, . . , , ; . f :'f.- . - .- . .... ftY FVlMX i PIUCE, PUOPIUETORS, trhom all tetters on business must be addressed. ' I Ah. FULTON, Editor.... A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor. Term of Subscription. " :Mj, one year, invariably In advance, .". .$1 CO N tnbaeripttori ! Werk'y rF" received for thia 12 months. , - Daily paper, ere year, invariably ia advance,. . S'O CO - iiiOttbi. ...... . . .4. ................ . 5 o1) i " " H fill ...... ....... . . . . .... .-. " w j':. " rdpr w.I , m aU ca-r, bj db?;-onlif ued at the fed .. :h.-. i.criptioa year, U1?? renewed.. ,tit TJKl-3R'3W VLi3S5a."JL-L I!Sii"lLjrJJSXH WILMINGTON", N M.A . i, I So J. - rcrcis el ta- jil ie-K t. tbe nceni Kittle? iu V.r- arrive ?iow!y, m:SU- baveb.-en c i.ntctt-i- Tbe uii'y it nu bae hi addition to tbo w'reafiy rHen ere j r.-i tvllf va : i Fit Kf uiMS.t I.'. O. T. 'oaciaty K. 0ptjii i i. Mcoiuaul L-xatrcast JoFura (i. Wu:gut ai?--ieiy wont i- ; J. Tuilu i imiiTNT Li-u . S n! TMfiios. i-po;tcu -ndtd. af.?.u;i Johh F. S, VanI'-okkei-EN, Uoui;i? y l " fciivU!, v. .---v r et Akmckd FE-f.LTT, C, ii i !-! : y " 11" jdf civ- d fc'ft V. i-.ih-r on le't ern. bat , Caii? y rE?-f,LTT, I ,J rot leave lis ccrtparj;. Jacoih, ..tnod - . 1," ii;!:,bt!y wvwiid. d. e f :if! itfeJ ot ths L:no.sIar (ovcrtrufut arc b"ly eai- : in rcc. uis inj in i:e!at.J n r tha Yaukce r.rnty, a; d c-u ff the ieIti-1 t!; . : , . r . . . . , . . , iicjitiLislerj t; raw- u h:ra ctl W rteru j crtiot s cf taj b l-ud. Tba c; . i - i,.f.e a a cttiru!v r.i.vc cC:-4 tt o. i clue i3iiw uttor have la itl t rcr- .t tic s iCisrtfcl ; ia j .i.i i.e s f.-ikeH ia wii-i ditectii u:ou c ji ti-crat;.':.. u iics-.i.i-y 'i i;..f.;laii. itu iautict tLij-t,at tbesa hia-claKe re- . . . , . .i : -u si:ti.i'.siy tuic core igaora-. and cxoi -amc . f liJ'L j.e iit : Jci4 ca now tj ii8p tL bcaiheri ii-i.u rf. ad wbto we f.tt iLicah w.lb that i b v viil t , . . , , , r, , . ';;u "- ua l v L''' l" -i i.. l-.i.d. lli-v ' ht-r ttj,. a: iut-iactre tuat ihseo-t'iuc-ai v.s.i;!u ;;cv-r Ln-a u..vd, wo xaoit cwita'flly bt-li;-ve, . a csrtah't'v sa v.c uo'!i-e t u.-t. v.ry :;iiry il;o.".s.'.ndJ wii! b? U.:ct-:vf -.1 t .l. .:: i.i. ,tt'- v : I 7 n I-?- bi'ca d.nicd th-:t- aw t aeii ;.i th : s urf- ;..:.- ci-.uxd ii a- M.-.er.oMh-na ibt al v rnt to far a- to " . ,, , , real iia,.bttai . all kauwb.i tf tajli t.-ans.ic IJL I'.t.v-itfiiiCLt. r. laid, tad j if:;')- oi: injaiid va:.:c no l-l4. T. :s iV.:s io:- laashrr " L y viJ tiy to t-'A uarlfrs ad tbry v. i 1 t-!. I'-rs. tLe b?.e ts cf k;;.:r 63 i bf-h - Li'.Itd ;h.u.u bo t; c bv dc.-i'ed eatitaata than tL i tla v u n.elv i-uii.j e.l d t i-ito!Le lli'd. i .i it t.; .;e"i a tc-u:.:-. ct biiia.a t t.: a t?iat t - r tc!wt.'-s the t'i h- lib Cwveran-.-at ulu tats 'J ;sL:n- i v a'.iir c1: iLicre spjoar" t. b-? r:: rea?ca t-j'df uh;. This c i- k ?e tbir.k, has its ovinia tytl.s aa much :n tie coni-!--it on a- iAis oc V.lin'y to aii.'. cut of the a -:-'.cavca : ! ela: ! at ia ki: or e'.l ta-?r caebci. i t .tuii. UooicEKbaa ci.ide bra aivaate a-;rc? the Ran a'l! !.c h-s jjv;. ? baei rcria without hiving ai-:vcd a victaiy, though, of 'carse, 3i3 wi'l act rc , !.' , a ik .'ear. 2.'iat wlii ho b-aai cul by e7n tv.e , m.t rs. people after a tiai-j. Wi.-a.-a 5pp:ar l j havo uea a-ner u etriii-- .t l ; .-:, :-:;. r'? -1 irom tr.ca oti-i-r, bath la tlaje v :i ii v p-.e ci-:.it a jd ?cs dve ec-.:a.:Ciu".a: a I phv-'e, ' e limit i The heavy ni a ;i; aj da": the ;". cl e t at tae ec?n:, a tear a-. ,;tae ? ::i.cr- j Tuo a;-.t at.d p'.rhara ev.-a more ahibVorn f-ghling v is lor i5 I'Oi j-: a:o cf ilivrt iii'd, sear l-Vedc-iivka- j -.a', v. b.'c'.i :i tukea by tho ct ciay, aa.l cur t.ooi-a a:tt.r tha tac-bt ylubbora CghtJcg A'" , C t. 1 t .1 i 11 pos.-.;a.a to i::ua rc ia cay :ii o i.-vct s.iiCQ t At .o ii Is - ? o X ! prcbability of aa early e a? at oi '. h-i tcm ,1 . hi OH k Jit ai it. p :. i; .? Lot by ary lacais ecr- j in;nc, ;;S am Jt g tie gcp'.ra!! of thii d partrat nt, m tc j baa rc-trvaned a.-rt rH thj liip- ' ard tu ti.cir relative cuties and respucSihiliU'.s. Tne t.iia that all IIdokl'h's a .ahianCwl ci.5;-a:ca sicipiy s-.iya tbat - we t :.;ivo re-4ccu:. -oa i- rcu tsieua' cc:h o: tii j Kaiipabannccli i'.s viaiuit"' it is more' t : hii"i'-i'c if'ir n :,t ?. r. ipn . tu Jj UUIU VI LUC : . v ... i. e i.appa'a.atiOw.'; ionii raii-.a sb;ve i'rtdci seu.-if, fir. J xaav t t vc:: e peticj.c-biig. hi .-ill ba.r.an prf.-tf.b:;i:y, bov. r vr, Llcei at:i-y will . , v .u..i. hu Li.ct: t.i.. , m.iii utuaji i i.i.v .j curt ' .;t r navu'g n :i:e ; tnaw ci c i--i.cv.bv :..e b.4, t i : btc- r.t ( i.t. -y. it waa . not ; . l ..ry u. r ic lx.- : i i;s tpj.f : a:.c-c at ihe j '. .'ii.-. bi n-.r- ;ii tho i'ataaaley I iv-.r vhh:u thl-ty taix-s of ' 1. u KocKEK'ij pet hue cf ai.-taje t-gaita-t ! !.-: hj .'.-ay be j -e-niitted tu uy h f.-ttawcs ia j c-.a ja-.coiu ir. ccla iacir.? .-r. li. : c -i.v. cf : i '-'.iahii:t. I . , . , ! aj ao- i cavalrv u;-,l . o ii cutieu ia ariy iacs-iaa'.ial aavaitae iur theta. . , , , ... , .1,nao.alralaboencrcnc.aa?rg the becol car j aj-t ce airaige in-.cca K a .urge poru-.n , . ... j. ...-..;-... : If-. , r . i i i . .-. , . I i . I v,:.y i ih.-ir oyo iLt-i. c-c;... ral e ::: jj par Jy ii L-5 fails tj iv a -Tt'iKT fc rto al ac- ci:l. Lli U.:ttcT h.lil bs-Q d-iagei the laid'.-rs ia csv u - wi Jo vsp. clitioa Lavi.-r te; a gobbled 4 ;a . .iic M.ittiiil ..li ja vbi r. 1 Jackscx .'s li tae :i -:a v ULtry i fcuhielca'ly ittdica by ti.c.gi 5 Ii phi2 ei t j lc:.:n tho extent of his we ;' .'' ; :l .n j:-: a. r- j:-, i;ot cv- a Jcr.trl I.ri. h!n:r.-if iu rt'.at ao g: '..-'..itii ft'.t. Iti.aot citict.ir that Go 22:..', J b j.fvrd to be abler car braver th ia r.-th'?: .- of car at 45Uia- i ck t:; ia 1 ..vnoiab-, a i'. v. a h iih ora r c: ati i?y c.n:bii-.ca v;i'.;; aaipioiitiiuL ! -;t arags ir coaedvd toh.ai. la adikic-a, to all th-i, bow v .r, .as oncer avi aoea maaccc ny a uuu3Uii tLtctsat oi ; ... . j . - - . . ,, ! . 1 . u.-.-a ;.;! 0.1 ataoaattsg c.) t ia:;; y, oai gcacral.'.' re- i iy, jg ia compete tacevs.-; go a!m-fct iavatiab'y baa G. t..i Jackson been tajcei-ful, that a half uotia not o: ly ;.i ui liv.u.n si.ty, o 1. o. ai: xwulnc-ranuitj was 1 bajtk- ; i i" '.o t.-Otai: 1 Gi c. arte this Lvlcr 1 o'iou w. s otly a a ti-j.i. 2o u an ; eaia.pi frra tha cbut.ccs cf war or th oa cm i :a-? i -:.4tlc tv:!J. S:t:l', sbb-agb ptojaj kr.e .v hi-, th y had '.ot ro used tu Goacrai 'cuios t orevkb at al c-.urej cr v,l;:t v.as -laiUioa'y called fh hick, that thj n-.v.s ;f hie i..-irg oatd.-d excited a scatimont of tarr te aa thcnt;b i' a-K be f-iiao rah tal?e it wa-itbe wrong raa-. i o.