worse and worse. At last 1 raised large quanties of blood, had night sweats, and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsaparilla a 6hort time, and there has a wonderful change been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my cough has left me. You can well imagine that I am thankful for these results. Your obedient servant, Wili. RUSSELL, 65 Catherine-'. Rtlenmatlsm This is only one of morethan four thousand cases of rheumatism that Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla has cured. The most severe and chronic capes are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary vir tues. James Cummings, Esq., one of the assistants in the Lunatic Asylum, Black well's Island, is the gentleman spoken of in the following letter: Blackwcws jsiana, esept. 11, low. Dr. Townsend: Dear Sir I have suffered terribly for nine years with rheumatism ; considerable of the time I could not eat, sleep or walk. I had the utmost dis tressing pains, and iny limbs were terribly swollen. I have used four bottles of your Sarsaparilla, & they have done me more than oncthousand dollars worth of good. I am so much better indeed. I am entirely relieved. You are at liberty to use this for the beneHt of the afflic ted. Yours, respectfully, JAS. CUMMINGS. Fits I Fits I Fits t Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsaparilla in case of Fits, of course never recommended it, and was surprised to receive the fol lowing from an intelligent and respectable Farmer in Weschester county : Fordham, August 13, 1847. Dr. Townsend: Dear Sir I have a little girl seven years of age, who has been several years afflicted with Fits: we tried almost every thing fur her, but without success; at last, although we could find no recommenda tion in our circulars (or cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very delicate health, we would give her some of your Sarsaparilla, and are very glad we did, for it not only restored her strength, but sie has bad no return of the Fits, to our great pleasure and surprise. She is fast becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feci grateful. Yours, respectfully, JOHN BTJl'LER, jr. Female Medicine. Dr. Townsend's Sarparilla is a sovereign and speedy cure for Incipent Consump tion, barrenness, prolapsus Uteri, costiveness, piles, leucorrhnea, and for the general prostration of tne female system no matter whether the result "f inherent cause or causes, produced by irregulari ty, illness or accident. Nothing can be more surpris ing than its invigorating effects on the human frame. Persons all weakness and lassitude, from taking it, at once become robust and full of energy under its influ ence. It immediately counteracts the nervelessness of the female fianic, which is the great eause of barren- i ness. It will not be expected of us, in cases of so deli cate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures perfot med, but we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have been reported to us. To Mothers and Married L.adlc. This Ex tract of Sarsaparilla has been expressly prepared in re ference to female complaints. Indeed this medicine' is invaluable for all the delicate diseases to which wo men are subject. It 0 races the whole system, renews 1 permanently the natural energies, by removing the im- 1 purities of the bodv. not so far stimulating as to produce subsequent relaxation, which is the case of most medi cines taken for female weakness and disease. By using a few bottles of this medicine, many severe and painiui 8urgicaloperitionsmay be. prevented. Ureat blessing to Mothers ana tiumren. It is the safest and most effectual medicine for purify ing the system, and relieving the sufferings attending limin r.hilil. hirth ever diw.nvered. The great beauty of this medicine is, it is always safe, and the most delicate use it most successfully. Beauty & Health. Cosmetics, cnam, ana a va riety of preparations generally in use, when applied to !tie face, very soon spoil it ol its beauty, l Dey close the pores of the skin, and check the circulation, which when nature is not thwarted by disease or powder, or the skin inflamed by the alkalies used in soaps, beau tifies its own production in the " human faee Divine," as well as in the garden of rich and delicately tinted and variegated flowers. A free, active and healthy cirj culationof the fluids of the coursing of the pure, rich blood to the extremities, is that which paints tne coun tenance in the most exquisite beauty. It is that which imparts tne inctescribaDie snaaes ana nasues 01 ioveu ness that all admire, but none can describe. This beau ty is the offspring of nature not of powder or soap. If there is not a free and healthy circulation, there Is no beauty. It the lady is tair as driven snow, 11 sne paiui and use cosmetics, and the blond is thick, cold and im pure, she is not beautilu I. ir she be Drown or yenow, and there is pure and active blood, it gives a rich bloom to the cheeks, and a brilliancy to the eyes that is fasci nating. This is why the seuthern, and especially the Span ish ladies, are so much admired Ladies in the north who take but little exercise or are confined in close rooms, or have spoiled their com olexion by