I 'eCtrtOS & PRICE, PROPRIETORS, ahom all letters on business must be addressed. FULTON, Editor.... A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor. Ternw of Subscription. i i one rear, invariably in advance, , .$2 50 6 00 -person sending us five NEWsubscrib era, accom r, iYth the advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive f th copy grans ior one year. 1 n 'rsons subscribing for this paper since the 29th of i r 1S57, will have their papers discontinued on expi v of the time paid for. All former subscribers can ''"' "unr jg rule, if they desire to do so. ...1lt't'' . : . M tn ill fnomni. enknn.il,n.. Professional and Business Cards. AVILLIASI BOG ART, KCH1TECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Goldsbcro, A furnish Designs and Specifications for Pnblic and i; ,te Building, with full practical working Drawings, M b shall combine constructional solidity, convenience of '"increment, and beauty o! form and color, with economy. i furnish those intending to build, with a knowledge of 'f uniiearance, arrangement, and cost of all improvements Lr nav wish to make. lie - ' tl,p tliiru UOOr OUULU ui wifnum uvici. PtC CbARK & TUllLINGTOJi. COMMISSION AND FORWARLING MERCHANTS, A I dealers in Lime, Plaster, Cemerd and Hair, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. .Solicits consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Flour, r.ru.'B'tion, Timber, &o. 1 REFER TO R p avage, Cashier Bank Cape Far, Wilmington, N. C. , Vn l awson, Pres't Wil. Branch Bank of N C, do. do. AT H Jones, Cashier Branch Bank Cape Fear, Raleigh, do. yo7. nL1860. 12-tf CJICO. ALDKK5IAM, tV-PECTOB OF NAVAL ISIORES, Y WILMINGTON, N. C. O'kt at I. T. Alderman's Store. I'rorai't attention paid to business, and solicits patronage Tom his country irienas. l-10m T. II. McKOY & CO., COCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South It Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. 52-tf IV . II. ALL. EX, 10MMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, a. U. Prompt personal attention giren to consignments of Na- fJ; Mores, Cotton, or other Country Produce for sale or April 23d. 1SG0. 19G-lw 35-tf It. C. JOHNSON, tXPECTOU OF NAVAL STORES, I WlLMINOTON. N. C. ubare of the patronage in above line is respectfully so v,riei Trompt personal attention will be given to all or- j'i; entrusted to his care. ' April Siiih. 1SU0 35-ly ' II. L. HOLMES. LAW OFFICE, Princess Street. New Journal Building. Courts of Duplin, Sampson, Bladen, Columbus and New B?i:mington, Feb. 16th. 18C0. 139 2G-ly C. II. ROBINSON & CO., nOMUIION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, I j Wilmington, N. C. o:!ite over J. A. Willard's Store. Entrance corner of p-ye-s and Water Streets. 'March 2. lst;0.-1.5S&2'J. ii stokley. Alex. Oldham. STOKLEY & OLDHAM, HEALERS IN GRAIN, AND COMMISSION MER ) CHANTS. Wilmington, N. C. Prompt attention given to the sale of Votton, Flour, Ba ( h and other Country Produce, pre. VA. 1S.V. 17 ON luri hUROPEAN PLAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. SINGLE ROOMS 50 CENTS PER DAY. City Hall Square, corner of Frankfort street, (Opposite City Hall.) Meals, as they may be ordered in the spacious Refectory. There is a Barber's bhop and Bath Rooms attached to the X. I). Itewnre re ale full. Nov. 1, lsi',0. of Runners and Haikmen, who say R. FRENCH, Proprietor. 10-ly WALKER ME A RES, DUUwGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45 Market Street. A nil tock of Medicines, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, ILir Brushes, Paint Brusees, Toilet Soaps, Fancy Articles, I . I. I ' . ' 1 t" .1 . H. n V. 1 ,T V, d Tl ,1 lie attention of Physicians is especially called to the sink of Medicines, which are warranted as being pure. .Weuiber '2.", 1M59. L. II. HUUtalNS iSi SONS, THOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCER- IKS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, S. E. Corner Lrket and Second Streets, Wilmington, N. C. tOrdcrs from our friends will receive prompt attention, iuy ;; 1 , 1 SGI). 40-tf C. POLVOUT, PHOI.STERER AND PAPER HANGER, Corner Princess and Front Streets, Wilmington, N. C. u Keeps always on hand and manufactures to order any ar ; !e ui the UPHOLSTERING LINE ; also, a large assort- t; Sli'llt of PATER HANGINGS, which are put up at snori Eutne. Nov. Uth, 1 s)9 11- W1LLIAM J PRICE, TXm'ECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, 1 Wilmington, N. C. soiitits the patronage of his country friends, and all oth ers eumifred in the Turpentine business. i"ut!iee opposite No. 47, North Water street. Nuv.2Kh.lSj9. EDvlN7liEITH, nOM.MISSION MERCHANT, j Wilmington, N. C. ters his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale uf Cotton ; will give his personal attention to the sale ilCutton. His Commission for selling Cotton will be 50 cents per t!e, n.j additional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to New York for 10 cents per bale. 0ct. 4th, 18o9. M. SMITH, JOHN MCLAUBIN. SMITH Si McLAURIN, pOMXILSSlON AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, V Wilmington, N. C. reter to John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. E- P. Hall, Ea(i., President Branch Batik State N. C. Oct. 7th, 6-tt THOMAS V. PLAYER, INSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, 1 Wilmington, N. C. 3 Oflice in M. Mclnnis' Store, North Water Street. bq.teniber 29, 1SG0 4-ly edwahd Mcpherson. OOMMISSION MERCHANT, v No. ti South Water Street, Wilmington, Ang. 12th, 1S.V.). N. C. 50-tf F A. E. HALL, OP.WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, LulUr iuh'$ Wharf, Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 5th, 1859. .1 IMF'S O. IMIUDES. SSPECT0R OF NAVAL STORES, aprii4.1So9 31-tf. WILMINGTON, a. j SsPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, WtT UTVHTnV. TJ". O- l Pve prompt attention to all business in his line. Feb. 17th, lhtiO. 