-..! tt e itei-er.i: :a wtnacea ne :s na;a ...:. nor ' Goi.t -r.!l ia ; nde.l b: 1 t- Oi.. vro la-iv b ok t-.-r maay n.o-e a once fal I CcLf-.iL-Kiiey by meam tl 1 .1.: .1 CX SON. 'ilic Is tt ; tl.Mi At. ' a y cl '-U'i Act aTmhitf-.- v 1 i.e t r.:. -. ft he ion, aa paiaed by vin.,r,;s ca I b jr.-d.iy : as aer 10 usifEAi. cftaTAis ct.Ai-? cr an a, t entitled as act ro HXEurr cei;tais riiitoNS krom militauv sua- VIC'K ' LTC , AVFllOVKO lilH OCTJaEK, I' (i i : i. 'i'ho eingK'. of the Confidcrato c tate. of Ani"tfci bi Tb n ro rxuc'i cf tbe act approved Oatber lita, t-U. a; . seaij.ta frcm miutary service "caa person, either -'. : ; Lt, c'.vn.-r i.r ovtrsefe.-, ca each plantjijon .a wbkh ...I? wbito person ii required to be kepi by the law ur or 1 ua'ice- ot any h:atj. and on sh ch there is 30 wt ho per . a at tiiit e to jni itary eerviee, aa-1 in Matea having no Mi.::. i;-v. , cte pemoo, as ageat, owner oroverse-'", on each p ant .t,..:i (,r t.vecty mgiod, una oa wnict- tLere is no wane 1.1 iic ad ..it not Habte to rxi 'itaryserv.ee and i-i 101- !;-.viu? clause cf said r.c.t, to wi:: '"and, fu'thertaore, I or ad .tiii jnal police i r every twoa-y argro-, oa two. or more i''aatat.:o:.s, yvitbia five Riiiee oi each otter, and each bav- br.3 tb-in twoLty ueK?Oi. RLd on which th.re i.s no white ti..v''.; aclolt at liable to cilitary euty. o:u; perron, bsitur tt.e obaett cf the owners or overseas ca racb Blantation?," atd a.e hereby repealed. :. V 1 te ioiiee aLd m-.aagerasat of Elavr- tbere ahaH . -: r nptca ona pcrsoa on cuc-h ?aim or 1 r;, the - ': pricity ot a minor, a persoa of ntiiousj n.in , a '.:.ite .-etc 01 a pcri-a abeetat froLi hom in be ru;iita-:-y ...r iiiiva:s:rviiii ot tue Confederacy, ca wbic-h tbeie are -. tity cr m .10 f-bv?h : 2rori(.!id, The pera n ,o exempt t fu- efiipleyed and i-ctug f.s an overcer previcaa to the i i'ii ptih b-c.', ai d tbere is no whftd male a'alt oa B.iid t .r .u or piaaUit ioa w ho ia no; bnbla to military duty. vhleh 'act ( hv i be verif.e l by tho affidavits ol said perc-n ar d tv,o Jvsj-.ectabie Cjtizats, ard bba'tl be filed who tha etrcll iLg cILct : .4iJ prodded, The owner ct Bueh farm or p-'aa-tadi;a bis egei:t or legal icpreieatative, shall m-sfce aHic'a vi? aul dei.ver tLe paiae to the earobiyg otQcer tint after il.i:.,fcL.t t art no cveaseer eaa be p-roeufed tor each b-rm cr j-:.:a-at.ca not bubla to iuilit-.rv daty t J-Vocu'ci, forth "' 'tfati thia clacie tbaU cot.e.'ad to any tana cr v!4n t . t.n oa wh.eh the Uegro-v bays been placed Ly divi-ioa ' " fty 'h'r fiin plaatauoa since tbe 11th fry of e)o- ,,bcr, iQl : iVondt-a. jarik-jr. That for evory persoa fiMapteJ Ra Lforeaaid, aud duiia j; the period 01 ta ;b ex-einp-iua, tbera shUi bo paid annually iaio tho public rea n.ry by the own;? of each slaves ths tun cf five bua bed dollars. . ba.a other persona sbaH be cxerjn'.e.'l ar the Prt-'d- d-:at fcbiil bes itifcfled ooght to be exmvtcd, ii d stric'R c! coaatry deprived of white or a'.ave Idbor iadisi.en.ibb t . ihe pro-.lT-::ta of grain or provision, neceisary far tbe t a ip ,rt of thi pr'iiv"oa remiiaicg at home, &ud a'ia. oa a toutit of j ratke, ej iity, and iteccbdity. 1 1 aaditi-jn to the fciata ofHeers exempted by the Act ... v-ct( bsr litb, 15C2, there ehall, also, be exempted all :ti3 i-Ujera whom tbe Goverac-r of aay Stats iaay claim ---rr- .1 , . ,j J : . x : : . - X9A VOL. 19. I- COyFEDERATE i to b.ivt S?rnpte3 fr the iIth eaiiaiBtra'Jon ct tbe O v ! frirfti ad Is a th-n o! : tut iljij ex( iitjiicjn hluii net coa tiIUf. ju aUy Kta'e ait. r iL-. uujourumsut of the text ren'tr i e.'ii n ! ltf'.t-tatore, mil-.d p-icb It g slatnri-s i-bnil by xeups iberu fioai B.iJiUry duty in the Pi-cvUjaal it- Fiom the C hiikstoa Mercurj. 'I his fine btdr or N'crih Oi-rjj'lua troops lock ibeir ; cir arsure ypvtr.:. ; u-.-: n'nn-r j-ot-i oi cu:y. it caa i J chain d tt at iatLg their say la ih'3 neighborhood, ! iw, wui r;e inim.utrj u. u a-uCi'uy Haicn I0e kve I a'ways 'vi:c d i.i tla- d EcLaigo of iiisir military oaties ' juuilv ttc Ci tfiJtCcc tra. had the occasion ariietl, tbpir j io3, sut t';e tbeetfa'.utpg a: d aioc.itj which they ki 'a'vay8 iic d i.i tin- d EcLaigo of iudr military outi jj lawour iu!J l ave Ofctn such Lot to ur,bttUJi tte 1 uta t;i sraLcch tUl State which hat stnt iheni" 1 U-:rh to battle ia the cDOiir.on cauee. We take pkta ; u ' e :r. j uVU f; the folltAticf; C rrtFpOl.detCC : i clflY IS . 1 3 i 1 1 fi,al(rtL-rKit " 1 ' j iho lr!gaUier (J.-utj ti Coxm ujiag takes pleasure io to'i fmn to:u liricade th t-pcial oidcra or Uta j :u.uiru.at I'.Vi'-.cn V,ca.EJsH:U A v.iaiObt ItOBl jS 3o o8'ii.2ii.?h- d. fttiti iu :tlev ki.cwa in hi world a II--ii. j fti.hurt-al, h bss iectij v tvo ocb:om. te viewed u 1 : ;K oP r-j. to 3 i";u:t t? ui to too nuLt at exerti'-ra jar.; cl hj. h i r .i-;e. Th'-u-jb wb:Ia ia '.t iliV: IJCL b da.:: OJjpOf '. Vilil'y ti01cei ; xh ti-niv, tt i t..ia I cii !-CU: C cl Ktat'SCattvU tbit l- i t " 1 rctt i c l.ere e have teca nb-e ij rf!-pr-oa;e tte ; yrojtl anJ tbivkat hid recdm-d by the cailaai trorpt. oi -tuta La.u.K .ii u (i2cr a hcti u. .tiO was tUreat- j bvaLjge ba-i:b l J.c-. it hua Wa our goad icr ace !'(. wbi e b r-, to vviti-C!- t&e sigca' dj.'ei.t .t the boaaied 1 V'0-1' 1 i:eU -c;?-d &rfdA o: U.e tfanetr tioTerotat-rt. ; tv.i;? nit w.t i st: kja'-r,' hs here-, havia tifeu both at ; !, p.u:.. .v. d b. Id in reteue, id t!;us re iuved utiii out. a ut c; oi bt-r la'itiiox dat, autp'e li-.ae naa , e, 11 f Ut:d f ;r i-UiTovfetteni ia" ciA aid ui::ichar. When. ih?f"lure. it rmv lia p.n- i-. ,;. irtilxti t i ' rabhe.a ar-d mirdei-era who are endcaoiiosr t cxtfiraih- ute a - i ; old- s- Ilia? i Lev iua'.- iic-uyv tur ccuiitrv. it is to i ; he h-re.i t!it tte att.oa cf thia lirigada will ba 6ueii aa to j l :';' txeuluu oi otry 2ivna Oroiiaiaa, aid nser- ; ! it ao ai litis i f i.mr b.-t.v. aud u- l: cauiua'n ) a thj ouJi. : j out 'he Ccnl..-lcracy ':;' ad er General Coiuaiaudiag. : nrArvCARxr;- i .m sm' rOf ra CAkoeina, Ua. A Fla, -i - - Vilh i t i.sdicr ( ;e::tr j r iiarTT aa is rtJit-ved froia daty in t; is Dcj.i-.i iaicLt, atu v i.i it -ort, wi h hia Biiado to ; bra a :ic r Lie. v.&i Wlafcng, ct Vvila.ii g!-u, . V, ' t:n tJ rmci'tj. "in;; (itLci'. parta with tbw fiae brigade wi b tie b.ipe tbat iu b.a tg it frota h:a toaituaz.d be good ot tbe eausv will b fsbrcivi d, aud- uuopportu 'iy all'oi ded ior ci--ta.Lt:oa and tub taa'iai crvice agaisst ti c enemy of ibo i'o.!tce! .i!e Mai cm. 'I be Qiui i?: muea'a . Dei -ai i:re;.t will (uruuh ptompt tra ni ortaiioa. 