tlieapplica tion of deleterious mixtures, if they wish to resain elas licity of step, buoyant spirits, sparkling eyes and beau tiful complexions, they should use Or. Townsend's Sar- sanarilla. I hnnsamls who have tried 11. are more man satisfied, are delighted. Ladies of every station, crowd our office daily. Notice to the Ladies. Those that imitate Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, have invariably called their s tuff a ereat Remedrt for Females, i-c. c, and have cooied our bills and circulars which relates to the com plain's of women, word for word other men who put tin medicine, have, since tne ereat success of Dr. town senrl's Sarsananl'n in cnmnlainls inciaenno iemaie, recommended theirs, although previously tney oiu nou A number of these Mixtures. Pills. 4-c, are injurious to females, as tiiey aggravate disease, and undermine the constitution Scrofula Cured. This certificate conclusively proves that this Sarsaparilla has perfect control over the most obstinate diseases 01 tne utooa xnree per sons cured in one house is unprecedented. Three Children. Tb. Tnwmmn Dear Sir : I have the Dleasure to in form tou that three of my children have been cured of thescrotuia by tne use 01 your excellent meuiciuc They were afflicted very severely with bad Sores ; have taken only lour Domes ; it 100 k mem away, lor wuicu I feel myseti under great ouiigation. xours, respecuuny. ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Woosterst. Opinions of Physicians. Dr. Townsend is al most daily receiving orders from Physicians in difler i ent parts of the Union. This is to certify that we. the undersigned. Physicians of the City of Albany, have in numerous cases prescri bed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. 11. f. riililiMi, 1U. V. J. WILSON, M. D. Ri B. BRIGGS, M. D. Albany, April 1, 1847. P. E. ELMENDORF, M. D. Caution. Owing to the great success and immense I sale of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, a number of men who were foimerly our Agents, have commenced ma king Sarsaparilla Extracts, Elixirs, Bitters, Extract or I Yellow Dock, &c. They generally put it up in the same shaped bottles, and some of them have stole and copied our advertisements. They are only wortniess imita tions, and should be avoided. ' Principal Office 126 Fulton Street, Sun Building, N. .; Bedclinir A f'n fl Si-Ia ulropt Rnrtnn : Dvntt & Sons, 132 North Second street, Philadelphia : S. 8. Ilance, Dru?ffist- RaltimnrA P. IVf. Onlien. Charleston: WrirtU &. Cv, 11 u-,. w r . -nr. c.,,,h I and Merchants generally throughout the United states, jm A,bany "nd by all the principal Dmggists "". u ine bananas. cur wiic. wnoiesaie and retail, by . w .5J?,IUW' Umggist, Wilmington, Also by J. A W. JOHNSON, Clinton, N. C. June 23, 1848 41-ly i i . . : . N.C. WHISKEY, PORK, BACON, &c 20 bbls. N. O.' Rectified Whiskey; 2 do back country Sye Whiskey ; fidoN. E. Ram; 6 do Uin; 5 do Brandy; o qr. casks Malaga Wine; 0,000 lbs. N. C. Bacon Sides and Hams; 30 btls Mess Pork; 10 do, Prime do; 20 do Caoal Flour. For sa'e by W. L. SMITH. TAKEN UP AND COMMITTED TO the Jail of Sampson codnty.on the 7th Last. a mulatto boy, who calls himself James Moore, and says he was bound to Jon W. Wells of Brun swick county. . James Moore is about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, spare built, and supposed to be m enteen or eignteea years oi age. a ne owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay I charges and take him away, or he will he dealt with as the law directs; A. B. CHESNUTT, Sherifi July 14, 1848 44-tf WILMINGTON, xtmRBiax: BiopjumnwTs And Grave Stone Agency. fWlHE Bubbcribsrs are appointed Agents for one II of the best and most extensive MARBLE YARDS in Connecticut, and will receive orders lor Marble Monuments or Grave Stones, either lettered or not, which will be furnished at the shortest notice and most reasonable nrices. We have received a variety of patterns, various styles with the prices, which may be examined at any ume. j. c. & K. B. WOOD, Builders and Contractors. June 18. 1847 40-tf Firo and Marine Insurance. Agency of the Protection Insurance Co., OF NEW JERSEY. CA FITAL $200,000 ! THTftAyJNG been appointed agent of the above Company, for Wilmington and vicinity, will issue Policies on cargoes, freights and vessels, and take Fire risks on as reasonable terms as any other Institution. - ' Any losses sustained will be promptly and hon orably adjusted andpaid;antl hr case of difference, the Courts of North Carolina will be acknowledg ed. A. MARTIN, Ag-t. May 26, 1848 37-1 lm. New Livery Sta bles. fire PROOF. Having completed my new Li very Stables, I am now ready to receive horses at livery, by the day, week, or month. My stables are situated on the corner of Prin cess and Third-streeta, directly opposite the Court house, and very convenient to the business part of tne town. 1 cey are built of brnk, and covered with tin, which makes them entirely fire-proof. They are large, commodious, and well construc ted ; and in eveiy respect as comfortable and con venient as any Stables in the United States. I also have,(for the accommodation of Drovers,) a large and comfortable Lot, together with a base ment under the Stables sufficient to hold one hun dred horses, and shelter them well and comfortably. Horses, Carriages, and Buggies,kept constant ly for hire. My Hostlers caanot be surpassed in any coun try, and I therefore feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those who favor me with their cus torn: I feel grateful to my friends and the public for their liberal patronage heretofore, and hope to me rit a continuance of their custom. H.R.NIXON. Wilmington, N. C, December 1 1, 1847. 