IV FCtTOX & PIUCErPUOPRiETOKS; JAS. FULTON, Editor. .A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor t-i.i ' : . Terms of 5ctlgcrtption. 1l ::: Ob yw, in advance, orwithin three months,!..: . $2 50 When payment is delayed over three months, .. 1 ,3 00 No subscription received for' a less term than one year. No subscriber permitted to discontinue his paper after the commencement of a subscription, till the expiration of said year. Any subscriber wishing his paper discontinued at the end of the year, must pay up in full and give the proprietors two weeks notice, otherwise the paper will be" continued and charged for according to the above terms.. lOSrAny person sending us five new subscribers, accompa nied by tho advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive the sixth copy gratis, for one year. , J Money may bo remitted per mail, at our risk. - A11 letters on business connected with this office, must bo addressed (post paid) to the proprietors. .- ' Arrival nd Ueparturc of t MalU VIlmlngton ' The mall from the North, by Railroad,; arrives daily about 1 P. M. ! - ' ''. 1 . ."" ' , . The mail from the South, by Steamer from Charleston, ar f Ives daily about 8 A-AI. i ; ' The mail from Fayettcvillc, via Warsaw, is due upon the arrival of the cars, oa Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays. The mail from FaTetteville.'rja E!i4bethtown, by sulkey, is due on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and iSaiurdays, at 9 A. M. .The mail from Onslow Court-Hitfet by; sulkey, is due ou Monday's, at 5 P. M. ' ., The mail from Black River Chapel, via fmg Creek, by sul key, is due on Thursdays, at 5 P. M.' ."' . :f - : ' . J .... ?! '-fK i i.i.' Closlnsr of JIails. ti ;; " ;,Ij-jT L- J The mail for the North, by Railroad, closos daily St-40 P. M. ', r-. The mail for the South, by Steamboat, closes daily t 12 M., The mail for Fayetteville, via Warsaw, closes on Tues days, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 10 P. M. - The mail for Fayetteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey, osea on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at A. M. The mail for Onslow Court-House, by sulkey, closes on Thursdays, at 10 P. M. .Tho mail for Long Creek, by sulkey, closes on Thursdays, iat 10 P. M. . 93" Letters should be in the Office at least 15 minutes be fore the time of closing the mails. Professional and Business Cards. EDWARD CAJTTWKLJ., ATTORNEY at L.avr, Wilmington, N. C, has removed his office to Market-street, opposite the Carolina Hotel. ' " GAl'SE & BOWDEJI, COMMISSION Merchants and General Agents, Wilmington, N. C. Thos. F. Gause, , John C. Bowden. REKF.r.EES. Gen. Alex. McRae, President W. & R. R. R. O. G. Parsley, President of Commercial Bank. , E. P. Hall, President of State Bank. John Dawsox, Merchant. J. & D. McRae & Co., Merchants. P. K. Dickinson & Co.. Merchants. 13v7-ly . WILKINSON &ESLEU, CASH Dcnlers In Confectionary, Fruit, Nuts, Toys, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Tobacco. Scgars, &c. &c, Wholesale and Retail, Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. ALEX. MacRAE, Jr., IMPORTER of China, Glass and Earthenware, and wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of Farming Im plement, South side of Market-street, Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 8, 18-50 9 tf WEST Si HEWLETT, AUCTIONEERS, Commission Merchants and Gen eral Agents, Wilmington, N. C. REFER TO Potter 4 Kidder, John Dawson, O. G. Parsley, E. P. Hall, Edward Cantwell. Wilmington, N. C. 7-tf G. W Davis, Barry, Bryant & Adams, George Harriss, October 25, 1850 MA RTIN &, CltOSLY, AUCTIONEERS and Commission Sc-rth.ants, Wilmington, N. C. A. Martin . . M. Cronly. ' WILLIAM A. GWTER, GENERAL Agent, Forwarding & Commission Mci chant. I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to mc, efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment, and all kinds of country produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. Wilmington, N. C , May 24. 1850 37-1 2m C. MYERS, MANUFACTURER and Dealer in Hats, Caps, Umbrel las, and Walking Canes, of every description, whole sale and retail, North side Market-street, Wilmington, N. C. J. M. ROBINSON, IMPORTER and Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Nails, &e., Front-street, 3 doors South of Market, Wil mington, N. C. 35 GENERAL Commission Merchants ana Anriinn EKRSj Wilmington, N. C. edward Savage. gaston Meares. WILLIAM II . LIPPITT, WHOLESALE and Retail Druggist, and Dealer in Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Garden Seeds, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., corner of Front and Market-streets, immediately opposite Shaw's old Stand, Wil mington, N. C. 5 JOHN HALL, INSPECTOR of Timber and Lumber, 2S-tf Wilmington, N. C. ALFRED ALDERMAN, INSPECTOR of Naval Stores and Provisions, 29-12m Wilmington, N. C. W. T. .1. VANN, INSPECTOR of Naval Stores and Provisions, 23-tf Wilmington, N. C. MILES COSTIN, COMMISSION Merchant, Wilmington, N C. REFERENCES : P. K. Dickinson, Esq., E. P. Hall, Esq., ilbert Pot ter, Esq., O. G. Parsley, Esq . Dr. Thos. II. Wright, Own Fennell, Esq., A. L. Price, Esq., E. Ividder, Esq , Messrs. Dollner & Potter, New York, Messrs. Copeland & Kidder, Boston. 14vo MRS. SHAW'S FASHIONABLE Millinery and Dress-Making Es tablishment, on Second-street, opposite Mr. O. G. Pars ley's. Always on hand, a handsome assortment of Cloaks And Mantillas, of the latest styles. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 22, 1850 11-ly Dr. B. A. KENNEDY, DENTAL SURGEON, (Graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery,) RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to the citizens of Wilmington and public generally. lie is prepared to perform, on the latest and most approved princi ples, all operations in his profession. Incorruptible Artificial Teeth inserted, from one to an entire set, on gold plate. Whole upper set inserted on the atmospheric principle ; hav ing made an improvement in this mode of inserting Teeth, ho confidently recommends it as answering the purpose of mastication, c. They can be taken out and put back at pleasure by tho wearer, be worn with comfort, and cannot bo detected from the natural Teeth. All operations warranted to give satisfaction, and not to be surpassed by any operator in the United States. Irregularities in children's Teeth cor rected. 30f5ce formerly occupied by Dr. Ware. 41-12m HOTCHKISS' VERTICAL WATER WHEELS. JE. TOOMER is Agent for the above Wheels in this place. He will take pleasure in showing the Castings to any person who may desire to see them. : There will be found at his oflice a supply of Wheels, Cranks, nd Gudgeons, at all times, for sale singly or in pairs. Wilmington, N. C, April 26, 1850 33-12m General Notices. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE subscriber, having taken out letters of administration upon the estate of John Stringfellow, dee'd, at tho Dc ember Term of Onslow County Court for 1850, hereby no tifies all persons indebted to said estate, to come forward and snake payment ; and all persons having claims against the wne to present them within the time prescribed by law, oth erwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. 4 : ISAAC DEAL, Adm. - Onslow Co., Dee. 6th, 1850. l$-3t BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. THE subscriber will attend to applications for Bounty Land, under the late act of Congress, in the Counties of Sampson. Duplin, JNew Hanover, aaa .oiaucn Nov. 1, 1850 8-8tuoo P. MURPHY. BOUNTV LAND LAW. NOTICE. THE subscriber having tho assistance of an experienced and competent Attorney at Washington City, will forward and won moderate terms prosecute all claims of soldiers of 1812 and of the Florida and Mexican wars, their widows and minor heirs, with which he may be entrusted. Blanks and full information furnished upon application (post paid) to rm EDWARD CANTWELL, Attorney at Law. Ofiice on Market St., opposite Carolina Hotel, Wil mington, No. Ca. t. : r te . Oct. 18, 1850 t" NOTICE. ' A LL persons indebted to the late firm of PRICE & FUL A TON, are requested to make payment to the subscri ber without delay. Tho money may be remitted agreeably to the terms of the "Journal or paid to its agents Sub scribers may remit the full amonnt of the yearly subscrip tion, and if the amount remitted exceeds the sum dnethc old firm, the overplus will be duly credited on: the books of the new firm of Fulton & Price. , , , - t.. All persons having claims against the late firm of 1 r,ce & Fulton, .will present them to tho subscriber for settle ment. -A. L. PRICE, , y, Surviving partner of thelaic firm of Price & Fi:lton. , NOTICE. ,. , ? ;; ' SOLD by the Wreck Master of Onslow County, N. C, between New River Inlet and New Hanover Ss- line, tho Brig Orizaba, of Mt. Desert, with her cargo of lum ber, and proceeds returned to the Clerk's Omca of said coun. ty. V -; - JOSEPH ENNETT, W. M. Oct. 25th, 1850 ' " r' AWEEKLYSEWSPAl'ER: Devoted to VOL. 7. General Notices. . ? : CO-PARTHERSHIX. THE subscribers have this day entered into a Co-partnership intheCommUsion and General Agency Busi ness, under the firm of GAUSE & BOWDEN. . , THOS. F. GAUSE, JOHN C. BOWDEN.' Wilmington, N.C.T Dee. 4,1850 13-1 m '."'; AJV ACADEMY TO BUILD. r THE undersigned, Building Committee for Long Creek Academy, will receive proposals for the erection of an Acfedeiby building at Long Creek Bridge. Said building to be otwoodj placed on brick pillars three feet high ; to be fif ty Taet iri'length,' twenty-five in width, and two story high. PoV further particulars and specifications, apply to : : ;-; Rra IIALLETT,' i - . ;f JQUN JONES, u - V ; PATRICK, MONTAGUE, : C. T); HEJRY. 4 Committee. If the contract is not taten previous to the 1st of Janna. ry, 1851, it will be-put up a! public anetion, at Long Crook Bridge, to the lowest bidder, on that day. . .. : Long Creek, New Hanovrco., Nov. 22,1850 - ll-tlstJ NOTICE. , tr riHE subscribers having purchased the entire interest of X Mr. James Wilkinson, in Wilmington,- have formed a Co-partnership under the style of WILKINSON fc ESLER, to condtict the Fruit and Confectionary business, and hope dt strict axttOHoik ana Jtemg aoeommodatiflg, to mem shUro of public patronage. JOSEPH WILKINSON, to merit --8") WM. M, rJKLErt. Nov. 26th, 1850 lS-tf. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of J. WILKINSON & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Joseph Wilkinson is alone author ized to set tle the business of said firm. The business will be conducted as formerly by Wilkinson & Esler, at the same store. JAMES WILKINSON, JOSEPH WILKINSON. Nov. 25th, 1850. 13-tf TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber by note or account, arc respectfully requested to make immediate payment. All debts due me that remain unsettled on the first day of January, 1851, will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. All persons having claims against the subscriber, are re quested to present them for payment. H. B. EILERS. December 6, 1850 13-tf Agent for the Sale of Timber and Lumber. THE subscriber, at the solicitation of a number of his country friends, offers his services as agent for the sala of Timber, Lumber, and every other description of country produce. Having had long experience in the Timber busi ness, he flatters himself that he will be able to render full sat isfaction to all who may favor him wit h their patronago in that line. W. A. MELVIN. Nov. 22, 1350 11-tf ' Commercial Bank of Wilmington, ) Nov. 12th, 1850. $ NOTICE is hereby given, that Books will be opened for the unsubscribed balance of tho capital stock of this Bank, at the Banking House in tho town of Wilmington, on the 26th inst., and that said Books will be closed on the 26th day of December next. By order of the Board of Director?. 10-3t T. SAVAGE, Cash'r. $30 REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, residing at Long Creek, New Hanover county, a negro man named GEORGE. Said negro is about 31 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, stout built, and dark color. Flo is supposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of Chas. Henry, li.sq., on black Kiver, as his wife belongs to JVlr. Henry. The above reward of Twenty Dollars will be given for the apprehension and delivery to me of the above negro, or for his confinement, so that I can get him. Dec. 6, 1850 13-4tuoo HENRY McMILLAN. TWEXTY DOLLARS REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, residing in Bladen county, two miles and a half west of Elizabeth town, his negro man ISAAC. Said Isaac is about five foot four or five inches in heiarht : dark complexioned ;, and stutters in talkinar. especially when he is a little excited, He is supposed to bo lurking about in this neighborhood, or ka may- Wo in &auapsoB, aa he boa sv wife at John lARiyRN's, in that county. I will paj' tho above reward of Twenty Dollars for his de livery to me, tied, or for his confinement in Elizabcthtown Jail, or any Jail in the State, so that I can get him ; and a reward of Fifty Dollars for proof sufficient to convict any white person of harboring him. NEILL McGILL. December 6, 1850 13-tf $40 REWARD. T UNA WAY from the subscriber, on the 27th of Ll August, a nesro man named MIKE. I will pay the above reward for. his delivery to mo in Wilming ton, or for hi3 confinement in the Jail of New-Hanover county. The said negro is about 35 years old, and about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, stoops a little to the left when walk ing, and has some of his front teeth out. Nov. 29, 1850 12-tf WM. T. J. VANN. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. T UNA WAY from the subscriber, residing at Cv JlV press Creek, Bladen county, his negro boy named AN1 HON Y. Said Anthony is about five feet six or seven inches high, yellow complexioned, with a good countenance, lie was purchased trom VVm. Heaves, on the 24th day of J uly, 1350. All persons are hereby forewarned against trading for or harboring him. I will give the above reward of Ten Dollars for his delivery to me or for his confinement in any Jail in the State so that I can get him again, or a reward of Fifty Dollars for proof sufficient to convict any white person of harboring him. IAS. K. MELVIN. Cypress Creek, Bladen co., N. C, Nov. 29, 1850 12-tf RUNAWAY NEGROES. $50 REWARD. T" UNA WAY or absconded from the subscriber, on X the 12th August , 1850, two negro men, one named Moses and the other Bob. description. Moses is inclined to befleshv, about five feet seven or eight inches high, about forty years old, front teeth out, weighs about 160 pounds, speaks very slow when spoken to, and has a scar on his under lip. Moses had on when he left, a blue linsey surtout coat ; when walking he steps very shoH, and holds himself erect. Color, very dark ; has a very sullen look ; a bunch of gray hair on the right side of In: head. Moses was carried from Duplin coanty, N. C, Richmond, Va., where ho was purchased by Joab Robertson, of Caswell county, N. C. Bob is about five feet six inches high, very dnrk complex ion, near thirty-six years old, and weighs 160 lbs.; eyes very red ; when spoken to he speaks quick ; had on whiskers when he left. His dress consisted of a white homespun frock coat, and pantaloons of the same ; inclined to be parrot toed. He was carried from Clauden county, Va., to Richmond, and then sold to Dr. Robertson. These Negroes were purchased by me on the 27th of April, 1850, from Joab Robortson, for the purpose of trading. It is more than likely they have attempted to reach their former homes Moses, his in Duplin county, N. C, and Bob, his in Clauden county, Va. SA reward of Twenty-Fir Dollars is offered for eae'i of the above Negroes if lodged in any safe Jail so that I get them again. J85-If arrested previous to this date, Fifteen Dollars, the reward at first offered, only will be paid. Any information thankfully received. PRESTON WORTHY. Carmel Hill P. O., S. C, Oct. 7, 1850 6-3muoo STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. New Hanover County. WHEREAS, complaint upon oath hath this day been made to us, two of the Justices of the Peace for the State and County aforesaid, by Guilford Hnrn. of Edsecombe County, that a certain male slave belonging to him, named HARRY, a Carpenter by trade, about 40 years old, 5 feet 5 inches high, or thereabouts; yel low complexion; stout built; with a scar on his left leg, (from the cut of an axe); has very thick lips; eyes deep sunk in his head; forehead very square; tolerably loud voice; has lost one or two of his mDer teeth: and has a very dark spot on his jaw, supposed to be a mark hath absented himself from his master's service, and is supposed to be lurking about in this cuunty, committing acts of felony or other misdeeds; These are, therefore, in the name of the State aforesaid, to com mand the said slave forthwith to surrender himself and re turn home to his said master ; and we do hereby, by virtue of the Act of Assembly in snch cases made and provided, in timate and declare that if the said slave Harry doth not sur render himself and return home immediately after the pub 1 ication of these presents, that any person or persons may kill and destroy the said slave by such means as he or they may think fit, without accusation or impeachment of any crime or offence for so doing, and without incurring any pen alty or forfeiture thereby. ' Given under our hands and seals, this 29th day of Jane, 1850. JAMES T. MILLER, J. P. Seal. W. C. EETTENCOURT, J. P. Seal OXK Hundred and Twenty five Dollars Reward will be paid for the delivery of the said HARRY to me at Tosnott Depot, Edgecombe county, or for his confinement in any Jail in the State so that I can get him; or One Hundred and Fitfy Dollars will be given for his head. i . i He was lately heard from in Newbern where he called Him self Henry Barnes (or Burns), and will be likely to continue the same name, or assume that of Copage of Farmer. He has a free mulatto woman for a wife, by tho name of feally Boseman, who has lately removed to Wilmingtoa. and livos iu that part of the town called Texas, where he wdllikely be 1UMiUters of vessels are particularly cautioned against har borin, or concealing tho said negro on board their vessels, as the full penalty of the law will briSnteSf0RN " Juno 29th, 1850 r43tf. .? GUILFORD HOKJN.-, nttEW lAmii-A large I&7&JV' SMS 3k SMS f 1 . .111111 Iff 1 B 1 . 3 I . - I -lit-' - 1 II l -i I v I III Politics, the Markets, Foreign and Domestic i WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY Eeal Estate For Sale or Kent. - : : ' ' FOR SALE. ' ' ' ; A COMFORTABLE dwelling house, with suitable out houses and a well of good water, 24 miles from Wilming ton, together with 50 or 100 acres of land around it. The house is new and well finished ; two storys high, and has five comfortable rooms. There are about 7 acres of cleared land immediately aronnd the house, 1 acre of whieh is well im proved as a garden spot. - The remaining 6- acres are in cul tivation, and contain about 100 young apple and peach trees, and 30 flourishing young senpperhong vines. The location is believed to be perfectly healthy. For terms and further in formation, apply to B. I. HOWZE, Esq. Nov. 29 . . 12-tf Goldsborough Telegraph, copy tf : T FOR SALE. M THE Masonboro' Retreat and Plantation has been gK HxJ occupied for the last five years as a Public House, ZXl within 8 m3es of Wilmington,' on the Sound. Said planta tion contains 100 (and; over) acres of land, half of which is under cultivation. The farming implements, fcc will be dis posed of with it, if mutual. For further particulars, apply, or addresB J. Alozo- Wabd, on the plantation, or "1 -'v-v- J. R. RIKER. Washington Hotel: .WiftiiBgtbnjNoTtf, 1850 . ! i 12-tf 7 ? Aurora and Commercial copy. ? v- r , t - r. LAND FOR SALE. ;. , - - THE subscriber offers far safe a Tract of Lana lying on& the East of Blaek Rivef. oftho filaek Road, zi about twelve miles from Wrhnrngton, containing Five Hun dred Acres of good.lar and .turpentine Land, and also hav ing on it a large quantity of Oak Wood. The above Land is situated at the forks of the Black River and Long Creek Roads, and would offer a very good stand for a Tavern or Country Store. Terms will be made easy. Apply to JOSEPH E. LEWIS. Moore's Creek, New Hanover co., Nov. 22, 1850 11-lm LOOK AT THIS. THE undersigned having determined on moving South, J3l offers for sale his plantation whereon he now resides, in Duplin county, lying on the main road from Fayetteville to Newbern, three' miles west of Kenansville, containing a bout 900 Acres, one-half of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation ; and he has no hesitation in saying that it is the best Corn plantation in the neighborhood. The Dwelling House is convenient and comfortable, with the best set of out-buildings in the County. Also, one tract of Tar and Turpentine Land near the Rail Road, three miles below Strickland's Depot, containing a bout 600 Acres.