1'y con.Di iod cf Ger es ai Dsaareea' d. ( igt cJ) J: a. ."si. Ctet , A. A. tl XTItAtiT 1'liAD QLTATTKitS, jAUtb ISi AM), i f-r;-i a;'s btwuie, April 30, lMhi. J 'Tcidi Oj"'i' ? .Vc. l2 J - v f ' XI. Iiiig Gtn l.aasai-'a brigade baa been relieve 4 i iroai ;u. tLi cciy wita tb'S c.U:XLaiU, bv ordtra ir'Ui be paitniiat eadq:i:utt.fa. Tbe riripat.b''r General Ccdniaixl- t.i . l in - I U.. . .. ...I-.. J 1 , . ..... I .A .t '" J", ' i'. v. uuitiiiiiju ii wciitiai i&c t Ibia ni ig.ic& to th- i epartnint, and teca so assaie i thj t Ciif-'H a u tt'tn. f iaa beat wirha tor their fu.ure tuc- ve!, cad bb, .tintl, b-.po -o be i,ga:a .iaocetated with it ia ba tb; r b-r car ecurx'-.a etas. by corxmand cf C baiier Geaernl Git Oigued ) " ii ALLOHY i. King, A. A. G. bi':Fii tbn iToritgoii ery Advertietr C.'tli. .3. ii s.' :u's i ol:l. 11. i i ero is tvideatly i-.s mujb confucioa in tha-pcp.iltr cars oi ilw pacic nave i f en ii)U.-r qniiteu ty tne ton pOced to be responsible lor the cotdact of tbe armies both in ilissi53:ppi aod ler-nessce. We are ai last in posic-i-siou of some facts in this fubjece which it is jrttper we should make kn:wn, iu orh r that tte errors A t-it a.it i .a may, il povsi e-le, be corrtci.td, and, in anv cvciii, t; resnoLStoib;y b-.- east a.r.n ihe proper j'ji U-.i to a verv icceut elate, Gen. JoanmCD oecupied t!?? . pe-fitioa cl Lominah'y being iu comasand vt tbe wij: U td D.'parfi:ifut Xo. 2, at tho same time havia-? n; povrer Ij control tho eclion either ot Gen. IVtiib.rton vrithe-ut Jii3 iratnediate personal prt-rnce. If he vrcre i i ilisn.:f:ippi ana icSUed aa order, it might b? respected tt'j loos' as be we re present to see it en lore- td, but t!t ni -anient he turned his back, Geo. Petr.ber- ton K'txht undo ail he bed dine, by tettmff cn foot a , ,. - , . .... . , 'r , ' 4 , . J . General J:hn;ton wtrj;d have no authority to re- ii5.,Vc tilUr Uca rtmrjerioa 0? G u jjrai,ibr in. c:n)pete,,y. Jt thu3 l0 Khat itiaslice -icy . aiiiTiJi ua c-.e tbiyatu, toiu to tac fcervico aau i.-e r. pti'.atie-nj of these respective Geaerula by tha aao::tah,uj p 'ci iorts in v.hich tbcv have bi-ea placed. l,-n .1 ' v."-. r.U i-:-'r-.in.i!vl v::-.a virtii ilio R:i3rrift.-.fl in the air, fur it ecald have- little practical bearing upon I the fortunes of a campaigu, and be would nevertheless j be h.id re.-ponsiblo if ther was failure, aod receire ere 1 Jit whie't might not b.s t'aa Lira it there was sncc&s. He cc-nld robbe espve'ed to keep an eye over all por- lions of tho ''0 ariiiicnt, and ha.-e person; 1 command el i.T this would at ouev s-ap-.rocc;e Gee. lt- if .! r:-f, ! r.-h..r;.i k-?.s..: tvbiea e nas no poner jo, a ad beside?, to coa'-mand two such armies etver 1 two Euca armies be aa absolute imp such a tr. ct ol e ur.ry would be aa absolute iaiposi- ( Ojiuy. i :e tat:-, tl aj tais must re, tuat lien. Jonti ; 3'..iu wedd Lave no uruty, and would be U it in' ttiej po- saioa o. a nit-r.. l.iif ccwr iiencrai 01 tne orparunent. 1 ! . .. I I .. ....... 4 1 . 1 .... 1. . - , T . . . . y V 1 . 1 1 j i mt-r. i.i$ia:or deneral ol the department. L.ve been reports, recently, sippareaily weli t;a.:e cccu icpuitc-, icceatiy, aupaieutiy vveii i fjur.d d, ihat Gen. Erag Lai been ordered to It-cb- i me'nd, ad if -this were the ea-j it may be i that Xh'i G Acmmtat n.w ecea the nectBriiy of civics Gen. Jubr.s'.ou a command in 'I cuuessee, but oi tills v,c ktuw eoUiicg. AV'e presume as' long as Gen Johij-'cii w its nt ;n the army ol i'mcetste ba ccn e rain.ai.d bv. virtue ct Sis superior rank, end of late he lias ebown no riposniou to absent bi-uibJf long at a tut.e hum that important fiaU of opera'ionsamtil the Attlo ehjuki be Luaht cn whibli so- much depiDd-J. i hii h.-ncvt r, only thowa the imp)rt.c: ol itrnuittg his tiu i s and rcspoasioililiei? to . u ui ;rc rea ocab 0 s -acr nl 5".-ning se m-s ot!;er eqn dly c.'mp'itenr gc-nt- rai, Sacii 03 l-.uu.-egaid, br. vV. S'i;r-!i c: L-)E" street to comaiind the nrmy in ISTss ssippi. This trracge- ia nt v.e have no d uol av.uid b a tr st an eabla one i to Gen. Johnston and would be highly ben tL-.ai to the 1 ii.'erts's ol t :e deparlnient. Too much is at stake far ; flairs to remain ia tb.ts dejartm nt in the coalas d c )u d.tion ibey have so larg been, without dangeiCU3 con is fiatncea to the stcuriiy ol mis lutalaabie CC;ioa of e, he country, tttiu we hope etcps havs been taken to rem.tly thevd, which mast be so apparent to all in th-j light cf the faca we have slated ar.d the even is daily tran?p:rbg it Mbsbippi. 'a ttr, eiovtr. ia. nl e;jiiii 1 f i b'.s (.'emmittee, appointed by the recent public Micti-g, u.t'1 fti 'Monday tf:emoon end adopted the f. liowiug tcah of prices for the nrmt'i a: May : Eaccn and lard $1 per pound ;. corn 6'3 per tuihei deliver jd at the nearest Hiil Iload De pot; peas. S3; fodder 3 per hundred delivered; and the Committee will allow '2 cents per miie for every 1C0 po'it.d3 transportation for meat and lard. It is prepjr t.i state that eomc of this Committee are very much opposed to the snile- of prices es entirely too hig!i. . ihe Committee will be glad to purchase at the lowest rates for which the patriotic will sell, i ut if they have to compete with the- ppecoSator, they the uht it beet to allow snch pric:s as would iesnre the Govern n;er;t tte uovisicus it may reqn'ue. Sumter $. C.) Watchman. Thk Keckck Guxs. i he t.vo great guns of the Ke cuk (11 ioch Dabigrece) have beet relieved Irom their very ns.ie3 por-itioa under the salt water, end have been brought to this city. They are excellent pieces of shooting vare, and are cheap. Our biys thiok this the best way d getting gu f.s, and only regret that tie Yankees did nut cast ell n ore baila3t cf thi3 kind in their somewhat embarrassed retreat from that little re-eonuoh-ance oa the 7th of April. Ihe labor of raising aid rt.uovicg these gnus has been dona and snperin tei ded in ctvat part by our leliow cit'z n, Adoiohas j Laeoste, who deserves special mc-nthm for the perseve- fin t. t . rl 1 . a . . . . .... I .aaAt.wvia lr.rj V 'i a l' rh: Ki f 1 r n - , ,, , , rii-i c, ttred hall of the Keokuk, aud the Jew moveables left, if any, may reuiiin aa part ol tbe treasure trove of old ocean. We leavo the 'great experiment" on which Yankeedotn relied to its rest in the sandy bed, on con dition that it retains its sinking qaalitiea and dees not attempt to rise. ChaiUitoi Courier. STATES OF AMERlCA-WILaiiyGTOX, S. a, TMJRSDAY MORNING, MAY 14863. ' 0. 