14tf To the Fublie. TAKE this method of informing the public that I now occupy the Livery Stables formerly occupied by Mr. H. R. Nixok, nnd solicit the patronage of the public generally. AH persons who may favor me with a call, may rest assured that their horses will be promptly attended to, as I flatter myself that I have the best of Ostlers. (C'AIso a large Lot for the accommodation ol Drovers. . W. T. J. VANN. April 23d, 1847. 32tt Market Street, about 300 yards above the Episcopal Church. HTljHE subscriber has on hand a large and gen UL era! -assortment of CARRIAGES, 'which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Among which may be found, COACHES, BA' ROUCHES, ROCKAWAYS, CHARIOTEES, DUNHAMS. PHAETONS, BUGGIES, GIGS, SULKEYS, &c. Also, Harness of every description. All orders in the above line thakfully received and faithfully executed. Repairing done at short notice and in the neatest manner, for cash only. ALSO Saddles ; Eridles ; Martingales; Bits; Trunks ; Carpet Bags, &c. &c., Which will be sold very low: ISAAC WELLS. January 12. 1849; CHEAP BEEF, FOR CASH! THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Wilmington, that he will keep constantly on hand, at Stalls Nos. 7 and 9, in the MARKET HOUSE, a supply of the best of BEEF, MUT TON, LAMB and VEAL. His prices for Prime Beef, are from 6$ to 81 cents per lb.: and all other meats from 8 to 10 cts. per pound. THOS. O'CONNOR. N. B. To Graziers and others having fine Cattle and Sheep to dispose of, they will find it to their advantage in first making application to him, as he has made it a rule to pay the high est corresponding prices with those of Charleston, and paying them Cash on the delivery. So there is no longer the necessity of the Farmer driving his Cattle hundreds of mile3 to another market to obtain a sale in which he can realize the Cash. N. N. B. The subscriber may always be found either at the Carolina Hotel, or, in market hours. at the Market House, at his Stalls Nos. 7 and 9. August 18, 1848 49-tf J. T. SCHONWALD, Botanie Physician. Murphy's building, 2d door from the corner ef I'nncess and Water streets, North side. WOULD tender his thanks to the citizens of Wil mington and the surrounding countr , for the ve ry liberal patron ase heretofore roceived, and re spectfully informs the public that he still keeps on hand a large and fresh stock of BOTANIC ME DICINES, of his own manufacture, of purely ve getable composition. These medicines are uni versally known to possess virtues that have never been excelled by any series of medicines ever of fered to the public. They are effectual remedies for consumption, coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, cholera, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, cholic, gravels, liver and spleen complaints, dys pepsia, rheumatism, sick head-ache, piles, nervous diseases, worms, tetter, and all diseases of the skin, itch, scrofula, all kinds of fever, &c. &c. Also. Cn hand and for sale at manufacturer s prices, Rhiheheardt's patent glass pad double and single lever TRUSS for Hernia. Wilmington, Aug. 18, 1848. 49-ly VARNISH. Coach, Japan, and Copal Varnishes. Also, Paint Varnish and Marking brushes always on hand, and for sale by W H LIPPITT, D29 Druggist and Chemist NOTICE. THE copartnership heretofore existing between Owen Holmes and John R. Hawes, under the name of Holmes & Hawes, is this day dissolved. JOHN R. HAWES. No. 13th, 1848 10 WHITE LEAD. Pare Extra and No. 1, large lot. Also, Chrome green, dry and in oil ; Chrome yellow, Spanish brownt Venetian red, &c &c. r or sale by W H LIPPITT. D29 Druggist and Chemist. GARDEN SEEDS. JUST received, a larce and veil selected as sortment of Gardeii and Fluicer Seeds. Also, small quantity of Grass Seed." Warranted fresh. For sale by Ww. H. LIPPITT, J26 Druggist and Chemist BACON AND LARD. 3000 lbs bacon hams; 3000 lbs bacon shoulders 5000 lbs bacon sides; 25 bbls New Leaf Lard- 25 kegs kegs Dejr leaf Lard, r or sale low by Jld HOWARD if PEDEN. N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1 849. "ENCOURAGB BME INDUSTRY." Harness, Trunk, and Saddle JflJMJYITF&CTORTitK HTfcHE subscriber respectfully informs the public 4& that he has recently returned from the North, nucie no jaiu lu u uu ouu complete HOCK 01 oaa- dle and Harness mountings, &c&cof the latest and most improved styles, and is constantly man ufacturing, at his store on Market street, formerly occupied by Guy C. Hotchkiss, every description of articles in the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that be will be able to give entire satisfaction to his eutomers. He hhs. and will keep, a constant supply of : Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Collars, Biding and Wagon Whips, Bitts and Spurs, Car