UY FLXTON & PRICE, PROPRIETORS, Jo whom all letters on business wtst be addressed. j as. FULTON, Editor.... A. L. PKICE, Associate Editor. Term of Subscription. Weekly, one year, invariably in advance, ...... $2 50 ' -' i, J U .4 6 00 st' Any person sending"9 uve NEW subscrib ere. accom- ,j with the advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive he sixth copy gratis for one year. ii (M i s rais subscribing lor this paper since the 2tta of u "tji er, JS17, will have their papers discontinued on expi r , i ! of the time paid for. All former subscribers can ,'. , under tiiir rule, if they desire to do so. Cr . M I T 9 I f I B. 1 I BP -3 1KB: 1 I 9 I I E - 1 t-K T 1 1 i 7 f A "WJWW My w rri VOL. 18. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON, N.-C., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1862. -! NO. 38. ' TERMS OF1 .ADVERTISING. Per Square of 10 lines or lcs-cah la adT&nea.' nn annarft. 1 insertion ..... . i m X- - J- j 7 i UO. UUi 1 23 .Do." , do. 3 do.................. , isa Do. do. ? moiJlhiwithoatcliange,.....-.....-, 4 oo fo. do. 6 do.. T 00 Do. do. It do..;., 12 C3 Do. do. 6 do.. renewed weekly, ....14 00 Do. do.U do.. do 25 CO aarAdvertmerneiitaorderedto be continued on the lrsidf, charged 374 centa per square for eachinsertion after the fii et. jT3-No advertisement, upon private character. can, under ant cibccmstanceis, be admitted. ' " iToiesslonal and Business Cards. j. J. CeX, IV. P. K. KM) ALL, J. S. KENDALL. CX", Uf;iL.l,, & CO e d VHSIOX MERCHANTS AND WHOPE-HALE (3T.O V ' Cl.h, io. 11 & 12, North Water Ft. t" ct. '.'4th, I' 01. s tt-tf A",KXMiK - JU1IIAM, DEALER IN GRAIN, AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. Wilmington, N. C. Prompt ..ttention jmcn to the sale of Cotton, Flour, I'.ci con and other Country Produce. It.v. ' . 17 . BY TELEGRAPH. J TJo 2T-vcua;io-n of rVcw C.I tun roit an; SGL'it.VAI.. V A FKKlt 31 K A t K s DRUG CIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45 IdAI'.KKT hTREKT. A full f-tock of Medicines, Paints, Oils, Window C1h:-h, Hair Hmshrs, P.iint llrnsces, Toilet Soa , Eancy Articln, :.,,r'lrt.t!i's Cardcri crd-, Ac", Ac, constantly on'hai-d. Ihe at ten ion of l'nyxicians is especially called t o tLv .!;icl. A, v,Lkli are warranted a beiug pue. N tivember 25, ls:). WILLIAM II. LIIM- rt T, f CIIOLESALE AND I'.LTaIL DUL'GGIbT, aad Dealer in ? P.i!i,Oi!, DyeSturla, Window (ilass, Garden fctedh, i'erliiiiifi,), Pate-nt Medicines, A-c. Lc, corner of Front and ?'ii:k':t.-'i., iiamed:aU-iy opposite Hhavt's oldstacd Wilinir g- N. 6 FR-' T!?E Pi NIN'sUl ATHE ENEMY Fr PULSE i) EY OU1 I'.F Alt (i'l viaiEVY OF THE FN'fiV Y IN Ki:.U 1, WUN0K1 ANf) PRISDNFR. ! SEViY AGAIN I P.E-FIVi FO "A'A D ! Richmosd, :,!:3j 7th, 1SG2. A i (u vial jt-tftT froM d. Jr.'r.s'on spates that a lianxL m? c'lnc i H at ViK:aa;shurjr cn tonjjjy. Thf' eru-.vt y at 'at lad our i ur-. u ud, and v.c-ie driviij back to c- f,o (I-?, alvut a m'1.?. j.-i!;C!:!iy fi:g-ig- u ou our sidf? we-fe Lont? ;t'ai t'- l:rt V. V ro.iort w.-s oarn-nt Tju r . Dtt'Ktt j cl4:Q2 thcrtli- J onor of th GTercrrenl and city was in ta'e hand?, und that Gen. I ov- IPs answer to the demend to j tnrrendt-r wj's rortjy of the coa;manderof a brave people. Mtu. i u-f i. oi appeannsron tne steps, wan aia louaiy ch"fel. He a-'drf as'd tte ir.alti'nde ift a hort speech, drc'arirg h 3 purroa to to tu render tbe city, hot to re tire with his stray end fight the Lirco!Bi'ea, whom they ron!d elwave vp on innd. brif fly sketched his conrBe in the preparation nf tv.e defetce of tha tity. Hsd doce a:l h- ecu'd do with il.e ni'e.ns atFiia disroal. That he catne here six cunihs too la?-. ard it whs bev-osd his re- lcs'tid-iy New Orlcai.' wts suli.cted to tte most i 8'''ce!.tocouteuifcoccessfa'ly.agaia'tihe enemy's piwr The Motile (Ala) Advert r & R-eja'er, of May 2 J. says : We ud iu tLe Juciacn Misaissippian, of tbe CO b ultif tbe follow irg i&ttrcstins statfcmcnt. We have hud no N'ew OHeara pajjer of kler date than Satarcay eveuit fr, v:id larn ihat lo in a s tare since beea receiv ed Iroai there Where or how the tubjoined accoULt was obtained the AUs-Jist'pptan Jje3 i-.oi siate. : i i:e i ro!V ;! S-tr- tbif: I!, i M,; I' , 1 1 ;it e above tu ir tl e ei.( my was r; j -. e y if U!St i of rtr.ii honored fii'-u- r.J. i itn? reprtt l.'js wen tr?c:, Jt )a Fu'ilf-r, v.?.,-. trtivpo t! i- riK.-uirr (i-. ra hlu?.', an 1 ifilrm el ti nt ;; I. '. (? 'r m (Jt n. ' L-sv.?? to J .n. was JOSEPH I.. IIEE.N, I 1- NT R ACTOR AND UUILDER, respectfully ir.fortrs tte J puhiit; t!;nt he ia prejjared to take contracts i:i his lirt !",.-in!-!-.-. Hf keepa constantly" hand, Lime, Ckut. l'LA-7 h !-, Flastkkii.u Hi is, Philadelphia Pasts B)ce, Fiiti : i:!Ci. N. P.. To i: ..i Sm'.N at rtu j in l-'e-e c.t , conrrr.!iM:a'i'!r tl uor-v: );!. Subs; q':cnty a ! spu'ea r ccc.e j by the of War frurn rl .Mt-grur?cr, rci I V-t r-hurp, gtatt ? tht h lifi'l hctird tli.'t th--' en-f-v's '-3 s h- aw, in- hti-i !re 'J lY:v.-j vA 5 ) ti ! Distiliers of Tcrpent-us. L3 U jireparcd to pat the hottest noti-.-p ' May29 C7-! J. .' Jure 7 oi:o. W. ROSE, AND CONTRACTOR, V7n i Pit (10) ir'.l.v. 0-ir h.s'i ii: kl': d ar.u wcucded i.-- oif'-'l at Cve l.u..dr-.'u (oCO ) 'i hd n-iy rs ag-iin f irwaid. fjieo-s oi n t ;tok, C. iirugs, MtdlcineSj Paints, "Oils, Sx. II WHITE LEAD ; s;now While Zinc " Whit (Ross Zi;if : Lir.secd (.1.1, Varnii-.h, Par. ?i.f and reV:l. hv FrOi. In. Dryer.t, Ac. T.cle mfs..t. A Che loir. Ma kit tik-i"; .m;(;i;.un va-'s V-,-.-. I I1F i-ulii rihrr dehir-.s to vurthaso a r:ii!i;v tr f VoCN'u NKWRO : .S, boy auti t'1'': f jr v.L.ciihe will five the lui; m-trket rate-. i'cr.-iiijs fuch pi ojany to dispose ff hod better :.v i.u.i : c ill. fi. H. l;F(il.''Xi it. Ci i ut on, Sau'rxiii county, N. C, F.-b. Uth, ISO!!. 21 Sa r-ECOri) PI?I'ATCn. PROr..B: H WIT 1 1 1)7! AW All uF vvT;? GE THE yy.liVJi A Ij CONfiliF-- TvU:iir;ri) IXTEFYIiNTIO!? op fiinc'-: CA?nr.3 op the Leaver wn- MIT!-, Ar. I.'ienaOKD, Ya., Ma? 7-ht -I'. IVf. Nor!l'.fn i ntern cf the 4!h b-va ha -n received. The special V8s,hrptoD d"?pach to the Tvw Yotk Tiaies bays it is rumored- tb ;t a!'- th.e m'-tr-hf-ra of Cor ere- F 'c-ral, a-: u::: ci'W idcru-r the proprie t r u ' a' from v of f f Ten- AWt'TANT '-4SK .AJ.'S OkFICK, f itALhKiJ, Aptii 2etb, f Ccn Order, j No. Lo MPA;-:iF..- r.u'h. i'y;-d by tin G :votnr t,L be 'j. i.ii-ed piiortoil.'i ;a. of t'.e law kni-wn as th " C.-twcrijiCo'; I :'!." ):,!-..u I'o-ne toC.tta.i Var'uni i.e'-r id. ei'y, b'-Oue the 17: Ii d.iy of iiay ; otheiftU'j lii'.