- Also, a valuable Steam Mill, (of ten horse power,) located at Strickland's, in good order ; and a superior team of Horses, Waggon, &c. A bargain can be had by applying soon, and payments made accommodating and easy. JAS. M. MIDDLETON. Duplin county, Oct. 25, 1850 7-tf VALUABLE RICE PLANTATION FOR SALE. . IN pursuance of the power vested in me, by the last Will and Testament of the late Wm. B. Meares, 1 shall sell, on the 1st of January, 1851, at 12 o'clock, at public vendue at Exchange Corner, in the town of Wilmington, N. C the following valuable lands, viz : About three hundred acres of tide swamp land, on Eagles' Island, of which about 270 acres are cleared and under culti vation ; about 90 acres of the cleared land has only been in cultivation since 1S42, and most of the lands are compara tively new ; there are some thirty acres of swamp land to clear. Also, to be sold with the above, a tract of upland of about eighty acres, known as Meares lilutt, fronting the river, about fortv acres of which is under cultivation, and upon which is Dwelling House, Kitchen, Barn, Threshin Machine, Stables, and all other necessary out houses for farm ing purposes, besides accommodations tor lrfO or 14U ne grocs. Also, an adioining tract ot two hundred acres, on Welsh's Creek, of which about 80 acres are tide swamp, and as valuable rice land as any on the river a few acres ot the unland is under cultivation. These Rice lands are unsurpassed for fertility by any Rice lands here or elsewhere, producing an average, when well cultivated, of from fifty-five to sixty bushels of K ice per acre The sale will be positive, as the lands are sold for a divi sion. Terms one, two, three and four years credit, with inter est from date, the debt to be fully secured. Persons desiring to examine the premises will call on Thos D. Meares, Esq., or Dr. Wm. B. Meares. CATHARINE G. MEARES, Ex'r. of Wm. B. Meares, dec. 0t. asth. 1850 .... . 7-ts LOVB-tiHOVG PliAIWATHMI Jb'Olt SALK. THE subscriber offers his plantation for sale, situated on the Wilmington and Kaleigh Railroad, one mile.. from town, and well known as LOVE-GROVE, containing one hundred acres more or less, all under fence and in a high state of cultivation ; an abundance of Marl and much on the place. Terms accommodating to the purchaser. If desirable, the mules, hands, &c, will be disposed of with tho Land. For f .1 i; , i 3 T BftTTI'D iuriner particulars, iippiy iu o. i. -l j. -a. l-ii-. Wilmington, Sept. 27, 1850 3-tf A GREAT BARGAIN. TTT1SIIING to change my business, I will sell my Tur- V Dentine Land, on Lockwoou s roily itiver, liruns wick County, with a considerable quantity of Farming Laud attached. There is cut on the land about 115,000 boxes, and trees enouzh to cut about 80,000 more ; all very convenient to water. Two waggons and team can haul all the Turpen tine made on the Land to the Still on tho River, whence it can be taken to market, by vessels carrying from 200 to 300 barrels. The Still will also be sold, if desired, with wagon, team, &c. A further description is unnecessary, as persons wishing to purchase can judge tor themselves. The above property will be sold on extremely accommoda ting terms ; or I will take, for the Land, the proceeds from the sale of tho Turpentine made on it for one year, provided the balance of the trees are cut and well worked. I will also sell a number of likely Negroes Persons wish ing to purchase such property, would do well to give me a caTl. DAN'L Y. SHINE. Wilmington, Sept. 27, 1850 3-tf Newbernian, (INewbern,) and North State Whig, (Wash ington,) copy till forbid, and send accounts to this ofiice. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber having purchased the widow's life estate inthelieal Estateof the late Jarvis Marble, at Sneed's Ferry, Onslow county, offers the entire Plantation for sale. It is considered a very desirable situation, having upon the premises comfortable buildings, including Store House, wind Mill, &c. It is considered a desirable situation for a Store, a Distillery, and Steam Saw Mill Persons wishing to purchase are invited to visit the premi ses and examine for themselves. Possession given on the 15th of November next. JNO. A. AVIRETT. Catharine Lake, Onslow co., N. C, Sept. 20, 1850 2-tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. I offer for sale my entire Real Estate, upon which are jga thirty-five sets of Boxes ; the most of which have 3lL only been in uso from one to two years; with a sufficient quan tity of round trees to cut at least twenty sets more ; the lands upon which these are situated, is not easily surpassed by any pmey lands in Eastern Carolina ! There is upon the premi ses two Distilleries n?atly and conveniently fitted np, with all necessary out-houses. Upon the farm, I think the buil dings altogether are seldom excelled. Those wishing to purchase are invited to examine for themselves. Terms shall bo low, and payments accomodating. Come and see. Any person wishing to purchase, can be furnished with a sufficient number of teams and wagons to carry on both the operations of Farm and Turpentine, and with a year's supply of provision. JOHN A. AVIRETT. Catharine Lake, Onslow county, N. C, July 22, 1850. tf jgy-Fayetteville Observer and Goldsboro' Patriot, eopy 4 times aud send bills to this ofiice for payment. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his Lot and tho Build ings thereon, situated on Market Street, about three hundred yards above the Episcopal Church, and now occu pied as a Carriage Manufactory. The Lot is large, and the Buildings can be conveniently converted into large and com fortable dwellings. ALSO. A variety of Riding Vehicles and Harness of all v2j!Hi$ kinds, made in the neatest manner, and which will 222. be sold low. Persons wishing to procure articles in this line, would do well to call and examine before purchasing else where, as 1 am determined not to be undersold. ISAAC WELLS. Wilmington, N. C, May 3, 1850 34-tf FOR ItEKT. THE Wharf just above the Rock Spring, known as iS Hall's wharf; together with a large Warehouse on it, (now used as a barrel factory) near the water ; and a com fortable office, the house being tin roofed, will make it par ticularly convenient for a Packet or Steam Boat Landing, or for the receiving and forwarding business. Possession given immediately. Apply to . E. D. HALL. October 11. 1850 5-tf TO REST, FROM the first of October next, that two story Dwel-JSjb ling House, on Front-street, next door to the eornerJKii of Chureh-strect. at present occupied by Mr. Wm. Witon. Frice$200:; Apply to u H. EILERS. September 27, 1850 - 3-tf FOR Rent-The dweling and lot situated on Chesnnt street, at present occupied by Mr. S. P. Gause, is for rent from the first of October next. Apply to- Sept. 20th, 1850. , 2-tQ r. -N. N. NIXON. gULK.Y and Hameu for sale. Apply at rdURNJ A.L OFFICE. FOR Sale. A splendid stationary steam Engine of ten horse power, with a first rate boiler, all in good order. .Apply to t - v.