pet and Saddle Bags, Trunks, rc. de., and every other article usually kept in establish ments of the kind, all of which will be warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship, and sold on moderate terms for cash, or on short credit to punctual customers. ' . Repairing of every description promptly at tended to. Coaches and Carriages trimmed in a neat and substantial elylc. " Medical Bags, Cushions rievery description, and all other articles usually manufactured in es tablishments ol the kind, made to order. Persons wishing to purchase Riding Vehi cles, would find it to theii interest t give him a call. JOHN J. CONOLEY. April 28, 1848 IJEW CHEAP CASH STORE, First Door in R. W. Brown's New Build ings, on Front Street, a few Doors from Market Street. THE subscribers, thankful for the liberal pa tronage which they have received, beg leave to an nounce to the citizens of Wilmington and sur rounding country, that they are now receiving, a large and general supply of FALL and WIN TER GOODS. Superfine Broad Cloths; Men's silk shirts; do Gacsey's over shirts do net shirts & drawers do Saxony Wool shirts and drawers; Pilot and Beaver do Bl'k& fancy Cassimeres; Blue, black and gray Sattinetts, Plain striped and gold mixed Kentucky Jeans, Linseys and Kerseys; Bl'k satin silk Velvet and other Vestings; Cravats and Scarfs; White, Ted, and yellow Flannel, a large supply; Rough and Ready Coats; Sack and Over - do Irish Linen & Lawns; Superfine bed Blankets; Negro do do Horse do Bed Ticking and Apron Checks; Table & bi rd eye Diapers: 8-4 brown damask do 8-4 Damask Table Cloth; Cotton & Russia diapers; A large supply of Look ing Glasses; Carpeting,a large supply; FOR LADIES WEAR. Plain & plaid bl'k Silks; Colored, plaid, & striped Silk; Plaid Tarton's ;do Cashmere de Cosse; do de Lane; Bombazine, large supply; French Robes; do Habbits; do Collars; Worked Fronts; Plain and plaid Alpacca; Blue and figured do Silk Warp do Black silk and worsted Fringe; Colored silk do Silk and thread Buttons for Ladies dresses; Bonnet & Cap Ribbons; Linen Cambric hdkfs; Swiss, Mull and Book Muslin; Plaid & Striped do Jaconet and Cambric Ladies col'd Kid Gloves, do do silk do Ladies superfine colored Cashmere Hose; do black do do do do worsted do Black oc white English silk Hose; do raw do Children's worsted boots; B lack, white, and colored Cotton Hose; Large superfine Thibet Shawls; do woolen net d do Saxony woolen do do waffle do Black Merino do Ladies Hoods; Children's do do Polka Coats; Muslin Skirts; Misses' colored do; 1200 yards of Carpeting; 40 cases Boots and Shoes ; 250 Umbrellas ; which will be sold very cheap. Together with a variety of other articles too nu merous to mention ; all of which, being purchased by the package at reduced prices, will be offered at uncommonly low prices. We would call the attention of country mer chants to our stock, and solicit them to examine the same before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we can offer better bargains than they ever bad offered in this market. JOHJN KYLE & CO. Wilmington, N. C, Sept 15, 1848 3-y DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, Oils, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Patent-Medicines, fyc, $-c, SfC. THE Subscriber has and is new receiving his large stock of Drugs, Chemicals, &c, &c, selec ted by himself from tbe largest Importers and Manufactures iu the Northern cities, consisting in part of the following : Calomel, gum opium, do Assafoetida, do cam phor, do aloes eoc, do do cape, do guaiar. do ara bic, rad columbo, do gentian, do seneca, do rhsta- ny, do velenan, ess peppermint, do cinnamon, do lemon, castor oil by gallon or bottle, pv Jalap, do rhubarb, do ipecac, do columbo, do pink root, do galls, do aloes, do opium, do gamboge, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, mace, allspice, nutmegs, quassia, e psora salts, giauber, sal. nitre, do soda, do tartar, bi carb soda, cream tartar, snake root, pink do, fol senna, do digitalis, do Buchu, do uva ursi, sarsaparilla, ex t jalap, Rasp'd guaiac. CHEMICALS. Sulph Quinine, di arsenide feroc potass, phos ammonia, denar opium, iodine, Citric acid, citrate of iron et quinine, soluble citrate of iron, valerinate of zinc. sulDh morphine, act. do, salacine, iod. of mercury, do iron, do syrup of, do lead, do arsenic, strychnine, veratrine, chloroform, piperine, hydr. potas, agt. nit, pure; do do No. 2; ox silver, PATENT MEDICINES. Townsend's, Carpenter's, Sands', Webster's and Grafenburg's 8 A RS APA RILL AS, Sands' Iod of do; Jaynes expectorant; Wright's, Clickeners, Tippers. Wistar s, Urandretn s, Uordon 't, uraten burg's, Beckwitti's, Jayne's san.j and Champion's PILLS: Indian Panacea, Swainc's do, Child'rn's do; Cheesman's bilsam; Perry's dead shot, Gray's ointment, W ister balsam of Wild Cherry, bway M' mn do-'favor's balsam liverwort Thomo- MAnee'a Tn,i;n trmi. Rnwand's tonic mixt re. O lasanian balsam. Tousev's master of pain, &c. PATNvN fillj. lJYKSTIIrrS Rn;ah brnn. venitian red. red lead, chrome - green, chrome green in 011, wnue ieaa ground. pure extra, and No. I. chrome yellow, black lead, linseeu on, uaiu, 011, s wuw, i-uypcioa, uwig, madder. PERFUMERY, AND FANCY ARTICLES. German cologne,' french do, fancy soaps, plain do, toilet powder ; fine tooth, hjir, nail, comb. shaving, cloth, and nesn Brushes ; cot velvet cam cases, ox marrow, pomatum, hair dye, tooth poW' -t. An. .trofo. hair ton!