25-ly WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, U'ROLESALB AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and Dealer in p' Paiut3, Oils, Dye Stufls, Window Glass, Garden Seeds, 'turnery, Patent Medicines, Ac. &c, corner of Front and toa SuS'' immediately opposite Shaw's old stand Wilming- n.x JOSEPH L. KEEN, I "TRACTOR AND BUILDER, resrjectfullv informs the y public that he is prepared to take contracts in his line p "isiness. He keeps constantly on hand, Lime, Cement, ster, Plastering Hair, Philadelphia Pbess Bbick, Fim cn J. -n To Distillers of Turpentine, he is prepared to put u8 at the shortest notice May 20 37-ly. W. II. McRARY & CO., I EMISSION MERCHANTS, corner PrincesB and Water v'l'ect, Wilmington, N. C. n . REFERENCES : -. Savage, Cashier Rank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. jp uun McKae, Pres't Bans w ilrrungton, ao. ao. y- A. puvis, Cashier Branch B'k Cape Fear, Salisbury,do. ,7; Lash, " " " " " Salem, do. ! Gregg, President of Bank Cheraw, S. C. Oct 17 C t;n 1 tr TtrtK'EV lT)n mmuw w . , rtaxEB AND CONTRACTOR, June 17 Wilmington, N. C. A STRAY COW, TAKEN UP. about the first of November last, at the residenco of Seth Kiner. in Stump Sound, Onslow couatv. a LARGE RKD AND WHITE UV. wninrlia T cnnnnis ohnnt thrpA hundred lbfl. l,s;rr . - auu uail bivu Ui uwu v. t pv.x- c;ai N frnn anil ,nf in OOP A TI XT nBFKrin ti'uay e above, will come forward, prove property, pay dioo- , , dau take the cow, or she will be dealt with accor 1? 10 'aw. TOHN E. KINO. KING. er 1, i860. 15-tf rra ... JONES' HOTEL, A anH ,r SCRIBER would respectfully inform his friends iiiture ? !? PQlHc, that he has purchased the lease and tut' em 1 "OTKL in f nnaaeipnia. me tioie Pon. ,e y refitted and newly furnished last Spring, inx tod w . auitiong will be put in thia month, so that the old city a' .nown Jonea Hotel will be second to none in the H'oe'ero. onie for the men of business or pleasure. Charges "tarai ttua every exertion will be maae xo merit Ch ioitr,Patroaae. AARON GAGE, h 12th, i860 6 168-lm-3Q.ly. VOL. 17. Schools, UNION ACADEMY, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, IS. C. C. W. MoCLAMMY, Jr., Principal. THE 8PRTNG SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL will begin on Thursday the 21st of February. tcition per session of twenty weeks. Tuition in Elementary Branches, $9 00 " Higher English, . " .. .12 50 " Languages 15 0o Board convenient to the School can be obtained at from 6 to 8 dollars per month. No deduction except in case of sickness protracted beyond a week. For further informa tion address the Principal, at Harrell's Store, N. C. Jan. 3, 18G1 19 4t OXFORD FEMALE COLl EGE. LITERARY SCHOOL. ri"HIS SCHOOL comprises eight permanently organized JL classes, whose studies commence with the alphabet and are continued in the Elementary Branches, Mathematics, Languages, Engl'sh Literature, Natural Sciences, and Moral Philosophy, until the minds of the students are properly trained lor the duties ot life. The investigations and dis cussions are thorough and comprehensive. Necessary ap paratus is freely supplied. The Libraries and Cabinets em brace rare and extensive collections. FINE ARTS SCHOOL. Special attention is devoted to Drawing, Oil Painting and Embroidery. The various styles of " fancy painting " and 44 ornamental work " are also tanght. MUSIC SCHOOL Music is tanght as a science and as an art. Instruction is given on the Piano, Guitar and Harmonium. Unusual at tention is devoted to Vocal and Sacred Music. expenses. n Elementary Branches, $15 Tuition college Classes 20 Drawing, (materials included,) 12 Painting in Water Colors, 15 Oil Painting, (materials included,) 20 Wax Work, (materials inc'nded,) 10 it n - muroiaery, (.materials included,) 10 Music, (instrument furnished,) 23 " Board, (washing included,) 50 REMARKS. Experienced and thoroughly qualified teachers give their entire time to their respective departments. Extra charges and needless expenses are strictly prohib ited necessary purchases are made by the teachers. Pica yune pedlars are not allowed to enter the premises, and no pocket money is required. Oxford is situated on the healthy hills of Granville, twelve miles from the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, and is con nected with Henderson Station by a line of daily stages. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions. The first opens on the first Monday in July, and closes on the last Thursday in'November. The second opens on the first Monday in January and closes with the annual commence ment on the last Thursday in May. Students are received for one or more sessions. Corres pon "ents will direct their favors to MILLS & CO., Oxford, N. C. December 13th. 16-6 w GROVE ACADEMY, KEN ANSVILLE, N. C. S. W. CLEMENT, Principal. DICKSON MALLARD, Ass't. rriHE next Session of this School will begin on the 3d of JL September, 1860. terms per session: Board, including every thing, per month,. . . .$ 8 00 to 10 00 50 00 00 00 Tuition in Elementary Branches,. 12 ' ' in nigher English, " in Languages and higher Mathematics Contingent Fee, Deductions made at the option of the Priucipal. July 19th, 1860. 16 21 1 47-tf Legal Notices, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER, having been appointed and July qualified as the Administrator upon the estate of Hiram W. Foy, deceased, at December term, A. D. 1860, hereby requests all persons who are indebted to said estate, to come forward and make immediate payment of the same to the subscriber ; and also notifies all persons having claims against the said estate, to present them to the subscriber for payment within the time prescribed by law, or other wise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Jan. 3, 1861. 19-3t JAS. M. FOY, Adm'r. NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER having qualified as the Administrator of the late William B. Sidbury, at the December Term, Ib60, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of New Hanover, hereby notifies all persons indebt ed to his intestate to make payment, and those persons hav ing claims against Baid intestate are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AMOS ATKINSON, Adm'r. December 20, 1860. 17 8w STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Riley Jones and wife and others, In equity. '19 tne uourt. I r ail lerm, imu. IN PURSUANCE of a decree of the Court of Equity ot New Hanover county, in this cause made, at the Fall Term, I860, of said Court, I shall oner for sale at the Mar ket House, in the town of Wilmington, on Saturday, the 12th January next, the following described tract of land, viz : A tract 01 ianu lormeny Deionging to Jb-age asieen, situate in the county of New Hanover, adjoining the lands of John James on the South, of Jacob Casteen on tne fcast, and situate on the West side of Angola Creek, being the same that was occupied in part by Edge Casteen, and a por tion of said tract being that which was purchased by the said Edge Casteen from J. W. Pridgen. Terms Sixty dollars casn; balance six ana iweive montns, with bond and approved security, bearing interest from da-e of sale. DuBRUTZ OUTLAR, C. M. E. Dec. 17, I860. 