-y wul n-t bo r. i ie 1. All t not iu t y th;;t, tl.mvill h- jee'. i) the Wi Dep iit:-:et.t tiiid.'r lir.t. law, aud h:id le'li.r lcniaic at home till ordviod by tli it i'OD'Utir.fat. By order of Govcinor ( lark. J. ii MARTIN, Auj J .in: c, i r I. Mhv 1. I iJ. l'.)7-2r b7-2t frirti tl:e bolder i-t'tea, r d olio r -tr. '?, aro s'-t:c:.-:!v wil.drawi "t ia b-.r'v r.'. rese'.t. stive-. - Tl:e v,;ih ,7iet. pxr:!e?.-:ct!t i: FelCrrore vr: ti;o 3j j: st., grr wji ti. .f a 1 i i-t Fruc? iu'e-ded to inVrposo i.) A :;(. lie:;!! riH.M-s 1 by - e .v Yoi k Pt-ra'd f:';s ;l;-t -diu'enr. i: rr.jvcraente bavc; ! ef-i: : C- -n fo t at '.-s'::n,--:ii. vith a vie '.7 of br'ne- ing about r. ciiipiiT.i-e i.iTo?A-i:-g th- "ec: ;r-';i. a of ti e poiit.'cal ' xi.;'t-:ee (!' 1 1 oa'b. The f'Oi.'ii.'r vhich all .-d 'i'!m I.ivc.-ja'.'ii ; bout thf tl::-,.. t A i ii;, t"r Pet tie d t, : prend va ' ut n: y t !;a in Phi a:b. 'i ht.. H-..r c..:c casVi d cf powder i.tid i; ut-i i .us i,t war. tint u' Co he i.oln rt l.. r:ectc c i .Jtiri:s f V:t b't.ite I'onvetti jt 1 .vr.-'-rn t - 1 i - ft;.-.. i i i. ci d a pr. iutt!t ri euibcr o? was kiile.-i tn t'utu;d:i hist by n ID .U.iCi I. h 1 rn;!;- -i:r. '; I l-,02, of th: '!.. ( in-.Iv of : ,Liau;'.;u :i ill : "..iTob Ter;n, Cou t of i' and ' J i ftri er Vess'o-. Ok (l.a:i)ver, Iho 'l-ee.uti.r .d tt.r la:? e w ill I! n-y, hereby r.o! nl! j trsouii td :i. ed to bi.-i tii ,i ta'or to M.ta5 Jorwu'd aud r;jk-i pay in- ut, a:-il a 1 ps.i'i.iK ii.iv i:'C e l.i i,i n-iii-Rt h.iiil t,-it-! tor, re .;i!id t' prei-ent tuetn '-vi iuti th:t Miii-j pre?,cG ';cd I y .'j..r tLi.-. u-..t:cc v. ill lv uhui ;-d i i b-i'.r el' tlair rceovtrv. ;'aich 1:02. V. 11. UENItY. FX'r. A :! 2. t.;;2. :j-Sw Fcr Sale and to Let, VA3 V at;!j -.or", it i,,Mh rou sali;. w ir-liiiTS'. ti move to bin late i'!;e - -i h.s 1 ktn'a'ioa on Tct'saii o er live h ;n- con'.a: in: X in " . n -i,' ilia, i'.'rs for si! Found, 12 n ib w !ir.,'i i'.niitii't'm dn Fault's cf the b. ?.t f.-.eibt y IV a Nu't laud. About bull' cf th tr,H.t, in i.ow u-.-dor ( Uiiiv.Oi n. Ab'o, a si1 all tia-.-t el piney 1 lie!, e iu fna-f. t snid f-bu'e. ou them.nn ro.i.'l leadii-jr to Wi!n-iiii.t i. The e hit d i ate prbicinrt'.h on tle s-, ii ii 1, ( ouvtiii mi! (or li-;i a ltd sO'iS or for mak'nif r-a!r :.t" t-ie lith'-vtJ to ho us d sitah'v located as any 1 ir-tN on the f-'o'u d. 'i'!e;e : s.b t;T one bundre I neres of the ! bf st. p.- Luis 5, ri'.idy to e ear, a pott ion d whi : i I.e. the dy b-e i deadfJ, Rnl c-nt:iif.s lar : (i-etiiti'y of r-cei-oted '.re. s, the ' e: y b;t f r Lo-tritr ai! a:.d e e v r.ieiit to the Feui:V Pe-R :'S;sliini to V 'f b i c a de. it ;:b'e re-iee,.ce vcuid do web t t v.ud .e ti.e i-reiiiistH. TtrniJ t:uce ee.M . arty of i a. .bee re -ei te;s in t auonU r ccuuiy. Frc ra eur K. con-.; 5 0 it i. n ef Yesterd.ty. f FF'Ci.a L l.f.TTFR FROv! G FN. J F . r TON. 7 K3 Fi LI 11 A L . LANTFNti KF AH WEoT PONT, t c. M Va., '"ay ts.-h, lse2. Tit'.:r.t '. dated l .rhaats 7tn. r.'atea the f-Mrry iciiM Ar. ( let cr ficm G n:. viJ'e, 11 o', A. J!., ii,' U Firi' i cr u:.d i c ;vcr or tieir tr inb. a".H r.o -r West lVu fallen up a brave ard true people. Alter a Va4int dt- enee by cur fort a belo.v the city after txuaustiug all our rt sources aud f-ki"! tbe greaVr tls mrcta oa water of tLe cneay enabl d Ahem to jms'3 our tsrerior fi.rtifi-eatlo;.-s with their latg- fl,et, i'ud tbey cpprouolittl the city with a rq icdren of iHUf-n of their largest, all stesraihlps, gunb a's tn i mor'tar vtsstM. 'i h( re was a ge l.'rte if lu:ui tro pr? iu the ci-y ; but o what tvall were tu.y tig.;n at the ti jtp- uttboafs f h- ceuty ? At the fir;imnt it v.-asai-n.-tipuvi' tb&t the a iips passtu the rorts, U Oecirn't tvfj.-nt to aii no c ticg fersoijjj that tho city w.w Ox (e-.c.l ss. Stejw wr-i t ea taken to rndtr it a barren c ;i q t-su Uy ord r i t the Governur ana military auth..ririts n'l the Gcv.rr nent mut.u:oi;a and stons wt-re s i.t at-y. iSoch n e-ti-iiu's ot war as c u'd not be removed we:c d s rcytd. 0:lcrs wre alo i.-u. d o ue?lr'V a.J the citu-ii in tbe etey i ins was none, i t-a tioops unocr tue n.u of Gen. Lovell were marchod to the hr crier lins ! th? eitv a l'e ,v iniies below, tuisj l;uc3 w-e. !d Lav,; be n f jraii ht! !e against an nrruv advoe bv laud : . o teen. lot. but c a - U'. :d titiarv i id l! Gi J. did not cxyect a v.- He i' s th. ' El .1 i S tO hj V b'. rjMher '. lie prbu-'Tcr-i ;c 1 e l U.rt- t- .1 ; - , ; . .. .ii. . . Cfc'.n oi v ol t flic t .v. il d V:U. of a." tr e c: c;.iV. Ci:crt: v a' ii- u.ICl ccureiis, d t hat ir.--! urg l-U . Itu- 17 ere rn:e p. 1, cf Di . F. F'il. N. F. .'1X :N. 17-if IJei..' No; side. ' h of tu. ;c'iu:.:: & i! ' ii- g i.: Eai.i a ud part of Han rut's. n tn the ext'.-L i oi the caa.ti'-s i n eiilter ij;ii!ie ut he' lest S Cav 1 I . 1 . lj . ... 1 L . . t . Si. cnd u;vrAVii: to-dav. Ii caiioNi;, Ya., Mr.. : ' .. .. u:g on Teoud :,v li v, ,;r, v. hi e it ias;c i. i re; r. ,t-'-u .o t ave ii;e bi-tteries near the river were qi-.te wtnk ai d inef fective a;ain3t tne shipa especially ia the preient stpge if the river tbe- hi,, a eurFjce tl the veu .ei- tnabui g eornplettly to command the surroundicr country. Ia the cortdition o! aifaos ii was quite ooviuus that the cnt iny'si fleet wou'd meet with no set ion obstacle iu pe-s1: g up the iivr. Aceordltgiy, it wbs aen uaetu li un ia:ly hour that tbey Wtie c..ti;i! g. 'ileii ve-i-ei-s eaaie. Ui ,K.wiv, us if Kt-i'nr their w;v the llatUh-rd. 1 tt ' ' the fl'g.'tip of Gota. Fanae-ut, leading. S Leu fee lowed tne Brook :yn, the iiichaiond, and nine tther -hips, b'g arid little. As tbffe chips ppnroaehtd the batteries, abviut six or s--:veu inile-i b;lov tiis city, our artbieiisis nptu thvci iiitm botii Eiiics i-f tt.e iie but a-? the gi'u.s wue ot-ly 2i'.-, ti.ty . lodnecd but little tfL-et. Trie el. ij s a plied with setcral brcsdsid;?., whicb fchowed that tbey auislt e y cOiitcnr,d..d cur batteriia. Ti.e batbrie, though raaDncd by uispractietd uuners, kept! up theh:e tor some time, out y.iiii no tu.ct, artu uud r such cis-t-our&tiag circamHtncts as to rend r it an ob vious policy to withdraw the genners and tbe troop . ; the battel ks vvre accordingly abandoned, and the troops were m-.rchod to the Jacks "tu Railroad. Iu tiie meau timi the hostile pqitadioa steamed the riv.-r. A ter ribleand ineianehfly spt-cttc!e was p:e rF(i to thj vie tcrious s'ii; -i. The wholi ievee, for miles, va3 wu.pMd in sauk.-, troni the burning cotton cud gun catri-f-s, which the auibo.iUrs bad ordered to lie cot s on '. lo the river wue mo y buiis of barniiijs; Hh'p, the ihbr.e. of our 11. c: and ef the merchant veseia a-;d fct utaers which con'ained cotton. 