PROPRIETORS, Irtlrrv on ousxnvxs must uuw til C 1' prjTOX, Editor.. . .A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor. I'trins of Subscription. .,P vrar. invariably in advance,. :,t f, ('!t ' i. ' ii 41 .$2 .. 6 50 00 "AB?th the advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive UPnil 11M L1VO JMVW w v-- wnswwu r ' ,tr o-ratis for one year. .ixtJK-..' "h4,.ribin? for this paper since the 29th of iDpcrs. win have their papers discontinued on expi i'u,ili:rV tii'p time paid for. All former subscribers can m"'"1 i.r thi rule, if they desire to do so. IlIW Professional and Business Cards. wm ia" R()GRT, "H'TFCT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Goldsbcro', 4 !;(-h J ,;sii Designs and Specifications for Public and A Fmldiiitr. with full practical working Drawings, F'v,liei .ii i'o:iii'i'ie constructional solidity, convenience of tLTON & PRICK, B . ... iMrsonbusinei mHE 1 14, u " . . . i 1 q nt v iA fnrtn tirl r-olnr. wil h paniinni v. ,..I,t i'liU , V".7 v. .v..... , ... J ' 5" it,,.sf uUeua;ng t- ounu, wiui a uuowieaee or 1 11 . t . j. - it i . - . l l ; l l l .1 r 8rrn;ement., ana cosi oi uu improvements m:lV Wl IjioniaKe. dour Ho-sth of ons-woia i notci. till" 17-l- ( HIi 4i ri l KL1VGIO.V, v'KN AND FoRWARIING MERCHANTS, & ','"',. j,, Plaster, Uemera and Hair, t ' ' NoiiTU W'ATKil TKKET, WlLMINOTON, N. C. .. .. ...nnt j Virn ?Vii-ni -Vnir I!.i,;ii. 1 tlii'itl , tt,. car'fe ('"lii,r T'aiik ape P'ear, Wilmington, N. C. i'..,uon 1'reH't Wil. Uraiicli Bank of N C, do. do. . H. Jones, vaii't'T uraiicu u"'" "-"i i mucign, uu. I",.' 1V)(). 12-tf .vVi-'CTOn OF NAVAL filORES, 14 . WILMINGTON, C. -: ... t I T. AUcrmau s btore IT .country friends. l-10m T. II. PitltOY & CO., It' VKF.KS AND UU.vimissiu MHiLUANTd, South Water street, Wilmington, N. C. 2:;,, Ikoo. 5'i-ti AV. II. ALLK ,,dMMlsSION MERCHANT, J , Wilmington, N. C. ,,';iore, Cotton, or other Country VrvMU' 1 : ' " r; r " " Produce for sale or IsOO. loe-lw 35-tf It. C. JOHNSON. rv-I'ECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, I' Wilmington. N. C. wLare of the patronage in above line is respectfully so i ted. Prompt personal attention will be given to all or jhwitrist."d to his care. pnii-l 35-ly II. Li. HOLMES. LAW OFFiCE, riuxcEsa Street, Jew Journal Building. t'oarts of Duplin, Sampson, Bladen, Columbus and New gffiigton, Feb. ICth. 18G0. 139-2(My C. II. ROBINSON & CO . P. MVI.'SION AMD r'UUVV AUDLNG MELlCiiAN 1H, WILMINGTON, . U. J. A. Wfllard's Store. Entrance corner ol !..:,,; i.ii'l Water Streets. i jg uin March : Alex. Olduam. SiOKLllY ii OI.D1IAM, IN GRAIN, AND COMMISSION MER- I) WlLMINGTON, N. C. Mini TLt;iiW'ii ;:icu tu Liiv: Daic ji , xiu- mud oilier Country Produce. 1V".! 17- ON 1UK hJRurAN FLAN, CITY OK NEW YOKK. Mt;i.i: KOOIS 5'J CENTS PlfilC U.VV. Ciry li:t!l Square, corner of Frankfort Etreet, (Opposite City Hall.) Biuk as t'acv may be ordered ia the spacious Refectory. Th,. is -,i her's thoo and Bath Koouis attached to the v RB.ase of Ri&unrii and IlKCkmen, who say a";hl'1" R. FRENCH, Proprietor. Nov. 1- 0. io-iy THB TAilBOitO' HOTEL, (FORMF.KLY MK3. GKEGORT'S.) SUBSCRIBER having purchased rj ,e ir u I Ann' ,1 in tl.ij n'oil.Vnnwn anil tinnnlar Hotel in the town of Taiboro', has become its sole Proprietor, and will endeavor to sustain its long-established reputation ut beinK one ot the best conducted Hotels in the j .iht-rn country. GEO. HOWARD. Oct. 1,1m;o. 42-ltA9tlJ H'ALKEH ME A RES, RUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, NO. 45 MAKKET bTBEET. D A tu stock of Medicines, Taints, Oils, window uiass, Hair Urnshcs, Paint Brusees, Toilet Soaps, Fancy Articles, Lasdreth s Garden Seeds. Ac, &c, constantly on nand. The attention of Physicians is especially called to the tV'ikcf Medicines, which are warranted a3 being pure. November 2o, I a. B. HLGl.IS ct SOX5, 1TTII0LESAL W 1ES AND ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCER GENERAL MERCHANDISE, S. E. Corner Itrket and Second Streets, Wilmington, N. C. ti.0rders from our friends will receive prompt attention Slay 31, lHoU C. POLVOGT, TTriiOLSTERER AND PAPER HANGER, U . COKNER PKINCESS AND FRONT STREETS, Wilmington, N. C. Keens'alwavs on hand and manufactures to order any ar tide m the UPHOLSTERING LINE ; also, a large assort ment of PAPER HANGINGS, which are put up at short notice. Xuv. Uth, 1S50 11 WILLIAM J PltlCE, TXSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, 1 Wilmington, N. C. Solicits the patronage of his country friends, and all oh-er-engnud in the Turpentine business. ti-Ullice opposite No. 47, North Water street. ): nth, IsiO. y EDWIN A. llETrn, no:IMISS10N MERCHANT, , n J Wilmington, N. C. Offers Lis services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the i' of Cotton; will give his personal attention to the sale clCottcn. . His Commission for selling Cotton will be 50 cents per w'e, no additional charge wid be made. Cotton forwarded to New York for 10 cents per bale. Jkt. 4th, 1339. t.s. surra, jokn mcl-UTSxn. SMITH Si Mcl-ACRIJff, c tOMMISSJON AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C keter to Jons- Dawson, Esq., Mayor. fc. V. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C. Uct. 7th, )5j. 6-tt M' lit -MAS W. PLAYER, pii'E(JT. TOR OF NAVAL STORES, Wilmington, N. C. n- iii M. Mclnnis' Store, Korth Water Street. .Member 29, 18G0 4-ly - ' edward Mcpherson. iilSION MERCHANT, No. 6 South Water Street, Wilmington, 12th, 1.5'j. c HI N. C. 50-tf A. E. HALL, If OirtYARDiXG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . prions Wharf, Wilmington, N. O. Tx. r JAMES O.BOWDEN, -WLCTOR OF NAVAL STORES, AIril 4, 1859 31-tf. Wilmington, N. psi ALFRED ALDSRMAJV. SECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, . WILMINGTON. M. U. tij-.Tiv. n44.,Hi!AM -v 1 rtr-n -in V I a lina i- l"th, lbO). 25-ly rTT WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, U; IsOLE SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and Dealer in iuts, Oils, Dye Stufls, Window Glass, Garden Seeds, ''Umery, Patent MwbVinps. A-,r,. &c. corner of Front and fvUV' imniediately opposite Shaw's old stand Wilming- C. JOSEPH L. ItEEN, I TRACTOR AND BULLDER, respectfully informs tha 0r; ruuuc mat he is prepared to take contracts in ma una Alness. He kr-AT,a on hand. LlME. CEMENT, Si.isTswNG Hair, Philadelphia Pbks3 Baicx, Fikb To distillers of Turpentine, he is prepared to put "M a!.:Du nL. i . . " r nn off t -. -ot me suortea notice rjia-y oi-x. c MISSION MERCHANTS, corner Princes3 and Water ct,i iimmgt n, N. C KBFERENCES : ,.; bavage. Cashier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C Julm McRae, Pres't Bank Wilmington, do. do. pavis, Cashier Branch B'k Cape Fear, Salisbnry,do; , ; hash, " ' " " Salem, , -do. tu Grea; , President of Bank Cheraw, S. C. Oct 17 C GEO. W. ROSE, LNTEJJ AND C0NTEACT02, 5aCJ2-l?.. Wilmington, N. C. u,'ym-J'l- Lim' '"- 7CTOM FOLNDRY AND MACIUNE SHOP, STREET, (BELOW MARKET STREET,) Wilmington, N. C. Tb. A? HAM & JOHN C. BAILEY. Proprietors. , ijXD IRON CASTINGS, finished or unfinished; ii&uTgj . ,dCllinery made and put up ; old Machinery over til - ..:'a11 kinds of Patterns. Ornamental and Architects generlf ts of aU 0 Macnmery and Mill " wm t .... . r,"1- warranted to lf , . 