86-lt 17-ts. STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA, SAMPSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, I960. George Johnson, Adm r ot benjamin jonnson, uec a, vs. Enoch Johnson, Levi Johnson, Josiah Johnson, G. W. John son, Thomas Highsmith and wile lobitna, oibson Jonnson and wife Mary, Charles Bland and wife Rachel, and Isaac Johnson and wife Ann. PETITION FOB SALE OF KKAL ESTATE TO MAKE ASSETS. IT appearing to the satisfaction ot the Court, that Levi Johnson, Gibson Johnson, Charles Bland and wife Rachel, Thomas Highsmith and wife lobitna, ana Isaac jonnson ana wife Ann. are non-residents of this State. It is, therefore, ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Wil- mington Journal tor six weeKs, commanaing me saiu ueieu daiits to be and appear at the next term of this Court, to be held for the county of Sampson, at the i ourt House in Clin ton, on the 3d Mondav 01 eDruary next, 10 pieaa answer, or demur to this oetition. or an order of sale will be made as nravHd in said rtetition. Witness, J. it. ueaman, ierK 01 our am ouri, at tmiue, - . . ., . the 3d Monday of November, 1860, and 85th year of Amen can Independence. Nov. 30th, 1860. Pr. adv. $7 00-17-6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COCNTY. WHEREAS, information hath this day been made to ns, James Garrason and F. H. Bell, two acting Justices of the Peace, in and for said county, upon the oath of James P. Moore, that Peter, a slave, of dark complexion, medium size : hve leet nve or six inches men, ratner gooa loosing, and aged about twenty years, the property of said James P. Moore, has runaway ana nes out, supposea 10 De lurking about the county, in LoDg Creek, Lower Black River and UDner BlacK Kiver aistncts, commuting acts 01 ieiony ana other misdeeds : These, therefore, are to command tho said Peter, in the name of the State of North Carolina, to sur render himself forthwith to his said master, or some other person ; and we do hereby order this proclamation to De published at the Court House door, and two other public places in New Hanover county ; and we warn said slave hft does not immediately surrender himself as aforesaid, shall and may be lawful for any person to take him dead or alive, without accusation or impeachment of any crime whatsoever. Given under our hands and Beals, this 2d day of August, A. D., 1860. , , . . r V JAS. GARRASON, J. P., (Seal.) v- F. H. BELL. J. P.. (Seal.) k I WILL GIVE A . REWARD OF TWENTY-FIVE Mr nnfJ.ARS for the delivery of the said PETER to me t at my Plantation alive, or Fifty dollars for his head A7g. 9, 1860-50-tf - , . JAS. P. MOORE. STATE OF MORTI1 CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. TTrnv-RRAS. information haa this dav been made to us W the undersigned, by the oath of H. A. Colvin, that one slave, PETER, belonging to the estate of Wm. B. Col vin, has rue away and lies out, hid and lurking m swamps and other obscure places,' committing depredations to the noncnfnl inhabitants of Raid Ktatft : These are in the name nf North Carolina, to reauire him. the said slave, forthwith to surrender himself to his master, or other lawful authority and wa .in hereby order this proclamation to be published at the Court House door, and two other public places of said county, and warn saia siave mat u ne aoes not immv diatelv return to his master, it is lawful for. any one to cap ture him, by ilaying him or otherwise, without accusation or imneac.hment of anv crime. Given under our hands and seals this 8th Mav. 1860. JAS. K. SIMPSON, J. P. I L. 8 ; . JOEL L MOORE, J. P. l. 8. Peter in fiv feet eio-ht or ten inches high, stout and black ranaway in February, 1863. I will give one hundred dollars for him, dead or alive. - T A aalvlb May 24, I860. 39-tf. . T - ' v WILMINGTON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE - SHOP, FRONT STREET, (BELO W MARKET STREET,) W 1 1 m I n g t n ; N . C . ' - ' , ' L. A. II A Hi z j, CAlJUBiI,irKuriixaivo, ,bars AND LEON CASTINGS, finished or unfinished now Machinery maae ana pui no : 01a juacniuery uvci hanioH oil binds of Fatterns. ornamental and Architectu ral ; will supply Drafts of all kinds of Machinery and Mill Work generally. . r - " v v. a 11 nrV -warranted to be as represented. . Orders re- Also Tnrptine Btilla and Copper Work in all its branches. JTL WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1861. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c. A GRAND VIRGINIA DISCOVERY- SOME FOUR MONTHS SINCE, our excellent townsman, N ai htali Ezekiel, informed us that he had prepared a air restorer With Which he WaR pxnprimpntinir nnnn hia nwn head, whose too was entirely bald. We saw him two davs since, and on the place so bald four months sincp. a fine crop of hair his sprung up with a vigorous growth. So convinced is Mi. Ezekiel of the efficacy of his discovery that he has named it " THE INFALLIBLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER." Mr. E. is about goifg into an extensive man ufacture of an article which is destined to prove of anxious interest to our bald pated friends From Richmond Enqui rer, December 12th. 1859. This famous article can now be had of the Brincioal Druir- gists. Those persons who desire a fine head of hair, have nly to use the restorer according to nrinted directions on the bottle. Those who have any doubts of its efficacy, can have them removed in a short time, bv usinz the INFALLI BLE VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER, provine that it is all that it is claimed to be. Wholesale depot for orders, 69 Main Street. N. EZEKIEL. I, N. EZEKIEL, take oath on the Holv Bible, th.it I have been bald for the past 12 years, and have restored mv hair by using EZEKIEL'S VIRGINIA HAIR RESTORER. Nafhtali Ezekiel. This day sworn to before me, by Naphtali Ezekiel. JosEph Mayo, Mayor of Richmond. WM. H. LIPPITT, sole Agent for Wilmington, N. C. Jan.14.180 lll-lt-21-12m MRS. VV IN SLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, present to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CniLTJSEN TETITITIUG. which greatly facilitates the process of teeming, by soft ALL ening the gums, reducing all inflammation will allay rALN and spasmodic action, and is MUE TO HEUILATE I'll E BUWKLS, Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and RELIEF AND HEAL I U TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, wnat we nave never been able to say of any other medicine MRS. WINSLOVV'S yOOTHINU SYRUP. NEVER HAt- IT G L E INSTANCE, CURE, when timely know an instance of any one who used it. FAILED, LN A SIN- O EFFECT A