-.m: E. D. HALL Oct: 11. , , - - , . 5-tf TTIOR SALE. A new Turpentlno StUl, with all the V Fixtures eomolete for distilling. Canacitr, Fifteen bbls of Yellow, or Twenty bbls.' Virgin Dip. A ; first rato , StH for Whito Rosin, and au in perfect order. Apply .' ' ' Oct. lS.-6-tf . si , JNO.-J0. "LOTVEj C(T i- tIv1 'iWE'lt New Atnre, Commerce, and General Information. TERMS: $2 50 IN ADVANCE. MORNING, DECEMBER 13. Property at PobKc and Private Sale. .-. NOTICE. .f WILL be sold, at public anetion, at tho late residence of Edward C. Gavix, dee'd, in Sampson county, on Tues day, the 17th of December next, all of his perishable proper ty, consisting of Honei, Mules, quantity of Cattle, several yoke of Oxen, Sheep and Hogs, a Family Carriage, a four-hore Waggon and liar nets, Tlm- oer Carriage, several Carts, farming btensiis or all sorts, a Spinning Machine, Blacksmith Tools, two BitiUerles, two hundred aud-fifty barrels of Corn, a quantity of Fodder, Rlee, and many other things too tedious to mention. Also, about four hunareu acres ar Iad, the northern part of the Upper Plantation, the line to run east and west through the field : about three hundred acres of this is in cultivation, in good order at this time, and under good fence. 1 he cleared land is good for two Hundred and fifty barrels of Corn in one season. Another;tract lying on Stuert's Creek, called the Lower Plantation, containing one thousand ancl twenty-srveit acres, about three hundred acres of which is cleared, convenient building and an excellent Grist Mill upon the premises, and about two tasks of Box-tvees.. All of the above-named property will be sold on a credit of six months: The purchaser will be re quired to giv bond with approved security. - WM. H. SMITH, Executort. Nov. 10, 1850 10-5t ISjBOO ACRES of TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. THE Exeoatara of Genl Cukch offer for sale thg&. Twelve Thousand Acres of Land known as the Bay-!3 ard tract, lying on the St. John s River, immediately oppo site Picolata, in East Florida. The above tract is peculiar ly adapted to the Turpentine business, being covered with a thick growth of pine, and having a River iront ot mors man five miles. It is now no longer a matter of doubt that Turpentine can be profitably made in this section of couttry, as there are al ready a number of persons largely and successfully engaged in the business. The steamboats to and from Savannah, stop regularly at Picolata. Persons desirous of purchasing, can obtain any further in formation by addressing J. H. M. CLINCH, Ex'r. Jeffersonton, uamden co., Oa., Dec. b, lSoO 16-am SALE OF NEGROES. rpHE subscriber, as Commissioner appointed for that JL purposo by a deeree or Liupun county court, win sell at the Court-House in Kenansville, on the 22d day of January next. (VV edncsday of Court week,) scv entten Negro Slaves, the most of them young and valua- ble. belonging to the Estate of Charity Carter; dec d. Six months credit will be given, and notes with approved seeurity, bearing interest from the day of sale, required of purchasers. ii- t. UKAUi. Kenansville, Nov. 29, 1850 (Adv. $2 50) 12-8t VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. WILL be sold at public auction, on Monday, the 6th 4g dav of January. 1851, at 11 o'clock, A. M-, the Jii valuable Brick Stores, with Brick Warehouses, and W harf thereunto attached, situated between Market and Dock streets, and now occupied by Messrs. Anderson & Lat imer, Martin & Cronly. and J . & L Hutchins. This property, from its central location, is as eligible and valuable as any in the town of Wilmington, and will always command the most desirable tenants. Terms accommodating, and made known at the time of sale. WOOSTER, ANDERSON & CO. Nov. 29, 1850 12-ts FOR SALE OR RENT. rptflE t wo story brick dwelling house on East side of Second X street, next door to K. Lr. nankin s dwelling, u no rented before the first of January next, it will be sold at public Auction. For terms, apply to WEST & HEWLETT. Nov. 20th, 1850 12-5t. School NOTICE. TN consequence of the indisposit ion of Mrs. Rothwelt., her X fcchool will not be opened until tne nrst day ot January next. Nov. 29, 1850. Commercial copy. 12-3t TOPSAIL ACADElVnr TS a beautiful and healthy situation, twelve miles East of A Wilmington, in an excel! mv few Imil Tar 1i -to aeven in an excellent neighbornood, wncre Doaru OolV-irs ner mmatfai wlH inence its second scholastic year on the first day of October next. Hates of Tuition, per session of five months: Reading. Writing. SDelling. and first Class in Arith metic, English Grammar and Geography $7 50 becond Classes of the same, including Philosophy, His tory and Rhetoric 12 00 The higher branches of English, Science, Chemistry, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Political Economy, including first Classes of Algebra, Latin and Greek. 15 00 Second Classes of the same, with Lectures on the most important subjects 18 00 Tuition in the Female department the same, with the ex ception of the ornamental branches, which will be made very reasonable, and determined upon previous to the opening of the School. N. N. NIXON, President of the Board of Trustees. Topsail Sound, Aug. 21, 1850. 50-tf ZVZE2XEFHZS INSTITUTE. Medical Department. THE regular course of Lectures in this Institute will commence on the First of November, and continue until the last of February. The Anatomical Department will be open and ready to receive students by the First of October. The Medical Department will be under the direction of the following FROFKSSORS 5 J. CONQUEST CROSS, M. D-, Professor of the Institutes ; of Medieine and Medical Jurisprudence. W. BYRD TOWELL, M. D., Professor of Cerebral Fhysi- ology, Medical Geology and Mineralogy. R. S. NEWTON, M. D., Professor of Surgery. H. J. HULCE, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. J. A. WILSON, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Disea ses of Women and Children. J. KING, M. D., Professor of Materia Mcdica and Thcra .peutics. "Z. FREEMAN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. J. MILTON SANDERS, A. M..M. D., Professor of Chem istry and Pharmacy. DtitJtteitJfi LECTURERS. Medicine Prof. H. J. HULCE. Surgery Prof. R. S. NEWTON. Anatomical Demonstrator Z. FREEMAN, M. D. The fees for a full course of lectures amount to $105. Ma triculator's, $5. Demonstrator's Fee, $10. Graduation, $20. Those desiring farther information will please address their letters (post paid) to the Dean ; and students arriving in the city will please call on him at tho Commercial Hotel. R. S. NEWTON, M. )., Dean of tho Faculty. Law Department. Hon. E. W. M. KING, Professor of Theory and Practice of Law. Hon. V. D. BARRY, Professor of Commercial Jurispru dence. Terms $50 per Session. All communications pertaining to this department must be addressed to E. W. M. KING. Memphis, Tenn., July, 1830. The Faculties, for intellectual abilities, moral worth and presonal acquirements, will compare favorably with the most distinguished in our country. X be medical faculty con stitutes an anomaly in this or any other country all of them are able lecturers and the best of teachers. Those who will contemplate our geographical position, and the extent of our population, can have no doubt as to the eli gibility of our situation for an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including all seasons of the year, we deny that ant OTHER CITY HAS MORE. A common error exists in the minds ef many students rela tive to the place of studying medicine ; those who intend practising among the diseases of the West and South should certainly educate themselves at a School whose Faculty are practically acquainted with those diseases. That the public may be satisfied of the permanency of this school, we feel it our duty to state, that the Trustees and Faculty form a ctcit in action, which augurs well for its fu ture success ; and that the peculiar internal organisation which connects them, cannot be interrupted. E. W. M. KING, 33-12m President of the Memphis Institute. TRISII Potatoes. 10 bbls. Irish Potatoes. HOWARD For sale by & PEDEN. BUTTER. 10 kegs extra Goshen Butter. For sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. RESERVES. Just ree'd from W. Underwood & Co. JL 60 dozen Preserves, assorted. in half gallon jars: 100 do. Pickles. For sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. FLOUR. 50 bbls. and 100 bags Canal Flour. For sale !by ' HOWARD t PEDEN. SUNDRIES. 4 dozen Olive Oil; O 10 bags Laguyra Coffee; 100 boxes Cheese; " ' 4 hhds. Porto Kico Sugar; 100 , do. Soap;. 100 half bbls. Crackers, all kinds. For sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. LOSDOS Porter, by : - ; . : 25 dozen London Porter. Forsaie , , . , Howard & peden. TOW Lanuina-, per Sear A. J DeRosset." ll . 23 boxes Cheese, a No. 1 article; 5 bbls. Newark Cider: 1 cask Holland Gin. ; Z. H. GREENE For sale by RAISINS 300 boxes fresh bunch Raisins. For sal by HOWAKD PEDEN. ; lit 1850.-- -NO. 14. Application Notices, &c. NOTICE Is hereby given, that application will be made to tho Leg islature of North Carolina, now in session, for an act to In corporate the Cape Fear and Deep River Steam Boat Com pany. - Dec. 6th, 1850 . IS-3t. NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the Legislature (now in session) for the State of .North Carolina, to amend tho law respecting the election of a. Special Magistrate for the Town of Wilmington, North Carolina.. . . Nov 22, 1850 10-St SPORTSMEN. ATTENTION t WE have just received, our Fatf supply of GUNS, com prisi i g the largest and best assortment of Single aswl Double, Bird Duels and Deer Guns over offered in the ?tate. " Also, Rifles, Pistols, Premium Caps, Powder basics, Shot Pouches, &c. POLLEY fc HART. Guns repaired and made to order. Oet.,-4, 1850. , 4-tf DISSOLUTION. rpHE Ina of WARD, MONTFORT XO., is this day JL dissolved by mutual conct. The Unsettled business will be adjusted by the Junior partner, Mi Wat. P. Pellk tier. . o: j. WARR JiDW'D W.-MONTFORT, - y 'vViw. pklLetier. -" Jacksonville, Onslow eo., N. C, Sept. 14, 1850 - -2-tf H ATS, Caps, Umbrellas, Walking Canes. Thcpl subscriber has now on hand a full assortment of Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, and Walking Canes, all of which will be sold low for cash, at wholesale or retail. C. MYERS, u at tor. GUN-SMITH I NO, fc. npHE subscriber would respectfully inform the public of J. Sampson and the adjoining Louuties, that lie bas loca ted himself in Clinton, Sampson county, N. C, where he in tends to carry on Gun-Smlthlng, guch as stockirg Guns and altering flint and steel to percussion: and repairing Guns, Pi.Hols, Stocks, and Locks ; make and mend Keys ; all kinds of Silver, Gold, Britannia, Urass, andCopier V ares, or oth er materials, monded ; Composition Mill Inks and Gudgeons made and warranted tor ten years : .blowing Horns made Tortoise hell Combs mended so that you cannot sec where tncy are broken. LSIacksmitbing. in all its various branches Cast Steel put in axes, and warranted; Cast Steel Hound shaves and Chipping Hatchets, made and warranted ; t oach axing and repairing ; making and mending bugjry and Sulkj' Springs ; and many other things too tedious to men tion, all of which will be done with neatness and despatch. urdcrs tnankluiiy received and promptly attended to. BOLD K. HOOD. Clinton, N. C, Oct. 25, 1850 7-3m New Livery Stables. Flrejroof. Having completed my new Livery Stables, I am now ready to receive Horses at livery, by the day week, or month. My Stables are situated on the corner of Princess and Third streets, directly opposite the Court-House, and very conven; ent to the business part of the town. They are built of brick and covered with tin, which makes them entirely fire-prook I hey are large, commodious, and well constructed; and in ev ery respect as comfortable and convenient as any Stables in tl.o TT,.!t.l It... V- II 1 I V. . Ill U U . I also have (for the accommodation of Drovers,) a large and comfortable Lot, together with a basement under the Stables sufficient to hold one hundred horses, and shelter them well and comfortably. Horses, Carriages, and Buggies, kept constantly for hire. My Hostlers cannot be surpassed in any country, and I therefore feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to thoso who favor me with their custom. I feel grateful to my friends and the public for their liberal patronage heretofore, and hope to merit a continuance of their custom. H. R. NIXON. Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 11. 1847. 14-tf OUR rtlOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, A NO TRUNK MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has recently received large additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness mountings, &c, of the latest and most impro ved style, and is constantly manufacturing, at his store on Market-street, every description of articles in the above line. From his experrence in the business, ho feels confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may fa vor him with a call. He has now on hand, and will con stantly keep, a large assortment of Conch, Gig, and Sulky Harness ; Lady's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, fcc. ; Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, "Whips, Spurs, &c. &e. ; all of which he will warrant to be of the best materials and workmanship. He has also a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, &c, and all other articles usually kept in such establishments, all of which he offers low for cash, or on short credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Truuks, Medical Bags, &c. &c, made to order. In addition to the above, the subscriber always keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now, and will keep through the season, a good assortment of Ely Net. All are invited to call and examine my goods, whether in want or not, as I take pleasure in showing my assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to per sons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips at wholesale. All kinds of Riding Vehicles bought and sold on commis sions. JOHN J. CONOLEY. June 14. 