I - M S ' .- ; 1 A A I f A f r t Term of Subscription One year, in advance, or within three months, .'. . When payment is delayed over three months,. . .. No subscription received for a less term than one year. No subscriber permitted to discontinue his paper after the commencement of a subscription, till the expiration of said year. Any subscriber wishing his paper discontinued at the end of trie year, must pay up in tull and give tbe proprietors two weeks notice, otherwise the paper will be continued and charged for according to the above terms. 0&" Any person sending us five irew subscribers, accompa nied by the advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive the sixth copy gratis, for one year. . Money may be remitted per mail, at our risk. r AH letters on business connected with this office, must be addressed (post paid) to the proprietors. Arrival and Departure of the Moll at Wilmington. The mail from the North, by Railroad, arrives daily about UP.M. , The mail from the South, by Steamer from Charleston, ar rives daily about 8 A. M. , The mail from Fayetteville, via Warsaw, is due upon the arrival of the cars, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The mail from Fayetteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey, is due on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M. . Tbe mail from Onslow Court-Houso, by sulkey, is due on Monday's, at 5 P. M. The mail from Black River Chapel, via Long Creek, by sul VJ, is due on Thursdays, at 5 P. M. Cloalnc at Mall. The mail for tbe North, by Railroad, closes daily at 10 1 . JVL. The mail for the South, by Steamboat, closes daily at 12 M. Ths mail for Fayetteville, via Warsaw, closes on Tues days, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 10 P. M. The mail for Fayetteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey, cloes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M. The mail for Onslow Court-House, by sulkey, closes on 'Thursdays, at 10 P. M. The mail for Long Creek, by sulkey, eloses on Thursdays, t 10 P. M. Sr Letters should ba in tha Offie at lsast 15 minutes be fore ths tina af closing tks mails. Professional and Ensiness Cards. EDWARD CANTWEL.I., ATTORNEY at Ljiw, Wilmington. N. C, has removed his office to Market-street, opposite the Carolina Hotel. WEST & HEWLETT, A rt'TIONEEHS, Commission Merchants and Gen eral Agents, Wilmington, N. C. refer to Pott eh Kidder, John Dawsow, O. G. Parsley, E. P. Hall, Edward Cantwell. Wilmington, N. C. 7-tf U. W. Davis, Barry, Bryant It Adams, George Harriss, October 25, 1850 MJI UTIV dc CHONliY, AUCTIONEERS and Commission Merchants, Wilmington, N. C. A. Martin M. Cronly. GEORGE W. DAVIS, ("lOMMISSIOX and Forwarding Merchant, Davis's J Wharf, South Water-street, Wilmington, N. C 4 WILLIAM A. GWYER, GENERAL Agent, Forwarding & Commission Mer chant. I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me, efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment, and all kinds of country produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. Wilmington, N. C , May 24. 1850 37-1 2m C. MYERS, MAXITFACTTTRER and Dealer in Hats, Caps, Umbrel las, and Walking Canes, of every description, whole sale and retail, North side Market-street, Wilmington, N. C. J. M. ROBINSON, IMPORTER and Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Nails, &c, Front-street, 3 doors South of Market, Wil mington, N. C. 35 SAVAGE 4s ME ARES, ENERAL Commission Merchants and Anctlon- VJT eers, Wilininirton, IS. C EDWARD oAVAfiE GASTO.t MEARES. May 3, 1850. OWEN HOLMES, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Domestic Goods, Groceries, Crockery Ware, &c. &c, Wilmington, N. C WILLIAM H. LIPPITT, WHOLESALE and Retail Druggist, and Dealer in Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Garden Seeds, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c. &c, corner of Front and Market-streets, immediately opposite Shaw's old stand, Wil mington, N. C. 5 A. C. EVANS K BROTHER, DRUGGISTS and Apothecaries, Exchange Buildings, Market-street, Wilmington, N. C. 10 JOHN HALL, INSPECTOR of Timber and Lumfcer, 23-tf Wilmington, N. C. ALFRED ALDERMAN, INSPECTOR of Naval Stores and Provisions, 29-12m Wilmington, N. C. W. T. J. VANN, INSPECTOR mt Naval Stores and Provisions, 28-tf Wilmington, N. C. MILES COSTIN, COMMISSION Merchant, Wilmington, N C. REFERENCES: P. Dickiso:. Esd.. E. P. Hall, Esq., 'Gilbert Pot ter. Esn.. O. G. Parsley, Esq . Dr Thos. H. Wright, Owen Fes.vell, Esq., A. L. Price, Esq., E. Kidder, Esq , Joh Dawsov, Esq. Wilmington, J. C Messrs. Dollner & Potter, New York, Messrs. Copelaxd tt Kidder, Boston. 14v6 S. R. FORD, ITTILMINGTON, N. C, Dealer in Marble Monuments; W Head and Foot Stones; Paint Stones; Imposing do.; and, in short, any article called for, of either Italian, Egyp tian or American Marble : and work warranted to please or sale ; and if damaged before delivery, it is at his expense. Nov. 16 10-tf Dr. B. A. KENNEDY, DENTAL SURGEON, (Graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery,) RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to the citizens of Wilmington and public generally. He is prepared to perform, on the latest and most approved princi ples, all operations in his profession. Incorruptible Artificial Teeth inserted, from one to an entire set, on gold plate. Whole upper set inserted on the atmospheric principle ; hav ing made an improvement in this mode of inserting Teeth, he confidently recommends it as answering the purpose of mastication, &c. They can be taken out and put back at pleasure by the wearer, be worn with comfort, and cannot be detected from the natural Teeth. All operations warranted to give satisfaction, and not to be surpassed by any operator in the United States. Irregularities in children's Teeth cor rected. ?Office formerly occupied by Dr. Ware. 41-12m HOTCHKIS8' VERTICAL WATER WHEELS. J. E. TOOMER is Agent for the above Wheels in this place. He will take pleasure in snowing tbe Castings t any person who may desire to see them. There will be found at his office a supply of Wheels, Cranks, And Gudgeons, at all times, for sale singly or in pairs. Wilmington, N. C, April 26, 1850 33-12m SFORTSXVXCXgr, ATTENTION I WE have just received our Fall supply of GUNS, com prising the largest and best assortment of single Mid Double, Bird, Duck and Deer Guns ever offered in ths State. Also, Rifles, Pistols, Premium Caps, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, &e. POLLEY & HART. Guns repaired and made to order. Oct. 4, 1850. 4-tf LIST OF BLANKS. County Court Writs; .Superior do. do County Court Subpoenas; Superior do. do. County Court Fi. Fa.; .Superior do. do. County Court Sci. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Letters of Administration; Inspector's Certificates; Oertincates of Justices attend' inji Court; Marriage License; Tax Receipts; Insolvent ISotices; Writs of Ejectment; Letters I estamentary; Vendi. Exponas; Ca Sa; Land Deeds; do. Affidavits; Garnishee Notices; County and Superior Courts Witness and Juror Tickets; Notices to Tax List Receivers; Commission to t ake Deposition Checks, Cape Fear Bank; do. Branch Bank of the County Court Execution; Magistrate's do. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer's Appointments; Peace, State, and Civil War Notes of Hand; rans; Attachments; State Recognizance; State; Notes, negotiable at Bank; Administrator's Bonds; Guardian do. Appeal do. Ca Sa do. Sh'ff Appearance do Constable's do. military t ca, J. T7 Li - ' Sheriff's Tax Forthcoming Prosecution Mo. do. do. uu. ,xecutiuu, Negro Bonds; ao. Bill of Sale: Crew Lists; Any Blank wanted, and not oa hand, will be nrinted with tne utmost dispatch. Officers of the Courts and other officers, and all other per sons requiring Blanks, or anvother work in the printing line would do well to give us a call, or send in their orders. We are determined to execute our work well, and at the cheapest rates for cash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE. N EW Crop Ralslm -Daily expected. For sale by J. WILKINSON & CO. S TEAMBOAT Principe Seear. 10.000 direct from Havana, rorsaleby J. WILKINSON & CO. 1 IEW LISTS. A large supply on hand and for sale Iott l JOURNAL OFFICE. I iHitH.s20 bbls Whiskey ; 10 do. Rum : 12 do. Gin, receiveq to my and for sale by O WI5N HOLMES. m muix imeiy rsegro tsoy, irora iz to In years v oia, ior my own vte, and lor wnicn I will pav a (oi?) si V U II ;l 1 11 L iCii I il . 3. I. 1:1:. AWEEKLY NEWSPAPER: Devoted to VOL. 7. General Notices. NOTICE. OOLD bv the Wreck Master of Onslow County, N i n. hetween New River Inlet and New Hanover. line, the Brig Orizaba, of Mt. Desert, with her cargo of lum ber, and proceeds returned to the Clerk's Office of said coun ty. JOSEPH ENNETT, W. M. Oct. 25th, 1850 8-8t NOTICE. THE Stockholders of the Clinton Female Seminary are notified that a meeting will be held at Clinton, on Satur day, the 9th November next. Those in arrears for the first and second instalments are requested to o pay. MURPHY, Sec'y. Oct. 29, 1850. 8-Zt f BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. THE subscriber will attend to applications for Bounty Land, under tbe late act of Congress, in the Counties of Sampson, Duplin, New Hanover, and Bladen. Nov. 1, 1850 8-8tuoo P. MURPHY. BOUSTV LAND LAW NOTICE. THE subscriber having the assistance of an experienced and competent Attorney at Washington City, will forward and upon moderate terms prosecute all claims of soldiers of 1812 and of the Florida and Mexican wars, their widows and minor heirs, with which he may be entrusted. Blanks and full information furnished upon application (post paid) to EDWARD CANTWELL, Attorney at Law. Office on Market St., opposite Carolina Hotel, Wil mington, No. Ca. Oct. 18, 1850 6-tf DISSOLUTION. THE firm of KEEN & HUSTON is this day dissolved by limitation. All persons indebted to the firm, are reques ted to settle their accounts when called on. All persons hav ing claims against the firm, are requested to . present them. The business of the firm will be settled by Jos. L. Keen. JOS. L. KEEN. M. HUSTON. Wilmington, Oct. 24, 1850. The business will be continued by JOS. L. KEEN, Chronicle copy. 7-tf Contractor and Builder. NOTICE. ILL be sold in Elizabethtown, on the first Monday in November next, seventy-four pieces of Grave btones, levied on by an attachment as the property of S. R. Ford, in favor of David Callihan. Terms cash. JAMES MELVIN, Sheriff. By B. FlTZRANDOLPH, D. S. Oct. 22d, 1850 7-ts Office Wilmington & Raleigh Railroad Company, Wilmington, 21st October, 1850. $ THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Wilming ton and Raleigh Railroad Company, will be held at Wilmington, on Thursday, the 14th day of November next. JAS. S. GREEN, Sec'y. October 25, 1850 . 7-3t GUN-SMITHING, &c. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public of Sampson and the adjoining Counties, that he has loca ted himself in Clinton, Sampson county, N. C, where he in tends to carry on Gun-Smithing, such as stocking Guns and altering flint and steel to percussion; and repairing Guns, Pistols, Stocks, and Locks ; mako and mend Keys ; all kinds of Silver, Gold, Britannia, Brass, and Copper Wares, or oth er materials, mended ; Composition Mill Inks and Gudgeons made and warranted for ten years ; Blowing Horns made ; Tortoise hell Combs mended so that you cannot see where they are broken. Blaeksmithing in all its various branches ; Cast Steel put in axes, and warranted; Cast Steel Round Shaves and Chipping Hatchets, made and warranted ; Coach making and repairing ; making and mending Buggy and Sulky Springs ; and many other things too tedious to men tion, all of which will be done with neatness and despatch. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. BOLD R. HOOD. Clinton, N. C, Oct. 25, 1850 7-3m DISSOLUTION. THE firm of WARD, MONTFORT & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The unsettled business will be adjusted by the JuniorDiytnr'Jrj Wm P Pei.i.s. TIER" EDW'D W. MONTFORT. WM. P. PELLETIER. Jacksonville, Onslow co., N. C, Sept. 14, 1850 2-tf $1 REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, residing at Long Creek, New Hanover county, a negro man named GEORGE. Said negro is about 31 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches hieh. stout built, and dark color. He is supposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of Chas. Henry, .sq., on lilacK Kiver, as nis wiie neiongs io ixir. hoky. lllji n, I iVlClVllL.ijAM . November 1, 1850 8-3t NOTICE. at public auction, at the late f TT rILL BE SOLD, VV residence of Starkky Williams, dee'd., in Du lin eounty, on Friday, the 13th of December next, EVEN VALUABLE NEGROES, belcnging to the estate of said deceased. Six months credit will be gtven, and bonds with approved security required. JBLiAiN Hi 1 VV1LUAWS, ILieCQ- JACOB SMITH, $ tors. November 1, 1850. 8-3 1 SiO REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, residing at Sill's Creek, New Hanover county, his negro man JACK. Said Jack is about 5 feet 5 inches in height, and dark complexioned. He is supposed to be lurking about Holly bhelter, in this county, or ne may De in Samp son, as he has a good many relations in that county. I will pay the above reward of Twenty Dollars for his delivery to me, or his lodgment in the Wilmington Jail, or any Jail in tbe Mate, so tbat l can get mm, and a reward oi Fifty Dollars for proof sufficient to convict any wniteper son of harboring him. EDWARD PIGFORD. Sill's Creek. New Hanover co..N. C. Oct. 11. 1850. 