' J Bl EULTOJV fc P1UCE, -tt-: , cwim, .... ... ir- .. . ... in .mM.o-wKKiG. JAS. FULTON, Editor. Terms of Subscription. One year, in advance, or within three months, $2 50 "When payment ia delayed over three months, 3 00 No subscription received for a less term than one year. No subscriber permitted to discontinue his paper after the commencement of a subscription, till the expiration of said year. nny 8ulscr'')er wishing his paper discontinued at the end of .the year, inust pay up in full and give the proprietors two weeks notice, otherwise the paper will be continued and charged for according to the above terms. uP Person sending us five new subscribers, accompa nied by the advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive the sixth copy gratis, for one year. Money may be remitted per mail, at our risk. All letters on business connected with this office, must be addressed (post paid) to the proprietors. Arrival and Departure of the Malls at Wilmington. The mail from the North, by Railroad, arrives daily about 1P. M. The mail from the South, by Steamer from Charleston, ar rives daily about 8 A. M. The mail from Fayetteville, via Warsaw, is due upon the arrival of the cars, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The mail from Fayetteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey, Is due on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M. The mail from Onslow Court-House, by sulkey, is due on Monday's, at 5 P. M. The mail from Black R ivcr Chapel, via Long Creek, by sul key, is due on Thursdays, at 5 P. M. Closing of Malls. pThe mail for the North, by Railroad, closes daily at 10 The mail for the South, by Steamboat, closes daily at 12 M. The mail for Fayetteville, via Warsaw, closes on Tues days, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 10 P. M. The mail for Fayetteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey, closes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M. The mail for Onslow Court-House, by sulkey, closes on Thursdays, at 10 P. M. The mail for Long Creek, by sulkey, closes on Thursdays, at 10 P. M. 5" Letters should be in the Office at least 15 minutes be fore the time of closing the mails. Professional and Business Cards. ' ELI V. H AL Li, ATTORTVE V at I,nw, Wilmington, N. C., will practice in the Counties of New Hanover, Onslow, and Duplin. J8aOfRce on Front Street, opposite the Cape Fear Bank, first door below the Washington Hotel. 5 JOHN I. HOLMES, ATTORNEY at Law, Wilmington, N C will practice in the Counties of New Hanover. Sampson, Duplin, and Brunswick. J&jj-Ofnce on Front Street, under the Chronicle Office. 44 EDWARD CANTWELL, ATTORNEY at Law, Wilmington, N. C, has removed his office to Market-street, opposite the Carolina Hotel. 31.4 RTIN & CRONLY, A XTCTIONEERS ar.el Commission Merchants, Wilmincrton. N. C. A. Marti M. Croniv. WILLIAM A. GWYER, GENERAL Agent, Forwarding & Commission Bier chaxt. I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me, efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment, and all kinds of country produce solicited. Cash ad va nces made on consignments. Wilmington, N. C , May 24. 1&S0 37-1 2m C. MYERS, MANUFACTURER and Dealer in Hats, Caps, Umbrel las, and Walking Ci nes, of every description, whole sale and retail, North side Market-street, Wilmington, N. C. J. S. "WILLIAMS, "Wilmington, N. C, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Fancy and Sta ple Dry Goods, keeps constantly on hand large assort ments of Gentlemen's Under Shirts, Drawers, Cravats, silk and linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Suspenders, Hosie ry. Broadcloths, Cassiinercs, Vestings, &c. &c, at prices far below the usual rates. J. M. ROBINSON, IMPORTER and Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Nails, &c., Front-street, 3 doors South of Market, Wil mington, N. C. 35 SAVAGE & MEARES, GENERAL Commission Merchants and Anctlon eers, Wilmington, N. C. Edward Savage. gastox Meares. May 3, 1850. OWEN" HOLMES, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Domestic Goods, Groceries, Crockery Ware, &c. &c., Wilmington, N. C GEORGE W. DAVIS, COMMISSION and Forwarding Merchant, Davis's Wharf, South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. 1 A. C. EVANS & HROTHER, D RUGGISTS and Apothecaries, Exchange Buildings, Market-street, W ihnington, N. C. 10 AVILLIAM II. LIPPITT, WHOLESALE and Retnll Drnggist, and Dealer in Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Garden Seeds, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c. &c, corner of Front and Market-streets, immediately opposite Shaw's old stand, Wil mington, N. C. 4 AV. H. GAUTIER, INS1 pal patronage heretofore extended, respectfully solicits a con tinuance of the same. jO-Office in Nutt's building, North Water Street, Wil mington, N. C. April 5 JO-dm JOHN II ALL, INSPECTOR of Timber and Lumber, 23-tf Wilmington, N. C. ALFRED ALDERMAN, . INSPECTOR of Naval Stores and Provisions, 2!)-tf Wilmington, N. C. V. T. T. VANN, INSPECTOR of Naval Stores and Provisions, 28-tf Wilmington, N. C. INSPECTOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned having been elected Inspector of Naval Stores and Provisions, at March Term of New Hanover County Court, takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has entered upon the duties of said office, and hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. Strict and prompt attention will be paid to all business en trusted to his care. 5 Office on North Water Street, up stairs, a few doors from Rock Sprins. B. F. KEITH. Wilmington, N. C, March 22, 1850 28-3m DAVID CASHWELL, GENERAL Commission & Forwarding Mercliant, 8 Wilmington, N. C. MILES COSTIN, GENERAL Agent, for the sale of all kinds of Country Produce ; such as Lumber, Timber, Naval Stores, Corn, Bacon, &c. &c, Wilmington, N. C. references : John Dawson, O. G. Parst.ev, Dr. T. II. Wright. P. K. Dickinson, E. P. Hall, jilbert Potter, 14v6 Owen Fennell, A. L. Price, Wilmington, N C. S. R. FORD, fTTILMINGTON, N. C, Dealer in Marble Monuments; VV Head and Foot Stones: Paint Stones: Imposing do and, in short, any article called for, of either Italian, Egyp tian or American Marble : and work warranted to please or no sale ; and if damaged before delivery, it is at his expense. Nov. 16 10-tf IIOTCHKISS' VERTICAL WATER "WHEELS. JE. TOOMER is Agent for the above Wheels in this place. He will take pleasure in showing the Castings o any person who may desire to see them. There w ill be found at his office a supply of Wheels, Cranks, and Gudgeons, at all times, for sale singly or in pairs. Wilmington, N. C, April 26, 1850 33-12m UNGARIAN Caps One of tho novelties of the ajre. i' or sale ny .March 29 C. MYERS, Hatter. TTMBRELLAS ! Umbrellas I The subscriber has just U opened the largest assortment of Umbrellas ever offered . . -1 , . i - : . . . r 1 . ... -.1 . In tniS lnarKCt, embracing every viirit;i.jr vi uuauij, ssujic, jind nrice. and will be sold at small prohfs tor the cash. March 29 C. MYERS, Hatter Nw Root ami Slioe Manufactory. The sub scriber wishes to inform his friends and the public that L will inn.niifiLcturc. at his shop, two doors above Messrs. Cashwell & Blossom's old stand, on jorin water Street, the most fashionable French Boots, L.nannei l umps iVntpf Proof Militant Fair Stitch ; also, Congress and oth cr Gaiters, and Shoes of every style He will in all cases M.Miitad a fit. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited, and every effort used to give """''jJjPATRICK. Wilmington, N. C, June 22, 1849. 41-ly n.EW LISTS. A large supply on hand and for sale low ... TrTTIXTAT rT?PinK y at the J 1 NOW Open. A great variety of Children's Spring and Summer Hats, to which the attention of those wishing to purchase is respectfully solicited. SI arch 29 C. MYERS, Hatter. DRY GOODS, at less than New York: Cost I will sell my stock of Dry Goods at less than New York cost, llease eall and get bargains. OWEN HOLMES. 0 IL Cloth, for tables and floors. For sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. MONEY Wanted. I onco more notify persons indebted to me, that I cannot, and will not grant longer indul gence ; mid that if payment is not immediately made, I will place in the hands of an Attorney, all debts due me without respect to persons, with positive instructions to collect them as soon as possible. OWEN HOLMES. TO the Ladies. I have just received a few Ladies' Ri-f ding Hats, of the Snri.i" Fashion for 1850. a benuti- ful article. For sale by C MYERS, Hatter. wiopmETORs. lv cti a r4 I ' - - , sill a :: ti 11 in ii lit in t ii in fi if si a ii si iu i tt its m ti n nn hi s. ti ii uo. ue II II II II II II II II II f 1 II II 1 1 EI f II ti 1 FJ El 14 El tl K3 II II I El II h. .i i b i IBs i i . i t k a i i h a i z 1 a a ira-. w IBs in- i fe i ii ear IE9 e 1 b a i tii 1 a a i . av . AWEEKL Y NEWSPAPER : Devoted to VOL. 6. General Notices. NOTICE Taken up and committed to Onslow Jail, on the 23th inst., a negro man who says his name is JACOB, and that he belongs to John Elli ott, of Cumberland county. Said negro is about 22 years of age, and will weigh about 190 or 200 lbs. The own er of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dalt with as the law directs. W. D. HUMPHREY, Sheriff. May 26, 1850. 38-1 lw HARBOR MASTER'S NOTICE. THE subscriber may be found at his office in Hew-Si lett's building, over the Store of Messrs. SavagejSas & Meares, when not otherwise engaged. In his absence, a slate may be found on his desk. JOHN S. JAMES. May 31, 1850 38-3t NOTICE The subscribers having qualified as Executors to the Will of Rich'd Miller, dec d, at the April Term, 1850, of the County Court of Duplin, hereby notifies all per sons indebted to their Testator, to come forward and make payment ; and all persons having claims against said Testa tor arc notified to present them within the time prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. JAS. 11 HlUfvJS, May 13, 1850 36tf WM. W. MILLER, $ Caue Seat Chairs and Rockers Repaired. ' A LSO, all descriptions of Cabinet Furniture manu- XX tact urea or repaired, at the liock Spring J? urni ture Warehouse. J. D. LOVE. May 17, 1850 36-tf WANTED. THE subscriber will pay cash for all kinds of Paper Man ufacturer's stock, viz : Old Canvas; White and colored Rags; " Bagging; Grass and Tarred Rope. L. N. BARLOW. Wilmington, N. C, March 29, 1850 29-tf A CARD. rpO the Ladles of "Wilmington and -vicinity I J. w would most respectfully call your attention to my Spring and Summer Goods, now opening, compri sing all the styles of Millinery Goods, which will be disposed of at prices as low as at any other establishment in town. With my grateful thanks for favors heretofore received, I most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. March 29, 1850 31-ly Mrs. V. R. PEIRSON. A. G. BOWERS & BROTHER, w A.TCH and Clock Makers, Jewellers, &c.. opposite the Chronicle Office, Front-street, Wil mington, N. C. A. G. B. having just returned from the North, with a new stock of Elegant Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Musical Boxes, PlatcA and Silver Ware, respectfully invite the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wilmington, and country generally, to exam ine our stock before making a purchase elsewhere, as we flat ter ourselves that we can sell goods at as low prices as any other establishment South. This stock is the third one we have received within the last five months, which is a proof that a quick sale and small profit is the best and only way to secure the good will and patronage ef the citizens generally. N. B. Every description ot Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical Boxes, Plated and Silver Ware, personally repaired, and in a workman-like manner, not to be surpassed by any other establishment, and warranted for one year. February 15, 1850 6 NOTICE. All persons indebted to J. Kyle, in the shape of notes, accounts, &c, will please call at his Store and settle forthwith, or he will be under the necessity of placing them in the hands of an officer. N. U. The Store occupied by him is for rent for the bal ance of the vcar. For terms, &c, apply at the Store of Car roll & Fkxxell. Feby 1, 1850. Notice. Consignees and owners of Goods, com ing by any of the Packets consijrncd to mv address, are hereby notified that they must attend to receiving them on their arrival, and during the time the vessels are discharging, as I will not be responsible for any goods after being landed. October 16, 1849. GEORGE W. DAVIS. $SlO REWARD. RUN AWAY from the subscriber, on the 19th April, his negro woman SALLY. She is supposed to lu liirlfinr nViniit. P. K. Dickinson's or Vavt l'nftar'o Mill, or Summer Hill, where she has some relations." I will sive the above reward for the apprehension of said SALLY, lodged in New Hanover County Jail, or de livered to me at my plantation, about two miles from town, on Northeast River. WM. T. BRAY. May 3, 1850 34-tf FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD FOR AARON. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover Cowry. WHEREAS, complaint upon oath hath this day been made to us. two of the Justices of t' Peace for the State and county aforesaid, by Owen D. IIor.vES. that a certain male slave belonsring to him, named AARON, about 27 or 30 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high ; weighing about ICO lbs.; knock-kneed, with a greater bend in the right than the left leg ; large mouth, and shows a great deal of his gums when laughing hath absented him self from his said master's service, and is lurking about in his county committing acts of felony and other misdeeds : These arc, therefore, in the name of the fctate, to command the said slave forthwith to surrender himself and return home to his said master: and we do hereby, by virtue of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, intimate and de clare, that if the said slave AARON doth not surrender himself and return home immediately alter the puDiication oi these presents, that any person may KILL and DESTROY the said slave by such means as he or they may think ht, without accusation or impeachment of any crime or ottence for so doing, and without incurring any penalty or forfeiture thereby. Given under our hands and seals, this 2d day of April, 18o0. W. N. PEDEN, J. P. Seal. JNO. A. TAYLOR, J. P. Seal. FIFTY DOLLARS RE WARD will be paid for the deliv ery of the said Aaron to the subscriber, or to Anderson oc Liatimer, uis Agcnis iu v iiuuujiou, oi wi uuwuuiicuiuih in any Jail in the State, or a reward of One Hundred dollars for his head. Masters of vessels arc particularly cautioned against har boring or concealing the said negro on board their vessels, as the full penalty ot the law will be rigorously eniorcea. 1 OWEN D. HOLMES. April 5th, 1850 30-tf $125 Reward. Runaway from the subscriber, re siding in Edgecombe county, four miles North of Toss not Depot, and about a quarter of a mile from the Railroad, on or about the 2d of September last, his ne gro man named VI AR RY. Said Harry is about 40 years of age ; 5 feet 5 inches high, or thereabouts; yellow complexion; stout built; has a scar on his lett leg, irom the cut ot an axe; has very thick lips; eyes deep sunk in his head; forehead very square; tolerably loud voice; has lost one or two of his upper front teetn; ana nas a very uarK spot on nis jaw, supposea to be a mark. Harry is a Carpenter by trade, and has been in the employ ment of the Railroad Company, in whose service he was when he runaway. He is well known along the line of the Road. It is sunnoscd that he has obtained, or will endeavor to obtain, free papers from a free colored man living in Nash county, by the name ot mioses Hauens, ana assume nis name, iu oruer to make his way to a free State. The above negro was once the property ot jirs. l opagc, oi Edgecomb county ; afterwards he fell into the hands of Asiel Farmer, from whom he was purchased by Mr. Barnes, of said county, from whom I purchased him about six years ago. He will be certain to alter his name; probably call himself Harry Copage, Fanner, or Barnes. He was last heard from on the 11th September, on the Ncwbern Road, about a mile and a half from Wilmington, enquiring the way to the Sound. I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver him to me, or lodge him in any jail in the State; or One Hun dred Dollars if lodged in any jail out of the State, so that I can get him again. Captains of vessels are cautioned against taking the above nesro away, under the severest penalty of the law. GUILFORD HORN. Edgecombe county, N. C, Oct. 5, 1849. 4-tf TJINE OIL. A pure article can be obtained at the store of X S- P. Polley, at any time, and will be delivered to cus tomers, by my man, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Warranted jrood, or money returned A. II. VAXBOKKELEN. Liberal discounts to those who wish to sell again. Sept. 28, 1849. 3-tf WILMINGTON CANDLE MANUFACTORY. w E have on hand superior Tallow Candles, manufactured in this place, bv II. C. C. Roades, which we will sell at or less than Northern prices, and would invite those pur chasing C:indles to call and examine ours. We are certain thfiv will srive satisfaction. All we want is a trial, which will nrove them coual. if not better, than any from the North. For sale, who! .'tale or retail, by J. WILKINSON & CO., Agents for the Manufacturers. N. B. Highest cash prices paid for good Tallow. April 5, 1850 30-tf LOOK Here. The subscriber has opened a large stock of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, at Hall & Arm- . li stand on Water-street, which he will sell low nltU.ov...--..., - ... 1. . .1! U., for cash. lie will also act as Agent tor ine oi u of country produce. December 14, 184a MILES LUS1LM. 14-tf TUST Received, per Schrs. Jonas Smith & Lonlsinej J 10 bags Rio Coffee; 3 " Laguyra " mn 1 bbl. of extra fine pickles, Dy me iuu r 1 Ko. 1. Salmon ; 2 keg " " Goshen Butter, new ; 20 bbfs. fresh Canal Flour, pure Gencssee ; 10l kilts of No' 1 Salmon esfor cash, at v- " : V . Do. do. Politics, the Markets, Foreign and Domlstic WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 7, 1850. NO. 39. Hotels, &c . "Washington and Lafayette Hotel. . K THE subscriber having taken the Washington Hotel in Uf-iconnection with the Lafayette House, respectfully infcrms his friends and the public in general, that the two Ilous are open, under the name and stylo of the Washington as La fayette Hotel, which is under his immediate superiiten denee, and now ready for the reception of transient or steady Boarders. I The Hotel has been throughly cleansed, and supplied with new bedding and furniture of every description. He hag also obtained the services of good and faithful servants ; and he flatters himself that he will be able to give sat isfaction to (hose who may patronize the House, as no pains will be spartd on his part to make his guests both comfortable and contented. His Table will bo found bountifully furnished with thebest the market affords ; and his Bar supplied with the best of Li quors. DAVID Til ALLY. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 12, 18495. 12ai. . . Rock Spring Hotel. i A ALFRED ALDERMAN respectfully informs hii old Htl friends and customers that he still continues to keep pen the Rock Spring Hotel, and solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage he ha3 heretofore received. Sept. 28, 1849. - Ztf London House. THE subscriber, having rented the Hotel formerly kept by Capt. A. Wade, on the N. E. corner of Front and Market Streets, known as the London House, respectfully informs the citizens of Wilmington, and all others desirous of obtaining Board, that he has provided the House with new urniture ot every descriptionMind that he is prepared to re ceive Boarders by the day, week or month, on the most rea sonable terms. All the bed rooms are so constructed as to have them warmed to suit the comfort of all persons. His Ta ble shall always be provided with the very best our market can afford, and no pains or expense will be spared to make his customers perfectly satisfied. Strangers will please enquire for the London Hovse. lie lias also rented the rslAliLro recently occu pied by Mr. W. T. J. Vaxn, near the Carolina Hotel, where he is prepared to take Horses at Livery, and have them properly and carefully attended to. He has also a large LOT adjoining the Stables, for the accommodation of Drovers. JAMES PETTEWAY. Oct. 19, 1849 6-tf FRENCH'S HOTEL. Corner Frankfort Street and City Hall Square, jr.