. ;. WILMINGTON JOURNAL:; PUBLISHED EYERT III DAT MOBHIHO, " , fcULTOIJ & PHIC13, Proprietor. s . C TKRK8 OF HUBSCRIPTlOar.-- j ft 9 80 a-year, in wivaiioe.or S OO il not paid within thre month titer u)cribing. - Ne subscription receive J for less than 12 months. Ha sttbscriDer permitted to discouiinoe hi papr af er the commencement of a subscription year, lilJthe aspiration of said year. . ' , A Subscribers wishing: their paper discontinued at the end of tbeir subscription year, must pay up in full and it,, nrnnriebira two 2eka notice, otherwise the paper wl lfbeeoalloued andcharged for accordinjto the above terms. . . We willpay the postage onletterscootalaing Tnree Dollars and upwards, and money may be remitted throughthe mail at our risk. The Postmaster s cer tificate of such remittance shall be asufflcientreceipt- tO-AH Letters un buslnessconnected with this af fl3e,mustbe addressed post paid tc the Proprietors. CIRCHJLA.TION ot THE JOtJBKAI 1300 -j J . MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. n tl,. - Post Office, WilmlMSton. ; Northbbw Maiu, by Ball Road, due daily at 1 P.M., nd close at lOevery aljhC : ' ' "Southke Mail, by Steamer from Cnarlcsten, Is due aily at8 A. M., and closes at 11 A. M. every day. Fatbttstiixs Mail, by Rail Road, is due on Mondays Vednesdaysand Fridays, at 9 A. M., and closes on same tlaysat lOstnlght. : . : IfAYSTTKV'iLi.B Mail, by Prospect nall.EHzabethtown, Vestbrooks, and Robesons, is due en Tuesdays Thurs days and Saturdays, at 9 A. M-, and closes on same days til P.M. :' r: - 'Smithviixb Mail, by Steamer, is due daily at 8 A. M-, tad closes at 9A P.M. every day. ' Tatlob's Bgjdsb, Lon Cbbbk, Moore's Creek, Black Kiveb Cbapbl, and Habbbm.'sStokb Mail, is due every Thursday at 6 P.M., and closes same night at 10. . Obslow Mail. Via Topsail Sonnd,' Stump Sound need's Ferry, Jacksonville to Richlands, and returns Via Bannerman's, is due every Monday at 4 P. M., 'and 6 e eery Tbmsday nihtat 10 P. M. " . ATTOnUEY AT.LAW, - - (Oftice opposite Couht-House.) ; WUminGten.JI.OJ Adopts this method of informing his friends that be has determined to return to the practice of the Law, and will be grateful for. any business that may be confided to his hands. He will at present at tend the Courts ef New Hanover, Duplin, and Wayne.. Feb 2, 1849 2l-tf JOHN L. HOLMES, . ATTOEUEY AT LAW , ' WlLMISBTOjr, N. C, v , ;ti ; Will practice iii the Counties of Sampson, Du- plin and Brunswick, f July 13, 1849 144-ly EDWARD I' ANT WELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V (Office its Nixos's Basemest.) Wilmington, n. c, will be grateful for any business entrusted to him Jan 26, 1849 20-tf mOODYB. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Has located in the town of Wilmington, N. C, and may be found at his office, opposite . he Court-house. M. B. S. will also practice in the Courts of Brunswick, Duplin, Columbus, and Robeson Counties. ' Sept29, 1848 3-tf V ' ; GEORGE W. DAVIS, Commission and Forwarding ' MERCHANT, DAVIS'S WHARF, South ater S reet, Wilmington. N. C. VVttm. H. IsIPPITTj ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL : JS9JSJTLJ'CS-Om-T3:3i''JB9 A5D pealeb isr Taints, Oils, Uyc Stuffs, Winder Class, Garden Sectls, Perfumery, fptent Medicines, Ic. ic, On Front street, between Market and Dock, two doors North of Messrs. Hart & Polley's, Wil mington, N. C. October 8, 1847 4 ' . W. L."SMITH, ; . (Late or the fiiim of SasdforH & Smith,) AUOTIOUEUa C O MM1 SSI ON MER CHA N T, WILMINGTON, N. C. STonE on North Water Street, Parsley's block. September 29, 1848 ' ' - JOHN T. RUSS, INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER, WiLjmroTOH, N. C. October 13, 1848 5-y G. & W- A. GVVYER, fflannfactuTers and Dealers ia CABINET FURNITURE, IK ALL ITS TABIETIES. Bedsteads, , Cots, Mattresses, Looking Glasses, Ac. 5kc, Front street, near Market, Wilmington, N. C. OEOBOE OWTEB, . A' GWTEB. T. r. ROBESON, INSPECTOR OF TMllBEIt and JLZTJIlBERi WfLWlKOTOS, N. C. Dec 22, 1848 15-tf SCOTT, KEEN &l Co. "WHOLESALE A?iD RETAIL DEALERS ., : .IS S H U ? "JS3Z JSJS. HL ff 3BEB. READY MADE CLOTHING, Market-Street, Wilmington, N. C. 3an. 19. 1849 19-ly. . ' . . TOIlJY WALKER Jr. Auctioneer and Commission Wilminston, N. C. March 16, 1848.-27tf OASEWBLL Sl BIOSSOKS, CESERAL COMMISSION ASD F0RWARD1XG MERCHANTS, Hon. 1 & 2, Dickinson's Buildings, North Water Street, : ; Wilmington, N.C. Liberal Cash advances made on consienments of , . Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores. ' April 6th, 1849. 30-ly WM. A. GWYER, General Agent, Forwarding ASD ' COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wllmlnton, W. C, ' Win m.t. llhArnl rnh advances on consignments r w.i tetria unA Mimtrv Droduce generally. -All hnainaaa antrnsted to him.- will receive his personal attention as usual, - . (Office on Front street, near Market. 3WII.E3 COST1W GENE It A L A G E N T V ........ . ; . . - - ' i TOB THE SALE OT All. EISDS OT v COUNT R Y P R ODU C E : Such as Lnmbti, Timber Kairal Stores ' Corn, Bacon, &.c &.e., 3 WILMINGTON, N. U. heeerebces. :.; P. K. Dickinson, E. P. HalU . Gilbert Potter. O. G. Parsley, , Dr.Thoa. H, Wright,, Owen Fennel), .. - , 'John Dawson, A. L. Price, - Wilmington, N.C , July 13, 1849 44 .- ;, T J AlfflBS FULTOKi Editor. A. X PIlXCEf Associate Editor. : VOL 5,...N0. 47. THEOPH1LUS HUGGINS, ; G E NERA tt AGENT COMEIISSIOU laEHOHANT, Wil 1 attend to any business proper to bis office, such as the sale of Tjmbek, Lumber, Navai Stobes, and all kinds of produce, together with filling orders, receiving and forwarding goods. . .