- Rowland's maras- " "v . . . 7 7. sa oil, military shavmg soap, Loom s extract jasa- min. magnolia, Tervien, jocky club musk, arrib xoisic, migionette, mousseiine, loom picas, rres- cases, motto wafers, trans, do, Rotusel's cream, combs, fancy note paper, toilet bottles of cat glass, do do silt, tooth paste, cassada oil, bears do., See. For flaoorins Ices, Jellies, Custards, JSaxiee&i Vrtjttrti. Svrnvs. Jre. Meakin's ext of rose, do do nutmeg, Preston ext of lemon,- do do vanniUa, orange flower water. tonka hean& nntmejrs, cinnamon, rose water peach vratef; Essences of all kinds, for sale by WM.H LIPPITT, 05fj . Druggist & CjbemistAu, , BACK COUNTRY LIQUOR. 10 Bbls Apple Brandy J 10 UU oU Whiskey, iDcc. 1 for se oy L SMITH; LAFAYETTE HOUSE. THE subscriber takes this method of returning his thanks to a generous public, for the hitherto liberal patronage he has received ; and at the same time most respectfully informs his old customers and the public at large, that the LAFAYETTE HOUSE, next door above the Hanover House, and nearly opposite the Capo Fear Bank, on Front Street, (his old stand,) is still open for the reception of transient or steady , Boarders. He will at all times be happy to wait upon those who shall favor him with their custom, and he will spare no pains to render them comfortable while they are with him. His table, is furnished with the best the market affords. His BAR ROOM, at the old well known Rock Spkiko, will be found at all times handsomely filled up with the best of Liquors and Refresh ments. DAVID THALLY. Sept 1, 1848 51-ly HO! FOR CALIFORNIA! Just Received and in store. 15 hhls ninr recti fied Whiskey ; .5 bbls old Rye Whiskey ? Port Madeira, Malaga, andMamsley Wines; Cognac oranuy. rjSKIUN & HAKTSrilSl,!). NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore existing between Prick & Furrow, in the publication of the " Wil mington Journal," ceased to exist on the 22d in stant, in consequence of the death of Mr. Fut-roir. The business of the firm will be settled by the un dersigned, the surviving partner, who wr 1 contin oe the publication of the u Journal." Dec 29, 1848 A. L. PRICE. EVERITTSVIX.X.E THE WINTER SESSION of this SCHOOL commenced on the 1st instant, under the manage ment of Misses Richardson and Snyden, Ladies eminently qualified to instruct in the various branches of Literature and Science, and who will consider themselves responsible, so far as their influence and instruction is concerned, for the best interests of their pupils. The government of the School will be parental. The great object will be, to incite to virtuous con duct, by an appeal to the moral sense ; and by du ly cultivating tenderness of conscience. The Academic year will be divided into two sessions, of five months each, with two vacations two weeks in summer and six in winter. There JtwiB a Pul?,ic examination at the close of each summer session Students will be charged from the time of en trance. Ne deduction made for absence, except in case of protracted sickness. Tuition has been reduced to the following rates: Primary English branches, per session, $7 00 The same, including Geography, Gram- - raar, Arithmetic, Composition, &c. 10 00 Tbe above, including Natural and Mor al Philosophy, Astronomy, Botany, History, Logic, Rhetoric, Algebra, Geometry, &c. &c, 12 50 French, Drawing and Painting, and Or namental Needle-work, each, 5 00 Music, with use of Piano, 18 00 The Trustees have provided a large and com modious Boarding House, which is kept by Mr. 1 and Mrs. Morisey persons well qualified to dis charge the duties. Board 6 00 per month one-half in advance. Books, Mujic, Paints, Stationery, Canvass, Crewel I, furnished to the etodeota at a very small advance upon New York cost. J. C. SLOCUMB, Secretary Everittsville, of Board Trustees. Wayne county, January, 1849. 18-tf Newbernian publish till forbid. CHEESE &C. 15 boxes super Cheese ; 4 casks super Cheese; 2 doz. smoked Tongues ; 8 bbls Irish Potatoes ; 4 bbls Red Beets ; 2 bbls white hommony Beans; 10 bags and 10 boxes Buckwheat ; 4 bbls superi or Lard ; 20 sacks Salt. For sale low for cash. PERRIN & HARTSFIELD. to fabxkehs and OTHERS ! THE subscriber informs his old friends and all others in want of BLACK-SMITH work, of any description, executed in a style not inferior to work done at any other shop in N. Carolina or at the North, that he continues to carry on the Black smith business at his old stand, on Princess-street, opposite the Theatre. Farmers, 1 urpentine and Timber makers, and others, having OLD AXES that are useless to them, are informed that they can have them worked over, and warranted to be equal to new ones, and at much less cost. He has on hand a supply of PLOUGHS, of ap proved pattern. These Ploughs are made by NED BEATTY, who is admitted to oe the best Plough manufacturer in this section of the State. Also ; ROUND SHAVES, manufactured by the subscriber, always on hand for sale. Also ; HORSES SHOD, & Carriages, Drays, dec, REPAIRED in a neat and substantial style. In a word, every description of BLACK-SMITH WORK can be executed at his shop, and the work warranted. Orders are solicited, and prompt attention given Wilmington. N. C L. WOOD. Oct. 27, 1848. 