rjJtTOS & PRICE, PROPRIETORS. JVS. fULTOX, Editor.. .A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor Term of Subscription , ;n ndvance, or within three months,.... .$ 2 50 J ' i Slaved over three months, 3 00 jen p. gcrfptipn received for a less term than one year. " t ,;Kpr permitted to discontinue his paper after the o su ement of a subscription, till the expiration of said year. touimcn .cr wjiniug his paper discontinued at the end of Ay at y up jn fUn and give the proprietors two weeks year'thcrwisethe paper will be continued and charged for otieA to the above terms. jCCorai"s sending us five new subscribers, accoinpa- the advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive the nicJ l,y ,tis. for one vear. xth eoi yb remitted per mail, at onr risk, M0"0-:' hnaines3 connected with this office, must be A11 K i ,, naidl to the nronrietors. - l.lreeu V r ' . fl Professional and Business Cards. SAMUEL J. PERSON, TTORXEY AT LAW, Wilmington, N. C. Office en Princess Mreet, nearly opposite the Journal t'tnee-. II. I. HClI.Mlilfi, . TTORNEY AT LAW, Wilininjrl A Office on corner of Front and Pi turn.il ofiL- : Wiliiiinirton, N. C. nucess street?, under Sv8-tf MM. E. HILL, TTORNKY AT LAW. Duplin County, X. C, will at- At nil the Courts of Duplin, Sampson, and Onslow Coun ,.i ittcnd promptly fo nil business entrusted to his ,ics ana an l r jnne 373 42-ly . care. i i 1 EDWARD CANT WELL, Market-si., Wilmington, N. C, TTOKNEY at Law, will give prompt attention to all A business ciurustcu 10 ma ctre. - CORNELIUS DnPKE, FREEMAN b HOUSTON, MERCHANTS, j-j Fouth Water street, Wilmington, N. C. SEXES GILBERT, HOUSE CRPK" WilloW Spring, on Second st., Llow Dock street, Wilmington, N. C, is prepared to n a,,! re W'l X DO W BLINDS, SASH, DOOltS, STILL 'L I'RS &c- an a manner Work in his line, at iheiortcstnotice. 31-ly JESSl'P & MOORE, P1ER Mannfactnrers and Rg Dealers, 21 North. Fifth n423 Comaieree street, Philadelphia. JJook, NewsL, Hardware and Manilla Paper made to order. IIb"s' bought in large or small quantities at all times, and lb highest market price paid. Minvh 26th. 1352 29-ly V. R. PEIRSON, AT BERNARD MONAGHAN'S, MERCHANT TAILOR, (CHARLKS BABE'S OLD STAND,) Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. AprimiSB 32-ly GILLESPIE, ROTH WELL & McAUSLAN, GENERALgentaand Commission Merchants, North Water Street. Wilmington, N. C. Marehgj, 1352 ' 29-ly IIOTIIWELL & McAUSLAN, DEALERS in Staple Dry Goods and Groceries, North U'ater Street, Wilmington, N. C. March 2S, 1852 29-ly A. J. K T. J. JONES, (GENER AL Agents, l'orwarding and Commission Mer T chants. North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 31, 1852 124-5t 22-3m JOSEPH L. KEEN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, respectfully informs j the public that he is prepared to take contracts in his lint of business. He also keeps constantly on hand Lime, Plaster, Plastering Hair, and Fire Brick, of the best quality, )?iile. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. SO, 1852 21-ly WILLIAM S. READ, HOUSE, SHIP, AND SIGN PAINTER, AND PAPER Hangkr, near the Rock b'pring, Wilmington, N. C, is prepared at all times to execute any business in his line, in a nf at and workmanlike manner. To Country Customers. He would inform country customers that he is prepared to furnish them with all materials in his line, at New York cost and charges, and also with hands at the most moderate rates. He respectfully solicits a call, being determined to use ev ery exertion to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage January 30, 1S52 21-ly M. M INMS, pROCERAND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North VI Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, keeps constantly on xw a fu supply of Groceries, Wines and Liquors, and at tends ty the sale of all kinds of produce, forwarding goods, March 1127 WILLIAM A. 6WYER, GE.VEU.VL Agent, Forwarding & Commission Mcr chast. 1 take pleasure in informing my friends, that I flm prepared to give all business entrusted to me, efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations, Spirit House, and Warehouse. I'oiwigiiments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment, and all kinds of country produce solicited. Cash advances made on C'insinments. Wilmington, N. C , June 6. 1851 39-1 2m MILES COSTIN, COMMISSION Merchant, V Wilmington, N C. REFERS TO F,. P. IIat.i., Esq., President Rranch Rank of the tat e ; Tims. H. Wkight, Esq., President Bank of Cape Fear ; O. l; Parsi.ev, Esq , President Commercial Bank Wilming Mn.WC. 25v7 W.H. C. HOWARD. WM. N. PEDEN. HOWARD & PEDES, GROCERS, Snip Chandlers, nntl Commission Mer chants, South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, will iu;ike liberul cash advances on all consignments of produce totWin Wilmington, or to Peter Van Ness & Co., New 21 v7 OAVES HOLMES, U HOLE. .LE nntl Retail Dealer in Domestic floods, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Provisions, &c, 'Corner ofWafor and Princess Streets, Wilmington, N. C. WILKINSON A ESLElt. p VSII Dealers in Confectionary, Fruit, Nuts, Toys J 't Awy Articles, Perfumery, Tobacco. Segars, &c. &c, " non'SiUe anil K'pf nil MnrVof Strnot Wilmincrtnn. ' I , . C. MYERS, f AXrPACTURER and Denier in Hats, Caps, Timbrel A J- la?, and Walking Canes, of cverv description, whole- weand retail, North side Market-street, Wilmington, N. C Y,r J. M. ROBINSON, I 'UiKTER and Denier in Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Avails, &c., Front-street. 3 doors South of Market, Wil- "jngtou, N. C. . 30v7-ly .I.VPCE TO MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. H r 'ocate(l myself in Wilmington for the purpose , aml a peat ileal of trouble, will send their produce to . M. Monroe, and the returns will be forward- forthwith. rUfiK-e in Wasl iirnrtfin T5:IT W. M. MONROE. 3-12m umington, Sept. 10, 1851 TV,.. WILLIAM H. LIPPITT, IV " kks.YLE and Retail Dmeslst, and Dealer in AVEST & HEWLETT, A 1TI.0XEErs Commission Merchants and Gen- Agents, Wilmington, N. C. !? OTTro . v KEFER TO .1;. a-"iT 1BDER' te'!fVANr& Adams, Jotix Dawsov, O. G. Parsley, E. P. Hall, Edward Cant well. Wilmington, N. C. 7-ly "24, 1851 CCTOR V hero f ..1. . .1 . A. A. II. SOUTHALL, VXD GENERAL AGENT. I would frich i, . : Ke tns opportunity of retuminor mv thanks to mv trie, 1 Ke and a(. "t! ni o - Ufiirmw fi. tKA . 111 1 1 tui vug i rrv I if r;L patronage 1 have re- fur .ua th'r hands il uring the ti me 1 nave been collecting ''lc'rm:n r pe b-v strict at,ention t0 business, and with flf their ' ..n t0 please, still to receive a continuation 1 ni.i . support, as 1 intend to devote my 11. p.efrf; Ellis &' Mitchell, R. II. Grant, Esq., Ki,i;'trech q., .Myers, Esq., and Messrs. Potter & 1 ;' . Min(luwiiitlthe Courts of the adjoining counties whenev- W'hitak My office will be in the Store of "un,i unj ? nuneiu, ai which piace 1 win oe Or. AIM ip 1 1 . 