33". : Alllitnry Comtnttitd i We LearJieqaot CJBVtTeatioos aitd diseuijicn?, even I a'jnccg cur cCiserg aud SDidieta, about the natter &f I rot sate our o wn knowledge is very exact upon this sub ject, bat we hae always uaderstd tbat we had ?e tall (JTtnera'a in the CoDfcdc rate ai ray, and that fh-yi .rack as foi'owa.: - GENERAL COOPKR. GENERAL LEE. GENERAL JOUNSTON. . Ub-N KliAL sib AURL'iARD, GENERAL BRAGG. I'Ltsa appoinracnt3 were mide ia the thr e ti 8-, ia a:aLc 8, accoriiw.g iu Etnoiriiy in tLe United States ar my. Geteial Uooper, being theeenoir io that service, takes rank of all tbe oibf-ts, aithcazh be has r-ever ictt- ha b-Jongcd tii-thc Confederate crav lecu in the ut!d.. General Rtaaiegard as pnnnpted toa fall General on I accouat d distiruie-ied a r? c-?9 in reaacjeer I1 t rt ham tr, and otf ainipga victory over the em tny at Aianas Sis G. A. Sidney Jobuitoa was next to L?e in rark. On h e death at Sbilob Gen. Bragi? was bis m -Cr?tor, l a: 1 coniraiioa beaiin date 'rc-ni 1 ia ji fX)in!nien he i$ thr; jj;;ior ol DenuffgHrd, v,bo waj a iali Geceral and-A-c-r.J to cotntna-id .tu Sdiiey Joac- Wo have Pfcvn Li aN nant GencraJi, who aie ji!jc-d in enr list aecofdi-g' w r rk. Oir nadera will prtb b!v be .ur&risi'd to we that Stocewail Jatksn s anris Mfib in p'i5t of rank, b.t Fit;h we have alwa.ya unJer- stood lo re the position assigted iiiui by the Fre'sid! nt- In it's the President may be rtghr, an i w hope he is, bat t ie vo;o tue rxocie wu'd have atd t. Jckoa "curne ap bttfher.' Their rank, .we unitrstatid it, is ps io!i's LIEU 1'. GEN. LONGS 1'UEE V. TOI.K, E. K. SMI1 ?, HARDEE, JACKSON, PEMBERION. HOLMES. Alive and ItKkli-s. G:d Fu-8 Mai Feathers " has rgatn tusttd up, and tais iinii? in h more noicuious matner tben ever. Ai tha Lnion Lerjras " nii Ptir tr in New York, tbe other day, he lipptart.d w epttd up in lie "Stars erd Stripes' before that awiwlkh n.ulti".ude. i he 'pcenie f!lct of each an incident wa, o.' course, grand. Nothing i-X2iet- a crowd oi gaping Tanker so much t s a RecsationaJ nov elty eu-JecElv exhibited before them. On this occasion i the whole ailair waa arrain-ed bu forehand by the man- asera. who fcrr d the in d r r-ird tli nn t.-v wiiliSicr to nei fciia the tiart selected for ium. (Meata- I tiou3 display has alwava been one of l is chief put-aiens j and prOTx-csi ties. j The lallovviu accoMut of the m .viler ii ta'icn from the teporler'a to: ice. Geceral Scott, wrepped in tbe Anierican fiir, was one cf the attraction: ct tho treeing, lltn ia the way that Irkk was done : The e'bi'iy air perceptibly utTcctcl the General, at.d hf detjred a gentleman near him to bring him u shawl, i,vuv wtu fe ai u-i.u, a ir-e b.u Acaaieati uagwut- r.aoceu out irom tne wtaoow, aLfi smiie qaits-wiittG friend wrapped itclusc !y rouod aiid about the shoulders aod limbd of ths veteran who had eo often upheld it cn the battle field, while ihe crowd below, el ruck with the happy occurrence, showed the:r approval of the cor sec standard ia oft-repeated cheefs. A Lean Trio. The Kichrucnd co:it'Spo:.daat o the fvncxville Kegisler perptlrates the fbllowii g pleasantry at ti e expense cf three of cur hijheit offi cials : It the Yankees knew to what extent famiue may be endured, and how very little can sustain human life, if they hal all seen our President and Yica Fresidont, and our Secretary of War, tie i ' of resorting to famine, as fsu tgeat cf hostility to a , eople whose lead ers are the very impersonations ei" hard tiaas,. would never have been adopted. President Dauj is the shadow o! a rnu, : ice President Stephen?, who reach ed the capitel to-day, is imponderable, and Mr. Sed dou's bones ra'tla when le defcends the stairways ol the Spottawood. Tb.2 genii of fam.ae cone! act this revolution. The Blockade Policy. The Richmond cor res J pondent ot the Knr-svide Iwcister repeats and extfcLd, i without qialifjc-jtior), a s"ati.j3i;ut that o h r corres pondents bfive lndirectiy hinted at. I It is a staiemr-nt that should not btj made without ur.qaest'ooublc authoti'y, and v.e hope, therefore, the ! nitbors of it will feel t hems? Ives iu honor end da? bound to pre lent their pj-cciOcations, or to retract. J The Ueo eat is as foHows : Th? bloektide running 1-U3im es will be rc?!r'.cUrl I' is well understood that the Yat.kea Government fur-1 ntshes private signal to vesK'ls heighled with fariey gooes, which eoabie them to pass the blockading squad rons. Cottoa ai d gold are thus txTc'cted from the ; South, nnd in return we receive all descriptions of tei fles, nothing tbat w; need, but everything eve tarn y. i he Goveremeat shiaid regulate this tiad-5 by v;bich our etemits get CoUeu and gold, and we uothaig (ilil-.lnl ".- fct. " N'Importc.," writing to tho Mobile Advertiser & j Ravdsu r, trcm t'nliahe-ma, tbe 2i h alt., psjs : tien. Ff-nest Las beeu sgiin . ppinf-d to an i:rdep:-n- dent brisseie, and Le will now no longer report it Vau 1 Dom. : his ta right; and now r-lease Morgun from I . " 1 I . .1 1 !..: f: , . - li ices DCtweeu our euvairy seauera aru lueir trieiius win cease", and the oel d;tii e.f Forrest 8nd the wily skill of John .MtVrn will brighten the hopes ofeur parti?en exp'oit . Iu Geo. Van Dc-tn'.-t eerps, thi cavalry ernr d with mbr n and pistols have been brlgad- d and phced raider Gen. Fiai,k V. Aim.-tiong, wio can h.ndle ttiem if any one can. It i.s the iutention that, th s br'gade o; light dragoons shad encounter the Yankee regulars, fa to are similarly ermt d, ana a to trn iment at close quarters at 'lieice t otal " is looked for. The bal ance ot the conimtii d. icntaiu 3 ormrtiy, mounted in fantry, one ot the most useful br aches of ser vice. Peanuts No one who raised peanuts last year wili d-r;y that they return more pre 6. for less labor than any other crop that caa ba prcduced. Iel there be pletity of them this year. They are go jd for stock B?si'.ie3 tluy make the best kind of. oil peanut oil b ing considered a much better otl than sperm ; and a long as there is such a demand for the cruel", peanuts wilt bring a high price.. L-t every planter have a large pat eh of pennutg. 1I will fiad it the most profi table crop he can rai. Chron. 