'i'l e sq.iadron proceeded up the ri?er, the g.-eat Dial litude clasterei oa the !eve locking en i:i disgust cud horror at lh- dismal spectacle. As th-y pas.-ed, a k w hos were tired ,by some of oar fejhihri, but witbitut ord-. rs. The ships did not ii j iy, but jirc-cecded slowly alcng our levee. A Jeuble cheer was raised t n beard oi one i l the ships, which was r-spoi.t-.-d to by someth'Dg like-, a ci.eer iium a ftw j evsens in I'm crowd. Tim cheers, wi ether iuteru-d aj s;u .l; or nor, ihcv upo:) the parties who were sas:,-;-cted t jiiviti t U m. i-oki d- z.-u or &o cf pistol sho'?, by which several persons were wounded. The cpudruo.h-..iu advanced, tne foremost ship as tar aj the Jr'onrth Dr-iteicv, can?- to an anciior the ships to the i.iiCikr oi ti ir.teii ti- .lug up po: iticn in irot.i of tbe city s ) ; s to commanw he aevei al sltveth Alter remaining in this -position tov a bait' h-rur, a bat came a-;,oie woh two clii:i rs, one :. Bayii;?, s. con-i in co-nmand of the squadron, (. epr. i. .ttragut beirg fljg 12 rer, acd a heutcnar.t. '1 bese cilieers were i reeted t-n louchii'-sf the shore with the mtst ut)rorh;ui buzz ;s f j-r 0 l "I. s f te.u l tie ore 'lhf.ciiaige of n fv.-.r'u; ruow- Cut v.- . .bu d i in ci.ii a ti e lies' i.iii'-i ' 'J be in s .. tiie t;:i ni-, Gen. "at 'y, cf Yiriui.i, r: I.h son , i ! -eiith C-rel aa, ia epur .No hi . ).-.: er d tiiib,d acci u: r-ce ivtu. ;:d v o;:a e i h v.ry Lea y. i onnded. Gt-r. Audtr d Llia d. of 'be iu-; t ie b-.s ;ct; T i2C I , , j . e. ran ' dtmooBtratio; s. rid with trie most tht.-at.- I'h.-v hod n:slcctcd lo brin-' a a ;:! e; y ,?. rxedc i - y u: i: .-a .,. ; tor " 1 c Ii bt at Fatbr- ra.svi'.'o ot jesttrda; rates a e said to have let a xi.-t.-ri.Ais, were icpu'sed , oil Huniorao tl. lit- r. . po: if. 0; anotuer . T;.s CoLfcde tbe Yr.nbifs IZiLicati,! al. p villi! I tSitl . ?.t: OJ.J.i cii:. rnnN iN.inu jon, um:r thf manac.'.'.nt JL ct .'!r. Ja-'.e4 F'o't'hs'.de a' d Lady, j . 1 ieate.1 iu one if le o: cx-j ffm s'.e .! i'e: c j ti e li.Kt b ph:h:l villa e ia N i t h ' . rol n.t. IV . .. til .l t i .- I . t I . .- , '. . M I 1 V t O 1 hrill'' edu eition ''.l i e .kio.i: ted hy t jaeha s ef la aud unJ u tiled ipia'uuca'i -n lii- !ir.:,i: i! j,ar:iti'."it i t in ch irpo ' f T.of. V.K -crinjier, (ot Pan . F' iie... .) a pi,,:i , f TlnFnU!;. 'ir ulars wi I be bent t- ad ho dea-rj tbc;n. For fail paitkMiSr. crd-; ai uiFrbt;M'i:, Fi ui.-huir, N. An i-dva-nee poit-'ci: v i e i aro IV Fort M i .! i Ij a A'.Aii :'.ei,iii.-, ?..'ubu..i:, .fl la . :-ruy 8 h, 1- S2. P;t..r"d Morur C et. fevco ve: , tea i i . re a : o t ff iloi u 1 ;!and. iy K-bJ. -It w i-t-o iu-! cd i A hi 1 ii x Fj OM V, cf. ; - J AC p.-reaFy feflirg l'u. :3 are cor-fiil :nt -.KbK At.s d:f";yf 1 0 DAY CNK OF iiu,4t-il l)Ol...AU?i St .Ifi. e;' ILL bo paid for &uy nuru'er of Pectu'-t-i F tte V.'a-. CI j I i ' i , b' .ti.ius n,i i lh rsital i'.a w .11 be avowed a4 F'tu'iitlous oi the Cotid drit army. 'IhafiO tubs'. !.( i;;ier tbe 17th day l t-'ay, B;-u:ity wi.l not bu ailo.ved. Aopiv to '.i.i Firro. M . ORK. Oa-1. A. V: LiFPi 1 T. Ut Fieut." STACY V.tNAMliiMF.:, 21 Lbut. L. L. Kb I I'll. 3 1 Lieut.., er at'Pi'i'i'o DRUG STOR -. liny 1st, 1SC2. lU7-Gt,U7-2t l.ovt io. I, iti Unit. fi,.nje I.A o-l. Ye '.Link that, we h ive good reasons f r b.-li-.vir.g that ji party is b-iir or-arilz d here to bring nut a can did Pe tor u.e eih.-e of (Governor, who will go belerj tl;e j.e. 1 m an opjiotient el tiie pusent Adiitinis'r ition of tiie Co lit d rate Sta'es, and (tiJ avor to rally a paily in 0!po.jition to it. ii.ouli we be riu'ht in our c u b e un , it es tasy to tee tint a nr. re mFchhvou.-) c -urse cut i d Wt il Fe ursue 1. Wi ile we d not mean to deny th e tbe Admiuii.'ration h.n'e inistaios, it is tuo-t rb-vi-aus to u.4 that this is not the tone to m-.ike war upon it. The (in my has hi-i hand almost upon the very throat of our Confederacy, and he must Lc drives back be hue we consular issues, the di.-iuion of which will create bad bluod ittnong a pc pie who should be uuited as one man to avert bom th ins h's the mot tumble late which the imagination can conceive. When we know so Weil the treatment which we will receive in the event of tur country being c nquered by our Yankee enemies, it is impossible lcr us to comprehend the leeiiuga - bieh would at this time tot nan lo v. ork to divide and dis tract people, who, if not tbotjtghly uuited i gaiust the common foe, will become the veriest slaves that ever worked for a inasfer. But vet ve fear. and have n ason to believe ti at such men are in tur midst, and at their mi work. Vlu n these men fcl all have thoroughly developed tbim a lvis and their plan?, we t-hal!, lor one, bold them up to the j j.-t n probation of a people whose liberties they woubi ut hast imperil, it not eaerifLe, and at tie eame time show tbe u'ros stupidity of their conduct, for il th'.y tucceed in distracting and dividing ti.e pcop'e, and tbuss insure their conquest by the enemy, they will nev .r ct joy the cCices which they cow so foolishly Beck. When this war shall been successfully concluded and our liberties secured, it will then be time enough to overhaul tbe Administration of the Confederate Gov trurueut, and oigaoize parties; and until this blessed period arrives, tbe umn who seta to work to divide the people into bitter and hostile parties, is an enemy to bi3 country, and if he succeeds b doing so, will be the double-damned author of the most dire catamites that ever befel any country .lid. Register, 1th inst. Woke for 5Ir. Eadgek. The Yankees at Washington nave made a Lieutenant Colonel in the Yaukea service- of Mr. UitspatH' son. We now httpe that rSr. Badger will ia troJuee another resolution rcquestia Governs dark, "oa thin state of factg," to dtmand of Lincoln, that tha body of siid Lieutenant Colonel Ren?8S3 be crivenuTito the anthmi. ties of this State. If Mr. Badger fails to do this we hope Bucnn nn a .U. will .1. A tt I. .1 -v ws niu taag t iu Urtuu. uiuc vww i4u. tl. Si ti,,btii;V ! tro- lo ' l -V Oil - I. i"l in ihe o ' w ard. li. ii g i-ciH?i.x.ady, butU r er f.rec-t at the ubit- t" bvid 'he enemy io the:! F,N JA(b-''N'c PJYir'dON K Hie 1 1 ; ; h x i-.xri;cn:; v'i TKi'iF- i f:l: n:;. i, b-e j . ICUi:'.;M, i -fii from tui'-o i ibis r - ;:dv nee ft-rce t-iij,.-:: t d P. e i ne j.y i e.i: i'c:? w ,e o'cioe'e P. 'J, ci! ye.-tvvdi'y. AFer F u: Lcvrs : h t'-eeriie.! in d: ivii.-.s tb.-iu i. r k. A. 9 h l:-r,?.. fi.:ir .f true, and it w.