1 T -ni field, at which place I will be aiiv ,., out attending to business. In my ah- nbitfi,.i,i Jm,nnication left with !Wrs Wbit.nkpr ,Uiutte.',r,wi11 be handed to me. reni;Ytts uual to the sale of re; al estate, hiring ser- usiness in which an ac- A. B. SOUTHALL. 1832 24-tf Tl ....... . . ... Kivcr ;,V, Always on hand, a large quan r"rFa. i v iue uoards, flooring, and fccant ' 2l,ls5, ,y MILES COSTIN, - London s wharf. rU,Elscri;!?.;K ?WG HOTEL. Vl: r ul.lic ir nro,1 ,ot;Ita"y lnfrm3 his friends andJSSk Wy: HOT ?87ra1' !hat he has taken the ROCrII r ,r,tron; Il,r'nerly kent bv Mr Alfrn.l Aid Arm fl n . fte is prepared month, on as in the lMnfi !.-.. A,, U1 1'uouc patronage. ...LI" X tttHOLE5ALE and Kctail Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. Paints, Oil, Dye Stuff's, Glass, Perfume-i-itrn Old Lnnwrs, Fancy Articles, $c- Market wrcct, Wilmington, is. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by experienced , ' March 19 r.CTin.-. . 1 f'rfn ' lls' D-ve Stuffs Window Glass, Garden Seeds, i'kTr'V' ilte,,t Medicines, &c. &c, corner of Front and winnon txc' immcdiately rPositc Shaw's old stand, Wil- 1 J I. lltl sale by -1V 1851 TIIOS. w. player: pHitX 9-1 2m V Vtr WFAXTS HATS.-In great variety , or sale by C. MYERS. I I I I 1 AWEEKLYNEVSPAPER:-Devotedto VOL.. 8.-- General Notices. NOTICE. THE subscriber having administered on the Estate of HAMproN Sullivan, dee'd, at April Term, A. D. 1852 of Duplin County Court, notifies all persons hajing claims against said estate to present them for payment within the time limited by law, or the statute will be plead in bar of their recovery. Those indebted are requested to make im mediate payment DAVID REID, Adm'r. April 20, 1852 33.3 N. B. Creditors are requested to hand in their claims at their earliest convenience. NOTICE. FRIDAY the 14th of May next. I shall sell in Ke- QN nansviilc a large quantity of personal proDertv belons- ng to the estate of the late Hampton Sullivan, consisting of HORSES, CATTLE. HOGS,' CORN, FODDER, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STOCK OF GOODS, &C. Also, 5 or 6 likely NEGRO SLAVES. Also a valuable STEAM SAW MILL, in good running order. Credit 6 months. DAVID REID, Adm'r. April 23, 1852 33-4t STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. 1 New Hanover County. 5 TAKEN UP and committed to the Jail of said County, a negro man by the name of SIMON, who sovs he is hired out, and brought from Pitt County, by Messrs. Bryan, Gurganus and Samuel Moore, about three miles from Con way borough, S C, and from them ranaway about the 1st of the present month, baid negro appears to be about twenty five years old, and is about five feet, seven or eight inches high, about a medium size, of a yellow complee.tion, he has no other marks that is visible that I know of. The owner of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay all expenses and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. OWEN FEN NELL, Stiff. Wilmington, April 20, 1852 33-tf. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUBSC R I BE R S h a ve entered into a Co-partnership, under the name and style of JOHN TAYLOR & CO.. for the transactions of a Mercantile and Distilling business. JOHN TAYLOR, C. W. CRAWFORD, A. D. McNAIR, JOHN McKlNNON. C, April 23 - 33-3m St. Paul's, Robeson county, N, CORONER'S NOTICE. PERSONS wishing to communicate to the CORONER of Bladen county, will please direct their letters to Lyon's Landing, and the same will be attended to. JOS. LYON, Coroner. Bladen county, April 23, 1852 33-4t LAND WARRANTS. LAND WARRANTS issued under the recent Act of Con gress, are now assignable. Persons holding such War rants, are hereby informed that tbey can dispose of them on favorable terms, by applying to the subscriber. B. F. GRADY. Kenansville, April 12, 1852 32-tf More Valuable Town Property for Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale in the southeastern part of the town, a valuable lot 330 feet long, 68 feet wide ; has a well of excellent water, good Stables, jow house and cart house. The dwelling is 24 by 14 feet, with two neat little rooms and a fire place; attached to the House, a cook room. As it is probable no person would purchase without looking at the premises, a further description is unnecessary ; suffice it to say that those who wish to make an investment of their money, would do well to call and examine, the premises. There is land enough on which could be erected four or five more cottages that would pay well in rents. This property is offered at private sale on the following terms: one fourth of the purchase money to be paid in cash, the balance in three equal installments of six, twelve and eighteen months, with notes and securities negotiable and payable at Bank, with interest. If not disposed of previous to Tuesday of our next County Court, it will then be offered to the highest bidder at Ex change Corner on the above terms. For further information, apply to A. A. B. SOUTHALL, Agt. for April 2, 1852 30-ts WM. II. HANSLEY. NOTICE. THE subscriber having duly qualified as administrator on the estate of Jonah C. McFarlane, dee'd., at March Term 1852, of New Hanover Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same duly au thenticated, within the time prescribed by act of assembly, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in barcf their recovery. BENNETT FLANNER, Adm'r. March 19, 1S52 28-3m 5,531 ACRES PISE LAND, FOR SALE NEAR THE SEABOARD OF GEORGIA, in the county of Glynn, and lying for several miles along the Brunswick and Alatahama Canal, (now in process of com pletion,) the outlets of which being North ou the Alatahama River opposite Darien, and South on Turtle river at Bruns wick, and within a short distance of navigable water on Tur tle River, a little above Brunswick. These lands being in one body, well timbered, and having great facilities for wa ter carriage, make them desirable for TURPENTINE or MILL TIMBLR. If desired, credit will be given on a part of the purchase, upon good security. Apply to eitlier ALEX. MITCHELL, S. Z. COLLINS. Darien, Feb. 18, 1852 27-2m A VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. rnllP (uhaotMhor nffVrs for snl( that beautiful house A. and lot situated on front street, next door south The Lot is 60. bv 165 feet : the limisp i 3D bv 49 feet, and has four Rooms on the first and two on the second floors, with a fire place in each room has also a pantry and kitchen attached ; a negro house and well of first rate water 111 the yard, ana an exceueni garueu This property is very valuable and bids fair