(jOefice in Nutt's buildings, North Water Street. - - ; -( "' " ; ' ' 1 May 11, 1849 33 3m ; . DR. S WAYNE'S CELEBRATED FAMILY MEDICIKES. DR. S WAYNE'S - COMPOtJSD SYRUPofWlLD CHERRI TELL IT IH GATH PUBLISH IT IS THE 8THEETS ' -' OF ASKALON T ' ' ' Thi greatest Medicine in the known ivorld. OF all the cures that have ever been recorded, we may safely say the annals of medicine cannot furnish one to surpass this, which now stands as a living proof of the curability of COIS SUMP TION, even when life had been despaired of. Read this extraordinary case : December 25th 1848. ' Da. Swatjte Dear Sir: Having contracted a severe cold, which Settled upon my lungs, atten ded with a violent couch, pain in my bide ana breast, difficulty of breathing, I was attended by physicians of the first respectability, but my symp toms become' very alarming ; there was an ab scess formed in my lungs, and made its way thro' my side, and discharged large quantities of p ss externally, so that my physician thought the pow er or functions of one of my lungs were totally -destroyed therefore supposed the case entirely hopeless. 1 his mournful state of things contin ued for a long time, until I was wasted and worn to a skeleton. I had tried a number of remedies, but all failed to do any good. But there still be ing a spark of hope left with me and my anxious parents, and having heard of the great virtues of your Compound S)rup of Wild Cherry, and its being approved of by physicians of the first emi nence, I concluded to make a trial of it. and to my great satisfaction, my cough gradually grew better, the hole in my side began to heal, and I am now happy to say, from a poor and almost hopeless skeleton, I have become healthy, and weigh more than I ever have. . All my neighbors can testify to the above fact. ' A bbaham Huxsickek, 2 miles from Skippaokviile, Skippack township, , Pennsylvania. . Asthma of Eleven Yean Standing:, Permanently cured by Dr. Swaynn's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, after all other remedies had failed. . Ciscjnsati, Ftbru&ry 19, 1847. Dr.SwATNE -This may . certify that eleven years ago last fall, I was troubled with the Asth ma, which increased upon me in defiance of all the remedies I could hnar of, until the year 1 839 '40, when I was obliged to leave my native New England for a mihler clime, which had the effect to mitigate my sufferings for three or four years, after which the disease increased until last winter. My sufferings were intense, almost beyond endu rance, being obliged to sit up night after night, from inability to sleep in bed. Last Fall I felt the symptoms earlier than usual in the season, but hearing that Dr. Swayne's Com pound . Syrup of Wild Cherry was a sovereign remedy for Diseases of the Lungs, I immediately commenced its use, and the result was almost im mediate relief. For the last six weeks I have not fell the least symptoms of the Asthma, and feel confident that I am well of it, and that I have been cured by the above named medicine. Yours respectfully. J. W. Ksiciit, ' Walnut street, between 3d and 4th. Important Caution Read t Read! There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Oberrv. and that is Dr. Swavne s. the brst ever offered to the public, which has been sold largely thrniinrhnut the United estates and some parts of Europe ; and all preparations called by the name of Wild Cherry have been put out since this, un der cover of some deceptive circumstances, in or der to give currency to their sales. Each bottle of the genuine is enveloped with a beauluul steel noravin. with the likeness of . William Penn thereon : also Dr Swayne's signature,, and as further s?curity, the portrait of Dr Swayne will be added hereafter, so as to distinguish his prepa rations from all others. . . , ; Swayne's Celebrated Vermifuge I " A iafe and effectual remedy for Worms, Dys pepsia. Cholera M 'bus, sickly or Dyspeptic children or adults, and the most useful rami' lu Medic ne ever offered to the public" This remedy is one which has proved success ful for a lone time, and it is universally acknowl edged by all who have tiied it to be far superior (being so very pleasant to the taste, at ine same time enectual,; to any otner meuicmo ever em nloved in diseases for which it is recommended It not only destroys worms, out it invigorates tne whole system. It is harmless in Us effects, and the health of the patient is always improved by . ..... . . its use. even when no worms are discovered. Dr Swayne's Vermifuge has met with a degree of fa vor from the public, wnicn has pernaps never De fore been accorded to any medicine. It needs no recommendation wherever it is. known. I o the fond mother, bending in sleepless anxiety over her wasting child, it will carry relief joy. and thank fulness ; to all who are sufferins from the disea ses for which it is prepared, it offers a speedy res toration to health : Remember ! the genuine is put up in Square Bottles, with the portrait of Dr Swayne on each label, also his signature. The ubove valuable medicines are prepared on ly by Dr. II: Swathe, Philadelphia, and for sale, wholesale and retail, by A. C. EVANS, Druggist, - Wilmington, N. C. Also by J. & W. Johssok, Clinton, N. C Ba3.'l J. Hissdale, Fayelteville, N. C, and by most respectable dealers in medicines throughout the United States. March 16, 1849 27 Notice. AH persona indebted to the late firm of PRICE & FULTON, are requested to make payment to the subscriber withoa; delay. The money may be remitted agreeably to the terma of th Jour nl" or Daid to its agents. Subscribers may re mit the full amount of the yearly subscription, and if iK mnnnt remitted exceeds the sum due the old firm, the overplus will be .duly, credited on the iwiri t th new firm ol r citoh cr raica. ; All persons having claims against the late firm d.... jt VntTsx. will nreaent them to the subscriber for settlement. A. L. f Kl'-c, , . Surviving partner of the late firm : : - ofPaici&FpiToir. WUraingtoriN: C-i uly 20th, '1949. , S. wirw r -iter MLfflNGTOiV lMew Fancy and Staple r DRY GOODS CASH STORE; ... AT THE STOBE FOBMEBLT fiCCUF 1KB BT, i ' "'"V. 