1850 40 CORDAGE. 100 coils Manilla and Hemp Rope. For sate by HOWARD & PEDEN. LAMP Oil. 400 gallons pure Lamp Oil; 200 gallons pure Sperm Oil. For sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. COTTON YARKSI COTTON YARNS! TWINE I BATTLE & CO., Rocky Mount, N. C, arc now manu facturing, of good quality, the above articles, which they are desirous of disposing of. as far as possible, in North Caro lina. Their terms shall be exceedingly liberal. March 8, 1850 2ff-12m Drugs, Medicines, &e. JUST Received A very fine selection of Porto Monaics, large and small; Cigar Cases, Morocco and Chamois Skin; Powder Puff Boxes, Mahogany and Walnut; " " " Gilt; Guitar Strings; and a largo assortment of Pomades, Ma cassar Oil, Bears' Oil, Soaps, and fancy Perfumery. For sale by C. DuPRE, Drnggist and Chemist; Marttet-ilroet. Sept. 27, 1850 3-tf T UST Received from New York. 50 gross prescription Vials, assorted sites; 25 boxes 8 by 10 Glass: 25 " 10 by 12 10 " 10 by 15 20 " 10 by 14 " 10 " 12 by 18 " French. For sale by C. Di.PRE, Druggist and Chemist. Sept. 27, 1850 . 8-tf DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, and Patent TwwriTm'tftts THE subscriber has just returned from the North with a large and fresh stock of articles in his line, selected with great care from the first importers and umuuiiKbui vi c tu iiiu nvibuciu uibici, otuicu tie uuum &1 iU0 lowest prices, and warrants every article to be of the best quality, consisting in part : Gum Camphor; I'ow'd Rhubarb; Seidliti and Soda Pow ders; Bermuda and American Arrow Root; Ex't Jalap; Ex't Colocynth Compound; Calcined and Carb. Magnesia; Caster Oil; Cubebs; Copaiva and Sarsaparilla Capsules; Confeet'ry Senna; Emory; Peruvian Bark; Shop Furniture Vials; Corki, &c. Chemicals Calomel; Sulph. Quinine; Stifph. and Act. Morphine; Syrup Iodide of Iron; Strychnine; Iodides of Mer cury Sulphur, Lead, and Iron; Lactate of Iron; Citrate of Iron; Citrate of Iron and Quinine; Elateriutn; Anconitine, &e. Palnts,011s, Dye-Stuffs, Glass White Lead, pure, extra and Nos. 1; Putty; Window Glass, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 12 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 15, 12 by 13, 11 by 17; Madder; In digo; Gall: Venetian Red ; Spanish Brown; Logwood; Chrome Green and Yellow, dry and in oil; Linseed and Train Oils; Whale and Sporm Oils; Paint Brushes; bash Tools; Badger Hair, Blenders; Varnish Brushes; Sable Artist Tools, &c. For Paltry. Cooper's Isinglass; Preston's Exts Lemon, Cinnamon,Vanilla, Rose, and .utmcjr; Rose Water, English and American; Preston's celebrated Yeast PoWder; Clove; Pepper; Mustard Seed; Ginger; Alspice; Nutmegs; Cinna mon; Sweet Oil, Jtc. Perfumery and Fancy Articles. French, German, and American Cologne; Lubtn's Extracts, very large assort ment; Aromatic Vinegar; Guerlain's, Rousel's, and Hanoi's Shaviug Cream; Lubin's Toilet Soap; 50 doson assorted fan cy Soaps; 25 dozen French, English, and American Hair Brushes; 50 dozen assorted Tooth Brushes; 6 dosen Shaving Brushes; 6 doson Nail Brushes; Military Shaving Soap; Hat and Cloth Brushes; Toilet Powders, Meen Fun; Prepared Chalk, id balls, white and pink; Alabaster Powder; Lip Salve; goratdr: Lustral; French, English, and Amenoan Pomatum; Oil of Rose; powder; fun Boxes; Cachon Arotnsttse; India Rubber Balls; Salt Bottles; Ivory and Buffalo Fine. Combsj . Horn and Buffalo Dressing Combs; Tooth Picks; Bear and Macas sar Oils; Indelible Ink: Dupuy's Liquid Solder: fce. For sale by - WM, 11. LAPPITT, f Druggist and Chemist. U Oftobor 11th, 1830 r ., ; . ... , g , IS! uoid oream; essence tsduquet; Jenny Land HatrUIoss; seal ing Wax; Toilet Bottles, a large assortment; 6drtzen Barry's Tricopherous; 6 Amen Phalon's Invigoratdr: Haael's Lau sr. J. Wfi?r draaec Unc square. 1 macrtsoa, "-v - t a I Do. 7? do. . 2 insertions. ,,.... -- ; t , .4 Do. Do. .Do. Do. Do. ' " dow.'.-i " VV do. do. do. do. 3 months, without enangc,-.. ow 6 do... .d,.do--t., J f 12 do do....do..r ...........8 0O do. ..renewed weekly,:.. .-.-12 OT 12 do..... .do....,do..rf..i.. ,tHr.I Do. do; tar- A1 rt iur-mrntx -W,l to h continued on the inside j. charged S7fc cents per 'square for each iusertion after tho first. Any advertisement upon which thb nnmbet of insertion f not marked, will be continued until ordered out, and charged, 25 cents per square for each insertion. . , . -(. A liberal dfacouwt will bo made on' advertisements' exceed ing one square, when published 6 or 12 months, t'A-fH IS A9 vaxce. H 5-. - it jONo advertisement, Tc8eeting upon prirato character, can, under A!y cieccmstauce?, be admitted. " 4 Drugs, Medicines, & T ---.. FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &e. TUST Rceelved at Shaw's Drwsr Store, third , J door North of Hart & roi.r.sv's. Front Street, v iwington, j.orm . aroitna, wiiere x nysicians, coun- jr,r. try Merchants,' and all others, who desire to eonsnlt their bwb interest, eaa purchase tho beat Drugs iid SXeutetoeai Paints. Oils Mid 11) e Stuffs, lvirumtry ana f atena Medttlnes, Garden Seeds, fresh from DaVio LAtRETir', Philadelphta, and every other articlo usually kept in a Drag Store, 25 per cent, cheaper than similar goods can bo obtain ed at perhaps any other house in the'f tnte. " ' ' ! ,i ft " The subscribers would Iscg to remind thoso rhvsicians who patronized the late Wm. Shaw, that fhey can stiil be snppJieJ with everything of tho best quality, and on tho most reason able terms. No exertion will be spared to render satisfaction to those who may favor ns with their patronago, and wo re spectfully solicit a call before purchasing elsewhore. Wohavd just received a fresh snpply of those instruments for affliction ot the spine, so highly recommended by tho JUcuieal laewliy of New York and Ph'iladttlphia, and Vufeh aro certain pre ventivo against consumption, and are indispensable to. v icrxf and others confined to a sedentary life, roue of whom' should be without thoin. Also, a froh arrival of Sponcor'n Pills, which aro warranted to cure headache in twenty-five or thirty min utes time. In the operation they are the most agrceablo Pills ever invented ; acting upon the stfniae& and b6wcls,and bringing the liver to its proper functions, they cannot fail to restore the system health, strength and vigor. I Call and gel a-aox at Shav8 Drug Store, 3d doo north of Hrt & Pofat tEY's. , . SHAW & 15KOTHE11. Wilmington, N. C., Jan. 4fT, 1850. lf-tf; r ST Received from New York. 1 gross Luben's Extracts Jenny l.indj 3 