used. Never did we i s s atiflfacticn b y On the ecaaary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in Utina of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after ten years' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is sull'ering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes alter the syrup is admin istered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAILING SUC CESS in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects a ;dity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly glieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC and not overcome con speedily reme- vulsions, which, i died, end in death. BEST AND SUREST WORLD, in all cases FOR CHILDREN' TEETHING We believe it the REMEDY IN THE of DYSENTERY A N D DIARRHtEA it arises from teething, or any sav to every mother who has a N CHILDREN, whether other cause. We would hild suflerincc from any of the foregoing complaints DO NOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your buttering child, and tho relief that will be SURE yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE to follow the use of this medicine, if timely uned. Full di rections for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New-York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal Office, 13 Cedar Street, S. Y. PRICE ONLY a-3 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Sold in Wilmington. N. C, by WALKER ME ARES. Feb. 25th. 1860 147-3ui 27-ly PAINTS PALTS. PURE WHITE LEAD ; " Snow White Zinc ; " White Gloss Zinc ; Linseed Oil, Varnish, Patent Dryers, ic. For sale whole sale and retail, by W. H. LIPPITT, Feb. 16. Druggist, 1 ChomiHt. PAINTS AND OILS. 1 A AAA LBS- Pure White Lead; 1U.UUU 5,000 lbs. Pure White Zinc ; UMJ 1U9i A UIC V lAi IC JJAA(f Ui V OAUlPUf, 600 lbs. Silver Paint in Oil ; 60 bbls. u " dry assortd : 10 5 5 5 5 2 it u it Spanish Brown ; Venetian Red ; Yellow Ochre ; Linseed Oil ; Lard Oil ; Best Sperm Oil ; 300 lbs. Chrome Green, in oil and dry ; 200 " 44 Yellow, in Oil and dry. For sale wholesale and retail, by W. II. LIPPITT, Oct. I 6-tf Druggist x Chemist. Rewards. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber, on Thursday mor ning the 27th December, my negro man DUNCAN, known in the County as Campbell's Dune. Said slave is a bright mulatto, agea aoout iony-uve years, o ieei iu inches high. He has a wife on Mr. W. J. McKay'e Harum nd Creek plantation, where he is supposed to be lurking. The above reward will be paid lor his delivery to me, or confine ment in the jail of this county. IHKUfUILUa lAIWM . gBladen County, N. C, Jan. 3d, 1861. 19-3t 25 DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on the morning of the 5th iustant, my Negro Man DICK, 2i 7eais of age, about 5 feet, 5 or 6 iiich es niRh, quick spoken, and intelligent. Also, JNeg.o wo man SUSAN, (his wife,) and boy child, 2 years old. Susan is about 20 years old, very likely, with very white teeth. I will eive the above reward to have the Negroes deliver ed to me, or secured in any jail so that I can get them apm. WILLIAM a. tiuL.m&o. Clinton, Sampson county, N. C, Nov. 22, 1860 13-tf. $10 HE VV AltD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, about three months since, a negro woman named BR1DUETT. She walks lame, but quick, of dark complection, low built, aged aoout 35 or 40 years. She is supposed to be lurking on the Sound, in the neighborhood of Wrightsville. The above re ward will be paid tor her connnemeni in mimingion dan, or for her delivery to the subscriber. Aug. 2, 1860. 49-ti JfciirJ. J. liliNlT. TO MILL OWNERS. THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that we, the undersigned, have seen the perlormance of a new Water Wheel, invented bv Georee w. Armstrong, oiaampson county, j.o. ua. 11 grinds a bushel of good meal in 3 minutes and 4S seconds, with seven leet o incnes 01 water, auu eaves xidu uis waier with comparison of other wheels. IlAltlJI 11H,1UUi.(j. JOHN BARDEN. JAS. H. LAMB. DANIEL JOHNSON. R. W. TATOM. G. W. SMITH. Dec. 12th, 1860. Further particulars reiative to the above wheel, can be learned by application to, or addressing the subscriber at Dobbinsville Post Oflice, Sampson county, N. C. (ifcU. W. AKM.OlKU.Nlj. December 20, 1860. 17-3m ROCK. SPRING HOTEL. MARY S. McCALEB, Proprietress. OLD STAND. THE SUBSCRIBER takes this method of returning her sincere thanks to her numerom friends tor the liberal patronage her house has received for the past few years, and would respectlully imorm the public that she is prepared to accommodate Boarders either Transient nr Regular on the most liberal terms. Her honse beincr situated on the South side of Chestnut street, below Front, is in a convenient location to business. Her tab! will at all times be found amply provided with the best the market affords. Her rooms are kept in the best possible manner, rendering every comfort and convenience to ner guest in ner power. A conlinuance of public vatronage is respectfully solicit ed. MAR J S. McCALEB. December 11, 1860 dtf. CARRIAGE FACTORY. B. R. HOOD respectfully informs the public that he is still at his old stand in Clinton, where lTintinnfidto.manuiacture caiuuauh. cABuuuniM, ROCKAWAYS AND BUGGIES. He is prepared at all times to execute work with neatness and despatch. He superin tends all his operations in person, and guarantees that bis work shall be as durable, as neat, and as cheap as any other establishment in tne oiate. ,- . - . - . He is now constantly employed, in 'manufacturing and ap- i .hia tiaw natent scroll sorinsra. without which no buggy can be complete. - These springs prevent the usual unpleasant motion, and add but little to the cost of a buggy and is of incalculable benefit, as they completely prevent that strain upon the other springs which has given rise to so many breakines. , AH who want an easy riding buggy will give him a cafl. ' ; -t" v May 28th. 1858 - . - : : ' 39 tf -v:e---. NOTICE." mnv. STTPPLY, MTLL.1. Brunswick Co.. N.C.ia now in I . nnonHnn: a.t which can be obtained any of the follow' in T.nmhr, viss: Pine. Cvoress, Juniper, Oak, Ash and RinVorv. ; Orders for any of the above can be filled and sent in noint desired.- from Florida to Baltimore, or else joaiLuuore, or cib JNO. MERCER. where, if necessary, v j, Deo. 22, 1859. 