-.s a pre of of tbe ioad of evTn an infuriated muRi'tnie that th- were- allowed to la? d. They, bo v. cut, pruCci d; d under the pvoti clicn of seme gcr.tlerr.en, who undertook, to oeduot vi ern to iit Mayor's (liiee, in a eiieuel.;: g ilr., Joho;v-,d by u fu"j iU3 und excited m-,b. ih-ue.::, no voheee was otleicO to tbe iCiteiF, evr'ai pits d 3. s.asp.ce.1 ol favorimr their H;g a.e.i c;o:."', v. ere c-..t. uj-oa wUi great fury and very ro tgiiij On arr.vir e ut the Gtty iJali, it r.ouued toe iutervcn'ion of ft ver u i c.tiz t ? i preteut vioi'-nee b in.f e fl-.-rtd io li e rasa v-.: i-:;:.r oi un execrated djn..s'y and G? v.i.-trr.c.P. 'lh? Mayer f.ceived the Fed r.l i Clecr . ii b,. ohice with porr dignity. Cent, i-bujiic slated ht piuttr. nf h:s rrisston.' He had been S" l ht avt. b i-vraeue to . uematd the Ettr c-d.r ef the city and the rivaia-ii oi tbe flair of the U. iteu States otcr tiie Cu-tomhou3' the Ccsicfhcc. the Mint aid the Cry llalh ihe Mayor re- lie:! tbnt he wr.s not the ioi iurv Cl-nin-iaud'r of tie city, that he bed c j authority to surrender ir, acd wodi j not lie t- Or sd the citizens to bear themseve manfully, nev er to st'HH. cr eubiri to th Lincoln doa inalion. aid to wa't v-hbp tim f ntitae lor t jq df l'verance from bondage whi'th niost s ou cojne to them. Th? General then mennted hU horse, and, tec. moat-ied by his utaff, rede to the Jack-'.-v Railroad, h?r-h took the last car, having abeidy kuI h.s urniv fi'tiead of Liu. Kiom Niv OiltMi.. We have, siys the Jackson Mitsissippian of the 1st, seen the Evening Delta and Picayune of Tut sday, from which we clean the following items of interest : Gen. Oavau, the commander of Fort Jackson, reach d the city on Tuesday hst, having come cp on the United Stuttssnps a pria-ner of war. lie has been it 1-asei n Li parole A similar disposition has been neide ei the other cGecrs and men of the forts which have sr.ric;,dired to the Federals. 'i be L u'siana was blown up by her commander, the uutrs and men on tosrJ of her having escaped cn shore. 'i be auihori :es t f the ci y U 11 out to the last ivi their s'nbV-tr. and Ih roie refusal to lower the flag of their j d ion, aid hoist in its .steed the La'tlul emblem ol p;'re-:n ibe Delta cotuzratu.ates tbe city in the preservation of its drgni-y and honor, and exclaims, " Fallen, but not ihsgraod " We tt-arn that car guns at Fort Jackson were all -;j k. d i elhre the surrender. . Fort Fike has ie n tvacuiltd by l!ie "Confederates, who abandon- d ev. ij thit g it cjiitaim-d provisions, mu ni lh 'tis, &q. lie following communication from Commodore Far raeut eherws that h; wishes to impress upon the city uuUioihi- s he i bent upon either the subjugation of the city cf New OrLun or its destruction. But he dare t ot. .-hell it. We trust for the honor of the city el e will not be intimidated by tLe- inhuman and monstrous eecmy oi this co mi sy. We have no idea that New Orleans will ui?gsv e herself. U. H. Flag Snir , IIartfosd, ) A i. anchor ill the Citv of New Orleans, V Aori! 28, 1862. j To His i'ouor the Mayor tu.d City Council cf lie City cf New (Jilens ; Y..-ur communication of the 28th , has been re ceived, together wbh th&t oi tbe tlity Council I dci -ply ; egret to see txdh '" Jtiitir contcn's, end the 0 Tii'uu d di-;.la,v ol the fl go on tae Court o'.m.v. a Ot'Uruiiiia'.i. -n on the . part ol the City au-ih-.aities nt to! it down. Moreover, when my 1 Ilk er sand men wete sent on shore to commuiFcate with tbe auihoiitii, end to hoist the United Statt s fii-4 e-n-ibe Ctistomhoiise, with tbe strictest order not tc use their arm-1 unless assailed, they were insulted iu tie gn ssest and the fl -g which had been hoist ed by my t-rd. is on the Mint was nulled down and drug ged through the streets. Asl' of whieh go to show that the fire of this fleet may ie drawn upon the City at any moment, and in sucii an event the ievee would ia all probability be cut bylhes iel s. and an amount ol enstrtss ensue to tne imioceat population which 1 have heretofore enikavorcd to ;"s;i e you that I de sired by all means to avoid. The el.ctiou is then -lore with you. But it becomes my d.i'y to LOtily you to iernuve tbe women on 1 cbii elrcn f.t in the coy within h.rty-c:ght hours, I lurve ligU'ly ui.dcrUjod your delermiuation. Very rc?pectlu:;y, your obedient servant, (Sit t.rd) D. G. Farragct, ' i iig OCicer Wes etn Guf Blccliading teriadron. .... . .t .. . M .3 1 j iu a.ayi r ('i"iVt tieu u.e.ouy uuuncii, aim we icaru tteit it was rlt-c'd.-d by fh m not to reetdr from their po st itior , aid the L-aaisrana fl g still Goats proudly to the breze. B.avo ! for New O: loans. i be following further cerrespot.dence between Mayo: ",.;.. roe and C. mmoJoie Farragut we fir d in the New "J. .tar s i ' J a e a u.eoay evening : City Halo, April 28. 1SG2. T.j Fh;g Officii- IK G. Funogut, U. 6'. Flag Ship i l l ijo, u : Your c ot-iauei a'o. i of this morning is ti e first inti mation I t-v-r bed t!i it it was by your strict orders that tie. Unit! Stares fl 'g was atteorpttd to be hoisied to in ct rttin of cur pubh-o :c':ilieis b-y i fn .c-rs s ut on eb iietu i ooi'i u.deate witli'ihc au lnrities. The OUT. eis wiio ;'p; r ioLe l nre ia your rente diwlo-sed uos'i.ii v.r e;s a; d i .tim.tte j tro such u sign on your p-jrt, no" would 1 have l-ra moment en ertained the iem-)test su-pieh n that they could bate b. e:i invested with power : u.tfr on feutrh an trraud whi.e the i egotiatiens for a sro render b twe n you and tl e city eathoritits were s c-d..e-'. ' he i-iH rhit nee of any force un-k-r your com- tave been subjected to insults by rabbles of boys and tnougntiif'S persrs. ILis is very reptebcnsibie and ougt to L3 peven'ed. We thirk Capt. Farragut lakes very enoneous views of his dutu-c, when Le sends tG eeis ashore, eti any mission, without atkirg of the May or the protectlo ) of a police eecott or supplying eucb tsceirt l.im3flf. He rssumes that the city t utboriiies are responsible for such tv cuhuary violence, and that he would kav the right to puniih the city for ttre vic lerrce of a few persons. It would almost seem that the United States com mander songbt a pretext for iufiietir-g unntcetsary end wanton wrong and injiry on the city. He "claims that the city is in the occupation cf the United States, and yet keeps his who'e force on his ships and neglects to serd ashore any trcor3 to protect, grard and enforce his authority. This is til wrong. If officers come ashore, in tie pnsent condition of e flairs, tbe police authorities cught to be notiii d, and requested to secure th?tn pro fee ion and escort, tsuch a ccorse woulj prevent the exciting and discreditable crc(3 that Lave beea exhib ited ia our streets. LATEST FROM XEW CRLKAXS. By favor of Mr. Thongs, of New Orleans, we have ac.tpyof the I) ha ot Wednesday evening, it gives U5 tbe latest intel ioi ce, is very interestirg. We sha'l make good use of it tor tbe Evening News ; the late hour at whieh it wa3 received pree'iulicg us from makirg extracts for thl j morning's juiper. We learn f.ora the Delta that the C on'edcrate end State das have I seen bwend in the city and the flag1 of tbe Utitttd States Coats fr. m the public buildings under the protection 'of ti.e memy's gu.n.3. All the pap is are stiil published, but are of course co. Gufd to focal te-pies. T h? Fole-rals were ixp-ctcd io take military t c.