dozen " California; ;.t ; 3 " " assortcdj J gross " Poaps; ' 1 : i Morpelas; 4 gross Crerae'd Amand 6 pair Toilette Pots, Bohemian Glass; 12 fancy Tungents; And a general assortment of fancv articles usually kept ia Drugstores. For sale by C Di PRE, Druggist. i Sept. 27, 1850 f 8-tf I a for lue tare of K COUGHS, COLDS, ' QEOARSXiNESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA and COITSUZftPTXOXX The annals of modical science, affording as they do am ple proof of the power and value of many medicinal agents, have furnished no examples to compare with tho salutary effects produced by AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL." Tho remargable cures of diseases of the Lungs which have been realized by its use, attested as they arc by many promi nent professors and physicians in this and foreign lands, should encourage the afflicted to persevere with . the strong assurance that the use of the " CHERRY PECTORAL" will relieve and ultimately euro them. We present to the public unsolicited testimonials from some of the first men in onr country, upon whose judgment and experience implicit confidence may bo placed. r, ... Dr. Fci-kliia, President Vermont Medical College, one of the most learned and intelligent physicians in the couutry considers it a " composition of rare excellence for the care of that formida ble disease, Consumption." . NoRwicn, April 23, 1846. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir: Agreeable to tho request of your agent, We Will cheerfully state what we have known of the effects of your CHERRY PECTORAL aud they havo been astonishing indeed. Mrs. Betsey Streetcr had been afflicted with a severe and relentless cough, vhich reduced her very low ; so low that little hpo could bo entertained of her reenrcTy. Nnmeroiid rcnioiliua hud boon tried without effect, before the Cherry Pectouai... And that hns cured her. George W atkinson Esq , had to our knowledge been afflicted with Asthma, for eleven' years, and grown yearly worse, until tho ChkkuV Poctokai. has now removed tho disease and he is as free from any of its symptoms ns we arP. Ths Rev. Murk Dane had been o severely attacked with tho Bronchitis, ns to disnble him from his duties, and nothing had afforded him relief until 1 (Mr. Thorning) car ried him a bottle of your Pkctoraf., which cured him 'at once, and he now officiates as usual in his place . These arc three of the cases in which wo have known it successful, but never to fail. We havo great pleasure in ccr tifying to these facts; aud are. respected sir. your humblo servants. REV. DAVID TIIORNING. HON. JOSEPH PATTLEiS. Among the distinguished authorities who have given their1 names to recommended Cherry Pectoral; ns tho best rem edy that is known for tho Affections of tho Lungs, aro " Tho London Lancet," " Cnnadian Journal of Medical Science. ' " Boston Medical and Surgical Journal," Charleston (tf. S.) Medical Review," " New Jcrwcv Medical Reporter,' Prof. Webster, Harvard College, Prof. JWUett, Transylva nia University of Medicine, President Perkins, Vermont Medical College, Dr. Valentine Mott, N'cw York City, Par ker ClcaVeland, Bowdoin College, Prof. Buttcrficld, " Wil longhby College, Ohio, Prof, Braithwaitc, Leeds (Eng ) Medical School, Sir 1 ichard Kane, tuccu 8 College, Ireland, Prof. Roscnbuum, Lcipsic. The publich havo but to know the virtues and astonishing success of tho " Chkbry Pkct.iral," in curing diseases of the Lungs, when they will feel scenro from these dangers, whenever this remedy can be obtained. ' ,ii j j Prepared by J. C Avkr, Chemist, Lowell, Mom. Sold in Wilmington, N. C, by Dr. A.1 C EVANS & BRO., and Druggists generally throughout the State. 1- -..- Oct. 25th, 1S50 t-Zm TIIK HKXEF1TS OK ADVERTISING. WE learn that Dr. S. P. Townscnd has sold out tho good will of his Sarsaparilla business, including mnchinery and raw material on hand, for the large sum of $100,000,- This is an illustration of tho advantages and benefits of ad vertising. The purchasers are Messrs. Nostraod & Bach, both wealthy and well known Individuals. They hare, we understand, employed the celebrated Chemist, Dr. James K. Chilton, who will hereafter have the compounding depart ment under his own immediate, supervision. They are. men of enterprise, and will, no doubt, sustain the character of this celebrated medicine, which has the reputation of boing the best preparation of Sarwipiirilht made m tho United Statei. Tho now proprietors, we undurrtam!. warrant their articlo to stand in all climate any length of time, which we have a doubt of, when manufactured by so practical a'rhcnml at Professor Chilton, who is well known to be one of the first chemist! In this country ... ( The public are hereby notified that tho preparation exten sively known as Dr. S. P. Townsexo's G'o.ii'on.vt Kitiact of Sarsaparilla, U now manufactured under u:y direction and supervision, from the original ifrrriPE obtained from JJr. S.'P. Townscnd, and I certify that it is composed Of Ingredi ents purely vegtfqbU, and toithout Mercury and also that the ingredients aro judiciously compounded, eo as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effects. JAMES R. CUILTON, Chemist. New York, February, 1850. The undersigned, wholesale Druggists in the city of Ij'ew York, have sold Dr. S. P. Towssbd'S CoMrotrxn "Extract of Sarsaparilla for several years, and consider It tho Ori ginal and Genuine Dr. Townsend's Sarssparilla, and that it was the first introduced to public notoriety under that came Boyd & Paul, 40 Courtlandt-st. Walter B. Townscnd & Co., 218 Pearl-st , Leeds & Hazard, 121 Mnideu Lauo.,, :-. , r, John C-'arle & Co., 153 Watcr-st. " ' ' '' M. Ward k Co., 83 Maiden Lane. 'r-!i - r-U.i-1 J. li 3. F. Trippe, 92 Maiden Lane. Graham & Co., 10 Old Slip. . ''Ci Osgood & Jouning, 183 Pearl-st. . j , , . . R. B. llavilaml & Co., Office, 177 BroadwaK Jackson, Robins & Co.; 134 Water!; I Thomas & Maxwell, 88 Williatn-et., William Underbill, Jr., 183 Wntcr-str - J iL ; 4 ' DavidT. Lanman, C9Water-st. t x-sj ?, j-sj : Marah & Northrop, 69 Pearl-st. , Norton, Babcock & Wood, 13!) Maiden ane'',s Penfold, Clay & Co., 4 Fletoher-st. -.. ,f vyi , Olcott, McKesson & Co., 127 Maiden Lane. " A. B. k D. Sand, 100 Fulton-st. - -J Schieffelin Brother & Co., 104 and, 106 Joil-st; Lewis k Price, 55 Pearl-st. ' ' 'Havilaud, Keese k Co., 0 Maiden Lane, s?7 , ; linshton, Clark & Co., 110 Broadway, lOAstdr House, and 273 Broadway, oomc'f Chanibcrs-ilV , Philip Sehieffelia k Co., 107 Watet-sl.!ml 4 Pen k Palanca, 96 John-et. ... " Sherwood k Coffin,' 64 Pearl-st.' Rust It Houg'.ton, 83 John-si; f .' f -v 5 . I. Minor & Co., 214 Fulton-rt. V 1,1 r Ingersoll k Brother, 230 PenrI-Ui .n Haydock. Corlies k Clav. Sift ft Uf ' .- , ! Greoaleaf k Kinl rni.a.-ti",, . i m Dr. A. C. EVANS & BROTHER are the W wMesal. and retail agents, here ; for fa, 9. P. TownsdvSS! Ted Extract of Sarsanarilla. wW f...i l. ri. "H halfbbb. b. e a . w ., a . -c- Just rceeire4 and for