1 be as represeniea. oraers re- SoTBPentine Stills and Copper "Member lith, 1869-lMy.' Work in all its branches. , :.n.' !.? " VOL. 17. Schools. SCIIOOI,. AT HAYWOOD. E NEXT SESSION WILL COMMENCE JANUARY 18(50. In addition to the ordinary Acadera'c course, Military tact-cs wi 1 be introduced ; an, fo this purpoe- the aid of a competent cfhefr has heen secured. Every Btudent wil! he required to comply with the regulations of this department. N o extra charge will be made. Rates of tuition and board as last adv;rtised. For further particular, address Dec. 20, 1800 17-3t A. R. BLACK, Principal. OXFORD FEMALE COLt EGE. LITERARY SCHOOL. rjiHIS SCHOOL comprises eight permanently organized JL classes, whose ttudies commence with the alphabet and are continued in the Elementary Brani iea, Mathematics, i-anguages, M gi:sn Literature, Natural Sciences, and Moral Philosophy, until the minds of the 6tudents are nronerlv trained tor the duties of life. The investigations and dis cussions are thorough and comprehensive. Necessary ap paratus is freely supplied. The Libraries and Cabinets em- Di ace rare ana extensive collections. FINE ARTS SCHOOL. Special attention is devoted to Drawinnr Oil Painting .tuI Embroidery. 1 he various styles of "fancy paintinc and o: namental work are also tanght. MUSIC SCHOOL Music is taught as a science and as an art. Instruction is given on the Piano, Guitar ar:d Harmon-'um. Unusual at tention is devoted to Vocal and Sacred Music. EXPENSES. Tuition n Elementary Branches f 15 college Ulasses, 20 Drawing, (materials included,) . 12 Painting in Water Colors 15 Oil PaintiDg, (materials included,) 20 W ax Work, (materials inc'uded.) 10 Embroidery, (materials included,) 10 Music, (instrument furnished,) 23 Board, (washing included,) 60 It u 11 ftCiM AUKs. Experienced and thoroughly qualified teachers eive their entire time to their respective departments. kxtra charges and needless expenses are strictly prohib ited necessary purchases are made by the teachers. Pica yuns pedlars are not allowed to enter the premises, and no pocket money is required. Oxford is situated on the healthy hills of Granville, twelve miles from the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, and is con nected with Henderson Station by a line of daily stages. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions. The first opens on the first Monday in July, and closes on the last Thursday in November. The second opens on the first Monday in January and closes with the annual commence ment on the last Thursday in May. Students are received for one or more sessions. Corres pondents will direct their favors to MILLS & CO., Oxford, N. C. December 13th. lC-Gw. J. II. IIORiVER'S CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL, OXFORD, N C. riHE former success of the Principal in making Scholars, 1 notwithstanding many disadvantages, justifies the ex pectation that, with his present ample arrangements and the excellent system of text books now used in the School, he will be able to qualify all his pupils that can be induced to apply themselves, to compete for the highest henors in any institution. The building is commodious and handsomely furnished with chairs and desks. It stands upon an eminence beyond the corporate limits of the town, and near the residence of the i'rincipal. two ot the rooms are set a part tor the use of the Literary t-ociety connected with the School. The So ciety already has iu its Library, a considerable number of well selected books, and holds its session on Friday after noon of each week. The Schoolastic year is composed of two terms of twenty weeks eac 1 . The Spring term opens on the first Monday in January, and the Pall term the second Monday in July of each year. The entire charge for board ard tuition, is $93 a term. Payment by cash or bond, will be invariably re quired in advance. Application for admission should be mide before the opening of each Term, accompanied with the statement of the age and proficiency of the applicant. And it is earnest ly hoped that no student will apply for admission who does not expect to complj cheerfully with all the regulations of the School, and to discharge every du'y faithfully. December 13th. 16-4w. GKOVB ACADEMY, KEKAftSVILLE, X. C. S. W. CLEMENT. Principal. DICKSON MALLARD, Ass't. rilUE next Session of this School will begin on the 3d of X September, 1S00. TEKMS FEK SESSION : Board, including every thiDg, per month,... .$ 8 00 to 10 00 Tuition in Elementary Branches, 12 50 tk in higher English, 16 00 " in Languages and higher Mathematics 21 00 Contingent Fee, 1 00 Deductions made at the option of the Principal. July PJth, 1800 47-tf Wanted. THE SOUTH IS RIGHT. 1VE ME YOUR TRADE, as I am in market for a VJT number of likely YOUNG NEGROES, and am de termined to pay the highest cash prices. All persons having such property to dispose of, will do well to give me a call, or address me at Elizabethtowa, Bladen county, N. O. D. L. BROCK. July 24th, 18G0. 49 tf IV EG ROES, NEGROES WAN TED. GENTLEMEN, vour old customers are yet in mark et. All vou who have NEGROES for sale, would do well to give us a call, or address POWELL & McARTHUR, Clinton, N. C. L. A. Powell. J. A. McAkthcr. July 12, 1S60 46-ly HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR NEGROES. THE SUBSCRIBER is in the market, and will pay the highest cash prices for EEQliOEki ot any age suitable for the Southern market. C. T. STEVEXS. rn--... n v n rno 91 icen i5.U Rewards. iir, DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on the morning of the 5th instant, my Negro Man DICK. 24 veais of age, about 5 feet, 5 or 6 inch es nigh, quick spoken, and intelligent. Also, Negro Wo man SUSAN, (his wife,) and boy child, 2 years old. SusaD is about 20 years old, very likely, with very white teeth. I will give the above reward to have the Negroes deliver ed to me, or secured in any jail so that I can get them again. WILLIAM R. HOLMES. Clinton, Samp-on county, N. (?., Nov. 22, I860 13-tf. $10 reward: ' RUNAWAY from the subscriber, about three months since, a negro woman named BR1DGETT. She walks lame, bnt quick, of dark complection, low built, aged auuut 35 or 40 vears. Bhe is supposed to be lurking on tne Sound, in the neighborhood of Wrightsville. The above re ward will be paid tor ner connnement in Wilmington ian, or lor ner delivery to tae suDscriDer. Aug. 2, 1860. 