to be more so, alike with the whole of Wilmington property which is bound to increase in value owing to the constant immigration to it and the internal improvements now in progress and in eon temnlation. Those who want to settle permanently in Wil mington and wish a pleasant family residence, would do well to embrace this opportunity of purchasing as they may nev er exDect to better themselves in a pleasant home, lerms, one fourth of the purchase money will be required in cash ; the balance in three equal instalments of six, nine months, with bontls and securities, liearociable at Hank. Possession given the first of October next. For further information ap ply soon to A. A. B. SOUTHALL, Agent 1 For S. P. IVEY. March 11, 1852 27-tf CO-PARTNERSHIP HIE subscribers have this day formed a Co-partnership under the stvle of A. J. & T. J. JONES, for the ninnoae of transacting a General Commission, Forward- ins and Azency Business; and have taken the place lately occunied bv Messrs. Gausc & Bowden, where they wul be happy to attend to all business entrusted to their care. 11 J A.J.JONES, T. J. JONES. WE take pleasure in informing our friends and the public in general, that we are prepared to give all business entrusted to us, efficient and personal attention. We have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations ; pir- it house and Warehouse. Consignments 01 iavai scores ior sale or shipment, and all kinds of country produce solicited Liberal CASH advances made on consignments. Jan. 31, 1852 124-5t-22-3m 70 REWARD. mWENTY DOLLARS will be given to any person X who will deliver at the Jail of this (Bladen) coun ty, a nero known generally as 1 OM rttlLK.ili,Ui, the nronertv of Mrs. Hannah Pndgeon, from whom 1, hired him in February last. I will also give fifty dollars reward for evidence sufficient to convict any person of having harbored, assisted, " aided and comforted" Tom while lurking. JOHN A. KlLllAKUSU. Elizabethtown, April 16, 1852 (Herald copy tf.) 32-tf $30 REWARD. . . .. ... r . ..n T ITXAWAY from the subscriber, residing in lan PL boro' District, S. C, about eight months ago, his negro man named CJESAR, aged about 2o years, light 1 stniit built: about 5 feet 8 inches high. speaks pleasantly, and has a pleasing countenance, tie is probably lurking somewhere between Elizabethtown and Wil.nint.mi. an he. was but recently heard of as being in Bladen county, in company with a negro girl from the same neighborhood with himself. He claims the girl for his wife. lo was also heard of on Lyons' Creek, in ew iianoer Th'eabovc reward of Thirty Dollars will be given for his delivery to the subscriber, or for his confinement in any Jail in North or South Carolina, so that he can be got 5. l.l-- Lj u. Marlboro' District, S. C, Feb. 6, 1S52 22-tf REWAB D. Runaway from the subscriber, a limit, tbft 8th of July, a mulatto fellow nam ed WINDSOR, about 35 years old. He is about five i-o. hih full bushvhair: rather slow, ICCU . . . - . .. i . 1 ,,,.. ... spoken, and rather spare built, im troMicoin.uu-j-ed, and probably one or both of h s eye teeth out. Said ne gro is a Cooper bv trade, and will attempt to pass as a free man, and may probably have fre , papers, as he has said he can go any where. He is a little nnkley about the eyes and has an old appearance. The subsc-iber will give the aW reward for his apprehension and deliv ery to him, in Conway- boro. S. O.. or confinement in any jail in JNorth uaronna, so that he can get him. Said negro belongs to janies M. Bell, of Greenville, N. C, of whom 1 hired him. S. BELL. August 1st, 1--1 4-tI LIME, Lime, Lime. 1.000 barrels Lincblnvill Whit. Lump. Also, Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, Fire Brick, ad Hydraulic Cement ; 1,000 bbls Lime &c. For Contractors and Builders. Jan. 2. '52 -17v8 HATS. Panama, Leghorn, ana i -aim. variety of style, quality and prig. jfSS idU m ii--L ft ! t I 111 I t 7 I I r PoUlies, the Markets, Foreign and Domestic WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, General Notices. NOTICE. WILL be sold at the Court House in Wilmington, on the 2nd Monday in June next, the following tracts of land, and town lots, or as much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the taxes due thereon for the year 1850, and cost of adverti sing: No. of Town lots By whom listed. Ain't of Tax. and Acres of Land. Where Situated. 1 town lot Hannah Brown, William Blaney, In Wilmington, $ 1 75 do. do. do. do do. . do. do. do. do. do. do. 25 85 13 04 6 53 6 10 71 00 7 07 9 62 6 72 3 48 5 46 1 32 3 82 53 30 9 59 13 38 14 86 4 27 4 29 193 16 33 24 18 11 79 9 44 11 33 16 42 21 06 15 36 9 03 6 02 19 07 13 25 10 92 6 54 2 76 11 73 6 87 4 66 37 77 4 39 1 11 6 46 20 12 S3 37 27 03 2 96 6 18 8 25 5 26 33 55 7 19 14 77 3 93 10 23 15 16 117 75 24 57 33 88 3 51 do. tor M. Allen. John Elaney, Mary Burnett, Charles Barr, J. W. Brantlv. do. 600 acres Evan Bevan. . ;On Black River, 1 town lotlJ. B. Canadv. In Wilmington, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Henry Clark, Gideon Capps. do. for M. Wooten. Joseph Craig, do. On Market street, In Wilmington, On the Sound, In Wilmington, do. Wilmington, do. do. do. do. do. do. ur. A. L. Evans, William Eason, N. R. Fowler. 172 acres 1 lot do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. WilL E. Freeman, Enoch Farrow, T. B. Floyd, Mrs. A. J. Guthrie, Nathan Green, D. J. Gilbert, Prudence Gate?, Maxwell Huston. Thomas llsys, 825 acres 1 town lot It. M. vv. Johnson, On the Railroad, In Wilmington, do. do. do. do. do. David D King, 1 do. 1 do. 1 'do. 1 do. 1 do. lYucnaei lveni, L. J. Kirk patrick, William King, E. T. Lover A. D. Love, Mrs. M. II. JJppitt, Nimmy Martin, D. M. Millan, 300 acres 1 town lot On the Sound, In Wilmington, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. L. II. Marsteller,' for John Buford, George Moore, N. S. McEachern, D. McMillan, for A. G. Hall, I do. 150 acres Patience Nuisance, Drury Orrell, Rocky Point District 1 town lotjDavid B. P iver, Wilmington, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Middle Sound Dist do. do. do. do. Upper Sound Dist. do. do. do. do. do. Hollv Shelter Dist. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Lower Blk Riv. Dis. do. do. do. do. IS R. Robbins, Peter Smith, F. Sullivan, Stanton Spooner, ! do. for M. Melton, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. j 1 hos. btokely, llenry campson. lAnn Sellers, Oris Spicer, jThos. Southinayd, jC. Tinkcn. Peter G. Tilly, W. A. Walker, Wm. A. Williams, John Williams, Wm. Wilson, David Ward, 60 acres 250 do. 60 do. 279 do. 100 do. James D. Armstrong, 2 11 5S 77 70 80 32 53 James Holland, Harriet Humphry, Joseph Skipper, James A. V ard, 50 acres Solomon Cumbo, 450 do. M. W. Campbell, 2 77 41 31 12 15 900 do. 450 do. 480 do. 450 do. 820 do. 450 do. 810 do. 370 do. Liucien Holmes, Thomas J. Joiner, Sam'l S. Mints, Wm. Sullivan, Daniel Anderson, Amos Atkinson, Ezekiel Beasley, Jacob Casteen, Edge Casteen, Eliza Cofield, Wm. Farrior, Morris Foy, Lott Williams, John B. Herring, Ann Rogers, 1 91 2 5 2 3 4 40 28 9S 44 02 42 1 2 42 6 11 1 11 4 69 10 30 1 91 683 do. 855 do. 1000 do. 160 do. 50 do. 70 do. j Weirs of Watters, On Northeast River 75 OWEN FENNELL, Sheriff. Wilmington, March 19, 1852 Pr. adv. $41 60 28-3m NOTICE. THE subscribers arc ready to contract for Steam Engines of any size, or any kind of Mill Gearing. To any one wanting Machinery of the above description, they will offer inducements equal to any establishment either North or South. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. SUTTON, SOUTHMAYD & CO. Wilmington, N. C, April 9, 1852 31-3m jVOTIC e rpO THOSE ENGAGED IN THE MAKING OF&fc JL Turpentine, Cutting of Timber, and Planting of JL Rice. The subscriber offers for sale ELEVEN THOUSAND ACBES OF LAND, lying immcdiatelj' on the Alatamaha River, in tide water, about 12 miles above the city of Da rien. The tract contains one survey of 2,364 Acres ; and the balance in surveys of 1,000, 598, 250 and 200 Acres. The land lies all in one bod3T, and contains 1200 Acres Inland Swamp, 1000 Acres River Swamp, and the balance in Pine Land, which is well adapted for the making of Turpentine and the cutting of Mill Logs. The Land is well supplied with hoop-poles, and the Swamps with large growth of cy press trees. Also, an Island, lying about seven miles on the Alatamaha River, surrounded by three creeks, containing about 1200 Acres Tide Swamp Land, with highland thereto attached for a settlement. The Land is well adapted for a Rice Plantation. Teems One-half cash ; the balance payable in one, two, three and four yea rs, secured by bonds, bearing interest from day of sale payable annually, and mortgage of the proper ty. A. A. DeLOBME, Darien, Georgia. April 9, 1852 31-2 in HACKERS AND ROUND SHAVES. WOOD, of Wilmington, N. C, would most respectful ly inform dealers in the above articles that he has much L. improved in the manufac ture of his heretofore unsurpassed HACKERS and ROUND SHAVES, and has reduced the price so as to successfully compete with Northern. He is now manufacturing them in large quantities, with a view of supplying the trade, and would be thankful for orders for any quantity. Address L." Wood, or J. M. Robinson, who is my Agent in Wilmington. L. WOOD. Dec. 19. 1851 15-6m THAYER'S PATENT BRIDGE. ANEW and valuable trestle Bridge has been patented by Mr. G. W. Thayer, of Massachusetts, which will be found to be an important invention. The amount of strength attained by the structure is spoken of as being wonderful. The inventor feels confident that no weight which could be placed upon it, could break it down. This consideration, taken together with the economy with which it maybe built, will render it worthy the attention ofall who are interested iii the f ubject. This bridge is adapted peculiarly to Rail roads as well as county roads, as it can be made of any re ciuired span, so as not to obstruct the navigation of streams when raits or boats mignt De aesireu to pass, ana cau uiso be built at a very moderate expense. Isaac Wells, Wilmington, N. C.,is Agent for this State, as also for South Carolina and Virginia, and will attend to all communications upon the subject addressed to him, post paid. Wilmington, iN. U., Aug. tn, isoi o-iy THAT POLISH, HOW" IT SHINES I 10,000 Boxes Soltl Wit 111 ii tlc last Nine Months. AJ. WOODW AKD returns his thanks to tlie public ior the unprecedented encouragement he has met with in the manufacture and sale of his celebrated Polish, and at the same time wishes it understood that he always Keeps a sup ply on hand for wholesale or retail. Experience has proved that this Polish is unsurpassed for quickness in putting a gloss on boots and shoes, and also in preserving the leather. " I. l ! .:i it.!. Vla iim (liic Pnlieli nilh 1 ersons wisning iu on men uuuis tun -.. ..... equal success immediately afterwards ; the leather should be rubbed as soon as the Polish is applied, before it dries. The Polish can be found at the Drug btore ot C. vvl rf., Market street. March 19, 1S52 TO THE PUBLIC. THE subscriber has leased for a term of years, of R. W. Brown, Esq., his fire-proof store, with his wharves, and . . -. i . . . 1 . .. ; 7 ...i .-A .''vnirit J 'I'll r rT( f ) Tl P is now in aconaiiion w tu.e c-rjjtrtia.i j - i ...-j..., and other Naval Stores committed to his care. The Ware house is well known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of Bacon. Lard, Corn, Poas, &c. 1 he lower wharves have on them four large new sleds where Spirits can be safely kept from the rain and sun. lie is prepared 10 receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will also make advances wnen reqmreu. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen : R. W. Dawson. O. G. Parsley, and 1 hos II. Wright, -" j MILES COSTIN. Brown's whart, Wilmington, i. v. l-12m - - - ...... . . T.T September 12; 1851 NOTICE. THE subscriber respectfully informs bis i friends, and the citizens of Bladen county, taat be has taken A. MeKio zie's old stand in Elizabeth, for the purpose of carrying on the HAP NESS MAKEING BUSINESS of every de.cn p tion, on .s reasonable terms as possible. J. April in, -Q.J- DISTILLERS OF TURPENTINE. I have reduced th. rriceof my SPIRIT BARRELS te 1 60, delivered at F.nce ?ii;t -nor nbristmaa they will be of rr i.a in Wilminsrton. After Christmas can contract by the year on these ,v. e-.o Pprsnnfi wishing terms. HOOP IR ON for sale at $63 per ton. -Nor. 10. 1331-7tcL-12 A- MORGAN J News, Agriculture, Commerce, and General Schools. MASONIC ACADEMY AT LOSG CREEK, N. C. THIS Institution has just been opened under the direction of a competent and experienced Teacher. TUITION PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS. Spelling, Reading, Writing, first class in English Grammar and Geography Second class of hainc, including History, Philosophy, and the use of the Globes Higher branches of English Science, including first class in Algebra, Latin and Greek Second class of same, including Geometry, Trigonom etry, Logics and Metaphysics $7 50 12 00 15 00 IS 00 r reuch, Spanish and Italian will be taught at the usual prices. To young gentlemen and ladies desirous of acquiring a facility of speaking and writing these beautiful languages, this Institution, it is presumed, will afford an excellent op portunity. Board can be obtained in the neighborhood from 5 to 7 dol lars per month. This Institution is to keep clear of all sectarian opinions'. J. D. POVfERS, Pres. Board Trustees. March 26, 1852 29-tf TOPSAIL ACADEMY. THE exercises of this Institution will be resumed on Alon day the 1st day of March next. Rev. William H. Christian, A. B., graduate of R. M College, Principal. Tuition wr Session of five months : Spelling, Reading, Writing, first class in English Grammar, and Geography, Second class of same, including History and Phi losophy, Higher classes of English Science, including first $7 50 class in Algebra, Latin and Greek, Second class of same, with lectures on the most important subiects. 