- :.. XT .11 J ti 7 rt . tit- i- jjj'osiic ine Ksiiy xzuu una iiirn founrain, lew 10) K, WAS built and opened by the subscriber, May 1, 1849, who trusts that for convenience, elesance. ! comfort and economy, it cannot be surpassed in the world. it contains more rooms than any other Hotel on this conti nent, save one only, all of which are warmed gratis. They are all fitted up with marble-top washstands which are sup plied with Cruton Water, through silver plated cocks. There is brtt one bod in a room ; the Halls and water closets on every floor wi!i be lit with gas during the night. This Hotel is in the IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF MERCAN TILE BUSINESS, and the principal places of amusement. There is a Barber's Slir,, and an extensive range of Bath Rooms connected therewith. The Hotel will be conducted on the European plan of lodging rooms, and meals as they may be ordered in the spacious and splendid Refectory. Porters will be up during the night to admit lodgers, and also to call them at any time they may desire : and in no case will servants be permitted to exact or receive perquisites. R. FRENCH. New York, April 5th, 1850 30-3m New Livery Stables. FlreIroof. IIavi.ng completed my new Livery Stables, I am now ready to receive Horses at livery, by the day, week, or month. My Stables are situated on the corner of Princess and Third Streets, directly opposite the Court-House, and very conveni ent to the business part of the town. They are built of brick, and covered with tin, which makes them entirely fire-proof. They are large, commodious, and well constructed; and in ev ery respect as comfortable and convenient as any Stables in the United States. I also have (for the accommodation of Drovers,) alarge and comfortable Lot, together with abasement under i'ie Stables sufficient to hold one hundred horses, and shelter them well and comfortably. Morses f!ppitnrt ....l T-. -'-.-r -- - v " ' T y Hostlers cannot be surpassed in any country, and I therefore feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those who favor me with their custom. I feel grateful to my friends and the public for their liberal patronage heretofore, and hope to merit a. continuance of (Koir custom. II. It. NIXON. Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 11. 1847. 14-tf VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR. SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his Lot and the Build-JS ings thereon, situated on Market Street, about threejjjil hundred yards above the Episcopal Church, and now occu pied as a Carriage Manufactory. The Lot is large, and the Buildings can be conveniently converted into large and com fortable dwellings. ALSO. A variety of Riding Vehicles and Harness of all vfiJg kinds, made in the neatest manner, and which will fasSSiE. be sold low. Persons wishing to procure articles in this line, would do well to call and examine before purchasing else where, as 1 am determined not to be undersold. ISAAC WELLS. Wilmington, N. C, May 3, 1850 34-tf CARRIAGES. Corner of Princess and Tilled Streets, opposite H. R. NixON's LIVERY STABLE, WILMINGTON, N. C. rruih .subscriber is now prepared to manufacture JL all kinds ot Carriages, ot the latest and most ; approved style, which he will sell low for cash or approved paper. The public generally are respectfully invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. All work warranted one year. Particular attention paid to the repairing of aU kinds of vehicles. WM. J. CORNWALL. April 19, 1850 32-12m s ULKY and Harness for sale. Apply at the JOURNAL OFFICE. NEW YORK CLOTHING Si DRY GOODS STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. WOLF & CO., PROPRIETORS. THE NEW YORK BRANCH STORE, never in the rear, is now filled to overflowing, with a splendid assort ment of Spring and Summer Clothing, which will be sold at such extraordinary low prices that any one who wants any thing in the Clothing line cannot fail to be suited. We do not feel disposed to brag, but leaving to others long and startling advertisements, we merely ask you to call. Hav ing tried us once, you will be sure to try us again. We especially invite your attention to our elegant lot of French Cloth Dress and t rock Coats, which have not their equal iu this or in any other town in JNorth Carolina. Also, a large assortment ot Black and rancy Cassimere and Doe skin Pants ; Silk, Satin, and White Marseilles Vests ; all cut and made in a superior style. Our stand on JNorth Water street, two doors above and four doors below Rock Spring, WOLF & CO. Wilmington, N. C, April 5, 1850 30-4m BLAKE'S by give notice to the public, that I have been appoint ed Agent for the sale of this extraordinary substance. It is a Mineral 1'aint, which, when applied to a ISuilding, and exposed to the action of the atmosphere, forms a coat of slate or stone, rendering the Building perfectly fire and wcath er proof. The attention of Distillers, Mill Owners, Railroad Companies, steamboat Proprietors, and 1'lanters, is particu-1 larly called to this substance. It adheres with the utmost te nacity, to the substance to which it 13 applied, never cleans off, and onei applied, it is applied for ever. It is much pre ferable to tin or zine, for covering roofs, makes them perfect ly water tight. When applied to brick or stone buildings, it excludes the dampness ot the external atmosphere, making such buildings more healthy. For a more particular explana tion of its Chemical properties, see Circulars. 100 lbs. will cover 1000 superficial feet. Wholesale price, 4 cents per lb., retail 5 cents; this is about half the price of White Lead. Any person wishing a circular, can have it mailed to them. Address me, post paid. WM. A. GWYER, General Agent, r orwarding & Commission Merchant, Nov. 2, 1849. 6tf Wilmington, N. C. Hallettvllle, Long Creek, N. C, 8tli January, 1830. THE subscribers beg to call the attent ion of the citizens of Long Creek District and surrounding country, to their superior stock of goods at present on hand, the greater part of which has recently been received direct from New ork aftfl other jNortnern markets. I heir stock consists in part 01 tmrloljpwiiig articles, which will be sold cheap for Cash or Barter, via : Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hollow-ware, Wood-ware, Cutlery, Crockery, Guns, Farming and Garden Implements, Garden Seeds, Ready Made Clo thing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Saddlery, Medicines and Dye Staffs, Alain and Saek Salt, Corn and Bacon, Sie. &c. $e. In addition to the above, country residents will find many other articles suited to their wants which will be offered for sale at low p.rices. . B. & R. C. HALLETT. Jan'y 8, 1850. 19-tf HUNGARIAN Hats. Received per schr. Charlesfl Mills, 5 cases Gent.'s Hungarian Hats, a most de-J lightful article for Summer. For sale low by May 10 C. MYERS. PLOWS Just received, 30 No. 10 Plows; 20 No. 14 do.; i No. 11 do. For sale by ALEX. McRAE, Jr. TTIRAM SMITH'S FLOUR. JLJ. A Fresh supply of tho above Flour, just received and for , v O- -SIT.' 1 t? VSi sate dv tj. ol uiiin."'