49-tf JUUK. J. HKW. . ,w TO MILL OWNERS. mHIS IS TO CERTIFY, that we, the undersigned, have JL seen the performance of a new Water Wheel, invented hv Oftorc-e-W. Armstrone. of Sampson county, No. Ca. It erinds a bushel of good meal in 3 minutes and 4S seconds, with seven teet o mcnes oi waier. auu bavca nan mc wtnei . . . . i i i i. with comparison of other wheels. JOHN BARDEN. JAS. H. LAMB. - DANIEL JOHNSON. R. W. TATOM. G. W. SMITH. IW 19th IRfiO. Further Darticulars relative to the above wheel, can be loarnp ,1 hv nnnlicAtionta: or addressing the subscriber at Dobbinsville Post Office, Sampson county, N. (J. OtU. W. AttiliaiKUJXtir. December 20, I860.';, 17-3m JONES' HOTEL. mHE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform his friends . . . - m . .t J j,L . anil 4mi 1 and the public, that ne nas purcnasea me ieae uu mi hitiwpo JOTP1. in Phil adiMnhia.. The Hote The Hotel Spring, im- U11U1C Ul 111V UUUUIJ JJ.V7 JL JJJi J" J- - - .... - 1 r . 1 .1 lrt4. 0.n was entirely reiitied ana newiy iurumucu jau oFwuS portant additions will be put in this month, so that the old and well known -Jones Hotel will be second to none in tne citv. as a home for the men of business or pleasure. Charges moeeratc. and every exertion will be made to merit a liberal share of patronage. AARON GAGE. March 19tb, I860 166-lm 30-ly. : BOCK. SPRING HOTEL. MARY S. McCALEB, Proprietress. . - : , i OLD STAND. THE SUBSCRIBER lakes this method of returning thanks to her numerous friends for the Hhorai Tiatronaere her house has received for the past few years,- and would respectfully inform the public that she is prepared to accommodate Boarders either Transient or Regular on the most liberal terms. r ; . ..Hor hmiHA how (sitnated on the South'side f Chestnat Front is in ft convenient location to business -Her table will at all times be found amply provided with the best the market affords.: Her rooms are kept in the best possible manner, rendering every comfort and convenience V.A continuance of public fatronage ia respectfully Bolicit-, ed. - 1 ' r .. .'vAlAttx p.- -anVJjVAJia.. December II, 1S60. dtf. ' " -:''r' .. y r ivf.- ' - -r "-A- STItAY - COW. r - f i xtm np. ahnt thtfi fi rst of N ovember last, at the residence of" Beth King, In Stomp Sound, ?,.!, nnntv. : a LARGE RED .AND WHIT JS . ...w. wftiffhs. I suppose, about three hundred ids. VjF uoiu v -j i - - The mark is crop and half-crop ;in each ear. - Any person claiming the above, will come forward, prove property, pay charges and taktf the 'cow, or she will be deal wiA accor ding to law. , trti ' jrl ' " ' WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c. A GUAXD VIRGINIA DISCOVERY. SOME FOUR MONTHS SINCE, our excellent townsman, Naphtali Ezekiel. informed us that he had prepared a hair restorer with which he was experimenting upon his own head, whose ton was entirely bald. We saw him two days since, nd ou the place so bald four months since, a fine crop of hair has sprung up wiCi a vigorous growth. So convinced n Mr. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discovery that he has Lamed it THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER. ' Mr. E. is about foirif into an pxtpnsiwfi man. ufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald nated friends From Richmond V.i.m.i- rtr, December 12 th. 159. This famous article can now be had .f the crinciDal Diuo-- gist?. Tl ose persons who desire a fiae head of hair, have only to use the restorer according to printed directions on the bottle. Those who have anv doubts of iLs effieacv. ran have them removed in a short tfrne. bv usinr the INFALLI BLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER, i roving that it is a'l that it is claimed to be. Wholesale depot for crdes, C Maui .trt. N. EZEKIEL. I, N. EZEKIEL, take oath on the Holy Bible, I have been bald for the past 12 years, and have restored my hair by using EZEKIEL'S VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER. Naphtali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Ezekiel. JosEph Mayo, Mayor of Richmond. WM. II. LIPPITT, sole Agent for Wilmington, N. C. Jan. Uth. I8(i0 Ul-lt-21-12m. AYE Ft ' S A G iu E CURE , FOR THE SPEEDY CVRE OF Intermittent Fever, or Fewr and Ague, Remittent Fever, Clilll Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Head ache, and Bilious Fevers, Indeed for tlie whole class of diseases oi linatlog iu biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of inlomatle countries. No one remedy is louder called for by the necessities oi the American people than a sure and safe cure for Fever and Ague. Such we are now enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with as surance, founded f n proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this disorder must be of immense service iu the communities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the j risk which he must run in violent attacks of this baleful dis temper. This " Cuke " expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system and prevents the develop ment of the disease, if taken on the first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for thi class of complaints, hut also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of everybody ; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, everybody should have it and use it freely both for cure and protection. It is hoped this pricp will place it within the reach of all the poor as well ass the rich. A great superiority of this lemedy over any other evr discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittens is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinine or other injurious effects whateve.- upon the constitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the mias matic poison. A great varity of disorders arise from its ir ritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement, ot the Stomach, all of winch, when originating iu this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This "Cuke"' expels the poison from the bluod, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporal ily residing in the mala rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure, and few will ever sutler from lnterniittents, if they avail them selves of the protection this remedy afibrds. A Eli's CATHARTIC IJ1!I., FOR ALL TUbl P URPOSES OF A FA MIL Y PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range oi their ac tion can rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human orgardsm, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, thj invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to had his health or energy restored by a remedy e.t once so simple and invitiug. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable sind dimerous diseases. The agent below named is p'e;tsed to fui i.h gratis my Amer ican Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and di rections for their use in the following complaints : Costice Heartburn. Headache arising from disordered Stom- ach, JSausea, inuigesiion, x avn in ana moruia j.nuvuon vj the lioiiels, FLaiidency, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the . ' -w-'l- .