17-tf For Sale and to Let. V ALU BLR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Plantation at Little River, S. O THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a valuable Plant ation lying on Little Fiver, South Carolina, containing between nine and ten thousand acres. This plantation combines in an eminent degree all the advantages necessary for the successful cultivation of Ground Peas, Corn and Cotton, and with a slight additional outlay, can be made highly productive. There is also a portion of Turpentine Land. The improvements are a new and commodious DweUing House, with all the necessary outbuildings. With a moderate amount of the purchase mcney in cash, the terms for ihe balance will be n ide accommodating He also offers A PLANTATION ON TOPSAn, SOUND. Reing that on which he now resides, abont 12 miles from Wilmington, and containing five hundred and five acres, un surpassed for the cultivation of Ground Peas. Also a small tract of piney land lying on the Wilmington and Topsail Sound Plank Road. For further particulars, please call upon or address the subscriber. N. F. NIXON. Topsail Sound, New Hanover Co., N. C, Dec. 27th 10. Herald please copy 1 month weekly. 18-lm CAPE FEAR LANDS FOR SALE. fTlHE undersigned by virtue of a decree of the Court of J. Eqaity for Bladen County, made at Fall Term, A. D. lstii, will expose to public sale at the Court House door in Elizabethtown, on the first Monday , of February next, all that valuable Cape Fear River Plantation, known as 44 Coal Mine," and the adjoining lands, belonging to the heirs of the late John S.Pearson. It consists of a tract of several hundred acres of fertile river land, with its improvements, situated on the south-east side of the river, adjoining the pl.ti-tation of Mrs. Johnson, and about two miles above White Hall's, and of a large body of pine lands adjoining, comprising in all nearly 2000 acres. Some of the adjoining triicts are swamp lands. Terms : One per cent of the purchase money required in cah, the balance to be secured by bonds drawing interest from date of sale, and payable in one two and three years. II. H. ROBINSON, C. M. E. Flizabethtowu, December 13, 1860. w-tf. LOVE GKOVB FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale this desirable place, situated within one mile of Wilmington, and immediately on the VV. & Weldon R. Road. It is sus ceptible of high improvement, having a clay sub-soil, and would make a desirable place for the cultivation of Vegeta bles for market. Any person desirouH of purchasing, may get a bargain by applying early. 1 EKiis. One-fifth cash ; the balance in one, two, three and tour years, for approved paper, with interest from day of purchase. For further particulars apply to JERK.-J. KING, or Nov. IS, I860 12-tf THOS. H. HOWEY. FOR SALE. mHE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a STILL which they X. desire to sell. It is nearly new, having been run only one year in size it will hold fifteen barrels, and is complete in all its iixtu'es. We will sell it on six months' time by giviDg good City acceptance. Apply to Roux & Co., Fer uaudina, or to F. M. Myrell, Steamboat Agent, Savannah, or to the subscribers. TEMPLE & BRO., Nov. 1, 1P60. U)-tf Waldo, Fla. FDR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED, wishing to go to the West, desires to sell the following property, situated in Eliz abethtown, N. C, viz : One-half acre Lot, havincr thereon newly erected a good Dwelling House properly con structed for family convenience ; good Kitchen, t-inoke-House, Dairy, Stables, Garden, and Well of W'ater. The House is pleasantly situated among abundant shade trees, in a very desirable part of the town, and is newly and com pletely furnished. 1 will also sell my household and kitchen furniture, together with a large and carefully selected stock of goods now in store, at a most excellent business stand, and will do so upon accoinmodaung terms and at a low price. To a gentleman of good business habits, who wish es to settie himself and family comfortably in North Caroli na, I oiler a bargain. B. F. RINALDI, Elizabethtown, N. C. October 19th, 1860. 9-3m VALUABLE SWAMP LANDS FOR SA'E. THE SUBSCRIBER having determined toco South, nftpra f'rvr u j it Viw pntire nnccaaa trt svf I A XT fW in Mow Hanover county, 30 miles from Wilmincton. and one mile from the Cape Fear River, in Caintuck District, there being about 360 acres in all, of which'35 acres are drained and cleared, and in a fiue state of cultivation there being about 200 acies more to clear, all heavy growth Swamp Land, being a portion of the well-known JUNIFER AND BEAR sWAMPS, and the balance UPLAND. The Swamp is well adapted to the production of Corn, Peas, Potatoes and Kice. On the Plantation i3 a very good DWELLING HOUSE nearly new, and all necessary out-h'duses and a good Well of Water. The place is pleasantly located, and as healthy as any in the State. Also, another tract imme diately on the Cape Fear River, containing 152 acres, about 2 miles from the above plantation, all fenced for the purpose of a Pasture. There is about 40 acres cleared and well adapted to Corn, Peas, Pumkins. &c. Also, there is any quantity of OAK AND ASH WOOD handy to the river, which can, with little labor, be turned into money. Any person wishing to settle himself on as valuable and pleas antly located a place as any in tlr.sjcountry in a good neigh borhood would do well to call soon, as 1 am sure the place is too well known to remain on hand long. Apply to the subscriber on the premises, or address Arthur Bourdeaux, Caintuck P. O., New Hanover county, N. C. April 19, I860. 34-tf ARTHUR BOURDEAUX. LAND FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale 2,600 ACRES OF LAND, situated South of and immediately on the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road, 22 to 24 miles from Wilmington. Their advantages in regard to health, soil, timber, summer and winter range for stock, with the natural advantages and small expense of draining, cannot be excelled in the State. Having more land than I can use I a n offering them at a lower price per acre than any in this section. These land3 are pronounced by judges to be fine cotton lands. Persons wishing to examine the said lands will please address me at Westbrooks Post Oflice, Bladen county, N. C, stating the time they will be at Maxwell's Depot, on said road, and I will meet them there and show them the lands. Those wishing to know anything ccfK-ern-ing them before visiting will write, and I will answer them immediately. J. A. ROBESON. Ash wood, Bladen County, N. C, Feb. 24, 1860. 27 -tf NOTICE. WE TAKE THIS METHOD of informing the community that we have our new, comfortable Jail finished, and are now prepared to take e of all IN egi oes sent to our care, we pay as mnu prices as limes will afloi d. Strict attention paid to Negroes put in our care for sale, but no advances made until times get better. Always put your Negroes where they will get plenty to eat and good lodgings. B. C. BARPEN, . I'tTKRSON. Jan. 3d, 1x61. 