'R." PEIRSON, Aofinr ' vV THIS : new establishment will; be -opened on Thursday next, jwhen a new and choice assort raent of Fancy Jud Staple , Dry Goods will be of fered. '!5 , . . -r..4-r.. t.'.A it is the. determination ef the subscriber to adopt the CASH system, he feels confident that the p.-ices will be such as tq convince, all who wish to purchase that it is to their advantage U call and examine this stock., which will comprise all the latest styles of Spring and Summer Goods, Having employed Mj. E,, Moore, aa experien ced merchant from New York; the establishment will be under his superintendence. ' " ' " : '' ' . ; ; V. R. PEIRSON, ' : "' ' " " '':i'Agent foir Se?h Hoabd. j Apnl.5. 1849 3Qly , , , , . ' i rr 5 1YI s LL1 N ERYi-; i MR3;PEtRS0Niiio'ssatewtCKer Mrs, MftOHS, ofhje city of New.York, in the' Mil linery i business, will, on Thursday next, at jhe store formeify occupied ' by Mr. Seth Hoardi op Front street,, open a large assortment of Ladies Bonnets, Silk's, itibbons; F lowers Capes, Collars. &C.&C. of the latest styles and patterns.- to Which they in vite the attention of the Ladies of the city of Wilmington and ' vicinity ; ail of which; for cheapness tmd. elegance, -can not be surpassed. As the undersigned intends to make this establish mpnt permanent, the Ladies of this ' city and vicinity may rely that they wilKt all times find a full as sortment of all articles in the Millinery line,' con forming with the fashions of the season. ' V. R. PE1RSO.V, " Agent for Seth Hoabu. - April 5, 1849 30-J y ,n -.1: , . TAKEN UP AND COMMITTED ; TO the Jail of Sampson county.on the 7th inst. a mulatto boy, who calls himself James Moore, and says he was bound to Joii W. Wells of Urun swick county. James Mojre is about n feet 3 or 4 inches high, spare built, and supposed to be sev enteen or eigateeo. years of age. The owner is requested to come forward, prove, property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. - ,., . . A. B. CHESNUTT 'Sheriff. July, 14, 1843 44 tf . , . EVER ITTSVILXE FEJ1I1JLE ml Ct& 1? EJfS "TI THE WINTER SESSION of this SCHOOL commenced on the 1st instant, under the manage ment of Misses Richardson and Snyden, Ladies eminently qualified to instruct in the various branches of Literature and Science, and who will consider themselves responsible, so far as their nfluence mid instruction . is concerned, for the best interest's of their pupils. . 1 he government of the School wjn .be parental The great object will be, to incite to virtuous con- uct, by an appeal to the moral sense ; and by uu j cultivating tenderness of conscience. ' The Academic year will be divided into two sessions, ot live months eacn, witti two vacations two weeks in summer and six in winter.' There will tie a public examination at the close of each summer session. ' i . - : ' ' ". , :' Students will be charged from the time of en trance. ..." .... No deduction made for absence, except in case of protracted sickness. , - Tuition has been reduced to the following ratti Primary English branches, per session, $7 0 ihe same, including Geography, Gram mar. Arithmetic, Composition, &c v 10 00 The above, including Natural and Mor- al lJhilosophy, Astronomy, Botany, Hisory, Logic, Rhetoric, Algebra, Geometry. &c. &c, 12 50 French, Drawing and Painting and Or- . .. namental Needle-work, each, . ... 5 CO Music, wi h use of Piano, 18 00 The Trust ves have provided a large and com modious Boarding House, which is kept by Mr and Mrs. Morisey persons well qualified to dis charge the duties. Board $6 00 per month one half in advance Books, Music, Paints, Stationery, Canvass, Crewell, dec, furnished to the students at a very small advance upon New York cost. J. C. SLOCTJ MB,. Secretary , Evcrittsville, 1 of Board Trustees. Waynecounty, January, 1849. 18-tf Newbernian publish till lorbiu. : CREW LISTS. A large supply of Chew Lists on hand, an for sale lew, at the Jocuval Office. NOTICE. R. SiiEKMAN would inform the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of Cahuiaue woik. both in makinsr and repairing. He has now on hand, a number of new Cauts and Dhats made in the best manner. . He is also prepared to have ali kinds of Blacksmith wotk done, in the best manner and at the shortest notice. fXj'Shop ne.r Messrs.' Hall 4" Ahmstkoso s Jistillery. September 22, 1848 2-tf 20O REWARD ! BROKE JAIL, in Sampson county, North Carolina, on the night of the 14th instant, two prisoners. JOHN P. WILLIAMS and XNticiU HAM STEVENS, charged with siealing Ne groes. Williams had been convicted, and. await ine the sentence of the Court, and Stevens was awaitins his trial. Williams is about 35 or 40 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, thick well set frame, weighs about 140 lbs., mouth large and lips little pout inir. eves dark, eve-brows dark and heavy, low sauare forehead, dark hair.a downcast surly look some limping peculiarly in his right foot with the toe turned in. Stevens is about 40 years of age. G feet high or upwards, large muscular frame, weighs about 175 lbs., mouth rather large, lips ttiicK, good teetn, blue eyes, hish receding forehead, hair thin and somewhat light originally, now a little grey, a fair skin, and fend of joking. I will gtV4Ta Hundred Lol ars lor tneir ap prehension and confinementin any Jail in the UOlleU .oiaica, au tuafc a Bcfc ' . " v Hundred Dollars for one of them. A. B. CHESiN U U , SbenH, Clinton, June 22. 1849 ll-2m ro all wliom it may concern- Persons indebted to Dr. Johk R. Haw es. will find their notes and accounts in my nanus ; an early pay ment of them will save costs. Persons having claims agmst vr. hawes win present them to me for settlement. THOS. U. MEAKES. April 6, 1849. 