- .11 I",J I 1- . - J.' body or obstruction ot its junctions, iney are an excel lent alterative lor the renovation ot tne Diooa ana me re storation of tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease. . . AVER'S CHEIillY I'nii rwiiAi,. FOR T11E RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, tritiij), L.r;n- chids, Inclplewt Coiisuiillo.i, anu ior me itiiei oi Consumptive Patients in advanced stages cf the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness nnd so numerous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the coun try abounds in persocs publicly known, who have been re stored from alarming and oven desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and danererous affections of the pulmonary organs that arc inidfint, tn our climate. Wi ile many inferior remedies thrust urjon the community have failed and been discarded, this has trained friends bv every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never fo-get, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED L'Y DR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL. MASS. All our Remedies are for sale by H. McLmu, Wilmington ; Lncas A Moore. Goldsboro' : F. C. Dully, Newberu ; b. J Hinsdale, Fayettcville ; Williams & Hay wood, Raleigh; M. A. & C- A. Santos, JNortoik, auu by an cruggisis. Jan. 11, 18G0. lOH-laweow 20 eowly MRS. Wit"' LOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, pieseuta to me aueniioH oi uiuuiers, uci SOOTHING SUUt, FOR CKIiDISEN TUETHI2CS, w,ip.h (Ti pntlv facilitates the process ot teeming, ny sort all inllammation will allay A LL PAIN and spasmodic action, anu is DeDend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and HELIE' AND HEAL S ll iu JDiii j.j? aji We have put up and sold his article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CON r lL)iiNUri inuj.ii oi ii, what we have never any other medicine FAILED, IS A SIN TO EFFECT A used. Never did we been able to say of MRS. WIS SLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. NEVER HAt IT GLE INSTANCE, CURE, when timely know an instance of any one who used it. d i s s atisfacticn by r Ilia rrr-VCfTV. ft all are-, delishted with its operations, and v in .-.s-rvia .f (.nmnifindation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter '' WHAT WE DO KNOW," after ten yeais' experience, AND 1LEI)GE OUR REPUTATION FOU lUBJ 1? UJUf liiUW i vjr d.j3-x WE HERE DKCLAKjcj. in aimosi every luntauec nuoie from uain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is admin istered. . . . . .. This valuable preparation is the prescription oi one oi me most EXPERlENCta and cis.iijL.r u u aunow iu inc England, and has been used with NEVER FAILING SUC CESS in THOUSANDS OE CASES. It not only relieves the cinid irom pain, oui invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly glieve ... " ,. RIPISG IN THE BOWfcU.S, AJSHJ J" or, n.nm inn- . VUlSlOnS, WU1CU, 1 not epeedily reme- EOtt. CHILDREN TEETin-VG died, end in death. BEST AND SUREST WORLD, in all cases AND DIARRHU2A We believe it the REMEDY IN THE of DYSENTERY IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or any sav to every mother wh has a other cause. We would child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints DO NOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES 0F OTHERS, stand between you ".K".1 to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used, k nil di- rectionstor using wm accompany eacuuui. j.wu, sjjjj unless the fac simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New-York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists tbrougaout tne wona. ' PrlntlpWl Office, 13 Cedar Street, N. Y. ' PUICK ONLY 5 CETS PER BOTTLE. Bold in Wilmington. N. C, by WALKER MEARES. ' Feb. 25th, I860 . .- v 147-3m 27-ly PAIKTS-PAINTS. 3URE WHITE LEAD . Snow White Zinc; " K i White Gloss Zinc ' - - . " " ' 4 Linseed Oil, Varnish, Patent Dryers, &c. For sale whole. sale and retail, by . - . ' r - W, a. Llrfllr, Fb. 16. " ' - iruggifit sc. unemJHi. PAINTS ' AND OILS; -I f fCf LBS. Pure "White Lead 1U.UUU 5,000 lbs. Pure White Zir . -. " 600 lbs. Pure White Zinc, in V Pure "White Leadf VarnishS; 500 lbs. .Silver Paint in ou; - . 50 bbla. 44 ' - dry assorted ; -10 ' Spanish Brown; - "6 " " 'Venetian Bed; 6 " Yellow Ochre ;-."- v ' , ' , 5-"' .Linseed Oil;- - - - -. 6 Lard Oil; , " " . . 2 . " "BeBt Sperm Oil ; - -S00 lbs. Chrome Green, in oil and dry ; 200 44 4 Yellow, in OU ana cry, For sale wholesale and retail, by W. H. LIPPITT, Oct. 3-o-tr Druggist & Chemist. fttin MORNING, DECEMBER 27, 1860. For Sale and to Let. TURPENTINE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber will sell or rent his TURPENTINE FARM on Black Tom Bay, in the Parish of St. James", Goose Creek, ii miles from Gaillard s Station, on the Northeastern Railroad, containing 1,500 acres of high Pine land, 'ifeiesie.-already cut, .0 crops of boxes from 1 to 2 -ars old. and there are round pines en. ugh for 4 or 5 To one desirous of eng ging in Turpentine, there are ma ny advai tages, aud the pi rmises will be found sufficiently we'I f ettled. Thsre are accommodations for twenty-five hands, two comlo-table dwelling houses, kitchen, corn crib, st abb-8 cooper'f shed. nd the very necessary advantage of aa old ar d long established road to the railroad, that may he hauled over at any season, wet or dr3'. For farmi g purposes, the land is well adapted, and the situation is healthy warranted to be so. and the range for stoK, both summer and winter, is good. A bout two-thirda of the tract abounds in yellow pine cf the bet quality suitable for milling, and the home dc m'..d for timber is fair. I will sell with the place, a full supply of TU! PFNTINE ard COOPER'S TOOLS. C.its, Wagons, etc. lr any ini'jrmaliun ecquir of the subf-ciiber, on the pre ni nes. J. J. BROWNING, Dc 20, lMiO. 17 2t Jedburg Post Office, S.C. S-AI.E Oi-1 NEGROES. By an order from New Hanover County Court, at Decenib r term, 1SC0, I shall sell, as Executor of T. H. William, deceased, at Lillington, in siid County, on r 1'inay the 4ih day of January next, jive or six likely Young Nkuroes. Terms A credit of six months, with notes and approved security. S. H. BELL, Exr. December 15th, 1SG0. d-2tw. CAPE FEAR LASDS FOR SALE. T IIE undersigned by virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity for Bladen County, made at Fall Term, A. D. lMSO, will expof-e to public sale at the Court House door in Elizabe'htown, on the first Monday of February next, all that valuable Cape Fear River Plantation, known as " Coal Mine." and the adjoining lands, belonging to the heirs of the lute John S.Pearson. It consists of a tract of several hundred acres of fertile river land, with its improvements, situated on the south-east side of the river, adjoining the plantation of Mrs. Johnson, and about two miles above White Hall's, and of a large body of pine lands adjoining, comprising in all nearly 2t00 acres. Seme of the