- s ALMON.- sale by -18 kits pickled Salmon, just received and for r SU'ir.E A- MR A RES. WHISKEY 21 bbls Rectified Whiskey ; 5 do: X31d Rye do. For sale by PERRIN & ILiRTSFIELD. News, Agriculture, Commerce, and General Information TERMS : $2 50 IN ADVANCE. Schools. XVXEIYXPHXS INSTITUTE. Medical Department. THE regular course of Lectures in this Institution will commence on the First of November, and continue until the last of February. The Anatomical Department will be open and ready to receive students by the First of October. The Medical Department will be under the direction of the following TROFESSORS : Z. FREEMAN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. R. S. NEWTON, M. D., Professor of Surgery. H. J. HULCE, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. W. BYRD POWELL, M: D., Professor of Physiology, Pa thology, Mineralogy and Geology. J. KING, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Medical Jurisprudence. J. MILTON SANDERS, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. J. A. WILSON, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Disea ses of Women and Children. GLINQtTE LECTURERS. Medicine Prof. II. J. HULCE. Surgery Prof. R. S. NEWTON. Z. FREEMAN, M. D., Anatomical Demonstrator. The fees for a full course of lectures amount to $ 105. Each Professor's Ticket, $15. Matriculator's, $5. Dem onstrator's Fee, $10. Graduation, $20. Those desiring further information will please address their lettets (post paid) to the Dean ; and students arriving in the city will please call on him at the Commercial Hotel. R. S. NEWTON. M. D., Dean of the Faculty. Law Department. Hon. E. W. M. KING, Professor of Theory and Practice of Law. JOHN DELAFIELD, Esq., Professor of Commercial Juris prudence. Terms $50 per Session. All communications pertaining to this department must be addressed to E. W. M. KING, Esq. Memphis, Tenn., March, 1850. The Faculties, for intellectual abilities, moral worth and professional acquirements, will compare favorably with the most distinguished in our country. The medical faculty con stitutes an anomaly in this or any other country all of them are able lecturers and the best of teachers. Those who will contemplate our geographical position, and the extent of our population, can have no doubt as to the eli gibility of our situation for an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including all seasons of the year, we deny that any OTHER C1TV1IAS MORE. The first class of the Law and Medical Departments of this Institute were small, but the gentlemen composing them are talented and in the highest degree respectable a favorable omen for the future prospurity of the Institute. . That the public may be satisfied of the permanency of this school, wc feel it our duty to state, that the Trustees and Faculty form a unit in action, which augurs well for its fu ture success ; and that the pec uliar internal organization which connects them, cannot be interrupted. E. W. M. KING, 33-12m President of the Memphis Institute, COLUMBUS ACADEMY, BLACK CREEK. THE second session of this Academy will commence on the 15th April, and the managers (Messrs. Bunyard Barnes and James Daniel,) have convinced themselves so far of the practicability of supporting a good School, when under the management of judicious instructors, that they have engaged a young lady of superior classical acquirements to assist Mr. Hobinson, under whose management, as principal, tuition will be imparted in the English and Mathematical branches as usual. Terms per session of five months. 1st Class (Including a course up to mercantile Arith metic) $ 00 2d do. (From the first class up to entering on En glish Grammar) 7 00 3d do. (Do. with English Grammar) 10 00 4th do. Logic, Natural Philosophy 15 00 5th do. French, Latin, and Greek, each 12 00 6th do. Music, with use of Piano 15 00 Messrs. Barnes and Daniel would call upon their friends in the surrounding counties to come forward and support their efforts to carry the means of instruction to the doors of the humblest ot our citizens. and board can be had on very moderate terms. As citizens of the old North State, every individual is bound to support its name, as well as its claims, in this great con federacy of the Union. The humblest of our citizens may, Kt Uonjfunin Franklin, be yet ranked among the noblest of our race, and as we arc not aware of how or where the scion may be found amongst us, let us philanthropically lay the means of education upon the broad basis of " goodly numbers at low rates, and make sure of imparting the elements ot sound useful intellectual culture. We conclude the above appeal to the honor, patriotism, and philanthropy of our fellow-citizens of the surrounding counties, hoping that it may not be ineffectual, as its object is the sincere wish and of BUNYARD BARNES, ) Chairmen Board JAMES DANIEL, (of Trustees. Wayne county, N. C, April 6, 1850 31-tf TOPSAIL ACADEMY. THE first session of this Institution will open on the first day of October, under the superintendence of James H. Brent, a graduate of Randolph Macon College. Its location is 12 miles East of Wilmington, on the road leading to New hern, healthfully and pleasantly situated, in a neighborhood where Board may be obtained at $6 per month. Terms of tuition will be as follows, viz : Lower branches of English, per session of a months, $7 00 Higher do. do. together with Mathematics,. .12 50 Latin and Greek, 18 00 NICHOLAS N. NIXON, Trcs't Board of Trustees. September 14, 1849. 1-tf MAY 23th, NEW NOVELS. 1ST Received at the Wilmington Book Store. Eva St. Clair, by G. P. R. James ; his last and best. The Petrel, or Love on the Ocean, a Tale of the Sea, by Admiral Fisher. This story possesses an attraction which is all engrossing. Admiral Fisher has proved by this tale that he can use his pen with no contemptible skill. Ihe Mysteries ot the Ihree Cities, Uoston, jew York, and Philadelphia. A true History of Men's Hearts and Habits, by J. II. Du- ganne. un, tell me what is woman s love 1 hat still it win Durn on ; When faith and vows are broken all And every hope is gone ! It slumbers like Volcanic fire While all is ice above Consuming, still unseen, the heart Oh, this is woman's love. The Plot. Wilfred Montressor, or the Secret Order of the Seven, a Romance of Life in New York ; 2 volumes. A deeply inter esting work. Second volume of The Bronze Statue, or The Virgin's Kiss. The Adventures of Tom Stapleton ; a very humorous and laughable work. Maud Lilly, or The Gipsey's Vengeance, 2 volumes. Rose Foster, or The Mysteries of the Court of London, 1st volume. The Students of Paris, a Romance of the Seventeenth Cen tury, by A. Smith, author