-upmiun of the city on VYed.resd.iy. The DrPa pubbs'its tbo following. urporting to be a protest of tbe Comm md tnt of the Fiencli sloop Milan, row. in the port oi New Ori-Jcs : Commander i f the Untie I S'atei Sij'ijJ,cn, rxiv ',:c pm t rf New Oi lams: Slit Sent bv mv Gevrnrrent to proti ct the re rsons and pojetty ot i s chlzer-S, who art here to the ntripitr of thirty tbonard, I regret to 1 am at this morn tr that vtu have accorded a d.lsy ol lortv-eiiht fo urs for ti e evacuation of tie city by the wemrn and children. I venture to observe to yoa that this ehort delay i3 ridic ulous in 1, in the name ot my Government, I oppose it. Il it isyeur rtso'uiicn to bomlmni tbe city, (uj it ; hut I wis'.i to state llrp.t you will have to account lor this barbarous act to the-power which I npr:S'ut. Iu any event, I demand sixty days for the evacuation. T)k CloI'kt, Commandant of the steamer Milan, opposite the city of New Orleans. Mobile Kcivs. W ivimtiit uf liopj. Cvd. 11. C. Illh's Brigade, 3500 'men, s'crt.d for Goldsb ru' last wttk. Col. 11 ni h us ti e ie.ole dish and true meta! of a soldier about him, and wiil give n good account of hiu;s b, be-never heard From. Col. Daniel's Division started for the tarn? point on Friday or Saturdiy l?t. This division cerrks about the same tumber of bayonets m Col. liid's Urigadc and learned ho v to u-e tbeai, and -tbe ga'laat C'ol oucl kuows when to order their application ard will do it. Col. Singeltary's Brigade is also ea route for GoIJs boro', and the name of the Colonel is the very syno ljmri of dash and gi l'aniry. This Brigade is equal i! no! superior to the others in point of numbers, and will sbo d as a wall between our ctuatiy and its invader?. Tbe entire Dii--ion now cn route for th-j points threatened, rumb.-riog 12,000 more or I s. l aving been thoroughly i rgau'z?d and uriiled by Cols. II ill ai:d Sin geltary, from the sciiool of the soldier to the evo:utfo:;s ol the line, will make its mark on the enemy whtui it is eager to meet. A lotca (epial to this in point of number, if not in di-cipline, is rapidly compleliog ii3 eq ripmeat, and will join the first division in tre course ot a ti diy?, or as soon a3 emergencies require. Besides theee Frees now rendy ir: the fled, the CLrap of Instractiou near Italeigh is tt-eining with seidier.3 be k;i:ging to the p; versl noo-ganiz d rsglmenti now ia f formation there ; be sals tb.r i.ew companies fcr ti e narpc?e cf j nn:ng the ic-or-Tjr:'z d reci men is o twele nv.-nt! s' vn'iure-. rs, o v; organ's :d i.r the s.r. LrrjiC cag-r:- ol ariss are beiiitr received 'at t! is p.'-ii.t and .et S JlaL'j-y, fr-'-m Ccnleler:.l.; poris. It is -.ought that the- i-upp'y t the latter pi ace w.l oe srdil i-.-ot lor To the Editor cf the Journal Sib : Seeing a paragraph in yestemlay's issue of the Journal, urging young men to join the service of their country, thereby securing ths usual bounty, arid intima ting that there wes calls by veral companies for re cruits, I beg to say that a sTstem of recruiting has been carried on here for some t me, which reflects very little credit ou the patriotism or Justice of some gentlu rnen engaged in it, who would waut to make it hppear they weTre actuated solely by patriotic motivef , end mak ing sacnG-'Cs purely for their country ; when as tbo con trary i3 the case. A good merry of thesa would nuke believe patriots recruit mea in order to get high posi tions for themselves, high salaries cut Cf tic GonltdcT' ate treasury, and little or nothing to do. Far be it from them lo join a company as a private, though some of them having forge properties to defend, und when they do succeed in securing volunteers, tbey care co more for them than if they were Cru;ne . The poor man volunteers to defend hrs countiy from a patriotic motive, which I am sure is not the case with s in c of the cfQe seeker?. As an instance of this, I wil cite a casein p dot, whieii occurred iu this town lately. I know a numb.r cf young men who left th ir resp ctive employ- ' a cats awl joined a eorr pany es for back 33 the bi-cia-nir.g of the month of March, and have not been put into service yer, though they joined with the express under s anding from the recruiting cflfoer that they were to go into service imrnediate-ly alter their enlistment. Tneir officer failed in miking up a cemonny, w lure upon tbiy were transferred to a second carelidate fofu captaincy, who transferred them Hgain to a t rird, who has not yet got them into sort ice. nor vey likely to do sr ; so that j duieg as early us lOtti cf March, lh y run' n good cbanic of forleiiing their bounty, urd s -me of th m ac tua'Iy put into prison fjr entkavor ng to go iato the service for which they original y enbs'e i. To tbo.e ersoiis who are uboat j. doing companies new, iu order to Ptctire their bouuty, I -. u;J say, look well to the standing cd' ibe man you j ?in with, ui d to the probabilities ot the cjmpany ut-iiig made up brf'orrj the lo'.h iost. It s time that the government wmi-d put a stop, to tbesj im-c .unmissio.n-1 c Hirers, and a .-pi-rants for gold lace tnd i pauluts. 