19-tf A. J. SIIEPARD Si CO , WOULD respectfully inform their friend3 and custom ers, and the public in general, that they are now re ceiving and opening their f-tock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to which ihey invite your attention, feeing confi dent that their stock is equal, It not superior, to any ever offered in this market, and consists of the following articles: DRY GOODS. Alpaccas, Delaines, Calicoes, Bleeched and Brown Sheet ings and Shirtings, Osaaburgs, Diilis, Canton and Wool Flannels, Cassimeres, Sattinets, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Linsey Stripe and Plaids, Negro and Bed Blankets, Bed Ticking, Cotton and Woolen Hosiery. BOOTS AND SHOES. A fine assortment of these articles as ever opened in this market. Prices at a low rate. Men's Calf, Kip and water-proof Boots ; Ladies' Gaiters and Morocco Boots ; Miss es' and Children's Gaiters and Morocco, Kid and Leather Boots, Faimers' Brcgans, Negro Men's, Boys' and Women's Brogans. HATS AND CAPS. A variety of Men's, B078', and Children's Hats and Caps, Negro Wool Hats, by the dozen or single. GROCERIES. Coffee Rio, Laguayra and Java ; Crushed and Porto Rico Sugars ; Common & Syrup Molasses ; Hour, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Pork, Pepper, Ginger, Spice, Cloves, Alspice, Mace, Nutmegs, Mustard, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff; Sperm and Adamantine Candles ; C&ndies, Rfisins, Alum and Table Salt; Crackers, Salts, Salt Petre, Alum, Sulphur, Coperas, Cream Tartar, Soda, Saleratus, Yeast Powders, Indigo, Camphor, Washing and Toilet Soaps, Powder and fchot, and many other articles too tedious to mention. HARDWARE. Pocket and Table Cuttlery, Axes, Hoes, Hatche?, Shov els, Locks, Spades, Forks, Coffee Mills, Pots, Ovens, Spi ders, Kettles, Sauce Pans, Plow Lines, Bed Cords, Shoe Thread, Sein Twine, Meat Cutters and Stutters, Saws, Trace Chains, Chovels and Tongs, And Irons, Hooks and Hinges, Wooden, Willow and Crockery Ware, Brooms, Matches, La dies' Baskets and Work Stands, Paint Brushes, Painted TV-. . I (TnVn Un anraa Plotoa Rwla Pnna a rA Ca n ami Butter Plates, Preserve do., Goblets, Pickles, Preserve and Brandy Peaches, numbs, currants, uoose Berries, Dam sons, Pine Apples, Nuts, Almonds, Filberts, Butter Nuts, Walnuts, and many articles too tedious to mention. They take this opportunity of thanking their customers and friends for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed; nd hope by a strict attention to business to merit a contin- uance 01 tne same, xney earnestly aesire an persons to civetheDt a call and examine their stock, both n quality and price, as they feel satisfied that they can please all, even those 01 tne most iasuaicus taste. - - -Jacksonville, Onslow Co., N. C, Not. 1', 1860. 10'tf CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE; i v mHE UNDERSIGNED have entered into Copartnership 1 in the town of Wilmington, N. C, under the firm and style of SODTHERLAND & COLEMAN, for the purpose of buying and selling NEGRO SLAVES, where the highest casn prices wm oe paia. . They also have a house in Mobile, Alabama, where they will receive and sell blares on commission. Liberal advan ces made upon Slaves left with them for sale. - D. J. SOUTHERLAND. JAMES C. COLEMAN. Aogujt 1st, 1869. ; . ' ; , , v, 3-U ri 5 NO. 20. 4Oar list, both daily and weekly 13 steadily on the increase. This morning we received thirteen new Dai ly subscribers from Washington, N. C, aDd one from Fayetteyille ; at the latter place our list is quite large, but still they come. Now that Washington and Green ville have been placed in close connection by mail wilh Wilmington, we hope our friends in these places will exert themselves in our behalf. The Postmasters will cheerfully act as our agents in forwarding subscriptions to us. We neglected sooner to notice the appearance of the Herald on the 1st inst. in an entirely new dress and form. - Instead of six columns, it has now seven on each page, though they are not quite as wide as former ly. It presents quite a creditable appearance. We wish its clever and gentlemanly proprietor all the pecu niary success which his enterprise deserves. JfcsSWe notice that our friend Robinson, ol the Goldsboro' Rough Notes, lias disposed of that establish ment to Dr. J. J. Lawrence, formerly of the Wilson Slar of Freedom. We regret to have to part with our friend R. in the Editorial fraternity. No doubt the Rough Notes will continue to flourish under the auspi ces of its new editor. Success attend it. The ScrrosED Loss of the Sloop Stray. The sloop Spray, reudered notorious by the supposed murder of Jackalow, now awaiting his trial at Trenton, N. Y., was purchased some two months since by gentlemen in North Carolina, for the purpose of putting her on the Cape Fear river aa a passenger packet.between Wil mington and Smitbville. After undergoing some re pairs, and taking in freight, she sailed from New York about the 9th of November, under the charge of a cap tain, mate and boy employed for the trip, and taking one passenger. They proceeded safely to Norfolk, when the passenger lei t and proceeded to his destination by land. Since then no tidings of the boat have reached the owners. The supposition is that the sloop has been blown out to sea and lost with all on board. If true the Spray was certainly a fatal vessel. Norfolk (Va.,) Argus, 1st inst. The Spray arrived at Smithville about ten days since after a long passage, all safe and sound. From the Washington Constitution. An Empty Delusion. It is commonly asserted by those who either wish to lull themselves and their friends into a false security, or who desire wilfully to conceal the truth, that the South having a majority in the Senate, she need not fear any injury from Lincoln's election. Aside from the absurd fallacy of supposing that a ma jority in the Senate, did it exist, could be a sufficient shield to the South against all the dangers and calami ties to which black-republicanism exposes her, il hi ob vious to everybody who examines the facts that no such majority exists, and that after the fourth of next March, the South, eveu should we, for the sake of the argu ment, suppose that every Southern State remains in the Union, has not a certain majority in the Senate. The Senate is now composed of GG members. In the next Con gress, by the