adjoining tracts are swamp lands. Terms : One per cent of the purchase money required in cash, the balance to be secured by bonds drawing interest from date of bale, and payable in one two and three years. II. H. ROBINSON, C. M. E. Eliz'dbethtown. December 13, 1800. w tf. Notice. Great Side rf Perishable Property in Duplin Wayne a AV1NG been hft Executor to the last will and testa ment of the late Suckiur L. Hill, I shall, on Thursday, the V7th day of December next, at his la e Wavne county residence, near the res dence of Mr. Joseph R. Latch, ex pose to public sale, on a credit of six mouths, all the CR( P and iSTot'K on the place. There are some EIGHTY HEAD OK FAT IH'GS ou the place. On Thurday, the 3d of 'anuary r.ext, the sale will com nimi''1 on the Goshen plantation, in Duplin county. There ii about ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF FAT HOGS, some 1VN 11KU) OF- DORSES AND MULE-i ; si me SIXTY or BEVEN'J Y BALES OF COTTON. Th'isale will continue Irom day to day, at both the above place, until the entire perishable estate is disposed of. AL-O, the N EGKOEh on the above piemises will be hired out for the ;ear 18 1. And en the 10th day of January, DGI, tie sale will com mence ai the Bear Swamp Plantation, where 1' shall sell a portion of the perishable estate, several HOUSES, MULES, COTTON, TURPENTINE, c, Ac. Terms, six mouths credit ; notes with approved security will be required. IIALSTLAD BO U EDEN, Executor. Nov. 2;). IfttSO. 14-tf mHE SUBSCRIBER will sell to the highest bidder Eleven I Hundred and Fifty-Four Acres of Good Farming and 'i urpentiue Lands, on the 7th day of January, 180 1, situated in Bladen county, on South lover, twenty-six miles below Ftjetteville, about five hundred acres of which is No. one fawning lands, a large portion of which is good Swamp Irtnds, about one linudred acres in a nipn state oi cultivation: a good two-story Dwelling House with seven rooms and live lire places, upon said lands are tinny tnousana l ur- pentine Boxes. Conditions of sale made known on day of sale. Sale positive and u mistake. 1 will sed on accora mo'Iatiii'r terms. W. A. MELVlN. Cvmess Cteek P. O.. Bladen co., N. C, Nov 13. (20. 13ts LOVE t.-ltuVE 4-Oit SALK THE SUBS 'EIBER triers for sale this desirable place, situated within one mile of Wilmington, and immediately on the W. & Weldon R. Road. It is sue- 1M. ceplible of high improvement, having a clay sub-soil, and would make a desnaoie place tor me cultivation oi vegeia bles for market. Any person desirous of purchasing, may get a bargain by atuilvinir early Terms. One-fifth cash : the balance in one, two, three and four years, for approved paper, with interest from day of For further particulars apply to .IKHK. J. KING, or Nov. 15, lS60-P2-tf THOS. H. HOW1.Y V ilil AiitjJ-. HiAsVAliOA KOli SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER, desirous of changing his busi l!f;3 ne-s. offers for tale his PLANTATION, situated on Little Biver. S. C, and a-5idining the lands of Capt Thus, lianiall and formerly of Col. D. W. Jordan, but now X. F. N ixon, Esq. The Plantation contains about 1000 acres about 1000 of which is excellent Ground Pea Land, and 350 cleared. The improvements aie of the very feist quality 1 will sell in connection with the Plantation, a GROUND PkMi STKMMEK AND GRIST MILL, tix or ehiht head of V.IILKS AND HORSES, ten or twelve head of OXEN CARTS AND FARMING UTENSILS, HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, four BOATS AND SEINS, &c AH of which I will sill for one-fourth cash, th-j balance on one. two and three vears credit, with cood security and mortgage on property. Possession can be givf-n 15th of January next. K. tf. FUTCH. Little River, S. C, Oct ls, 1-0 ). Jvtf FOli SALE. T WE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a STILL which they desi e to sell. It is nearly new, having been run only . -ll 1 i -l t . 1 t. i :.. -. 1 one jear in s zs it win noia n leeu uar;eif, auu it eoinpieLc in all its fixtu es. We will sell it ou six months' time by sriviiin cood Citv acceptance. Apply to Roux & Co., Fer- nandina, or to F. M. Mviell. fctcamb. at Agent, Savannah, or to the subscribers. Nov. 1, 100. 10-tf TEMPLE & BRO. Waldo, Fla. i UU &AL.E. THE UNDF.RSIGVED, wishing to go to the West, desires to sell the followiug property, situated iu Eliz abethtown, N. C, viz : Une-haif acre Lot, having thereon newly elected a good Dwelling House properly con structed lor family convenience ; good Kitchen, Smoke House, Dairy, Stables, Garden, aud Well of Water. The House is pleasantly situated among abundant shade tree3, in a very debirable part of the town, and is newly and com pletely furnished. 1 will also sell my household and kitchen furniture, together witn a large and carefully selected stock of goods now in store, at a most excellent business stand, and will do so upon accomnioda'ing terms and at a low price. To a gentleman of good business habits, who wish es to settle himself and family comfortably in North Caroli na, 1 effer a bargain. B. F. RINALDI, Elizahethtown, N. C. October 19th, 18G0. 9-3m YaLUAULE SVVAilii LAiS KOIl -.LE. THE SUBSCRIBER having determined to go South, iPis otters for sale his entire possess on of LANDS in New Hanover county, 30 miles from Wilmington, aud one mile from the Cape Fear River, in Caintuck District, there being about 300 acres in all, of which 35 acres are drained and cleared, and in a fine state of cultivation there being about 200 acres more to cl 2ar, all heavy growth Swamp Land, being a portion of tlie well-known JUNIPER AND BEAR SWAMPS, and the balance UPLAND. The Swamp is well adapted to the production of Corn, Peas, Potatoes and Hice. On the Plantation is a very good DWELLING HOUSE cearly new, and all necessary out-houses, and a good Well of Water. The place is pleasantly located, and as healthy as any in the btate. Also, another tract imme diately on the Cape Fear Kiver, containing 152 acres, about 2 miles from the above plantation, all lenced for the purpose of a Pasture. There is about 40 acres cleared and vAl adapted to Corn, Peas, Pumkins. Ac. Also, there is any quantity of OAK AND ASH WOOD handy to the river, which can, with little labor, be turned into money. Any person wishing to settle himself on as valuable and pleas antly located a place as any in tbis'country in a good neigh borhood would do well to call soon, as I am sure the place is too well known to remain on hand long. Apply to the subscriber on the premises, or address Arthur Bourdeaux, Caintuck P. O., New Hanover county, N. C April 19, I860. 34-tf ARTHUR BOURDEAUX. LAN US OK SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale 2,500 ACRES OF LAND, situated South of and immediately on the Wilmington and Manchester Kail Road, 22 to 24 miles from Wilmington, ineir advantages in regard to neaitn, soil, timber, summer and winter range for stock, with the natural advantages and small expense of draining, canuot be excelled in the State. Having more land than I can use I an offering thtm at a lower price per acre than any in this section. 