3 7v5-12m DOMESTIC GOODS. THE subscriber. Agent for the Charleston Steam Cotton Mill, offers for sale, 4-4 and 7-8 heavy Sheetings and Shirtings, from that factory. These goods are remarkable for weight and finish, and will give good satisfaction to the buyer. Also, various styles of brown and bleached Goods, Osnaburgs, Prints, &c. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Southern manufactured goods, consignments of which are respectfully solicited, and upon which advances will be made if desired. J. H. TAYLOR. Charleston, S. C, Aug II, 1848 48-6m MARBLC mOWUIYIElMTS. TOJTIB TABLES, ic " l""r " " " millE subscribers have taken the oeency ol i Ji- an cxtenstte m A unbr m Art ur At j u iw at the North, and will t eceive orders fof the above namcu articles on as iavorauie tenusaacau utyiw i r .1 .-ut: l . cnrea irom aJ owcl. They have a variety of patterns and styles, with the prices, which may be seen at any time KEEN & HUSTON, Contractors & Builders, Wilmington, N C.February II, 1848. M-iy FRUIT TREES, kc THE snhaM-iher baa removed his Nilfsery Es tablishment from Randolph county to uuiiiorti county, near Greensboro', and solicits orders for Annie. Peach. Pear. Nectarine, and Apncot 1 rees, . -ti r.-L.-.t. r. K.n . 1AA wnicn ne win iuniuu . cheaper than they can be dblained at from North- eru nurseries, an - extensive assortment of Shrubs and Flowers for sale, and he asks for bis efforts such patronage as State pride and iuterest should prompt ihe people of NortU Carolina to give hint His aeent in Wilmington is Mr. J. WilkiiU box, who had some tff his Trees for ealfe, and who; will receive orders. Orders may also be directed to the sxtbscriber at Greensborir. . THOS. H. FENTRESS: December 22, 1848 f5-'ly IN STORE & FOR SALE VERY 1W,' 2500 bushels Atom Salt ; 120 sacks Salt ; 10 hhd Sugar ? 50 bsgs Coffee. -,J21 OWEN HGLMBS tfEltaiS: 83 SO In advance. WHOLE NO. 330. WASHINGTON HOTEL, (LATE HANOVER HOUSE,) Frost Street, Wilmisgtow, N. C. THIS HOUSE has lately been re-opencd. un der the superintendance of ihe undersigned, who have given it a thorough overhauling, and newly furnished it throughout They pledge themselves that nothing shall be wanting, on their part, to render the patron satisfied and comfortable. Their Table and Chambers are as well furnish ed, and attended on by as faithful servants as can be found in any other Hotel in the Southern States. The Omnibus will be found ready at the Cars and Steamboats, carrying baggage, free, to and fiom the Hotel. HUTCHINS & MA3ALON. , January 19, 1849 19-Iyuoo CLOSE UP. THE subscribers having all their bills made out up to the 1st day of January, 1849, would request all those indebted to them to come and settle the same, as longer indulgence cannot be given, as cash is required to purchase cheap gondii. JOHN KYLE & CO. January 19, 1849 19-tf BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! THE subscriber has determined, positively, to close his business in Wilmington in all this Spring, and offers his large stock of CROCKERY AND GROCERIES for sale at COST. To any one desiring to enter into business, a good opportunity now offers for purchasing, on favorable terms, the entire stock in trade. From this date, all sums under $50, cash on delivery ; $50 and under f 1 10, 60 days ; $ 1 00 and under $200, 90 days ; $200 and upwards, 4 and 6 months, for approved Notes. His notes and accounts will be placed in the hands of Mr. James Bchch, for immediate col lection. J. H. ROTH WELL, Jan 26, 1849.-20tf Crockery Warehouse. Houses and Lots to Rent and Sell. The House at present occupied by Mr. Sibbit, Third street, near Nun street, is offered for sale, or to rent till October. The house is small. but verv easantly situated, good sized lot and a well in the yard. One small two story House, with five rooms and convenient lot, a little North of Market street beyond the Eastern boundary of town, to sell. . Another story and jump house, adjoining the above, just put up, very convenient, but not plais tered will be sold low, possibly may be rented. Another small house, in Oregon, in good con dition will be sold or rented. Another large two story House a little East of tne Methodist E. Church, nearly new to sell. ALSO Several fine building lots, on Market street continued, and a few a little to the North 6f the same. A rare chance is here offered, for those wishing to purchase, Apply to P. W. FANNING, Aeot Jan 19, 1849 19-tf LIST OF BLANKS ON HAND, and for sale at the JOURNAL OFFICE. County and Sup. Court Writs do do Subpoenas do do Fi. Fas. County Court Scire Facias Apprentice's Indentures Letters of Administrators Juror's Tickets Peace warrants Constable's bonds Notes of hand Checks, Cape Fear Bank de Branch Bank efthe State Notes, negotiable at bank Appeal Bonds Marriage License . Guardian Bonds Administrator's do Military Ca Sas Land Deeds Negro Bonds Warrants, Ca Sat Ca Sa bonds Inspector s Certificates Bills Sale, Negro Certificates of Justices attending Court fjAny blank wanted and not on hand will be printed with