of Christopher Tadpole; full of fun. The most laughable book of the age, Dr. Valentine and Yankee Hill's Metamorphoses, being the second series of Dr. Valentine's Comie Lectures, with characters given by the late Yankee Hill. Indiana, by George Sand, author of Consuelo. Sam Slick's Letters, or Life in a Steamer. Tho Fear of the World, or Living for Appearances, by Brothers Mayhew, author of Tho Magic of Kindness. Antonina, or Ihe fall of Rome, a Romance 01 the fifth Century, by W. Wilkie Collins. A most extraordinary no vel, full of life, and power, and beauty. The style is exqui site, and the story deeply interesting. The Maid of Orleans, full of interest and attraction. "An orphic song indeed." Night and Morning, by Bulwer. The Lady of the Bed Chamber, by Mrs. A. Crawford Courtship and Wedlock, by the author of the Jilt ; full of beauty and truth. The Creole, or The Seige of New Orleans, an Historical Romance, founded on the events of 1814-'15. Gizelia. or The Hungarian Maid. The Shinwrecked Gold Seekers, or The Child of the Islands. Moncypenny, or The Heart of the World, a romance of the present day, by Cornelius Matthews. Life of Jenny Lind, by G. G. Foster. History of the Strange Sounds and Rapping heard in Ro Chester and Western New lork. and usually called the Mys terious Noises, which are supposed by many to be communi cations from the spirit world, together with all explanation that prii as vet be esven. New England Poultry Breeder, with 25 accurate engravings. Report of the Trial of Professor John V . Webster, indict ed for t.hfl murder of Dr. George Park man at Boston. Liebig's complete works on Chemistry; comprising his Agricultural Chemistry, or Organic Chemistry in its applica tion to Agriculture and Physiology ; Animal Chemistry ; and Familiar Letters on Chemistry. By the perusal of such works as these, the farmer need no longer be groping in the dark and liable to mistakes ; nor would the most unnatural odium of farming by the book be longer existent. Tom Burke of Ours, by Charles Lever. L. H. FIERCE. CI' UGAR and Coffee. Just received, 2 hhds prime Porto O Rico Sngar; 5 bbls. crushed do.; 15 bags Rio, Laguyra, and Java Coffee. Vnr mil. Inw for cash, bv ALEX. McRAE, Jr. F liESH Flour 30 bbls. of Star brand, from fayette ville : stands next to the Red brand, to be found at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. TCST 1;... lx--d. Tier Schr. Jonas smith. sn rn-ir rftnesee snnerfine Flour, in 2 li and 49 lb. lufar bTkCt J HOWARD 2PEDEN. QHt'SHED Sugar 5 bbls. crushed Sugar. For sale by SAVAGE fc MEARES. Mercantile. THIS day received and for sale 10 bbls Flour, fine and super. ; 200 pair Shoes, assorted ; 3 bbls Apple Vinegar ; A fine lot of Domestics. CRAFT & GRANT, May 17th, 1850. 36-tf Market Street. NEW STORE. On South corner of Nortlt "Water and Chesnnt Streets, (C.NDER THE ROCK SPRING FI'R.MTI RE WAREHOUSE.) WILMINGTON, N. C. THE subscriber takes this method of informing his old friends in Duplin county, and the citizens of Wilmington and the surrounding countrj-, that he has just returned from ineiWin witna large assortment of jNK.W GOODS, for the Spring and Summer trade ; and has them nmr open, in the Store on the South corner of North Water and Chesnut Streets, under J. D. Love's Furniture Warehouse, where he is prepared to sell goods at the lowest prices for Cash, or in exchange for countrj' produce. Persons wishing to buy goods. would do well to give him a call, as he is determined to sell bargains. Ihe following articles comprise a portion of his stock : . Dry Goods. Muslins, Ginghams, Calicoes, Apron Cheeks, colored Cambric, Marlboro' Stripes, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, brown Holland, brown Linen, Linen Checks, Drab d'Ete, Vest Patterns, Bed Tickings, bleached and unbleached Domestics, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, blu) Cotton Yarn, Umbrel las, &c. &c. A large assortment of Hardware and Cutlery. Farming utensils of every description, such as Ploughs, Straw-Cutters and Corn-Shellcrs, IIoes,Axes, Trace Chains, Plough Lines and Bale Ropes, Hammers, Shovels and Spades, Manure Forks, &c. &c. An extensive assortment of SUocs of various qualities and sizes. lints Fur, Panama, Leghorn, Wool, and Palm Leaf. Groceries. Sugar, Coflee, Tea, Molasses, Salt, Dried Beef and Beef Tongues, Fulton Market Mess Beef, Mess and Prime Pork, Bacon, Mackerel, Canal and Fayetteville Flour, Riee, Crackers, Butter, &c. Foolscap, Letter and Bill Paper. i.auies ana xnsses uonnets A large variety of iron and brass bound Water Buckets; Tubs and Pails; Nests of Measures; Pots and Kettles; t ups and Saucers, &c. &e. The subscriber respectfully tenders his thanks to his old friends in Duplin county, where he formerly carried on busi ness, for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and solicits a continuance of their custom. SAMUEL DAVIS. April 19th, 1850 32-tf FOR SALE. BUGGY, Cart, and Wagon Iron Axles, of all sizes, by JAMES DAWSON & CO. April 19, 1850 32-tf AT J. M. ROBIN SOX'S WHOLESALE IIAUBWAEE STORE. In Front St., 3d door North of Market, Wilmington, JV. C OUNTRY DEALERS and consumers will find all goods in his line at the lowest prices, and warranted of the best quality. He has all kinds of materials for builders. Carpenters' Tools, a complete assortment, and of the very best quality. Blacksmiths' Tools, including some superior Bel lows, Stocks and Dies : Bar and Hoop Iron, in all its varieties; Nails, Spikes, Brads, Tacks, &c. Splendid Pock et Cutlery ; Table Cutlery, including ivory sets, complete. Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols, including Allen's celebrated six bar rel Revolvers, Gun Locks, Nepples, Wrenches, AVipers, Caps, Flints, &c. All of the most useful articles for Housekeepers, amongst which will be found some of the good old fashioned Pots, Spiders, Ovens, Griddles, Skillets, huge Wash Kettles, and extra Oven Lids. Large Coldrons, some holding sixty gallons. Some superior Needles, manufactured expressly for Tailor's use ; Tailors' Trimmers and Points. Superior Scis sors, for Ladies ; also, some extra Needles, for their espe cial use. Wilmington, April 19, 1S50 32-tf COTTON YARNS! COTTON YARNS! TWINE ! BATTLE & CO., Rocky Mount, N. C, arc now manu facturing, of good quality, the above articles, which they are desirous of disposing of, as far as possible, in North Caro lina. Their terms shall be exceedingly liberal. ir...i. a ic;- Drugs, Medicines, kc, CI ARATOGA Water. 