18 00! French and Anglo-Saxon will be taught if reciuired at the usual prices. Board in the immediate vicinity of the Academy, $7 00 per month. Board may be obtained for at least thirty pu pils. Should the School require an Assistant, a competent Fe male will be employed to take charge of the Female depart ment. N. N. NIXON, President of the Board of Trustees. Topsail Academy, Sept. 16, 1851. 9-wd-wtf P. S. It is desirable, that as many pupils should be pres ent at the commencement as can conveniently be. JUST RECEIVED AT THE WILMINGTON BOOK STORE, this 5th day of April, the following new Novels and cheap publica tions, viz : The Use of Sunshine, by the author of the Maiden Aunt. This is a pleasing tale, and like the sunshine of benevolence gains the heart of all. Margaret Cecil, or I Can Because I Ought, bv Cousin Kate. This is a book written for Ladies, by a Lady. Re markable for its fluency and good sentiment. The Head of the Family, by the author of Olive and the Ogilvies ; those who have purchased the Ogilvies, will desire to read this. Maurice Tiernay, the Soldier of Fortune, by Charles Le ver. Ravenscliffe, by the author of Lettice Arnold, a book de servedly popular. Amy Lawrence or the Freemasons Daughter, by the au thor of Stanfield Hall. Th s is a vivid and fascinating story, full of dramatic action and tragic interest. There are few modern novels with which we are acquainted, which will not suffer by comparison with Amy Lawrence. Quintin Matsys, or the Blacksmith of Antwerp. The plot is well managed, the interest sustained throughout, and the book worthy of being read and preserved. The Tower of London, by W. Harrison Ainsworth. Con taining a great deal of Historical information, and at the same time one of the most thrilling and intensely interest ing books ever published. Jack Rami alias Sixteen String Jack, the Notorious High wayman ; the only complete American Edition ; illustrated with sixty engravings. Jenny Diver, the Female Highwaj'man ; whose deeds of daring rendered her the terror of all travellers. HUMOROUS WORKS. The Spanglers and Tingles, or the Rival Belles. A talc by J. B. Jones. My Friend Wriggles, a Laughter moving Panorama of his fortunes and misfortunes ; illustrated with over 200 en gravings of most comic catastrophes and side splitting merri ment. Also the following works bound : Dream Life, , T1 , Fresh Gleanings, b Ik MarveI' Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the Navajo Country, by Simp son. Containing a great deal of valuable information. The History of the Bestoration of Monarchy in h'rauce, by Lamartine. Richardson's Arctic Expedition in search of the discovery a ships under command of Sir John Franklin. j 51 Nineveh and its Nem.iins ahriilo-oil orlitir.n in Mwwo rTor- sons who are fond of rn.nl inn- nf the'n-nmWs nf n: st. no-,. thi book commends itself. A Keel in a Bottle, for Jack iu the Doldrums, edited from the manuscript of an old salt. The Way to do Good, by Jacob Abbot. Frank Wetherton, or the Talisman. Far Off, by the author of the Peep of day. Narratives of Sorcery and Magic, from the most authentic sources ; by Thomas Wright. A History of Classical Literature; by R. W. Brown, M. The Podesta's Daughter, a Poem, bj' Geo. II. Boker. Franklin's Wooks ; containing his life, written by him self, and continued by his grandson. Also a few copies of that excellent old book, Martha, a memorial of an only and beloved sister; by Be v. Andrew Reed. Also a, large assortment of School and Miscellaneous books. For sale by L. II. PIERCE. April 9th, 1852 31 -tf New Goods nt Ellznbethtowii. Bladen county, N. C. JM. WOOTEN & Co., are just receiving from New York, a large and carefully selected stock of Goods, consisting in part, of Boots and Shoes ; Hats, Caps and Bonnets ; Hard ware, Hollow-ware and Crockery ware ; Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ; Ready-made Clothing of all patterns ; Paints, Oils and Dye-stuffs : Groceries of all kinds; Sr-ddlery, &c. &c.; which will be sold cheap, or bai ted fairly for Country pro duce. Determined not to be out-done in honorable competi tion with other firms and desirous of maintaining and extend ing our mercantile opperations, we tender our thanks to our old and regular customers for their patronage hertofore, and take this method of inviting all to call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. Cash paid for Turpentine. March 23rd, 1852 29-tf Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, kc. CHEMICALS Fresh arrivals of the following : 100 oz. Sulphate Quinine, 5 bbls. Epsom Salts, 5 lbs. pure Sul phate Zinc, 8 oz. Sulphate Morphine, 4 oz. Acetate Mor phine, 10 lbs. Blue Mass, 15 lbs. English Calomel, 6 oz Peperine, 5 gals. Spirts Nitre, 2 oz. Oil Tobacco, 5 lbs. Hyd. Patassa, (English.) 2 lbs. Iodine, 2 lbs. Iodine Arse nic. 2 lbs. Chloroform, 1 oz. Iodine Copper, 1 oz. Valcrinate of Iron, 5 lbs. Phospha te Soda, 20 lbs. Sugar Lead, pure, 4 oz. Tannin, 1 oz. Oxide Mercury, 5 gals. Aq. Ammonia, 10 lbs. Spirits Ammonia Aromat, 10 lbs. Hoffman's Anodyne. For sale by C. DuPRE, Druggist. April 2d - Market street. TARUGS AND MEDICINES. Just received 10 lbs. XJ Gum Opium, (Turkey,) 200 lbs. Salt Petre, 40 lbs. Gum Arabic, 30 lbs Alexandria Senna, 20 lbs. E.J. enna, 1 bbl. Guni Camphor, 1 bbl. Cream of Tartar, 1 bbl. Carb. i?oda, 1 cask Sal. Soda, 2 cases Cooper's Isinglass, 3 doz. Cox's Gelatine, 4 boxes celebrated Soap Powder, 12 doz. boxes Yeast Powder C. Dr.: PRE, Druggist. PATENT MEDICINES. 1 boxes Sand's Sarsaparilla, 2 boxes Townsend's do., 3 doz. Risley's do., 3 gross Bate man's Drops, gross Wright's Pills, 1 gross Brandreth'sdo., 1 gross Peters' do., 4 doz. Spencer's do., 6 doz. Beckwith's do. 6 dozen Moffat's do.. $ gross Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 4 doz. Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry. &c. C. DuPRE, Druggist and Apothecary. PAINTS, OILS, &c. &c 8000 lbs. Pure Extra 1 Lead, 8 bbls. Linseed Oil, Pure. 150 lbs. and No. Chrome Green. 60 lbs Paris Greeu croundandin Oil. 6 boxes Chrome Green. (Dry,) 4 boxes Am. Vermillion, 5 bbl. Lamp Black, 500 lbs. Spanish Brown, (in Oil,) 2 casks Venitian Red, (English,) 500 lbs. Venitiau Red, (in Oil.) 150 boxes Win dow Glass, American and Freuch, at C. DcPRE'S, Drug Store. Market st. FV ANCV ARTICLES. 