admission of Kansas, that number will al most certainly be increased to G8. Of these the fifteen Southern States, even if none should secede and South Carolina should send back her senators, have thirty members. Add Mr. Bright, of Indiana, Mr. Thomson, of New Jersey, Mr. Rice, of Minnesota, and Mr. La tham, of California, democratic senators from Northern States, and we find thirty-four to be the number of those on whom the south could rely to shield her from legislative wrong and injury. If we add senator Doug las, of Illinois, and have the charity to hope that he will act firmly with the party of which, in days of yore, he was so brilliant an ornament, we should find thirty-five friends of the south against thirty-four of her enemies, thus giving Mj JJAuglathecasti ng vote. 1 nus win tne oenaie De constituted in tne I nirty- seventh Congress, which expires on the 4th of March, 1863. llow will it be in the Thirty-eighth Congress? Is there no reason to fear that black-republicans will fill the places of Messrs. Bright, Thompson, Rice, and Latham ? Is it not almost certain that, with the excep tion, perhaps, of Mr. Thompson, whose State, alone of the free States, has partially stemmed the tide of aboli tion lanaticism, all the seats now occupied by democratic senators from the North, will be filled by black-ri-pub- licans, and that Messrs. Bright, Rice, and Latham will share the fate of Messrs. Bigler, Fitcb, andPueh? Where, then, is the fancied majority ot friends of the South in the Senate? When a. black-republican shall preside in the Executive Mansion, when black re publicans shall have clambered to the bench of the Su preme Court, when all the civil and military offices in the gilt of the Executive are filled with men of the same sable faith, are we to expect that the northern States which now exist, and those which will soon spring into existence from the swe'ling tide of population ceaselessly flowing westward, where the rampant fanaticism of black republican hatred of the south now exercises un controlled sway and irresponsible power, will send sena tors to Congress animated by love for the south and her institutions ? Before Judge Sharkey, of Mississippi, attempted to persuade his fellow-citizens at Vicksburg that the " ma jority of the South in the Senate " had the power to block the wheels of Mr. Lincoln s administration, refuse appropriations and defeat all objectionable Executive appointments, he would have done well to have exam ined the composition of the next Senate. Had he done so, we suppose that he would not have indulged in the strain of lalse hope and delusive promise which marked his harangue, and made it obnoxious to the severe criti cism which it has received. The Capture of Pekin Peculiarities of the Citt. The news of the capture of Pekin by the allies imparts additional interest to the peculiarities of that city. A letter lrom the seat ot war, iu the Moniteur de la'Armee, states that Pekin is built in .the form of a polygon, its northern portion offering a parallelogram, and its southern portion a square. It is surrounded by a turreted wall, with towers at short intervals ; outside of this wall is a deep ditch, and beyond this enclosure is a circle of suburbs, as densely peopled, as busy and as compact as is Pekin itself. The capital of China con sists, in fact, of two cities, the North, or Imperial City, and the South City. The former is called the City of Tartars ; the latter the City of the Chinese. They are separated by a turreted wall, and communicate only by A- I A -I - I i.1 . ... ! .1 .11 . . - 1 1 inree gates, 01 wnicu me miaaie onu is reserved exclu sively for the Emperor. The Tartar City contains the palace ot the " Son 01 Heaven," (the Emperor,) a mass of buildings of every siza and shade, pavilions, pagodas and gardens, equally extensive and indescribable, which, it is said, takes a month to go once over. The population of Pekin and its suburbs exceeds two millions. Sixteen gates , communicate between the suburbs and the two cities within the walls ; on either side of each gate is a party of soldiers, who act as policemen. The. principal streets, especially in the northern portion, are wide and handsome, but the greater part of both the towns consists of narrow, dirty, crowded lanes, rendered yet more disagreeable by the numerous hucksters, traders, and cookshops established on the narrow pavements. . Tne Chinese are fond of raree-shows, and Pekin con tains many exhibitions of puppets' learned animals, dancers and conjurers, giving the town the aspect of an immense fair. It also contains numerous pagodas built of porcelain, painted in the gaudiest colors, and sur mounted by pointed roofs. Aa for the carriages of the Pekin grundees, they are described as resembling " boxes of soap &et upon wheelfi," and drawn by oxen harness ed in the roughest possible fashion. Pekin contains nothing analagous to the handsome public buildings which adorn the capitals of Europe. Even the imperial palace shows no attempt at architectural design, and is, like all Chinese erections, a mere shapeless agglomera tion of walls and roofs. A letter from the African squadron reports the cap ture, by the U. S. steam corvette Mohican, of another slaver, having on board no less than 900 negroessthe argest cargo over taken on the coast. Artzoma Goes with the South. The Meeills (Arizona) Times, commenting upon the Becession move ment, says : . ' u In the event of the establishment of a Southern Confederacv, Arizona will knock at the door of their first Congress for admission as a 'State : and it is pro DaDig jew JU.U1C0 Will 00 IQQ Same." TERMS OBADVKRTISINO. , , , Per Square of 10 lines or less cash In adrancc. ' One square, 1 insertion, . 