30-tf ; ....' ' S25 Reward. THE subscriber offers the above reward to any person who will apprehend and lodge in Jail his negro woman THURSDAY, and JOB, her son, Also. $50 for sufficient proof to convict any per son or persons of harboring them. ,, Said, woman is tall, has a large stomacti, and speans very siow 5 she is of a bright yellow complexion., joe is dark complected, and is from 6 to 7 years of age, and formerly belonged to J amea al, nompson, deceased, and come from Onslow' county. " v JOHN J CONOLEY. May.4th, 1849 ; ',. 34 , tf ' LIME I LIME! ! LIME!! ! : Tl fi( BBLS. landing; also. Hydraulic I"u vCemMti Calcined Plaster i Plaster iaz Hair, fire Brick, &c ' ' h ; mg flair, a j c B. B. WOOD, .?.:" ' -' Builders and Contractor ! !G0D,r6uB COUNTRY," AND LIB ERTY. ... c - r i r . " . o v ... . . . N. G.,- FBIDAY' HOMING,- AUGUST 4, 184a LIST OF .BLANKS , . tl ON. HAND, and for sale at the . -1 ' JOURNAL OFFICE. County and .Sup. Court Writs ; t?-:ordi (o.if l-.sle .-'Sobpamasr j n '. -,n)4... v do. r.Fi. Fas. ...... ,.jt; Count7 Court Scire Facias , Apprentice's Indentures' " - -" V letters cf Adminisirators Apnea Bonds ' Juror's Tickets, V d 'Marriage License Peace warrants .. ., .Guardian , Bonds Constable's bonds AdiBimstralor's do Notes' of hand - ; ' 'Military Ca Sas ' Checks, Cape Fear Bank Land Deeds v:,A: ' ... ,; do, Branch Bank rf the r Negro Bonds r . State . .... ' Warrants, Ca Sas Notes; negotiable at bank Ca Sa bonds ' Inspector's Certificates ' s i Bills SaleiNcsnroP' , Certificates of Justices attending Court ? 1 fX7Any blank wanted and not on hand will be printed with the utriostdcspatch. frTUffieers of the Courtsand other ofSeers. and) all other person s, rettlrifcjf cotSS work-in the printing line would lo Well Is give us call, or send in their' orders. 'We are determin ed to execute our' work well, and at th cheapest rates for cash. . Calto the JOURN AL OFFICE Wurphy't I building, 2d door from the corner of rrtneess and water Streets. North side, WOULD tender his thanks to the citizens ot Wil mington and the surrounding country , for the ve ry liberal patronage heretofore raceived, and re- pect fully informs the public, that he still keeps on hand a large and fresh stock of BOTANIC, ME DICINES, of his own manufacture, of purely ue- getuble composition. These mediciues are uni versally known to possess virtues that have uever been, excelled by , any series of medicines' ever fef- fefed to the public. ; 1 hey are effectual remedies for consumption, coughs, : colds, croup,, whooping cough, cholera, cholera morbus, cholera' infantum. holic. gravels, liver and spleen complaints, dys pepsiaV rheumatism, skk head-ache, piles, nervous diseases, worms, tetter, and all diseases of the skin, itch, scrofula, all kinds of fever, &e &c ; ' ; Also. Cn hand and fur sale at manufacturer's prices, Khiseiieahdt s patent glass pad double and single lever TRUSS for Hernia; .Wilmington, Aug. 18. 1848. 4U.ly ;. The, Jfler chant Tailoring A WILL be continued as usual, under Ihe superin tendence of V. R. Peiiisos and H. S. Kellt, in the rear of the store., formerly occupied by.V.' R eirson. Agent, who has, just returned from the North with a splendid assortment of goods in tho above line, embracing every article kept in an es tablishment of the kind, which wilt be made up to order iu a style that cannot fail to please the most aslidious. , - : - , The fancy department embraces all the new and elegant patterns and most desirable styles. , Fancy Silk and .Satin Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, -c. '! ; In addition to the above, a variety of ready -made clothing," 'manufactured by one of the" most fash ionable New York Tailors, which will be sold at a low prices as enn be found in either of the 'At? lautio cities. r ' - ' ' . '' For the liberal share of patronaoe which " has been extended to ! this establishment lor "many years; we return our unfeigned thnnks, and pronrw lse that no enorts on our part will be spared to serve our . customers as lavorable as circumstan ces will admit. . L ; Ji. R. PEIKSON, fr Agent for Sarru 'Hoabd. .! April 5, 1849 30-ly j: r-.-.r.'.V ICEICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS have in store 292 tons of Ice, and will receive additional sup plies through the season, from the fresh ponds of Boston. ' . ; Our ICE HOUSE is open every morning. from sun riia till breakfast bell-ring. Itu will al so bo retailed from Shaw's Drug Store, at all hours of the day. Citizens can procure it at any hour oi the night, (in case of sickness.) by calling on Mr. Shaw, at bis house, on Second-street, a few doors from Market-street. We solicit orders from our friends in the coun try. Ice will be carefully packed and promptly forwarded. . , - Thankful for past patronage, we hone again to merit the public support . SHAW $ KEPITON. . April 13th, 1819.' tloct H0TCHK1SSV . i Vertical Water Wheels. W.BRANSON is Agent for'the above Wheels in this place. He will take pleasure iu showing the casting to any person who may desire to see them. There wilt be found at bis office a supply of Wheels, Cranks, or Gudgeons, at all times, for sale singly or in pairs. Dec 29,1848 16-Iy JVotice. YONSIGNEES and owners of Goods, coming by any of the Packets consigned to my ad dress, are hereby notified thit they must attend to receiving them on their arrival, and during the lime the vessels are discharging, as I will not be responsible for any goods after being landed. GEORGE W. DAVIS. October 16, 1846 V SUPREME COURT REPORTS. Reduction of Price THE subscriber having purchased from the es tate ot W. R. Gales, Lsq deceased, the entire Edition of Vols. 6, 7, and 8, Law, and Vols. 4 and 5, Equity, of Iredell's Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, (from De cember Term, 1845, to August term, 1849,10 elusive, and including also the Equity Cases of the present Term of the Court,) has reduced the price from Six Dollars to r ive Dollars per vol ume ; and is prepared to furnish them to Gentle men of the Bar and to Booksellers, except Vol. 5 of Equity, to be published in