'These iands are pronounced by judges to be fine cotton land.? Persons wishing to examine the Isaid lands Will please address me at Westbrooks Post Office, Biaden county, N. C, stating the time they will be at Maxwell's Depot, on said road, and I will meet them : there and, show them the lands. Those wishing know anything concern tug them before visiting will write, and I'vwill answer them immediately. J. A. KOcjcjoOiN. Ash wood, Bladen County, N. C, Feb. 24, 1860. A 27-tf ' NOTICE. f'5".- .' fllHE LANDS before advertised by the Bubscjiber, will JL be sold at his residence, on mondax, the 7th of Janu ary, 1861, and also his stock of Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Males Horses, Wagons, Carts, and crop of Corn, Fodder, & Farm isg Tools, and many other things too tedious to mention. All the above will be sold without reserve, if not sold be fore the day of sale. Sale positive. Conditions made known on day ot sale. - . , . J. K. MxiiiYLN. Cypress Creek, Bladen co., N. C, Not, 8, 1860. 12-ts NO. 18. General Notices. DE.VTAL KOTICE. DR. JOHN H. FREEMAN respectfully in forms the public that he has removed his of fice from his old stand, to the corner of Mar ket and SecoDd streets, formerly occupied br Dr. Key, where ne imenns to carry on auM&iijAii a.hi MEijIlAN WAu DEA TISTRx m all its most approved branches. Mv prac tical experience for the last twelve years, in Dentistry, is a sufficient guarantee that I will give entire satisfaction in every operation. 1 will also state, that l cave made arrangements with one of the best Mechanical Dentitts in the Union, who will take narge or tte Laboratory, and put up teeth on gold plate cheaper than any other Dentist in town. Vulcanite Rubber put up at the lowest price. October 2, lHw.-i.J-im -0 Jm. Herald copy. IUjlCTOS AND TOPSAIL SCUM) packet. X- THE SCHIl. ANN MARIA, Capt. Fllis, will run regularly between Wilmington and Topsail Sound, touching at the following places : Howard's .anding. Topsail Inlet, Sloop Point, (McMillan's Still, 1 Sears Landing, via Horse Hammocks. For Freight and par ticulars apply to the owners. ji. n. HUtitiis t bOMS. Wilmington, or to J. W. J. C. & DAVID C HOWARD, C. 11. ALEXANDER, Topsail Sound, -or to Capt. ELLIS, on board. Havicg investt-d our capital in this enterpri-e, we hope he faimers and friends will not forpet that their neighbors are offering them a convenient medium of communication to and from Wilmington. We will work as cheap as any one else for you, and hope, by offering you a good seaman as hi aster, and, we trust, a reliable man, to merit a share of your patronage. NOV. 2'Jtn, lbOJ. 14 tt. CO-PARTNERSHIP. qnHE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Co-part-JL nership, under the name and style of MclNTIRE & BROWTN, for the purpose of conducting a Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods business iu Wilmington, N. C. it. M. MclNTIRE, JNO. BROWN. Sept. ICth, 1SG0 WE take the liberty of calling public attention to our no tice of Co-partnership above. We shall open, on or about the 1st or Uctobei next, at Sd Market street, next door to own & Anderson's Jewelry establishment, an entirely new stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which have been seDcted with great care expressly for this mar ket, and wmcn will be onered at the lowest possible rates or cash and to prompt paying customers. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, as we shall endeavor at all times to render satisfaction to those who patronize u. Orders promptly and laithluuy executed. MclNTIRE & BROWN. R. M. Iv'clNTiyE, for the past live years with Dedrick & Ryan. Jno. Brown, late ot b.enansviile. Sept. 21st, 1H60 14-9t 5-tf NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED have this day entered into a co-partnership, under the style and firm of Barden & Peterson, ior the purpose of buying and sellliag ?fii J31i y&r Tarr m Having purchased a House and Lot in Wilmington, on econd street, iu front of Mr. Currie's Livery Stables, they are building a new Jail lor the purpose of securiin? Necroes. All persons having Negroes fur sale aie requested to bring them to Wilmington, and give us a showing. As we have made arrangements to sell our Negroes South, we expect to pay liberal prices. We had rather buy our Negroes here, and save the expense of traveling to Richmond and back. We will receive all Negroes brought or sent to our House, take good care of them, and charge reasonable board until sucn times as they cau be sold Ior the highest prices. one oi me nrm win o nere atraii times, ready to accom modate or assist customers, the other will be iu Clinton, N. C, where all letters addressed to Barden & Peterson, or Everett Peterson, will be promptly attended to. B. C. BARDEN, EVERETT PKTERSON. Wilmington, N. C, July IS, 1SG0. 1-tf CAIUIIAGE FACTORY. Jm20 B- R" DOOD respectfully informs the public -$3 that he is still at his old stand in Clinton, where he continues to manufacture CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, ROCKAWAYS AND BUGGIES. He is prepared at all times to execute work with neatness and despatch. He superin tends all his operations hi person, and guarantees that his worn snail be as durable, as neat, and as cheap as any other establishment in the State. ... .... u He la now constantly ei&pioyvtrm'manactmg'norEp C tying his new patent scroll springs, without which no ugsry can be complete. These sprinirs prevent the usual unpleasant motion, and add but little to the cost of a buggy end is of incalculable benefit, as they completely prevent that strain upon the other springs which has given rise to so many breakings. All viho tpi.-t ai ervy riding buggy will give him a call. May 'JSth. ,BKfi i$ t.f a. j. feiiEPAitijr"rfirco", WOULD respectfully inform their friend3 and custom ers, aud the public in general, that they are now re ceiving and opening their Kock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to which they invite your attf ntioa, feeing confi dent that their stock is equal, if not superior, to any ever offered in this unrkct, aud consists of the fellow ing articles: DRY GOODS. Alpaccas, Delaines, Calicoes, Uleeched and Brown Sheet ings and Shirtings, Usnaburgs, Drills, Cant .n and Wool Flannels, Cassimeres, Sattiuets, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Linsey Stripe and Plaids, Negro and Bed Blankets, Bed Ticking, Cotton and Woolen Hosisrv. BOOTS AND SHOES. A fine assortment of the.