1 he jw- r man's rights and privileges she u'd not be s '.crificed to their ambition and self uggiunoiz rntnt. VI f, I p'.ould not think such a system calculated to make go d soldiers. I am sir, ynns Osi-r of tue Aggrieved. Per tba Journal. Tilbute cf r.i'(pe.t. At a meeting of tbe members of to, D.. 23th Pcjrt. K. C. Troops, held at their q'l.oters at Pert Johustm, 'N. C, on the 7'h inst, Capt. V. Jasper Marfo w a rcil- d to the Chni., a ud let Ft. f. Linton tier" reque ted to e?t as r-ccre- -!ary. The Chairmaa stated tha obj -ct of the m--( tii n; to ho the taking into cortsiJeraticen, a; d dreftn.jr re-oiutieii rela tive to, the death of a mea b r rt giid tn rn-. The Ch-ibiiau ajini inred Fcrirb W. II., Corfl O. ft. Poweil. JcBeph'll. ?rilH, t-irn.n i iron urn and Wnj. Jeytsir, a Commit 'ee to draft n p; tvi'ior.s. nid Commtiteo having retited, ard sal milted the foetowiii nrc- amble BEd rea dti'if ns : Whersas, Tha A!ixiip;h'y d'rpoTr of hem tn rven. Pan taken f'rora our lainiLi'i mr it sp. cn d j.nd fellow Soldier in arms, (fouige 1. llanc ion, v. ho iljcd a; Cmny Wyntt, N. C, on 'die fith May, 18 .2 . Therefore, l.esnlced. That in the tleratb cf our mncb es teemed i'rier.d find fellow soldier, this Compaay hi. 8 eus tained a material hiss, and the Fei v'.ca d- prived of u loral patriot and true soldier, who wai ever ready to defend the cherifhed rights of a nation stm rtdiar' for freedom. Jiefolced, 21. That the member of thii Company do deeply s meathise with tli bereaved wlfo faai ly ar.u fiifiius cf ti e doef-ased ; r.tid, a copy ef t'jese proceed ings he fariii.di-'d to the wife id' tint deceased, and cne to the Wi'micoteu Journal tor pu'ni. aii.n. On motion, the preamble and reso'uih.Ls were uaani moai'y adopted and the mce'in a "j-mt :;ed. CAPT. W. JASPS-.U &TANLY, Chaiiman. lat. Fx. I. Ljston Goan, Soc'y. the arti au:. ni oi th ; troops re r.udeZWis tl ere. In ati iili ;i to tl.e Furpb ville is HiHt-iofr eat u i.mited l ie;:' q t ;'i : t:ai e:ii ".ft '"p'tf. ;! v. b:.t rs it n : c, ArsT-tt! at i-'r y or en e;s ef a ,.-:,:.' ;i Oi V. . t - C:;, e Ar rrtetrtbie to m t!:u'::ctuie mose rr n;s ued, us Io- g rs those n 'gotiations weecuot brought to do so, but that there v. a a military c )mmat tfo-r ne-v; ! a close?, cou'd not lie viewed by us oth rwise than as a ;n lvi city, and r.e weald sead for biro, reply to tLe demand. so rreeiVC A messenger was or led to Gen. Lov. h :o.ys .t C n. Iu the interval a numxr c! citizen's v.Lo were, g t into cenvirratiou with the U. a. navel i-llicr-i. i i.e Litutenunt s emed to be a courteous, Well o hatei peu- i tltiuan, who boie tistrcvony witii a; parent ea; ut sines.s to ihc vigor and vafor.ol tee de.e e e oi our iror, und was ouite communicative, 'i i e s n or ofoee-r ws moi. A , be F ree liur-drec i is s-O.l ' v m:. lei in th.i .!.;' ..e -.if the I d Vi'.'.' e Co io:t i, . !' th e . V.-l wi d Jebn- Ct 1 Td. (f. Fsrr.-.r.n nnd a i j; m -r t, were v.-mndfed I nr. i tfrtnu rfguneitt,- vr V 1 t d A F'jtr fi. b! if.c xprct" d to iF-y. Tin I ieli-iioi d Firea i h f t?)i. in l ilfs tr. on h Fiuii y of 8pr. I. id of the t- om-v ;' z, th t o.e of 'car b ifei :" s t l'ayb Pernt, fo!e of V.'i-ht cx.tdy, were sttatk elbyih e-" (.u::-i or.ts o:i e-tfid s. rod ribarel Cn-, cf the! v ss di eiii.i;ed'w..8 v ' on e! tl ere .ui r Ca'rn.'.. Thr:J bundrr d ur.l tw. rt'y F d r-dU ' iu tared at Willi rr:3 bu'g cn MonJa;., at lived here let cveafog. lh" city U exeitcd ; reports of laeie fihtiny ou tbe Peuimuli. FitOM S ' Y.k y Ml. w tcesT v Oko . .i v fi h. i-r,.t 'US Ol hi t: c . U os ivtd, but still mere htg" in p otss it was d.thiuit, however, fur lam i t cH.ce..i o attcir of tla'se cnur;tie?, il not oi the a'.s iil between beli'ire-rents uncl.r big. Kite rtgu?.-, wbjcu preva Htch ciieionaraii.'!. s. My views und semimen's with relett i:ev to sue i couduet ttma:n uncharged. You now on .v ti c l iineudj nrade in your hamer comn-uaica-sit n, end y cu insist cn their b -m ccmoiied with uueon dliu" tl'y i nh r a 1! reat of tornbarum-nt within for'y i jght 1 ui r; ; i nd yr.-u tiotify roe to remove the wutntn ati ebi-dt-t-n tiom the ci'y that tby miy bs protected 1 ehl ihan tiios-i i -''Cis-nrv our s'-'orps'tooters. A v. . . . r ..1 . tieiog in oiuiae-urcu at v. it Wlii limit! cf this Sta'e, tbe ix v. a Oi , bieh it iroa'd be "ade.'.t to it! tion. -a!, 7 From tha llale!g,i Pei-ter. 'ilie . o:Sfr;tioa At!- . I-irjiiH)Us ImpreaOon. Many person" an Uiidtr ti.e impression that the Con- script ion Act puts an er.d lo volunteering. This is a mistake, t.s will lie sctn Jo u the following letter from the Secretary of AVar to Ge-vcnor Clark, which was laid before the Convention o i Tuesday : co.M?cnirTioN act t v,t rt it fiiom xna srxrji- TAiiY F V.'Air. Fit-rerunv;? Offich, ) Raleigh, IV. C , .uny 5, 18G2. j lio.v. WmDON N. KtJiv.-Kj), Pi endex! tf the Cotvctition: I lor: b:u;r. to ire'o .t thi Convention, uiiGU'Oi you, a e -ry ol a Fete.' a....trtS5ed to ma by the .Secret ;. ry ' 1' Wi r, i.r to a ver to pom? ir.q iiries about the ctnntiHc'rou e t the Cor. b it i -o- Ac'. This I'tter eoutair.. ail the inie-rimifioti I hav-3 of the Law, except s-:c"i pubbeaue; cs have be. .r authorize! by th) War Dvp ii turct, v. el fm'.'l.sai d i.i too iiewsjap-irs. I i ave the honor to be, .Mor? r. fa! V, ilE.VIiF T." CLARK. Tl: t i - 'S lie. 'thet-rirg in:eili-e::ce fro.n tbe; PeatLStl?, n yor: tcrday, io'd tbes thee1 cf a p'e-;sa:it furprhv upo-u the communi v. The details of the tiht toe, as yet, ju-vrgre, but i s'orv is noi thibtiy is I,- S cei trei'. ;;.'gera.( d, bs ing, i he sv c:jo o. eou- ;t our o ta . i UU. t'v. 1 o , eon c or but ihe Litter f-ectinal bite of a ilarsaebas'ctis man agaii si a tiue Suutber.i comu. unity, in ti.e c urr ed ibe cou vi isati. n, ho?, ever, tins ebirer ranob-rel that Cap: at a Farragut deeply reueited to str- tie it-irit oi inceudiai ismwheb tnevliled in ti.e ci' y in ibe el.-s ract:a ol r. . , ... .1 I l.uur' t:-.ite:u uu:ti ii.i.-. ...t '.iw ........ , ...... . dillered with hit;.- ; und the dt struct. oa v.t.s o. our own property, nnd did not cone r.i outside; s. Cap;a u Bay lies Mpli d that it locked eil en vw that there is no possible exit from tli's ci'y 1 ir a' population which ixe-eeelsin ui-m'oer on - nur.cred and f .r?y ibotisur-d, and you must th. it-fore 0: tt.vaie of tb -utnr insanity cf eueii a notifi- O r we m; n an i c'niarcn c- n-iot escape Ire m ca'i'-n. ot -:;ei s, -t Ibe Mavor nmai k-.d tn..t l e i oueti iu-oi ? t io who w tr'a con cut to diftrt tb.-i ii.d the craws il their relatives in so s no? i ci U v.e i.ael to ed TV vmmr.ii brea r?cnineierbg Itetio" lirae s .y.i t nt th3 Vai ke -s have river und cor.rt bat'eries all this moTiiii g wit a fUU b t a'b -n cr me u j ueaily to ths ni u h of u.M:-!:-.e C iceb, and thn ri turned. Chailerdo: El.CCKADK GoODt AT At'OTION. '1 Conner el the fob os. s. y r At an an.; .on safe yes- leid'jy, by Wilbur k Sou (-ond:tio..s cash.) of recently imported f,;o-ods, the follow lug prkvs wert obtained : Turpentine eoep, f0 cents pi r p nod ; lallow cai.oles (iulerior.) 23 cen.s pt r peurJ ; bfotk te a, 8-1 per prur.d; March, lo cents per pound ; bucki-ts, Co 50 per tie z n ;, 0 per gross; c'fire, Laguay ra. 50 cents .-.r pound r kit hats, $1 (Jo each ; palm i.