9 Sen.. Ff Uliy. Ti.c Cliarltslon Ut fttu en Winyah," the correspondent cf the jMobile Adver tier, wiiiing from Cbarlcslcc a few days after the bat tle, says : Not more than one tenth of thecumbcr of guns which the Yankees sy opened upon them were really Sred at them. The fire of tbe heaviest and largest bat teries hal been reserved uatil they should venture c'cs;r in. They never came clnser than within 900 yards 0' Fort Sumter. They did not rnoanter any ropes, nets, piles, torpedoes, or any other submarine 00 s ructioa ot a- y description. They might, however, have encountered a phasing cembir.aiioei of all 'those; obstructions had they dared to come 500 yards nearer to tbe Fort. In a word, tb(irhole aecount isene tissue of amszmg lal eboons, from beginning to cn h Sigstticant Paragraph. Tho New Ycik Express of the 18 a ult., has a paragraph among it3 Wastring ton correspondetc?, whferh sate : "Much anxiety ia felt h?re fjr tbe reply of England to thedespa'ches pent on by Mr. Seward, aa on their tem per and lei'ms depend the question of peace orwar with tbat country. The mere fact of the reca'l of Mr. Ad amp, our minister, und the sending home of Lord Lyons would not necessarily produce war, lut in that event it ii believed the United States Govemropt would b compelled to declare it." ' tre paragraph evidently refers to some iuibtoglfo with England, growing out cf tbe arreat ot Commodore WilSeg, which had not yet be"n made pablic at the North up to ot latest advices from there. Hew to Take a Swkat. IVy to decipher the tele graphic despatches from Jackson, Miss - if that don't open the porea nothing will. UY TELEGRAPH. - ' 7 " 72 r""" j '.ETAtl? OF THR bKEDSRI XSBURO B4TTLE. Eicbmok,-Va., May 6, 186S. ' Tfce HKpatcb i4aed an extra this afternoon giving tbe &tHi ha of lb batt: at barcebctifiiU, jet rectived. IIL cor espo&dect s-ja the fight was !n niany !spet oee ; title bloodkft f the war. Or.r loss wai Leary, btb ia ctdcers and re;. Tb eieoiy had thrown np 'entrench- , ffiettf, aad constrne'ed abaUia, whkh, after severe fishticg, wtre ctrritd bj ocr beeps. Ainocg tbe i riaarera i B:ie. Rsn. iJajs, wbo commar.di d a btigidd ia Couch's Cor.g. Priractra rr present foaie foity rtgiratn's,- mostly foreigc ers. ;n tie. Io i- efa. of tbe line where Gen. Eaily com- i tended, tLere wae -'aie haf d Sgbtipg on If undayJ morc- ia?. In tbe a ternoeu MBrye'a heights were carried bj tbe epmy, cud a nna.ber of Misib&ippiana were cap-.nred. 8ix pifges i f !he VTaM: gtn Artillery were taken at the aame tine On Monday nitr::ix the fiht was renewed and tbe Itif-Ma relfcliT, rod the- pitces teeap pred. wjih a number cf c,.iicr-a. Five Yinkfe bit'.eries tre rt-ported eaptared on tbe nj-j-t-r iine. Frem another source -1 lfa:n tbat about aix thrnsacd pn'ij'.r.ers, b all. have been c ptured. Gener al A. P Hill baa rt-8 '.rut-d ccniaiatd. Gen. Iieih,- waa net much buxi, .bo it tliil ia commacd. Gtn SlcGowan waa a'igv.tly Kuunded. Thj 18th Mist-isf-ipi kiiJed mote than ,hi 11 i-;ibcr. Col. fct c fiord cf tbe 14th LoniBiana was j fc'ibd : a'po. 1-1. Wa!ksr, f the lClb Virginia, atd Col. Mi.tbry, of the 6Sth Vtrgiuia -4Tf:tiT FttOrl THW BATTLE FIELD. Kjchhoi, Va., May7tb, 1863. Ibe oo:rc-pondeaca of th? Whig gives farther ' de , taiia cf ihe bdttiea of CbaLictl o-6vi!le a&d Fredericksbarg. : Hooker acc.ompli.b-d the capture f Marye's heights by a ; ruse, on SatarJaj evening He sent a larga lo;ee towards ; hisn'gbt, recalled tbera dnricg trie nijbs, and threw them rapidly across the river ca pontoots. 1hebttle com j menced at daj light. Barksdale's brigade checked them j h me ti:e, wilh volleys, bayonetta and clubbed mnskets, I but was forred to foli back before cverwhehiiicz nuraheri: j not, horertr no'il the ground wa ii:id with Yankees FU'a- t'nr Iu; a was ot; hundu d. All but two c rnpanita 18th Slbsiss'ppi was eaptated. CobGriHiu'a Adjataat and Stu art wbs billed; STrj Cunipbell was wcunced. All bat seven of the tirt coa pany of tbe Wasric?ioa Artillery was tikrrt rri-or.ers, iucbidi;r, Odpt Squi-ea , . . , q " 'e r ' B gaaa - !te v - ' Pon Aiti.lery weie cot retaken. Meat cf Tl. V...I., .1 J .. . . . i .n. oar casnaUies in b i cs aronad Cbancelloisville were I V'ht woat'iU ?B hi!"1' h:,f comparitive'y, i were killed. ! The If sa of tbe etuny waa qaal to that of any previous battle of tho war. The fie!d3 wers litterally strewn with t 5s5' dead. Pibonets captured vrere mostly two years' end j nbe ntoiitba meu, whose term of s rvice wou'd econ ex ! piie. They Eay they were put in front by Hooker at every j poir,t. The uiarn bady.of the c-nftay having been driven te the rirer. they reta.-in hemmed ia by ca' a my. and are airaid to tdvacce and jet feaibg to a'femj t to recroef?. - Cea. L'e hia remarked, that the preheat poii?i?n of af fairs in the Gald is entirely to his aaGafactioo. THE YANK EI-:s FSDiilAVORISG TOJIEACHTHB GliOBGIA STATE UOAD Atlanta, fa 6, 1S63. Gtn. Farreat bus recsivrd reliable infonuat ion "that 2530 Xaiikecf; were c.- rning through Talhtdesra, A"a., to destroy tao State road. Cel. J. C. Eust cf Forrest's stofl, wha came down to Marietta, telegr.;ha to Gea. Johrston for reia forccmea's. Gov. Brown wa3 oa the train and promised all available troops. The military and people aTe prepared to meat the m. ATtrrY. L ' F PKL-UKEbR AT ATLAKT ' , GA. Atljkta, Ga , May c:h, lfce3. r evra'fecn l.ntulied riirocers have been captu-fd by rtr, ,jrc of whom arrived here last eveuicsr F RO 11 C I f AT f A K GOvJ A. CiiAjTanocga, May 6, 1S63. All is quiet ia fi'eat. Thi weather is cold and cloudy Fifty prisoner, captured at Damvillo by Forrest, arrived here this eveniaec'chi fly Alabarniars. " Capt. Forrest a brother of the General, it i3 feared, was mortally wonsd d ia th-j recant fightirg. CONVKNViON OP DKUGGIuTS. Ai'G csta, May 6th, 18S3. Tbe b'rrgiists' (-onvoat'oa af3?mbled to d.-ty. A large nurabcrof delegates fiem all sections were prcaent. The cffiieis were elected. President, E. II. Iltialtsh, Vi.c Fresi ;ens. .'lessrs. Wi Pams, t tephetson, Hatch, Carter and J-..nes. A Csn-mittre won aapoiated to draft a Con stitution. FRuM ViCKSHUil'.s. ViCK?B'J.o,.May 0th, ISO I. It i; roorfe. that Cot F.rgusoa dettro.ed two trans potts ar d two barges at G-ce:ood, c-ipplcd a other, and drove ( tT tho pu'ibo-.ts. Nothing bupfrrtant here. Tho army below hi ret ad vine -.-d across C g B!a.k, at last ac Couats ' here wi- but one boat ii pgn te o-h tte liver today. A conep.,adcnt of tha blth MisaisHnpi, captured at iiih8' mb6qaea ly mad ! :h: ir escape from tte eie- m-v aad la itlj tLo mcnt. l-t. Col. Pet Jus ol tie t'Oih, taken at Po-t G.Lhcu, escaped and njjaed li:a tegirnent oa yes'frday. OFFICIAL FSO'-t (JEN. LEfl. I'icbmoni) Sf fy 7 h, 186 b 10 o'clock, P. II. Tbe f jiloff;L; effic'a dispatch was reaeived to-tigbt : CaAlCEl.IOKSVlILK, Mfiy 7th, lftC3. Io Him 1 s.et'dchcy, FrcsidiTA iaoas : .' fur ciix ing r-edgewitlr ecroFs th Kappahanccck cn the nifbt o! tbe 4i men I rctcned onihe huh to Chntcel 1 -1 ? v i !- Tbeii;iich v. f!cla;ed by a eto?m vih'ch con tictad all i-;ght. ml 'b foiltwirg diy. In placirg the trceps in poeiticri on the lien irg ci the b'.h, to sttfck KoOker. I atcettriii'.f d that he had at acdoor d his fortified position. -a bi e f f . Lii mhber? pi eed forv, p.rd uatii they carae witHn tarjf e of the etemy 'a tatteiics, planted cn the Neutb sUle cl tie Ibippbhannocfc, which, from the con-figurati.