-.e articles as ever opened ia this maiket. Prices at a low rate. Men's Calf, Kip and water-proof Boots : Ladies' Gaiters and Morocco Boots; Miss es' and Children's Gaiters and Morocco, Kid and Leather Boots, Farmers' Brogans, Negro Hen's, Boys' and Women's iirogans. HATS AND CAPS. A variety of Men's, Boys', and Children's Hats and Cans. Negro Wool Hats, 1 y the dozen or single. UiiOCEltllSS. Coffee Rio, l aguayra and Java ; Crushed and Porto Rico Sugars ; Common & Syrup Molasses ; flour, Butter, Cheese, Lard, l'orK, repper, linger, ppice, Cloves, Alspice, Mace, Nutmegs, Mustard, Cigars, Tobacco and Snaff; Sperm and Adamantine Candles ; Candies, Raisins, Alum and Table Salt ; Crackers, Salts, Salt Petre, Alum, Sulphur, Coperas, Cream Tartar, Soda, Saleratus, Yeast Powden., indigo, Camphor, Washing and Toilet Soaps, Powder and fcbot, aiid many other articles too tedious to mention. HAltUWAKti. Pocket and Table Cuttlery, Axes, Hoes, Hatchets. Shov els, Locks, Spades, Forks, Coffee Milis, Pots, Ovens, Spi ders, nettles, bauce fans, flow Lines, lied Cords, Shoe thread, Sein 1 wine, Meat Cutters and Stuflers, Saws. Trace Chains, Chovels and Tongs, And Irons, Hooks and Hinges, Wcodenv Willow and Crockery Ware, Brooms, Matches, La- es Baskets and Work Stands. Faint Brushes. Painted Pails, Tubs, Measures, Plates, Bowls, Cups and Saucers, tiutter nates, preserve do., oobiets, Pickles, Preserve and Brandy Peaches, Plumbs, Currants, Goose Berries, Dam sons, Pine Apples, Nuts, A'monds, f ilberts. Butter Nuts, Walnuts, and many articles too tedious to mention. they take this opportunity ot thanking their customers and friends for the liberal patrocage heretofore bestowed, and hope by a strict attention to business to merit a contin uance ot the same. They earnestly desire all persons to give them a call and examine their stock, both in quality and price, as they leel satisfied that they cau plea- e all, even those of the most fastidious taste. Jacksonville, Onslow Co., N. C, Nov. 1, 1860. 10-tf lr. WILL. I. SUM it US, HAVING PREPARED HIMSELF TO MEET THE VA rious exigencies of his profession, and permanently lo cated at Lil'ington, N. C, tenders his services to the citi zens of the village and surrounding country, and hopes, by a conscientious discharge of the duties of his vocation, to merit the confidence and patronage of the public. May be tonnd, wnen not engaged, at bis Ofiice, opposite the Masonic Lodge. Orders iett with Messrs. Blumenthal A Co., will be prompt ly attended to. Aug. 31, 160 l-tf SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. EVERY VAiUETY OF SADDLES, Harness, Bridies. Whips and trunks, Harness, Band, String and Sole- Leather, Call-Skin, - Liuing, &c, : all kinds ot un, Trimmings, Carpet Bags, Valises, &c. infallible Condition Powders for diseased Horses and Cattle ; every description of Bitts, Spurs, Coach lnmmmgs, sc, 5ic. lne larges stock in the State, and Bold wholesale or retail, at the low e6t New York prices. 43" Harness and saddles manufactured to order, andre paired. JAMES WILSON, jfto. o uarget-st., near tne wnart. Jan. fi ISMy . Wilmington, N. (!. . , --- NOTICE. rlilib bUPPLX miLL, Brunswick uo., N. U.,is nowm A operation; at which can be obtained any of the follow ing Lumber, viz: Pine, Cypress, Juniper, Oak, Ash and Hickory.' Orders for any of the above ean b&fiiledand sent to any point desired, from Florida to Baltimore, or else where, if necessary. JNO. MERCER. - Dec. 22, 1859. - ; 17-tf , - CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE, mHE UNDERSIGN 13 have entered into Copartnership JL in tlie town of Wilmington, N. C, under tne nrm and style of SOUTHERLAND & COLEMAN, for the purpose of buying and selling NEGRO SLAVES, where the highest casu prices win ue paia. They also have a house in Mobile, Alabama, where they win receive ana sen slaves on commission. Liberal advan ces made upon Slaves left with them for sale. D. J. SOUTHERLAND. JAMES C. COLEMAN. August 1st, 1869. 2-tf . " " NOT ICE. " ' mHE UNDERSIGNED having been elected Inspector of JL naval stores, nere by solicits a share of public patron age, and promises that he will give prompt attention to all Business enirusteu to us nan da. . jjro. m. HENDERSON. ' WilmiogtojL N. C, Uareh Utb, I860 . ' 29-ly Pir , -fjrt TKRMS OF ADVERTISING. : , r ; Per Square of 10 lines or leucash In advance. Onesquare,l insertion, 1 CO Do. do. 2 do 1 25 Do. do. 3 do 1 50- Do. do. 3 months withoutchange, ..... 4 00 Do. do. 6 do.... do do 7 00 Do. do. 12 do.... do..... do.... ....12 00 Do. do. 6 do.. renewed weekly, .14 00 Do. do. 12 do.... do do.. 25 00 y Advertisements ordered to be continued on the inside , charged 37$ cents per square for each insertion aiter the fii st . tSNo advertisement, reflecting upon private character, can, under ant crecuMSTANCBa, be admitted. " .? For the Journal. Xtw Hanover Agricultural Society. Wilmington, December 11th, 1860. The regular meetirg of the New Hanover Agricultural Society, was held at the Coart House this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The meeting was called to order by the President taking the chair. 1 he first business before the meeting was the election of officers for the ensuing year. On motion of N. N. Nixon, Esq., Dr. Wm. A. Berry was elected President for the ensuing year, and John n. Mur phy, D. McMillan, and E. K. Bryan, Esqs.,' were elected Vice Presidents. Wm. Eeston was elected Secretary atd Treasurer. The following Resolutions offered byGen. Alexander Mc Rae, were adopted by the meeting : Resolved, That it is considered of primary importance successfully to carry into eflect the purposes for which this Society was organized, that each and every member should make report in minute detail of his operations in the culti vation of the various crops grown by him, including the par ticulars of preparing the ground and manuring for euch crops, especially in such cases in which the products are beyond the usual yield. Resolved, That it is recommended to the different mera beis of the Society, as weU singly as in committees, to visit and examine the growing crops of their fellow members, and ascertain by inspection and mutual conference, the ac tual mode of culture pursued. The different topics introduced a .1 tending to the good of the Society were pleasantly discussed by the following gentlemen, viz : Gen. McRae, N. N. Nixon, E. K. Bryan, O. L. Fillyaw, H. Nutt, D. McMellan, Dr. Carr, A. C. Smith and others. Mr. Nutt, in the course of his remarks, related the reBult of some experiments iu drainage, and the application of salt, showing the benefits to, the soil by the first, and the value of the last as a fertilizer. N. N. Nixon, Esq., moved that the meeting appoint a suitable person to address the Society at its next regular meeting ; whereupon E. K. Bryan, E9q , was unanimously appointed to address the Society at its next regular meet ing. On motion of Gen. McRae, the meeting adjourned. W. A. BERRY, President. Uandsome Compliment. Some of the young gentle men of this place, entertaining a high appreciation of the pastoral labors of the Rev. Mr. Guthrie, of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, presented him, on Saturday, a beautilul service of silver. It was a well deserved com pliment, and