-uf hats, $2 0 .piie bis foce. lie ai.tyor r ci fJetently. Aiur "awhile Gen. Lcvc 1 arrived in front o the City Hall, atd was greeted with lend tip us ty the c;ov.d ou scie. On in erirg the JJr.yo.'s tfllc, Ctpt. Btybe-' duccd himselt as second in ct.muui.d ol (be U. .-Vi i; d en i,i be nt oi the citv. ticutta! Lovtil ici iivd,. i - . i ato Gen. Lovell of tbe urmy el ibe; C- ;.f i tie ners pleasure to mtird. i theru on a But if tin v cruld, there ate lew families a. a! ; e;i fo'v wtiul.l 1 r .vetv stae.d the sight r e.i z n ; tetter p 1 no riitm ,o per r a n ;.no e pajer, t'9 0 rer tboosand ; b!-.uc,i?d thirt- 1 ru'ed white Ictt. r pjp-.r, tl-i $0 2") p- r ream; eriVtiotttF Coat s spotd cotter:, 1! ;A) t or uc zen ; Ul-jec.iei ing, 34. c.-nts fur yard; black sewirg silk, $14 50 ptr.j pt uod ; pins, S3 50 prr pack ; gilt buitcns, i?J bi per pro's ; ladies' sbcis, 4 25 ; me n's nnd chicken's 62 25 to $2 37 ; hoop skirts, miioisar.d ia lies, $5 25 to S3 each. Gkn. Sherman not to Blams for .not taking Sa vannah. Tne Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Bust writes : Gen. Sherman, late of South Carolina, has been iu town lor a number of days, and has been waited upon by mony of his o'd friends. The utiai is naturally soioer, bat sensitive tespecdug the criticisms, made in certain quarters upon his conduct in South Carolina. lie tiaa bad an interview with the Congressional dele oation from Rhode Island, and satisfied them perfectly that be is not responsible for the non-redaction of Sa vannah. He states positively, l une'erstand, that ire was explicitly ordered by Gen. McClellaa to desist from all operations against Savanna's ; and this was after a regular eieira train had been sent to him for that specific purpose, vien. snernian s ineuua icti Bucnuat uiC smon the snbiect cf this tracsfer, and especially because it gives color to the idea that Le was not so tfiicient as he might nave been, commanding this d then stock hands, and Capt. B.ryieis stated h-s Mt.-Hon to d mar.d the surrender of the city ci.d ih: eiev .iou ni tbe U. S. flag over the Custom House, -i;ht end Bost- j Office adding that he wua instructed by Capt. ruira gut to state that he came to protect p-ivate prepert ami personal rights, and especially not to inter:; re with the negro property. Gen. Loveil replied that 1 e v.culd n d furrtuder tbe city, &e;r allow it" to he surrendered ; that Le was over nowfred en the water bv their sui erior sesuaeioa, but that he intended to fight them ou land r.s for-g us he could txustrr a soldi. r ; that he h-d marched all lis armed men cut of the city ; that he had evaluated it : and it they desireJ to shell tbe town, destroying womea and children, they cculd do so. That it wa3 lo avoid this he had marched his trocp3 beyond the city limits. but that a forge cumber even ol the wormn ot tbe city hal begged him to remain end defend the city even f gaiast shell ng. He did not think he weuid W jasii- - .... f . . . .i , Dtd in tfo:r g so. lie WeU.ii, tntrt lore, ruoe anu leave the citv authorities to pursue what course tbey sheutd think p'roper. Capt. Baylies said that no Euch purpose was entertained by Capt. ir arragut, reiterating me e- presdion of hh regret et the destruction ol cotten General Lcvell interrupted him by saying that it was dene by his authority. Capt. Bayiei3 sa;U that be had no doubt that (Jen. Loveii Lad done bis duty, and tbey were doing theirs. It was then concluded that Ctpt. Baykis and the other officers would return to their ships and tue Mayor would call the Council, and lay bc!orert the demand of Capt. Farragut. The tfiacers requested to be protected in their return to their chip?, and Gen. Lovell directed Col. Loved nnd .Major James to at com pany them. The ofTrcers accordingly proceeded to the nont of the City Ball, where they took a cab and pro ceeded to the wharf. During the interview an imrrense acd excited crowd of people had congregated about tha City Hall, who alternately hurrahed for Jefi. Davis, and Gen. Lovell, and most vigorously gre auto-for Lincoln and bis squadron." To calm this multitude Pierre Soule addressed them in a few elegant and effective words, ccusaehirjg moderation, self-possession, fortitude and coendesce in their cause, de- i. nt . ti : . ! 1 t tl : li.- . f . . u ... . . - . v . , wv... ..... .-, id our sbels tCifiiig uo the grav.s of tlu.-se who are so dear to tbe m, ar.d would tb t tbey did not ir g! , Mourly by ti e s de ot the tombs erected by their piety to rbe'tu "oe.ry oi dopwted lelativ.s. Yon e e uot stitisSerd with tbe peaceable p'-saession of a i urotii udtd c.ty. epposiog no to your guns, bteuu.vj o' ii"s Leiring its hard - fa'e with s meibing ol irau.i'i-Si und erigniry, atd you wish to-humble .and ths gt ee e n ; by the pcr;ormat-,ce of an set agar est which our nature' rebels. 'I bis satisfaction you cannot expect to e brain at our hands. We wo! stend yeur bemo: ri incut, uasrmeJ and u deh-udtd es v.e are. Tie- c vi iz -d world will consign to iude'-ible infamy the heart that ve i.i con five tbe deed and the hand that v. ill dar to consummate it. Ilesptctfaly. Jon. T. Mokroi:, o'yor of the City of New Orleans U At anther ell the ::'.oy i f the i be first eiespn ci e-s vreic x d .ubt, tr.e Drat bvrng re tl ct. A ptinL-iport in li;e licht i:;'o'-ots u3 V b,s in kill.d and weund. d. gums uo 220 ; th - i' b ss. io killed and v,i u d -.F. is u.-da.-ov.n ; tb i tr r, 'r, r C?pfun d by I ur lore-, s is G23. '! b- Fed v A it id ;-rei : r- tel. tie.FU stro: Ir un; m ;i sin i.l ft r.'.ffouti'i:) i: y Hairsfoirg. Ar i.r, eeoly I our SS'.SSl'.'tl. Moi.d. ;z -r io U e-rt er.S et:c.; l.t!ow Wit- y oe.ernir..-, Gen. Lo. rs re r ciispa ci ed a hownz -r io Urn. i f ht ax- i anof her to Le ie t ed their po-itto'i, end s o i j eting tbe m to a cr s--fi c, vi.ih did u rnrde ei-; u .en, a lv::n ( d ou their bft-t, uod put tic : to iou 1akn:-g the ah v-. number ed ptirtmtrs at d 11 (not 12) pieces e.f ::r!i!i,-iy. Toe prisoieis were imai'.diat. !y tot ou th-'1 march to Rieh.eoud, and w re X; c rttd to er ive last Among the kill d on our s de in this er ga je-inenf, we ngrtt to 1 am, wre (jol. W-itth 1 I for'toe, and oi:.j n Win U IVFnier, d ti.e 1st R-,. iu:ri!t Ya. Volar t:,rtJ, Capt, A J liurnrh e -u 17i i a. R:,; t. Amoi-'f the wound, d v. ere C 1. i .. t fo i el. 'tl Lvro buurg ; (fol IT :ti- yet Of tbe 7th Va . (Sok'-r o' the Hous': et 1 -e-h -ot s;) Col. Ccr,e, 17tu Vu. Rrg't, pi;J o hers. . Coi.fl.otii g rumors were rite last u'gbt, in to th- r-ui es'iet.t of our COXFI-DERAn: Sl'A'n-N OF Ari;-:illCA, V? Ait Dl 1' if. ! M 'N't', Ricrittoo, April 30:1-, 1SC2. nia, tiov TTE.'tr.Y T. ( T.APdc, 1 i.t;C I : ' IJ , 'i CJ. Your L ifer ol tl - 21 h i- vj3 rec rved on U3..IU it .11-. te-i f r c.uo'ti 1 l r-.p'y, I ; avc the It me r to sty, tl-at'the for.sciipdion iter i-s to su-oen J cd!s on ths it.e nttrr.r cr ot men betwicn tiie precii'ey ia tue ratio ICt in th? pervics Tbe . 