-n ' t the ground, coinpUt ty coamanded tr.ia side. Uia army, therefore, escaped with the lots of a few addi tional prisoner-. -isnftd, It. K. I.FjE, Geceral. THE DRCGCI.ST.S CONVENTION. Aruu-TA, Stay 7, IS. 3. t ib afternoon u-ssion of the Druggists Convention, implant ieatnr" were ) ittentf d ; amccg tliem the ie atrictiou 01 tbe tale of medicares except to educated drttg gints who shall fix the atand erd quality of pharmaceutical preparatioca, and the deceit p'tnent of oar resources for Ma teria Medica. A ctrarnntec was appointed to receive ape cimecs of medicines and cheir icala maarifHctared from the naturr.l jetourcea of the Routh. From the Augusta Ct nstitutionabV. Ocr Commissioners ix England. 7ben a distin guisbfd citt n, representing the ftei.icgs and interests ut a new Republic, sprung into life aftidsi a great War, niaintainii'g iti-ell.in a manner to stir the blocd of kin dred men everywhere, fays be'ore the Foreign Office a list of nu:ri3rou3 vessels fas'sintr in and out, during several raofiths, Tlroagb a scailed blockade, the Ni nvife resurrection ist. Air. Liyard, has the honor to ac knowledge. the receipt of tiia communication ia regsrd ' to tbe bicckadj of' the Souibera cotst ol America ! When a new list is presented, and Karl Kassell 8 atten tion called to his own unwarrantable interpolation ol the acitement of Paris, to which the Coaiederate Gov ernment, upoa an informal request of Great Britain, fcal assented, Mr. Layard again has the honor, etc; and o doubt distractedly says to his fellow-barnacles, 44 Oh. bere'3 tbis Mr. Ma-ion been liare again, wanting to know, you koow. Oh my, but it is too bad ; be moso't come here, but be must go somewhere els'", where they "it tell him to come here." State Flag Oa Ue assembling of the Massachu setts Legislature last week, tbe State flag, on whic'a its coat of arms is emblazed, was flung from the staff on th,e cupola of tbe State House. Tbis was contrary to the usual custom, and many of the citizens expres38d their indignation at ir usurpation ol the; place of the 44 Stars and Stripes." For te JonrraJ. Tit Hour of Siw w bv a cokfkduatx raisosiB At even time I love to eft, t nd watch tbe da1 decline, And see tho t porting sanbaara UeEd, with tre??, with flower, and viae a hen Irjrhtly leap th shadows forth, akxg the gferin and ri 1 ; One sioment on it p9ar'y fare, ancn tthwart thp hil'. They move with Utgthetied ttep and gait; scbile bidding earth kdien . The ana. with aitiliug rce the mhile- glides gentty fsom my view ; Thea, oh then ! I look around upon the r oibre eatth '&lade ienety by tbe abfecca thes, of fcrmer a.'enes of n rth ; And with a solemn haert and mind, I lift my face on high Acd watch the paffrcn tint- d hu, com? o'er the Western akr ; Antl tben with eicer eye- ray f azi would penetrate af.r. The dawting ray to catch of my right faiintantc sfar Thea, oh then, I love to walch it beaatiea rare im part, Life seringa anew to nature's throne, thong h fad may be tne neart, And melaiicho'y tboash I fee1 at snch an hour as thi, Ii trabea as tbCDgh It wt v.ld uot mar th a melancholy blha; Ahveel a snob aa tiaia as ttii, at twilight'8 peaceful honr - - Wtea tii-da Lave hntbed their aoi.g cf love, te their tweet paramour, "The catties lowe " co longer s .anus o'er hill, nor fie'd, cor die; And fairiea tben no longer ride, upon tbe etenlcg gala, bub when tha'whippoor-will doth aing, oh then 1 love to thiok, ALd at the brook of time to kaeel my eoul woe Id thongbt- latl crinK, Cf pleasures past ! Of hopes & corns I with palu and hap piness, Cf ford desires far iGved one.", my heart would aarely bless, At t-uch aahoarwhei r?ghtha3shat the pearly galea of day, A ad in the far ell West I epy its fa'nt and gli'ring rey, Receding as the diacicg stars ' take poet" along the t.ky. Then bows below the Western hTs, with faintly echoed sigh Yes then I feel at fue h an h-cur, as thocghtfully I roam At such a calm delightfull time, they miss me most at home. vhen mind, and hs-xrt in tendsrnest views an eihsrial lite all jfwa-sebr, pure imprtssive hour, I miss tuek most dear wife. When rtatrr 'a satberiag haTmcny astwiHfjhtdrawethnear, Then closer 'round the Aecrl doth cling lond imraagea of one most dear, Yes dearest one when sombre hues annoatce evening tide : Itihatlcne hovr I know that lam missed most from thy stdt When baay scenes of day have e'esad, methinks a lovely band I see, my Bettic's anxious look, my Utile cues 'round her stand And tbea with earnest Btnjioaa thought, directs theireager eyes Far don tha Western elope cf hills-tha ever h ning fkies They scan, tben tteadily th"y gaze open a sfar so lone And in endearing BtraiLS doth speak in looes grand mistic tune ; 44 My little genes f love and hope," bias speaks their genf le Ma : 4fndais now hidden in the jt, have I and year kind la," 44 Ia love's bright eirele wandered fcr'.h, when the bright ann had set," ' 44 And watch'd for that bright evenirg etar my mind re tiineth yet," "That onca he aaid, thongh long ago 'whene'er thai star you view, Vy eyes by intuition taught be there directed loo ; Wuh little Laura by your side, end Mxnnxe on yevr knee. Perchance at that satve eve ar.d hour, I gaze anclTuisK tr TUSK, No wonder then upn its ditk, tbero rairrowed forth ao prettie Johm see the lovely form of at bsloved Eettie. Gratiot Ft. Prison. Ft. low's, Mo.. April 17th, UC3. Fer thi Joumal.- Mes ks. Knrcii3 : A negro man wio eays ho belongs to Ifr. A. P. SrowH, near Columbia, S. C, was brousz.b'. here yestsrday by some numbers of Capt. Galloway's Company ot Catt Guarde. lie- bad been trgrged in making salt on the coa't He joined a per ion cf Captaia Gallo way's Company, thinking they were Yankee?. He id now here under the same delutdon ; he addresses as as Yankee gentlemen, and appears to he highly ela'ed with hla sac eeps, to tbe infinite deiipht of cor toys, who declare he is in the right church tut tbe wrorjg pew. BnUNSWICK. Oar readers will remember that in General Bragg's Ofiajia! Report of the battle of Murireesboro', which we published a few dajs p.go, Mejor Gefterals Cheath am, McOowd, and Breckinridge were strongly aad ci rectly censured, as being responsible for the defeat in tbe bloody eugageinc-it. It cannot be supposed th it these Generals who have sustained themselves as gal lant se ldiers in the niic.dsof the people, by their heroic conduct on the bloody fields of Belmont. Shilob, Baton Rouge and Perry vilie, will be peimitted to stand so charged, without the most scrutiniz ng investigation o' the grounds oa which these charges are made. A cor respondent in the Knexvih'e leiter of the 2J instant in speaking of these Gecerals, says : 44 If they are brave and skillful efJicers their services are iuv!uable to the country ; but.cn the contrary, it they are unequal to thet proper diecharge cf the grave duties imposed upoo them by the cemmistions they bear tbe most impera tive c. nsicteralious of public interest demand that there mure competent should be put in their places ' It, on li e oiher haed, Ge.i. Br.