5-tf NOTICE. TAKEN up and committed to the Jail of Duplin county. N. C. on the 13th instant, a negro man who says his name is ALEXANDER, and that he be longs to Bose Kitchen, of Halifax county, in said. state, fcaid negro is about nineteen years old ; nve ieet high ; and will weigh about 125 pounds; has scars on both his legs near the knees, and one on the right arm, just above the elbow, produced by a burn The owner of said slave is requested to come forward, prove his property, pay charges, and take him away, otherwise he will be dealt with as the law directs. JOHN B. HUSSEY, Jailor. Kenansville, Oct. 18, 1850 6-tf RUNAWAY msaROSS. S50 REWARD. X UNAWAY or absconded from the subscriber, on Mi 1 j LUU I.LII AUgUBt, tlf U Ut7gl M UlCllj VUV UttlUCU Aloses and the other Bob. DESCRIPTION. Moses is inclined to be fleshy, about five feet seven or eight inches high, about forty years old, front teeth out, weighs about 160 pounds, speaks very slow when spoken to, and has a scar on his under lip. Moses had on when he left, a blue linsey surtout coat ; when walking he steps very short, and holds himself erect. Color, very dark : has a very sullen look ; a bunch of gray hair on the right side of his head. Moses was carried from Duplin county, N. C, to Richmond, Va., where he was purchased by Joab Robertson, of Caswell county, N. C. Bob is about five feet six inches high, very dark complex ion, near thirty-six years old, and weighs 160 lbs.; eyes very red ; when spoken to he speaks quick ; had on whiskers when he left. His dress consisted of a white homespun frock coat, and pantaloons of the same ; inclined to be parrot toed. He was carried from Clauden county, Va., to Richmond, and then sold to Dr. Robertson. These Negroes were purchased by me on the 27th of April, 1850, from Joab Robertson, for the purpose of trading. It is more than likely they have attempted to reach their former homes Moses, his in Duplin county, N. C, and Bob, his in Clauden county, Va. U"A reward of Twenty-Five Dollars is offered for eac!i of the above Negroes if lodged in any safe Jail so that I get them again. JK5If arrested previous to this date, Fifteen Dollars, the reward at first offered, only will be paid. Any information thankfully received. PRESTON WORTHY. Carmel Hill P. O., S. C, Oct. 7, 1850 6-3muoo NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late firm of PRICE & FUL TON, are requested to make payment to the subscri ber without delay. The money may be remitted agreeably to the terms of the " Journal," or paid to its agents. Sub scribers may remit the full amount of the yearly subscrip tion, and if the amount remitted exceeds the sum due the old firm, the overplus will be duly credited on the books of the new firm of Fulton & Price. All persons having claims against the late firm of Price & Fulton, will present them to the subscriber for settle ment. A L. PRICE, Surviving partner of the late firm of Price & Fottoh. Cane Seat Chairs and Rockers Repaired. Ok A1 LSO, all descriptions of Cabinet k urniture manu factured or repaired, at the Rock Spring Fnrni- nrt ture Warehouse. J. JJ. LUVt.. May 17, 1850 LIME, Lime, Lime. 500 barrels Lincolnville White Lump. Also, Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, Fire Brick, and Hydraulic Uement ; i,w) o'. wrSniV sale bV J. C. K It. O. WJJV, July 25, 1850 Contractors and Builders POR SALE. TIUGGY, Cart, and Wagon Iron Arfes, of aU, NOTICE. an 33-tf Polities, the Markets, Foreign and Domestic WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY fieal Estate For Sale or Rent LOOK AT THIS. THE undersigned having determined on moving South,; offers for sale his plantation whereon he now resides.. in Dntohn eountv. lvinsr nn the main road from Favpttpvilln to Newbern, three miles west of Kenansville, containing a bout 00 Acres, one-half of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation ; and he has no hesitation in saying that it is the best Corn plantation in the neighborhood- The Dwelling House is convenient and comfortable, with the best set of out-buildings in the County,' Also, one tract of Tar and Turpentine Land near, the Rail Road; three miles below Strickland's Depot, containing a bout 100 Acres. Als, a valuable Steam Mill, (of ten horse power,) located at Strickland's, in good order; and a superior team of Horses, Waggon, &c A bargain can ba had by applying soon, and payments made accommodating and easy. JAS. M. MIDDLETON. Duplin county, Oct. 25, 1850 - 7-tf VALUABLE RICE PLANTATION FOR SALE. IN pursuance of the power vested in me, by the last Will and Testament of the late Wm. B. Meares, 1 shall sell, on the 1st of January, 1851, at 12 o'clock, at public vendue at Exchange Corner, in the town of Wilmington, N. C, the following valuable lands, viz : About three hundred acres of tide swamp land; on Eagles' Island, of which about 270 acres are cleared and under culti vation ; about 90 acres of the cleared land has only been in cultivation since 1842, and most of the lands are compara tively new ; there are some thirty acres of swamp land to clear. Also, to be sold with the above, a tract of upland of about eighty acres, kno'wn as Meares' Bluff, fronting the river, about forty acres of which is under cultivation, and upon which is Dwelling House, Kitchen, Barn, Threshing Machine, Stables, and all other necessary out houses for farm ing purposes, besides accommodations for 130 or 140 ne groes. Also, an adjoining tract of two hundred acres, on Welsh's Creek, of which about SO acres arc tide swamp, and as valuable rice land as any on the river a few acres of the upland is under cultivation. These Rice lands are unsurpassed for fertility by any Rice lands here or elsewhere, producing an average, when well cultivated, of from fifty-five to sixty bushels of Rice per acre. The sale will be positive, as the lands are sold for a divi sion. Terms one, two, three and four years credit, with inter est from date, the debt to be fully secured. Persons desiring to examine the premises will call on Thos. D. Meares, Esq., or Dr. Wm. B. Meares. CATHARINE G. MEARES, Ex'r. of Wm. B. Meares, dec. Oct. 25th. 1850 7-ts LOVE-GROVE PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers his plantation for sale, situatcdjfS on the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad, one mile!X. from town, and well known as LOVE-GROVE, containing one hundred acres more or less, all under fence and in a high state of cultivation ; an abundance of Marl and much on the place. Terms accommodating to the purchaser. If desirable, the mules, hands, &c, will be disposed of with the Land. For further particulars, apply to S. R POTTER. Wilmington, Sept. 27, 1850 3-tf A GREAT BARGAIN. WISHING to change my business, I will sell my Tur-gtj pentine Land, on Lockwood's Folly River, Bruns-!3L wick County, with a considerable quantity of Farming Land attached. There is cut on the land about 115,000 boxes, and trees enough to cut about 80,000 more ; all very convenient to water. Two waggons and team can haul all the Turpen tine made on the Land to the Still on the River, whence it can be taken to market, by vessels carrying from 200 to 300 barrels. The Still will also be sold, if desired, with wagon, team, &c. A further description is unnecessary, as persons wishing to purchase can judge for themselves. The above property will be sold on extremely accommoda ting terms ; or I will take, for the Land, the proceeds from the sale of the Turpentine made on it for one year, provided the balance of the Trees are cut and well worked. I will also sell a number of likely Negroes Persons wish ing to purchase such property, would do well to give me a call. DAN'L Y. SHINE. Wilmington, Sept. 27, 1S50 . 