2SLdoz congress S-pring Water, O just received direct from rr;i Litoga, warranted fresh ; for sale by WM. H. LIPPITT, Druggist & Chemist. SUPERIOR SODA OR MINERAL WATER. A. C. EVANS & BROTHER respectfully announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wilmington, that with great care and expense, they have perfected their arrange ments for supplying a superior article of Soda Water, eith- i1. I i. .. . i 1 .ill . ! . , Kk jruiu iuv x-oumuiii, or puo up in Domes ior iatniiy use. Every care has been taken in the selection of materials and the preparation of Syrups, to render this article what it is represented to be, and we believe it equal to any made. Wc nave tuc ioliowing syrups at the fountain : Ltinon, sai- saparilla, Ginger, Orange, Pine Apple, Orgeat. Our operator, Mr. Sterlaxd, has commenced Bottling this day, and orders from town or country will meet with prompt attention, at JNew lork prices. May Z4. 37 ALEXANDER'S Patent Artificial Leeches. The ar tificial Leech has been adopted in all the Hospitals, pub lic Institutions, in the Navy and Army, and by all the most eminent Practitioners wherever they have been introduced. For f i le by WM. II. LIPPITT, Druggist & Chemist. YTTHITE Lead A fre; h supply just received. For sale WM. II. LIPPITT, Druggist & Chemist. FRESH DRUGS) MEDICINES, &c. XITST Received at Show's Drug Store, third el door JNorth of Hart & Pollky s, Front Street, Y Wilmington, North Carolina, where Physicians, cnun- try Merchants, and all others, who desire to consult their own interest, can purchase the best Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs, Perfumery and Patent Medicines, Garden Seeds, fresh from David Laxoketh's. fhiladerphia, and every other article usually kept in a Drug Store, to per cent, cheaper than similar goods can be obtain ed at perhaps any other house in the .State. Ihe subscribers would beg to remind those Physicians who patronized the late Wm. Shaw, that they can still be supplied with everything of the best quality, and on the most reason able terms. JNo exertion will be spared to render satisfaction to those who may favor us with their patronage, and we re spectfully solicit a call before purchasing elsewhere. We have just received a fresh supply of those instruments for a miction ot the spine, so highly recommended by the Medical faculty of New York and Philadelphia, and which are a certain pre ventive against consumption, and are indispensable to Clerks and others confined to a sedentary life, none of whom should be without them. Also, a fresh arrival of Spencer's Pills, which are warranted to cure headache 111 twenty-five or thirty nun utes' time. In the operation they are the most agreeable Pills ever invented ; acting upon the stomach and bowels, and bringing the liver to its proper functions, they cannot fail to restore the S3'stem health, strength and vigor. Call and get a box at Shaw's Drug Store, 3d door north of Hakt & Pol- ley's. SHAW & BROTHER. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 4th, 1850. 17-tf. NEW DRUG AND MEDICINE STOKE. THE subscriber would respectfully call the attention of the inhabitants of Wilmington and the sur rounding country-, to his large and carefully selected stock OI irugs, Medicines, r-niiits, uiis, rutty, Dye Stuns, W Indow Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, &c., consisting of the following, togeth er with a great many other articles not usually kept in Drug fores : z casks Epsom Salts, Eng.; 1 do: snp. Carb. Soda; J do: Cream Tartar; 1 do: Carb. or Sal Soda; 1 do: Castor Oil; 12 boxes Enens Plasters; 6 do: India Rubber do: 12 do: Fahnestock's Vermi fuge; 1 do: Peery's Dead Shot; 6 do: Ger. Cough Drops; 6 do: Sands' SSarsaparilla; 1 do: Bristol's do: 6 do: Townsend's do: 6 do: Bull's do: 4 do: German Cologne; 1 do: French do: 4 cs. Calabria Licorice: Turkey Umber; 275 gallons Linseed Oil Fay- etteville; 12 doz. Hair Brushes, assort'd; Paint Brushes, a large assort ment; Whitewash Brushes; 1 ortrait do: Tooth, Nail, & Flesh Brushes: 6 dozen Bay Rum; Matches, perfumed; Phosphorus; Phosphate Ammonia; Quinine, Farr's and Rosen- garten's; Sulphate Morphine; Acetate do: Iddine resublimed; Iodide Potassium, English and Do: Iron; French; Do: Lead; Do: Mercurv: Sponge for Surgical purposes; Do: coarse liatiama 6 dozen Cod Liver Oil Rush- tons do: do: Ricime Tonique for Calomel, English; the hair; Citrate of Iron and imnine; Do: do: soluble; Oil of Ergot; Oil of Nerolij Do: Cedrat; Kreosotej 1 gross Seidlitz Powders; do: Soda do: Mustard, English and Ameri Pro. to Carb. Iron; can; 250 lbs. Spanish Brown, drt; Hardy's Elixir for Dyspepsia; Lunar Caustic pure; Denarcotized Opium; Citric Acid; dia; 1 cs. Pul. Rhubarb, East In do: do: Turkey; Copaiva Capsules; Pills, sugar coated; Thompson's Eye Water. ALSO. 3,000 lbs. pure White Lead; 2,500 do: extra do: 2,000 do: No. 1 extra do: 300 do: Venitian red, In oil; 500 do: do: do: dry; Pm-wian Blue: 700 do: do: do: in oil; 100 do: pure Verdigris dos 50 do: Chrome Green do: 10 do: do: Yellow do; 75 do: Paris Green; Patent Black; Lampblack; Camphine and Burning Fluid, best quality; Hid terms are Cash, but short indulgence will be always granted when circumstances justify.. C. Dt-PRE, Druggist and Pharmaceutist. Wilmington, N. C.j Feb. 8, 1850 14 Per Square of 10 lines or lcs caU In rhe One square, I insertion,... w ..'"$ off Z insertions,.;.-.- ' ' ' 3 do...... ......1 W 3 months, without change,....-... 3 00 6 do .do .do.. ... 00- 12 do. .....do lo 800 6 do. itrenewed weekly, 12 00 12 do.. ....do .do..,. ........ .-20 0L ' "Advertisements ordered to bo continued on the inside charged 37 cents jK.r square for each insertion after the first.- Auy advertisement upmi which the number of insertions i not marked, will be continued until ordered out, and charged 25 cents per square for each insertion.- A liberal discount will be made on advertisements exceed1 ing one square, when published 6 or 12 months, cash in ad vaxce. 43S"No advertisement, reflecting upon piivato character' can, under anv cifcccaisTAXCES, be admitted. The Sheriffalty. 5" We are authorized to announce TIIOS. II. WI1 LIAMS as a candidate for the office of Sheriff at the ensuing election. March 15, 1850 27-tf 7T We arc authorized to announce GEORGE ALDER MAN as a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing election. March 15, 1850 Town papers please copy till election. Voters of Nkw Hanover I announce myself a candi date for the Sheriffalty of your County, and solicit your votes at tho ensuing election. S. 1). WALLACE. March 8, 1850 26-tf Papers of the town will copy till otherwise ordercdi To the Independent Voters of JVetr Hanover County : Fellow-Citizens In accordance with tho wishes of a number of my friends, I bog leave to offer myself as a candi date for the office of Sheriff. Should you honor mo with your suffrages, I pledge myself t) discharge its duties with fidelity and impartiality. G.J.MOORE. New Hanover county, Fby 22, 1850 23-tr Fellow. Citizens of New-Hanover Count?: Gentlemen At the approaching August election, it isyouf province to select an officer to net in the capacity of herifi 'Ibis is an early period, as I conceive, to agitate this election, although there is quite a numbor of