a few weeks, of which notice will be given. Orders for the whole, or for any one or more Volumes, promptly attended to. And the Bar supplied on reasonable terms with the previous Volumes of North Carolina Reports, aud Law Books generally. Bound copies furnished to the Profession, in exchange for their Nos. . - E. J. HALE. Fayetteville. March 23, 1849 28-tf TO FABSOEXIS AXTE4 OTHSHS ! THE subscriber informs his old friends and all others in want of BLACK-SMITH work, of any description, executed in a style not inferior to work done at any other snop in IM. Carolina or at the North, that he continues to carry on tne ClacK- smith business at his old stand, on Princess-street, onDosite the Theatre. Farmers. IMrpenune ana 1 imer masers. ano others havina- OLD AALS that are useless to them, are informed that they can have them worked over, and warranted to be equal lonew ones, and at mnrh less cost. r ' He has on hand a supply of PLOUGHS, of ap proved pattern. These r toughs are made oy NED BEATTx j woo is aemiueu to oe ine oes Plough manufacturer in this section of the State. ; ALso;1iOUND SUAJtiSv laanntactarea ny the subscriber, always on hand fix sale. s "j ; . Also ; HORSES SHOD, & Carriages, Drays, &c REPAIRED in a neat end substantial style. In a word, every description of BLACE-SMITH WORK can be executed t hia soj, end the work WanantecL-, s :.-,-,,. 1 s 'JX Orders are solicited, and prompt attention Wilmington. N. C,? . L.'WOOD. .. r..,.ort 3T,. 1848. . . .tw2m V K 1 THE subscriber has removed his Nursery Es tablishment from JUndolph county to Guilford county, near Greensboro', and solicits order for Apple,. Peach. Pear, Nectarine, aod Apricot Tiees, which he 'will furnish "from 50 to 100 per cent, cheaper than they can be obtained at. from Worth era Nurseries. His intention is to make a regu lar business ef it, and he also iutends having an extensive assortment of Shrubs and Flowers for sale, aad he asks for his efforts such patronage as State pride and interest should prompt the people of North Carolina to give him.' . ' - His agent in Wilmington is Mr. J. Wilxih sq1 who has some of his Trees for eale. and who will receive orders. .Orders may also be directed to the subscriber at Greensboro', . r-" ' ' 1 ; THOS. H. FENTRESS, o December 22, 1848 l5-1y f i , , s 1 .x; lit.; ' uT Saddle, Harness, and Trunk mANUFACTORY. if HTH E subscriber respectfully informs the public that he hus recently received large addition to his stock of Saddle a od Harness mountings, &c, of the lutest and roosC improved style, and is con stantly manufacturing, at his store-on ' Market street, formerly occupied by Guy vC. Holchkiss, every description of articles in the above line. Fromin experience in the business, he feels con fident that he will be able to give entire satisfac tion to his customers, atid all others who ma fa vor him with a rail. He has now-on hand, and wilf cbnslantlr keep, a large assortment of-' ' - ) Coach, Gig, Sulky, and Buggy Harnesses j La dy's Saddles; Bridles. Whips, far ' '" i Gentlemen?' Saddles, Bridles, r l Whips, Spurs, $c. c', s:' 1 all aof ahieh he will warrant to be of the best ma terials and workmanship. He has also a large assortment of ,.t. , . ; ? . . ,-..... , , . ... .. J j Trunks", Valises, Saddle and ('arpet Bags, Satch e!s; fancy Trunks, 4-c.; f ' " ' and all ether articles usually kept in such estab lishments, all of which he offers low for cash, or on short credit to prompt customers. ;? Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, &c. &c. made to order. ' " " t v' " ' ' '' ' ' : '' Repaiuixc of all kinds done with neatness and despatch.' Old 'Saddles and Harness taken in part pay for new. JOHN J. CONLEY. . . N. Bi-AI accounts standing on my book over six months, will be charged with interest. All persons indebted to the Subscriber for last year will please call and settle, a .by so doing they may prevent what would be disagreeable to them and unpleasant to him, as persons sometimes have to do unpleasant things in self-defence. J. J.C. March 9, ISIS '; - " Lafayette house; THE subscriber takes this method ot returning his'thanks to a generous public for 1 the hitherto liberal patronage be has received ; and at the same time most respectfully informs bis old customers and the public at large, thaf the LAFAYETTE HOUSE, next door above ' the Hanover House, and nearjy opposite the Cape Fear Bank, oii Front Street, (bis old stand.) is stilt open for the reception of transient or steady Boarders, ;,He will at all times be happy to wait upon those who shall favor him with their ,custom, and he will spare ' in o pains to render them comfortable "while they are with him. His tabic ' is furnished With the-best the market affords. ;. . . . . A ' . 'His BAR ROOM, at the old well known Rock Sprisg, will be found at al! times handsomely filled up with the best of Liquors and. Refresh ments. ', .'"'.'DAVID 'TH ALLY. Sept' I, 184S 51-ly .'.I FRESH BEEF !. MUTTON !"&c. &c. James Petteway, respectfully announ ces to the citizens of Wilmineton, that he will resume the BUTCHERING BUSINESS in said town on or about the 10th of October next. He takes occasion here to return his thanks to his old customers, and hopes by strict - attention to the business to merit a renewal of their patronage. ' He will endeavor, at all times, to keep his stall at the new Market-house supplied with the best i of FRESH BEEF, VEAL, LAMB, MUTTON, and PORK. r Drovers will find it to their interest to call on him before disposing of their stock. . Sept. 22, 1848. . 