the utmost despatch. (TTOnicers of the Courts and other officers, and all other persons, requiring blanks, or any othet work in the printing line would do well to give us a call, or send in their orders. We are determin ed to execute our work well, and at the cheapest rates lor cash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE NOTICE. B. Shekman would inform the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of Carhiaok woik, both in making and repairing. He has now on hand, a number of new Caiu i and Dears, made in the best manner. He is als3 prepared to have ali kinds of Blacksmith work done, in tbe best manner and at the shortest notice. (Tr'Shop near Messrs. Hall fr Aemstroxc's Distillery. September 22, 1848 2-tf DIVISION ORDERS No. 3. Dead Quarters 6ih Division No. Ca. Militia, Wilmisgton, 11th Jan'y, 1849. To the Colonels commanding 24th, 20th, 3 Is, and 39th Regiments, composing 3rd Brigade 6th Divinion of North Carolina Militia YOU are hereby commanded to summon the commissioned officers of your respective Regi ments, to meet together at your respective Regi mental parade grounds, (after having given ten days notice thereof, at three or more public places in your county.) on I bursday, the 22nd day of February next, for the purpose of electing a Brig adier General, to fill the vacancy caused by tbe promotion of Gcti. L. H. Marslcller. The Officer highest in command, present on the occasion, will superintend the election, and certify the result within ten daya thereafter to the Major General. IJy order of L. H. MAItSTELLER. Maj Geo4. Cth Division N. C. Militia. G. L. Dudley.? .., , r N.F.N.xox, jAid-de-Camps. -... - STATE 07 NORTH-CAItOLINA; Nf.w-Hax6ver CocjtTi. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, December Term, 1848. Original Attachment Levied upon a House and i . nr ft... fiAnik ;.i r barah C-wao, u..Lt r.i it; Charles Erharl and f iUg w' ... ' John Gammell. I ; ....... nuBsci, jr.. uii mo ouniUi A. J. DcRosset, Jr., sum moned as Garnishee. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants reside beyond the limits of this tate, or so abscond or conceal themselves that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served upon them : on motion, it is ordered, (hat unless said defendants appear at tbe next term of this Court to be holden at tlie Couft-House to the" town of Wilmington, on the second Monday in March fiext, and replevy said property so levied unon. that tbe same will be condemned flotrt-tbe with the effects in the bands of the Garnishee,') and sold to satisfy plaintiff's demand. Teste, L. H. MARS TELLER, Clerk. Jarl 5. 1819 1 7-6 1 Pr fee $4 38 1 COOPER'S IStNGLASS. THE abrtve article is the best in use for making Jklliks. They can be made in the warrtfest weather without any difficulty, perfectly stiff and transparent and When flavored tfith tbe extract! of Vanilla, Damask Rose, Lemon and Nutmeg; Rose, ieach of Orange flower water, they are (to- surpauable. The above ar.iclos are for sale by : W II LIP'PITT, JP2g V' : pfozgfcf Dd GbrtUUL N. C. LARd; idst received by Rail Road, 10 lW flew Lard j li kegs Jo do. For sale by . ' J12J HOWARD1 & PEDEN; 0 . , ,tfcrm for Advertising ; t'tr square of 15 me or testtask IA tmhtt One ifuaie one rnserti&n, . - $ . 60 do. do. a insertions, -7 do. do. 3 do. 1 to , do. de. 3 month without change, 3 90 do. do. 6 do. do. dtf. i 60' do. do. t do. , do. do. 8 00 do. , do. 6 do. renewed weekly, 13 CO do. do. 12 do. do. do. 20 00 (0"lf the number of insertions are not raarke & on the advertisement, they will be continued until ordered out, and charged for at the rote of 25 c!v per square for evefy insertion after the first week" . ' A deduction of 33 pr ct on adv bills over $300 A liberal discount will be made on advertise menU exceeding one square, when published 6 of 12 months, cash in advance. THE WfDOW. A widow is a dangerous thing, With soft, black, shining cdrfs,., . And looketh more bewitching v Than a host of romping prrla r H Her laugh is so delicious ."7- So knowing, clear, beside. You'd never dream ber thinking Soon to become a bride. Her dress, thongh made of sables Gives roundness to her form A touch of something thoughtful, A witching, winning charm y And when she sits by jeu, With quiet and easy grace ' A tear may fall jinbiddrn, Or a smile light up ber facer Her voice is eol? melodious ' And lute-like in its tone ; She sorr.tiimes cfghs. " 'lis dreadfur, - To pass through life alone." . And then she'll tell you, you remind hef- Of the lov'd one dead and gone , Yew step, your form, your features' Thus the widow will run on.