3-tf Newbernian, (Newbern,) and North State Whig, (Wash ington,) copy till forbid, and send accounts to this office. v Ai.tr a m. in mm. estjte for kale THE subscriber wishes to sell his House and Lot in Jacksonville, Onslow county, at present occupied byjiiiilL Wm. P. Pelletier. The House is a very coir 'ortable residence, with suitable out-buildings, and a large and handsome Lot of ground at tached, s:iy about an acre and a half. Possession given on the first day of January, 1851. ALSO. A valuable tract of Turpentine Land, containing about fc 3,500 Acres, lying on the Holly Shelter Road, in theH county of Onslow, and adjoining the lands of Morris Foy, John James, and others. Persons wishing to purchase val uable Turpentine Land will do well to examine the premises. Terms made easy. For further information, address the subscriber at Owensville, Sampson county, or Gardner Shepard. Esq., Jacksonville, Onslow county, iN. U. Aug. 23. 1850 50-3ml LOUIS F. CARR. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber having purchased the widow's life estate in the Real Estate of the late Jar vis Marble, at Sneed's Ferry, Onslow county, offers the entire Plantation for sale. It is considered a very desirable situation, having upon the premises comfortable buildings, including Store House, Wind Mill, &c. It is considered a desirable situation for a Store, a Distillery, and Steam Saw Mill. Persons wishing to purchase are invited to visit the premi ses and examine for themselves. Possession given on the 15th of November next. JNO. A. AVIRETT. Catharine Lake, Onslow co., N. C, Sept. 20, 1850 2-tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. I offer for sale my entire Real Estate, upon which are thirtv-five sets of Boxes ; the most of which have only been in use from one to two years; with a sufficient quan tity of round trees to cut at least twenty sets moro ; the lands upon which these are situated, is not easily surpassed by any pmey lauds in Eastern Carolina ! There is upon the premi ses two Distilleries matly and conveniently fitted up, with all necessary out-houses. Upon the farm, I think the buil dings altogether are seldom excelled. Those wishing to purchase are invited to examine for themselves. Terms shall be low, and payments accomodating. Come and sec. Any person wishing to purchase, can be furnished with a sufficient number of teams and wagons to carry on both the operations of Farm and Turpentine, and with a year's supply ofnrovision. JOHN A. AVIRETT. Catharine Lake, Onslow county, N. C, July 22, 1850. tf Fayetteville Observer and Goldsboro' ratriot, copy 4 times and send bills to this office for payment. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE mHE subscriber offers for sale his Lot and the Build- JL ings thereon, situated on Market Street, about three hundred yards above the Episcopal Church, and now occu pied as a Carriage Manufactory. The Lot is large, and the Buildings can be conveniently converted into large and com fortable dwellings. ALSO. A variety of Riding Vehicles and Harness of all kinds, made in the neatest manner, and which will be sold low. Persons wishing to procure articles in this line, would do well to call and examine before purchasing else where, as ltn determined not to be undersold ISAAC WELLS. 34-tf Wilmington, N. C, May 3, 150 HOUSES TO SEXjX OR RENT. ONE small two story House, well in yard, a little mrth of Market st. One story and jump House, 5 rooms, near the above, price $350. Tht following for sale only. 1 fine two story dwelling, in perfect order, witn Well and every convenience around it on 2d street. 1 small House on 3d street, well in yard. 1 good size House near dry pond, 6 finished rooms. 1 small double House in Oregon, price $350, well in yard. 1 small House in do., well in yard cheap. 1 small House in Texas. 2 or three other lots in do. The splendid situation east end of Market street, on which is nearly finished a very extensive and convenient building the most desirable location in town, and containing a lot and a half, bounded by 3 streets. JO" When finished, if not sold, it will be rented. Sept. 27th, 1850 3-tf P. W. FANNING. FOR SALE OR RENT. A GOOD comfortable dwelling, situated in the North-iSfc ern part of town, on Walnut Street, lately occupiedjjiiliE by Roderick McRae, Esq. Persons wishing to purchase or rent, can find out the terms by calling on me at my resi dence. D. SHERWOOD. July 26, 1850 46-tf FOR RENT. THE Wharf just above the Rock Spring, known as Hall's wharf ; together with a large Warehouse on it, (now used as a barrel factory) near tne water ; and a com fortable office, the house being tin roofed, will make it par ticularly convenient for a Packet or Steam Boat Landing, or for the receiving and forwarding business. Possession given immediately. Apply to E.D.HALL. October 11, 1850 5-tf TO RENT. FROM the first of October next, that two story Dwel- linff House, on Front-street, next door to tbe comerjiiil of Church-street, at present occupied by Mr. Wm. Wilson. jfrice $ zuu. Apply to n. a. jci-lhavo. September 27, 1850 3-tf TTIOR Rent. The dweling and lot situated on Chcsnut Mr. S. P. Gause, is for Apply to N. N. NIXON. street, at present occupied by rent from the first of October ttext. Sept. 20th, 1850. . 2-tf fDLKT and Harness for sale. Apply at ih 1 JOURNAL OFFICE. News, Aerienlture, Commerce, and General Informatioa TERMSi $2 50 IN ADVANCE. MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, Schools. English and Classslcal Education. ; THE SUBSCRD3ER having just arrived in Wilmington, proposes ta open an Academy for the purpose of giving instruction in the various branches of an English and Scien tific education. He will also take classes in Latin, Greek; French and Spanish. . Having studied and spoken the modern European languages in France and Spain, he feels confident f being able to impart the genuine pronunciation of them, an advantage which is. not often enjoyed. The most unex ceptionable references as to capability and character will be given, and no effort will be spared which may bo calculated to render satisfaction. He will commence as soon as a suitable building ean be procured, and in the meantime, he can be found at Mrs. Beach's, "Commercial Hotel." WILLIAM BARTON. Wilmington, Oct. 31st, 1850. 