9 ii 3 8. Flag ship Hartford,! .he City of New Orleans, Airil 22, 1S62. ) 7'oati Honor the Mayor of the City cf Sew Orleans : Sir The Fcrts of St. Phillip ard Jackson having urretidt-fcd, and a l the military defences of the city be ing either cmpi tired or abandoned, you are required, as the sole representative of any tupposed autherrly in the city, to baui down and suppress every ensign and sym-b-.ji of governinent, wheiber State cr Confederate, ex cept that of tie United States. I am now about to raise tbe fl.'g ofhe Uuited States upon the Custom house, and you will see that it is respected with all the civil power ot the city. , I have tbe honor to be very respectfully, Yotrr obedient strvant, D. G. Farragutt, Flsg OfScer Western Gulf Blockading Squ'd. '1 be Delta of Wednesday evening is exclusively de voted to local intelligence. We copy : -Fort St. Philip. Oar paragraph referring to the conduct of the garrison of the forts below the city, who mutined and refused to continue tbe fight, thougn net inttnuc-d for tbe command at Fort St. Philip, might be considered as applying to the garrison. We take great pleasure in correctiog such an impression. Fort St. PhiliD wa3 under the command cf Capt. Squire3, and the w hole earrison remained true and faithful to the last, not the slightest manifestation of a mutinous enuit be ing exhibited by them. Tbia completes the honorable military record or Una heroic garrison. -, . -U. S. officers, who bawe come ashore cri business iY.-n AC losses, but v.e presume that lb.- hiafo-ueu correoi. I be fiht, wo have sire; learn' d. w -s ci'ititiu -A fr yeste-day, Ht IJirl a-nst fo, wh-th is situated oi toe d;- vidiu r riii- of New Kent un J d iines Coiy c.-an es. miles from VViiddinjOirg and 7 mil s iroiu ties C'loeka- horniny river. A cjurier arrived here Lst t.igh, vino eft the vicinity of tbe see .re of act:Ou at noon on ye-rer- day, and brings iuteliig' nee that tie fi;ht was cen.g coneiacteel in tne m.s: terr.jrj ;-i.i tr. Our troone f.crt- aoting meS' gul!.ly rrd had re- pulstd-thc enemy. for the third ti.ue. i. -ta s'd.s Were largely reinforeed. The u.ulual loS3 rs beb Ved to be very large ; tbe result is, or c- urse, us yet ucUeCiUtti. Richmond Ehqiirer,btk imt. ores of IS oud 35 it a.-iurn d to : oi p ipuiatiou- The fii-o ffoct. e f the Act is to r, -i!l so'd e s' who wire; t ht r- the next, to h i up li t recr.mcn'3 a ; l c, ;; -.n 3 with men liable i i.eoi'ery d i!y t:n L-r tbe eet, by i pbin4 those men o.i service who wi,i be; exeinpt ir. ui g , with. those not now en EC'-vicr, not to root, mid tons to fid and keep fu'l the - x'o-ii'-g oori s to t? e in ix ii. ion allowed by i-iw. Ii any ."states have nor, tnoug'.t r"-Fiaif'its io the s.-rvic?, er herCofore turbo:. z tl by h; D -per.. neat to be raised, to trh tro th- maienrl bji wo. u ti.-e 18 ud ho, th t ctte-3 will be'ev,? is Co o- s of I struc tiot, dirClplt.K d, and bruajd.t iato t-rrvieT', pursuant tO sectiou i-iue of t o Act. I will acecpt the State- IVoop? ia ut ir prc-s-nt crgani Ziliuu, to be receive 1 oath; sine .:oti:.-g vf.ih other teeim -nis aire sv i" tl:-: (;onfe.i.'-rate ft-rvter, tbe men over 35 a -id under IS to be discha'-ged wiihin 00 tbyj Irom the 10 h Apr;., and ilcif ptacj soppl.e-d from tne ire rtgrit oi ti-crra.ZiUon, by ii uiii e..! Corinth, Mav C Another day h.ut p-sr-d with the two armies almost lace to lace, and slid all ij rpaiei. The weathe r is gevod, ha tbe enemy Le-ita'. Cn!. Mortran reports throuxh-a couiier thit he enga ged the enemy near Pulaski, ou the Decatur and Nash ville road Fridiy last, that he b led several and cap tured two hundred end fixty-eight prisoners, including a s 5a of Gen. Mitchell, tbe Federal commander tf tbe forces who recently took pos.-te.fiun of Iluatsville. He also captured a tram oi wdjjous ieutau wiui jiiiib uue other proo'-rtv. Stvtral ol them were loaded with Cot ton, bourd to Nashville. The wagons, together with a number of cars in the service of the Federals, were burnt. This i3 official. Motgau's prisoners, who were taken to Purdy, say that Fremont ha3 cocne up united h'B forces with the main body ol the army, atd that the real sirerngth of the .federals out here is ninety tnousanu. . Sivamnali Republican. :rro!.-u Co'iscriids ecti in, b-ei n..i on' o 12 moiitos men. i'hore whose rd stmeot ij lor a fori-o-r or a i:h-. r' r peiuJ, umain in th-- fi.rvicr on lir.or txii'.mg org m-z tio;i. l hese gen- cr.d rtmuk) arr- suo 's d to una.vtr S:verul ol your p-c ii t iequiriis. j to c.rohtri . t.t ed Ci.necript will ie m ;dr as so n cs lYo leq lisite're cula'.io s can be pre- rurcu, m orcer to rtl'.tvj the ucu row m serv.cj who are ev r d.o vears ol og-i. 2. The State Troops will bo recti .'el a3 stale 1 above. 3. Man ovtr 35 ytotrs of ege low hi service will be llseharg.d within UO b.y3. i Le? or od:ers not cow in service wili be at liberty t- s-rrve by vtuuutary enlist- merit, but not in lieu cf Coes uiprs. except us tubsti- G rant's Victory. Grant's victory at Shiloh which he claims, is very much like that d. -scribed by John Phceaix. He says I held the enemy dotcu by my nose, which I had inserted between bis teeth for Hhat purpose." r .4 Ye Itinfoe-rfog 13 not stepxd by the Corrsoript Bill. By section 13, pcrson-i irab'e as Oonscrit3 may volun teer in t-ny cornr-ao? now in s rvrco. You are referred especially i j lieguiation S to 11 inclusive. The act ap proved December d-ltu, lbGl, providing lor thj payment of bounty to volunteers for tbe war contintiea in force. 5. Militia tCfoer' betete.o 18 ard 35 art embraced by Tiro Conscription Act. Il.e quota of euca btatc, under existing laws, will roe alMiable to military duty under t! e Act ol April lG'.h. 1 enclose a copy ot tbj Act acd Keguiuiious estao-. lished for cirrj ing it into c-IIoct. Yery respectfully, Your obedient servant, GEO. W. RANDOLPH, Secretary of War. Latest tub Far WEST.-Ltfe Rock, Jpril 28. I'he Federals, riumbtiiag tighteea regiments, are now at Bib sviile. A courier who arrived from there today, Fays that Yelivilie was taken possession of by tha Federals a few days ego. The wholi forca at work cu the saltpeter cav2 La3 been driven away. The Jayhawkers are cjrnmrtting drcelatior along the bcrJcr. The Fcdeialaare said to be slowly aJyascinj Southward.