-gg has. Iron) any cause, done iijasties to tb ra in this report, his punish ment should bi in proporti n to the moans he possessed ot acquainting Lim?elt with all tte facts, and to the injury dot.e. 4 . t is not my purp'tse to cuter upon a discu?Mon cl the issues b3tetu Gecerul Bragg autj! tbe censured Generals. 1 feel no further interest in the controversy than must be felt by every citizen ot the Confederacy. I fiat controversy wi.I be conducted by otners more in terested than I, acd its dec eioo by tLe people will be, 1 doub- not, impartial and just. It cannot be determin ed until all the lac s are known ; mal the sols puipose of this commanication i3 to Hate thi reasons that iu flu'.Dce me to ihvite a eu;ptrjs-.on of public opinion un til the accus-d may be heaid Gen. Brt?gjr ma-kts o strong ease against, them, und, if hia fac s are a eepted, it is oiilieult to perceive what defense thfy can maite. Bat magnanimity s riot o:ie r f ihe virtues lor which Gen. Bragg is no'ed ; ar.d those who know that at letst two, and probably nil, o! the censured c facers had inccind his ill ill by giving an iffirmUive answer to ao ir.quiry prepcurdji to them by him in a circular, whether the feeiing in the anuy towards him was nuch as to make it desirable to the service that he should be transferred to another command, and that otlar causes cf bad feeling towards ihirm existed, wili t ot ere pi-Lis ceafure as necessarily j 1st." Southern Confederacy From tlrt Richmond Fxamlaer. Gtn. J ciuberloii la South Catol iu. , Fouth Carolina, April 2Jth, 1S3. To its I dLor of the Lxamm r .- You-will moon gratiry atd oblige a subscriber, ard one who reads your edi'orials wilh great Interest, by u.t icing the ftae ef r sieves ttolen arid held or exported by tbe Yaakets. How, in tha eter.t of peace, can trtbailwe tie-1 wiih them for the property taken by them ? Are tt ey tot to be teid accountable, as England waa in tt e last war, and be mace o restore tteaa, or pay lor tbea- ? Pot haps a word in ycur tble paper hs to the jcssi'tiilbs ol the mat ter ia rtspcgt of the Yankee pocke-.a mifilit work as a ouu tion upon them in tbe present a p ct of afT i-s. IT 13 KXeW.V IS blCUMuND, A3 IT IS IN TH 8 P"TATK, AUD PCBLlCLY TALKhD Oi", Tfl.T K. PjuMEKRTON. BtlOHB H 8 JillaVAL FK M BIS COMMAM) IN' I II ABLB6T01S. ( Ifcy '21. lt6i). ADVISED AMD CMJkD THS AB NDONMEKT OF ALL TBS FORT1FICaTI016 WQICU HAT a BO H'cClSKCLLyvEKrCLai:j imb Yankee fleet Is hiihe man t bk EMrncTKO wiih VlCXSBL'fiO ? 1 K-SOW OK HON15 1J TUIS fcTATB WHO THJXK $o. ' Very rfFp-'Ct'uby. lieael Vankea vs. Ciuano. You - sk i dead Yankees, like garbage or guano, Won't make the grcand riab where they moulder? Oh, pshaw, no ! . Ia p'ace ol producing com, clever or w! eat, lu immortal deception, they sprirg op in chtat Ro tba you may know by this short apoicgoa, Th- ugh a r-igus will ingrain, there's no grata in the rogae; And f von hoped hitveBtafrom Yankee, you're wi c, For thcugfi fertile in lies, he i no fr rtiliser. A cifiz n of Mobile, a. few days ago, feund, by ac tual experiment, that be increased; in weight, two pounds io fire minutes The first weighing was on the tscalca of a merchant who had nothing to sell by weight at tbat time. The socoud weighing, five micutes after, was oa the seajea o! a dealer who had large supplies ol bECon, iard, &c , at very large prices. It is a fact worthy of general attention that the presence ol bacon, baha, lard, &c, thoold have each a disturbing icflaeccc oj the ecales. TSXUDtS OF AJDVEUTISI50 Per Sqar of 10 Un r Ncut lu tni.c. Oesqaare, Insertion,. ,.;.; 2 0C- Do. .. do. 2 do...... i.. S 00 Do. .do. t do..,............?..'. 400 Do " do. ? montha witbantfhanflre - li. tni do. fl dn I i rfn 9.1 nr Do. - tfo. l do.... do..... do....... ....... Vj 00 2TertiaerBmtordredtob can tinned on tit teU-t . oiarged $2 per square for eachlnwnion after tbt first. yXo ad rertJaement, reflecting nponprlratf character caw. nndT akt cTacPlHTAPvl. h 4mtiA. ' ' ' 'Hi Flnrat ArMjr lh rint. i ns is ew loric Herald, (editorial) of the 20th April contains the fcflowin : - P ' How foes tbi war? What ) the prnartct ? Vo th oomblaatioas of th ,pr,PK 0a , MplfceJ JJJfJ ly nt folded, give lafactor.v .sliorantes of grVftTk t L rfwand gloria peace, or f,fn0lhjr nnmSct Silp. pointmeBt ard diaater.? w iB tW I... adding faith that the day. . f "xl?tlZ" and that the end drawan'gh. t.roeral Hooker, ' msDds 'be fiaest army n tie p'aret.' ia prnrb.v f- T a forward movement which cannot bt $ucceful!u .a . for bis force will advatee tf ia time, act in broken d inch meals, scattered ever half tb ktt ol Virginia, bat tn mujssc oa ciiu one io Aicrmoua. The best army on thw p aoet " Peemt to fcavo been struck by the tail of a enmet, Mr. Herald. . - i ft Coir.dnt Coiignas. 44 S. L." the abla Itickmord con ?pr dent of th Korx villa liegistert pays tte following comal'ment to the Con federate Congress wh'ch f at recently ailj umed : WHAT HAT BI Slip CF VOSOttlDS, In tbes lat days ot tbesnsi nih re is a striking eon trat betwaea the modes of U- station of this and b Fed eral Copgreaa. During tha cloaior wf k of a ses oi of tha Federal torgreaa, iod.acribablo col tan to a reigned b.