8-4t RICHLAND ACADEMY. THE next Session of this Institution will commence on the 23d of September. The terms of tuition are : For the lower branches of English, per session '...$6 00 For the higher branches of English, "....V ..12 00 For Latin and Greek 20 00 . Board can be had, in good families, at from $5 to $6 per month. . . ... . , ' TpMJfe J. Whitaker, an experienced and popular Teach er, is oontinued as Assistant. The School being furnished with sufficient apparatus to illustrate, the. Elementary Sci ences, the Teachers arc confident of being able to give satis faction to all that shall patronize the Institution. It is particularly desired that all the Students who intend entering the School the approaching Session, will be present at the first of the Session. L. G. WOODWARD, Principal. Richlands, Onslow co., N. C, Aug. 30, 1830 5I-3m TOPSAIL ACADEMY TS a beautiful and healthy situation, twelve miles East of J. Wilmington, in an excellent neighborhood, where board may be had for six to seven dollars per month, will com mence its second scholastic year on the first day of October next. Rates of Tuition, per session of five months: Reading, Writing, Spelling, and first Class in Arith metic, Jh,nglish Grammar and tocography $7 OU Second Classes of the same, including Philosophy, His tory and Rhetoric 12 00 The higher branches of English, Science, Chemistry, Mental and Moral 1'hilosophy, l'olitical Economy, including first Classes of Algebra, Latin ;;nd Greek. 15 00 Second Classes of the same, with Lcctur o;i the most important subjects Is 00 Tuition in the Female di.nartment the same, with the ex ception of the ornamental branches, which will be made very reasonable, and determined upon previous to the opening oi me ccnooi. in. on. iiA.i, President of the Board of Trustees. Topsail Sound, Aug. 21, 1850. 50-tf ZVXEXVXFHI 3 INSTITUTE. Medical Department. THE regular course of Lectures in this Institute will commence on the First of November, and continue until the last of t ebruarv. Ihe Anatomical Department will be open and ready to receive students by the First of October. 1 UC iUVUICill lA'iUlIUCUb Will UC IUC UUVCLIUU Ul LUC following PR.OFFSSORS J. CONQUEST CROSS, M. D., Professor of the Institutes of Medieine and Medical Jurisprudence. W. BYRD POWELL, M.. D., Professor of Cerebral Physi ology, Medical Geology and Mineralogy. R. S. NEWTON, M. D., Professor of Surgery. H. J. HULCE, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. J. A. WILSON, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Disea ses of Women and Children. J. KING, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Thera peutics. Z. FREEMAN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. J. MILTON SANDERS, A. M.,M. D., Professor of Chem istry and Pharmacy. CLIXIQ1TE LECTURERS. Medicine Prof. II. J. HULCE. Surgery Prof. R. S. NEWTON. Anatomical Demonstrator Z. FREEMAN, M. D. The fees for a full course of lectures amount t o $105. Ma triculator'8, $5. Demonstrator's Fee, $10. Graduation, $20. A. UUCV uv6iTllg l v. aaua uiwvv4 - - - -- m letters (post paid) to. the Dean ; and students arriving in the city will please call on him at the Commercial Hotel. R. S. NEWTON, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. Law Department. Hon. E. W. M. KING, Professor of Theory and Practice of Law. Hon. V. D. BARRY, Professor of Commercial Jurispru dence. Terms $50 per Session. All communications pertaining to this department must be addressed to E. W. M. KING. Memphis, Tenn., July, 1850. The Faculties, for intellectual abilities, moral worth and presonal acquirements, will compare favorably with the most distinguished in our country. The medical faculty con stitutes an anomaly in this or any other country all of them are able lecturers and the best of teachers. Those who will contemplate our geographical position, and the extent of our population, can have no doubt as to the eli gibility of our situation for an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including all seasons of the year, we deny that any OTHER CITY HAS MORE. A common error exists in the minds ef many students rela tive to the place of studying medicine ; those who intend practising among the diseases of the West and South should certainly educate themselves at a S hool whose Faculty are practically acquainted with those diseases. That the public may be satisfied of the permanency of this school, we feel it our duty to state, that the Trustees and Faculty form a unit in action, which augurs well for its fu ture success ; and that the peculiar internal organization which connects them, cannot be interrupted. E. W. M. KING, 33-12m President of the Memphis Institute. Application Notices, &c. NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the next General Assem bly of North Carolina, for an Act incorporating the Long Creek Academy, in New Hanover County. November 1st, 1850 8-5t NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the next General Assem bly of N. Carolina, for an Act incorporating the Topsail Academy, in New Hanover county. November 1st, 1850 8-5t NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the next General Assem bly of North Carolina, for a Charter for a Plank Road from Wilmington to the Onslow line, at the point whore the Sound Road crosses the line. November 1st, 1850 8-5t NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the next General Assem bly of North Carolina, for a charter for a Plank Road leading from some point on the Northeast Branch of Cape Fear River in New Hanover county, to some point on New River in Onslow county. Oct. 25, 1850 7-5t NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the next session of the Legislature of North Carolina, for the passage of an Act to authorize the Commissioners of the Town of Wilmington to subscribe One Hundred Thousand Dollars to the Stock of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Company. October 2o, 1850 7-5t irr"rTT wj APPLICATION will be made to the next General Assem bly to extend the corporate limits of the Town of Ke nansville. Oct. 25, 1850 7-5t NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the next Legislature for an Act to erect, out of the monies belonging to the es tate of Alexander D'.ckson, deceased, a suitable monument to his memory, to be put up at or near Kenansville, in Du plin eountv. with such provisions therein as will justify the Clerk and Master of said county in paying the expenses of tne same. lUct. zo, isou 7-tf NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the next General Assem bly of North Carolina for a charter for a Bank to be lo cated in the Town of Wilmington, to be called the NEW HANOVER BANK. October 18, 1850 6-5t NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the next General Assem bly of North Carolina, to Charter a Plank Road leading from Clinton to Warsaw. October 18. 