2-t Eppiog's Co. Fl. Extract of Sarsaparilla and . . . Q,TJEJBS'S DELIGHT, TO THE PUBLIC This preparation has acquired a very extended and established celebrity in most of the Southern States of the Union ; both in the hands of Physicians and private use ; which its efficacy alone has sustained for several years, as a remedy for Scrofula or King's Evil, Ulcera ted Sore Throa', long standing Rbeumatic Affec tions, diseases of the skin, old sores, white swel lings, diseases of Ihe bones, and all cases of an ul cerous character. It is also particularly useful in chronic and nervous complaints occurring in debilitated and cachetic constitutions. Over Sy philis and the host of painful, di-agrecable and hitherto incurable affections resulting therefrom, such as ulcers of the throat, larynx, nodes, dec, and all those evils occasioned by an improper and injudicious use of " mercury , it displays complete control. It has been found to be a roost useful purifier of the blood in all such diseases. In all complicated caes of Scrofula and Syphi- is. and in cases where the Syphilitic virus of the pareui causes & development of Syphilis orSciofu a in the child, tins is the only remedy upon wnicn the hope of recovery can be reasonably founded. It relieves the disease, and at the same time im parts vigor to the whole system under the use of this medicine, the patient is enabled to take nourishing food, which in other practice is with held. In many cases where the horrible ravages of disease have taken so deep root that patients have been given up by the most skillful Physi cians, the disease has been arrested and the pn ient restored to good health, etc. and the most reason able expectations fully satisfied. ' The cures performed in Wis city aione, are sufficient to establish its reputation . ou a perma nent basis, and too solid to be enacted either uy the malignant or envious. It is worthy of note that the- greater -part of the patients cured had, previously to using this preparation, received' the best medical treatment, end given up by their phy sicians as being beyond the reach, of medical skiil. It is, however, advisable tnal it toouid d given, if practicable, under the superintendence of a phy sician, for him to prescribe such other remedies in conjunction with this as the necessity of the case . . ti . ' a. . :n4A ilia may requue. mis preparsutm u u iuw iuu hands of ohvsicians a remedy by which he can master a variety of diseases, which have hitherto baffled the greatest skill and study. ' It is a safe .i k,fmM medicine, and removes all those evils which an unsuccessful use of mercury so of ten occasions. . . , ' Price $1 per bottle, or S 5 for six bottles. Prepa red and for sale by J. P. M. EPPING, Chemist and Druggist, 277 King st, opposite Society street, Charlestan, 8. C. Also for sale by A. C.EVANS & BROTHER, 39-5ml" Wilmington, N C. ' , C Notice. THE undersigned Having obtained letters 01 oiWniatraiioo upon the Estate of David FVlto, decVLatthe March Term, 1849, of the Court of Common Fleae and quarter oessioneior ew Haoover county, notice is hereby given to all per bhu indebted to said Estate, to make iomadiate KettJement : and all persons having claims of any sort against the said estate, are hereby notified to present tnenj quit iuhkhucswu, kuuiu tu u TrM-ribed by la for that purpose, otherwise thU 1 notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, ; en 4 Miy 4,1841 34if ) 1 AimimstratriXi . - ' FRUIT TREES, &c. TEU.HS: sa so 'ln 'adi'ince. WHOLE Na JOB; PAMPEIT CARD AID ORSAMIBTAL corner; of front and princess streets . Wilmington; n.: p.r :; are prepared to . execute pbixtiho of every de- , . , senpuon, in a stymie equal to any , r t "' " " " , ' printers' in the State. Particular attention paid t the following kinds of ZiETTEH PRESS PBIUTI2IO : bills or CXCaANOB, , BILLS OF LADIStf, CABOS, t - ! ,, ' . CATALOOCES, ' ' ' ' CSBTIFJCATiB,,. j '; CHECKS, CIBCULAGS, tr, f.j 'Al CU8T0M-B0USEBLAKKS, OBAPTS, ' ' ' " '' ''' BAKOB1LLS,. . LABELS, Law slakes, y . . ; t MlUTATr .V0TICB3, NOTES,, . ;. " . , C i PAMPHLXTS, ; FOUCIBS OP imOBANCB," NEORO PASSES, k, BECElPrS. PLAIM AND ' FANCY PRINTING NEATLY DONE! ; HAND -BILLS AND POSTERS . of any size, for Theatres, Concerts, Ciretts', etc. done without delay, in a maaoer. that; will give satisfaction, and on the , most reasonable. ' terms. We call the attention of our; citizensand the public in general, to the above Circular,' and cor dially extend to them an invitation to give us a call for their work, assuring them that it shall be well done, and st j)rice to suit the times. f ; FULTON & PRICE. - March 30. 1849. ' - , 1 ,. U .. , I. I I . N e w Livery S ta bles. fk e PROOF. Y Having completed my iiew Li mvery Stables, I am now ready to receive horses at livery',' by the day, week, or month. : V -' - n My stables are situated on the corner of Prin cess and Third streets, directly opposite the Court house, and very convenient to the business part of the town.' They ' are built of bri :k, and covered with tin, which makes, them entirely fire-proof. Tbey are largej commodious, and well construc ted ; and in eveiy respect as comfortable and con venient bs any Stables in the United States. '-' I also have,(for the accommodation of Drovers,) a large and comfortable Lot, together with a base ment under the Stables sufficient to hold one hun dred horses, and shelter thein well and comfortably. ' Horses, Carriages, and Buggies, kept constant ly for hire. ' - My Hostlers cannot be surpassed in any coun try, and I therefore feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those who favor me With their cus torn. ' '" ' 1 "" :- : " ; - ! "; I feel grateful to my friends and the public for their liberal patronage heretofore, and hope to me rit a continuance of their custom. H. R. NIXON. Wilmington, N. C, December 1 1 , 1847; 14tf DOCTOR B. A. KENNEDY, Dental Surgeon, , Graduate of , the .Baltimore College of Dental i..,. ! J u- Surgeons, . - : . .-. BEGS leave to tender bis professional services to the citizens of 'Wilmington and public general ly, having determined oil locating himself in this place. : He is prepared to perform all operations in his profession on the latest and most approved principles ... Incorruptible Artificial Teeth inserted oo g.ld plae fiom one to an entire - se.L.