reflects credit on both ,'parties. No min ister of any denomination here, has ' been more faithful in pointing out and denouncing the sins of young men, and in warning them to flee the wrath to come. What ever these young gentlemen meant to express, they have raaae icemseives witnesses to tne ndenty ot this faithful servant of God. Mr. Guthrie has endeared himself to our people generally, and will carry with hira to his new field of labor in Wilmington, the affectionate regard of our corn community. Salisbury Watchman. England Proposes to Take Care op Captures Africans. Washington, Dec. 18. The State Depart ment has received a proposition from the English Gov ernment, offering in future to take all the negroes cap tured by tne u mted btates on board slavers lor ap prentices in the British Colonies. Congress will call for information on the subject.1 Legal Notices. NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER having qualified as the Administrator of the late William B. Sidbury, at the December Term, lbCO, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of New Hanover, hereby notifies all persons indebt ed to bis intestate to make payment, and those persons hav ing claims against said intestate are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. AMOS ATKINSON, Adm'r. December -0, 1SC0. 17-8w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1MW.. . jmyjLjtAao v ni ouujmtx. - Hey Jones and wife and others, ) Inequity. To the Court. Fall Term, 1860. p PURSUANCE of a decree of the Court of Equity of JL-wew nanover county, in this cause made, at the Fall Term, 1860, of said Court, I shall offer for sale at the Mar ket House, in the town of Wilmington, on Saturday, the 12th January next, the following described tract of land, viz : A tract of land formerly belonging to Edge Casteen, situate in the county of New Hanover, adjoining the lands of John Jame on the South, of Jacob Casteen on'the East, and situate on tho West side of Angola Creek, being the same that was occupied in part by Edge Casteeu, and a por tion of said tract being that which was purchased by the said Edge Casteen from J. W. Pridgen. Terms Sixty dollars cash; balance six and twelve months, with bond and approved security, bearing interest from date of sale. DuBRUTZ CUTLAR, C. M. E. Dec. 17, 1860 86-lt 17-ts. ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, SAMPSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, 1S60. George Johnson, Adm'r of Benjamin Johnson, dee'd, vs. Enoch Johnson, Levi Johnson, Josiah Johnson, G. W. John son, Thomas Highsmith a:id wife Tobitha, Gibson Johnson and wife Mary, Charles B.and and wife Rachel, and Isaac Johnson and wife Ann. PETITION FOR BALE OF REAL ESTATE TO MAKE ASSETS. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Levi Johnson, Gibson Johnson, Charles Bland and wife Rachel, Thomas Highsmith and wife Tobitha, and Isaac Johnson and wife Ann, are non-residenta of this State. It is, therefore, ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Wil mington Journal for 6ix weeks, commanding the said defen dants to be aad appsar at the next term of this Court, to be held for the county of Sampson, at tho Court House in Clin ton, on the 3d Monday of February next, to plead answer, or demur to thi3 petition, or an order of sale will be made -as prayed in said petition. Witness, J. R. Beaman, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 3d Monday of November, 1860, and 85th year of Ameri can Independence. J. E. BEAMAN, Cl'k. Nov. 30th, 1860. Pr. adv. $7 00-17-6w State of ftortli Carolina. SAMPSON" COUNTY. IN EQUITY. Daniel Melvin, V3. V O. B. Filed November 10th. 1SC3. Sam'l W. Johnson. ) T appearing by the affidavit of complainant, that defen dant resides beyond the limits of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Wilmington Journal, published iu the town of Wilmington, for the de fendant to appear at the next term of the Court of Equity, .v. no uju iui mjo vuuulj wi caiupsuu, ai me iouri nouse m Clinton, on the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, ana pieaa, answer or demur to complainant s bill, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte. y miens, r. julrphy, t ierK una master or tlie Court or Equity for the county of Sampson, the 22d dav of Novem ber, A. D. I860. P. MURPHY, C. M. E. Nov. 29. Pr. adv. $5 62 14-6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTT. WHEREAS, information hath this day been made to us, James Garrason and F. H..Bell. two actinz Jasticea of the Peace, in and for said county, upon the oath of James P. Moore, that Peter, a slave, of dark complexion, medium size ; five feet five or six inches high, rather good looking, and aged about twenty years, the property of said James f . aioore, nas runaway and lies out, supposed to be lurking about the county, in Long Creek, Lower Black River and Upper Black Kiver districts, committinir acts of lelonv and other misdeeds : These, therefore, are to command tho said Peter, in the name ol the State of North Carolina, to sur render himself forthwith to his said master, or some other person ; and we do hereby order this proclamation to be iuuuoucu iu vuun uuuso UUU1, auil I wo oiner puuuc E laces in New Hanover county; and we warn said slave if e does not immediately surrender himself as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for any person to take him dead or alive, without accusation or impeachment of any crime whatsoever. . Given under our hands and F.'jals. this 2d dav Of August, A. D., 1860. JAtf. GARRASON, J. P., (Seal.) F. H. BELL, J. P., (Seal.) I WILL GIYE A REWARD OP TWRNTY.FIVE DOLLARS for the delivery of the said PETER to me , at my Plantation alive, or Fifty dollars for his head. Ang. 9, '860 50-tf JAS. P. MOORE. f '. STATE. OF NORTH CAROLINA, " NEW HANOVER COUNTY. WHEREAS, information has this day been made to us, the undersigned, by the oath of H. A. Colvin, that one Blave, PETER, belonging to the estate of Wm. B. Col vin, has run away-and lies out, hid and lurkin? in swamps and other obscure places, committing depredations to the peaceful inhabitants of said State : These are in the name of North Carolina, to require him, the Baid slave, forthwith to surrender himself to his master, or other lawful authority; and we Jo hereby order this proclamation to be published at the Court House door, and two other public places of said county, and warn said slave that if he does not imme diately return to his master, it is lawful for any one to cap tare him, by slaying him or otherwise, without accusation or impeachment of any crime. Given under our hands and seals this 8th May, I860.- JAS. F. SIMPSON, J. P. II. 8. JOEL L-MOORE, J. P. U 8. , Peter is five feet eight or ten inches high, stout and black; ranaway in February, 1859. I will give one hundred dollar? for him, dead or alive." E.A. COLYIN. May 21,

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