12 doz. Lubiu's Extract, 3 dozen Poncine Soap, 1 erros Brown Windsor Soap, 6 dozen Shaving Cream, 3 dozen Wash Balls; 3 doz. Buffalo Combs, (superior:) 1 gross Wax Matches; a large assortment of Hair and Tooth Brushes. C. DuPRE, ap2 Markct-st., Wilmington, N. C. SHOULDER BRACES. Just received, a fine supply Ladies and Gents' Shoulder Braces. For sale by of March 19 W. II. LIPPITT. PAINTS ! PAINTS ! ! 4000 lbs. White Lead, Pure ; 3000 lbs. White Lead. Extra ; 3000 lbs. White Lead, No. 1 ; 300 lbs. Chrome Green in Oil ; 100 lbs. Chrome Green, Dry ; 100 lbs. Chrome Yellow, in Oil ; 50 lbs. Chrome Yellow, Dry ; 1000 lbs. Black Lead, in Oil ; 3000 lbs. Elack Lead, Dry; 2000 lbs. Venetian Red ; 2000 lbs Spanish Brown ; 4000 lbs. Blake's Fire Proof Paint. For sale cheap, by March 19. W. H. LIPPITT, Druggist 4 Chemist. TRUGS! DRUGS!! 200 oz. Sulphate of Quinine; 10 U Ibslodid Potass : 2 bbls. Castor Oil : 1000 lbs. Cr. Tar tar : 1000 lbs. Bi Carb Soda 100 lbs. Powdered Rhubarb; 23 lbs. Jalap. A full assortment of Drags and Chemicals, for sale eheap, by W. II. LIPPITT, Druggist & Chemist. OILS! OILS!! 5 bbls. Linseed Oil; 5 bbls. Vegetable Paint Oil ; 2 bbls. Whale Oil, Winter etraiDed; 2 bbls. Sperm Oil, Winter strained ; 3 bbls. Train Oil. For sale by m!9 W. Ii. LIPPITT, Druggist & Chcinisfe If Information. - TEKMS: $250 IN ADVANCE. 1852. -NO. 34. (Groceries, &c. STEAM KEF1XED CANDY. 2.000 pounds assorted Candy, in 25 lb. boxes; 1,000 " " " for retailing. Just re; ceived and for sale low, by L. N. BAH LOW, a23 Granite Row, Front-street. Herald and Goldsboro Telegraph copy. TEAS TEAS. A full supply of choice Green and Black Teas, constantly on hand and for sale iu quantities to suit, by L. N. BARLOW. Granite Bow. Front-st. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 40,000 Cigars of choice and medium quality; 20 boxes Tobacco, choice and insdium quality. Always on band and for sale low, by a23 L. N. BAR LOW, Granite Bow, Front-st. RECEIVED per J. R. Mather, from New York : 25 bbls. fresh ground Genesee Flour; - 5 " Hiram Smith's best do. 15 half bbls. extra family do. 5 bags Kio Coffee; 2 bbls. best Lamp Oil. Low for cash, at GEO. II. KELLEY'f IN STORE. 30 bbls. Fayettcville Flour, sup., and fine; 4 hhds. and 10 bbls. best Porto Rico Sugar; 10 do. best coffee crushed do. 7 do. do. do. do. 50 bags Laguyra Coffee; 50 boxes Colgate's No. 1 Tale Soap; 20 do. do. Pearl Starch. 12 and 40 lb. packages: 25 do. Hull & Son's best Tallow Candles; 9 dozen J. vv. Lollins and D. Simmons Axes: 12 00 25 boxes Adamantine Candles, best and common; 4 chests best Green and Black Teas, I nd lb. paek 15 00 ages. At GEO. 11. KELLEY'S. TPAMILY FLOUR. Best Brands of Flour, in whole and i1 half barrels, and in bags, constantly on hand, and for sale low by L. N. BARLOW, a23 Granite Bow, Front st. C ANES ! CANES ! ! CAXES ! ! ! A splendid assortment of imported fancy Cauos. also a. hirco stork- nf Itii-knrv nd Whalebone. For sale low, by C. MYEIif. Hatter. CIDER VINEGAR. 20 bbls. superior Clarified Cider Vinegar ; 1 do. White Wine do., just received and for sale, in quantities to suit, by L. N. BARLOW, a23 Gr.inite Row, Front st. STRICKLAND, THE MODEL OK THE WORLD. WE would respectfully call your attention to the in voice of our new and fashionable stock of Spring Goods, com prising the largest and most desirable stock ever before offer ed in this place. Vre feel confident we can please those who may favor us with a call, either in quality, style or price. Our stock of Groceries is complete, and we will sell for cash as cheap as can be bought in the city of Wilmington, with the exception of the freight. Our friends in Duplin and Samp son will please favor us with the privilege of showing them what we can do, before purchasing elsewhere. We charge nothing for showing, and require only small profits when we sell. We would particularly call the attention of the ladies, as we have a desirable stock of Dress Goods of the latest styles, viz: Silks, Tinsel Muslins, Baragcs, Poflin. Delaines, (iing hams. Muslin Sleeves, Collars and Capes, &c., &e. Fancy Gaiters and Jenny Lind Buskins, of the latest style. Our stock partly consist of the fcllowing articles : 3 hhds. P R. Sugar; bbls. Crushed Iugar ; 9. bbls. C. Refined Sugar ; 20 bags Kio Coffee ; 10 hhds. Molasses ; 40 bbls. Gcnessee Flour $6, 6 25, 6 50 ; 25 bbls. Double Rectified Whiskey ; 5 bbls. N. E. Rum; 4 bbls. Monongahela Whiskey; 3 bbls. Maderia Wine ; 2 qr. casks French Brandy, for sickness ; 2 qr. casks Jamaica Rum, " 4i Spices of all kinds ; Crockery, of the best quality; Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, of any quality ; Beady Made Clothing, to fit any size ; Domestic Goo. Is ofall kinds; Calicoes from 5 to 18 cts. per yard ; Shirting from 5 to 10c. ; and other articles too numerous to mention. MEKRIMAN & WOODRUFF, Strickland's Depot, N. C. April 16th, 1852 ' 32-2m MEMENTO MORI. THE subscriber, agent for John Iver McMillan, takes this method of saying to his friends and the public generally, that ho has returned from the northern Quarries with the largest and best selected stock of AMERICAN MARBLE that has ever been shipped to North Carolina. lie has also a full supply of EGYPTIAN AND ITALIAN MARBLES, all of which he is prepared to furnish in the best style, for iny purposes, such as Monuments, 1 ombs. Head and Foot tonOS, or urnitlire -uaniie rieces, etc. in snort, any will be furnished as low. and of as II l I n . i I kind of Marble Work good material as can be had at any shop in the United States. From his long experience in the business, and his having some cf the very best Carvers and Lettcrers in his employ, he hopes to have a fair share of the patronage of the Old North State sent to him, in place of sending it North : and he I pledges himself that every piece of work shall give, both in workmanship and price, satisfaction. Orders by maiil will be punctually attended to ana all instructions obeyed. Dec. 5, 1851 13-tf S. R. FORD, Agent. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD, THE subscriber having accepted the agency of several largo establishments at the North, which will furnish him with an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished for eign or domestic MARBLE ofall qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMB-STONES and every other article in the line of the business, at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING, LETTERING, or CAR VING, execu ted as well as can be done cither orth or South. The best of reference can be given if required. Feb. 13, 1852 23-tf JAMES McCLARANAN. T ADIES' GAITERS MANUFACTURED IN I i WTf .Afivr.Tn v vv o,... ,.,.,,,.r..,.....:- t . j H- lllillll.UIIV.tlll UJi I ff 1 dies Gaiters of all kinds at the Yilmin tun Moot and v Shoe Store, and will warrant them superior to any in tbo market. We confidently expect the patronage and support of the citizens, as this is the only Manufactory of the kind in the State. There can always be found in store, Ladies Shoes of every variety ; Gent's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters ; and all admit that our Children's Shoes are the handsomest ever be fore offered in this market. We are now receiving our Spring stock ; call soon and take the ftrst chances. JU.LS & GARDNER. March 10, 1852 CARUIAUE MA NUI-'A CTORY. THE undersigned having bought the Cama gc vH3ilg Factory formerly carried oa by N. S. Neai.k, S. on the corner of Princess and Third Streets, opposite the Livery Stables of H R. Nixox, Esq., respectfully informs the public that he is prepared to execute all work in the above line, in the most fashionable, substantial and neat style. He is also prepared to Shoe Horses, in a manner that will give satisfaction. He is also prepared to execute all Smith work connected with riding vehicles : also, to repair Drays, Carts and Waggons of every description. lie has now been carrying on the above business for seve ral months, in Wilmington, and believes that he has given general satisfaction, and hopes by strict attention to his bu siness to receive a liberal continuance of patronage. AU vehicles to repair, or horses to shoe, sent by ser vants, must be accompanied with a written order, or they will not be attended to. JOHN 11. LANE. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 15, 1851 6-1 1m REMOVAL. Removed to Mulberry- Street, between Front and NortU Water Streets. THE subscriber continues to keepou hand alarge vj Sfin and general assortment of CARRIAGES of his own manufacture, which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms ; among which may be found Rockn wuya, Barouches, miliams, liugglt-g, Wagons, Gigs, Sul keys, &e. Also, Harness of all kind-. Purchasers will find it to their interest to call and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined not to be undersold. N. B. Repairing done at short notice, and in the neat est and best manner. ISAAC WELLS. Wilmington, N. C, July 4, 1851 43-tf WATCHES AND JEWELRY. TAMES S. IVES is now prepared to repair WATCH- J ES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY ofall descriptions, at his stand on Market Street, under the Carolina Ho tel. Having served the regular apprenticeship under the best workmen, and being determined to spare no pains to please, he feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who place work iu his hands. He ha? just received and WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Gold Levers, of M. J. Tobias & Co., Cooper, Johnson, Robinson, Harrison, Samuel, and other makers; Gold Anchor Levers, Gold and enamelled dials, Gold Du plex, Lepinc and Vertical Watches, Silver Levers and Le pines, New England Clocks and Time Pieces. Ladies Gold Chains, Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains, Seal and Keys, Lockets, Bracelet Clasps, Gold Ear Rings and Pins in sets, Topaz and other stone Bracelets, and all Gold, do. do., Em erald Sapphire, Garnet Pearl, Enamelled and Gold Breast Pins, do. do. do. Finger Ring, Gold Pencil Cases. Gold and Silver Thimbles and Shields, Gold Studs, Sleeve Buttons, &c. Also silver tea and table Spoon, aud a variety of plated ware. SPECTACLES : Gold, Silye?, Steel, and German Silver Spectacles with Perifcal Glasses, a new and superior article to suit all eyes. I also have Pistols of all kinds for sale, in cluding a new style of patent pocket Revolver. .And a fine assortment of extracts for the toilet. LECOULTER RAZORS, a new and splendid article. A11 of which wJll be sold at as low prices as can be bought in North Carolina, or New York. Wilmington, Oct. 23d, IS51 40-1 d 7-tf DELICIOtTS Confectionary Banannas, Strawberries, Pino Apples, Oranges and Quince Drons, something new and nice. For sale fy WILKINSON'S ESLE1I; TERMS OF AtVKRTlI0.,, TPer Square b 10 or icss-caslx In hflmiH-e One so n are. 1 insertion. .. .... ii.i ..i .9 tU Do. do. 2 insertions, Do. Do. ,Do. ' Do. Do. Do. do. 1 do. do. do. 3 do ....... .. 3 months, without nangc, . .'. . . ....1 00 ...s oo. ,.. .5 00, ....8 00 ,...12 00 6 do.... ..tfo,.....Uo. 12 do . .... .do .... . . .'do 6 j do.. .renewed weekly,'... do. do. 12 do..,.. -do.... ..do.... ........ .-20 00 jOAdvertiscment3 ordered to ba continued on the inficlc, charged 371 cents per square for each insertion after the first.' Any advertisement, upon which the number of insertions Is not marked, will be continued until ordered out, and charged" 25 cents per square for each insertion. .!.." A liberal discount will be madr on advertisements exceed ing one square, when published 6 or 12 months, pAgii i.n ad vance. " ' ' .'. '.' " jo-No advertisement, rcflectintr upon private character I can, under a.w circumstances,- be admitted. s .' . ; . . From the Alabama Planter. ; Use of Gun no. -A La Place, Macon co., Ala., ) : March 5, 1852. . J , , T have been requested lo cotnmunicaie thiougn ihe columns of the Alabama Plnnler my experience in the, use of Peuivian - 'guano a? a manure. I avail myself of this, the first leiMire moment . ince my return home; to fix up a'choit aitic'e, embodying an experience of seven years with guano as a 'fertilizer uponcvery va riety of field crops and garden vegetables. ' ., ; . As a premise for the eye of thcctiriou?, and the sat isfaction of the man of science 1 give you an ana'y sys of good and genuine Peruvian guana, by Volckel,' the mol satisfactory table I have met on ihe subject, endorsed by Leibig and the best agricultural publica tion of this country. In 100 parts: Urate of ammonia Oxalate of ammonia Sulphate of lime Phosphate of ammonia " 44 inagnc-ia and ammonia Sulphate of potash " " soda Sal ammoniac Phosphate of lime !) 0 10 ( 7.0 6.0 2. 5 5 3 8 4.2 . It:? 