-i Whole upper sets inserted on the Atcnospherkt pressure principle. , Having made an - improvement, in this mode of inserting te;ih, be confidently recom mends it as answering the purpose of mastication. They can be taken out and put back at pleasure by the wearer, be worn with comfort, and cannot be detected from the natural teeth. Extracting, cleaning, and plugging Arc. done on scientific principles.- All operations warrented to give sat isfaction, and not to be surpassed by any opera tor in the United State., Irregularities in Children's teeth corrected. Ladies attended at their residence when neces sary. Office adjoining Doct Ware's in the same buil ding. May 11. 1849 35-3m : EXPOSE. BY reading the following affidavit, the public will learn the origin or rather where the recipe for making the stuff they call Old Dr Jacob Town send's Sarsaparilla came from and will be able to judge which is the genuine and original, and of the honesty of the men who are employed in selling it as the original Dr Towosend's Sarsapa rilla. . Dr S. P. Townsend was the original pro prietor and inventor of Dr J ownsend s Sarsapa rilla, and bis medicine has gained a reputation that no other remedy ever gained. He manufac tured over one million of bottles the last year, and is manufacturing at present 5.000 bottles per day. We use more Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock in our establishment each day than all the other Sarsa parilla manufacturers in the world. Principal of fice, 126 Fulton street. Read Ihe Affidavit, City and County of New York, ss. William Armstrong of said city being duly sworn, doth depose and say lhat be is a practical Druggist and Chemist. That some time in the latter part of May, or first of June,' 1848, a man by the name of Jacob Townsend, who at that time was a book and pamphlet pedlar, called upon de ponent at the house ot Mr J hompson, No. 42 Hud son street, where deponent boarded, and requested deponent to write him a recipe ty wbirb to make a Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Deponent further says, that he became acquainted with said Townsend at the office of Theodore Foster, Erq., book publish er, with whom said Townsend dealt. J bat said Townsend bad had frequent conversations with deponent respecting the manufacture of an article of Sarsaparilla to be sold under the name of Dr Jacob Townsend. , That said Townsend stated be was an old man and poor, and was not fit for hard labor, and wish ed to make some money in order to lle easy in his old days, and lhat if Sarsaparilla undei the name of Townsend sold so well, and so much mo ney was made by it, be could see no reason why he might not make something out of it too, (his name being Townsend,) if he could get a capable person to prepare a recipe and manufacture it for him. Deponent in one of the conversations asked said Townsend if he was related to DrS P Town send, to which he replied that he knew Dr 8. P. would be down on him after he should commence ; but that be did not care for him, as be bad formed a copartnership with men who could furnish the requisite amount of capital and was well prepa red to defend himself against any attack that might be made on him. I .-ts; ,.: . Deponent further says that pursuant to the re quest of ea:d Jacob Townsend, he wrote a recipe lor tbe manufacture of a Syrup of SatsaparilU and cave it to him. ; Said Townsend observed that he wanted to make a specimen to exhibit to his part ners for their : approval as ha wished to gratify them in every tniog, as they furnished all the cap ital ; said Townsend also told deponent that the I bottles they were to use were to be of the Same sue and shape aa Dr S. P. a, and deponent, at tne request of id Jacob Townsend. went to tbe office of Dt 8. P. and procured one of his labels. c : .- And deponent furtbei says that be has been" in formed and terlly believes the Syrup. 61 Sarsapa rilla sold as Old Dr Jacob Townsend's, is made after ihe recipe furnished by deponent to Jacob Xownsend. a aforesaid. 3 ' rz.z- c j And further deponent ssith sot, ; , WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, r 8wom to before; axe, this 2i4& day rtf May," 1849, Q. S, WyiLHUL.U, Mayor of the city of New York ! 3 tss-tf n-iiH--. ...fi--. "Xcrras for AdveriisiJis.ll Persjum iff tllntk or kmA iii Bdvcmc& Onfc Sdimrh I lnarttnn. vo- ' Ua. a Lnwrtlotiai . : A. -1 - T iti Do. Do. la. Do. Do. Do. da. do. do. do. -. do. "T 8 rs . JO. . 3 months, wif hoot c'hsnje, t do. - do. - , do i do, do. An. 3 Of 4 60 (t 18 OO1 o . Oo. 11 do renewed weaken ",l''JLn"?r of wf rUons are not marked on the a Tenisament, Mey wiiJ be cofrtinoed ntIS ordered out. and chared foe at the rate of 25 ceoi. 4 wuara fir every iusertion aft-r the Brst week. j deduction of 33 per cent on adterttaih bilk 6rr A liberal discount will fc'e rosrfe n adverlitemrMs exceedlnjr one square, when published 6 6r 12 moniiin cos in sufcance. ': . 