1850. . 6-5 NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the next General Assem bly of North Carolina, to incorporate the Clinton Female College, to be located in Clinton, Sampson county. October 18, 1850. 6-5t FOR. Sale. A splendid stationary steam Engine of ten horse power, with a first rate boiler, all in good order. Apply to E. D. HALL? Oct. 11. 5-tf P)R SALE. A new Tnrpentlne Still, with all the Fixtures complete for distilling. Capacity, Fifteen bbls of Yellow, or Twenty bbls; Virgin Dip. A first rate Still for White Rosin, and all in perfect order. Apply to Oct. 18.- 6-tf : JNO. D. LOVE & CO NO. 9. Drugs, Medicines, &c. JUST ReelvedA very fine selection of Porte Monaies, large and small; Cigar Cases, Morocco and Chamois Skin; , Powder Puff Boxes, Mahogany and Walnut; ' " " " Gilt; ; , , Guitar Strings; and a large assortment of Pomades, Ma cassar OH, Bears Oil, Soaps, and fancy Perfumery. ' ' ' For sale by C. DrPRE, Druggist and Chemist, Market-street. Sept. 27, 1850 3-tf JUST Received front New York. 1 gross Luben's Extracts Jenny Lind; 3 dozen " " California; 3 " " " assorted: gross soaps; i " Morpclas; 1 gross Creine'd Amande; 6 pair Toilette Pots, Bohemian Glass;" 12 " fancy Tnngents; And a general assortment of fancy articles usually kept in Drug Stores. For sale by C. DcFRE, Druggist. Sept. 27, 1850 3-tf JUST Received from New York. 50 gross prescription Vials, assorted sizes; - 25 boxes ,8 by 10 Glass; - 25 , 10-by 12 " 10 :" 10 by 15 - - 20 " 10 by 14 " 10 " 12 by 18 " French. For sale by C. DcPRE, Druggist and Chemist. Sept. 27, 1S50 3-tf For the Cure of J COUGHS. COLDS, CHOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION The annals of medical science, affording as they do am ple proof of the power aud value of many medicinal agents, have furnished no examples to compare with the salutary effects produced by " AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL." The remargable cures of diseases of the Lungs which have been realized by its use, attested as they are by many promi nent professors and physicians in this and foreign land.-, should encourage the afflicted to persevere with the strong assurance that the use of the " CHERRY PECTORAL" will relieve and ultimately cure them. We present to the public unsolicited testimonials from some of the first men in our country, upon whose judgment and experience implicit confidence may be placed. Dr. Pe rising, President Vermont Medical College, one of the most learned and intelligent physicians in the country considers it a " composition of rare excellence for the cure of that formida ble disease, Consumption." Norwich, April 26, 184G. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir: Agreeable to the request of your agent, we will cheerfully state what we have known of the effects of your CHERRY PECTORAL and they have been astonishing indeed. Mrs. Betsey Streeter had been afflicted with a severe and relentless cough, which reduced her very low ; so low that little hope could be entertained of her recovery. Numerous remedies had been tried without effect, before the Cherry Pectohat,. And that has cured her. George Watkinson Esq., had to our knowledge been afflicted with Asthma, for eleven years, and grown yearly worse, until the Cherry Poctoral has now removed the disease and he is as free from any of its symptoms as we are. The Rev. Mark Dane had been so severely attacked with the Bronchitis, as to disable him from his duties, and nothing had afforded him relief until I (Mr. Thoningcar- onec, and nc now officiates as usual in his place. These are three of the cases in which wc have known it successful, but never to fail. We have great pleasure in cer tifying to these facts ; and are, respected sir, your humble servants. RE Vr. DAVID THORNING. HON. JOSEPH BATTLES. Among the distinguished authorities who have given their names to recommended Cherry Pectoral, as the best rem edy that is known for the Affections of the Lungs, are " The London Lancet," " Canadian Journal of Medical Science." " Boston Medical and Surgical Journal," " Charleston (S. S.) Medical Review," "New Jersey Medical Reporter," Prof. Webster, Harvard College, Prof. Bartlett, Transylva nia University of Medicine, President Perkins, Vermont Medical College, Dr. Valentine Mott, New York City, Par ker Cleaveland, Bowdoin College, 'Prof. Butterfield, Wil loughby College, Ohio, Prof, Braithwaite, Leeds (Eng.) Medical School, Sir Richard Kane, Queen's College, Ireland, Prof. Rosenbaum, Leipsic. The publich have but to know the virtues and astonishing success of the ' Cherry Pectoral," in curing diseases of the Lungs, when they will feel secure from these dangers, whenever this remedy can be obtained. Prepared by J. C Ayer, Chemist, Lowell, Mass. ' Sold in Wilmington, N. C, by Dr. A. C. EVANS & ! "V , T T i 11 .1 , i.l BRO ana urnggists generally t.:rouguout tne CMate. Oct 25th, 1850 7-3i Hotels, &c. MRS. BLANKS IT AS taken the rooms over Mr. DitPre's Apothecary Store, on the North side of Market-street, where sheiiiLi is prepared to take a number of regular Boarders. She invites her country friends, also, to call upon her, as she will alwaj-s have rooms ready for their service. The house has been thoroughly repaired, and all the rooms are in fine order and well furnished. October 4, 1850 4-6tsbc UNION HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. THIS Establishment has been recently fitted up, in 5. Pacific Street, near Sansome, which is convenient 5SiiJL to the business parts of the City, also to the City Hall, and other public buildings, and within a few minutes walk of the principal Steamboat landings. The Proprietor, from his long experience in the business in the City of New York, (having been connected with Love joy's Hotel for several years.) feels confident that those who may visit his House will find there the comforts of a home. GEORGE BROWN, Proprietor. San Francisco, Sept. 6, 1S50 52-10t New Livery Stables. FlreProof. IIavi.nq completed my new Livery Stables, I am now ready to receive Horses at livery, by ths dav, weetc, or montn. My Stables are situated on the corner of Princess and Third streets, directly opposite the Court-I louse, and very conven cnt to the business part of the town. They are built of brick, and covered with tin, which makes them ent irely fire-prog'. They arc large, commodious, and well constructed; and in ev ery respect as comfortable and convenient as any Stables in the United States. I also have (for the accommodation of Drovers.) a large and comfortable Lot, together with abasement under the Stables sufficient to hold one hundred horses, and shelter them well and comtortabiy. Horses, Carriages, and BraGiES, kept constantly for hire My Hostlers cannot bo surpassed in any country, and I therefore feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those who favor me with their custom. I feel grateful to my friends and the public for thoir liberal patronage heretofore, and hope to merit a continuance of their custom. H. It. MXON. Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 11. 1S47. 14-tf OUR IYIOTTO ZS AT THE TO PLEASE, Wilmington Saddle, Harness, C' J-l"T and fev.irT-rri'r TRUNK MANUFACTORY. .ElXij THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has recently received large additions to his stcck of Saddle and Harness mountings, &c, of the latest and most impro ved style, and is constantly manufacturing, at his store on Market-street, every description of articles in the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may fa vor him with a call. He has now on hand, and will con stantly keep, a large assortment of Coaclt, CJig, and Sulkj Harness; Lady's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, &e.; Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, &c. &c. ; all of which he will warrant to be of the best materials and workmanship. He has also a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, &c, and all othnr articles usually kept in such establishments, all of which he offers low for cash, or ou short credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, &c. &c, made to order. In addition to tha above, the subscriber always keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now, and will keep through the season, a good assortment of Fly Nets. All are invited to call end examine my goods, whether in want or not, as I take pleasure in showing my assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to per sons buying to manufacture. Also, Wnips at wholesale. All kinds of Riding Vehicles bought and sold on commis ions. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Juts 14. 1S50 40 LADIES Baskets 10 doz. Travelling Baskets ; 12. do. Work do. Received this day, by Oet 13. 1850 . J, WILKINSON & Co- 1850.- fuii &1 VLJ1! Per Square tflO less-Uaifctf mAtf One sqhare; I insertion", . .' .V. V.t . : .V. . V. . " Do. do." 2 insertions,...; . vr " J . Do. dK ttiiikheAffitf.'MtmftAirW Do. r do. 3 months, without change. ... ........ 3 00 i Do ,-- do. 1i ;t do...-. ..da.?.y..do.,.? '; q Do. doL 12 do..:. .-;dtr;u'. '. .do.. .'.. S 00 Do. do. " 6 do.'f.Tencwed weekryy.?.iv V.VJ V.-V12 HO Do. , do. 12 .do..... .do.... . .do.. w... j3-Advcr.tisenients ordered to'bo OontfnWed otj the inside; charged 37J cents per square for each insertion after tbs first r Any advertisement upon which the number of inscrtioiii it not marked, will be continued until ordered iUE, Cm! chirged 2o cents per sqirarc for each insertion. ," A liberal discount will be ntado on advertisements. clMf ingonc square, when, published 8 12 nKntte,' Citm Ci VAXCK.. ... .- " .No advertisement;, reflecting ttpon -priTata lair in, under axtt ciecx'MSTastes, be admitted. J; ;;..- Drugs, Medicines, &cV DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS,' Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, Fonty Articles, al Patent MEDICINES. , - . . . . mHE subscriber has just returned from the North , JL with 4i largo aud fresh jtock of articles in his line, selected with ffrent. rnrn from the first iir.Dorters and . manufacturers in the JNoTthern cities, wbK fl he oneTS at the lowest, prices, and warrants every article to be of the best quality, consisting in part : Gum Camphor; 1'ow'd Bhnbarb; Scidlili and oda Paw derS; Bermuda and American Arrow Root; Ex't Jslsp; Ef t Colocynth Compound; Calcined and'Carb. Magnesia; Castor! Oil; Cubcbs; 'Copaiva and Sarsaparilla Capsules; Confecl'ry". Senna; Emory; Peruvian Bark; Shop Furniture; ViaU Corks, &c. . , . . Chemical.'. Calomel i Sulplr. Quinine; Sulph. and Aeff Morphine; Syrup Iodide of Irou; Strychnine; Iodides of Mer-. cury, Sulphur, Lead, and Iron; Lactate of Iron; CHrate'of Iron; Citrate of Iron and Quinine; Elatcriuni; Anconitmc, &.ei l'aluts, OH, Uye-St lift, fcil8. White Lead, purer extra, and No. 1; rutty; Window Glass, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 12 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 15, 12 by IS, 11 by 17;Mad4er;li digo; Galls; Venetian Bed; Spanish Brown; 1-ogwoodf thronic trrecn and el!ow,dry and in oil; Linseed and train Oils;- V hale and nd Sperm Oils; Puiut Brushes; Sash Tool; Blenders; Varnish Brushes; - Sable ' Artist Badger Hair Tools. &c. For Pasti y.Cooper's Isinglass; Preston's Ex'ts Lemon, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Rose, and Nutmeg; Rose Water, English; and American; Preston's celebrated least Powder; Cloves; Pepper; Mustard Seed; Ginger; Alspieo; Nutmegs; Cinna mon; Sweet Oil, &c. Perfumery and Pnney Articles. French, Gcrmatif and American Cologne; Lubin's Extracts, very large assort ment; Aromatic Vinegar; Guerlain's, R ousel's, and Hand's Shaving Cream; Lubin's Toilet Soap; 50 dozen assorted fan ey Soaps; 25 dozen French. English, and nicrican Hair Brushes; 50 dozen assorted Tooth Brushes; 6 dozen Shaving' Brushes; 6 dozen Nail Brushes; Military Shaving Soap; liat and Cloth Brushes; Toilet Powders, Mceu Fun; Prepared; Chalk, in balls, white and pink; Alabaster Powder; Lip Salve; Cold ('ream; Essence Bouquet ; Jenny Lind Hair Gloss; Seal ing Wax; Toilet Bottles, a large assortment; b" dozen Barry's Tricopherous; (i dozen Phalou's luvigorator; Hauel's Laif Lustral; French, English, and American Pomatum; Oil of Rose; Powder; Puff Boxes; Cachon Aromatise; India Rubber Balls; Salt Bottles; Ivory and Buffalo Fine Combs; Horn and Buffalo Dressing Combs; Tooth Picks; Bear aud Macas sar Oils; Indelible Ink; Dupuy's Liquid Solder. &o. For sale by WM. II. LIPP1TT, Druggist and Chemist. October 11th. 1850 5 t ' FRESH DIllIGS, MEDICINES, die. JUST llecelvetl at Sliaw's Drug Stoic-, third door North of Hart & Poi.lky's, Front Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, where Physicians, conn- ffi. t try Merchants, and all others, who desire to consult their own interest, can purchase the best Drujj nml Mrillclueti, Points, Oils ami Dye Stuff, Perfumery nml Patent Medicines, Gnrlcii Seeds, fresh from David Landreth's,' Philadelphia, and every other arkielo usually kept in a Drug Store, 2j per cent, cheaper than similar goods can bo obtain ed at perhaps any other house in the State. The subscribers would beg to remind those Physicians who patronized the late Wm. Shaw, that they can still be supplied with everything of the best qualit', and on the most reason able terms. No exertion will be spared to render satisfnctioif to those who may favor us with their patronage, and we re spectfully solicit a call before purchasing elsewhere. Wo have just received a fresh supply of those instruments for affliction of the spine, so highly recommended by the Medical faculty of New York and Philadelphia, and which are a certain pre ventive against consumption, and are indispensable to Clerks; and others confined to a sedentary life, none of whom should be without them. Also, a fresh arrival of Spencer's Pills, which are warranted to cure headache in twenty-five or thirty min utes' time. In the operation they are the most agreeable Pills ever invented ; acting upon the stomach and bowels, aud bringing the liver to its proper functions, they cannot fail to restore the sj-stem health, strength and vigor. Call and get a box at Shaw's Drug Store, 3d door north of IliUT & Pot,.' ley's. SHAW & BROTHER.. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 4th, 1850. 17-tf. A. C. EVANS t BROTHER, RUGGISTS AND AFOTIIECA1UES. Ex change Buildings, Wilmington, North Carolina, Wholesale Dealers in Drugs, Select Medicines, Paints, (Jils, Window Glass, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, vanii" .Uvy,cut.y.yTOs merchants, and t lie public, tiiat tliey have t-oninmnced an exclusive wholesale business in the above articles, at their old stand, where we shall keep a comprehensive stock of the best selections from tho Northern markets, in quanti ties suited to the trade. In this New Enterprise wc are determined to bestow the most careful attention. Believing the resources of that portion of the State which, with pro per indueeements, might most conveniently trade at this point, will warrant the undertaking on a more enlarged scale it will be our object, with the facilities wc possess in purcha sing, to retain a liberal portion of this trade in our own Statev The greatly reduced prices at which we shall sell will ena ble the purchaser, in many instances, to save the freight snd other charges from a, Northern market, with the additional advantage of getting his Goods in a much shorter time. We call particular attention from contractors and buildors" to our stock of Pnlnts and Oils, which will always be large, and warranted of the best quality. We have the various colors ground from pure materials, un der our own supervision. Linseed, Lamp, and Machinery Oils, may always L had pure, and at low prices. In order that we may be fully understood, we append, for the guidance of those interested, the present prices of the inot prominent leading articles: Per pound. Refined Alum, 5 cts. " . Saltpetre, 9 " " Copperas, 2 " '' Epsom Suits, 4 " " Glauber " 3 " " Saleratus, 7 " " Bicart Soda, 10 " Flour Sulphur. 6 " Bluo Till mass, 1 lb. jar, 1 00 do do i mer " 1 23 " ' Eng. Mandcri," 1 60 Balsam Copaiva, S7 Calomel, iu bulk, 1 75 1 lb.bottWs, . 18S Ilyd. Potass, per ounos, . 60 lied Bark opt. " 1 5 Yellow " " 60 Es3. Peppermint, &., do'i. SS Olive Oil, qts.,ptrdoen, 4 50 Castor Oil, per dozen, $1 a $4 Sands' Sarsaparilla, $8 per lownsends " S dozen Swayno's Syrup of AV ild Cherry, Wistnr's Balsam " " $8 per dozen. . The above goods are warranted fresh, and of superior qual ity, or may be returned at our expense. Our terms are cash,' or short time for approved credit. " ,, November 16. li49. 10 THE BENEFITS Of ADVEKTI81XG. WE learn that Dr. S. P. Townscnd has sold 'but the good will of his Sarsaparilla business, includii, machinery and raw material on hand, for the large sum of $100,000. This is an illustration of the advantages and benefits of ad vertising. The purchasers arc Messrs. Njistrand & Bach, both wealthy and well known individuals. They have, ws understand, employed tho celebrated Chemist, Dr. James R. Chilton, who will hereafter have the compounding depart ment under his owu immediate supervision. They are men of enterprise, and will, no doubt, sustain the character of this celebrated medicine, which has the reputation of 'being tke best preparation of Sarsaparilla made in.tli United States. The new proprietors, we understand, wairant their article ts stand in all climates any length of tinic ivhich we have no doubt of, when manufactured by so practical a chemist as Professor Chilton, who is well known to be one of tbs first chemists in this country. The public are hereby notified that the preparation exten sively known as Dr. S. P. Tow.nsend's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, is now manufactured under my direction aud supervision, from the original recipe obtaine 1 from Dr. S. P. Townsend, and I certify that it is composed of ingredi ents purely vegetable, and without JferSury and also that the ingredients arc judiciously comjioundcd, so as to obtain from them their great c. I medicinal effects. JAMES R. CHILTON, Chemist. New York, February, 1850. r The undersigned, wholesale Drug'gist in the city of New York, have sold Dr. S. P. TownseSis Corupoirxn Extract of Sarsaparilla for several years, aid consider it tho Oj i ginal and Genvinc Dr. Townscnd's Shrsaparilla, and that it was the first introduced to public Hotjjricty under that cams'. Boyd & Paul, 40 Courtlandt-st. Walter B. Townscnd & Co., 218 Pearl-st. Leeds & Hazard, 121 M:wdt'jQ Lane. .-v . John Carle & Co., 153 Water-?t.v . , . M. Ward & Co., 83 Maiden Lane. J. & J. F. Trippc, 92 Maidcu Lano. Graham & Co., 10 Qld Slip. Osgood & Jennings, 188 Pearl-st. It. B. Haviland & Co., Office, 177 Broadway,',. Jackson, Robins & Co., 134 Watcr-st. -. Thomas & Maxweli,86 William-st. William Underbill Jr.. 183 Watcr-st; David T. Lanman, 69 Watcr-st. Marsh & Northrop, 69 Pcarl-st. w ' ' z Norton, Babcock & Wood, 139 Maiden Lane. Penfold, Clay & Cd., 4 Fletchert.v . . Olcott, McKesson fcaCo,, 12J Maiden Lane. A. B. & D. Saiidsl(J0 Fulton-st. Schieffclin Brother it Co , 104 and 106 John-st. Lewis & Price, 55 Pcarl-st . :.-,'.- Haviland, Kcesc k Co"., 80 Maiden Lane. Rushton, Clark & Co:, 110 Broadway, lO Astor : House, and 27 Broadway, corner Chambers-il rhilin Scbieffelir, & Co., 107 Watcr-st" Pou fi Palanca, 96 John-st. . f , - , Sherwood & Coffin,-64 Pearl-st. . . Kust sc. tioughtoneS John-st.' - I. Minor & Co. ,.214 Fulton-sf. ' Ingcrsoll & Brother". 230 Pcarl-st." Joseph E. Trippe, 128 Maidtfn LaneY ' Haydock, Corlies & Clay, 218 Pearl-stl. i 5 Mn.i..r t. t.t . ? ... .... Dr uiK-mtoi , miuiry, to v..ourtianat-st. . A. C. EVANS & BROTHER are the AidVLfo'.fr and retail il agents, here, for Dr. S. P.Tnn.i ved Extract of Sarsaparilla, where may bo found at alt times a large and select stock of. Drat. t Medicines, and, the many fanVttsualiy Icptltt the largest establishments. . - rV7 v Umingtcn, N. C, June 28, 130 k i 43- n ; fa, 1: t fctr fi: 111 B Hi1 II! K'f. P if: k' Sat M 'A m ?V.. s it m t;t.?i 1.. rr 8'! Mi hi it. I ' : f I" f.f Hi l'riew. tVVl IIUJjMI'vS. Oet. 18. . -tf B 9 eiiiun, ar.T April 19, 1850

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