4.7 32.3 Clay and sand inn :istanccs not estimated, containirg of matter insoluble in wafer So- f iron in small quantity Water j Organic substances not estimated, containirg 12 per cent. lublo salts of i 100.0 No comment of mine is at all necessary here, and I shall dismiss this part of the subject with a single re mark from one, than whom there is no higheraulhoii ty in this department "of science : "The composition of guano points how admirably it is fitted for manure ; for not only does it contain ammoniacal salts in abun dance, but also those inorganic constituents which are indisjiensible for the development of plants" J com menced the use of guano in ihe spring of 1845, and in the year of 1846 I used a half ton, experimented with il in a great variety of compounds, and in ihe various crops cultivated' in middle Alabama. There is no na tural manure to be compared to guano the conveni ence and f;iriiiiy by which it may he applied to vege tationwith its highly concentrated condition in am moniacal salts, amounting to over 30 per rent with the more valuable, (if possible,) phosphates- amount ing to 22 per cent. and then the additional fsc?, of no small importance to the gardener especially, that it contains no noxious seed, either grass or weeds, ren der its use to the judicious and industiious gardener, in the vicinage of a good market, but ano her name for gold itself. To the farmer and planter it is equally valuable, ami "when we shall be able to obtain it in Mobile at from S45 to $50 per ton, we shall find tio manure equal to it, upon the score even of economy, except perhaps, the compost of ihe stock-yard., that may be conveniently prepared at home by every plan ter. Bv :i judicious system of rotation of crops and prop er shifts, after grading, ditching and then horizontal-"' ing your rows, with the application of 200 lbs. of guano per acre, spread broadcast for .mall grain crops, and about 250 lbs for hill or drill crops, in addition to the pay of good crops, in a very few years any of our bndli managed laud maybe restored toils original fer tility, lis proper application i simple, convenient and expeditious, and the true philosophy, doubtless, of its n ost economical use, consists in feeding the plant directly, rather than in manuring the land For garden vegetables, either f r profit or for the pleasure of enjoying them lo perfection, a large quanti ty of guano will be requhed per ace ; but not, how ever, at the first dressing. In the preparation of your gar !en beds or squares put on, say in the proportion of 200 lbs. per acre, broadcast, and spade and j lough up the land thoroughly and deep ; and then line your sred in drills. Your plants beinir up, you can treat them just as you would a pig, that you intended to ' grow to a given size in a given length of time mf and icatcr everyday. When you stir the ground about the plants, which should be done frequently, sprinkle enough of line pulverized guano on the surface near the plants to give the ground a yellowish tinge, then gently hoe oi rake it into the soil. In addition to this, you may every evening.oras often as you wish, sprin kle the plants with a solution of of guano, from a "Wa tering pot ; make the solution by dissolving G to 8 ounces of guano in three gallons of wa'er, well stirred up. The only danger is an over supply at a time. I have used guano compounded and alone on all va rieties of field crops, and I am satisfied as the expe rience of any planter using it will soon teach him -that it will not pay to spend lime compounding guano with any other article. Lime, ashes and all wet subi stances are a positive injury, as they liberate its valuable gases; nntl its compost with dry substances, such as muck, light mould, &c, augment the labor ot applying it to the land without any corresponding remunera tion. I am not to be understood here as depreciating the value of lime, ashes, muck, or anv of this class of valuab'e fertilizers by no means. I know their val ue too well; but I do state-emphatically, that the time consumed in preparing such compost is money lost, for reasons at once obvious and plain. As stated above, two hundred pounds of guano, spread broad cast upon land, per acre, ami well ploughed in and the grain then sow I, either wheat, oats, or rye, audi ihu land harrowed smoothly and p-opcrly,viII reward the piins taking of the industrious farmer with a large and luxuriant crop. Land thus prepared will produce a heavy crop of Indian com also, though I prefer ap plying it to corn after the corn has come up, afp;r the following simple an I expeditious method ; when the corn has grown to three or four blades; "iun around tolerably close with a scooter plough, which is follow ed by a boy with a bucket of guano and a teaspoon, who will drop a spoonfull of guano opposite eacii hiif in the scooter furrow. This gives two tea spoonful! guano at each hill, or about two hundred and fifty pounds per acre. Te guano thus deposited should be immediately covered, which is done by the next furrow in ploughing out the row. Forty to fifty buh els may be grown in this way on very ordinary land, I use guano on my cotton in the same way, after the cotton is up and ready for ploughing the first time, as regulate my stand of cotton at the time of planting by a compass or dibble, in hills on the bed, at jexact dis" lances of twenty-four.thirty lo thirty-six inches, accord ing to the improved condition of the land. There is an other mode of using guane on cotton seed that possess es much merit, which is this: after welting and rub bing the seed until separated, which they do very read ily, then roll them in dry -pulverised guano, and plant immediately; a process immeasurably superior to roll, ing the see l in plaster, lime, or ashes, each of which, ' however, is beneficial. I might add much more of experience in the use of this article, which would, perhaps, unnecessarily pro tract this communication. I simply remark in the close, thr,t a very short experience in the useof guano as a fertilizer, will indoctrinate any gentleman into the successful use and proper application of this invalua- " ble manure. ; ': I am gratified to know that its direct importation in to Mobile, has already enabled Alabama planters anl gardeners to supply themselves wih the genuine Pe ruvian guano, at the comparatively low price of $58 per ton short ; and I doubt not hut those energetic gentlemen, p. B. l'omeroy& Co.. 42 Commerce street, who ere the pioneers in this praiseworthy enterprise, will be able in a few years to furnish it as cheap in Mobile as it can be had in New Yoik. These geijr tlemen. haye now in store a fine lot of the best Ptra vian guano. DU'. CLOUD. America and Knqi.anp. A challenge hasiieen re ceived from Mr. Mare of the British Yacht Club, by Commodore Stevens, of the New Yoik Yacht Club, to try the Yankee speed and bottom once ' again in ihe British seas. The Commodore of the Young America, like a modest man, cannot think of beating John Bull twice in his own waters but politely invites xMr. Mare to visit the New York seas, where Old England will be received with every degree of hospitality, and be done for in first rate style. ' Love and FolLy A man 60 years of age has been 5 committed to jail at St. Loois for threatening to kill a girl of 19, because she refused to marry bim, after ho ' had made her the snug little present of ?2f ,00ff; If -was rather provoking. ' '- tt, .a, I

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