03-Noadverti semen t,reflectln;upontheprivstechiif racterof anyindividuar; can, under AXi piacusTy CKS, be admitted. ! fc ,.; ......... NE W BOOT AN0 SHOD ' MANUFACTORY. ; " : 3 THE subscriber wishes to inform hfc ff tendV and the public, that he will manuiactor, at bis" shop, , two doors above Messra, C abb well & Blossom on North .Water SMwt, the most fashwnable French Bwta. ChortmJ Pumps, Wa ter Proof Military fair stichf o Congress and other Gaitors, and Shoes of every styles. Ha will in all cases guarantee a fit. A share of the public patronage is reiectfuilV solicited, and every effort used to give tauVaCtion to his customers. A .,, . JOHN FITZPATRICK. , Wilmington, N C. June 22d, 1849, 41-1 2; TWENTY.: DOLLARS REWARD" RUNAWAY from the subscriber on the 1st January, 1849. his negro man, Rsbick aged be tween 37 and 40 years. Said negro is of a dark yellow complexion i has i War on ooe; of his cheeks, believed to b on thIeft t -Quick spoken, fivafect8or 10 inches high stout built :, -( .The above negro is probably, lurking in the neighborhood of Mr. Beaty'a iir Mr. CaUin Jf. Dickson's, in the lower part of Bladen county: " ' . ,-Tbe above reward will be paid for his. delivery to the fubscribe', or, for his confinement in the Jail f New Hanover county, or in any other Jail whhin ihe Sute, so that I can get him. n ' 1 ' Ao additional reward of Twenty Dollars will bt given for evidence sufficient to convict any whi person of harboring the above negro.' ' June 15. f 40-tf T M RODGERSr1 v !r, NOTICE, w lo ,v ;-i ..1 The. Co-partnership of GRAY, &.JQNE8 w dissolved by mutual consent R. J. Joses is au thorized td settle the business of the concern. . t n::ii,-;-i .vCHABLES GRAV;17 ..: : . ; : ..s R. J. JONES. : .; ,i Those having accounts against the late firni, can have them settled by presenting them to the subscriber He also gives notice that all accounts due the firm are made out, ready for settlement. I ho Boot and bho business will be, continued at tne old stand, as usua', June 29. 4.2 R. J. JONES. ;.;,!.: Taxes! Taxt. NOTICE is hereby given to the inhabitants of New-Hanover County, that I have received froni the Clerk of ihe County Court; the Tax List for the year 1848, and hold the same ready for their, inspection. . I also; request all persons, if they1' know of any lands, polls, or other taxable proper ty not given in, to give me information thereof. '. . I also notify all persons to come forward and pay their Taxes without delay. The Tax List of 1848 is. the, last Tax List I expect to collect j therefore, to enable mo to settle up my accounts in proper time, I fball proceed forthwith to eoHect all Taxes that are due, without respect to persons. .. . O WEN FENNELL, Sh'fl:. ;, Wilmington, July 5ib, 1849. 43-6t Commercial dopy 6t and send bill to this office Warren, North Carolina, White Snlphnranif CHALYBEATE STH11IQ3J r" TH E Proprietor of this establishment has the satisfaction of announcing to tbe public, that bine the Ifst season he has greatly' enlarged and iraprt,. ved his buildings, so as to be able to accommodate a much larger number, and to offer "still gieater attractions to those who may visit this plewnot and healthful resort ; no trouble or expenee will! be sparohto erodes, kis patnm-nmf.n.ci. -satisfied.-, The medicinal properties of the Sulphur water' have been amply tested during the last eight yeari' by a large number of visitors, and its beneficial re sults strikingly displayed in the cure or relief of dyspepsia, affections of tbe liver, jaundice, disea ses of the skin, &c. Another Spring has been discovered in the vicinity of ihe establishment,-an analysis of which proves that it is a carbonated chalybeate, resembling the waters of Tunbridge Wells, the most celebrated of all the chalybeate waters of England. It is a mild and gentle tonic, and in the opinion of the physicians whs have ex amined it, ard witnessed its effects in some cases during the last season, must prove beneficial in atonic dyspepsia, chlorosis, uterine, nervous and neuralgic affections connected with debility, and' of especial service to persons living in malarious regions of country, whose blood has been robbed' ef its normal proportion of iron by repeated -at tacks ot malarial fevers. A fine Band of Music will be in attendance du ring the season. : Persons travelling on the Raleigh and Gaston' Rail Road, will a ways find a back ready for their accommodation at Henderson, and at tbe War renton Depot. There will be a daily mail fronr Warrcnton to the Springs. cxi&nGEe- Families per month, , l6 qq' Families per week, 6 00 Families per day, , - I 00 Single person per month, 2Q IJtf Single person per week, 7 50 Single person per day, '1 25 Children and Servants half price. Horses per month, . , , 10 CO1 Horses per week, t 3 00" Horses per day, ,, v ' 75 Analysis of the water, by Professor Hardy: One quart (wine measure) , , . contains sulphurctic hy drogen gas 2.9834 cubic In. .5000 i Carbonic acid gas - Sulpha Magnesia . Sulph. Lime Oxide of Iron Muriate of Soda Carbonate of Lime 6.2 5.9 grains. . .6 : ...' 1 00 . D. JONE' WM, June 23, 1849. 42-8 w JUST RECEIVED AT TIIE BOOK STORE, , .v. , The to lowing New Works. Home Influence, a tale for Moltiers and Da ugh ters, an excellent work ; Grantly Manor, a tale by Lady Georgians Fallerton ; The Moral. Social and Professional doiieS of Attorneys and Solicitors, by Samuel Warren, Esq., F. R. 84 Nineveh and its Remains,' with an account of a visit to the Chaldean Chrisliafrts of Kurdiston, and the Yezidis, or Devil worshippers, and an inquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyri ans, by A (rain ' Henry Lsysrd, Esq1., D. C. Lt; Narrative of tbe late expedition l tbe Dead Sea, from a diary by one of tbe party, with incidents; and d6 iture from the time of the sailing of the expedition, in November, 1847, trlf the return of the same in December, 1S48. illustrated with": map of the , Holy Land, ; handsomely colored V Tbe Free Mason's Monhw. Also, a large assort ment of Cap, Record, and tetter Paper For sale' by . ,; - L. H. PIERCE. june2i9. - - "W-i ' To the Public.- "TIJ TAKE this method of informttg" the pnblie that I now occupy the Livery Stablea formerly occupied by Mr.H". R. Nixo. .ea4 eolicit the patronage of the public generally, AW persVe; who may fa vol me- with a ca'iI,';Tnay rest assun 4 that their borsa will be proarptly iffended to, is t flatter myself that I hare the best of Ostlers.' ! GOAP" large Lot for the accommodatioji t rjEoryB- - - - vu . '";! 1 April 20i84Sf32.ie u w -.., -4 1 ' n;i:.v-rl iJAMP Olti.' ',' - A Utji lai fVelh aUppry "tit Winter oleaEc&e Stierm Oil fox family u, rwayi on hAad-- - K For tale by - W LIPPITT- . . . proggist & CheacfliK