-b U ihoSeBatoand HoiiBe. Tbe great mas of ihe wmttn knewnothieg of what wss being doae Kveryrhlrg ws entrusted o the several comoilti.e, arid the lobby borcht bribed and brow beat evy oommltt of tt two Houai s Here in Kicbmond, on the contrary wb 1 bokinen u trtp idly dispatched, every member la intent opoa enj mr-aaure . It is mo e apparent row tbaa ever before, tbat tha h-le-ale denoceiaiiTTS to which this CwjrreMhts ben sulj rt ed by tl e press and its correponden s, sre orjest, and he who denies it has rnly to iostbote a comparison men as I have suggested. Fvea tow, aoch is ihe good order p.eva ent, a mere spectator caa comprehend thoroohl every proposition, ith tte policy whbh itiadeaind to prrmote, even iu this last week nt the seaaton. Wbntevar cr tlei-rna may be pronounced Upon Congress, tbey Justly sBVet Icdi ricoals alone, and cannot dsrogata from tho cl dm ot a majority to the respect and eonddetco or their eonafry men All measures pending are briefly difcosied and deliber ately acted on. Betce the amvndmeats to which the enm brous tax bill has been ant jei ted. It is stated tbat a house ia being prepared In Y ra Cruz lor tbe reception of General Don Antonio Lopes ee Santa Aona. From this announcement, vec suppose be is about to tarn up eguia, wooden leg and all. It was the French, we believe, who deprived hica of bia leg when they were at war with Mexico oa a foriacr occasion. Memphis Appeal. Wo are - heartily tired ot bearing people abuse tha speculators. Tbe worst enemy to oar cause and our currency 13 tbe idiot wt o pays enormous prices for what be can very well dispense wltR, thereby showing r " i f.V.WVM vi uia .wuuu jr a paper money. Rebel. D1ARRIRD, In Horry District. S. C, on Tl arsday, the 25th Deo. m4 er, 1862, by J. W. Miahoe, Isq , kr. JOHN U. p. Rlt-LLbY, of Baltimore City, to aliaa SUSAN H. BOBEBTj, of Wayne C-oaaty, hi. C. On tbe 6th lost, bv tfc Bev. if. MVQaeen, Mr. IS AC 3BARUAN to Alias ELiZi AN.M MaLLISUN, of Washing ton, N. C. - NOTICE. Confederate States by A. A. McKay, Eeceiver, vs. Reuben Perry. In Coafederate DIst. Court. It appearing to the Court that M Bolomons, of Atlanta, ., vmiuu ic wui uuo nuiu tue iicieDuani io v aiif n lra vitt & Co , of N. Y , and Deavif, Toler Co., of N Y ' It ia ordered by the Court that pablicatioa be made for cne month in tbe Wilmington Journal (eeklv.) for tha said Solomons to sppear at the next Court to bn h Id lor the District of Cape Fear, at tbe Court House in Salisbury, on t he first Monday ia Jane next, and tbea aod there propound his claims. . r o.u ,M, DAN. C'OLfiUAN, Clerk C. T. O. MayGth, 186 8 32im SAJLT. TTESUB3CltIBEBfsTnakirgMalt at Stomp Bound, Ons low Connty, which he will sell at hia works two doltara per bushel be.ow tha Wilmiogtoa Market prjpe, or he will trade Salt tor provuions at tbe current market rates. Bait is bow celling at as low a price as it caa poaably be made for, and parties likely to want it would da well to lav m their enpplv at once. M. L. F. KKDIr. Way 7, 13. 31-3m. Raleigh Standard capy Weekly, to amount of $10 and send b'll to this office for payment. 1VOTICK. UNDER adviVment of tho Coart ef Pleas and Q urter keaslona of Doplia Connty. notice ia hereby given that piivate individual wno lodge tbefr negroes for are fen lag intha Jail of Duulin will berealter be charired cue dollar per day for the board cf each negro. Thia the 22ad of April, A. D., 18ei3 i -,o-,u JbHW W. HINEOV, PheriQ. A pnl 2ath, lh63. ltt-l r A3 -ft NOiic.);. 'I MIE NFXT OP KIN and d strlba4cea of WH1 b j Tow 1!. JL deceased, are notifi' d th 1 am prcpa-ed t tettto, aod rtaim an exempt ion from aaj charge lor fuu ein'eiest Ihy are called upon to mierpi, ad and sho their reaico tive rights to shares in di tribattoo. . . , , - C. J'lHNSOy. Adm'r. Kenarsville, N. C, April 23J. 1&C3 165-lt 3 fit LAND FU KAbBi 1nF. SUBSCEIBfcU offers far saU oa reasr-nahte tcrrrs, the follow ins tracts of Lacd : 1.20O ac.t-i immfli . on thj Wh te Lake ia illjdn c uaey, 8 allies below fen- nemtown ana iwo a,-a a ball miles from tbe Lidler.uvar boa4 o the cape Fear Hiver. 'this Laud is asgoo ifir armiag a, aov ia tbi county : thre baiuir Kir r k-ii hundred acres of good awamp, tbe mott ol whica It drain d ; eighty acres onJ r cobivatiou winch w li oioduce n.r. ty LOftbel O' corn per acre. There is on thia Ia d t o.d Iy n scoiy lioose i early Uiibibed, a.d other g.'od bui dn g-t. I wi'l alsj sell 150 acres adjoining the lead ot Dautcl Johnson and Wm ilordaui ; also VCQ acres adj iuiuK tba laadi oi Elizabeth elia and George Caia ; 3!0 sen s cd joiuirg the lands cf Peter Cain aud Owa tlar lntr; J so cres atij jiuicg the Und4 of Jotm Cain. Thesu laod ate well timoered- I will take in pa maul t r tjj above itLja young negroes at a fair price. J have othsr lauds on Ccl y nwazup that 1 will sell. " B. P. MF.LVIV. Ebzibeth'own, Bladen Conntvf Apr 1 : 0 Is 3 ai.i3 MOllCtj. I WILL PAY ALL -just demaura sgaintt the la'e Dr. A. J. brak, .f preaenfced before tha urst of Aogjst mm J'JH . McHAW. April 24th. lSfi3. ltftt.5t til 4t. VAL.VAUi.Ui HuVisH. AJUiaiT Ull jSAL,Ih:, IN THifi TOWN of Jacksonville, Onlaw coa-ty. ki owa as the Hotel The subscriber baviug gone ia the eeiv.ee, and n beiag ca: ot bia power to keep it op, ia Ocbtouh ut tiling it. It is the well kaowa buse k-pt itr that pur pose, aad is a Ia gf and convenient house foi that bu-ii ess, itb 35 or good stai'a, a d all other good out boo-ei on the lot, and cne and a half acres oi laud belcn.iigto it ny peisia witbir:g to porchase will do well t- call aLd examine it for item Jna. Air. H. F. I'eiietitr wi i ub pleasure in giv ng any itaoimation. aod tbuwiag tie trend sea. Teim wili bt made iay to any peiso i wialiius to purchase. J AalE BUY NT. April 15, 1563. 1&8 'ii 2l-bC $0 ItKVVAKD. 'fy . '.WILL PAY tbe above reward for the e crfiatrunt iu ary jiu wcere a can get mm, vf my bv. W Aeli lNGioN, who ran awajr turn me abost th l-t of oo.uoer last, lie is abut 21 years old, 6 i-et 8 or tt lueb a high, and o! a dark c ppvr color, bs tfr ir ee bent iu ti'd hia forefioRer on his rigni nana ."iff at the o.at joint tiaM boy may be trying to get to Vbginta wnere be came lrwiu or to the IfaLkit-a. Address, J. Bt TWNSEND, Lfttls Eock, Afar ion Ditt, H. C. April 9th, 18'33 2--l0t !Ul-KUietl SAL.T. 300 BA03 FUPfcllPlB OCEAH BaLT. r cr sale by . WiT. R. UILEY. April 231, 3O!01 KL'GAIl AM) SfHUH. IinD3. PtiiMK TO CHOICE bCQARS; U f (ia Bags 44 ' lOd Ba tela granulated and crystalizedeugar a bean- ti ui artic e ; 20 BurreU Ne w Crop 8yrap ; Oa conEinmtnt. For aaie by WM. IL DILRY. . April 21. , - KQ-lm MOTIClii. THE foTlowirg esrtffi'ates of Bank Stock were lost some time since. Notion i hereby gl rea that appl catiou will ba mde lor new ertificttea : 1 0 rtifica'.e tor 20shvea of htok la the Bank of Cap Fear, in ta- name o' John Myera Son. Several certificates, in all araouutitg-to 0 shares, la tb B.nkcf Cape Fear, m the name of Joho Myera. Oeriificauj tor V shaiea ia the Bank of Cape Fear, lo th nami or tiainet K. Myers. m v .-rtiflcate for i Hhares in the Bank of Cape Fear, ia the, name of Lucy A. B. Wi r-hinatou. Je rtiflcate for 10 shares in the t'omnjerctal Baak of Wil mington, lattentme of John Myers, Trustee oI LuttyA. d Woribiagtoo. . Ceraiicate lit 10 ahare a ia the Commercial Baak rf trI rriatton. in tbe uania of John Myers, Trustee it A.ouba a. Wonhington. CertiflCAte 1 1 10 shares in tha Ctmmercfal Bank of Wil mington, ia tha name if Jvha afyare, Trustee of Manlat ti. fcy-ers. ' J0UN MYklKS. Tarboro', April 13th 13(13 5Q 3 SMCi,i...""'i "'' '" Kf X" 'i- .

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