candidates in the field, and more expected. The county is notified that a Conven' tion will be held during the term of our next County Court, for the purpose of nominating County candidates; and as 1 conceive all candidates who presume to announce for the Sheriffalty before that convention goes into session, says t that Convention, that they w ill not abide its action ; I con ceive that it is soon enough to aver what we will do when wo sec what action that body takes of the different offices of tho county. I am, perhaps, as anxious to be possessed of tlm Sheriff's office as any candidate announced, but think it un advisable to make the announcement at the present. If I should think it advisable to announce myself to yon after the meeting of the Convention, and the result of the election should go iu my favor, my motto shall be, to do justice to the office and to the people, and will ever feel grateful fortius confidence reposed, and willing to reciprocate the favor as far as may be honorable. I conceive it incumbent on every voter, before t lie election, to obtain information from reliable authority, who of tho candidates is most deserving and capable and best qualified, in every respect, to take charge of tho office. These are en quiries, as I conceive, that every voter should make, before going to the polls of election, and then let his influence and suffrage be governed accordingly. Gentlemen, I conceive it unnecessary to say more to yod ; there is nothing that I could say, as I know of, that would in sinuate me in 3-our favour. All, or the most of you, are inti mately acquainted with me. It is for you to say whether I am capable and well qualified to fill the office, or not whe ther I am tiranical and oppressive, or lenient and accommo dating in business transactions. That portion of the elector's that may not be acquainted with me, or know but lit t tie a bout nie, I would respectfully requost that they would call oil my friends iu Wilmington, and on gentlemen from my ova district of the county. Very respectfully, your fellow-citizen, JAMES IIAKRELL. May Oth, 1850. 35-tf Gentlemen Through the solicitations of a number of my friends, I again appear before you as a candida te for tho office of Sheriff of your County ; and in doing so, I deem it proper1 to make a few remarks relative to the position I now occupy before you. Fome time ago, I told a number of my friends that I would not again be a candidate for the office. But since making those declarations, I have been placed in differ-' ent circumstances, through the interposition of an all-wiso and unerring Providence. I believe by my making those dec larations, it induced a majority, if not all of those whose" names are before you to become candidates for the office In appearing before you again ns a candidate, I havo no" pledges to make, only that I will endeavor to discharge tho duties of the office to the best of my abilities, should a major- ity of my fellow-citizens think it proper to give me their votes. I am, gentlemen, most respectfully, your ob't serv't, 3-te OWEN FENNELL-. rChronicle, Aurora and Commercial, copy till election1.- For Hie Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION" This truly valuable Remedy for all diseases of the Lung and Throat, has become the chief reliance of tho afflicted, as it is the most certain cure known for the above complaints. Whilo it is a powerful remedial agent in the inot desperattf and almost hopeless cases of Consumption, it is also, rtf di minished doses, one of the mildest and most agreeable family medicines for common coughs and colds. Read below- tho" opinion of men who arc known to the world, and the world respect their opinions. Erom Professor Hitchcock. James C. Ayer Sir : I have used 3our CHERRY PEC TORAL in my own case of deep-seated Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical constitution that it is an udinira ble compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficul ties If my opinion as to its superior character can be of any service, you are at liberty to use it as you think proper EDWARD HITCHCOCK. LI.. D., President of Amherst Colleger From the "London Lancet." Avek's Checrv Pectoral is one of the most valuable' preparations that has fallen under our notice. After a care ful examination, we do not hesitate to say we have a largo' appreciation of its merits and tho fullest confidence in its use fulness for coughs and lung complaints. Dr. Brewster, of Windham co., Conn., sends us the follow ing test imony : Dr. J. O. Ayer Dear Sir: I cm-lose you a certificate from f- Mrs. Catherine K. Cady, a highly rcspcctuble lady of this I village, wife of Mr. Seth Cady, Deputy Sheriff of Windham f county, Conn. The cure in her e:ise was very prompt, and i has attracted general attention. V. A. BREWSTER, M, D. f West Killinglv, C't., Sent. 28, I84& ft This may certify that 1 was afflicted with a very severe i cough in the winter of '47-'8, which threatened to terminate' in Consumption. I had tried many medicines in rain, and f was cured by the use of ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." CATHERINE K. CADY, Direct Evidence Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell Dear Sir: Feeling under obliga- p tions to you for the restoration of mv health, I send you a re port of my case, which you are at liberty to-peMnth for tho benefit of others. Last autumn I took a bad eold, accompa nied by a severe cough, and made use of many medicine without obtaining relief. I was obliged to give up botfrn'ess, frequently raised blood, and could get no sleep at night. A friend gave me a bottle of your Chkrry PkctoRal, tb user of which I immediately commenced, according to directions. I have just purchased the fifth bottle, and am nearly recover ed. 1 now sleep well, my cough has ceased, and all by the uo' of your valuable medicine. E. A. STONE, A. M., . i Principal Mt. Hope Seminary. From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chicopec Falhj, Massachusetts : Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir : Enclosed please find rcim'tfanc for all the Chkrry Pkctoral last sent me. I can uhhesita-r tinglv say that no medicine we sell gives sacfc sa-tistaetion as1 yolir s docs ; nor have I ever seen a niedisine which eared sr many cases of Cough and Lung Complaints. Our PfcysScianrf are using it extensively in their practke, and with the hap piest effects. Truly yours, 1?. M. BRYANT. o , .cprr?.d b J- c- Ayer, Chemist, Iowcll, Mass. Soldin Wilmington, N. C, by Dr. A. C. EVANS & BRO . and Druggists generally throughout the State, Apail2o, 1850 33-Sm QOD A Biscuit. -20 Boxes Soda Biscuit, fresh from tic? PERK IN & H ART8FIELD " bakery. FOWER Vases A bcautifnl assortmeu of Cfcin Bohemian glass ornaments. For sale bv and rERRIN IlA-RTSnELp1, f i i T i i V if

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