'iV. . . . . .1 00 Do. do. 2 do 1 25 - Do. do. 3 do , 1 60 " Do. do. 3 months withoutchange, ...4 00 Do. . do. 6 do.. ..do do.... 7 00 Do. do. 12 do do... -..do 12 00 Do. do. 6 do.. renewed weekly, 14 00 Do. do. 22 do do do 25 00 S3T Advertisements ordered to be continu4 on the inside , charged 37J cents per square for each insertion after the fir st . jjyNo advertisement, reflecting upon private character, can, under any circumstances, be admitted. BY TELEGRAPH. Washington City, Jan. 2, 1861 P. M. The following is the Committee, one from each State, appointed by resolution of the border State Committee last week to report on the crisis. They hold their first meeting to-morrow morning ; Crittenden, Chairman ; LTarriss, of Maryland; Sherman, Nixon, Sanlsbury, Gilmer, Ilatton, Pettit, and Harriss, of Va.; McCler land, Barrett, Sebastian, Yanderver, and Ilacite, of Pa It is not true, as reported, that Seward intended, either to submit a proposition on the crisis, or to speak on the subject. Private accounts from Charleston say that a thousand negroes are fortifying the harbor, and that tho channels are obstructed by sunken vessels. The buoys have also been removed, and the lights extinguished. The President to-day nominated, for confirmation by the Senate, Wm. Mcpherson, of Pa., for Collector off of the Port of Charleston. The Democrats voted against going into secret session on the subject ; consequently none was held. Great importance i3 attached to the nomination, but it is doubtful if it will be confirmed. The Post Oflice Department has cancelled the mail contract with the Isabel Company from Charleston, via Key v est to Cuba act. No reliable cause assigned for the SECOND DISPATCH. Washington, D. C, Jan. 3d, 18G1. It is reliably stated that the President considered the communication from the South Carolina Com missioners as insolent, and returned it. They started for home this morning. FROM CHARLESTON. Charleston, Jan. 2d, 1SG1 P. M. Returns indicate that Georgia has gone for imme diate secession. The State troops of Georgia now occupy Forts Pulaski and Jackson, and the United States Arsenal in Savannah. Charleston, S. C, Jan. 3d, 18G1. There is a number of free and slave nrgroe3 engaged in throwing up redoubts on the coast. Benjamin Mordecai on yesterday presented the State of South Carolina with ten thousand dollars. The steamship Nashville on yesterday experienced considerable difficulty in getting out of the harbor, on account of the fog. To-day's Courier says that many Northern journals reiterate their false assertion that the telegraph in this City is under surveillance, and state that it is not so ; and that the editors and reporters, when they make such assertions, know that they are lying as usual. I assure you that for some time prior to ten o'clock, December 31st, the telegraph was restricted ia some particulars. Reporter. - r Washington City, Jan. 3, 18G1. Senate. Yesterday Mr. Hunter introduced resolu tions giving the fortifications, etc., in the seceding States to those States. Mr. Baker made a speech in reply to Mr. Benjamin. The Senate refused to go into executive session on the President's nomination of Collector outside of Charles ton harbor. The House filibustered all the session to stave off action on Holman's coercion resolution. Richmond, Va., Jan. 3, 1861. It is authoritatively contradicted that Gov. Letcher has changed his views relative to secession. ARRIVAL OP STEAMSHIP AUSTRALASIAN. New York, January 3d, 18C1. The steamship Australasian, from Liverpool, with dates to 22d December, has arrived at this port.- Liverpool, Dec. 22d, 18C0. The Cotton market is firm, with sales on Saturday of 12,000 bales. Breadstuffs firm and buoyant. Consols 92. Wanted. NEGKOES NEGROES WANTED. GENTLEMEN, your old customers are yet in mark et. All VOU Who have NEfJRORS fnr aa rnl,l well to give us a call, or address POWELL & McARTHUR, Clinton, N. C. L. A. Powell. J. A. McArthur. July 12, 1SG0 tG-ly HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR NEGROES. THE hUBSCRIBER is in the market, and will pay the highest cash prices for NEUJtOES ol any age suitable for the Kouthern market. ,. C. T. STEVENS. . Clinton, Fampson Co., N. C, June 21. 18(i0. 4-1 y General Notices. Dr. WILL. L. SOMitiilis HAVING PREPARED HIMSELF TO MEET THE VA rious exigencies of his profession, and permanently lo cated at Lillington, N. C, tenders his services to the citi zens of the village and surrounding country, and hopes, by a conscientious disci Jijge of the duties of his vocation, to merit the conGdence add patronage of the public. May be found, when not engaged, at his Oi!icc, opposite the Masonic Lodge. Orders left with Messrs. BlumentLal & Co,, will be prompt ly attended to. Aug. 31, IW.Q l-tf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, especially to those penurious per sons who have been iu the habit of hanii orl' of the lands belonirinor to thn htWa r,f Wm ceased, that they are henceforth debarred from that privi lege nnder the penalty of the law. I also forewarn all pei sons from trespassing upon said premises in any manner whatever. o. F. ALEXANDER, Guardian. uau. o. lU-3t 0-PARTNKRSIIII. qHE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Co-part-jL ner8hip, under the name and style of McINTIRE & BROWN, for the nuruose of conducting & Vhnlfal nnA Retail Dry Goods business in Wilmington, N. C. K. M. McINTIRE, JNO. BROWN. Sept. 10th, 18C0 WE take the lihp.rtw r,T rnllinrr nn'Klin ottontlnt. ' - J v -j UVbbUUVU lJ UUI liU" tice of Co-Dartnershin ahov. Wa cliall the 1st of Octobei next, at 39 Market Street, next do.r to I J - t A 1 1 . ..... ... uivwu a, Anuerson b jewelry establishment, an entirely new stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which have been selected with great care expressly for this mar ket, and which will be olleied at the lowest pos&ible rates for cash and to prompt paying customers. respecuuiiy solicit a snare 01 puuuc patronage, as we shall endeavor at all times to render satisfaction to those who patronize us. Ordere promptly and faithfully executed. McINTIRE & BROWN. R. M. McIntibz, for the past five years with Hedrick A Ryan. Jno. Brown, late of Kenansville. Sept. 21st, 1860 14-9t 5-tf WILMINGTON AND TOPSAIL SOUND PACKET. intu burnt. ANN MARIA, Capt. Ellis, will Tail rPCnlarl V VkPtaron W.'tm.'nn on , Sound, touching at the following wJaces : Howard's Lauaing, Topsail Inlet, Sloop Point, (McMillan's Still,) Sears Landing, via Horse Hammocks. For Freight and par ticulars apply to the owners. L. B. HUG GINS & SONS, Wilmington, or to J. W. J. C. A DAVID C. HOWARD, C. H. ALEXANDER, Topsail Sound, or to Capt. ELLIS, on board. Having invested our capital in this enterprise, we hope the farmers and friends will not forget that their neighbors are offering them a convenient medium of communication to and from Wilmington. We will work as cheap as any one else for you, and hope, by offering you a good seaman as Master, and, we trudt, a reliable man, to me-it a share of your patronage. -Nov. 29th, 1860 14-tf. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED having been elected Inspector ef Naval Stores, hereby solicits a share of public patron age, and promises that he will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to his hands. JNO. M. HENDERSON. Wilmington, u, cM March Uth, i860 - , . 29-U 1

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