- Oh ! l?sten, yet be careful, . For well she plays her part Her lips distill the nectar That doth enslave her heart, Be cuarded, or she'll win you. With sighs, and smiles, Snff leafs ; I' faith she'll wear the breeches too, And box your silly ears ! Neicspaper Support. The editor of an eii change paper understands his business. Heaf him : Much depends opoji the supporters 6f d newspaper, whether it is conducted with spir it and interest. If they are niggardly or neg ligent in their payments, the pride and ambi tion of the editor is brftken down : fee works at a profitless and unthankful task ; his paper' muses us pun ana interest, ana dies, cut, on the contrary, if his shWrihers are the right sort ; if they are punctual, literal-hearted fel lows, always in advance on the suhscriptiorf list, taking an interest in increasing the num ber of his subscribers, and now and then spea-1 king at word for his newspaper, cheering hint on his cfturse by Smile of approba'tf tfrt with such Subscribers as these,; he must be a dolt indeed who could not get up an intefesting' shee. With such patrohsi as these,- we would forswear comfort, ease, leisure, everything that could possibly step between us and the gratificatitfn Of trvery landablg desire fcrrf tneif piti. Wtf wo'uld know no tfther pleasure fbad their satisfaction. How much can the sup'- porters of a newspaper do to make if interest ing a:nd reSpec'table f Indeed, wifnoiit con'-: curring efforts on their part, the publisher of a newspaper will not cannot, bestow the at tention which is necessary to make it what it snnultl be." , GENERAL WASHINGTON. 0e Reuben Rouzy, of Virginia, 6wed thS General about one thousand pounds; While he was President, one 6f his events brought an actio for the rrtone ; judgment was ob tained ifnd execution issued against the body of the defendant, who was taken to jail. He bad. considerable, landed, estate, but this kind of property cannot be sbM in Virginia, unless at the discretion of the person; He had a large family, and for the sake of his children, preferred lyirig in jail to selling hist land. A ffiefid hinted to him, that probably General Washington did not knbw anything" Of the proceeding, and that if might be well to send him a petition, with a statement of the' circumstances. He did so-and the very next post from Philadelphia', after thearrival of his4 Eetition in that city, brought him rifl order for is immediate release, together with a full discbarge,- and a severe reprimand to the a gent, for having acted in such a manner.-' Poor Rouzy was consequently restored to his' family, who never laid down theif head at night without first-presenting prayers to heav en for ' their beloved Washington." Provi dence smiled upon the labors of the grateffil family, and, in a few years, Rouzy enjoyed the exquisite pleasnre of being able to pay' the money, with the interest, to this truly great man. Washington reminded him that the debt was discharged. Rouzy replied, the debt of his family to tbe father of their coun try, and the preserver of their parent; could never be discharged ; ind the General, to avoid the pleasing imporlofnity 6f he grateful Vir-' ginian, who would not be denied, accepted the money only, however, to divide it among Rouzy's children, which he immediately did Tlie Axe. The other day I was holding a man by a hand as firm in its outward texture as leather, and his sunburnt face was as in flexible as parchment; he Was pouring forth a tirade of contempt on those people who1 com plain that they can find nothing to do,- & art excuse for becoming idle loafers'. , Said U jeff, what do you work at ? Yod look hearty and happy; what are you at?'; Why,' said, he ' I bbught me ah axe three" years ago, that cost me twd dollars' ; that wan all the n.pney t h&l. 1 went to chopping wood by the cord ! I have done noihing.else, and .have earned more than six hundred dol lars ; I have drank ho grog, paid t0 doctor, and have bought me a hitle farm in the Hoo sier State, and shall be married next week to a gii'l that has earned two hundred dollars' since she was" 18. My old axe I shall keep in the drawer, arid ttfy hie a new one to cut my wood with. . After I left him, I thought to myself 'thai axe,' ana no grog v i ney are two tnings to make a man in this world. How small a cap ital ! That axe ! And then a farm, and d wife! the: best of alii STRIKING CALIFORNIA INCIDENTS': Tbe following story, says the Boston Trav eller, was related by a New York clergyman : " He says that a widow lady of his congre gation had a son who went to California in the Stevenson regiment. The lady was irt rather Straitened circumstances, and the weal; thv members of the chctfcb were ift the habs it of collecting a piirse to stipjiij hel With such necessaries as her limited mean forbade hef from parchksing. A short time ago, the usual supply wa sent to hef, which she re-; fused to receive, atid gate as hef reason that she Ha'd just received a lettef ffoftl her eon ifi Califofniaof the following gratifying purport ' Deaf rffofher enclosed is a draft for $2,000; don't be sparing of it. for I have plenty of the" name sort left' The minister said that 4 wish l authenticate the ftdtj led hirri W tii it the" widow, when tie ffd tht facts id be as above stated." '-.-, The' New York Express relates the follow? irigcase: , ' . ' , ''On Thursday '. last, we are fold, a young e'entlerffa'n,' holding-a permanent situation irr a arge ctirrirnistfi&h rrotfse iff thiatitj.at a saj Urr of $2,000 ner annum, made tip his mind; in m tt FiiV.inrha tesiimed his office; and immediately thereafter; married a beautiful and 4tf erestifJ: fed; id ' from th me 6f the' m'affiage efeniony. he was ofl board of the barque A. toy'2JJ the gold regions, letting h'W.7?i behind to console hereelf as lest &be ta

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